Changed behavior of launchNextJob() to launch the *first* pending job on the list...
[simple-x264-launcher.git] / src / win_main.cpp
1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Simple x264 Launcher
3 // Copyright (C) 2004-2014 LoRd_MuldeR <>
4 //
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
9 //
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16 // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
19 //
20 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 #include "win_main.h"
23 #include "uic_win_main.h"
25 #include "global.h"
26 #include "cli.h"
27 #include "ipc.h"
28 #include "model_status.h"
29 #include "model_sysinfo.h"
30 #include "model_jobList.h"
31 #include "model_options.h"
32 #include "model_preferences.h"
33 #include "model_recently.h"
34 #include "thread_avisynth.h"
35 #include "thread_vapoursynth.h"
36 #include "thread_encode.h"
37 #include "taskbar7.h"
38 #include "input_filter.h"
39 #include "win_addJob.h"
40 #include "win_about.h"
41 #include "win_preferences.h"
42 #include "win_updater.h"
43 #include "binaries.h"
44 #include "resource.h"
46 #include <QDate>
47 #include <QTimer>
48 #include <QCloseEvent>
49 #include <QMessageBox>
50 #include <QDesktopServices>
51 #include <QUrl>
52 #include <QDir>
53 #include <QLibrary>
54 #include <QProcess>
55 #include <QProgressDialog>
56 #include <QScrollBar>
57 #include <QTextStream>
58 #include <QSettings>
59 #include <QFileDialog>
61 #include <ctime>
63 static const char *home_url = "";
64 static const char *update_url = "";
65 static const char *tpl_last = "<LAST_USED>";
67 #define SET_FONT_BOLD(WIDGET,BOLD) do { QFont _font = WIDGET->font(); _font.setBold(BOLD); WIDGET->setFont(_font); } while(0)
68 #define SET_TEXT_COLOR(WIDGET,COLOR) do { QPalette _palette = WIDGET->palette(); _palette.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, (COLOR)); _palette.setColor(QPalette::Text, (COLOR)); WIDGET->setPalette(_palette); } while(0)
69 #define LINK(URL) "<a href=\"" URL "\">" URL "</a>"
70 #define INIT_ERROR_EXIT() do { m_status = STATUS_EXITTING; close(); qApp->exit(-1); return; } while(0)
71 #define ENSURE_APP_IS_IDLE() do { if(m_status != STATUS_IDLE) { x264_beep(x264_beep_warning); qWarning("Cannot perfrom this action at this time!"); return; } } while(0)
72 #define NEXT(X) ((*reinterpret_cast<int*>(&(X)))++)
73 #define SETUP_WEBLINK(OBJ, URL) do { (OBJ)->setData(QVariant(QUrl(URL))); connect((OBJ), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showWebLink())); } while(0)
75 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
76 // Constructor & Destructor
77 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
80 * Constructor
82 MainWindow::MainWindow(const x264_cpu_t *const cpuFeatures, IPC *ipc)
84 m_ipc(ipc),
85 m_sysinfo(NULL),
86 m_options(NULL),
87 m_jobList(NULL),
88 m_pendingFiles(new QStringList()),
89 m_preferences(NULL),
90 m_recentlyUsed(NULL),
91 m_status(STATUS_PRE_INIT),
92 ui(new Ui::MainWindow())
94 //Init the dialog, from the .ui file
95 ui->setupUi(this);
96 setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & (~Qt::WindowMaximizeButtonHint));
98 //Register meta types
99 qRegisterMetaType<QUuid>("QUuid");
100 qRegisterMetaType<QUuid>("DWORD");
101 qRegisterMetaType<JobStatus>("JobStatus");
103 //Create and initialize the sysinfo object
104 m_sysinfo = new SysinfoModel();
105 m_sysinfo->setAppPath(QApplication::applicationDirPath());
106 m_sysinfo->setMMXSupport(cpuFeatures->mmx && cpuFeatures->mmx2);
107 m_sysinfo->setSSESupport(cpuFeatures->sse && cpuFeatures->mmx2); //SSE implies MMX2
108 m_sysinfo->setX64Support(cpuFeatures->x64 && cpuFeatures->sse2); //X64 implies SSE2
110 //Load preferences
111 m_preferences = new PreferencesModel();
112 PreferencesModel::loadPreferences(m_preferences);
114 //Load recently used
115 m_recentlyUsed = new RecentlyUsed();
116 RecentlyUsed::loadRecentlyUsed(m_recentlyUsed);
118 //Create options object
119 m_options = new OptionsModel(m_sysinfo);
120 OptionsModel::loadTemplate(m_options, QString::fromLatin1(tpl_last));
122 //Freeze minimum size
123 setMinimumSize(size());
124 ui->splitter->setSizes(QList<int>() << 16 << 196);
126 //Update title
127 ui->labelBuildDate->setText(tr("Built on %1 at %2").arg(x264_version_date().toString(Qt::ISODate), QString::fromLatin1(x264_version_time())));
129 if(X264_DEBUG)
131 setWindowTitle(QString("%1 | !!! DEBUG VERSION !!!").arg(windowTitle()));
132 setStyleSheet("QMenuBar, QMainWindow { background-color: yellow }");
134 else if(x264_is_prerelease())
136 setWindowTitle(QString("%1 | PRE-RELEASE VERSION").arg(windowTitle()));
139 //Create model
140 m_jobList = new JobListModel(m_preferences);
141 connect(m_jobList, SIGNAL(dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(jobChangedData(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)));
142 ui->jobsView->setModel(m_jobList);
144 //Setup view
145 ui->jobsView->horizontalHeader()->setSectionHidden(3, true);
146 ui->jobsView->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Stretch);
147 ui->jobsView->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(1, QHeaderView::Fixed);
148 ui->jobsView->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(2, QHeaderView::Fixed);
149 ui->jobsView->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection(1, 150);
150 ui->jobsView->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection(2, 90);
151 ui->jobsView->verticalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
152 connect(ui->jobsView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(jobSelected(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)));
154 //Setup key listener
155 m_inputFilter_jobList = new InputEventFilter(ui->jobsView);
156 m_inputFilter_jobList->addKeyFilter(Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::Key_Up, 1);
157 m_inputFilter_jobList->addKeyFilter(Qt::ControlModifier | Qt::Key_Down, 2);
158 connect(m_inputFilter_jobList, SIGNAL(keyPressed(int)), this, SLOT(jobListKeyPressed(int)));
160 //Setup mouse listener
161 m_inputFilter_version = new InputEventFilter(ui->labelBuildDate);
162 m_inputFilter_version->addMouseFilter(Qt::LeftButton, 0);
163 m_inputFilter_version->addMouseFilter(Qt::RightButton, 0);
164 connect(m_inputFilter_version, SIGNAL(mouseClicked(int)), this, SLOT(versionLabelMouseClicked(int)));
166 //Create context menu
167 QAction *actionClipboard = new QAction(QIcon(":/buttons/page_paste.png"), tr("Copy to Clipboard"), ui->logView);
168 actionClipboard->setEnabled(false);
169 ui->logView->addAction(actionClipboard);
170 connect(actionClipboard, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(copyLogToClipboard(bool)));
171 ui->jobsView->addActions(ui->menuJob->actions());
173 //Enable buttons
174 connect(ui->buttonAddJob, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addButtonPressed() ));
175 connect(ui->buttonStartJob, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startButtonPressed() ));
176 connect(ui->buttonAbortJob, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(abortButtonPressed() ));
177 connect(ui->buttonPauseJob, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(pauseButtonPressed(bool)));
