Use qobject_cast instead of using dynamic_cast.
[sloppygui.git] /
3 # Check if the version file exists.
4 exists(version) {
6 # If the version file exists, use its contents as the version number
7 SLOPPYGUI_VERSION = $$system(cat version)
8 } else {
10 # If the version file doesn't exist, check if we have
11 # .git directory
12 exists(.git) {
14 # Check if we can describe this commit
15 system(git describe > /dev/null 2> /dev/null) {
17 # If we can, describe it
18 SLOPPYGUI_VERSION = $$system(git describe)
19 } else {
21 # If we can't describe it, parse the sha id and use that
22 SLOPPYGUI_VERSION = git-$$system(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
29 CONFIG += qt debug
30 QT += svg
32 win32:debug {
33 CONFIG += console
36 HEADERS = src/graphicschessboardsquareitem.h \
37 src/graphicschessboarditem.h \
38 src/graphicschesspiece.h \
39 src/chessboardview.h \
40 src/manager.h \
41 src/logmanager.h \
42 src/stdoutlogger.h \
43 src/guilogger.h \
44 src/loggerbase.h \
45 src/mainwindow.h \
46 src/symbols.h \
47 src/promotiondlg.h \
48 src/chessgame.h \
49 src/timecontrol.h \
50 src/chessplayer.h \
51 src/chessengine.h \
52 src/xboardengine.h \
53 src/uciengine.h \
54 src/chessboard/chessboard.h \
55 src/chessboard/chessmove.h \
56 src/chessboard/magicmoves.h \
57 src/chessboard/movegen.h \
58 src/chessboard/notation.h \
59 src/chessboard/util.h \
60 src/chessboard/zobrist.h
62 SOURCES = src/graphicschessboardsquareitem.cpp \
63 src/graphicschessboarditem.cpp \
64 src/graphicschesspiece.cpp \
65 src/chessboardview.cpp \
66 src/manager.cpp \
67 src/logmanager.cpp \
68 src/stdoutlogger.cpp \
69 src/guilogger.cpp \
70 src/mainwindow.cpp \
71 src/symbols.cpp \
72 src/promotiondlg.cpp \
73 src/main.cpp \
74 src/chessgame.cpp \
75 src/timecontrol.cpp \
76 src/chessplayer.cpp \
77 src/chessengine.cpp \
78 src/xboardengine.cpp \
79 src/uciengine.cpp \
80 src/chessboard/chessboard.cpp \
81 src/chessboard/chessmove.cpp \
82 src/chessboard/magicmoves.cpp \
83 src/chessboard/makemove.cpp \
84 src/chessboard/movegen.cpp \
85 src/chessboard/notation.cpp \
86 src/chessboard/util.cpp \
87 src/chessboard/zobrist.cpp
89 RESOURCES = res/chessboard/chessboard.qrc
91 OBJECTS_DIR = .obj/
92 MOC_DIR = .moc/
93 RCC_DIR = .rcc/
95 # API documentation (Doxygen)
96 doc-api.commands = doxygen docs/api/api.doxygen
99 # man documentation
100 unix:doc-man.commands = a2x -f manpage docs/man/sloppygui.6.txt
101 unix:QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += doc-man