Worked on adding wordlists to current wordlist
[sgc2.git] / sgc2.praat
2 # SpeakGoodChinese 2.0
4 # Master Praat script
6 #     SpeakGoodChinese: sgc2.praat is the master GUI of SpeakGoodChinese
7 #     It is written in Praat script for the Demo window 
8 #     
9 #     Copyright (C) 2007-2010  R.J.J.H. van Son and 2010 the Netherlands Cancer Institute
10 #     The SpeakGoodChinese team are:
11 #     Guangqin Chen, Zhonyan Chen, Stefan de Koning, Eveline van Hagen, 
12 #     Rob van Son, Dennis Vierkant, David Weenink
14 #     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
15 #     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16 #     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
17 #     (at your option) any later version.
19 #     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 #     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 #     GNU General Public License for more details.
24 #     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 #     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
26 #     Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
28 # The real application name
29 sgc2.demoAppName$ = "SpeakGoodChinese2"
31 # Define variable that might be reset in Initialise*.praat
32 if not variableExists("build_SHA$")
33         build_SHA$ = "-"
34 endif
36 # These are simply "useful" defaults
37 # The local Table directory only exists when running SGC as a script
38 if build_SHA$ = "-"
39         localTableDir$ = "Data"
40 else
41         localTableDir$ = ""
42 endif
43 buttonsTableName$ = "MainPage"
44 configTableName$ = "Config"
45 buttons$ = ""
46 config$ = ""
47 recordedSound$ = ""
48 sgc.recordedSound = 0
49 te.recordedPitch = 0
50 te.buttonPressValue = 0
51 samplingFrequency = 44100
52 recordingTime = 2
54 # Pop-Up window colors
55 sgc2.popUp_bordercolor$ = "{0.5,0.5,1}"
56 sgc2.popUp_backgroundcolor$ = "{0.9,0.9,1}"
58 # If running in a packed script binary
59 if index_regex(preferencesDirectory$, "(?i'sgc2.demoAppName$')$")
60         preferencesAppDir$ = preferencesDirectory$
61 elsif index_regex(preferencesDirectory$, "[pP]raat(\-dir| Prefs)?$")
62         # If running as a Praat script, create a new preferences directory
63         if unix
64                 preferencesAppDir$ = "'preferencesDirectory$'/../.'sgc2.demoAppName$'"
65         else
66                 preferencesAppDir$ = "'preferencesDirectory$'/../'sgc2.demoAppName$'"
67         endif
68 else
69         # It has to go somewhere. Make a subdirectory in the current preferences directory
70         preferencesAppDir$ = "'preferencesDirectory$'/'sgc2.demoAppName$'"
71 endif
74 # Parameters for isolating recorded speech from noise
75 # Should be mostly left alone unless you are using ultra clean
76 # or very noisy recordings
77 noiseThresshold = -30
78 minimumPitch = 60
79 soundMargin = 0.25
80 minimumIntensity = 30
82 # Set up button height
83 buttonbevel = 0
85 # Define canvas
86 viewportMargin = 5
87 defaultFontSize = 12
88 defaultFont$ = "Helvetica"
89 defaultLineWidth = 1
91 # Set up system
92 call reset_viewport
94 # Load supporting scripts
95 # Load tables in script format
96 include CreateTables.praat
97 include CreateWordlists.praat
98 # Set up system and load preferences
99 include InitialiseSGC2.praat
100 # Include the main page buttons and procedures
101 include MainPage.praat
102 # Include the configuration page buttons and procedures
103 include Config.praat
105 # Start instruction loop
106 while demoWaitForInput()
107         .label$ = ""
108         .clickX = -1
109         .clickY = -1
110         .pressed$ = ""
111         if demoClicked()
112                 .clickX = demoX()
113                 .clickY = demoY()
114                 call buttonClicked 'buttons$' '.clickX' '.clickY'
115                 .label$ = buttonClicked.label$
116         elsif demoKeyPressed()
117                 .pressed$ = demoKey$()
118                 call keyPressed 'buttons$' '.pressed$'
119                 .label$ = keyPressed.label$
120         endif
122         # You cannot select a text field
123         if startsWith(.label$, "$")
124                 .label$ = ""
125         endif
127         # Do things
128         if .label$ != ""
129                 te.buttonPressValue = 0
130                 # Push button down
131                 call Draw_button 'buttons$' '.label$' 1
132                 call process_label '.label$' '.clickX' '.clickY' '.pressed$'
133                 # push button up
134                 call Draw_button 'buttons$' '.label$' 'te.buttonPressValue'
135         endif
136 endwhile
138 call end_program
141 ########################################################
143 # Definitions of procedures
145 ########################################################
147 # Do what is asked
148 procedure process_label .label$ .clickX .clickY .pressed$
149         # Prcoess the command
150         if .label$ <> "" and not startsWith(.label$,"!")
151                 .label$ = replace_regex$(.label$, "^[#]", "", 0)
152                 .label$ = replace$(.label$, "_", " ", 0)
153                 call process'buttons$''.label$' '.clickX' '.clickY' '.pressed$'
154         endif
155 endproc
157 # Intialize buttons
158 procedure init_buttons
159         noerase = 1
160         call Draw_all_buttons 'buttons$'
161         noerase = 0
162 endproc
164 # Draw all buttons
165 noerase = 0
166 procedure Draw_all_buttons .table$
167         .varPrefix$ = replace_regex$(.table$, "^(.)", "\l\1", 0)
168         select Table '.table$'
169         .numRows = Get number of rows
171         for .row to .numRows
172                 .label$ = Get value... '.row' Label
173         if not startsWith(.label$, "!")
174                         .pressed = 0
175                         # Determine the "pressed" state of a button
176                         # A variable with the same name as the button will act as a
177                         # "pressed state"
178                         .variableName$ = .varPrefix$+"."+(replace_regex$(.label$, "^(.)", "\l\1", 0))
179                         # Simple boolean variables
180                         if index(.variableName$, "_") <= 0 and variableExists(.variableName$)
181                                 # True: Pressed
182                                 if '.variableName$' > 0
183                                         .pressed = 2
184                                 # <0: Grayed out
185                                 elsif '.variableName$' < 0
186                                         .pressed = -1
187                                 endif
188                         elsif index(.variableName$, "_") <= 0 and variableExists("'.variableName$'$")
189                                 # Non zero: Pressed
190                                 if '.variableName$'$ <> "" and '.variableName$'$ <> "0"
191                                         .pressed = 2
192                                 endif
193                         # Complex buttons with an variableName+'_'+value structure
194                         # varableName$ -> name of button, e.g., "language"
195                         elsif index(.variableName$, "_")
196                                 .generalVar$ = left$(.variableName$, rindex(.variableName$, "_") - 1)
197                                 .currentVariableName$ = .generalVar$
198                                 # Is it a string?
199                                 if variableExists(.generalVar$+"$")
200                                         .currentVariableName$ = .generalVar$ + "$"
201                                 endif
202                                 # Remove one level of indirection
203                                 if variableExists(.currentVariableName$)
204                                         if index(.currentVariableName$, "$")
205                                                 .currentVariableName$ = '.currentVariableName$'
206                                         else
207                                                 .currentValue = '.currentVariableName$'
208                                                 .currentVariableName$ = "'.currentValue'"
209                                         endif
210                                         # Remove next level of indirection
211                                         .currentContent$ = "'.currentVariableName$'"
212                                         if .currentContent$ = "_DISABLED_"
213                                                 .pressed = -1
214                                         endif
215                                         # Reconstruct label from current values
216                                         .currentLabelValue$ = .generalVar$ + "_" + .currentContent$
217                                         # Set PRESSED from label
218                                         if .variableName$ = .currentLabelValue$
219                                                 .pressed = 2
220                                         endif
221                                 endif
222                         endif
223                         # You did erase everything before you started here? So do not do that again
224                     call Draw_button_internal 0 '.table$' '.label$' '.pressed'
225         endif
226         endfor
227 endproc
229 # Draw a button from a predefined button table
230 # Normally, erase the area around a button
231 procedure Draw_button .table$ .label$ .push
232         call Draw_button_internal 1 '.table$' '.label$' '.push'
233 endproc
235 # Use this function if you want to control erasing
236 procedure Draw_button_internal .erase_button_area .table$ .label$ .push
237         # Do not draw invisible buttons starting with #
238         goto NOBUTTON startsWith(.label$, "#")
240         # Scale rounding of rounded rectangles
241         .wc = 1
242         .mm = demo Horizontal wc to mm... '.wc' 
243     # Allow to overide ! skip directive
244     .forceDraw = 0
245     if startsWith(.label$, "+")
246         .label$ = right$(.label$, length(.label$)-1)
247         .forceDraw = 1
248     endif
250     select Table '.table$'
251     .row = Search column... Label '.label$'
252         if .row < 1
253                 call emergency_table_exit Button Table '.table$' does not have a row with label '.label$'
254         endif
256         # Perspective shift sizes
257         .shiftDown = 0
258         .shiftX = 0
259         .shiftY = 0
260         if buttonbevel <> 0
261                 .shiftDown = 0.1*buttonbevel
262         .shiftX = -0.2*buttonbevel
263         .shiftY = 0.40*buttonbevel
264         endif
266         # Set drawing parameters
267         .topBackGroundColorUp$ = "{0.93,0.93,0.93}"
268         .topLineColorUp$ = "Black"
269         .topLineWidthUp = 1.5
270         .topBackGroundColorDown$ = "{0.89,0.89,0.94}"
271         .topLineColorDown$ = "{0.2,0.2,0.2}"
272         .topLineWidthDown = 2.0
273         .topBackGroundColorDisabled$ = "{0.85,0.85,0.85}"
274         .topLineColorDisabled$ = "{0.70,0.70,0.70}"
275         .topLineWidthDisabled = 1.5
276         .flankBackGroundColorUp$ = "{0.6,0.6,0.6}"
277         .flankLineColorUp$ = "{0.2,0.2,0.2}"
278         .flankLineWidthUp = 1.5
279         .flankBackGroundColorDown$ = "{0.75,0.75,0.75}"
280         .flankLineColorDown$ = .flankLineColorUp$
281         .flankLineWidthDown = 1.5
282         .buttonFontSize = defaultFontSize
284         # Get button values
285     .leftX = Get value... '.row' LeftX
286     .rightX = Get value... '.row' RightX
287     .lowY = Get value... '.row' LowY
288     .highY = Get value... '.row' HighY
289     .buttonText$ = Get value... '.row' Text
290     .buttonColor$ = Get value... '.row' Color
291     .buttonDraw$ = Get value... '.row' Draw
292     .buttonKey$ = Get value... '.row' Key
294     .noDraw = startsWith(.label$, "!") or (.leftX < 0) or (.rightX < 0) or (.lowY < 0) or (.highY < 0)
296         .rotation = 0
297         if index_regex(.buttonText$, "^![0-9\.]+!")