178 connect(ui->actionJob_Delete, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(deleteButtonPressed() ));
179 connect(ui->actionJob_Restart, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(restartButtonPressed() ));
180 connect(ui->actionJob_Browse, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(browseButtonPressed() ));
181 connect(ui->actionJob_MoveUp, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(moveButtonPressed() ));
182 connect(ui->actionJob_MoveDown, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(moveButtonPressed() ));
184 //Enable menu
185 connect(ui->actionOpen, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(openActionTriggered()));
186 connect(ui->actionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showAbout()));
187 connect(ui->actionPreferences, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showPreferences()));
188 connect(ui->actionCheckForUpdates, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(checkUpdates()));
190 //Setup web-links
191 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebMulder, home_url);
192 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebX264, "");
193 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebX265, "");
194 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebKomisar, "");
195 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebVideoLAN, "");
196 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebJEEB, "");
197 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebFreeCodecs, "");
198 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebX265BinRU, "");
199 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebX265BinEU, "");
200 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebX265BinORG, "");
201 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebX265BinFF, "");
202 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebAvisynth32, "");
203 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebAvisynth64, "");
204 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebAvisynthPlus, "");
205 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebVapourSynth, "");
206 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebVapourSynthDocs, "");
207 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebWiki, "");
208 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebBluRay, "");
209 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebAvsWiki, "");
210 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebSupport, "");
211 SETUP_WEBLINK(ui->actionWebSecret, "");
213 //Create floating label
214 m_label = new QLabel(ui->jobsView->viewport());
215 m_label->setText(tr("No job created yet. Please click the 'Add New Job' button!"));
216 m_label->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter);
217 SET_TEXT_COLOR(m_label, Qt::darkGray);
218 SET_FONT_BOLD(m_label, true);
219 m_label->setVisible(true);
220 m_label->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ActionsContextMenu);
221 m_label->addActions(ui->jobsView->actions());
222 connect(ui->splitter, SIGNAL(splitterMoved(int, int)), this, SLOT(updateLabelPos()));
223 updateLabelPos();
227 * Destructor
229 MainWindow::~MainWindow(void)
231 m_status = STATUS_EXITTING;
232 OptionsModel::saveTemplate(m_options, QString::fromLatin1(tpl_last));
234 X264_DELETE(m_jobList);
235 X264_DELETE(m_options);
236 X264_DELETE(m_pendingFiles);
237 X264_DELETE(m_label);
238 X264_DELETE(m_inputFilter_jobList);
239 X264_DELETE(m_inputFilter_version);
241 while(!m_toolsList.isEmpty())
243 QFile *temp = m_toolsList.takeFirst();
244 X264_DELETE(temp);
247 if(m_ipc->isListening())
249 m_ipc->stopListening();
252 X264_DELETE(m_preferences);
253 X264_DELETE(m_recentlyUsed);
254 X264_DELETE(m_sysinfo);
256 VapourSynthCheckThread::unload();
257 AvisynthCheckThread::unload();
259 delete ui;
262 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
263 // Slots
264 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
267 * The "add" button was clicked
269 void MainWindow::addButtonPressed()
272 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
274 qDebug("MainWindow::addButtonPressed");
275 bool runImmediately = (countRunningJobs() < (m_preferences->getAutoRunNextJob() ? m_preferences->getMaxRunningJobCount() : 1));
276 QString sourceFileName, outputFileName;
278 if(createJob(sourceFileName, outputFileName, m_options, runImmediately))
280 appendJob(sourceFileName, outputFileName, m_options, runImmediately);
283 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
287 * The "open" action was triggered
289 void MainWindow::openActionTriggered()
292 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
294 QStringList fileList = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(this, tr("Open Source File(s)"), m_recentlyUsed->sourceDirectory(), AddJobDialog::getInputFilterLst(), NULL, QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog);
295 if(!fileList.empty())
297 m_recentlyUsed->setSourceDirectory(QFileInfo(fileList.last()).absolutePath());
298 if(fileList.count() > 1)
300 createJobMultiple(fileList);
302 else
304 bool runImmediately = (countRunningJobs() < (m_preferences->getAutoRunNextJob() ? m_preferences->getMaxRunningJobCount() : 1));
305 QString sourceFileName(fileList.first()), outputFileName;
306 if(createJob(sourceFileName, outputFileName, m_options, runImmediately))
308 appendJob(sourceFileName, outputFileName, m_options, runImmediately);
313 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
317 * The "start" button was clicked
319 void MainWindow::startButtonPressed(void)
322 m_jobList->startJob(ui->jobsView->currentIndex());
326 * The "abort" button was clicked
328 void MainWindow::abortButtonPressed(void)
331 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
333 if(QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Abort Job?"), tr("<nobr>Do you really want to <b>abort</b> the selected job now?</nobr>"), tr("Back"), tr("Abort Job")) == 1)
335 m_jobList->abortJob(ui->jobsView->currentIndex());
338 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
342 * The "delete" button was clicked
344 void MainWindow::deleteButtonPressed(void)
347 m_jobList->deleteJob(ui->jobsView->currentIndex());
348 m_label->setVisible(m_jobList->rowCount(QModelIndex()) == 0);
352 * The "browse" button was clicked
354 void MainWindow::browseButtonPressed(void)
357 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
359 QString outputFile = m_jobList->getJobOutputFile(ui->jobsView->currentIndex());
360 if((!outputFile.isEmpty()) && QFileInfo(outputFile).exists() && QFileInfo(outputFile).isFile())
362 QProcess::startDetached(QString::fromLatin1("explorer.exe"), QStringList() << QString::fromLatin1("/select,") << QDir::toNativeSeparators(outputFile), QFileInfo(outputFile).path());
364 else
366 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Not Found"), tr("Sorry, the output file could not be found!"));
369 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
373 * The "browse" button was clicked
375 void MainWindow::moveButtonPressed(void)
379 if(sender() == ui->actionJob_MoveUp)
381 qDebug("Move job %d (direction: UP)", ui->jobsView->currentIndex().row());
