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[shigofumi.git] / doc / shigofumi.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
3 <!DOCTYPE reference PUBLIC "-//OASIS/DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
4   "">
6 <reference lang="en">
8   <referenceinfo>
9     <author>
10       <personname>
11         <firstname>Petr</firstname>
12         <surname>Písař</surname>
13       </personname>
14       <personblurb>
15         <simpara>He's written Shigofumi and libisds.</simpara>
16       </personblurb>
17     </author>
18     <productname>Shigofumi</productname>
19   </referenceinfo>
21   <title>Manual for Shigofumi</title>
24   <refentry id="shigofumi.1">
25     <refmeta>
26       <refentrytitle>shigofumi</refentrytitle>
27       <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
28     </refmeta>
30     <refnamediv>
31       <refname>shigofumi</refname>
32       <refpurpose>ISDS client</refpurpose>
33     </refnamediv>
35     <refsynopsisdiv>
36       <cmdsynopsis>
37         <command>shigofumi</command>
38         <arg choice="opt"><option>-c</option> <replaceable>FILE</replaceable></arg>
39       </cmdsynopsis>
41       <cmdsynopsis>
42         <command>shigofumi</command>
43         <arg choice="opt"><option>-c</option> <replaceable>FILE</replaceable></arg>
44         <arg choice="plain"><option>-e</option>
45           <replaceable>COMMANDS</replaceable></arg>
46       </cmdsynopsis>
48       <cmdsynopsis>
49         <command>shigofumi</command>
50         <arg choice="plain"><option>-V</option></arg>
51       </cmdsynopsis>
52     </refsynopsisdiv>
54     <refsection>
55       <title>Description</title>
57       <para>Shigofumi is an <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> client based on libisds
58         library.  The client can access <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev>, processes local
59         message and delivery details, and submit file to authorized
60         conversion.</para>
62       <para>Shigofumi is command line oriented program. Once you start it, use
63         <command>help</command> to get list of embedded commands. Use
64         <command>help <replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable></command> to get
65         details about selected <replaceable>COMMAND</replaceable>. Be ware
66         that command listing changes contextually. User can use casual
67         readline shortcuts for line editing (like tab completing).</para>
69       <para>While transmitting data over Internet, a progress-bar is updated.
70         User can cancel current network operation by emitting SIGINT signal
71         (<keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>C</keycap></keycombo>
72         usually).</para>
73     </refsection>
75     <refsection>
76       <title>Options</title>
78       <variablelist>
79         <varlistentry>
80           <term><option>-c <replaceable>FILE</replaceable></option></term>
81           <listitem>
82             <simpara>Use configuration <replaceable>FILE</replaceable> instead
83             of default one.</simpara>
84           </listitem>
85         </varlistentry>
87         <varlistentry>
88           <term><option>-e <replaceable>COMMANDS</replaceable></option></term>
89           <listitem>
90             <simpara>Run shigofumi in batch mode: execute each command and
91               terminate then.</simpara>
93             <simpara>Commands are delimited by new line (<literal>\n</literal>
94               or <literal>\r</literal>). If any command fails, other commands
95               will not be processed and shigofumi will quit immediately with
96               non-zero exit code. If all commands succeed, shigofumi will return
97               zero code.</simpara>
99             <example>
100               <title>Authorized Conversion from Shell</title>
102               <programlisting>$ shigofumi -e 'convert /etc/passwd'</programlisting>
104               <simpara>The command submits <filename>/etc/passwd</filename>
105                 file to authorized conversion. Although it's syntactically
106                 correct, it will fail because plain text files are not allowed
107                 to be converted. Check always return code in your scripts.</simpara>
108             </example>
109           </listitem>
110         </varlistentry>
112         <varlistentry>
113           <term><option>-V</option></term>
114           <listitem>
115             <simpara>Show program version and linked libraries details and
116               exit.</simpara>
117           </listitem>
118         </varlistentry>
119       </variablelist>
120     </refsection>
122     <refsection>
123       <title>Shigofumi Command Language</title>
125       <simpara>The language is straightforward. Each command is one case sensitive
126         word followed by (empty) sequence of arguments. Command and arguments
127         are separated by one or more white spaces. If you need to embed white
128         space into argument, use backslash (<literal>\</literal>) to escape
129         it. If you need to write backslash, escape it with backslash again.
