Remove old documentation chapter on core bindings
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1 /* This file is part of Shapes.
3 * Shapes is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6 * any later version.
8 * Shapes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 * along with Shapes. If not, see <>.
16 * Copyright 2008, 2010 Henrik Tidefelt
19 #include <cmath>
21 #include "shapestypes.h"
22 #include "shapesexceptions.h"
23 #include "astexpr.h"
24 #include "consts.h"
25 #include "angleselect.h"
26 #include "astvar.h"
27 #include "astclass.h"
28 #include "statetypes.h"
29 #include "lighttypes.h"
30 #include "shadingtypes.h"
31 #include "globals.h"
32 #include "zbufinternals.h"
33 #include "constructorrepresentation.h"
34 #include "warn.h"
36 #include <ctype.h>
37 #include <list>
38 #include <algorithm>
40 using namespace Shapes;
42 namespace Shapes
44 namespace Computation
47 struct SplitJob
49 // This is not the most natural place to define CompoundObject, but since we need it...
50 typedef std::list< Computation::ZBufTriangle > CompoundObject;
52 CompoundObject::iterator splitted_;
53 std::vector< CompoundObject * >::iterator splittingObject_;
54 CompoundObject::iterator splitting_;
56 SplitJob( const CompoundObject::iterator & splitted, const std::vector< CompoundObject * >::iterator & splittingObject, const CompoundObject::iterator & splitting )
57 : splitted_( splitted ), splittingObject_( splittingObject ), splitting_( splitting )
58 { }
64 RefCountPtr< const Lang::Drawable2D >
65 Lang::ZSorter::typed_to2D( const Kernel::PassedDyn & dyn, const Lang::Transform3D & tf, const RefCountPtr< const Lang::Drawable3D > & self ) const
67 Concrete::Length eyez = dyn->getEyeZ( );
69 std::list< RefCountPtr< const Lang::LightSource > > commonLights;
70 std::list< RefCountPtr< const Lang::LightSource > > allShadowLights;
73 typedef typeof *lightPile_ PileType;
74 for( PileType::const_iterator src = lightPile_->begin( ); src != lightPile_->end( ); ++src )
76 if( (*src)->shadows( ) )
78 allShadowLights.push_back( (*src)->typed_transformed( tf ) );
80 else
82 commonLights.push_back( (*src)->typed_transformed( tf ) );
87 if( ! allShadowLights.empty( ) )
89 throw Exceptions::MiscellaneousRequirement( "Shadow lights cannot be used in a z-sorter." );
92 // There is one queue per original object. This structure will be where all the
93 // triangles resides at the beginning of the treatment of each shadow light or the
94 // view occlusion computation.
96 // We begin by initializing these queues.
97 typedef Computation::SplitJob::CompoundObject CompoundObject; // It is a bit unnatural to define the type somewhere but here...
99 const size_t pileSize = pile_->size( );
100 size_t triangleCount = 0;
102 // Now the main storage for triangles is set up
103 typedef PtrOwner_back_Access< std::vector< CompoundObject * > > CompoundMemType;
104 CompoundMemType compoundMem;
105 compoundMem.reserve( pileSize );
107 // Then we fill it with triangles that don't intersect.
108 // Note that it is a responsibility of push_zBufTriangles to not push any tiny triangles.
110 Computation::SplicingLine spliceLine;
111 std::list< Computation::SplitJob > job;
112 typedef typeof *pile_ PileType;
113 for( PileType::const_iterator src = pile_->begin( ); src != pile_->end( ); ++src )
115 std::list< Computation::ZBufTriangle > * tmpList = new std::list< Computation::ZBufTriangle >;
116 // Since there cannot be shadow lights in a z sorter, it is OK not to include the backsides of single sided facets.
117 (*src)->push_zBufTriangles( tf, eyez, tmpList, true ); // true means allow dropping back sides of single sided objects
118 for( CompoundObject::iterator i = tmpList->begin( ); i != tmpList->end( ); ++i )
120 typedef std::vector< CompoundObject * >::iterator ObjectIterator;
121 for( ObjectIterator o = compoundMem.begin( ); o != compoundMem.end( ); ++o )
123 for( CompoundObject::iterator j = (*o)->begin( ); j != (*o)->end( ); ++j )
125 if( j->intersection( *i, & spliceLine ) &&
126 j->overlapsAlong( *i, spliceLine, Computation::theTrixelizeOverlapTol ) )
128 job.push_back( Computation::SplitJob( i, o, j ) );
129 goto splitFound1;
133 splitFound1:
134 continue; // this is just a no-op to make this a valid jump destination
136 while( ! job.empty( ) )
138 Computation::SplitJob & currentJob = job.front( );
139 if( ! currentJob.splitted_->intersection( *currentJob.splitting_, & spliceLine ) )
141 throw Exceptions::InternalError( "These triangles were known to intsersect, and now they're parallel!" );
144 // New triangles are added to the end of tmpList, and the iterator to the first new triangle is returned.
