9 # Some modules we need.
10 puts "CyBot v#{$version} starting up..."
13 require 'configspace/configspace'
16 # =====================
17 # = Plugin management =
18 # =====================
20 # Root plugins. We always need these.
21 RootPlugins = ['plugin', 'irc', 'user', 'test']
23 # Provide a namespace for plugins.
27 # Tries to load the named plugin.
28 # Should reload if already loaded.
29 # Names are lower-case or properly cased?.
30 # RAISES: LoadError, PluginError.
33 # FIXME: Have a few places to look.
39 Plugins.module_eval { load("lib/#{n}.rb") }
42 if (klass = self.class.const_get(n.capitalize))
45 ins = klass.shared_instance
46 $plugins[ins.name] = ins
47 puts "Core plugin '#{ins.name.capitalize}' loaded."
50 puts "Error loading core plugin '#{n.capitalize}':"
51 puts "Couldn't locate plugin class."
55 puts "Error loading core plugin '#{n.capitalize}':"
57 puts e.backtrace.join("\n")
67 # Load global configuration.
68 $config = ConfigSpace.new(ARGV[0]) or return 1
69 $config.prefix = <<EOS
70 # CyBot 0.2 main configuration file. Be careful when editing this file manually,
71 # as it is automatically saved run-time. On-line edit is recomended.
73 ######### -------------------------------------------------- #########
75 ######### -------------------------------------------------- #########
76 ######### This is because the bot writes the whole of this #########
77 ######### file out when it is closed down. #########
78 ######### -------------------------------------------------- #########
82 @save_all_mutex = Mutex.new
83 def save_all(quiet = false)
84 @save_all_mutex.synchronize do
85 puts 'Saving plugin data...' unless quiet
86 $plugins.each do |n,p|
88 print " #{n}... " unless quiet
90 puts "Ok" unless quiet
92 puts "Failed with error: #{e.message}" unless quiet
95 puts 'Saving global configuration...' unless quiet
100 # Handler on ctrl-c at this point.
102 Signal.trap 'INT', 'DEFAULT'
103 puts 'Shutdown in progress. Press ctrl-c again to abort immediately.'
104 puts 'Asking IRC handlers to quit...'
105 IRC::Server.quit('Ctrl-c pressed on console...')
109 $: << File.expand_path('support')
110 RootPlugins.each { |name| load_plugin(name) }
111 $plugins.each_value do |plugin|
112 plugin.on_startup if plugin.respond_to? :on_startup
115 # Set up timer to save data on regular intervals.
123 # Done. Wait for quit.
124 puts 'Startup complete!'
127 # Tell all plugins to save, and then save the main config.
128 puts 'Preparing to exit...'
130 puts 'All done, see you next time.'