130         Also quotation is supported with double quotes (<literal>"</literal>).
131         White space and pipe symbol loose their delimiting properties until next
132         double quotes. Backslash is still meta-character inside quoted string and
133         it can be used to embed double quotes into quoted string.</simpara>
135       <simpara>The argument list can be terminated prematurely with pipe
136         character (<literal>|</literal>). In that case, the rest of the line
137         will be considered as shell command and output of preceding shigofumi
138         command will be passed to standard input of the shell command.</simpara>
140       <simpara>If argument type is file name, you can use tilde symbol
141         (<literal>~</literal>) as abbreviation for user's home directory. Home
142         directory is derived from <envar>HOME</envar> environment
143         variable.</simpara>
145       <simpara>Command names, file names and message identifiers can be
146         completed by pressing completion key (depends on readline
147         configuration, <keycap>Tab</keycap> usually). They are expanded only
148         after commands expecting argument of appropriate type.</simpara>
150       <simpara>Set of available commands changes with context.
151         <abbrev>E.g.</abbrev> If a message is loaded, commands for message
152         operation like save to file will become available. Also meaning of the
153         same command can change. <abbrev>E.g.</abbrev> <command>show</command>
154         command will print list of incoming messages if such list is
155         loaded; if a message is loaded, it will print the message. List of
156         currently available commands can be obtained by
157         <command>help</command> command.</simpara>
159       <simpara>Syntax help for a command is printed after calling command with
160         invalid option or by <command>help</command> command with interested
161         command as first argument. Command option <option>-h</option> is
162         reserved as invalid option and shows always command usage.</simpara>
163     </refsection>
165     <refsection>
166       <title><abbrev>ISDS</abbrev></title>
168       <para><abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> (<phrase lang="cs">Informační systém
169           datových schránek</phrase> / Data Box Information System) is defined
170         by
171         <ulink url="">Czech
172           <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> Act (300/2008 <abbrev>Coll.</abbrev>)</ulink>
173         and implied documents. Current implementation details are described in
174         <phrase lang="cs">Provozní řád</phrase> that can be downloaded from
175         <ulink url="">Documents
176           section of <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> Information Portal</ulink>.</para>
178       <para>The system is designed to deliver messages between public
179         authorities (government, courts <abbrev>etc.</abbrev>) and other
180         entities (corporations, persons, other government or municipality
181         offices) in reliable and traceable way.</para>
183       <para>Shigofumi implements following <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> operations:
184         <simplelist type="inline"><member>Log in by name and password</member>
185           <member>Log in by name and password and one-time pasword</member>
186           <member>Log in by name and/or password and/or X.509 certificate</member>
187           <member>Listing incoming and outgoing message</member>
188           <member>Accepting commercial message</member>
189           <member>Retrieving incoming and outgoing message</member>
190           <member>Explicit marking a message as read</member>
191           <member>Verifying message hash</member>
192           <member>Getting message hash stored in <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev></member>
193           <member>Verifying message authenticity</member>
194           <member>Retrieving delivery details</member>
195           <member>Getting message sender name</member>
196           <member>Sending a message to one or more recipients</member>
197           <member>Searching a box by any criteria</member>
198           <member>Searching a box by full-text</member>
199           <member>Getting a box status</member>
200           <member>Changing user password</member>
201           <member>Getting user password expiration time</member>
202           <member>Getting details about user's box</member>
203           <member>Listing box users</member>