145 CompoundObject::iterator i = currentJob.splitted_->spliceAlong( spliceLine, tmpList );
147 // Now the procedure from above is repeated, but not comparing against triangles that have already been checked.
148 for( ; i != tmpList->end( ); ++i )
150 CompoundObject::iterator j = currentJob.splitting_;
151 ++j;
152 typedef std::vector< CompoundObject * >::iterator ObjectIterator;
153 for( ObjectIterator o = currentJob.splittingObject_; o != compoundMem.end( ); ++o )
155 // For the splitting object object (the first in this loop), the first triangle to compare against
156 // was set above. For the other object, all triangles shall be compared against (that is, j starts from
157 // the beginning).
158 if( o != currentJob.splittingObject_ )
160 j = (*o)->begin( );
162 for( ; j != (*o)->end( ); ++j )
164 if( j->intersection( *i, & spliceLine ) &&
165 j->overlapsAlong( *i, spliceLine, Computation::theTrixelizeOverlapTol ) )
167 job.push_back( Computation::SplitJob( i, o, j ) );
168 goto splitFound2;
172 splitFound2:
173 continue; // this is just a no-op to make this a valid jump destination
176 tmpList->erase( currentJob.splitted_ );
177 job.pop_front( );
179 compoundMem.push_back( tmpList );
180 triangleCount += tmpList->size( );
185 // In order to be able to deal with the triangles efficiently from here on, I put them all in a long vector.
186 // This has one drawback, though, being that we will lose track of the fact that triangles belonging to the same
187 // facet does not have to be checked for depth order. However, I count on them not being ordered thanks to the
188 // tolerance used in the overlap test.
189 std::vector< const Computation::ZBufTriangle * > triangleMem;
190 triangleMem.reserve( triangleCount );
191 for( std::vector< CompoundObject * >::iterator o = compoundMem.begin( ); o != compoundMem.end( ); ++o )
193 for( CompoundObject::iterator j = (*o)->begin( ); j != (*o)->end( ); ++j )
195 triangleMem.push_back( & *j );
198 if( triangleMem.size( ) != triangleCount )
200 throw Exceptions::InternalError( "Some triangles are missing!" );
204 // I keep track of which objects an object has to be drawn after. The objects that are not
205 // waiting for other objects to be drawn are kept in a special list.
206 // To do this efficiently, each object need to know how many objects it is waiting for to be
207 // drawn. It must also know what objects to update when it has been drawn. An object is identified
208 // by the pointer to its list, so the additional information must be kept in a separate structure.
209 // As usual, objects are identified by their position in a memory vector.
210 // At this state, "to draw" an object means to place it in drawOrder.
212 std::list< const Computation::ZBufTriangle * > drawOrder;
213 if( triangleCount > 0 ) // This avoids a bug that would otherwise occur due to computing triangleCount - 1
215 std::vector< size_t > waitCounters;
216 waitCounters.resize( triangleCount, 0 );
217 std::vector< std::list< size_t > > waitingObjects;
218 waitingObjects.resize( triangleCount );
220 // We begin by setting up waitingObjects and waitCounters.
221 // This involves testing each object against all other objects.
222 for( size_t i0 = 0; i0 < triangleCount - 1; ++i0 ) // Ugly bug if triangleCount == 0
224 const Computation::ZBufTriangle * t0 = triangleMem[ i0 ];
225 for( size_t i1 = i0 + 1; i1 < triangleCount; ++i1 )
227 const Computation::ZBufTriangle * t1 = triangleMem[ i1 ];
228 if( t0->overlaps( *t1 ) )
230 Concrete::Coords2D commonPoint( 0, 0 );
231 if( ! t0->overlaps( *t1, & commonPoint, Computation::theTrixelizeOverlapTol ) )
233 // Too little overlap.
234 continue;
236 if( t0->isOnTopOfAt( *t1, commonPoint ) )
238 waitingObjects[ i1 ].push_back( i0 );
239 ++waitCounters[ i0 ];
241 else
243 waitingObjects[ i0 ].push_back( i1 );
244 ++waitCounters[ i1 ];
250 // Then the queue of objects to be "drawn" is initialized.