298                 .rotation = extractNumber(.buttonText$, "!")
299                 .buttonText$ = replace_regex$(.buttonText$, "^![0-9\.]+!", "", 0)
300         endif
302     goto NOBUTTON .noDraw and not .forceDraw
304     # Replace button text with ALERT
305     if .push = 3
306         .buttonText$ = alertText$
307     endif
309         # Adapt font size to button size
310         .maxWidth = (.rightX - .leftX) - 2
311         .maxHeight = (.highY - .lowY) - 1
312         if .rotation = 0
313                 # Adapt size of button to length of text if necessary
314                 call adjustFontSizeOnWidth 'defaultFont$' '.buttonFontSize' '.maxWidth' '.buttonText$'
315                 .buttonFontSize = adjustFontSizeOnWidth.newFontSize
316                 if adjustFontSizeOnWidth.diff > 0
317                         .rightX += adjustFontSizeOnWidth.diff/2
318                         .leftX -= adjustFontSizeOnWidth.diff/2
319                 endif
320                 call set_font_size '.buttonFontSize'
322                 # Adapt size of button to length of text
323                 call adjustFontSizeOnHeight 'defaultFont$' '.buttonFontSize' '.maxHeight'
324                 if adjustFontSizeOnHeight.diff > 0
325                         .lowY -= adjustFontSizeOnHeight.diff/2
326                         .highY += adjustFontSizeOnHeight.diff/2
327                 endif
328                 .buttonFontSize = adjustFontSizeOnHeight.newFontSize
329         else
330                 # With non-horizontal text, only change font size
331                 call adjustRotatedFontSizeOnBox 'defaultFont$' '.buttonFontSize' '.maxWidth' '.maxHeight' '.rotation' '.buttonText$'
332                 .buttonFontSize = adjustRotatedFontSizeOnBox.newFontSize
333         endif
335         # Reset and erase button area
336         call reset_viewport
337     demo Line width... 'defaultLineWidth'
338     .shiftLeftX = .leftX
339     .shiftRightX = .rightX - .shiftX
340     .shiftLowY = .lowY - .shiftY
341     .shiftHighY = .highY
342         if .erase_button_area
343                 # Make erase area minutely larger
344                 .eraseLeft = .shiftLeftX - 0.01
345                 .eraseRight = .shiftRightX + 0.01
346                 .eraseBottom = .shiftLowY - 0.01
347                 .eraseTop = .shiftHighY + 0.01
348                 demo Paint rectangle... White .eraseLeft .eraseRight .eraseBottom .eraseTop
349         endif
351     # If label starts with "$", it is a text field. Then do not draw the button
352         if not startsWith(.label$, "$")
353         # Give some depth to button: Draw flank outline
354                 if .shiftDown or .shiftX or .shiftY
355                         if .push <= 0
356                         demo Paint rounded rectangle... '.flankBackGroundColorUp$' .shiftLeftX .shiftRightX .shiftLowY .shiftHighY '.mm'
357                                 demo Colour... '.flankLineColorUp$'
358                         demo Line width... '.flankLineWidthUp'
359                         else
360                         demo Paint rounded rectangle... '.flankBackGroundColorDown$' .shiftLeftX .shiftRightX .shiftLowY .shiftHighY '.mm'
361                                 demo Colour... '.flankLineColorDown$'
362                         demo Line width... '.flankLineWidthDown'
363                         endif
364                 demo Draw rounded rectangle... .shiftLeftX .shiftRightX .shiftLowY .shiftHighY '.mm'
365                 endif
367                 # Button Down will shift the top perspective
369         # Draw the button top
370                 if .push = 0
371                 demo Paint rounded rectangle... '.topBackGroundColorUp$' '.leftX' '.rightX' '.lowY' '.highY' '.mm'
372                         demo Colour... '.topLineColorUp$'
373                 demo Line width... '.topLineWidthUp'
374                 elsif .push < 0
375                 demo Paint rounded rectangle... '.topBackGroundColorDisabled$' '.leftX' '.rightX' '.lowY' '.highY' '.mm'
376                         demo Colour... '.topLineColorDisabled$'
377                 demo Line width... '.topLineWidthDisabled'
378                 else
379                         # Button Down
380                         .leftX += .shiftDown
381                         .rightX += .shiftDown
382                         .lowY -= .shiftDown
383                         .highY -= .shiftDown
385                 demo Paint rounded rectangle... '.topBackGroundColorDown$' .leftX .rightX .lowY .highY '.mm'
386                         demo Colour... '.topLineColorDown$'
387                 demo Line width... '.topLineWidthDown'
388                 endif
389         demo Draw rounded rectangle... '.leftX' '.rightX' '.lowY' '.highY' '.mm'
390         endif
392     # The button text and symbol
393         .horWC = demo Horizontal mm to wc... 10.0
394         .verWC = demo Vertical mm to wc... 10.0
395         if .verWC > 0
396                 .verCoeff = .horWC / .verWC
397         else
398                 .verCoeff = 1
399         endif
401     .centerX = (.leftX + .rightX)/2
402     .centerY = .lowY + 0.6*(.highY-.lowY)
403     .radius = min(.verCoeff * (.highY - .lowY ), (.rightX - .leftX))/3
404         .buttonKey$ = replace$(.buttonKey$, "\", "\\", 0)
405         .buttonKey$ = replace$(.buttonKey$, """", "\""""", 0)
406         .newText$ = replace_regex$(.buttonText$, "['.buttonKey$']", "#%&", 1)
407         if .newText$ = ""
408                 .newText$ = .buttonText$
409         endif
410         # Variable text field, read corresponding variable
411         if index(.newText$, "$$$")
412                 .fieldName$ = replace_regex$(.label$, "^[!$#]", "", 0)
413                 .fieldName$ = replace_regex$(.fieldName$, "^(.)", "\l\1", 0)
414                 .varPrefix$ = replace_regex$(.table$, "^(.)", "\l\1", 0)
415                 .newText$ = replace$(.newText$, "$$$", '.varPrefix$'.'.fieldName$'$, 0)
416         endif
417         if .push = 1 or .push = -1
418                 demo Grey
419                 if .buttonColor$ = "Red"
420                         .buttonColor$ = "Pink"
421                 elsif .buttonColor$ = "Blue"
422                         .buttonColor$ = "{0.5,0.5,1}"
423                 else
424                         .buttonColor$ = "Grey"
425                 endif
426     elsif .push >= 2
427         .buttonColor$ = "Maroon"
428         else
429         demo Colour... Black
430         endif
432     call '.buttonDraw$' '.buttonColor$' '.centerX' '.centerY' '.radius' 
433         call set_font_size '.buttonFontSize'
434     demo Colour... '.buttonColor$'
435         if .rotation = 0
436                 .anchorY = .lowY
437                 .verticalAlignment$ = "Bottom"
438         else
439                 .anchorY = .lowY + 0.5*(.highY-.lowY)
440                 .verticalAlignment$ = "Half"
441         endif
442     demo Text special... '.centerX' Centre '.anchorY' '.verticalAlignment$' 'defaultFont$' '.buttonFontSize' '.rotation' '.newText$'
443         demoShow()
445         # Reset
446         call set_font_size 'defaultFontSize'
447     demo Black
448     demo Line width... 'defaultLineWidth'
450     label NOBUTTON
451 endproc
453 procedure set_window_title .table$ .addedText$
454     select Table '.table$'
455     .row = Search column... Label !WindowTitle
456         if .row < 1
457                 call emergency_table_exit Button Table '.table$' does not have a row with label !WindowTitle
458         endif
459         .windowText$ = Get value... '.row' Text
460         call convert_praat_to_latin1 '.windowText$'
461         .windowText$ = convert_praat_to_latin1.text$
463         if index(.windowText$, "$$$")
464                 .displayWindowText$ = replace$(.windowText$, "$$$", .addedText$, 0)
465         else
466                 .displayWindowText$ = .windowText$ + .addedText$
467         endif
469     demoWindowTitle(.displayWindowText$ )
470 endproc
472 # Handle language setting 
473 procedure processLanguageCodes .table$ .label$
474         .table$ = "Config"
475     call Draw_button 'config$' Language_'config.language$' 0
476     call Draw_button 'config$' '.label$' 2
477     # Someone might have to use more than 2 chars for the language code
478     .numChars = length(.label$) - length("Language_")
479         .lang$ = right$(.label$, .numChars)
480     # Load new tables
481     call set_language '.lang$'
482 endproc
484 # Set the language
485 procedure set_language .lang$
486         .redraw_config = 0
487     # Remove old tables
488     if buttons$ <> ""
489         select Table 'buttons$'
490         Remove
491                 .redraw_config = 1
492     endif
493     if config$ <> ""
494         select Table 'config$'
495         Remove
496                 .redraw_config = 1
497     endif
499     # Set language
500         call checkTable 'buttonsTableName$'_'.lang$'
501         if checkTable.available
502                 config.language$ = .lang$
503         else
504                 config.language$ = "EN"
505         endif
507         if config.language$ = "JA"
508                 CJK font style preferences: "Japanese"
509         else
510                 CJK font style preferences: "Chinese"
511         endif
513     # Load buttons tables
514     call loadTable 'buttonsTableName$'
515     buttons$ = selected$("Table")
516     Append column... Text
517     Append column... Key
518     Append column... Helptext
519     .numLabels = Get number of rows
520     call loadTable 'buttonsTableName$'_'config.language$'
521     .buttonsLang$ = selected$("Table")
522     for .row to .numLabels
523                 select Table 'buttons$'
524                 .label$ = Get value... '.row' Label
525         call findLabel '.buttonsLang$' '.label$'
526             if findLabel.row > 0
527             select Table '.buttonsLang$'
528                 .valueText$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Text
529                 .valueKey$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Key
530                 .valueHelp$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Helptext
531                 select Table 'buttons$'
532                 Set string value... '.row' Text '.valueText$'
533                 Set string value... '.row' Key '.valueKey$'
