FORMAT performance tweaking
[sbcl/tcr.git] / src / compiler / dfo.lisp
1 ;;;; This file contains the code that finds the initial components and
2 ;;;; DFO, and recomputes the DFO if it is invalidated.
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
8 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
9 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
10 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
11 ;;;; files for more information.
13 (in-package "SB!C")
15 ;;; Find the DFO for a component, deleting any unreached blocks and
16 ;;; merging any other components we reach. We repeatedly iterate over
17 ;;; the entry points, since new ones may show up during the walk.
18 (declaim (ftype (function (component) (values)) find-dfo))
19 (defun find-dfo (component)
20 (clear-flags component)
21 (setf (component-reanalyze component) nil)
22 (let ((head (component-head component)))
23 (do ()
24 ((dolist (ep (block-succ head) t)
25 (unless (or (block-flag ep) (block-delete-p ep))
26 (find-dfo-aux ep head component)
27 (return nil))))))
28 (let ((num 0))
29 (declare (fixnum num))
30 (do-blocks-backwards (block component :both)
31 (if (block-flag block)
32 (setf (block-number block) (incf num))
33 (delete-block-lazily block)))
34 (clean-component component (component-head component)))
35 (values))
37 ;;; Move all the code and entry points from OLD to NEW. The code in
38 ;;; OLD is inserted at the head of NEW. This is also called during LET
39 ;;; conversion when we are about in insert the body of a LET in a
40 ;;; different component. [A local call can be to a different component
41 ;;; before FIND-INITIAL-DFO runs.]
42 (declaim (ftype (function (component component) (values)) join-components))
43 (defun join-components (new old)
44 (aver (eq (component-kind new) (component-kind old)))
45 (let ((old-head (component-head old))
46 (old-tail (component-tail old))
47 (head (component-head new))
48 (tail (component-tail new)))
50 (do-blocks (block old)
51 (setf (block-flag block) nil)
52 (setf (block-component block) new))
54 (let ((old-next (block-next old-head))
55 (old-last (block-prev old-tail))
56 (next (block-next head)))
57 (unless (eq old-next old-tail)
58 (setf (block-next head) old-next)
59 (setf (block-prev old-next) head)
61 (setf (block-prev next) old-last)
62 (setf (block-next old-last) next))
64 (setf (block-next old-head) old-tail)
65 (setf (block-prev old-tail) old-head))
67 (setf (component-lambdas new)
68 (nconc (component-lambdas old) (component-lambdas new)))
69 (setf (component-lambdas old) nil)
70 (setf (component-new-functionals new)
71 (nconc (component-new-functionals old)
72 (component-new-functionals new)))
73 (setf (component-new-functionals old) nil)
75 (dolist (xp (block-pred old-tail))
76 (unlink-blocks xp old-tail)
77 (link-blocks xp tail))
78 (dolist (ep (block-succ old-head))
79 (unlink-blocks old-head ep)
80 (link-blocks head ep)))
81 (values))
83 ;;; Do a depth-first walk from BLOCK, inserting ourself in the DFO
84 ;;; after HEAD. If we somehow find ourselves in another component,
85 ;;; then we join that component to our component.
86 (declaim (ftype (function (cblock cblock component) (values)) find-dfo-aux))
87 (defun find-dfo-aux (block head component)
88 (unless (eq (block-component block) component)
89 (join-components component (block-component block)))
90 (unless (or (block-flag block) (block-delete-p block))
91 (setf (block-flag block) t)
92 (dolist (succ (block-succ block))
93 (find-dfo-aux succ head component))
94 (when (component-nlx-info-generated-p component)
95 ;; FIXME: We also need (and do) this walk before physenv
96 ;; analysis, but at that time we are probably not very
97 ;; interested in the actual DF order.
99 ;; TODO: It is probable that one of successors have the same (or
100 ;; similar) set of NLXes; try to shorten the walk (but think
101 ;; about a loop, the only exit from which is non-local).