382 if(!m_jobList->moveJob(ui->jobsView->currentIndex(), JobListModel::MOVE_UP))
384 x264_beep(x264_beep_error);
386 ui->jobsView->scrollTo(ui->jobsView->currentIndex(), QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter);
388 else if(sender() == ui->actionJob_MoveDown)
390 qDebug("Move job %d (direction: DOWN)", ui->jobsView->currentIndex().row());
391 if(!m_jobList->moveJob(ui->jobsView->currentIndex(), JobListModel::MOVE_DOWN))
393 x264_beep(x264_beep_error);
395 ui->jobsView->scrollTo(ui->jobsView->currentIndex(), QAbstractItemView::PositionAtCenter);
397 else
399 qWarning("[moveButtonPressed] Error: Unknown sender!");
404 * The "pause" button was clicked
406 void MainWindow::pauseButtonPressed(bool checked)
410 if(checked)
412 m_jobList->pauseJob(ui->jobsView->currentIndex());
414 else
416 m_jobList->resumeJob(ui->jobsView->currentIndex());
421 * The "restart" button was clicked
423 void MainWindow::restartButtonPressed(void)
427 const QModelIndex index = ui->jobsView->currentIndex();
428 const OptionsModel *options = m_jobList->getJobOptions(index);
429 QString sourceFileName = m_jobList->getJobSourceFile(index);
430 QString outputFileName = m_jobList->getJobOutputFile(index);
432 if((options) && (!sourceFileName.isEmpty()) && (!outputFileName.isEmpty()))
434 bool runImmediately = (countRunningJobs() < (m_preferences->getAutoRunNextJob() ? m_preferences->getMaxRunningJobCount() : 1));
435 OptionsModel *tempOptions = new OptionsModel(*options);
436 if(createJob(sourceFileName, outputFileName, tempOptions, runImmediately, true))
438 appendJob(sourceFileName, outputFileName, tempOptions, runImmediately);
440 X264_DELETE(tempOptions);
445 * Job item selected by user
447 void MainWindow::jobSelected(const QModelIndex & current, const QModelIndex & previous)
449 qDebug("Job selected: %d", current.row());
451 if(ui->logView->model())
453 disconnect(ui->logView->model(), SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT(jobLogExtended(QModelIndex, int, int)));
456 if(current.isValid())
458 ui->logView->setModel(m_jobList->getLogFile(current));
459 connect(ui->logView->model(), SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex, int, int)), this, SLOT(jobLogExtended(QModelIndex, int, int)));
460 ui->logView->actions().first()->setEnabled(true);
461 QTimer::singleShot(0, ui->logView, SLOT(scrollToBottom()));
463 ui->progressBar->setValue(m_jobList->getJobProgress(current));
464 ui->editDetails->setText(m_jobList->data(m_jobList->index(current.row(), 3, QModelIndex()), Qt::DisplayRole).toString());
465 updateButtons(m_jobList->getJobStatus(current));
466 updateTaskbar(m_jobList->getJobStatus(current), m_jobList->data(m_jobList->index(current.row(), 0, QModelIndex()), Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>());
468 else
470 ui->logView->setModel(NULL);
471 ui->logView->actions().first()->setEnabled(false);
472 ui->progressBar->setValue(0);
473 ui->editDetails->clear();
474 updateButtons(JobStatus_Undefined);
475 updateTaskbar(JobStatus_Undefined, QIcon());
478 ui->progressBar->repaint();
482 * Handle update of job info (status, progress, details, etc)
484 void MainWindow::jobChangedData(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
486 int selected = ui->jobsView->currentIndex().row();
488 if(topLeft.column() <= 1 && bottomRight.column() >= 1) /*STATUS*/
490 for(int i = topLeft.row(); i <= bottomRight.row(); i++)
492 JobStatus status = m_jobList->getJobStatus(m_jobList->index(i, 0, QModelIndex()));
493 if(i == selected)
495 qDebug("Current job changed status!");
496 updateButtons(status);
497 updateTaskbar(status, m_jobList->data(m_jobList->index(i, 0, QModelIndex()), Qt::DecorationRole).value<QIcon>());
499 if((status == JobStatus_Completed) || (status == JobStatus_Failed))
501 if(m_preferences->getAutoRunNextJob()) QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(launchNextJob()));
502 if(m_preferences->getSaveLogFiles()) saveLogFile(m_jobList->index(i, 1, QModelIndex()));
506 if(topLeft.column() <= 2 && bottomRight.column() >= 2) /*PROGRESS*/
508 for(int i = topLeft.row(); i <= bottomRight.row(); i++)
510 if(i == selected)
512 ui->progressBar->setValue(m_jobList->getJobProgress(m_jobList->index(i, 0, QModelIndex())));
513 WinSevenTaskbar::setTaskbarProgress(this, ui->progressBar->value(), ui->progressBar->maximum());
514 break;
518 if(topLeft.column() <= 3 && bottomRight.column() >= 3) /*DETAILS*/
520 for(int i = topLeft.row(); i <= bottomRight.row(); i++)
522 if(i == selected)
524 ui->editDetails->setText(m_jobList->data(m_jobList->index(i, 3, QModelIndex()), Qt::DisplayRole).toString());
525 break;
532 * Handle new log file content
534 void MainWindow::jobLogExtended(const QModelIndex & parent, int start, int end)
536 QTimer::singleShot(0, ui->logView, SLOT(scrollToBottom()));
540 * About screen
542 void MainWindow::showAbout(void)
545 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
547 if(AboutDialog *aboutDialog = new AboutDialog(this))
549 aboutDialog->exec();
550 X264_DELETE(aboutDialog);
553 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
557 * Open web-link
559 void MainWindow::showWebLink(void)
563 if(QObject *obj = QObject::sender())
565 if(QAction *action = dynamic_cast<QAction*>(obj))
567 if(action->data().type() == QVariant::Url)
569 QDesktopServices::openUrl(action->data().toUrl());
576 * Pereferences dialog
578 void MainWindow::showPreferences(void)
581 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
583 PreferencesDialog *preferences = new PreferencesDialog(this, m_preferences, m_sysinfo);
584 preferences->exec();
586 X264_DELETE(preferences);
587 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
591 * Launch next job, after running job has finished
593 void MainWindow::launchNextJob(void)
595 qDebug("Launching next job...");
597 if(countRunningJobs() >= m_preferences->getMaxRunningJobCount())
599 qDebug("Still have too many jobs running, won't launch next one yet!");
600 return;
603 const int rows = m_jobList->rowCount(QModelIndex());
605 for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
607 const QModelIndex currentIndex = m_jobList->index(i, 0, QModelIndex());
608 if(m_jobList->getJobStatus(currentIndex) == JobStatus_Enqueued)
610 if(m_jobList->startJob(currentIndex))
612 ui->jobsView->selectRow(currentIndex.row());
613 return;
618 qWarning("No enqueued jobs left to be started!");
620 if(m_preferences->getShutdownComputer())
622 QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(shutdownComputer()));
627 * Save log to text file
629 void MainWindow::saveLogFile(const QModelIndex &index)
631 if(index.isValid())
633 if(LogFileModel *log = m_jobList->getLogFile(index))
635 QDir(QString("%1/logs").arg(x264_data_path())).mkpath(".");
636 QString logFilePath = QString("%1/logs/LOG.%2.%3.txt").arg(x264_data_path(), QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate), QTime::currentTime().toString(Qt::ISODate).replace(':', "-"));
637 QFile outFile(logFilePath);
638 if(
640 QTextStream outStream(&outFile);
641 outStream.setCodec("UTF-8");
642 outStream.setGenerateByteOrderMark(true);
644 const int rows = log->rowCount(QModelIndex());