534                 Set string value... '.row' Helptext '.valueHelp$'
535                 elsif index(.label$, "_")
536                         # Load alternative language table
537                         .startChar = rindex(.label$, "_")
538                         .otherLanguage$ = right$(.label$, length(.label$) - .startChar)
539                         call loadTable 'buttonsTableName$'_'.otherLanguage$'
540                 .otherbuttonsLang$ = selected$("Table")
541                 call findLabel '.otherbuttonsLang$' '.label$'
542                 if findLabel.row > 0
543                 select Table '.buttonsLang$'
544                         .valueText$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Text
545                         .valueKey$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Key
546                         .valueHelp$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Helptext
547                         select Table 'buttons$'
548                         Set string value... '.row' Text '.valueText$'
549                         Set string value... '.row' Key '.valueKey$'
550                         Set string value... '.row' Helptext '.valueHelp$'
551                 else
552                 call emergency_table_exit Cannot find Label: '.otherbuttonsLang$' '.label$'
553                 endif
554                         select Table '.otherbuttonsLang$'
555                         Remove
556         else
557             call emergency_table_exit Cannot find Label: '.buttonsLang$' '.label$'
558         endif
559     endfor
560     select Table '.buttonsLang$'
561     Remove
563     # Load configuration table
564     call loadTable 'configTableName$'
565     config$ = selected$("Table")
566     Append column... Text
567     Append column... Key
568     Append column... Helptext
569     .numLabels = Get number of rows
570     call loadTable 'configTableName$'_'config.language$'
571     .configLang$ = selected$("Table")
572     for .row to .numLabels
573                 select Table 'config$'
574                 .label$ = Get value... '.row' Label
575         call findLabel '.configLang$' '.label$'
576             if findLabel.row > 0
577             select Table '.configLang$'
578                 .valueText$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Text
579                 .valueKey$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Key
580                 .valueHelp$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Helptext
581                 select Table 'config$'
582                 Set string value... '.row' Text '.valueText$'
583                 Set string value... '.row' Key '.valueKey$'
584                 Set string value... '.row' Helptext '.valueHelp$'
585                 elsif index(.label$, "_")
586                         .startChar = rindex(.label$, "_")
587                         .otherLanguage$ = right$(.label$, length(.label$) - .startChar)
588                         call loadTable 'configTableName$'_'.otherLanguage$'
589                 .otherconfigLang$ = selected$("Table")
590                 call findLabel '.otherconfigLang$' '.label$'
591                 if findLabel.row > 0
592                 select Table '.otherconfigLang$'
593                         .valueText$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Text
594                         .valueKey$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Key
595                         .valueHelp$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Helptext
596                         select Table 'config$'
597                         Set string value... '.row' Text '.valueText$'
598                         Set string value... '.row' Key '.valueKey$'
599                         Set string value... '.row' Helptext '.valueHelp$'
600                 else
601                 call emergency_table_exit Cannot find Label: '.otherconfigLang$' '.label$'
602                 endif
603                         select Table '.otherconfigLang$'
604                         Remove
605         else
606             call emergency_table_exit Cannot find Label: '.configLang$' '.label$'
607         endif
608     endfor
609     select Table '.configLang$'
610     Remove
612         # Make language change visible
613         if .redraw_config
614                 call Draw_config_page
615         endif
617 endproc
619 ###############################################################
621 # Button Drawing Routines
623 ###############################################################
625 # A stub for buttons that do not have a drawing routine (yet)
626 procedure DrawNull .color$ .x .y .size
627 endproc
629 procedure DrawHelp .color$ .x .y .size
630         .currentFontSize = 24
631         .y -= .size
632         .maxHeight = 2*.size
633         call adjustFontSizeOnHeight 'defaultFont$' '.currentFontSize' '.maxHeight'
634         .currentFontSize = adjustFontSizeOnHeight.currentFontSize
635         call set_font_size '.currentFontSize'
636         demo Colour... '.color$'
637         demo Text... '.x' Centre '.y' Bottom ?
638         call set_font_size 'defaultFontSize'
639 endproc
641 ###############################################################
643 # Button Processing Routines
645 ###############################################################
647 # Search row in table on label
648 procedure findKey .table$ .label$
649         .row = 0
650         select Table '.table$'
651         .to$ = selected$("Table")
652         .to$ = "Table_"$
653         .numRows = Get number of rows
654         for .i to .numRows
655                 .currentKey$ = '.to$'$[.i, "Key"]
656                 if .label$ = .currentKey$
657                         .row = .i
658                         goto KEYFOUND
659                 endif
660         endfor
661         label KEYFOUND
662         if .row <= 0 and index(.label$, "_") <= 0
663                 printline "'.label$'" is not a key in '.table$'
664         endif
665 endproc
667 procedure findLabel .table$ .label$
668         .row = 0
669         select Table '.table$'
670         .to$ = selected$("Table")
671         .to$ = "Table_"$
672         .numRows = Get number of rows
673         for .i to .numRows
674                 .currentKey$ = '.to$'$[.i, "Label"]
675                 if .label$ = .currentKey$
676                         .row = .i
677                         goto LABELFOUND
678                 endif
679         endfor
680         label LABELFOUND
681         if .row <= 0 and index(.label$, "_") <= 0
682                 call emergency_table_exit "'.label$'" is not a key in '.table$'
683         endif
684 endproc
686 # Get the label
687 procedure buttonClicked table$ .x .y
688         .label$ = ""
689         select Table 'table$'
690         .bo$ = selected$("Table")
691         .bo$ = "Table_"$
692         .numRows = Get number of rows
693         for .i to .numRows
694                 if .label$ = ""
695                         .leftX = '.bo$'[.i, "LeftX"]
696                         .rightX = '.bo$'[.i, "RightX"]
697                         .lowY = '.bo$'[.i, "LowY"]
698                         .highY = '.bo$'[.i, "HighY"]
699                         if .x > .leftX and .x < .rightX and .y > .lowY and .y < .highY
700                                 .label$ = '.bo$'$[.i, "Label"]
701                         endif
702                 endif
703         endfor
704 endproc
706 procedure keyPressed table$ .pressed$
707         .label$ = ""
708         # Magic
709         if .pressed$ = "" and not demoShiftKeyPressed()
710                 .label$ = "Refresh"
711         endif
712         .lowerPressed$ = replace_regex$(.pressed$, ".", "\L&", 0)
713         .upperPressed$ = replace_regex$(.pressed$, ".", "\U&", 0)
714         select Table 'table$'
715         .bo$ = selected$("Table")
716         .bo$ = "Table_"$
717         .numRows = Get number of rows
718         for .i to .numRows
719                 if .label$ = ""
720                         .key$ = '.bo$'$[.i, "Key"]
721                         if index(.key$, .lowerPressed$) or index(.key$, .upperPressed$)
722                                 .label$ = '.bo$'$[.i, "Label"]
723                         endif
724                 endif
725         endfor
726 endproc
728 procedure count_syllables
729         .number = 0
730         .pinyin$ = ""
731         select sgc.currentWordlist
732         if sgc.currentWord > 0 and sgc.currentWord <= sgc.numberOfWords
733                 .sound$ = Get value... 'sgc.currentWord' Sound
734                 call readPinyin 'sgc.currentWord'
735                 .pinyin$ = readPinyin.pinyin$
736         endif
737         call add_missing_neutral_tones '.pinyin$'
738         .pinyin$ = add_missing_neutral_tones.pinyin$
739         if index_regex(.pinyin$, "[0-9]") > 0
740                 .number = length(replace_regex$(.pinyin$, "[^\d]+([\d]+)", "1", 0))
741         elsif .pinyin$ <> ""
742                 .number = 1
743         endif
744 endproc
746 procedure play_sound .sound
747     if .sound > 0
748                 if sgc.useAlternativePlayer and fileReadable(sgc.playCommandFile$)
749                         .scratchFile$ = "'sgc.scratchAudioDir$'SCRATCH.wav"
750                         select .sound
751                         Save as WAV file: .scratchFile$
752                         .command$ < 'sgc.playCommandFile$'
753                         .command$ = replace$(.command$, "[']", """", 0)
754                         .command$ = replace$(.command$, "'newline$'", " ", 0)
755                         if unix or macintosh
756                                 system_nocheck bash -c -- ''.command$' "'.scratchFile$'"'
757                         elsif windows
758                                 system_nocheck call '.command$' "'.scratchFile$'"
759                         endif
760                         deleteFile(.scratchFile$)
761                 else
762                         select .sound
763                         Play
764         endif
765     endif
766 endproc
768 procedure record_sound .recordingTime
769         if .recordingTime <= 0
770                 .recordingTime = recordingTime
771         endif
772         call clean_up_sound
774         # NOTE: Some sound can be playing! This will not be stopped.