102 (map-block-nlxes (lambda (nlx-info)
103 (let ((nle (nlx-info-target nlx-info)))
104 (find-dfo-aux nle head component)))
105 block))
106 (remove-from-dfo block)
107 (add-to-dfo block head))
108 (values))
110 ;;; This function is called on each block by FIND-INITIAL-DFO-AUX
111 ;;; before it walks the successors. It looks at the home CLAMBDA's
112 ;;; BIND block to see whether that block is in some other component:
113 ;;; -- If the block is in the initial component, then do
114 ;;; DFO-SCAVENGE-DEPENDENCY-GRAPH on the home function to move it
115 ;;; into COMPONENT.
116 ;;; -- If the block is in some other component, join COMPONENT into
117 ;;; it and return that component.
118 ;;; -- If the home function is deleted, do nothing. BLOCK must
119 ;;; eventually be discovered to be unreachable as well. This can
120 ;;; happen when we have a NLX into a function with no references.
121 ;;; The escape function still has refs (in the deleted function).
123 ;;; This ensures that all the blocks in a given environment will be in
124 ;;; the same component, even when they might not seem reachable from
125 ;;; the environment entry. Consider the case of code that is only
126 ;;; reachable from a non-local exit.
127 (defun scavenge-home-dependency-graph (block component)
128 (declare (type cblock block) (type component component))
129 (let ((home-lambda (block-home-lambda block)))
130 (if (eq (functional-kind home-lambda) :deleted)
131 component
132 (let ((home-component (lambda-component home-lambda)))
133 (cond ((eq (component-kind home-component) :initial)
134 (dfo-scavenge-dependency-graph home-lambda component))
135 ((eq home-component component)
136 component)
138 (join-components home-component component)
139 home-component))))))
141 ;;; This is somewhat similar to FIND-DFO-AUX, except that it merges
142 ;;; the current component with any strange component, rather than the
143 ;;; other way around. This is more efficient in the common case where
144 ;;; the current component doesn't have much stuff in it.
146 ;;; We return the current component as a result, allowing the caller
147 ;;; to detect when the old current component has been merged with
148 ;;; another.
150 ;;; We walk blocks in initial components as though they were already
151 ;;; in the current component, moving them to the current component in
152 ;;; the process. The blocks are inserted at the head of the current
153 ;;; component.
154 (defun find-initial-dfo-aux (block component)
155 (declare (type cblock block) (type component component))
156 (let ((this (block-component block)))
157 (cond
158 ((not (or (eq this component)
159 (eq (component-kind this) :initial)))
160 (join-components this component)
161 this)
162 ((block-flag block) component)
164 (setf (block-flag block) t)
165 (let ((current (scavenge-home-dependency-graph block component)))
166 (dolist (succ (block-succ block))
167 (setq current (find-initial-dfo-aux succ current)))
168 (remove-from-dfo block)
169 (add-to-dfo block (component-head current))
170 current)))))
172 ;;; Return a list of all the home lambdas that reference FUN (may
173 ;;; contain duplications).
175 ;;; References to functions which local call analysis could not (or
176 ;;; were chosen not) to local call convert will appear as references
177 ;;; to XEP lambdas. We can ignore references to XEPs that appear in
178 ;;; :TOPLEVEL components, since environment analysis goes to special
179 ;;; effort to allow closing over of values from a separate top level
180 ;;; component. (And now that HAS-EXTERNAL-REFERENCES-P-ness
181 ;;; generalizes :TOPLEVEL-ness, we ignore those too.) All other
182 ;;; references must cause components to be joined.
184 ;;; References in deleted functions are also ignored, since this code
185 ;;; will be deleted eventually.
186 (defun find-reference-funs (fun)
187 (collect ((res))
188 (dolist (ref (leaf-refs fun))
189 (let* ((home (node-home-lambda ref))
190 (home-kind (functional-kind home))
191 (home-externally-visible-p
192 (or (eq home-kind :toplevel)
193 (functional-has-external-references-p home))))
194 (unless (or (and home-externally-visible-p
195 (eq (functional-kind fun) :external))
196 (eq home-kind :deleted))
197 (res home))))
198 (res)))
200 ;;; If CLAMBDA is already in COMPONENT, just return that
201 ;;; component. Otherwise, move the code for CLAMBDA and all lambdas it
202 ;;; physically depends on (either because of calls or because of
203 ;;; closure relationships) into COMPONENT, or possibly into another
204 ;;; COMPONENT that we find to be related. Return whatever COMPONENT we
205 ;;; actually merged into.