204           <member>Getting archive with list of all boxes</member>
205           <member>Re-signing message or delivery datails</member>
206           <member>Getting details about credit for sending commercial messages</member>
207       </simplelist>.</para>
209       <para>In addition, Shigofumi can save a message and delivery details
210         into local file and load it later again. Program can save each
211         document into local file.</para>
212     </refsection>
214     <refsection>
215       <title>Authorized conversion</title>
217       <para>Czech government offers a document conversion from digital to analogue
218         form and vice versa preserving legal impacts. This is done at Czech POINT
219         meeting place (in government, municipality or post office usually). Visit <ulink
220         url="">Czech POINT web site</ulink> for more
221         details.</para>
223       <para>Shigofumi allows to submit a digital document (local file or
224         document delivered by an <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> message) for
225         authorized conversion into Czech POINT deposit. If deposit accepts
226         the document, it will return a document identifier that user is
227         required to tell to an officer in a office where he wants to obtain
228         analogue version of his document.</para>
230       <para>Please note the deposit keeps submitted document for limited
231         period only. Old documents (30 days currently) are removed
232         automatically. Note also PDF documents with valid digital signature
233         can be converted only.</para>
234     </refsection>
236     <refsection>
237       <title>Environment</title>
238       <variablelist>
239         <varlistentry>
240           <term><envar>EDITOR</envar></term>
241           <listitem>
242             <simpara>Text editor to use if <envar>VISUAL</envar> is not
243               set.</simpara>
244           </listitem>
245         </varlistentry>
247         <varlistentry>
248           <term><envar>VISUAL</envar></term>
249           <listitem>
250             <simpara>Text editor to use.</simpara>
251           </listitem>
252         </varlistentry>
253       </variablelist>
254     </refsection>
256     <refsection>
257       <title>Files</title>
258       <variablelist>
259         <varlistentry>
260           <term><filename>~/.shigofumirc</filename></term>
261           <listitem>
262             <simpara>Default configuration file location.</simpara>
263           </listitem>
264         </varlistentry>
265       </variablelist>
266     </refsection>
268     <refsection>
269       <title>See Also</title>
270       <para>
271         <link linkend="shigofumirc.5">
272           <citerefentry>
273             <refentrytitle>shigofumirc</refentrytitle>
274             <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
275           </citerefentry>
276         </link>
277       </para>
278     </refsection>
279   </refentry>
282   <refentry id="shigofumirc.5">
283     <refmeta>
284       <refentrytitle>shigofumirc</refentrytitle>
285       <manvolnum>5</manvolnum>
286     </refmeta>
288     <refnamediv>
289       <refname>shigofumirc</refname>
290       <refpurpose>Configuration file for Shigofumi</refpurpose>
291     </refnamediv>
293     <refsection>
294       <title>Description</title>
296       <para>Configuration for shigofumi is loaded from
297         <filename>.shigofumirc</filename> in user's home directory by
298         default.</para>
300       <para>The file is plain text file with simple syntax: Setting is stored
301         in <replaceable>option</replaceable> <literal>=</literal>
302         <replaceable>value</replaceable> format. If value is a type of string,
303         it must be delimited by quotation marks. Boolean values can be
304         expressed as <literal>"true"</literal> or non-zero integer
305         (<literal>1</literal>) for affirmation, or <literal>"false"</literal>
306         or zero integer (<literal>0</literal>) for negation. Simple numeric
307         values are unquoted. Commentary starts with hash sign
308         (<literal>#</literal>) and continues to the end of the line.</para>
310       <para>If an option accepts list of values, the syntax is traditional
311         mathematical set notation: <literal>{</literal>
312         <replaceable>value1</replaceable> <literal>,</literal>
313         <replaceable>value2</replaceable> <literal>}</literal>.</para>
314     </refsection>
316     <refsection>
317       <title>Options</title>
319       <para>Following options are recognized. Not all of them must present.