645 for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
647 outStream << log->data(log->index(i, 0, QModelIndex()), Qt::DisplayRole).toString() << QLatin1String("\r\n");
649 outFile.close();
651 else
653 qWarning("Failed to open log file for writing:\n%s", logFilePath.toUtf8().constData());
660 * Shut down the computer (with countdown)
662 void MainWindow::shutdownComputer(void)
664 qDebug("shutdownComputer(void)");
666 if((m_status != STATUS_IDLE) && (m_status != STATUS_EXITTING))
668 qWarning("Cannot shutdown computer at this time!");
669 return;
672 if(countPendingJobs() > 0)
674 qDebug("Still have pending jobs, won't shutdown yet!");
675 return;
678 const x264_status_t previousStatus = m_status;
679 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
681 const int iTimeout = 30;
682 const Qt::WindowFlags flags = Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint | Qt::WindowSystemMenuHint;
683 const QString text = QString("%1%2%1").arg(QString().fill(' ', 18), tr("Warning: Computer will shutdown in %1 seconds..."));
685 qWarning("Initiating shutdown sequence!");
687 QProgressDialog progressDialog(text.arg(iTimeout), tr("Cancel Shutdown"), 0, iTimeout + 1, this, flags);
688 QPushButton *cancelButton = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel Shutdown"), &progressDialog);
689 cancelButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/buttons/power_on.png"));
690 progressDialog.setModal(true);
691 progressDialog.setAutoClose(false);
692 progressDialog.setAutoReset(false);
693 progressDialog.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/buttons/power_off.png"));
694 progressDialog.setWindowTitle(windowTitle());
695 progressDialog.setCancelButton(cancelButton);
698 QApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
699 QApplication::setOverrideCursor(Qt::WaitCursor);
700 x264_play_sound(IDR_WAVE1, false);
701 QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
703 QTimer timer;
704 timer.setInterval(1000);
705 timer.start();
707 QEventLoop eventLoop(this);
708 connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
709 connect(&progressDialog, SIGNAL(canceled()), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
711 for(int i = 1; i <= iTimeout; i++)
713 eventLoop.exec();
714 if(progressDialog.wasCanceled())
716 progressDialog.close();
717 m_status = previousStatus;
718 return;
720 progressDialog.setValue(i+1);
721 progressDialog.setLabelText(text.arg(iTimeout-i));
722 if(iTimeout-i == 3) progressDialog.setCancelButton(NULL);
723 QApplication::processEvents();
724 x264_play_sound(((i < iTimeout) ? IDR_WAVE2 : IDR_WAVE3), false);
727 qWarning("Shutting down !!!");
728 m_status = previousStatus;
730 if(x264_shutdown_computer("Simple x264 Launcher: All jobs completed, shutting down!", 10, true))
732 qApp->closeAllWindows();
738 * Main initialization function (called only once!)
740 void MainWindow::init(void)
742 if(m_status != STATUS_PRE_INIT)
744 qWarning("Already initialized -> skipping!");
745 return;
748 updateLabelPos();
750 //---------------------------------------
751 // Create the IPC listener thread
752 //---------------------------------------
754 if(m_ipc->isInitialized())
756 connect(m_ipc, SIGNAL(receivedCommand(int,QStringList,quint32)), this, SLOT(handleCommand(int,QStringList,quint32)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
757 m_ipc->startListening();
760 //---------------------------------------
761 // Check required binaries
762 //---------------------------------------
764 QStringList binFiles;
765 for(OptionsModel::EncArch arch = OptionsModel::EncArch_x32; arch <= OptionsModel::EncArch_x64; NEXT(arch))
767 for(OptionsModel::EncVariant varnt = OptionsModel::EncVariant_LoBit; varnt <= OptionsModel::EncVariant_HiBit; NEXT(varnt))
769 binFiles << ENC_BINARY(m_sysinfo, OptionsModel::EncType_X264, arch, varnt);
771 binFiles << AVS_BINARY(m_sysinfo, arch == OptionsModel::EncArch_x64);
774 qDebug("[Validating binaries]");
775 for(QStringList::ConstIterator iter = binFiles.constBegin(); iter != binFiles.constEnd(); iter++)
777 qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
778 QFile *file = new QFile(*iter);
779 qDebug("%s", file->fileName().toLatin1().constData());
780 if(file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
782 if(!x264_is_executable(file->fileName()))
784 QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Invalid File!"), tr("<nobr>At least on required tool is not a valid Win32 or Win64 binary:<br><tt style=\"whitespace:nowrap\">%1</tt><br><br>Please re-install the program in order to fix the problem!</nobr>").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(file->fileName())).replace("-", "&minus;"));
785 qFatal(QString("Binary is invalid: %1").arg(file->fileName()).toLatin1().constData());
786 X264_DELETE(file);
789 m_toolsList << file;
791 else
793 QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("File Not Found!"), tr("<nobr>At least on required tool could not be found:<br><tt style=\"whitespace:nowrap\">%1</tt><br><br>Please re-install the program in order to fix the problem!</nobr>").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(file->fileName())).replace("-", "&minus;"));
794 qFatal(QString("Binary not found: %1/toolset/%2").arg(m_sysinfo->getAppPath(), file->fileName()).toLatin1().constData());
795 X264_DELETE(file);
799 qDebug(" ");
801 //---------------------------------------
802 // Check x265 binaries
803 //---------------------------------------
805 binFiles.clear();
806 for(OptionsModel::EncArch arch = OptionsModel::EncArch_x32; arch <= OptionsModel::EncArch_x64; NEXT(arch))
808 for(OptionsModel::EncVariant varnt = OptionsModel::EncVariant_LoBit; varnt <= OptionsModel::EncVariant_HiBit; NEXT(varnt))
810 binFiles << ENC_BINARY(m_sysinfo, OptionsModel::EncType_X265, arch, varnt);
814 qDebug("[Checking for x265 support]");
815 bool bHaveX265 = true;
816 for(QStringList::ConstIterator iter = binFiles.constBegin(); iter != binFiles.constEnd(); iter++)
818 qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
819 QFile *file = new QFile(*iter);
820 qDebug("%s", file->fileName().toLatin1().constData());
821 if(file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
823 if(x264_is_executable(file->fileName()))
825 m_toolsList << file;
826 continue;
828 X264_DELETE(file);
830 bHaveX265 = false;
831 qWarning("x265 binaries not found or incomplete -> disable x265 support!");
832 break;
834 if(bHaveX265)
836 qDebug("x265 support is officially enabled now!");
837 m_sysinfo->set256Support(true);
839 qDebug(" ");
841 //---------------------------------------
842 // Check for portable mode
843 //---------------------------------------
845 if(x264_portable())
847 bool ok = false;
848 static const char *data = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";
849 QFile writeTest(QString("%1/%2").arg(x264_data_path(), QUuid::createUuid().toString()));
850 if(
852 ok = (writeTest.write(data) == strlen(data));
853 writeTest.remove();
855 if(!ok)
857 int val = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Write Test Failed"), tr("<nobr>The application was launched in portable mode, but the program path is <b>not</b> writable!</nobr>"), tr("Quit"), tr("Ignore"));