207 ;;; (Note: The analogous CMU CL code only scavenged call-based
208 ;;; dependencies, not closure dependencies. That seems to've been by
209 ;;; oversight, not by design, as per the bug reported by WHN on
210 ;;; cmucl-imp ca. 2001-11-29 and explained by DTC shortly after.)
212 ;;; If the function is in an initial component, then we move its head
213 ;;; and tail to COMPONENT and add it to COMPONENT's lambdas. It is
214 ;;; harmless to move the tail (even though the return might be
215 ;;; unreachable) because if the return is unreachable it (and its
216 ;;; successor link) will be deleted in the post-deletion pass.
218 ;;; We then do a FIND-DFO-AUX starting at the head of CLAMBDA. If this
219 ;;; flow-graph walk encounters another component (which can only
220 ;;; happen due to a non-local exit), then we move code into that
221 ;;; component instead. We then recurse on all functions called from
222 ;;; CLAMBDA, moving code into whichever component the preceding call
223 ;;; returned.
225 ;;; If CLAMBDA is in the initial component, but the BLOCK-FLAG is set
226 ;;; in the bind block, then we just return COMPONENT, since we must
227 ;;; have already reached this function in the current walk (or the
228 ;;; component would have been changed).
230 ;;; If the function is an XEP, then we also walk all functions that
231 ;;; contain references to the XEP. This is done so that environment
232 ;;; analysis doesn't need to cross component boundaries. This also
233 ;;; ensures that conversion of a full call to a local call won't
234 ;;; result in a need to join components, since the components will
235 ;;; already be one.
236 (defun dfo-scavenge-dependency-graph (clambda component)
237 (declare (type clambda clambda) (type component component))
238 (assert (not (eql (lambda-kind clambda) :deleted)))
239 (let* ((bind-block (node-block (lambda-bind clambda)))
240 (old-lambda-component (block-component bind-block))
241 (return (lambda-return clambda)))
242 (cond
243 ((eq old-lambda-component component)
244 component)
245 ((not (eq (component-kind old-lambda-component) :initial))
246 (join-components old-lambda-component component)
247 old-lambda-component)
248 ((block-flag bind-block)
249 component)
251 (push clambda (component-lambdas component))
252 (setf (component-lambdas old-lambda-component)
253 (delete clambda (component-lambdas old-lambda-component)))
254 (link-blocks (component-head component) bind-block)
255 (unlink-blocks (component-head old-lambda-component) bind-block)
256 (when return
257 (let ((return-block (node-block return)))
258 (link-blocks return-block (component-tail component))
259 (unlink-blocks return-block (component-tail old-lambda-component))))
260 (let ((res (find-initial-dfo-aux bind-block component)))
261 (declare (type component res))
262 ;; Scavenge related lambdas.
263 (labels ((scavenge-lambda (clambda)
264 (setf res
265 (dfo-scavenge-dependency-graph (lambda-home clambda)
266 res)))
267 (scavenge-possibly-deleted-lambda (clambda)
268 (unless (eql (lambda-kind clambda) :deleted)
269 (scavenge-lambda clambda)))
270 ;; Scavenge call relationship.
271 (scavenge-call (called-lambda)
272 (scavenge-lambda called-lambda))
273 ;; Scavenge closure over a variable: if CLAMBDA
274 ;; refers to a variable whose home lambda is not
275 ;; CLAMBDA, then the home lambda should be in the
276 ;; same component as CLAMBDA. (sbcl-0.6.13, and CMU
277 ;; CL, didn't do this, leading to the occasional
278 ;; failure when physenv analysis, which is local to
279 ;; each component, would bogusly conclude that a
280 ;; closed-over variable was unused and thus delete
281 ;; it. See e.g. cmucl-imp 2001-11-29.)
282 (scavenge-closure-var (var)
283 (unless (null (lambda-var-refs var)) ; unless var deleted
284 (let ((var-home-home (lambda-home (lambda-var-home var))))
285 (scavenge-possibly-deleted-lambda var-home-home))))
286 ;; Scavenge closure over an entry for nonlocal exit.
