document ASSERT!
[screamer.git] / screams.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Package: (SCREAMS :USE CL :COLON-MODE :EXTERNAL); Base: 10; Syntax: Ansi-common-lisp -*-
3 ;;; LaHaShem HaAretz U'Mloah
5 (in-package :screamer-user)
7 (screamer:define-screamer-package :screams (:use :iterate))
9 (in-package :screams)
11 (defun pythagorean-triples (n)
12 (all-values
13 (let ((a (an-integer-between 1 n))
14 (b (an-integer-between 1 n))
15 (c (an-integer-between 1 n)))
16 (unless (= (+ (* a a) (* b b)) (* c c)) (fail))
17 (list a b c))))
19 (defun pythagorean-triplesv (n)
20 (all-values
21 (solution
22 (let ((a (an-integer-betweenv 1 n))
23 (b (an-integer-betweenv 1 n))
24 (c (an-integer-betweenv 1 n)))
25 (assert! (=v (+v (*v a a) (*v b b)) (*v c c)))
26 (list a b c))
27 (reorder #'range-size
28 #'(lambda (x) (< x 1e-6))
29 #'>
30 #'divide-and-conquer-force))))
32 (defun attacks? (qi qj distance)
33 (or (= qi qj) (= (abs (- qi qj)) distance)))
35 (defun check-queens (queen queens &optional (distance 1))
36 (unless (null queens)
37 (if (attacks? queen (first queens) distance) (fail))
38 (check-queens queen (rest queens) (1+ distance))))
40 (defun n-queens (n &optional queens)
41 (if (= (length queens) n)
42 queens
43 (let ((queen (an-integer-between 1 n)))
44 (check-queens queen queens)
45 (n-queens n (cons queen queens)))))
47 (defun n-queensv (n)
48 (solution
49 (let ((q (make-array n)))
50 (dotimes (i n) (setf (aref q i) (an-integer-betweenv 1 n)))
51 (dotimes (i n)
52 (dotimes (j n)
53 (if (> j i)
54 (assert!
55 (notv (funcallv #'attacks? (aref q i) (aref q j) (- j i)))))))
56 (coerce q 'list))
57 (reorder #'domain-size
58 #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) nil)
59 #'<
60 #'linear-force)))
62 (defun a-subset-of (x)
63 (if (null x)
64 nil
65 (let ((y (a-subset-of (rest x)))) (either (cons (first x) y) y))))
67 (defun a-partition-of (x)
68 (if (null x)
70 (let ((y (a-partition-of (rest x))))
71 (either (cons (list (first x)) y)
72 (let ((z (a-member-of y)))
73 (cons (cons (first x) z) (remove z y :test #'eq :count 1)))))))
75 (defstruct (node (:conc-name nil) (:print-function print-node))
76 name next-nodes (visited? nil) (visits 0))
78 (defun print-node (node stream print-level)
79 (declare (ignore print-level))
80 (princ (name node) stream))
82 (defun simple-path (u v)
83 (if (visited? u) (fail))
84 (local (setf (visited? u) t))
85 (either (progn (unless (eq u v) (fail)) (list u))
86 (cons u (simple-path (a-member-of (next-nodes u)) v))))
88 (defun k-simple-path (u v k)
89 (if (= (visits u) k) (fail))
90 ;; This can't be (LOCAL (INCF (VISITS U))) since Lucid screws up here.