776         # There is a very nasty delay before the first recording starts, do a dummy record
777         if not variableExists("recordingInitialized") and not sgc.useAlternativeRecorder
778         noprogress nowarn Record Sound (fixed time)... 'config.input$' 0.99 0.5 'samplingFrequency' 0.1
779                 Remove
780                 recordingInitialized = 1
781         endif
782         # Recording light
783     demo Paint circle... Red 5 95 2
784     demoShow()
786         # In Windows XP interaction between demoWaitForInput and Record Sound blocks drawing the feedback
787         # This code might be removed #
788         if windows and endsWith(build_SHA$, " XP")
789                 # Display a pause window to flush the graphics buffer
790                 beginPause ("DESTROY WINDOW ")
791                         comment (" ")
792                 endPause ("DESTROY WINDOW ", 1)
793         #call init_window
794         demo Paint circle... Red 5 95 2
795         demoShow()
796         endif
797         ##############################
799         # Use a different recorder program
800     if sgc.useAlternativeRecorder and fileReadable(sgc.recordCommandFile$)
801                 .scratchFile$ = "'sgc.scratchAudioDir$'SCRATCH.wav"
802                 .command$ < 'sgc.recordCommandFile$'
803                 .command$ = replace$(.command$, "[']", """", 0)
804                 .command$ = replace$(.command$, "'newline$'", " ", 0)
805                 if unix or macintosh
806                         system_nocheck bash -c -- ''.command$' '.recordingTime''
807                 elsif windows
808                         system_nocheck call '.command$' '.recordingTime'
809                 endif
810                 Read from file: .scratchFile$
811                 deleteFile(.scratchFile$)
812         else
813                 noprogress nowarn Record Sound (fixed time)... 'config.input$' 0.99 0.5 'samplingFrequency' '.recordingTime'
814         endif
815     demo Paint circle... White 5 95 2.5
816     call wipeArea 'wipeFeedbackArea$'
818     # Feedback on recording level
819     .extremum = Get absolute extremum... 0 0 None
820     .radius = 2 * .extremum
821     if .radius <= 0
822                 .radius = 0.02
823     endif
824     .blue = 0
825     .green = 0
826     .red = 0
827     if .extremum >= 0.95
828             .red = 1
829     elsif .extremum >= 0.49
830             .green = 1
831     else
832             .green = .extremum / 0.5
833     endif
834     .color$ = "{'.red','.green','.blue'}"
835     demo Colour... '.color$'
836     demo Line width... 1
837     demo Draw circle... 5 95 '.radius'
838     # Reset
839     demoShow()
840     demo Colour... Black
841     demo Line width... 'defaultLineWidth'
842     # Process sound
843     Rename... Tmp
844     Resample... 10000 50
845     Rename... Pronunciation
846     recordedSound$ = selected$("Sound")
847     sgc.recordedSound = selected("Sound")
848     select Sound Tmp
849     Remove
850     select Sound 'recordedSound$'
851     sgc.recordedSound = selected("Sound")
853     # Cut out real sound from silences/noise
854     call sound_detection 'recordedSound$' 'soundMargin'
855     select Sound 'recordedSound$'
856     sgc.recordedSound = selected("Sound")
858     # Store audio if requested
859     if sgc.saveAudioOn and sgc.saveAudio$ <> ""
860                 if sgc.savePerf$ <> "" and fileReadable(sgc.savePerf$)
861                         .pinyin$ = ""
862                         select sgc.currentWordlist
863                         if sgc.currentWord > 0 and sgc.currentWord <= sgc.numberOfWords
864                                 call readPinyin 'sgc.currentWord'
865                                 .pinyin$ = readPinyin.pinyin$
866                                 .outputName$ = "'sgc.saveAudio$'/'.pinyin$'.wav"
867                                 select sgc.recordedSound
868                                 Save as WAV file: .outputName$
869                         endif
870                 else
871                         # The Audio directory disappeared
872                         sgc.savePerf$ = ""
873                         sgc.saveAudioOn = 0
874                         sgc.saveAudio$ = ""
875                         config.savePerf = 0
876                         config.openPerf = 0
877                         config.clearSummary = 0
878                         config.audioName$ = ""
879                 endif
880     endif
882 endproc
885 # Select real sound from recording
886 # Uses some global variable
887 procedure sound_detection .sound$ .margin
888         select Sound '.sound$'
889         .soundlength = Get total duration
890         .internalSilence = 2*.margin
892         # Silence and remove noise, DANGEROUS
893         To TextGrid (silences)... 'minimumPitch' 0 'noiseThresshold' '.internalSilence' 0.1 silent sounding
894         Rename... Input'.sound$'
896         select TextGrid Input'.sound$'
897         .numberofIntervals = Get number of intervals... 1
898         if .numberofIntervals < 2
899                 .numberofIntervals = 0
900         endif
902         # The code below will suppress noise, but also weak third tones
903         # This handles the problem that third tones can be realized with 
904         # alternative cues, e.g, non-standard voice and very low levels 
905         #
906         # Remove buzzing and other obnoxious sounds (if switched on)
907         for .i from 1 to .numberofIntervals
908            select TextGrid Input'.sound$'
909            .value$ = Get label of interval... 1 '.i'
910            .begintime = Get starting point... 1 '.i'
911            .endtime = Get end point... 1 '.i'
913                 # Remove noise
914                 if .value$ = "silent"
915                         select Sound '.sound$'
916                         Set part to zero... '.begintime' '.endtime' at nearest zero crossing
917                 endif
918         endfor
920         # Select target sound
921         .maximumIntensity = -1
922         .counter = 1
923         for i from 1 to .numberofIntervals
924            select TextGrid Input'.sound$'
926            .value$ = Get label of interval... 1 'i'
927            .begintime = Get starting point... 1 'i'
928            .endtime = Get end point... 1 'i'
930            if .value$ != "silent"
931            if .begintime > .margin
932                   .begintime -= .margin
933            else
934                    .begintime = 0
935            endif
936            if .endtime + .margin < .soundlength
937                    .endtime += .margin
938            else
939                    .endtime = .soundlength
940            endif
942            select Sound '.sound$'
943            Extract part... '.begintime' '.endtime' Rectangular 1.0 no
944            Rename... Tmp'.sound$'
945            Subtract mean
946            .newIntensity = Get intensity (dB)
947            if .newIntensity > .maximumIntensity
948                    if .maximumIntensity > 0
949                    select Sound New'.sound$'
950                    Remove
951                    endif
952                    select Sound Tmp'.sound$'
953                    Rename... New'.sound$'
954                    .maximumIntensity = .newIntensity
955            else
956                    select Sound Tmp'.sound$'
957                    Remove
958            endif
959            # 
960            endif
961         endfor
962         if .maximumIntensity > minimumIntensity
963                 select Sound '.sound$'
964                 Remove
965                 select Sound New'.sound$'
966                 Rename... '.sound$'
967         elsif .maximumIntensity > -1
968                 select Sound New'.sound$'
969                 Remove
970         endif
971         select TextGrid Input'.sound$'
972         Remove
974         select Sound '.sound$'
975 endproc
977 procedure end_program
978         call write_preferences "" 
979         demo Erase all
980         select all
981         Remove
982         exit
983 endproc
985 ######################################################
987 # Configuration Page
989 ######################################################
990 procedure config_page
991     demo Erase all
992     demoWindowTitle("Speak Good Chinese: Change settings")
993     .label$ = ""
994     call Draw_config_page
996     while (.label$ <> "Return") and demoWaitForInput() 
997                 .clickX = -1
998                 .clickY = -1
999                 .pressed$ = ""
1000             .label$ = ""
1001             if demoClicked()
1002                     .clickX = demoX()
1003                     .clickY = demoY()
1004                     call buttonClicked 'config$' '.clickX' '.clickY'
1005                     .label$ = buttonClicked.label$
1006             elsif demoKeyPressed()
1007                     .pressed$ = demoKey$()
1008                     call keyPressed 'config$' '.pressed$'
1009                     .label$ = keyPressed.label$
1010             endif
1012                 # You cannot select a text field
1013                 if startsWith(.label$, "$")
1014                         .label$ = ""
1015                 endif
1017             # Do things
1018             if .label$ != ""
1019                     # Handle push button in process_config
1020                     call process_config '.label$' '.clickX' '.clickY' '.pressed$'
1021             endif
1023         if .label$ = "Return"
1024             goto GOBACK
1025         endif
1026     endwhile
1028     # Go back
1029     label GOBACK
1030     call init_window
1031 endproc
1033 procedure Draw_config_page
1034         demo Erase all
1035         # Draw background
1036         if config.showBackground
1037                 call draw_background Background
1038         endif
1039         # Draw buttons
1040     call Draw_all_buttons 'config$'
1041         call set_window_title 'config$'  
1042     # Set correct buttons (alert)
1043         call setConfigMainPage
1044 endproc
1046 # Do what is asked
1047 procedure process_config .label$ .clickX .clickY .pressed$
1048         if .label$ <> "" and not startsWith(.label$,"!")