287 ;; This is basically parallel to closure over a
288 ;; variable above.
289 (scavenge-entry (entry)
290 (declare (type entry entry))
291 (let ((entry-home (node-home-lambda entry)))
292 (scavenge-possibly-deleted-lambda entry-home))))
293 (do-sset-elements (cc (lambda-calls-or-closes clambda))
294 (etypecase cc
295 (clambda (scavenge-call cc))
296 (lambda-var (scavenge-closure-var cc))
297 (entry (scavenge-entry cc))))
298 (when (eq (lambda-kind clambda) :external)
299 (mapc #'scavenge-call (find-reference-funs clambda))))
300 ;; Voila.
301 res)))))
303 ;;; Return true if CLAMBDA either is an XEP or has EXITS to some of
304 ;;; its ENTRIES.
305 (defun has-xep-or-nlx (clambda)
306 (declare (type clambda clambda))
307 (or (eq (functional-kind clambda) :external)
308 (let ((entries (lambda-entries clambda)))
309 (and entries
310 (find-if #'entry-exits entries)))))
312 ;;; Compute the result of FIND-INITIAL-DFO given the list of all
313 ;;; resulting components. Components with a :TOPLEVEL lambda, but no
314 ;;; normal XEPs or potential non-local exits are marked as :TOPLEVEL.
315 ;;; If there is a :TOPLEVEL lambda, and also a normal XEP, then we
316 ;;; treat the component as normal, but also return such components in
317 ;;; a list as the third value. Components with no entry of any sort
318 ;;; are deleted.
319 (defun separate-toplevelish-components (components)
320 (declare (list components))
321 (collect ((real)
322 (top)
323 (real-top))
324 (dolist (component components)
325 (unless (eq (block-next (component-head component))
326 (component-tail component))
327 (let* ((funs (component-lambdas component))
328 (has-top (find :toplevel funs :key #'functional-kind))
329 (has-external-references
330 (some #'functional-has-external-references-p funs)))
332 ;; is newer than the rest of this function, and
333 ;; doesn't really seem to fit into its mindset. Here
334 ;; we mark components which contain such FUNCTIONs
335 ;; them as :COMPLEX-TOPLEVEL, since they do get
336 ;; executed at run time, and since it's not valid to
337 ;; delete them just because they don't have any
338 ;; references from pure :TOPLEVEL components. -- WHN
339 has-external-references
340 (setf (component-kind component) :complex-toplevel)
341 (real component)
342 (real-top component))
343 ((or (some #'has-xep-or-nlx funs)
344 (and has-top (rest funs)))
345 (setf (component-name component)
346 (find-component-name component))
347 (real component)
348 (when has-top
349 (setf (component-kind component) :complex-toplevel)
350 (real-top component)))
351 (has-top
352 (setf (component-kind component) :toplevel)
353 (setf (component-name component) "top level form")
354 (top component))
356 (delete-component component))))))
358 (values (real) (top) (real-top))))
360 ;;; Given a list of top level lambdas, return
362 ;;; Each of the three values returned is a list of COMPONENTs:
363 ;;; NONTOP-COMPONENTS = non-top-level-ish COMPONENTs;
364 ;;; TOP-COMPONENTS = top-level-ish COMPONENTs;
366 ;;; elements which include a top-level-ish lambda.
368 ;;; We assign the DFO for each component, and delete any unreachable
369 ;;; blocks. We assume that the FLAGS have already been cleared.
370 (defun find-initial-dfo (toplevel-lambdas)
371 (declare (list toplevel-lambdas))
372 (collect ((components))
373 ;; We iterate over the lambdas in each initial component, trying
374 ;; to put each function in its own component, but joining it to
375 ;; an existing component if we find that there are references
376 ;; between them. Any code that is left in an initial component
377 ;; must be unreachable, so we can delete it. Stray links to the
378 ;; initial component tail (due to NIL function terminated blocks)
379 ;; are moved to the appropriate new component tail.