320         Missing options fall to default value back.</para>
322       <refsection>
323         <title>Account Options</title>
325         <variablelist>
326           <varlistentry>
327             <term><literal>base_url</literal></term>
328             <listitem>
329               <simpara>Base <abbrev>URL</abbrev> for <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev>
330                 server.  Be careful when setting this value: This can reveal
331                 your password to bad guys running fake server (if you do not
332                 verify server identity preciously) and different host names
333                 are used with different log-in mechanism. In addition, there
334                 are two system instances administrated by Czech government:
335                 official one and testing one.</simpara>
337               <simpara><abbrev>E.g.</abbrev> use
338                 <literal>""</literal> for testing
339                 instance of ISDS or
340                 <literal>""</literal> for
341                 official instance with valid and legal data when logging in
342                 without <abbrev>TLS</abbrev> client certificate. Otherwise,
343                 with client certificate in use, replace the
344                 <literal>ws1</literal> domain with <literal>ws1c</literal>
345                 domain. Or, with <abbrev>OTP</abbrev> authentication, replace
346                 with <literal>www</literal> domain. <abbrev>I.e.</abbrev>
347                 <literal>""</literal> for testing
348                 instance with certificate authentication or
349                 <literal>""</literal> for
350                 official instance with <abbrev>OTP</abbrev>
351                 authentication.</simpara>
353               <simpara>Do not forget on leading protocol schema and trailing
354                 slash. Default value is official instance locator suitable for
355                 selected authentication method provided by libisds
356                 library.</simpara>
357             </listitem>
358           </varlistentry>
360           <varlistentry>
361             <term><literal>certificate_format</literal></term>
362             <listitem>
363               <simpara>Format of client certificate used to
364                 authenticate user into <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev>. Three distinct
365                 values are recognized: <literal>PEM</literal> for Base64
366                 serialization to file, <literal>DER</literal> for binary
367                 serialization to file, and <literal>ENG</literal> to specify
368                 the certificate is stored in cryptographic engine.
369                 Default value is empty string.</simpara>
370             </listitem>
371           </varlistentry>
373           <varlistentry>
374             <term><literal>certificate_path</literal></term>
375             <listitem>
376               <simpara>File where client certificate used to authenticate
377                 user into <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> is, if
378                 <literal>certificate_format</literal> option is set to
379                 <literal>PEM</literal> or <literal>DER</literal>. If
380                 <literal>certificate_format</literal> is
381                 <literal>ENG</literal>, this is an identifier of the
382                 certificate inside the cryptograhic engine.
383                 <abbrev>NSS</abbrev> library uses this option as certificate
384                 nickname. Default value is empty string signaling not to
385                 authenticate user by a certificate.</simpara>
386             </listitem>
387           </varlistentry>
389           <varlistentry>
390             <term><literal>key_engine</literal></term>
391             <listitem>
392               <simpara>Cryptographic engine holding client private key and/or
393                 certificate used to authenticate user into
394                 <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev>. The value identifies a device
395                 (<abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> a smart card) known to underlying
396                 cryptographic library where key and/or certificate is stored.
397                 Interpretation depends on the cryptographic library.  This
398                 option takes effect only if <literal>key_format</literal> or
399                 <literal>certificate_format</literal> is
400                 <literal>ENG</literal>.  Default value is empty
401                 string.</simpara>
402             </listitem>
403           </varlistentry>
405           <varlistentry>
406             <term><literal>key_format</literal></term>
407             <listitem>
408               <simpara>Format of client key used to authenticate user into
409                 <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev>. Three distinct values are recognized:
410                 <literal>PEM</literal> for Base64 serialization to file,
411                 <literal>DER</literal> for binary serialization to file, and
412                 <literal>ENG</literal> to specify the key is stored in
413                 cryptographic engine. Default value is empty string.</simpara>
414             </listitem>
415           </varlistentry>
417           <varlistentry>
418             <term><literal>key_path</literal></term>
419             <listitem>
420               <simpara>File where client key used to authenticate
421                 user into <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> is, if
422                 <literal>key_format</literal> option is set to
423                 <literal>PEM</literal> or <literal>DER</literal>. If
424                 <literal>key_format</literal> is <literal>ENG</literal>, this
425                 is an identifier of the key inside the cryptograhic engine.
