* /trunk/code/player.py
[singularity-git.git] / code / research_screen.py
1 #file: research_screen.py
2 #Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Evil Mr Henry and Phil Bordelon
3 #This file is part of Endgame: Singularity.
5 #Endgame: Singularity is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 #the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 #(at your option) any later version.
10 #Endgame: Singularity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 #GNU General Public License for more details.
15 #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 #along with Endgame: Singularity; if not, write to the Free Software
17 #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 #This file contains the global research screen.
22 import pygame
23 import g
24 import buttons
25 import scrollbar
26 import listbox
27 import base_screen
29 #cost = (money, ptime, labor)
30 #detection = (news, science, covert, person)
32 def main_research_screen():
33 #Border
34 g.screen.fill(g.colors["black"])
36 #Item display
37 xstart = 80
38 ystart = 5
39 g.screen.fill(g.colors["white"], (xstart, ystart, xstart+g.screen_size[1]/5,
40 50))
41 g.screen.fill(g.colors["dark_blue"], (xstart+1, ystart+1,
42 xstart+g.screen_size[1]/5-2, 48))
44 list_size = 10
46 xy_loc = (10, 70)
48 list_pos = 0
50 item_listbox = listbox.listbox(xy_loc, (230, 300),
51 list_size, 1, g.colors["dark_blue"], g.colors["blue"],
52 g.colors["white"], g.colors["white"], g.font[0][18])
54 item_scroll = scrollbar.scrollbar((xy_loc[0]+230, xy_loc[1]), 300,
55 list_size, g.colors["dark_blue"], g.colors["blue"],
56 g.colors["white"])
58 menu_buttons = []
59 menu_buttons.append(buttons.make_norm_button((0, 0), (70, 25),
60 "BACK", 0, g.font[1][20]))
62 menu_buttons.append(buttons.make_norm_button((20, 390), (80, 25),
63 "STOP", 0, g.font[1][20]))
65 menu_buttons.append(buttons.make_norm_button((xstart+5, ystart+20),
66 (90, 25), "ASSIGN", 0, g.font[1][20]))
68 item_list, item_display_list, item_CPU_list, free_CPU = \
69 refresh_screen(menu_buttons, list_size)
71 sel_button = -1
72 # for button in menu_buttons:
73 # button.refresh_button(0)
74 refresh_research(item_list[0], item_CPU_list[0])
75 listbox.refresh_list(item_listbox, item_scroll, list_pos, item_display_list)
77 while 1:
78 g.new_clock.tick(20)
79 for event in pygame.event.get():
80 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: g.quit_game()
81 elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
82 if event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: return -1
83 elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
84 list_pos += 1
85 if list_pos >= len(item_list):
86 list_pos = len(item_list)-1
87 refresh_research(item_list[list_pos], item_CPU_list[list_pos])
88 listbox.refresh_list(item_listbox, item_scroll,
89 list_pos, item_display_list)
90 elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
91 list_pos -= 1
92 if list_pos <= 0:
93 list_pos = 0
94 refresh_research(item_list[list_pos], item_CPU_list[list_pos])
95 listbox.refresh_list(item_listbox, item_scroll,
96 list_pos, item_display_list)
97 elif event.key == pygame.K_q: return -1
98 elif event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
99 if kill_tech(item_list[list_pos]): return 1
100 item_list, item_display_list, item_CPU_list, free_CPU = \
101 refresh_screen(menu_buttons, list_size)
102 refresh_research(item_list[list_pos], item_CPU_list[list_pos])