1049                 .label$ = replace_regex$(.label$, "^[#]", "", 0)
1050                 .label$ = replace$(.label$, "_", " ", 0)
1051                 call process'config$''.label$' '.clickX' '.clickY' '.pressed$'
1052         endif
1053 endproc
1055 ###############################################################
1057 # Presenting help texts
1059 ###############################################################
1061 # Process Help
1062 procedure help_loop .table$ .redrawProc$
1063         # General Help text
1064         call  write_help_title '.table$'
1066     .label$ = ""
1067     call Draw_button '.table$' Help 2
1068     .redrawScreen = 0
1069     while (.label$ <> "Help") and demoWaitForInput() 
1070             .label$ = ""
1071             if demoClicked()
1072                     .clickX = demoX()
1073                     .clickY = demoY()
1074                     call buttonClicked '.table$' '.clickX' '.clickY'
1075                     .label$ = buttonClicked.label$
1076             elsif demoKeyPressed()
1077                     .pressed$ = demoKey$()
1078                     call keyPressed '.table$' '.pressed$'
1079                     .label$ = keyPressed.label$
1080             endif
1082             if .label$ != "" and .label$ <> "Help"
1083                         # Redraw screen
1084                         if .redrawScreen
1085                                 demo Erase all
1086                                 call '.redrawProc$'
1087                         else
1088                         .redrawScreen = 1
1089                         endif
1090                         call Draw_button '.table$' Help 2
1091                         call  write_help_title '.table$'
1093                     # Handle push button in process_config
1094                     call write_help_text '.table$' '.label$'
1095             endif
1097     endwhile
1099         # Reset button
1100     call Draw_button '.table$' Help 0
1101         demo Erase all
1102         call '.redrawProc$'
1103 endproc
1105 # Write help text
1106 procedure write_help_text .table$ .label$
1107         call findLabel '.table$' '.label$'
1108         .row = findLabel.row
1109         select Table '.table$'
1110         # Get text
1111         if .row <= 0
1112                 call findLabel '.table$' Help
1113                 .row = findLabel.row
1114                 select Table '.table$'
1115         endif
1116         .helpText$ = Get value... '.row' Helptext
1117         .helpKey$ = Get value... '.row' Key
1118         .helpKey$ = replace$(.helpKey$, "\", "", 0)
1119         .helpKey$ = replace$(.helpKey$, "_", "\_ ", 0)
1120         if index_regex(.helpKey$, "\S")
1121                 .helpText$ = .helpText$+" ("+.helpKey$+")"
1122         endif
1123         # Get button values
1124     .leftX = Get value... '.row' LeftX
1125     .rightX = Get value... '.row' RightX
1126     .lowY = Get value... '.row' LowY
1127     .highY = Get value... '.row' HighY
1129         # PopUp dimensions
1130         .currentHelpFontSize = defaultFontSize
1131     call set_font_size '.currentHelpFontSize'
1132         .helpTextSize = demo Text width (wc)... '.helpText$'
1133         .helpTextSize += 4
1134         if .leftX > 50
1135                 .htXleft = 20
1136                 .htXright = .htXleft + .helpTextSize + 5
1137                 .xstart = .leftX
1138         else
1139                 .htXright = 80
1140                 .htXleft = .htXright - .helpTextSize - 5
1141                 .xstart = .rightX
1142         endif
1143         if .lowY > 50
1144                 .htYlow = 40
1145                 .htYhigh = .htYlow + 7
1146                 .ystart = .lowY
1147                 .yend = .htYhigh
1148         else
1149                 .htYhigh = 60
1150                 .htYlow = .htYhigh - 7
1151                 .ystart = .highY
1152                 .yend = .htYlow
1153         endif
1155         # Adapt font size to horizontal dimensions
1156         .maxWidth = 90
1157         call adjustFontSizeOnWidth 'defaultFont$' '.currentHelpFontSize' '.maxWidth' '.helpText$'
1158         .currentHelpFontSize = adjustFontSizeOnWidth.newFontSize
1159         if .htXleft < 0 or .htXright > 100
1160                 .htXleft = 0
1161                 .htXright = .htXleft + adjustFontSizeOnWidth.textWidth + 5
1162         endif
1163         call set_font_size '.currentHelpFontSize'
1165         # Adapt vertical dimensions to font height
1166         call points_to_wc '.currentHelpFontSize'
1167         .lineHeight = points_to_wc.wc
1168         if .lineHeight > .htYhigh - .htYlow - 4
1169                 .htYhigh = .htYlow + .lineHeight + 4
1170         endif
1172         # Determine arrow endpoints
1173         .xend = .htXleft
1174         if abs(.htXleft - .xstart) > abs(.htXright - .xstart)
1175                 .xend = .htXright
1176         endif
1177         if abs((.htXleft+.htXright)/2 - .xstart) < min(abs(.htXright - .xstart),abs(.htXleft - .xstart))
1178                 .xend = (.htXleft+.htXright)/2
1179         endif
1181         .xtext = .htXleft + 2
1182         .ytext = .htYlow + 1
1184         # Draw pop-up
1185         .mm2wc = demo Horizontal mm to wc... 1
1186         .lineWidth = 2/.mm2wc
1187         demo Line width... '.lineWidth'
1188         demo Arrow size... '.lineWidth'
1189         demo Colour... 'sgc2.popUp_bordercolor$'
1190         demo Paint rectangle... 'sgc2.popUp_backgroundcolor$' '.htXleft' '.htXright' '.htYlow' '.htYhigh'
1191         demo Draw rectangle... '.htXleft' '.htXright' '.htYlow' '.htYhigh'
1192         demo Draw arrow... '.xstart' '.ystart' '.xend' '.yend'
1193         demo Line width... 'defaultLineWidth'
1194         demo Arrow size... 1
1195         demo Black
1196         demo Text... '.xtext' Left '.ytext' Bottom '.helpText$'
1197         demoShow()
1198         call set_font_size 'defaultFontSize'
1200 endproc
1202 procedure write_help_title .table$
1203         # Set help text title
1204         # General Help text
1205         call findLabel '.table$' Help
1206         .row = findLabel.row
1207         select Table '.table$'
1208         .helpTitle$ = Get value... '.row' Helptext
1209         .helpKey$ = Get value... '.row' Key
1210         .helpKey$ = replace$(.helpKey$, "\", "", 0)
1211         .helpKey$ = replace$(.helpKey$, "_", "\_ ", 0)
1212         .helpTitle$ = .helpTitle$+" ("+.helpKey$+")"
1214         call reset_viewport
1215         .helpTitleFontSize = 14
1216         # Adapt size of button to length of text
1217         .maxWidth = 80
1218         call adjustFontSizeOnWidth 'defaultFont$' '.helpTitleFontSize' '.maxWidth' '.helpTitle$'
1219         .helpTitleFontSize = adjustFontSizeOnWidth.newFontSize
1220         call set_font_size '.helpTitleFontSize'
1221         .helpTop = 100
1223         demo Select inner viewport... 0 100 0 100
1224         demo Axes... 0 100 0 100
1225         demo Text... 50 Centre '.helpTop' Top '.helpTitle$'
1226     call set_font_size 'defaultFontSize'
1227         call reset_viewport
1228 endproc
1230 ###############################################################
1232 # Miscelaneous procedures
1234 ###############################################################
1235 procedure printPageToPrinter
1236         call print_window
1237         demo Print... 'printerName$' 'printerPresets$'
1238         call init_window
1239 endproc
1241 procedure getOpenFile .openDialogue$
1242         call clean_up_sound
1244         call convert_praat_to_latin1 '.openDialogue$'
1245         .openDialogue$ = convert_praat_to_latin1.text$
1246         .filename$ = chooseReadFile$ (.openDialogue$)
1247         .tmp = -1
1248         if .filename$ <> "" and fileReadable(.filename$)
1249                 .tmp = nocheck Read from file... '.filename$'
1250                 if .tmp !- undefined and .tmp > 0
1251                         call log_fileOpen '.filename$'
1253                         # Get only the filename
1254                         .startName = rindex_regex(.filename$, "[/\\:]") + 1
1255                         .nameLength = rindex(.filename$, ".") - .startName
1256                         currentSoundName$ = mid$(.filename$, .startName, .nameLength)
1257                 else
1258                         .tmp = -1
1259                 endif
1260         endif
1261         if .tmp <= 0
1262                 Create Sound from formula... Speech Mono 0 1 44100 0
1263         endif
1264         recordedSound$ = selected$("Sound")
1265         sgc.recordedSound = selected("Sound")
1266         currentStartTime = 0
1267         currentEndTime = Get total duration
1268         # Reset selected window
1269         selectedStartTime = currentStartTime
1270         selectedEndTime = currentEndTime
1271 endproc
1273 procedure points_to_wc .points
1274         .mm = .points * 0.3527777778
1275         .wc = demo Vertical mm to wc... '.mm'
1276 endproc
1278 procedure reset_viewport
1279         .low = viewportMargin
1280         .high = 100 - viewportMargin
1281         demo Select inner viewport... '.low' '.high' '.low' '.high'
1282         demo Axes... 0 100 0 100
1283 endproc
1285 procedure set_font_size .fontSize
1286         call reset_viewport
1287         demo Font size... '.fontSize'
1288         call reset_viewport
1289 endproc
1291 procedure wipeArea .areaCommand$
1292         call reset_viewport
1293         '.areaCommand$'
1294 endproc
1296 procedure adjustFontSizeOnWidth .font$ .currentFontSize .maxWidth .text$
1297         demo '.font$'
1298         call set_font_size '.currentFontSize'
1299         .textWidth = demo Text width (wc)... '.text$'
1300         while .textWidth > .maxWidth and .currentFontSize > 2
1301                 .currentFontSize -= 0.5
1302                 call set_font_size '.currentFontSize'
1303                 .textWidth = demo Text width (wc)... '.text$'
1304         endwhile
1305         .diff = .textWidth - .maxWidth
1306         .newFontSize = .currentFontSize 
1307         demo 'defaultFont$'
1308 endproc
1310 procedure adjustRotatedFontSizeOnBox .font$ .currentFontSize .maxWidth .maxHeight .rotation .text$
1311         demo '.font$'
1312         .radians = .rotation/360 * 2 * pi
1313         .horWC = demo Horizontal mm to wc... 10.0
1314         .verWC = demo Vertical mm to wc... 10.0
1315         if .horWC > 0
1316                 .verCoeff = .verWC / .horWC
1317         else
1318                 .verCoeff = 1
1319         endif
1320         call set_font_size '.currentFontSize'
1321         .textLength = demo Text width (wc)... '.text$'
1322         while (.textLength * .verCoeff * sin(.radians) > .maxHeight or .textLength * cos(.radians) > .maxWidth) and .currentFontSize > 2
1323                 .currentFontSize -= 0.5
1324                 call set_font_size '.currentFontSize'
1325                 .textLength = demo Text width (wc)... '.text$'
1326         endwhile
1327         .diff = .textLength - .maxHeight
1328         .newFontSize = .currentFontSize 
1329         demo 'defaultFont$'
1330 endproc
1332 procedure adjustFontSizeOnHeight .font$ .currentFontSize .maxHeight
1333         demo '.font$'
1334         call points_to_wc '.currentFontSize'
1335         .lineHeight = points_to_wc.wc
1336         while .lineHeight > .maxHeight and .currentFontSize > 2
1337                 .currentFontSize -= 0.5
1338                 call points_to_wc '.currentFontSize'
1339                 .lineHeight = points_to_wc.wc
1340         endwhile
1341         .diff = .lineHeight - .maxHeight
1342         .newFontSize = .currentFontSize
1343         demo 'defaultFont$'
1344 endproc
1346 # Load a table with button info etc.