858 if(val != 1) INIT_ERROR_EXIT();
862 //Pre-release popup
863 if(x264_is_prerelease())
865 qsrand(time(NULL)); int rnd = qrand() % 3;
866 int val = QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Pre-Release Version"), tr("Note: This is a pre-release version. Please do NOT use for production!<br>Click the button #%1 in order to continue...<br><br>(There will be no such message box in the final version of this application)").arg(QString::number(rnd + 1)), tr("(1)"), tr("(2)"), tr("(3)"), qrand() % 3);
867 if(rnd != val) INIT_ERROR_EXIT();
870 //---------------------------------------
871 // Check CPU capabilities
872 //---------------------------------------
874 const QStringList arguments = x264_arguments();
876 //Make sure this CPU can run x264 (requires MMX + MMXEXT/iSSE to run x264 with ASM enabled, additionally requires SSE1 for most x264 builds)
877 if(!m_sysinfo->hasMMXSupport())
879 QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Unsupported CPU"), tr("<nobr>Sorry, but this machine is <b>not</b> physically capable of running x264 (with assembly).<br>Please get a CPU that supports at least the MMX and MMXEXT instruction sets!</nobr>"), tr("Quit"));
880 qFatal("System does not support MMX and MMXEXT, x264 will not work !!!");
883 else if(!m_sysinfo->hasSSESupport())
885 qWarning("WARNING: System does not support SSE1, most x264 builds will not work !!!\n");
886 int val = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Unsupported CPU"), tr("<nobr>It appears that this machine does <b>not</b> support the SSE1 instruction set.<br>Thus most builds of x264 will <b>not</b> run on this computer at all.<br><br>Please get a CPU that supports the MMX and SSE1 instruction sets!</nobr>"), tr("Quit"), tr("Ignore"));
887 if(val != 1) INIT_ERROR_EXIT();
890 //Skip version check (not recommended!)
891 if(CLIParser::checkFlag(CLI_PARAM_SKIP_X264_CHECK, arguments))
893 qWarning("x264 version check disabled, you have been warned!\n");
894 m_preferences->setSkipVersionTest(true);
897 //Don't abort encoding process on timeout (not recommended!)
898 if(CLIParser::checkFlag(CLI_PARAM_NO_DEADLOCK, arguments))
900 qWarning("Deadlock detection disabled, you have been warned!\n");
901 m_preferences->setAbortOnTimeout(false);
904 //---------------------------------------
905 // Check Avisynth support
906 //---------------------------------------
908 if(!CLIParser::checkFlag(CLI_PARAM_SKIP_AVS_CHECK, arguments))
910 qDebug("[Check for Avisynth support]");
911 volatile double avisynthVersion = 0.0;
912 const int result = AvisynthCheckThread::detect(&avisynthVersion);
913 if(result < 0)
915 QString text = tr("A critical error was encountered while checking your Avisynth version.").append("<br>");
916 text += tr("This is most likely caused by an erroneous Avisynth Plugin, please try to clean your Plugins folder!").append("<br>");
917 text += tr("We suggest to move all .dll and .avsi files out of your Avisynth Plugins folder and try again.");
918 int val = QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Avisynth Error"), QString("<nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(text).replace("-", "&minus;"), tr("Quit"), tr("Ignore"));
919 if(val != 1) INIT_ERROR_EXIT();
921 if(result && (avisynthVersion >= 2.5))
923 qDebug("Avisynth support is officially enabled now!");
924 m_sysinfo->setAVSSupport(true);
926 else
928 if(!m_preferences->getDisableWarnings())
930 QString text = tr("It appears that Avisynth is <b>not</b> currently installed on your computer.<br>Therefore Avisynth (.avs) input will <b>not</b> be working at all!").append("<br><br>");
931 text += tr("Please download and install Avisynth:").append("<br>").append(LINK(""));
932 int val = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Avisynth Missing"), QString("<nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(text).replace("-", "&minus;"), tr("Close"), tr("Disable this Warning"));
933 if(val == 1)
935 m_preferences->setDisableWarnings(true);
936 PreferencesModel::savePreferences(m_preferences);
941 qDebug(" ");
944 //---------------------------------------
945 // Check VapurSynth support
946 //---------------------------------------
948 if(!CLIParser::checkFlag(CLI_PARAM_SKIP_VPS_CHECK, arguments))
950 qDebug("[Check for VapourSynth support]");
951 QString vapoursynthPath;
952 const int result = VapourSynthCheckThread::detect(vapoursynthPath);
953 if(result < 0)
955 QString text = tr("A critical error was encountered while checking your VapourSynth installation.").append("<br>");
956 text += tr("This is most likely caused by an erroneous VapourSynth Plugin, please try to clean your Filters folder!").append("<br>");
957 text += tr("We suggest to move all .dll files out of your VapourSynth Filters folder and try again.");
958 const int val = QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("VapourSynth Error"), QString("<nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(text).replace("-", "&minus;"), tr("Quit"), tr("Ignore"));
959 if(val != 1) INIT_ERROR_EXIT();
961 if(result && (!vapoursynthPath.isEmpty()))
963 qDebug("VapourSynth support is officially enabled now!");
964 m_sysinfo->setVPSSupport(true);
965 m_sysinfo->setVPSPath(vapoursynthPath);
967 else
969 if(!m_preferences->getDisableWarnings())
971 QString text = tr("It appears that VapourSynth is <b>not</b> currently installed on your computer.<br>Therefore VapourSynth (.vpy) input will <b>not</b> be working at all!").append("<br><br>");
972 text += tr("Please download and install VapourSynth for Windows (R19 or later):").append("<br>").append(LINK("")).append("<br><br>");
973 text += tr("Note that Python 3.3 (x86) is a prerequisite for installing VapourSynth:").append("<br>").append(LINK("")).append("<br>");
974 const int val = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("VapourSynth Missing"), QString("<nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(text).replace("-", "&minus;"), tr("Close"), tr("Disable this Warning"));
975 if(val == 1)
977 m_preferences->setDisableWarnings(true);
978 PreferencesModel::savePreferences(m_preferences);
982 qDebug(" ");
985 //---------------------------------------
986 // Check for Expiration
987 //---------------------------------------
989 if(x264_version_date().addMonths(6) < x264_current_date_safe())
991 QString text;
992 text += QString("<nobr><tt>%1</tt></nobr><br><br>").arg(tr("Your version of Simple x264 Launcher is more than 6 months old!").replace("-", "&minus;"));
993 text += QString("<nobr><tt>%1<br><a href=\"%2\">%3</a><br><br>").arg(tr("You can download the most recent version from the official web-site now:").replace("-", "&minus;"), QString::fromLatin1(update_url), QString::fromLatin1(update_url).replace("-", "&minus;"));
994 text += QString("<nobr><tt>%1</tt></nobr><br>").arg(tr("Alternatively, click 'Check for Updates' to run the auto-update utility.").replace("-", "&minus;"));
995 QMessageBox msgBox(this);
996 msgBox.setIconPixmap(QIcon(":/images/update.png").pixmap(56,56));
997 msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Update Notification"));