251 std::list< size_t > drawQueue;
252 std::map< const Computation::PaintedPolygon3D *, size_t > trianglesInPolygon;
254 std::vector< size_t >::iterator wi = waitCounters.begin( );
255 for( size_t i = 0; i < triangleCount; ++i, ++wi )
257 if( *wi == 0 )
259 drawQueue.push_back( i );
260 ++trianglesInPolygon[ triangleMem[ i ]->painter_ ];
265 // Now, when the triangles are "drawn", that is, placed in drawOrder, they shall be placed so
266 // in such a way that triangles that belong to the same polygon appear in sequence as often as possible.
267 // While there is probably accurate ways to treat this problem, I resort to some simple heuristics here.
268 // The question is basically how to pick a polygon among those than contain a triangle that may be drawn.
270 size_t drawnCount = 0;
271 while( drawnCount < triangleCount )
273 while( ! drawQueue.empty( ) )
275 // First, use find the polygon whith the most triangles in drawQueue.
276 const Computation::PaintedPolygon3D * painter = 0;
278 // Note that triangles that belong to the same polygon will never overlap, and hence drawing triangles that belong
279 // to painter will not make other triangles that belong to painter ready to be drawn. This algorithm depends on
280 // this!
282 size_t bestCount = 0;
284 typedef typeof trianglesInPolygon MapType;
285 MapType::iterator best_j;
286 for( MapType::iterator j = trianglesInPolygon.begin( ); j != trianglesInPolygon.end( ); ++j )
288 if( j->second > bestCount )
290 bestCount = j->second;
291 best_j = j;
294 painter = best_j->first;
295 trianglesInPolygon.erase( best_j ); // If we need this again it will be re-created.
298 // Soon, bestCount triangles will have been drawn, but the value of bestCount will then be destroyed.
299 drawnCount += bestCount;
301 // There shall be bestCount triangles to draw, so by counting the number of triangles we find we may not
302 // have to search all of drawQueue.
303 for( std::list< size_t >::iterator ii = drawQueue.begin( ); bestCount > 0; )
305 size_t i = *ii;
306 if( triangleMem[ i ]->painter_ != painter )
308 ++ii;
309 continue;
312 std::list< size_t >::iterator erase_i = ii;
313 ++ii;
314 drawQueue.erase( erase_i );
315 --bestCount;
317 drawOrder.push_back( triangleMem[ i ] );
318 triangleMem[ i ] = 0;
320 const std::list< size_t > & waitList = waitingObjects[ i ];
321 for( std::list< size_t >::const_iterator j = waitList.begin( ); j != waitList.end( ); ++j )
323 --waitCounters[ *j ];
324 if( waitCounters[ *j ] == 0 )
326 drawQueue.push_back( *j );
327 // Note that it is assumed that ( triangleMem[ *j ]->painter_ != painter ) !
328 // if( triangleMem[ *j ]->painter_ == painter )
329 // {
330 // throw Exceptions::InternalError( "Triangle waiting for another triangle in the same polygon!" );
331 // }
332 ++trianglesInPolygon[ triangleMem[ *j ]->painter_ ];
339 if( drawnCount < triangleCount )
341 // Resolve cyclic overlap the hard way...
342 WARN_OR_THROW( Exceptions::MiscellaneousRequirement( "Cyclic overlaps are not allowed in a z sorter; a small triangle had to be drawn too deep." ) )
343 Concrete::Area bestArea = HUGE_VAL;
344 size_t besti = 0;
345 // This search is a somewhat expensive since we must search the whole list.
346 typedef typeof triangleMem ListType;
347 ListType::iterator ti = triangleMem.begin( );
348 for( size_t i = 0; i < triangleCount; ++i, ++ti )
350 if( *ti == 0 )
352 continue;
354 Concrete::Area tmpArea = (*ti)->area( );
355 if( tmpArea < bestArea )
357 bestArea = tmpArea;
358 besti = i;
361 drawQueue.push_back( besti );
362 ++trianglesInPolygon[ triangleMem[ besti ]->painter_ ];
363 waitCounters[ besti ] = 0; // This will avoid that this is drawn again, since the counter will never _reach_ 0 now.
369 // It is now time to take care of the lines.
370 // The first thing we shall do is to remove what is occluded by triangles.
371 // Note that triangles will be drawn before the lines, and that is the only way lines
372 // can occlude triangles.
373 // Then, we make sure that the lines are drawn in back-to-front order, clipping occluded lines
374 // behind the line occluding them to avoid cyclic locking.