1347 # Load local tables if present. Else load
1348 # build-in scripted tables
1349 procedure loadTable .tableName$
1350         .tableVariableName$ = replace_regex$(.tableName$, "[^\w]", "_", 0);
1351         # Search for the table in local, preference, and global directories
1352         if localTableDir$ <> "" and fileReadable("'localTableDir$'/'.tableName$'.Table")
1353         .table = Read from file... 'localTableDir$'/'.tableName$'.Table
1354         elsif fileReadable("'preferencesTableDir$'/'.tableName$'.Table")
1355         .table = Read from file... 'preferencesTableDir$'/'.tableName$'.Table
1356         elsif fileReadable("'globaltablelists$'/'.tableName$'.Table")
1357         .table = Read from file... 'globaltablelists$'/'.tableName$'.Table
1358         # Load them from script
1359         elsif variableExists("procCreate'.tableVariableName$'$")
1360                 call Create'.tableVariableName$'
1361         Rename: .tableName$
1362                 .table = selected("Table")
1363         else
1364                 call emergency_table_exit '.tableFileName$' cannot be found
1365         endif
1367         # Check whether this is a real table
1368         selectObject: .table
1369         .fullName$ = selected$ ()
1370         .type$ = extractWord$(.fullName$, "")
1371         if .type$ <> "Table"
1372                 Remove
1373                 .table = -1
1374         endif
1376         if .table <= 0
1377                 call emergency_table_exit '.tableFileName$' corrupted or cannot be found
1378         endif
1379 endproc
1381 procedure testLoadTable .tableName$
1382         .table = 0
1383         .tableVariableName$ = replace_regex$(.tableName$, "[^\w]", "_", 0);
1384         # Search for the table in local, preference, and global directories
1385         if localTableDir$ <> "" and fileReadable("'localTableDir$'/'.tableName$'.Table")
1386         .table = 1
1387         elsif fileReadable("'preferencesTableDir$'/'.tableName$'.Table")
1388         .table = 2
1389         elsif fileReadable("'globaltablelists$'/'.tableName$'.Table")
1390         .table = 3
1391         # Load them from script
1392         elsif variableExists("procCreate'.tableVariableName$'$")
1393                 .table = 4
1394         else
1395                 .table = 0
1396         endif
1397 endproc
1399 procedure checkTable .tableName$
1400         .available = 0
1401         if localTableDir$ <> "" and fileReadable("'localTableDir$'/'.tableName$'.Table")
1402         .available = 1
1403         elsif fileReadable("'preferencesTableDir$'/'.tableName$'.Table")
1404         .available = 1
1405         elsif fileReadable("'globaltablelists$'/'.tableName$'.Table")
1406         .available = 1
1407         # Load them from script
1408         elsif variableExists("procCreate'.tableName$'$")
1409         .available = 1
1410         else
1411         .available = 0
1412     endif
1413 endproc
1415 # Create a pop-up window with text from a Text Table
1416 procedure write_text_table .table$
1417         .xleft = 10
1418         .xright = 90
1419         .ylow = 20
1420         .yhigh = 85
1421         .lineHeight = 2.5
1423         # Get table with text and longest line
1424         .numLines = 0
1425         call testLoadTable '.table$'
1426         if testLoadTable.table > 0
1427                 call loadTable '.table$'
1428                 .instructionText = selected()
1429                 .numLines = Get number of rows
1430         else
1431                 goto ESCAPEwrite_text_table
1432         endif
1433         .instructionFontSize = 14
1434         .referenceText$ = ""
1435         .maxlenght = 0
1436         .maxLine = 0
1437         .maxFontSize = 0
1438         .maxWidth = 0
1439         for .l to .numLines
1440                 select '.instructionText'
1441                 .currentText$ = Get value... '.l' text
1442                 # Expand variables, eg, 'praatVersion$'
1443                 call expand_praat_variables '.currentText$'
1444                 .currentText$ = expand_praat_variables.text$
1446                 .font$ = Get value... '.l' font
1447                 .fontSize = Get value... '.l' size
1448                 call set_font_size '.fontSize'
1449                 .textWidth = demo Text width (wc)... '.currentText$'
1450                 if .fontSize > .maxFontSize
1451                         .maxFontSize = .fontSize
1452                 endif
1453                 if .textWidth > .maxWidth
1454                         .maxWidth = .textWidth
1455                         .instructionFontSize = .fontSize
1456                         .maxLine = .l
1457                 endif
1458         endfor
1459         select '.instructionText'
1460         .referenceText$ = Get value... '.maxLine' text
1461         .maxLineFont$ = Get value... '.maxLine' font
1462         .instructionFontSize = Get value... '.maxLine' size
1463         call set_font_size '.maxFontSize'
1465         # Adapt size of button to length of text
1466         .maxWidth = (.xright - .xleft) - 4
1467         .origFontSize = .instructionFontSize
1468         call adjustFontSizeOnWidth 'defaultFont$' '.instructionFontSize' '.maxWidth' '.referenceText$'
1469         call adjustFontSizeOnHeight 'defaultFont$' '.maxFontSize' '.lineHeight'
1470         .instructionFontSize = min(adjustFontSizeOnWidth.newFontSize, adjustFontSizeOnHeight.newFontSize)
1471         if adjustFontSizeOnWidth.diff > 0
1472                 .xright += adjustFontSizeOnWidth.diff/4
1473                 .xleft -= 3*adjustFontSizeOnWidth.diff/4
1474         endif
1475         call set_font_size '.instructionFontSize'
1476         .fontSizeFactor = .instructionFontSize / .origFontSize
1478         .numRows = Get number of rows
1479         # Calculate length from number of lines.
1480         .dy = .lineHeight
1481         .midY = .yhigh - (.yhigh - .ylow)/2
1482         .yhigh = .midY + (.numRows+1) * .dy / 2
1483         .ylow = .yhigh - (.numRows+1) * .dy
1484         .textleft = .xleft + 2
1486         demo Line width... 8
1487         demo Colour... 'sgc2.popUp_bordercolor$'
1488         demo Paint rectangle... 'sgc2.popUp_backgroundcolor$' '.xleft' '.xright' '.ylow' '.yhigh'
1489         demo Draw rectangle... '.xleft' '.xright' '.ylow' '.yhigh'
1490         demo Line width... 'defaultLineWidth'
1491         demo Black
1492         .ytext = .yhigh - 2 - .dy
1493         for .i to .numRows
1494                 select '.instructionText'
1495                 .font$ = Get value... '.i' font
1496                 .fontSize = Get value... '.i' size
1497                 .font$ = extractWord$(.font$, "")
1498                 # Scale font
1499                 .fontSize = floor(.fontSize*.fontSizeFactor)
1500                 if .fontSize < 4
1501                         .fontSize = 4
1502                 endif
1503                 .line$ = Get value... '.i' text
1504                 # Expand variables, eg, 'praatVersion$'
1505                 call expand_praat_variables '.line$'
1506                 .line$ = expand_praat_variables.text$
1508                 # Display text
1509                 demo Text special... '.textleft' Left '.ytext' Bottom '.font$' '.fontSize' 0 '.line$'
1510                 .ytext -= .dy
1511         endfor  
1512         demoShow()      
1513         call set_font_size 'defaultFontSize'
1515         select '.instructionText'
1516         Remove
1518         label ESCAPEwrite_text_table
1519 endproc
1522 # Create a pop-up window with text from an existing Table object
1523 procedure write_tabbed_table .table$ .labelTextTable$
1524         .xleft = 0
1525         .xright = 100
1526         .ylow = 20
1527         .yhigh = 85
1528         .lineHeight = 2.5
1530         # Get table with text and longest line
1531         call testLoadTable '.table$'
1532         if testLoadTable.table <= 0
1533                 call loadTable '.labelTextTable$'
1534                 .labelText$ = selected$("Table")
1535         endif
1537         select Table '.table$'
1538         .tabbedText = selected()
1539         .numLines = Get number of rows
1540         .numCols = Get number of columns
1541         .font$ = defaultFont$
1542         .fontSize = defaultFontSize
1543         # Standard width
1544         .widthCanvas = .xright - .xleft
1545         .dx = (.widthCanvas - 4) / (.numCols)
1547         # Get longest entry
1548         demo '.font$'
1549         call set_font_size '.fontSize'
1550         .maxWidth = 0
1551         for .i from 0 to .numLines
1552                 .xtext = .xleft + .dx / 2
1553                 for .j to .numCols
1554                         select '.tabbedText'
1555                         .currentLabel$ = Get column label... '.j'
1556                         if .i > 0
1557                                 .line$ = Get value... '.i' '.currentLabel$'
1558                         else
1559                                 .line$ = .currentLabel$
1560                                 select Table '.labelText$'
1561                         call findLabel '.labelText$' '.line$'
1562                         select Table '.labelText$'
1563                         .line$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Text
1564                         endif
1565                         # Expand variables, eg, 'praatVersion$'
1566                         call expand_praat_variables '.line$'
1567                         .line$ = expand_praat_variables.text$
1568                         .textWidth = demo Text width (wc)... '.line$'
1569                         if .textWidth > .maxWidth
1570                                 .maxWidth = .textWidth
1571                         endif
1572                 endfor
1573         endfor
1574         if .dx > 1.2 * .maxWidth
1575                 .widthCanvas =  1.2 * .maxWidth * .numCols + 4
1576                 .xleft = 50 - .widthCanvas / 2
1577                 .xright = 50 + .widthCanvas / 2
1578                 .dx = (.widthCanvas - 4) / (.numCols)
1579         else
1580                 .maxWidth = .dx - 1
1581         endif
1583         # Calculate length from number of lines.