426                 <abbrev>NSS</abbrev> library uses this option as certificate
427                 nickname. Default value is empty string. This can
428                 mean the key is stored along the certificate.</simpara>
429             </listitem>
430           </varlistentry>
432           <varlistentry>
433             <term><literal>key_password</literal></term>
434             <listitem>
435               <simpara>Password protecting private key used for client
436                 authentication using asymetric cryptography. Default value is
437                 empty string. Underlying cryptographic library can raise its
438                 own password query or require to obtain the code in other way
439                 (<abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> typing <abbrev>PIN</abbrev> on smart
440                 card reader key pad).</simpara>
441             </listitem>
442           </varlistentry>
444           <varlistentry>
445             <term><literal>otp_method</literal></term>
446             <listitem>
447               <simpara>One-time password authentication method. Default value
448                 is undefined string what means do not use <abbrev>OTP</abbrev>
449                 authentication. If this option is defined, <abbrev>OTP</abbrev>
450                 will be used for authentication. Two methods are recognised:
451                 <literal>HOTP</literal> for HMAC-based One-Time Password method
452                 and <literal>TOTP</literal> for Time-based One-Time Password
453                 method.</simpara>
454             </listitem>
455           </varlistentry>
457           <varlistentry>
458             <term><literal>otp_code</literal></term>
459             <listitem>
460               <simpara>One-time code for <abbrev>OTP</abbrev>
461                 authentication.</simpara>
463               <simpara>If HMAC-based method is used, this code will be
464                 computed in a device or a piece of software which should be in
465                 exclusive possession of its user.</simpara>
467               <simpara>If Time-based method is used, the code will be
468                 generated by <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> server and delivered to the
469                 user by a side channel. (The channel is an
470                 <abbrev>SMS</abbrev> currently. Because the delivery is
471                 specialy charged, the time code generation is protected by
472                 plain password too. User sends standard password without
473                 <abbrev>OTP</abbrev> code first, then server delivers code by
474                 the <abbrev>SMS</abbrev> message and finally user will retry
475                 log-in with both password and both <abbrev>OTP</abbrev>
476                 code.)</simpara>
478               <simpara>Default value is empty string and user will be asked
479                 interactively for the <abbrev>OTP</abbrev> code when needed.
480                 Because of dynamic nature of this code, setting the value in
481                 a configuration file is pointless. However you could rewrite
482                 this value for each shigofumi run in batch mode.</simpara>
483             </listitem>
484           </varlistentry>
486           <varlistentry>
487             <term><literal>password</literal></term>
488             <listitem>
489               <simpara>Password assigned to given user-name. User must keep it
490                 in secret. This password is used while <abbrev>HTTP</abbrev>
491                 authentication and
492                 is passed to underlying network libraries. Make sure this
493                 configuration file or your swap partition (network library
494                 together with password can be swapped out during physical
495                 memory outage) will not get to bad guys. Encrypt them before.
496                 Default value is empty string.</simpara>
497             </listitem>
498           </varlistentry>
500           <varlistentry>
501             <term><literal>username</literal></term>
502             <listitem>
503               <simpara><abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> user log-in name. Identifies
504                 a user in <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev>. One person can have more
505                 identities. Default value is empty string.</simpara>
506             </listitem>
507           </varlistentry>
508         </variablelist>
509       </refsection>
511       <refsection>
512         <title><abbrev>TLS</abbrev> Options</title>
514         <variablelist>
515           <varlistentry>
516             <term><literal>ca_directory</literal></term>
517             <listitem>
518               <simpara>Path to directory with trusted authorities certificates
519                 stored in separate files (files must have special names
520                 usually).  Default value is provided by underlying
521                 cryptographic library.  Exact meaning of this option depends
522                 on interpretation by used cryptographic library.</simpara>
523             </listitem>
524           </varlistentry>
526           <varlistentry>
527             <term><literal>ca_file</literal></term>
528             <listitem>
529               <simpara>Path to file with trusted authorities certificates
530                 (concatenated list of <abbrev>PEM</abbrev>-formatted
531                 certificates). Default value is provided by underlying
532                 cryptographic library. Exact meaning of this option depends on
533                 interpretation by used cryptographic library.</simpara>
534             </listitem>
535           </varlistentry>
537           <varlistentry>
538             <term><literal>crl_file</literal></term>
539             <listitem>
540               <simpara>Path to file with certificate revocation lists
541                 (concatenated list of <abbrev>CRL</abbrev>s in
542                 <abbrev>PEM</abbrev> format usually).  Default value is
543                 provided by underlying cryptographic library.  Exact meaning
544                 of this option depends on interpretation by used cryptographic
545                 library.</simpara>
546             </listitem>
547           </varlistentry>
549           <varlistentry>
550             <term><literal>verify_server</literal></term>
551             <listitem>
552               <simpara>Boolean switch deciding whether server identity should
553                 be verified. When using <abbrev>HTTPS</abbrev> connection to
554                 the server, the identity of server can be verified in
555                 <abbrev>TLS</abbrev> negotiation phase by validating server
556                 certificate against trusted certificate authority certificate
557                 and certificate revocation list. Default value is true. It's
558                 strongly recommended to keep it on.</simpara>
559             </listitem>
560           </varlistentry>
561         </variablelist>
562       </refsection>
564       <refsection>
565         <title>Network Options</title>
567         <variablelist>
568           <varlistentry>
569             <term><literal>timeout</literal></term>
570             <listitem>
571               <simpara>Non-negative integer setting network time-out in
572                 milliseconds. Use 0 not to limit any network operation.