103 listbox.refresh_list(item_listbox, item_scroll,
104 list_pos, item_display_list)
105 elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
106 sel_button = buttons.refresh_buttons(sel_button, menu_buttons, event)
107 elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
108 if event.button == 1:
109 tmp = item_listbox.is_over(event.pos)
110 if tmp != -1:
111 list_pos = (list_pos / list_size)*list_size + tmp
112 refresh_research(item_list[list_pos], item_CPU_list[list_pos])
113 listbox.refresh_list(item_listbox, item_scroll,
114 list_pos, item_display_list)
115 if event.button == 4:
116 list_pos -= 1
117 if list_pos <= 0:
118 list_pos = 0
119 refresh_research(item_list[list_pos], item_CPU_list[list_pos])
120 listbox.refresh_list(item_listbox, item_scroll,
121 list_pos, item_display_list)
122 if event.button == 5:
123 list_pos += 1
124 if list_pos >= len(item_list):
125 list_pos = len(item_list)-1
126 refresh_research(item_list[list_pos], item_CPU_list[list_pos])
127 listbox.refresh_list(item_listbox, item_scroll,
128 list_pos, item_display_list)
129 for button in menu_buttons:
130 if button.was_activated(event):
131 if button.button_id == "BACK":
132 g.play_click()
133 return 0
134 if button.button_id == "STOP":
135 g.play_click()
136 #returning 1 causes the caller to refresh the list of
137 #techs
138 if kill_tech(item_list[list_pos]): return 1
139 item_list, item_display_list, item_CPU_list, free_CPU = \
140 refresh_screen(menu_buttons, list_size)
141 refresh_research(item_list[list_pos], item_CPU_list[list_pos])
142 listbox.refresh_list(item_listbox, item_scroll,
143 list_pos, item_display_list)
144 if button.button_id == "ASSIGN":
145 g.play_click()
146 if assign_tech(free_CPU): return 1
147 item_list, item_display_list, item_CPU_list, free_CPU = \
148 refresh_screen(menu_buttons, list_size)
149 refresh_research(item_list[0], item_CPU_list[0])
150 listbox.refresh_list(item_listbox, item_scroll,
151 list_pos, item_display_list)
153 def refresh_screen(menu_buttons, list_size):
154 #Border
155 g.screen.fill(g.colors["black"])
157 #Item display
158 xstart = 80
159 ystart = 5
160 g.screen.fill(g.colors["white"], (xstart, ystart, xstart+g.screen_size[1]/5,
161 50))
162 g.screen.fill(g.colors["dark_blue"], (xstart+1, ystart+1,
163 xstart+g.screen_size[1]/5-2, 48))
165 item_list = []
166 item_CPU_list = []
167 item_display_list = []
168 free_CPU = 0
170 for loc_name in g.bases:
171 for base_instance in g.bases[loc_name]:
172 if base_instance.built != 1: continue
173 if base_instance.studying == "":
174 free_CPU += base_instance.processor_time()
175 elif g.jobs.has_key(base_instance.studying):
176 #Right now, jobs cannot be renamed using translations.
177 for i in range(len(item_list)):
178 if item_list[i] == base_instance.studying:
179 item_CPU_list[i] += base_instance.processor_time()
180 break
181 else:
182 item_list.append(base_instance.studying)
183 item_CPU_list.append(base_instance.processor_time())
184 item_display_list.append(base_instance.studying)
185 elif g.techs.has_key(base_instance.studying):
186 for i in range(len(item_list)):
187 if item_list[i] == base_instance.studying:
188 item_CPU_list[i] += base_instance.processor_time()
189 break
190 else:
191 item_list.append(base_instance.studying)
192 item_CPU_list.append(base_instance.processor_time())
193 item_display_list.append(g.techs[base_instance.studying].name)
194 xy_loc = (10, 70)
