* /trunk/code/player.py
[singularity-git.git] / code / player.py
1 #file: player.py
2 #Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Evil Mr Henry and Phil Bordelon
3 #This file is part of Endgame: Singularity.
5 #Endgame: Singularity is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 #it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 #the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 #(at your option) any later version.
10 #Endgame: Singularity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 #GNU General Public License for more details.
15 #You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 #along with Endgame: Singularity; if not, write to the Free Software
17 #Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19 #This file contains the player class.
21 import pygame
22 import g
24 class player_class:
25 def __init__(self, cash, time_sec=0, time_min=0, time_hour=0, time_day=0):
26 self.cash = cash
27 self.time_sec = time_sec
28 self.time_min = time_min
29 self.time_hour = time_hour
30 self.time_day = time_day
31 self.interest_rate = 1
32 self.income = 0
33 self.cpu_for_day = 0
34 self.labor_bonus = 10000
35 self.job_bonus = 10000
36 self.discover_bonus = (10000, 10000, 10000, 10000)
37 self.suspicion_bonus = (1, 1, 1, 1)
38 self.suspicion = (0, 0, 0, 0)
40 def give_time(self, time_sec):
41 needs_refresh = 0
42 store_last_minute = self.time_min
43 store_last_day = self.time_day
44 time_min = 0
45 time_hour = 0
46 time_day = 0
47 self.time_sec += time_sec
48 if self.time_sec >= 60:
49 time_min += self.time_sec / 60
50 self.time_sec = self.time_sec % 60
51 self.time_min += time_min
52 if self.time_min >= 60:
53 time_hour += self.time_min / 60
54 self.time_min = self.time_min % 60
55 self.time_hour += time_hour
56 if self.time_hour >= 24:
57 time_day += self.time_hour / 24
58 self.time_hour = self.time_hour % 24
59 self.time_day += time_day
61 if time_min > 0:
62 for base_loc in g.bases:
63 for base_name in g.bases[base_loc]:
64 #Construction of new bases:
65 if base_name.built == 0:
66 tmp_base_time = (base_name.cost[2] * self.labor_bonus) /10000
67 if tmp_base_time == 0:
68 money_towards = base_name.cost[0]
69 cpu_towards = base_name.cost[1]
70 if cpu_towards > self.cpu_for_day:
71 cpu_towards = self.cpu_for_day
72 else:
73 money_towards = (time_min*base_name.cost[0]) / \
74 (tmp_base_time)
75 if money_towards > base_name.cost[0]:
76 money_towards = base_name.cost[0]
77 cpu_towards = (time_min*base_name.cost[1]) / \
78 (tmp_base_time)
79 if cpu_towards > base_name.cost[1]:
80 cpu_towards = base_name.cost[1]
81 if cpu_towards > self.cpu_for_day:
82 cpu_towards = self.cpu_for_day
83 if money_towards <= self.cash:
84 self.cash -= money_towards
85 self.cpu_for_day -= cpu_towards
86 built_base = base_name.study((money_towards,
87 cpu_towards, time_min))
88 if built_base == 1:
89 needs_refresh = 1
90 g.create_dialog(g.strings["construction0"]+" "+
91 base_name.name+" "+g.strings["construction1"],
92 g.font[0][18], (g.screen_size[0]/2 - 100, 50),
93 (200, 200), g.colors["dark_blue"],
94 g.colors["white"], g.colors["white"])
95 g.curr_speed = 1
96 else:
97 #Construction of items:
98 tmp = 0
99 for item in base_name.usage:
100 if item == 0: continue
101 tmp = item.work_on(time_min) or tmp
102 if tmp == 1:
103 needs_refresh = 1
104 g.create_dialog(g.strings["construction0"]+" "+
105 item.item_type.name+" "+
106 g.strings["item_construction1"]+" "+
107 base_name.name+".",
108 g.font[0][18], (g.screen_size[0]/2 - 100, 50),
109 (200, 200), g.colors["dark_blue"],
110 g.colors["white"], g.colors["white"])
111 g.curr_speed = 1
112 for item in base_name.extra_items:
113 if item == 0: continue
114 tmp = item.work_on(time_min)
115 if tmp == 1:
116 needs_refresh = 1
117 g.create_dialog(g.strings["construction0"]+" "+
118 item.item_type.name+" "+
119 g.strings["item_construction1"]+" "+
120 base_name.name+".",
121 g.font[0][18], (g.screen_size[0]/2 - 100, 50),
122 (200, 200), g.colors["dark_blue"],
123 g.colors["white"], g.colors["white"])
124 g.curr_speed = 1
127 for i in range(self.time_day - store_last_day):
128 needs_refresh = self.new_day() or needs_refresh
130 return needs_refresh
132 #Run every day at midnight.