376 std::list< const Computation::ZBufLine * > lineQueue;
378 typedef typeof *linePile_ PileType;
379 for( PileType::const_iterator src = linePile_->begin( ); src != linePile_->end( ); ++src )
381 (*src)->push_zBufLine( tf, eyez, & lineQueue );
385 std::list< const Computation::ZBufLine * > disjointLines;
386 while( ! lineQueue.empty( ) )
389 std::list< const Computation::ZBufLine * > queue1;
390 std::list< const Computation::ZBufLine * > queue2;
392 std::list< const Computation::ZBufLine * > * currentQueue = & queue1;
393 std::list< const Computation::ZBufLine * > * otherQueue = & queue2;
395 currentQueue->push_back( lineQueue.front( ) );
396 lineQueue.pop_front( );
398 typedef typeof drawOrder ListType;
399 for( ListType::const_iterator i = drawOrder.begin( ); i != drawOrder.end( ); ++i )
401 while( ! currentQueue->empty( ) )
403 const Computation::ZBufLine * currentLine = currentQueue->front( );
404 currentQueue->pop_front( );
405 if( currentLine->overlaps( **i ) )
407 currentLine->splice( **i, otherQueue );
408 delete currentLine;
410 else
412 otherQueue->push_back( currentLine );
417 // swap the queues
418 std::list< const Computation::ZBufLine * > * tmp = currentQueue;
419 currentQueue = otherQueue;
420 otherQueue = tmp;
424 // When we reach here the line segments are in currentQueue.
425 // These segments are ready to be inserted in the line z buffer.
427 // The algorithm below is inefficient, because it will generally make the overlap comparison
428 // several times for any overlaping pair of line segments.
429 while( ! currentQueue->empty( ) )
431 const Computation::ZBufLine * current = currentQueue->front( );
432 currentQueue->pop_front( );
434 bool foundOverlap = false;
435 typedef typeof disjointLines ListType;
436 for( ListType::iterator i = disjointLines.begin( ); i != disjointLines.end( );
437 ++i )
439 if( current->overlaps( **i ) )
441 const Computation::ZBufLine * line = *i;
442 disjointLines.erase( i );
443 // Note that splice is responsible for deleting that of *i and current which is not used.
444 Computation::ZBufLine::splice( line, current,
445 & disjointLines,
446 currentQueue );
447 foundOverlap = true;
448 break;
451 if( ! foundOverlap )
453 disjointLines.push_back( current );
459 RefCountPtr< const Lang::Group2D > res = Lang::THE_NULL2D;
461 const bool SHOW_TRIXELS = false;
462 if( SHOW_TRIXELS )
464 // This is a debug mode
466 typedef typeof drawOrder ListType;
467 for( ListType::const_iterator i = drawOrder.begin( ); i != drawOrder.end( ); ++i )
469 res = RefCountPtr< const Lang::Group2D >( new Lang::GroupPair2D( (*i)->debugFrame( ),
470 res,
471 metaState_ ) );
474 else
476 // This is the standard mode
478 // Remember that the grouping of triangles into polygons can probably be improved!
480 typedef typeof drawOrder ListType;
481 for( ListType::iterator i = drawOrder.begin( ); i != drawOrder.end( ); ) // Note that i shall not be incremented here.
483 const Computation::PaintedPolygon3D * painter = (*i)->painter_;
484 if( painter->getColor( ) == Lang::THE_OCCLUDING_WHITE )
486 ++i;
487 continue;
490 std::list< Computation::ZBufTriangle > regions;
491 // This is a hideous copy!
492 regions.push_back( **i );
494 // Now we'll simply join the triangle **i with the immediately following triangles sharing the same painter.
495 // The job of joining triangles thus consists in placing them in a good order in drawOrder.
497 ++i;
498 for( ; i != drawOrder.end( ) && (*i)->painter_ == painter; ++i )
500 // Another hideous copy!
501 regions.push_back( **i );
504 // If this would have been a z-buffer, we should add the common lights to the shadow lights here,
505 // but in a z-sorter there are no shadow lights.
506 RefCountPtr< const Lang::PaintedPolygon2D > tmp = painter->polygon_to2D( dyn, tf, commonLights );
508 // The following statement will consume the objects in regions.
509 res = RefCountPtr< const Lang::Group2D >( new Lang::GroupPair2D( tmp->clip( & regions, tmp ),
510 res,
511 metaState_ ) );
516 // Memory cleanup of the triangles should be taken care of by compoundMem.
519 // Finally we draw the lines.
520 while( ! disjointLines.empty( ) )
522 const Computation::ZBufLine * current = disjointLines.front( );
523 disjointLines.pop_front( );
524 res = RefCountPtr< const Lang::Group2D >( new Lang::GroupPair2D( current->stroke2D( ),
525 res,
526 metaState_ ) );
527 delete current;
531 return res;