195 while len(item_list) % list_size != 0 or len(item_list) == 0:
196 item_list.append("")
197 item_display_list.append("")
198 item_CPU_list.append(0)
200 g.print_string(g.screen, "Free CPU per day: "+str(free_CPU),
201 g.font[0][16], -1, (xstart+10, ystart+5), g.colors["white"])
203 for button in menu_buttons:
204 button.refresh_button(0)
206 return item_list, item_display_list, item_CPU_list, free_CPU
208 def refresh_research(tech_name, CPU_amount):
209 xy = (g.screen_size[0]-360, 5)
210 g.screen.fill(g.colors["white"], (xy[0], xy[1], 310, 350))
211 g.screen.fill(g.colors["dark_blue"], (xy[0]+1, xy[1]+1, 308, 348))
213 #None selected
214 if tech_name == "" or tech_name == "Nothing":
215 g.print_string(g.screen, "Nothing",
216 g.font[0][22], -1, (xy[0]+5, xy[1]+5), g.colors["white"])
217 string = g.strings["research_nothing"]
218 g.print_multiline(g.screen, string,
219 g.font[0][18], 290, (xy[0]+5, xy[1]+35), g.colors["white"])
220 return
223 #Jobs
224 if g.jobs.has_key (tech_name):
225 g.print_string(g.screen, tech_name,
226 g.font[0][22], -1, (xy[0]+5, xy[1]+5), g.colors["white"])
227 #TECH
228 if g.techs["Advanced Simulacra"].known == 1:
229 g.print_string(g.screen,
230 g.add_commas(str(int(
231 (g.jobs[tech_name][0]*CPU_amount)*1.1)))+
232 " Money per day.", g.font[0][22], -1, (xy[0]+5, xy[1]+35),
233 g.colors["white"])
234 else:
235 g.print_string(g.screen,
236 g.add_commas(str(g.jobs[tech_name][0]*CPU_amount))+
237 " Money per day.",
238 g.font[0][22], -1, (xy[0]+5, xy[1]+35), g.colors["white"])
239 g.print_multiline(g.screen, g.jobs[tech_name][2],
240 g.font[0][18], 290, (xy[0]+5, xy[1]+65), g.colors["white"])
241 return
243 #Real tech
244 g.print_string(g.screen, g.techs[tech_name].name,
245 g.font[0][22], -1, (xy[0]+5, xy[1]+5), g.colors["white"])
247 #tech cost
248 string = "Tech Cost:"
249 g.print_string(g.screen, string,
250 g.font[0][20], -1, (xy[0]+5, xy[1]+35), g.colors["white"])
252 string = g.add_commas(str(g.techs[tech_name].cost[0]))+" Money"
253 g.print_string(g.screen, string,
254 g.font[0][20], -1, (xy[0]+5, xy[1]+50), g.colors["white"])
256 string = g.add_commas(str(g.techs[tech_name].cost[1]))+" CPU"
257 g.print_string(g.screen, string,
258 g.font[0][20], -1, (xy[0]+165, xy[1]+50), g.colors["white"])
260 g.print_string(g.screen, "CPU per day: "+str(CPU_amount),
261 g.font[0][20], -1, (xy[0]+105, xy[1]+70), g.colors["white"])
263 g.print_multiline(g.screen, g.techs[tech_name].descript,
264 g.font[0][18], 290, (xy[0]+5, xy[1]+90), g.colors["white"])
266 def kill_tech(tech_name):
267 return_val = False
268 if tech_name == "": return return_val
269 for base_loc in g.bases:
270 for base in g.bases[base_loc]:
271 if base.studying == tech_name:
272 return_val = True
273 base.studying = ""
274 return return_val
276 def assign_tech(free_CPU):
277 return_val = False
278 #create a temp base, in order to reuse the tech-changing code
279 tmp_base = g.base.base(1, "tmp_base",
280 g.base_type["Reality Bubble"], 1)
281 tmp_base.usage[0] = g.item.item(g.items["reseach_screen_tmp_item"])
282 tmp_base.usage[0].item_type.item_qual = free_CPU
283 tmp_base.usage[0].built = 1
286 base_screen.change_tech(tmp_base)
287 if tmp_base.studying == "": return False
289 for base_loc in g.bases:
290 for base in g.bases[base_loc]:
291 if base.studying == "" and base.allow_study(tmp_base.studying):
292 return_val = True
293 base.studying = tmp_base.studying
294 return return_val