998 msgBox.setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::WindowTitleHint | Qt::CustomizeWindowHint);
999 msgBox.setText(text);
1000 QPushButton *btn1 = msgBox.addButton(tr("Check for Updates"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
1001 QPushButton *btn2 = msgBox.addButton(tr("Discard"), QMessageBox::NoRole);
1002 QPushButton *btn3 = msgBox.addButton(btn2->text(), QMessageBox::RejectRole);
1003 btn2->setEnabled(false);
1004 btn3->setVisible(false);
1005 QTimer::singleShot(7500, btn2, SLOT(hide()));
1006 QTimer::singleShot(7500, btn3, SLOT(show()));
1007 if(msgBox.exec() == 0)
1009 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
1010 QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(checkUpdates()));
1011 return;
1015 //---------------------------------------
1016 // Finish initialization
1017 //---------------------------------------
1019 //Set Window title
1020 setWindowTitle(QString("%1 (%2)").arg(windowTitle(), m_sysinfo->hasX64Support() ? "64-Bit" : "32-Bit"));
1022 //Enable drag&drop support for this window, required for Qt v4.8.4+
1023 setAcceptDrops(true);
1025 //Update app staus
1026 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
1028 //Try adding files from command-line
1029 if(!parseCommandLineArgs())
1031 //Update reminder
1032 if((!m_preferences->getNoUpdateReminder()) && (m_recentlyUsed->lastUpdateCheck() + 14 < x264_current_date_safe().toJulianDay()))
1034 if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Update Notification"), QString("<nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(tr("Your last update check was more than 14 days ago. Check for updates now?")), tr("Check for Updates"), tr("Discard")) == 0)
1036 QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(checkUpdates()));
1037 return;
1042 //Load queued jobs
1043 if(m_jobList->loadQueuedJobs(m_sysinfo) > 0)
1045 m_label->setVisible(m_jobList->rowCount(QModelIndex()) == 0);
1046 m_jobList->clearQueuedJobs();
1051 * Update the label position
1053 void MainWindow::updateLabelPos(void)
1055 const QWidget *const viewPort = ui->jobsView->viewport();
1056 m_label->setGeometry(0, 0, viewPort->width(), viewPort->height());
1060 * Copy the complete log to the clipboard
1062 void MainWindow::copyLogToClipboard(bool checked)
1064 qDebug("copyLogToClipboard");
1066 if(LogFileModel *log = dynamic_cast<LogFileModel*>(ui->logView->model()))
1068 log->copyToClipboard();
1069 x264_beep(x264_beep_info);
1074 * Process the dropped files
1076 void MainWindow::handlePendingFiles(void)
1078 if((m_status == STATUS_IDLE) || (m_status == STATUS_AWAITING))
1080 qDebug("MainWindow::handlePendingFiles");
1081 if(!m_pendingFiles->isEmpty())
1083 QStringList pendingFiles(*m_pendingFiles);
1084 m_pendingFiles->clear();
1085 createJobMultiple(pendingFiles);
1087 qDebug("Leave from MainWindow::handlePendingFiles!");
1088 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
1093 * Handle incoming IPC command
1095 void MainWindow::handleCommand(const int &command, const QStringList &args, const quint32 &flags)
1097 if((m_status != STATUS_IDLE) && (m_status != STATUS_AWAITING))
1099 qWarning("Cannot accapt commands at this time -> discarding!");
1100 return;
1103 x264_bring_to_front(this);
1105 #ifdef IPC_LOGGING
1106 qDebug("\n---------- IPC ----------");
1107 qDebug("CommandId: %d", command);
1108 for(QStringList::ConstIterator iter = args.constBegin(); iter != args.constEnd(); iter++)
1110 qDebug("Arguments: %s", iter->toUtf8().constData());
1112 qDebug("The Flags: 0x%08X", flags);
1113 qDebug("---------- IPC ----------\n");
1114 #endif //IPC_LOGGING
1116 switch(command)
1118 case IPC_OPCODE_PING:
1119 qDebug("Received a PING request from another instance!");
1120 x264_blink_window(this, 5, 125);
1121 break;
1123 if(!args.isEmpty())
1125 if(QFileInfo(args[0]).exists() && QFileInfo(args[0]).isFile())
1127 *m_pendingFiles << QFileInfo(args[0]).canonicalFilePath();
1128 if(m_status != STATUS_AWAITING)
1130 m_status = STATUS_AWAITING;
1131 QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(handlePendingFiles()));
1134 else
1136 qWarning("File '%s' not found!", args[0].toUtf8().constData());
1139 break;
1141 if(args.size() >= 3)
1143 if(QFileInfo(args[0]).exists() && QFileInfo(args[0]).isFile())
1145 OptionsModel options(m_sysinfo);
1146 bool runImmediately = (countRunningJobs() < (m_preferences->getAutoRunNextJob() ? m_preferences->getMaxRunningJobCount() : 1));
1147 if(!(args[2].isEmpty() || X264_STRCMP(args[2], "-")))
1149 if(!OptionsModel::loadTemplate(&options, args[2].trimmed()))
1151 qWarning("Template '%s' could not be found -> using defaults!", args[2].trimmed().toUtf8().constData());
1154 if((flags & IPC_FLAG_FORCE_START) && (!(flags & IPC_FLAG_FORCE_ENQUEUE))) runImmediately = true;
1155 if((flags & IPC_FLAG_FORCE_ENQUEUE) && (!(flags & IPC_FLAG_FORCE_START))) runImmediately = false;
1156 appendJob(args[0], args[1], &options, runImmediately);
1158 else
1160 qWarning("Source file '%s' not found!", args[0].toUtf8().constData());
1163 break;
1164 default:
1165 THROW("Unknown command received!");
1170 * Check for new updates
1172 void MainWindow::checkUpdates(void)
1175 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
1177 if(countRunningJobs() > 0)
1179 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Jobs Are Running"), tr("Sorry, can not update while there still are running jobs!"));
1180 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
1181 return;
1184 UpdaterDialog *updater = new UpdaterDialog(this, m_sysinfo, update_url);
1185 const int ret = updater->exec();
1187 if(updater->getSuccess())
1189 m_recentlyUsed->setLastUpdateCheck(x264_current_date_safe().toJulianDay());
1190 RecentlyUsed::saveRecentlyUsed(m_recentlyUsed);
1193 if(ret == UpdaterDialog::READY_TO_INSTALL_UPDATE)
1195 m_status = STATUS_EXITTING;
1196 qWarning("Exitting program to install update...");
1197 close();
1198 QApplication::quit();
1201 X264_DELETE(updater);
1203 if(m_status != STATUS_EXITTING)
1205 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
1210 * Handle mouse event for version label
1212 void MainWindow::versionLabelMouseClicked(const int &tag)
1214 if(tag == 0)
1216 QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(showAbout()));
1221 * Handle key event for job list
1223 void MainWindow::jobListKeyPressed(const int &tag)
1225 switch(tag)
1227 case 1:
1228 ui->actionJob_MoveUp->trigger();
1229 break;
1230 case 2:
1231 ui->actionJob_MoveDown->trigger();
1232 break;
1236 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1237 // Event functions
1238 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1241 * Window shown event
1243 void MainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent *e)
1245 QMainWindow::showEvent(e);
1247 if(m_status == STATUS_PRE_INIT)
1249 QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(init()));
1254 * Window close event
1256 void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e)
1258 if((m_status != STATUS_IDLE) && (m_status != STATUS_EXITTING))
1260 e->ignore();
1261 qWarning("Cannot close window at this time!");
1262 return;
1265 //Make sure we have no running jobs left!