91 (local (setf (visits u) (1+ (visits u))))
92 (either (progn (unless (eq u v) (fail)) (list u))
93 (cons u (k-simple-path (a-member-of (next-nodes u)) v k))))
95 (defun graph ()
96 (let ((a (make-node :name 'a))
97 (b (make-node :name 'b))
98 (c (make-node :name 'c))
99 (d (make-node :name 'd))
100 (e (make-node :name 'e))
101 (f (make-node :name 'f)))
102 (setf (next-nodes a) (list b c))
103 (setf (next-nodes b) (list a d e))
104 (setf (next-nodes c) (list a d e))
105 (setf (next-nodes d) (list b c f))
106 (setf (next-nodes e) (list b c f))
107 (setf (next-nodes f) (list d e))
108 (list (all-values (simple-path a f))
109 (all-values (k-simple-path a f 2)))))
111 (defstruct (boolean-variable (:conc-name nil)) (value :unassigned) noticers)
113 (defun notb (x)
114 (let ((z (make-boolean-variable)))
115 (local (push #'(lambda () (set-value x (not (value z)))) (noticers z))
116 (push #'(lambda () (set-value z (not (value x)))) (noticers x)))
119 (defun andb (x y)
120 (let ((z (make-boolean-variable)))
121 (local
122 (push #'(lambda ()
123 (cond ((value x)
124 (unless (eq (value y) :unassigned) (set-value z (value y)))
125 (unless (eq (value z) :unassigned) (set-value y (value z))))
126 (t (set-value z nil))))
127 (noticers x))
128 (push #'(lambda ()
129 (cond ((value y)
130 (unless (eq (value x) :unassigned) (set-value z (value x)))
131 (unless (eq (value z) :unassigned) (set-value x (value z))))
132 (t (set-value z nil))))
133 (noticers y))
134 (push #'(lambda ()
135 (cond ((value z) (set-value x t) (set-value y t))
136 (t (if (eq (value x) t) (set-value y nil))
137 (if (eq (value y) t) (set-value x nil)))))
138 (noticers z))
139 z)))
141 (defun orb (x y) (notb (andb (notb x) (notb y))))
143 (defun set-value (variable value)
144 (cond ((eq (value variable) :unassigned)
145 (local (setf (value variable) value))
146 (dolist (noticer (noticers variable)) (funcall noticer)))
147 (t (unless (eq (value variable) value) (fail)))))
149 (defun boolean-solution (variables)
150 (if (null variables)
152 (let ((variable (first variables)))
153 (when (eq (value variable) :unassigned)
154 (set-value variable (either t nil)))
155 (cons (value variable) (boolean-solution (rest variables))))))
157 (defun sat-problem ()
158 (all-values
159 (let ((x (make-boolean-variable))
160 (y (make-boolean-variable))
161 (z (make-boolean-variable)))
162 (set-value (andb (orb x (notb y)) (orb y (notb z))) t)
163 (boolean-solution (list x y z)))))
165 (defvar *grammar* '((s np vp)
166 (np det n)
167 (np n)
168 (vp v)
169 (vp v np)
170 (vp v np np)
171 (vp v pp)
172 (vp v np pp)
173 (pp p np)))
175 (defun lhs (rule) (car rule))
177 (defun rhs (rule) (cdr rule))
179 (defun categories (grammar)
180 (remove-duplicates
181 (set-difference (reduce #'append grammar) (mapcar #'first grammar)
182 :test #'eq)
183 :test #'eq))
185 (defun parse-categories (categories words1 &optional words2)
186 (if (null categories)
187 (if (and (null words1) (null words2)) t (fail))
188 (either (progn (parse (first categories) words1)
189 (parse-categories (rest categories) words2))
190 (if (null words1)
191 (fail)
192 (parse-categories
193 categories
194 (reverse (rest (reverse words1)))
195 (append (last words1) words2))))))
197 (defun parse-rule (category words rules)
198 (if (null rules)
199 (fail)
200 (either (if (eq (lhs (first rules)) category)
201 (parse-categories (rhs (first rules)) words)
202 (fail))
203 (parse-rule category words (rest rules)))))
205 (defun parse (category words)
206 (if (null (rest words))
207 (if (eq category (category (first words))) t (fail))