1584         .dy = .lineHeight + 0.5
1585         .midY = .yhigh - (.yhigh - .ylow)/2
1586         .yhigh = .midY + (.numLines+2) * .dy / 2
1587         .ylow = .yhigh - (.numLines+2) * .dy
1588         .textleft = .xleft + 2
1590         demo Line width... 8
1591         demo Colour... 'sgc2.popUp_bordercolor$'
1592         demo Paint rectangle... 'sgc2.popUp_backgroundcolor$' '.xleft' '.xright' '.ylow' '.yhigh'
1593         demo Draw rectangle... '.xleft' '.xright' '.ylow' '.yhigh'
1594         demo Line width... 'defaultLineWidth'
1595         demo Black
1596         .ytext = .yhigh - 2 - .dy
1597         # First the column names, then the items
1598         for .i from 0 to .numLines
1599                 .xtext = .textleft + .dx / 2
1600                 for .j to .numCols
1601                         select '.tabbedText'
1602                         .currentLabel$ = Get column label... '.j'
1603                         if .i > 0
1604                                 .line$ = Get value... '.i' '.currentLabel$'
1605                         else
1606                                 .line$ = .currentLabel$
1607                                 select Table '.labelText$'
1608                         call findLabel '.labelText$' '.line$'
1609                         select Table '.labelText$'
1610                         .line$ = Get value... 'findLabel.row' Text
1611                         endif
1612                         # Expand variables, eg, 'praatVersion$'
1613                         call expand_praat_variables '.line$'
1614                         .line$ = expand_praat_variables.text$
1615                         call adjustFontSizeOnWidth '.font$' '.fontSize' '.maxWidth' '.line$'
1616                         .currentFontSize = adjustFontSizeOnWidth.newFontSize
1618                         # Display text
1619                         demo Text special... '.xtext' Centre '.ytext' Bottom '.font$' '.currentFontSize' 0 '.line$'
1620                         .xtext += .dx
1621                 endfor
1622                 .ytext -= .dy
1623         endfor  
1624         demoShow()      
1625         call set_font_size 'defaultFontSize'
1626         select Table '.labelText$'
1627         Remove
1629         label ESCAPEwrite_tabbed_table
1630 endproc
1632 # Create a pop-up window with a given text
1633 procedure write_text_popup .font$ .size .text$
1634         .xleft = 10
1635         .xright = 90
1636         .ylow = 20
1637         .yhigh = 85
1638         .lineHeight = 3
1640         # Adapt size of button to length of text
1641         .maxWidth = (.xright - .xleft) - 4
1642         call adjustFontSizeOnWidth 'defaultFont$' '.size' '.maxWidth' '.text$'
1643         call adjustFontSizeOnHeight 'defaultFont$' '.size' '.lineHeight'
1644         .popupFontSize = min(adjustFontSizeOnWidth.newFontSize, adjustFontSizeOnHeight.newFontSize)
1645         if adjustFontSizeOnWidth.diff > 0
1646                 .xright += adjustFontSizeOnWidth.diff/4
1647                 .xleft -= 3*adjustFontSizeOnWidth.diff/4
1648         else
1649                 .xleft = ((.xright + .xleft) - adjustFontSizeOnWidth.textWidth)/2 - 2
1650                 .xright = ((.xright + .xleft) + adjustFontSizeOnWidth.textWidth)/2 + 2
1651         endif
1653         .numRows = 1
1654         # Calculate length from number of lines.
1655         .dy = .lineHeight
1656         .midY = .yhigh - (.yhigh - .ylow)/2
1657         .yhigh = .midY + (.numRows+1) * .dy / 2
1658         .ylow = .yhigh - (.numRows+1) * .dy
1659         .textleft = .xleft + 2
1660         .xmid = (.textleft + .xright - 2)/2
1662         demo Line width... 8
1663         demo Colour... 'sgc2.popUp_bordercolor$'
1664         demo Paint rectangle... 'sgc2.popUp_backgroundcolor$' '.xleft' '.xright' '.ylow' '.yhigh'
1665         demo Draw rectangle... '.xleft' '.xright' '.ylow' '.yhigh'
1666         demo Line width... 'defaultLineWidth'
1667         demo Black
1668         .ytext = .yhigh - 2 - .dy
1669         # Write text
1670         demo Text special... '.xmid' Centre '.ytext' Bottom '.font$' '.popupFontSize' 0 '.text$'
1672         demoShow()      
1673         demo 'defaultFont$'
1674         call set_font_size 'defaultFontSize'
1675 endproc
1677 # Write the background from a Text Table
1678 procedure draw_background .table$
1679         .xleft = 0
1680         .xright = 100
1681         .ylow = 0
1682         .yhigh = 100
1683         .lineHeight = 5
1684         .defaultColour$ = "{0.9,0.9,0.9}"
1685         .defaultAlign$ = "centre"
1687         # Get table with text and longest line
1688         call loadTable '.table$'
1689         .backgroundText = selected()
1690         .numLines = Get number of rows
1691         .backgroundFontSize = 28
1692         .referenceText$ = ""
1693         .maxlenght = 0
1694         .maxLine = 0
1695         .maxFontSize = 0
1696         .maxWidth = 0
1697         .textLines = 0
1698         for .l to .numLines
1699                 select '.backgroundText'
1700                 .currentText$ = Get value... '.l' text
1701                 # Expand variables, eg, 'praatVersion$'
1702                 call expand_praat_variables '.currentText$'
1703                 .currentText$ = expand_praat_variables.text$            
1705                 .font$ = Get value... '.l' font
1706                 .fontSize = Get value... '.l' size
1707                 if .fontSize > .maxFontSize
1708                         .maxFontSize = .fontSize
1709                 endif
1710                 if not startsWith(.font$, "!")
1711                         call set_font_size '.fontSize'
1712                         .textWidth = demo Text width (wc)... '.currentText$'
1713                         if .textWidth > .maxWidth
1714                                 .maxWidth = .textWidth
1715                                 .backgroundFontSize = .fontSize
1716                                 .maxLine = .l
1717                         endif
1719                         .textLines += 1
1720                 endif
1721         endfor
1722         if .maxLine > 0
1723                 select '.backgroundText'
1724                 .referenceText$ = Get value... '.maxLine' text
1725                 .maxLineFont$ = Get value... '.maxLine' font
1726                 .backgroundFontSize = Get value... '.maxLine' size
1727                 .backgroundFontColour$ = Get value... '.maxLine' colour
1728                 call set_font_size '.maxFontSize'
1729         else
1730                 .maxFontSize = .backgroundFontSize
1731         endif
1733         # Adapt size of button to length of text
1734         .maxWidth = (.xright - .xleft) - 4
1735         .origFontSize = .backgroundFontSize
1736         call adjustFontSizeOnWidth 'defaultFont$' '.backgroundFontSize' '.maxWidth' '.referenceText$'
1737         .fontSizeFactor = adjustFontSizeOnWidth.newFontSize / .backgroundFontSize
1738         .backgroundFontSize = adjustFontSizeOnWidth.newFontSize
1739         call set_font_size '.backgroundFontSize'
1741         call adjustFontSizeOnHeight 'defaultFont$' '.backgroundFontSize' '.lineHeight'
1742         .lineHeight /= adjustFontSizeOnHeight.newFontSize / .backgroundFontSize
1743         if adjustFontSizeOnHeight.newFontSize >= .origFontSize and (.textLines+1) * .lineHeight > (.yhigh - .ylow - 4)
1744                 .lineHeight = (.yhigh - .ylow - 4)/(.textLines + 1)
1745                 call adjustFontSizeOnHeight 'defaultFont$' '.maxFontSize' '.lineHeight'
1746                 .fontSizeFactor = adjustFontSizeOnHeight.newFontSize / .backgroundFontSize
1747         endif
1749         .numRows = Get number of rows
1750         # Calculate length from number of lines.
1751         .dy = .lineHeight
1752         .midY = .yhigh - (.yhigh - .ylow)/2
1753         .yhigh = .midY + (.textLines+1) * .dy / 2
1754         .ylow = .yhigh - (.textLines+1) * .dy
1755         .textleft = .xleft + 2
1756         .textright = .xright - 2
1757         .textmid = (.xright - .xleft)/2
1759         demo Black
1760         .ytext = .yhigh - 2 - .dy
1761         for .i to .numRows
1762                 select '.backgroundText'
1763                 .font$ = Get value... '.i' font
1764                 .fontSize = Get value... '.i' size
1765                 .fontColour$ = Get value... '.i' colour
1766                 .fontColour$ = replace_regex$(.fontColour$, "^[\- ]$", ".defaultColour$", 1)
1767                 .fontAlign$ = Get value... '.i' align
1768                 .fontAlign$ = replace_regex$(.fontAlign$, "^[\- ]$", ".defaultAlign$", 1)
1769                 .line$ = Get value... '.i' text
1770                 # Expand variables, eg, 'praatVersion$'
1771                 call expand_praat_variables '.line$'
1772                 .line$ = expand_praat_variables.text$
1774                  # Scale font
1775                  .fontSize = floor(.fontSize*.fontSizeFactor)
1776                 if not startsWith(.font$, "!")