573                 Default value is 10,000 ms.</simpara>
574             </listitem>
575           </varlistentry>
576         </variablelist>
577       </refsection>
579       <refsection>
580         <title>Log Options</title>
581         <variablelist>
582           <varlistentry>
583             <term><literal>log_facilities</literal></term>
584             <listitem>
585               <para>List of string values selecting libisds facility to
586                 log. Valid values are: <simplelist type="inline">
587                   <member><literal>none</literal></member>
588                   <member><literal>http</literal></member>
589                   <member><literal>soap</literal></member>
590                   <member><literal>isds</literal></member>
591                   <member><literal>file</literal></member>
592                   <member><literal>sec</literal></member>
593                   <member><literal>xml</literal></member>
594                   <member><literal>all</literal></member>
595                 </simplelist>.
596                 Default set is <literal>{"none"}</literal>.
597               </para>
598             </listitem>
599           </varlistentry>
601           <varlistentry>
602             <term><literal>log_file</literal></term>
603             <listitem>
604               <simpara>String value selecting file to append
605                 <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> log. The log catches libisds internal
606                 debugging protocol. It does not cover messages produces by
607                 shigofumi itself. This feature is designed to debug underlying
608                 libraries and protocols like <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev>,
609                 <abbrev>SOAP</abbrev>, or cURL's <abbrev>HTTP(S)</abbrev>.
610                 If undefined, shigofumi logs to standard error output.</simpara>
611             </listitem>
612           </varlistentry>
614           <varlistentry>
615             <term><literal>log_level</literal></term>
616             <listitem>
617               <simpara>Integer value setting log verbosity of libisds from
618                 interval &lt;0;100&gt;. 0 is no logging, 10 is critical
619                 messages, 20 errors, 30 warnings, 40 informative messages,
620                 50 debug messages, 100 messages of all severities. Default
621                 log level is 20.</simpara>
622             </listitem>
623           </varlistentry>
624         </variablelist>
625       </refsection>
627       <refsection>
628         <title>Other Options</title>
629         <variablelist>
630           <varlistentry>
631             <term><literal>clean_temporary_files</literal></term>
632             <listitem>
633               <simpara>Boolean switch deciding whether to remove temporary
634                 files at shigofumi exit. This applies to files created for
635                 <command>opendoc</command> command, as external utility can
636                 access the file after quiting shigofumi. Default value is
637                 true.</simpara>
638             </listitem>
639           </varlistentry>
641           <varlistentry>
642             <term><literal>confirm_send</literal></term>
643             <listitem>
644               <simpara>Boolean switch deciding whether to require confirmation
645                 before sending composed message. Default value is
646                 true.</simpara>
647             </listitem>
648           </varlistentry>
650           <varlistentry>
651             <term><literal>mark_message_read</literal></term>
652             <listitem>
653               <simpara>Boolean switch deciding whether right downloaded
654                 incoming messages should be marked as read automatically.