208 (parse-rule category words *grammar*)))
210 (defun category (word)
211 (declare (special lexicon))
212 (let ((category (gethash word lexicon)))
213 (if category
214 category
215 (local (setf (gethash word lexicon)
216 (a-member-of (categories *grammar*)))))))
218 (defun grow-up ()
219 (all-values
220 (let ((lexicon (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
221 (declare (special lexicon))
222 (progn (parse 's '(the cup slid from john to mary))
223 (parse 's '(john walked to the table)))
224 (maphash (lambda (word category)
225 (format t "~%~S: ~S" word category))
226 lexicon))))
228 (defun parse-categoriesv (categories words1 &optional words2)
229 (if (null categories)
230 (if (and (null words1) (null words2)) t NIL)
231 (ORV (progn (parsev (first categories) words1)
232 (parse-categoriesv (rest categories) words2))
233 (if (null words1)
235 (parse-categoriesv
236 categories
237 (reverse (rest (reverse words1)))
238 (append (last words1) words2))))))
240 (defun parse-rulev (category words rules)
241 (if (null rules)
243 (ORV (if (eq (lhs (first rules)) category)
244 (parse-categoriesv (rhs (first rules)) words)
245 NIL)
246 (parse-rulev category words (rest rules)))))
248 (defun parsev (category words)
249 (if (null (rest words))
251 (parse-rulev category words *grammar*)))
253 (defun categoryv (word)
254 (declare (special lexicon))
255 (let ((category (gethash word lexicon)))
256 (if category
257 category
258 (setf (gethash word lexicon) (A-MEMBER-OFV (categories *grammar*))))))
260 (defun grow-upv ()
261 (let ((lexicon (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
262 (declare (special lexicon))
263 (ASSERT! (ANDV (parsev 's '(the cup slid from john to mary))
264 (parsev 's '(john walked to the table))))
265 (all-values
270 (let (categories)
271 (maphash (lambda (word category)
272 (declare (ignore word))
273 (push category categories))
274 lexicon)
275 categories))
276 (maphash (lambda (word category)
277 (format t "~%~S: ~S" word category))
278 lexicon))))
280 (defvar *puzzle1* '((1 1 across 5)
281 (1 12 across 2)
282 (2 4 across 4)
283 (2 10 across 6)
284 (3 1 across 4)
285 (3 12 across 2)
286 (4 1 across 2)
287 (4 4 across 2)
288 (4 8 across 4)
289 (5 8 across 5)
290 (6 1 across 3)
291 (6 10 across 4)
292 (7 7 across 4)
293 (7 13 across 3)
294 (8 1 across 2)
295 (8 5 across 4)
296 (10 6 across 2)
297 (10 14 across 2)
298 (11 3 across 4)
299 (12 6 across 3)
300 (12 10 across 5)
301 (13 1 across 6)
302 (14 1 across 4)
303 (3 1 down 6)
304 (12 1 down 4)
305 (3 2 down 2)
306 (13 2 down 2)
307 (13 3 down 2)
308 (1 4 down 4)
309 (10 4 down 5)
310 (1 5 down 2)
311 (4 5 down 5)
312 (8 6 down 6)
313 (7 7 down 2)
314 (4 8 down 2)
315 (7 8 down 2)
316 (4 9 down 2)
317 (2 10 down 6)
318 (12 10 down 3)
319 (4 11 down 3)
320 (1 12 down 3)
321 (5 12 down 2)
322 (1 13 down 3)
323 (6 13 down 2)
324 (10 14 down 3)
325 (6 15 down 5)))
327 (defvar *words1* '("ache"
328 "adults"
329 "am"
330 "an"
331 "ax"
332 "bandit"
333 "bath"
334 "below"
335 "cave"
336 "dean"
337 "dig"
338 "do"
339 "dots"
340 "ef"
341 "eh"
342 "enjoys"
343 "era"
344 "es"
345 "fade"
346 "fee"
347 "him"
348 "incur"
349 "jo"
350 "knee"
351 "la"
352 "large"
353 "lie"
354 "ma"
355 "mops"
356 "on"
357 "ow"
358 "owe"
359 "pair"
360 "pi"
361 "re"
362 "royal"
363 "run"
364 "squad"
365 "sticks"
366 "string"
367 "ti"
368 "ut"
369 "veils"
370 "you"
371 "zero"))
373 (defvar *puzzle2* '((1 1 across 3)
374 (1 5 across 5)
375 (1 11 across 4)
376 (2 1 across 3)
377 (2 5 across 5)
378 (2 11 across 5)
379 (3 1 across 7)
380 (3 9 across 4)
381 (3 14 across 2)