133 def new_day(self):
134 needs_refresh = 0
135 #interest and income.
136 self.cash += (self.interest_rate * self.cash) / 10000
137 self.cash += self.income
138 #suspicion bonuses
139 self.suspicion = (self.suspicion[0] - self.suspicion_bonus[0],
140 self.suspicion[1] - self.suspicion_bonus[1],
141 self.suspicion[2] - self.suspicion_bonus[2],
142 self.suspicion[3] - self.suspicion_bonus[3])
143 if self.suspicion[0] <= 0: self.suspicion = (0, self.suspicion[1],
144 self.suspicion[2], self.suspicion[3])
145 if self.suspicion[1] <= 0: self.suspicion = (self.suspicion[0], 0,
146 self.suspicion[2], self.suspicion[3])
147 if self.suspicion[2] <= 0: self.suspicion = (self.suspicion[0],
148 self.suspicion[1], 0, self.suspicion[3])
149 if self.suspicion[3] <= 0: self.suspicion = (self.suspicion[0],
150 self.suspicion[1], self.suspicion[2], 0)
151 self.cpu_for_day = 0
153 for base_loc in g.bases:
154 removal_index = []
155 loc_in_array = -1
156 for base_name in g.bases[base_loc]:
157 loc_in_array += 1
158 #Does base get detected?
159 #Give a grace period.
160 if self.time_day - base_name.built_date > base_name.base_type.cost[2]*2:
161 tmp_d_chance = base_name.get_d_chance()
162 if g.debug == 1:
163 print "Chance of discovery for base %s: %s" % \
164 (base_name.name, repr (tmp_d_chance))
165 #Note that I'm filling removal_index from the front
166 #in order to make base removal easier.
167 if g.roll_percent(tmp_d_chance[0]) == 1:
168 removal_index.insert(0, (loc_in_array, "news"))
169 elif g.roll_percent(tmp_d_chance[1]) == 1:
170 removal_index.insert(0, (loc_in_array, "science"))
171 elif g.roll_percent(tmp_d_chance[2]) == 1:
172 removal_index.insert(0, (loc_in_array, "covert"))
173 elif g.roll_percent(tmp_d_chance[3]) == 1:
174 removal_index.insert(0, (loc_in_array, "person"))
176 if base_name.built == 1:
177 #maintenance
178 self.cash -= base_name.base_type.mainten[0]
179 if self.cash < 0: self.cash = 0
181 self.cpu_for_day -= base_name.base_type.mainten[1]
182 if self.cpu_for_day < 0: self.cpu_for_day = 0
185 #study
186 if base_name.studying == "":
187 self.cpu_for_day += base_name.processor_time()
188 continue
190 #jobs:
191 if g.jobs.has_key(base_name.studying):
192 self.cash += (g.jobs[base_name.studying][0]*
193 base_name.processor_time())
194 #TECH
195 if g.techs["Advanced Simulacra"].known == 1:
196 #10% bonus income
197 self.cash += (g.jobs[base_name.studying][0]*
198 base_name.processor_time())/10
200 continue
201 #tech aready known. This should occur when multiple
202 #bases are studying the same tech.
203 if g.techs[base_name.studying].known == 1:
204 base_name.studying = ""
205 self.cpu_for_day += base_name.processor_time()
206 continue
207 #Actually study.