655                 If true, change message state to read on the server.
656                 Otherwise keep message state intact. Default value is
657                 false.</simpara>
659               <simpara>You can change the state to read state by
660                 <command>read</command> command manually latter.</simpara>
662               <simpara>Be ware <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> web portal marks messages
663                 as read automatically. Note, there is no way to unmark
664                 a message to unread state back.</simpara>
665             </listitem>
666           </varlistentry>
668           <varlistentry>
669             <term><literal>normalize_mime_type</literal></term>
670             <listitem>
671               <simpara>Boolean switch deciding whether <abbrev>MIME</abbrev>
672                 type of documents retrieved from a message should be normalized
673                 to standard values. Default value is true.</simpara>
675               <simpara><abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> does not check document
676                 <abbrev>MIME</abbrev> type a client supplies. Unfortunately,
677                 official client sends invalid values (file name extension
678                 usually). This option allows Shigofumi to fix the type
679                 on-the-fly. Be ware the original value stored in
680                 <abbrev>ISDS</abbrev> or locally saved message keeps
681                 untouched.</simpara>
682             </listitem>
683           </varlistentry>
685           <varlistentry>
686             <term><literal>open_command</literal></term>
687             <listitem>
688               <simpara>List of string values defining external utility to
689                 execute when opening a document.</simpara>
691               <simpara>First value is command, other values are command
692                 arguments in order. If command is not absolute file name, it's
693                 located according <envar>PATH</envar> environment variable.
694                 If value contains <literal>%f</literal> substring, it will be
695                 expanded to name of file to open. If value contains
696                 <literal>%t</literal> substring, it will be expanded to
697                 <abbrev>MIME</abbrev> type of document to open. Use
698                 <literal>%%</literal> sequence to escape per-cent
699                 character.</simpara>
701               <simpara>Default value is
702                 <literal>{"xdg-open", "%f"}</literal>.</simpara>
703             </listitem>
704           </varlistentry>
706           <varlistentry>
707             <term><literal>overwrite_files</literal></term>
708             <listitem>
709               <simpara>Boolean switch deciding whether newly created files
710                 should overwrite existing ones. If true, existing files will
711                 be overwritten silently. Otherwise error wil be raised.
712                 Default value is true.</simpara>
714               <simpara>This does not apply to log file. Its new content is
715                 appended always.</simpara>
716             </listitem>
717           </varlistentry>
718         </variablelist>
719       </refsection>
721         <!--varlistentry>
722           <term><literal></literal></term>
723           <listitem>
724             <simpara></simpara>
725           </listitem>
726         </varlistentry-->
727     </refsection>
729     <refsection>
730       <title>Notice on cryptographic library</title>
732       <para>Shigofumi uses libisds that utilizes cURL library that can use
733         three different cryptographic libraries at this time: OpenSSL, GnuTLS
734         and NSS. Each library has different set of features and different
735         configuration. Thus exact meaning of some Shigofumi configuration
736         options can be slightly shifted (<abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> the
737         name of client certificate and key). Some options cannot be understood
738         at all (<abbrev>e.g.</abbrev> GnuTLS does not support directory of
739         certificates).</para>
741       <para>Current cryptographic library can be determined from
742         <command>shigofumi -V</command> output.</para>
743     </refsection>
745     <refsection>
746       <title>Files</title>
747       <variablelist>
748         <varlistentry>
749           <term><filename>~/.shigofumirc</filename></term>
750           <listitem>
751             <simpara>Default location of the configuration file.</simpara>
752           </listitem>
753         </varlistentry>
754       </variablelist>
755     </refsection>
757     <refsection>
758       <title>Example</title>
759       <programlisting><![CDATA[base_url = ""
760 # These credentials are invalid
761 username = 1s79vd
762 password = XY123456
763 verify_server = true
764 ca_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
765 ca_directory = /etc/ssl/certs
766 crl_file = /etc/ssl/crl
767 log_facilities = {"http", "soap"}
768 ]]></programlisting>
769     </refsection>
771     <refsection>
772       <title>See Also</title>
773       <para>
774         <link linkend="shigofumi.1">
775           <citerefentry>
776             <refentrytitle>shigofumi</refentrytitle>
777             <manvolnum>1</manvolnum>
778           </citerefentry>
779         </link>
780       </para>
781     </refsection>
782   </refentry>
784 </reference>