382 (4 4 across 3)
383 (4 8 across 4)
384 (4 13 across 3)
385 (5 1 across 5)
386 (5 7 across 4)
387 (5 12 across 4)
388 (6 1 across 4)
389 (6 6 across 4)
390 (6 11 across 3)
391 (7 1 across 3)
392 (7 5 across 4)
393 (7 10 across 6)
394 (8 1 across 2)
395 (8 4 across 4)
396 (8 9 across 4)
397 (8 14 across 2)
398 (9 1 across 6)
399 (9 8 across 4)
400 (9 13 across 3)
401 (10 3 across 3)
402 (10 7 across 4)
403 (10 12 across 4)
404 (11 1 across 4)
405 (11 6 across 4)
406 (11 11 across 5)
407 (12 1 across 3)
408 (12 5 across 4)
409 (12 10 across 3)
410 (13 1 across 2)
411 (13 4 across 4)
412 (13 9 across 7)
413 (14 1 across 5)
414 (14 7 across 5)
415 (14 13 across 3)
416 (15 2 across 4)
417 (15 7 across 5)
418 (15 13 across 3)
419 (1 1 down 3)
420 (5 1 down 5)
421 (11 1 down 4)
422 (1 2 down 3)
423 (5 2 down 5)
424 (11 2 down 5)
425 (1 3 down 3)
426 (5 3 down 3)
427 (9 3 down 4)
428 (14 3 down 2)
429 (3 4 down 4)
430 (8 4 down 4)
431 (13 4 down 3)
432 (1 5 down 5)
433 (7 5 down 4)
434 (12 5 down 4)
435 (1 6 down 4)
436 (6 6 down 4)
437 (11 6 down 3)
438 (1 7 down 3)
439 (5 7 down 4)
440 (10 7 down 6)
441 (1 8 down 2)
442 (4 8 down 4)
443 (9 8 down 4)
444 (14 8 down 2)
445 (1 9 down 6)
446 (8 9 down 4)
447 (13 9 down 3)
448 (3 10 down 3)
449 (7 10 down 4)
450 (12 10 down 4)
451 (1 11 down 4)
452 (6 11 down 4)
453 (11 11 down 5)
454 (1 12 down 3)
455 (5 12 down 4)
456 (10 12 down 4)
457 (1 13 down 2)
458 (4 13 down 4)
459 (9 13 down 3)
460 (13 13 down 3)
461 (1 14 down 5)
462 (7 14 down 5)
463 (13 14 down 3)
464 (2 15 down 4)
465 (7 15 down 5)
466 (13 15 down 3)))
468 (defvar *words2* '("ad"
469 "al"
470 "alas"
471 "aloha"
472 "art"
473 "at"
474 "atl"
475 "bags"
476 "bang"
477 "base"
478 "bore"
479 "coat"
480 "dad"
481 "dart"
482 "dime"
483 "dine"
484 "dive"
485 "do"
486 "eh"
487 "elf"
488 "er"
489 "evade"
490 "even"
491 "fan"
492 "fee"
493 "fine"
494 "gate"
495 "goat"
496 "happy"
497 "hares"
498 "hem"
499 "hide"
500 "hire"
501 "hive"
502 "hoe"
503 "hone"
504 "inn"
505 "largest"
506 "learned"
507 "lee"
508 "lemons"
509 "lid"
510 "lilac"
511 "lip"
512 "lo"
513 "load"
514 "mates"
515 "mile"
516 "mirror"
517 "mist"
518 "moon"
519 "more"
520 "oak"
521 "olive"
522 "ore"
523 "pans"
524 "paris"
525 "pay"
526 "pea"
527 "pedal"
528 "penny"
529 "pier"
530 "pile"
531 "pins"
532 "pits"
533 "raise"
534 "rips"
535 "roe"
536 "ropes"
537 "roy"
538 "salads"
539 "see"
540 "slam"
541 "slat"
542 "some"
543 "spot"
544 "steer"
545 "stew"
546 "tag"
547 "tame"
548 "tan"
549 "tank"
550 "tea"
551 "tee"
552 "tie"
553 "tigers"
554 "tire"
555 "to"
556 "toe"
557 "wager"
558 "wave"
559 "wider"
560 "win"
561 "wires"))
563 (defun row (placement) (first placement))
565 (defun column (placement) (second placement))
567 (defun direction (placement) (third placement))
569 (defun placement-length (placement) (fourth placement))
571 (defun intersect? (placement1 placement2)
572 (and
573 (not (eq (direction placement1) (direction placement2)))
574 (if (eq (direction placement1) 'across)
575 (and (>= (row placement1) (row placement2))
576 (<= (row placement1)
577 (+ (row placement2) (placement-length placement2) -1))
578 (>= (column placement2) (column placement1))
579 (<= (column placement2)
580 (+ (column placement1) (placement-length placement1) -1)))
581 (and (>= (row placement2) (row placement1))
582 (<= (row placement2)
583 (+ (row placement1) (placement-length placement1) -1))
584 (>= (column placement1) (column placement2))
585 (<= (column placement1)
586 (+ (column placement2) (placement-length placement2) -1))))))
588 (defun consistent-placements?