1266 if(m_status != STATUS_EXITTING)
1268 if(countRunningJobs() > 0)
1270 e->ignore();
1271 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
1272 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Jobs Are Running"), tr("Sorry, can not exit while there still are running jobs!"));
1273 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
1274 return;
1277 //Save pending jobs for next time, if desired by user
1278 if(countPendingJobs() > 0)
1280 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
1281 int ret = QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Jobs Are Pending"), tr("You still have pending jobs. How do you want to proceed?"), tr("Save Pending Jobs"), tr("Discard"));
1282 if(ret == 0)
1284 m_jobList->saveQueuedJobs();
1286 else
1288 if(QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Jobs Are Pending"), tr("Do you really want to discard all pending jobs?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No) != QMessageBox::Yes)
1290 e->ignore();
1291 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
1292 return;
1298 //Delete remaining jobs
1299 while(m_jobList->rowCount(QModelIndex()) > 0)
1301 if((m_jobList->rowCount(QModelIndex()) % 10) == 0)
1303 qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
1305 if(!m_jobList->deleteJob(m_jobList->index(0, 0, QModelIndex())))
1307 e->ignore();
1308 m_status = STATUS_BLOCKED;
1309 QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Failed To Exit"), tr("Warning: At least one job could not be deleted!"));
1310 m_status = STATUS_IDLE;
1314 m_status = STATUS_EXITTING;
1315 qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
1316 QMainWindow::closeEvent(e);
1320 * Window resize event
1322 void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e)
1324 QMainWindow::resizeEvent(e);
1325 updateLabelPos();
1329 * Win32 message filter
1331 bool MainWindow::winEvent(MSG *message, long *result)
1333 return WinSevenTaskbar::handleWinEvent(message, result);
1337 * File dragged over window
1339 void MainWindow::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event)
1341 bool accept[2] = {false, false};
1343 foreach(const QString &fmt, event->mimeData()->formats())
1345 accept[0] = accept[0] || fmt.contains("text/uri-list", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
1346 accept[1] = accept[1] || fmt.contains("FileNameW", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
1349 if(accept[0] && accept[1])
1351 event->acceptProposedAction();
1356 * File dropped onto window
1358 void MainWindow::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)
1360 if((m_status != STATUS_IDLE) && (m_status != STATUS_AWAITING))
1362 qWarning("Cannot accept drooped files at this time -> discarding!");
1363 return;
1366 QStringList droppedFiles;
1367 QList<QUrl> urls = event->mimeData()->urls();
1369 while(!urls.isEmpty())
1371 QUrl currentUrl = urls.takeFirst();
1372 QFileInfo file(currentUrl.toLocalFile());
1373 if(file.exists() && file.isFile())
1375 qDebug("MainWindow::dropEvent: %s", file.canonicalFilePath().toUtf8().constData());
1376 droppedFiles << file.canonicalFilePath();
1380 if(droppedFiles.count() > 0)
1382 m_pendingFiles->append(droppedFiles);
1383 m_pendingFiles->sort();
1384 if(m_status != STATUS_AWAITING)
1386 m_status = STATUS_AWAITING;
1387 QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(handlePendingFiles()));
1392 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1393 // Private functions
1394 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1397 * Creates a new job
1399 bool MainWindow::createJob(QString &sourceFileName, QString &outputFileName, OptionsModel *options, bool &runImmediately, const bool restart, int fileNo, int fileTotal, bool *applyToAll)
1401 bool okay = false;
1402 AddJobDialog *addDialog = new AddJobDialog(this, options, m_recentlyUsed, m_sysinfo, m_preferences);
1404 addDialog->setRunImmediately(runImmediately);
1405 if(!sourceFileName.isEmpty()) addDialog->setSourceFile(sourceFileName);
1406 if(!outputFileName.isEmpty()) addDialog->setOutputFile(outputFileName);
1407 if(restart) addDialog->setWindowTitle(tr("Restart Job"));
1409 const bool multiFile = (fileNo >= 0) && (fileTotal > 1);
1410 if(multiFile)
1412 addDialog->setSourceEditable(false);
1413 addDialog->setWindowTitle(addDialog->windowTitle().append(tr(" (File %1 of %2)").arg(QString::number(fileNo+1), QString::number(fileTotal))));
1414 addDialog->setApplyToAllVisible(applyToAll);
1417 if(addDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
1419 sourceFileName = addDialog->sourceFile();
1420 outputFileName = addDialog->outputFile();
1421 runImmediately = addDialog->runImmediately();
1422 if(applyToAll)
1424 *applyToAll = addDialog->applyToAll();
1426 okay = true;
1429 X264_DELETE(addDialog);
1430 return okay;
1434 * Creates a new job from *multiple* files
1436 bool MainWindow::createJobMultiple(const QStringList &filePathIn)
1438 QStringList::ConstIterator iter;
1439 bool applyToAll = false, runImmediately = false;
1440 int counter = 0;
1442 //Add files individually
1443 for(iter = filePathIn.constBegin(); (iter != filePathIn.constEnd()) && (!applyToAll); iter++)
1445 runImmediately = (countRunningJobs() < (m_preferences->getAutoRunNextJob() ? m_preferences->getMaxRunningJobCount() : 1));
1446 QString sourceFileName(*iter), outputFileName;
1447 if(createJob(sourceFileName, outputFileName, m_options, runImmediately, false, counter++, filePathIn.count(), &applyToAll))
1449 if(appendJob(sourceFileName, outputFileName, m_options, runImmediately))
1451 continue;
1454 return false;
1457 //Add remaining files
1458 while(applyToAll && (iter != filePathIn.constEnd()))
1460 const bool runImmediatelyTmp = runImmediately && (countRunningJobs() < (m_preferences->getAutoRunNextJob() ? m_preferences->getMaxRunningJobCount() : 1));
1461 const QString sourceFileName = *iter;
