1 This README resides in the top directory of Shapes.
5 Shapes is a functional drawing language. It is used to produce scalable graphics in the PDF format. Typically, an illustration is created by typing Shapes source code in a text file, which is then compiled to PDF using the Shapes compiler.
8 ===( Directory map )===
10 Important items in this directory include:
12 o COPYING -- The GPL licence under which this software is distributed.
14 o INSTALL -- (present only if this is a distribution package) a file with installation instructions, corresponding to http://lang-shapes.sourceforge.net/doc/install.html.
16 o VERSION -- A brief, manually compiled, change log.
18 o doc/ -- documentation, consisting of both sources and tools for producing documentation in various formats. Documentation in the HTML format can be browsed directly at
19 http://lang-shapes.sourceforge.net/doc/
21 o edit/ -- text editor plug-ins that support editing Shapes programs.
23 o examples/ -- example programs.
25 o source/ -- sources for the Shapes compiler.
27 o resources/ -- files used by the Shapes compiler, such as standard extensions.
30 ===( Further information )===
32 On the Shapes homepage,
33 http://lang-shapes.sourceforge.net/
34 you will find language documentation, download links, dependencies, how to get involved, and more.