589 (placement1 placement2 placement1-word placement2-word)
590 (or (not (intersect? placement1 placement2))
591 (if (eq (direction placement1) 'across)
592 (char= (aref placement1-word
593 (- (column placement2) (column placement1)))
594 (aref placement2-word
595 (- (row placement1) (row placement2))))
596 (char= (aref placement2-word
597 (- (column placement1) (column placement2)))
598 (aref placement1-word
599 (- (row placement2) (row placement1)))))))
601 (defun word-of-length (n dictionary)
602 (if (null dictionary)
603 (fail)
604 (if (= (length (first dictionary)) n)
605 (either (first dictionary) (word-of-length n (rest dictionary)))
606 (word-of-length n (rest dictionary)))))
608 (defun check-placement (placement word solution)
609 (dolist (placement-word solution)
610 (if (not (consistent-placements?
611 (first placement-word) placement (second placement-word) word))
612 (fail))))
614 (defun choose-placement (placements solution)
615 (block exit
616 (dolist (placement placements)
617 (if (some #'(lambda (placement-word)
618 (intersect? (first placement-word) placement))
619 solution)
620 (return-from exit placement)))
621 (return-from exit (first placements))))
623 (defun crossword (placements dictionary &optional solution)
624 (if (null placements)
625 solution
626 (let* ((placement (choose-placement placements solution))
627 (word (word-of-length (placement-length placement) dictionary)))
628 (check-placement placement word solution)
629 (crossword (remove placement placements)
630 dictionary
631 (cons (list placement word) solution)))))
633 (defun crossword-variables (placements dictionary)
634 (iterate
635 (with variables =
636 (iterate
637 (for placement in placements)
638 (collect
639 (a-member-ofv
640 (all-values
641 (let ((word (a-member-of dictionary)))
642 (unless (= (length word)
643 (placement-length placement))
644 (fail))
645 word))))))
646 (for (variable1 . remaining-variables) on variables)
647 (for (placement1 . remaining-placements) on placements)
648 (iterate
649 (for variable2 in remaining-variables)
650 (for placement2 in remaining-placements)
651 (if (intersect? placement1 placement2)
652 (let ((placement1 placement1)
653 (placement2 placement2))
654 (assert!
655 (funcallv #'(lambda (word1 word2)
656 (consistent-placements?
657 placement1 placement2 word1 word2))
658 variable1
659 variable2)))))
660 (finally (return variables))))
662 (defun crosswordv (placements dictionary)
663 (mapcar #'list
664 placements
665 (solution (crossword-variables placements dictionary)
666 (reorder #'domain-size
667 #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) nil)
669 #'linear-force))))
671 (defun nonlinear ()
672 (for-effects
673 (print
674 (solution
675 (let ((x (a-real-betweenv -1e38 1e38))
676 (y (a-real-betweenv -1e38 1e38))
677 (z (a-real-betweenv -1e38 1e38)))
678 (assert!
679 (andv (orv (=v (+v (*v 4 x x y) (*v 7 y z z) (*v 6 x x z z)) 2)
680 (=v (+v (*v 3 x y) (*v 2 y y) (*v 5 x y z)) -4))
681 (>=v (*v (+v x y) (+v y z)) -5)))
682 (list x y z))
683 (reorder #'range-size
684 #'(lambda (x) (< x 1e-6))
686 #'divide-and-conquer-force)))))
688 (defun prolog-append (x y z)
689 (either (progn (assert! (equalv x nil))
690 (assert! (equalv y z)))
691 (let ((x1 (make-variable))
692 (y1 (make-variable))
693 (z1 (make-variable))
694 (a (make-variable)))
695 (assert! (equalv x (cons a x1)))
696 (assert! (equalv y y1))
697 (assert! (equalv z (cons a z1)))
698 (prolog-append x1 y1 z1))))
700 (defun split-list ()
701 (all-values
702 (let ((x (make-variable))
703 (y (make-variable)))
704 (prolog-append x y '(a b c d))
705 ;; Note how lists with variables in their CDR print out as dotted pairs
706 ;; since the Common Lisp printer for cons cells won't dereference bound
707 ;; variables to determine that a cons cell can be printed in list notation.
708 ;; Also note that the value returned by SPLIT-LIST contains variables which
709 ;; are unbound outside the context of ALL-VALUES.
710 (print (list x y)))))
712 ;;; Tam V'Nishlam Shevah L'El Borei Olam