1462 const QString outputFileName = AddJobDialog::generateOutputFileName(sourceFileName, m_recentlyUsed->outputDirectory(), m_recentlyUsed->filterIndex(), m_preferences->getSaveToSourcePath());
1463 if(!appendJob(sourceFileName, outputFileName, m_options, runImmediatelyTmp))
1465 return false;
1467 iter++;
1470 return true;
1474 * Append a new job
1476 bool MainWindow::appendJob(const QString &sourceFileName, const QString &outputFileName, OptionsModel *options, const bool runImmediately)
1478 bool okay = false;
1479 EncodeThread *thrd = new EncodeThread(sourceFileName, outputFileName, options, m_sysinfo, m_preferences);
1480 QModelIndex newIndex = m_jobList->insertJob(thrd);
1482 if(newIndex.isValid())
1484 if(runImmediately)
1486 ui->jobsView->selectRow(newIndex.row());
1487 QApplication::processEvents(QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
1488 m_jobList->startJob(newIndex);
1491 okay = true;
1494 m_label->setVisible(m_jobList->rowCount(QModelIndex()) == 0);
1495 return okay;
1499 * Jobs that are not completed (or failed, or aborted) yet
1501 unsigned int MainWindow::countPendingJobs(void)
1503 unsigned int count = 0;
1504 const int rows = m_jobList->rowCount(QModelIndex());
1506 for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
1508 JobStatus status = m_jobList->getJobStatus(m_jobList->index(i, 0, QModelIndex()));
1509 if(status != JobStatus_Completed && status != JobStatus_Aborted && status != JobStatus_Failed)
1511 count++;
1515 return count;
1519 * Jobs that are still active, i.e. not terminated or enqueued
1521 unsigned int MainWindow::countRunningJobs(void)
1523 unsigned int count = 0;
1524 const int rows = m_jobList->rowCount(QModelIndex());
1526 for(int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
1528 JobStatus status = m_jobList->getJobStatus(m_jobList->index(i, 0, QModelIndex()));
1529 if(status != JobStatus_Completed && status != JobStatus_Aborted && status != JobStatus_Failed && status != JobStatus_Enqueued)
1531 count++;
1535 return count;
1539 * Update all buttons with respect to current job status
1541 void MainWindow::updateButtons(JobStatus status)
1543 qDebug("MainWindow::updateButtons(void)");
1545 ui->buttonStartJob->setEnabled(status == JobStatus_Enqueued);
1546 ui->buttonAbortJob->setEnabled(status == JobStatus_Indexing || status == JobStatus_Running || status == JobStatus_Running_Pass1 || status == JobStatus_Running_Pass2 || status == JobStatus_Paused);
1547 ui->buttonPauseJob->setEnabled(status == JobStatus_Indexing || status == JobStatus_Running || status == JobStatus_Paused || status == JobStatus_Running_Pass1 || status == JobStatus_Running_Pass2);
1548 ui->buttonPauseJob->setChecked(status == JobStatus_Paused || status == JobStatus_Pausing);
1550 ui->actionJob_Delete->setEnabled(status == JobStatus_Completed || status == JobStatus_Aborted || status == JobStatus_Failed || status == JobStatus_Enqueued);
1551 ui->actionJob_Restart->setEnabled(status == JobStatus_Completed || status == JobStatus_Aborted || status == JobStatus_Failed || status == JobStatus_Enqueued);
1552 ui->actionJob_Browse->setEnabled(status == JobStatus_Completed);
1553 ui->actionJob_MoveUp->setEnabled(status != JobStatus_Undefined);
1554 ui->actionJob_MoveDown->setEnabled(status != JobStatus_Undefined);
1556 ui->actionJob_Start->setEnabled(ui->buttonStartJob->isEnabled());
1557 ui->actionJob_Abort->setEnabled(ui->buttonAbortJob->isEnabled());
1558 ui->actionJob_Pause->setEnabled(ui->buttonPauseJob->isEnabled());
1559 ui->actionJob_Pause->setChecked(ui->buttonPauseJob->isChecked());
1561 ui->editDetails->setEnabled(status != JobStatus_Paused);
1565 * Update the taskbar with current job status
1567 void MainWindow::updateTaskbar(JobStatus status, const QIcon &icon)
1569 qDebug("MainWindow::updateTaskbar(void)");
1571 switch(status)
1573 case JobStatus_Undefined:
1574 WinSevenTaskbar::setTaskbarState(this, WinSevenTaskbar::WinSevenTaskbarNoState);
1575 break;
1576 case JobStatus_Aborting:
1577 case JobStatus_Starting:
1578 case JobStatus_Pausing:
1579 case JobStatus_Resuming:
1580 WinSevenTaskbar::setTaskbarState(this, WinSevenTaskbar::WinSevenTaskbarIndeterminateState);
1581 break;
1582 case JobStatus_Aborted:
1583 case JobStatus_Failed:
1584 WinSevenTaskbar::setTaskbarState(this, WinSevenTaskbar::WinSevenTaskbarErrorState);
1585 break;
1586 case JobStatus_Paused:
1587 WinSevenTaskbar::setTaskbarState(this, WinSevenTaskbar::WinSevenTaskbarPausedState);
1588 break;
1589 default:
1590 WinSevenTaskbar::setTaskbarState(this, WinSevenTaskbar::WinSevenTaskbarNormalState);
1591 break;
1594 switch(status)
1596 case JobStatus_Aborting:
1597 case JobStatus_Starting:
1598 case JobStatus_Pausing:
1599 case JobStatus_Resuming:
1600 break;
1601 default:
1602 WinSevenTaskbar::setTaskbarProgress(this, ui->progressBar->value(), ui->progressBar->maximum());
1603 break;
1606 WinSevenTaskbar::setOverlayIcon(this, icon.isNull() ? NULL : &icon);
1610 * Parse command-line arguments
1612 bool MainWindow::parseCommandLineArgs(void)
1614 bool bCommandAccepted = false;
1615 unsigned int flags = 0;
1617 //Initialize command-line parser
1618 CLIParser parser(x264_arguments());
1619 int identifier;
1620 QStringList options;
1622 //Process all command-line arguments
1623 while(parser.nextOption(identifier, &options))
1625 switch(identifier)
1628 handleCommand(IPC_OPCODE_ADD_FILE, options, flags);
1629 bCommandAccepted = true;
1630 break;
1631 case CLI_PARAM_ADD_JOB:
1632 handleCommand(IPC_OPCODE_ADD_JOB, options, flags);
1633 bCommandAccepted = true;
1634 break;
1636 flags = ((flags | IPC_FLAG_FORCE_START) & (~IPC_FLAG_FORCE_ENQUEUE));
1637 break;
1639 flags = (flags & (~IPC_FLAG_FORCE_START));
1640 break;
1642 flags = ((flags | IPC_FLAG_FORCE_ENQUEUE) & (~IPC_FLAG_FORCE_START));
1643 break;
1645 flags = (flags & (~IPC_FLAG_FORCE_ENQUEUE));
1646 break;
1650 return bCommandAccepted;