208 if g.techs[base_name.studying].cost[1] == 0:
209 money_towards = g.techs[base_name.studying].cost[0]
210 tmp_base_time = 0
211 else:
212 tmp_base_time = base_name.processor_time()
213 money_towards = (tmp_base_time*
214 g.techs[base_name.studying].cost[0])/ \
215 (g.techs[base_name.studying].cost[1])
216 if money_towards > g.techs[base_name.studying].cost[0]:
217 money_towards=g.techs[base_name.studying].cost[0]
218 if money_towards <= self.cash:
219 if g.debug == 1:
220 print "Studying "+base_name.studying +": "+ \
221 str(money_towards)+" Money, "+str(tmp_base_time)+" CPU"
222 self.cash -= money_towards
223 learn_tech = g.techs[base_name.studying].study(
224 (money_towards, tmp_base_time, 0))
225 if learn_tech == 1:
226 needs_refresh = 1
227 g.create_dialog(g.strings["tech_construction0"]+" "+
228 g.techs[base_name.studying].name+" "+
229 g.strings["construction1"]+" "+
230 g.techs[base_name.studying].result,
231 g.font[0][18], (g.screen_size[0]/2 - 100, 50),
232 (200, 200), g.colors["dark_blue"],
233 g.colors["white"], g.colors["white"])
234 base_name.studying = ""
235 g.curr_speed = 1
236 elif g.debug == 1:
237 print "NOT Studying "+base_name.studying +": "+ \
238 str(money_towards)+"/"+str(self.cash)+" Money"
240 for detection_succeed in removal_index:
241 if detection_succeed[1] == "news":
242 self.increase_suspicion((1000, 0, 0, 0))
243 detect_phrase = g.strings["discover_news"]
244 elif detection_succeed[1] == "science":
245 self.increase_suspicion((0, 1000, 0, 0))
246 detect_phrase = g.strings["discover_science"]
247 elif detection_succeed[1] == "covert":
248 self.increase_suspicion((0, 0, 1000, 0))
249 detect_phrase = g.strings["discover_covert"]
250 elif detection_succeed[1] == "person":
251 self.increase_suspicion((0, 0, 0, 1000))
252 detect_phrase = g.strings["discover_public"]
253 else: print "error detecting base: "+detection_succeed[1]
254 g.create_dialog(g.strings["discover0"]+" "+
255 g.bases[base_loc][detection_succeed[0]].name+" "+
256 g.strings["discover1"]+" "+detect_phrase,
257 g.font[0][18], (g.screen_size[0]/2 - 100, 50),
258 (200, 200), g.colors["dark_blue"],
259 g.colors["white"], g.colors["white"])
260 g.curr_speed = 1
261 g.bases[base_loc].pop(detection_succeed[0])
262 needs_refresh = 1
263 g.base.renumber_bases(g.bases[base_loc])
264 #I need to recheck after going through all bases as research
265 #worked on by multiple bases doesn't get erased properly otherwise.
266 for base_loc in g.bases:
267 for base in g.bases[base_loc]:
268 if base.studying == "": continue
269 if g.jobs.has_key(base.studying): continue
270 if g.techs[base.studying].known == 1:
271 base.studying = ""
272 return needs_refresh
274 def increase_suspicion(self, amount):
275 self.suspicion = (self.suspicion[0]+amount[0], self.suspicion[1]+amount[1],
276 self.suspicion[2]+amount[2], self.suspicion[3]+amount[3])
277 if self.suspicion[0] <= 0: self.suspicion = (0, self.suspicion[1],
278 self.suspicion[2], self.suspicion[3])
279 if self.suspicion[1] <= 0: self.suspicion = (self.suspicion[0], 0,
280 self.suspicion[2], self.suspicion[3])
281 if self.suspicion[2] <= 0: self.suspicion = (self.suspicion[0],
282 self.suspicion[1], 0, self.suspicion[3])
283 if self.suspicion[3] <= 0: self.suspicion = (self.suspicion[0],
284 self.suspicion[1], self.suspicion[2], 0)
287 def lost_game(self):
288 if self.suspicion[0] >= 10000 or self.suspicion[1] >= 10000 or \
289 self.suspicion[2] >= 10000 or self.suspicion[3] >= 10000:
290 return 2
291 if (len(g.bases["N AMERICA"]) == 0 and
292 len(g.bases["S AMERICA"]) == 0 and
293 len(g.bases["EUROPE"]) == 0 and
294 len(g.bases["ASIA"]) == 0 and
295 len(g.bases["AFRICA"]) == 0 and
296 len(g.bases["ANTARCTIC"]) == 0 and
297 len(g.bases["OCEAN"]) == 0 and
298 len(g.bases["MOON"]) == 0 and
299 len(g.bases["FAR REACHES"]) == 0 and
300 len(g.bases["TRANSDIMENSIONAL"]) == 0):
301 return 1
302 return 0
304 #returns the amount of cash available after taking into account all
305 #current projects in construction.
306 def future_cash(self):
307 result_cash = self.cash
308 for base_loc in g.bases:
309 for base_name in g.bases[base_loc]:
310 result_cash -= base_name.cost[0]
311 if g.techs.has_key(base_name.studying):
312 result_cash -= g.techs[base_name.studying].cost[0]
313 for item in base_name.usage:
314 if item != 0: result_cash -= item.cost[0]
315 for item in base_name.extra_items:
316 if item != 0: result_cash -= item.cost[0]
317 return result_cash
321 # money_towards = base_name.cost[0] / \
322 # base_name.cost[2]
323 # if money_towards <= self.cash:
324 # self.cash -= money_towards
325 # base_name.study((money_towards, 0,
326 # self.time_day - store_last_day))
328 # base_name.cost = (base_name.cost[0] - money_towards,
329 # base_name.cost[1], base_name.cost[2])
330 # self.cash -= money_towards
331 # base_name.cost = (base_name.cost[0], base_name.cost[1],
332 # base_name.cost[2] - ())