Clean a new bunch of stuf
[slixmpp.git] / examples /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 """
5 Slixmpp: The Slick XMPP Library
6 Implementation of xeps for Internet of Things
8 Copyright (C) 2013 Sustainable Innovation,
9 This file is part of Slixmpp.
11 See the file LICENSE for copying permission.
12 """
14 import os
15 import sys
16 # This can be used when you are in a test environment and need to make paths right
17 sys.path=['/Users/jocke/Dropbox/06_dev/Slixmpp']+sys.path
19 import logging
20 import unittest
21 import distutils.core
22 import datetime
24 from glob import glob
25 from os.path import splitext, basename, join as pjoin
26 from optparse import OptionParser
27 from urllib import urlopen
29 import slixmpp
30 # Python versions before 3.0 do not use UTF-8 encoding
31 # by default. To ensure that Unicode is handled properly
32 # throughout Slixmpp, we will set the default encoding
33 # ourselves to UTF-8.
34 if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
35 from slixmpp.util.misc_ops import setdefaultencoding
36 setdefaultencoding('utf8')
37 else:
38 raw_input = input
40 from slixmpp.plugins.xep_0323.device import Device
42 #from slixmpp.exceptions import IqError, IqTimeout
44 class IoT_TestDevice(slixmpp.ClientXMPP):
46 """
47 A simple IoT device that can act as server or client
48 """
49 def __init__(self, jid, password):
50 slixmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
51 self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.session_start)
52 self.add_event_handler("message", self.message)
53 self.device=None
54 self.releaseMe=False
55 self.beServer=True
56 self.clientJID=None
58 def datacallback(self,from_jid,result,nodeId=None,timestamp=None,fields=None,error_msg=None):
59 """
60 This method will be called when you ask another IoT device for data with the xep_0323
61 se script below for the registration of the callback
62 """
63 logging.debug("we got data %s from %s",str(result),from_jid)
65 def beClientOrServer(self,server=True,clientJID=None ):
66 if server:
67 self.beServer=True
68 self.clientJID=None
69 else:
70 self.beServer=False
71 self.clientJID=clientJID
73 def testForRelease(self):
74 # todo thread safe
75 return self.releaseMe
77 def doReleaseMe(self):
78 # todo thread safe
79 self.releaseMe=True
81 def addDevice(self, device):
82 self.device=device
84 def session_start(self, event):
85 self.send_presence()
86 self.get_roster()
87 # tell your preffered friend that you are alive
88 self.send_message(mto='', mbody=self.boundjid.bare +' is now online use xep_323 stanza to talk to me')
90 if not(self.beServer):
91 session=self['xep_0323'].request_data(self.boundjid.full,self.clientJID,self.datacallback)
93 def message(self, msg):
94 if msg['type'] in ('chat', 'normal'):
95 logging.debug("got normal chat message" + str(msg))
96 ip=urlopen('').read()
97 msg.reply("Hi I am " + self.boundjid.full + " and I am on IP " + ip).send()
98 else:
99 logging.debug("got unknown message type %s", str(msg['type']))
101 class TheDevice(Device):
103 This is the actual device object that you will use to get information from your real hardware
104 You will be called in the refresh method when someone is requesting information from you
106 def __init__(self,nodeId):
107 Device.__init__(self,nodeId)
108 self.counter=0
110 def refresh(self,fields):
112 the implementation of the refresh method
114 self._set_momentary_timestamp(self._get_timestamp())
115 self.counter+=self.counter
116 self._add_field_momentary_data(self, "Temperature", self.counter)
118 if __name__ == '__main__':
120 # Setup the command line arguments.
122 # This script can act both as
123 # "server" an IoT device that can provide sensorinformation
124 # python -j "" -p "password" -n "TestIoT" --debug
126 # "client" an IoT device or other party that would like to get data from another device
128 optp = OptionParser()
130 # Output verbosity options.
131 optp.add_option('-q', '--quiet', help='set logging to ERROR',
132 action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
133 const=logging.ERROR, default=logging.INFO)
134 optp.add_option('-d', '--debug', help='set logging to DEBUG',
135 action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
136 const=logging.DEBUG, default=logging.INFO)
137 optp.add_option('-v', '--verbose', help='set logging to COMM',
138 action='store_const', dest='loglevel',
139 const=5, default=logging.INFO)
140 optp.add_option('-t', '--pingto', help='set jid to ping',
141 action='store', type='string', dest='pingjid',
142 default=None)
144 # JID and password options.
145 optp.add_option("-j", "--jid", dest="jid",
146 help="JID to use")
147 optp.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password",
148 help="password to use")
150 # IoT test
151 optp.add_option("-c", "--sensorjid", dest="sensorjid",
152 help="Another device to call for data on", default=None)
153 optp.add_option("-n", "--nodeid", dest="nodeid",
154 help="I am a device get ready to be called", default=None)
156 opts, args = optp.parse_args()
158 # Setup logging.
159 logging.basicConfig(level=opts.loglevel,
160 format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
162 if opts.jid is None:
163 opts.jid = raw_input("Username: ")
164 if opts.password is None:
165 opts.password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
168 xmpp = IoT_TestDevice(opts.jid,opts.password)
169 xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0030')
170 #xmpp['xep_0030'].add_feature(feature='urn:xmpp:iot:sensordata',
171 # node=None,
172 # jid=None)
173 xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0323')
174 xmpp.register_plugin('xep_0325')
176 if opts.nodeid:
178 # xmpp['xep_0030'].add_feature(feature='urn:xmpp:sn',
179 # node=opts.nodeid,
180 # jid=xmpp.boundjid.full)
182 myDevice = TheDevice(opts.nodeid);
183 # myDevice._add_field(name="Relay", typename="numeric", unit="Bool");
184 myDevice._add_field(name="Temperature", typename="numeric", unit="C");
185 myDevice._set_momentary_timestamp("2013-03-07T16:24:30")
186 myDevice._add_field_momentary_data("Temperature", "23.4", flags={"automaticReadout": "true"});
188 xmpp['xep_0323'].register_node(nodeId=opts.nodeid, device=myDevice, commTimeout=10);
189 xmpp.beClientOrServer(server=True)
190 while not(xmpp.testForRelease()):
191 xmpp.connect()
192 xmpp.process(block=True)
193 logging.debug("lost connection")
194 if opts.sensorjid:
195 logging.debug("will try to call another device for data")
196 xmpp.beClientOrServer(server=False,clientJID=opts.sensorjid)
197 xmpp.connect()
198 xmpp.process(block=True)
199 logging.debug("ready ending")
201 else:
202 print "noopp didn't happen"