1777                         .font$ = extractWord$(.font$, "")
1779                         if .fontAlign$ = "centre"
1780                                 .xtext = .textmid
1781                         elsif .fontAlign$ = "right"
1782                                 .xtext = .textright
1783                         else
1784                                 .xtext = .textleft
1785                         endif
1786                         if .fontSize < 4
1787                                 .fontSize = 4
1788                         endif
1789                         # Clean up text
1790                         demo Colour... '.fontColour$'
1791                         demo Text special... '.xtext' '.fontAlign$' '.ytext' Bottom '.font$' '.fontSize' 0 '.line$'
1792                         .ytext -= .dy
1793                 elsif .font$ = "!demo command"
1794                         demo Colour... '.fontColour$'
1795                         .line$ = replace_regex$(.line$, "\{FONTSIZE\$\}", "'.fontSize'", 0)
1796                         .line$ = replace_regex$(.line$, "\{XTEXT\$\}", "'.xtext'", 0)
1797                         .line$ = replace_regex$(.line$, "\{YTEXT\$\}", "'.ytext'", 0)
1798                         .line$ = replace_regex$(.line$, "\{DY\$\}", "'.dy'", 0)
1799                         .line$ = replace_regex$(.line$, "\{[^\}]*\}", "", 0)
1800                         while index(.line$, "[[")
1801                                 .nextBracketOpen = index(.line$, "[[")
1802                                 .nextBracketOpen += 2
1803                                 .nextBracketClose = index(.line$, "]]")
1804                                 .bracketLength = .nextBracketClose - .nextBracketOpen
1805                                 .result$ = ""
1806                                 if .bracketLength > 0
1807                                         .expression$ = mid$(.line$, .nextBracketOpen, .bracketLength)
1808                                         .expression$ = replace_regex$(.expression$, "\s", "", 0)
1809                                         if length(.expression$) > 0
1810                                                 # Test expression for security, only allow explicitely defined functions
1811                                                 .allowedStrings$ = "e|pi|not|and|or|div|mod|abs|round|floor|ceiling"
1812                                                 .allowedStrings$ = .allowedStrings$ + "|sqrt|min|max|imin|imax|sin|cos|tan|arcsin|arccos|arctan|arctan2|sinc|sincpi"
1813                                                 .allowedStrings$ = .allowedStrings$ + "|exp|ln|log10|log2|sinh|cosh|tanh|arcsinh|arccosh|arctanh"
1814                                                 .allowedStrings$ = .allowedStrings$ + "|sigmoid|invSigmoid|erf|erfc|randomUniform|randomInteger|randomGauss|randomPoisson"
1815                                                 .allowedStrings$ = .allowedStrings$ + "|lnGamma|gaussP|gaussQ|invGaussQ|chiSquareP|chiSquareQ"
1816                                                 .allowedStrings$ = .allowedStrings$ + "|invChiSquareP|invChiSquareQ|studentP|studentQ|invStudentP|invStudentQ"
1817                                                 .allowedStrings$ = .allowedStrings$ + "|beta|besselI|besselK"
1818                                                 .testExpression$ = replace_regex$(.expression$, "(^|\W)('.allowedStrings$')(?=$|\W)", "\1\3", 0)
1819                                                 .testExpression$ = replace_regex$(.testExpression$, "[0-9\.,\-+/*^()<>= ]", "", 0)
1820                                                 if .testExpression$ = ""
1821                                                         .calc = '.expression$'
1822                                                         .result$ = "'.calc'"
1823                                                 endif
1824                                         endif
1825                                 endif
1827                                 # Replace expression by result
1828                                 .lastLeft = .nextBracketOpen - 3
1829                                 .newLine$ = left$(.line$, .lastLeft)  
1830                                 .newLine$ =  .newLine$ + .result$
1831                                 .numCopy = length(.line$) - .nextBracketClose - 1
1832                                 .newLine$ =  .newLine$ + right$(.line$, .numCopy)
1833                                 .line$ = .newLine$
1834                         endwhile
1835                         demo '.line$'
1836                 endif
1837         endfor  
1838         demo Black
1839         demoShow()      
1840         call set_font_size 'defaultFontSize'
1842         select '.backgroundText'
1843         Remove
1844 endproc
1846 procedure convert_praat_to_utf8 .text$
1847         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\a""", "\xc3\xa4", 0)
1848         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\A""", "\xc3\x84", 0)
1849         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\o""", "\xc3\xb6", 0)
1850         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\O""", "\xc3\x96", 0)
1851         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\u""", "\xc3\xbc", 0)
1852         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\U""", "\xc3\x9c", 0)
1853         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\i""", "\xc3\xaf", 0)
1854         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\I""", "\xc3\x8f", 0)
1855         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\e""", "\xc3\xab", 0)
1856         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\E""", "\xc3\x8b", 0)
1857         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\y""", "\xc3\xbf", 0)
1858         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\e'", "\xc3\xa9", 0)
1859         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\E'", "\xc3\x89", 0)
1860         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\ss", "\xc3\x9f", 0)
1861 endproc
1863 procedure convert_praat_to_latin1 .text$
1864         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\a""", "\xe4", 0)
1865         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\A""", "\xc4", 0)
1866         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\o""", "\xf6", 0)
1867         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\O""", "\xd6", 0)
1868         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\u""", "\xfc", 0)
1869         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\U""", "\xdc", 0)
1870         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\i""", "\xef", 0)
1871         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\I""", "\xcf", 0)
1872         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\e""", "\xeb", 0)
1873         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\E""", "\xcb", 0)
1874         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\y""", "\xff", 0)
1875         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\Y""", "Y", 0)
1876         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\e'", "\xe9", 0)
1877         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\E'", "\xc9", 0)
1878         .text$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "\\ss", "\xdf", 0)
1879 endproc
1881 # Expand 'variable$' into the value of variable$.
1882 # Eg, 'praatVersion$' becomes 5.1.45 or whatever is the current version
1883 # Single quotes can be protected by \'
1884 procedure expand_praat_variables .text$
1885         if index(.text$, "'")
1886                 .tempText$ = replace_regex$(.text$, "(^|[^\\])'([\w\$\.]+)'", "\1""+\2+""", 0)
1887                 .tempText$ = replace_regex$(.tempText$, "[\\]'", "'", 0)
1888                 .tempText$ = """"+.tempText$+""""
1889                 # Check whether all the variables actually exist. Ignore any variable that does not exist
1890                 .checkVars$ = .tempText$
1891                 while length(.checkVars$) > 0 and index(.checkVars$, "+")
1892                         .start = index(.checkVars$, "+")
1893                         .checkVars$ = right$(.checkVars$, length(.checkVars$) - .start)
1894                         .end = index(.checkVars$, "+")
1895                         if .end
1896                                 .variable$ = left$(.checkVars$, .end - 1)
1897                                 if not variableExists(.variable$)
1898                                         .tempText$ = replace$(.tempText$, """+'.variable$'+""", "'"+.variable$+"'", 0)
1899                                 endif
1900                                 .checkVars$ = right$(.checkVars$, length(.checkVars$) - .end)
1901                         else
1902                                 .checkVars$ = ""
1903                         endif
1904                 endwhile
1905                 .text$ = '.tempText$'
1906         endif
1907 endproc
1909 # Get a time stamp in normalized format
1910 procedure getTimeStamp
1911         .currentDateTime$ = date$()
1912         .string$ = replace_regex$(.currentDateTime$, "[A-Z][a-z]+\s+([A-Z][a-z]+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\W(\d+)\W(\d+)\s+(\d+)$", "\6-\1-\2T\3-\4-\5", 0)
1913 endproc
1915 # A table error, can be insiduously caused by an outdate preferences file!
1916 procedure emergency_table_exit .message$
1917         # If you come here as a user, your preferences file is borked
1918         if preferencesAppFile$ <> "" and fileReadable(preferencesAppFile$)
1919                 deleteFile(preferencesAppFile$)
1920         endif
1921         # Put out message
1922         call get_feedback_text 'config.language$' Cancel
1923         call convert_praat_to_latin1 'get_feedback_text.text$'
1924         .cancelText$ = convert_praat_to_latin1.text$
1925         beginPause: "Fatal Error"
1926         comment: .message$
1927         endPause: .cancelText$, 1
1928         exit '.message$'
1929 endproc
1931 # Remove previous files from system
1932 procedure clean_up_sound
1933         if recordedSound$ = ""
1934                 sgc.recordedSound = 0
1935         endif
1936     if sgc.recordedSound > 0
1937         select sgc.recordedSound
1938         Remove
1939         recordedSound$ = ""
1940         sgc.recordedSound = 0
1941     endif
1942     if te.recordedPitch > 0
1943         select te.recordedPitch
1944         Remove
1945                 te.recordedPitch = 0
1946     endif
1947         if sgc.alignedTextGrid > 0
1948                 select sgc.alignedTextGrid
1949                 Remove
1950                 sgc.alignedTextGrid = -1
1951         endif
1952 endproc
1954 # Safely read a table
1955 procedure readTable .filename$
1956         .tableID = -1
1957         if .filename$ <> "" and fileReadable(.filename$) and index_regex(.filename$, "(?i\.(tsv|table|csv))$") > 0
1958                 .tableID = nocheck Read from file... '.filename$'
1959                 if .tableID = undefined or .tableID <= 0
1960                         .tableID = -1
1961                 else
1962                         .fullName$ = selected$ ()
1963                         .type$ = extractWord$(.fullName$, "")
1964                         if .type$ <> "Table"
1965                                 Remove
1966                                 .tableID = -1
1967                         endif
1968                 endif
1969         endif
1970 endproc
1972 # Read feedback table and get keyed text
1973 procedure get_feedback_text .language$ .key$
1974         if not endsWith(feedbackTableName$, "_'.language$'")
1975                 if feedbackTableName$ <> ""
1976                         select Table 'feedbackTableName$'
1977                         Remove
1978                 endif
1979                 call loadTable 'feedbackTablePrefix$'_'.language$'
1980                 feedbackTableName$ = selected$("Table")
1981         endif
1982         call findKey 'feedbackTableName$' '.key$'
1983         .row = findKey.row
1984         select Table 'feedbackTableName$'
1985         .text$ = Get value... '.row' Text
1986         # Expand variables, eg, 'praatVersion$'
1987         call expand_praat_variables '.text$'
1988         .text$ = expand_praat_variables.text$   
1989 endproc
1992 # Read evaluation table and get keyed text. Only praat converted Text
1993 procedure get_evaluation_text .language$ .key$
1994         if not endsWith(evaluationTableName$, "_'.language$'")
1995                 if evaluationTableName$ <> ""
1996                         select Table 'evaluationTableName$'
1997                         Remove
1998                 endif
1999                 call loadTable 'evaluationTablePrefix$'_'.language$'
2000                 evaluationTableName$ = selected$("Table")
2001         endif
2002         call findLabel 'evaluationTableName$' '.key$'
2003         .row = findLabel.row
2004         select Table 'evaluationTableName$'
2005         .text$ = Get value... '.row' Text
2006         # Expand variables, eg, 'praatVersion$'
2007         call expand_praat_variables '.text$'
2008         .rawtext$ = expand_praat_variables.text$
2009         call convert_praat_to_latin1 '.rawtext$'
2010         .text$ = convert_praat_to_latin1.text$
2011 endproc
2013 # Read all the relevant evaluation labels and put them in "eval.<label>$" variables
2014 procedure get_evaluation_table_labels .language$
2015         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Performance
2016         eval.performance$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2017         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Pinyin
2018         eval.pinyin$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2019         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Correct
2020         eval.correct$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2021         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Wrong
2022         eval.wrong$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2023         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Total
2024$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2025         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' High
2026         eval.high$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2027         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Low
2028         eval.low$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2029         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Wide
2030         eval.wide$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2031         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Narrow
2032         eval.narrow$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2033         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Unknown
2034         eval.unknown$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2035         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Commented
2036         eval.commented$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2037         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Level
2038         eval.level$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2039         call get_evaluation_text '.language$' Time
2040         eval.time$ = get_evaluation_text.text$
2042 endproc