380 (dolist (toplevel-lambda toplevel-lambdas)
381 (let* ((old-component (lambda-component toplevel-lambda))
382 (old-component-lambdas (component-lambdas old-component))
383 (new-component nil))
384 (aver (member toplevel-lambda old-component-lambdas))
385 (dolist (component-lambda old-component-lambdas)
386 (aver (member (functional-kind component-lambda)
387 '(:optional :external :toplevel nil :escape
388 :cleanup)))
389 (unless new-component
390 (setf new-component (make-empty-component))
391 (setf (component-name new-component)
392 ;; This isn't necessarily an ideal name for the
393 ;; component, since it might end up with multiple
394 ;; lambdas in it, not just this one, but it does
395 ;; seem a better name than just "<unknown>".
396 (leaf-debug-name component-lambda)))
397 (let ((res (dfo-scavenge-dependency-graph component-lambda
398 new-component)))
399 (when (eq res new-component)
400 (aver (not (position new-component (components))))
401 (components new-component)
402 (setq new-component nil))))
403 (when (eq (component-kind old-component) :initial)
404 (aver (null (component-lambdas old-component)))
405 (let ((tail (component-tail old-component)))
406 (dolist (pred (block-pred tail))
407 (let ((pred-component (block-component pred)))
408 (unless (eq pred-component old-component)
409 (unlink-blocks pred tail)
410 (link-blocks pred (component-tail pred-component))))))
411 (delete-component old-component))))
413 ;; When we are done, we assign DFNs.
414 (dolist (component (components))
415 (let ((num 0))
416 (declare (fixnum num))
417 (do-blocks-backwards (block component :both)
418 (setf (block-number block) (incf num)))))
420 ;; Pull out top-level-ish code.
421 (separate-toplevelish-components (components))))
423 ;;; Insert the code in LAMBDA at the end of RESULT-LAMBDA.
424 (defun merge-1-toplevel-lambda (result-lambda lambda)
425 (declare (type clambda result-lambda lambda))
427 ;; Delete the lambda, and combine the LETs and entries.
428 (setf (functional-kind lambda) :deleted)
429 (dolist (let (lambda-lets lambda))
430 (setf (lambda-home let) result-lambda)
431 (setf (lambda-physenv let) (lambda-physenv result-lambda))
432 (push let (lambda-lets result-lambda)))
433 (setf (lambda-entries result-lambda)
434 (nconc (lambda-entries result-lambda)
435 (lambda-entries lambda)))
437 (let* ((bind (lambda-bind lambda))
438 (bind-block (node-block bind))
439 (component (block-component bind-block))
440 (result-component (lambda-component result-lambda))
441 (result-return-block (node-block (lambda-return result-lambda))))
443 ;; Move blocks into the new COMPONENT, and move any nodes directly
444 ;; in the old LAMBDA into the new one (with LETs implicitly moved
445 ;; by changing their home.)
446 (do-blocks (block component)
447 (do-nodes (node nil block)
448 (let ((lexenv (node-lexenv node)))
449 (when (eq (lexenv-lambda lexenv) lambda)
450 (setf (lexenv-lambda lexenv) result-lambda))))
451 (setf (block-component block) result-component))
453 ;; Splice the blocks into the new DFO, and unlink them from the
454 ;; old component head and tail. Non-return blocks that jump to the
455 ;; tail (NIL-returning calls) are switched to go to the new tail.
456 (let* ((head (component-head component))
457 (first (block-next head))
458 (tail (component-tail component))
459 (last (block-prev tail))
460 (prev (block-prev result-return-block)))
461 (setf (block-next prev) first)
462 (setf (block-prev first) prev)
463 (setf (block-next last) result-return-block)
464 (setf (block-prev result-return-block) last)
465 (dolist (succ (block-succ head))
466 (unlink-blocks head succ))
467 (dolist (pred (block-pred tail))
468 (unlink-blocks pred tail)
469 (let ((last (block-last pred)))
470 (unless (return-p last)
471 (aver (basic-combination-p last))
472 (link-blocks pred (component-tail result-component))))))
474 (let ((lambdas (component-lambdas component)))
475 (aver (and (null (rest lambdas))
476 (eq (first lambdas) lambda))))
478 ;; Switch the end of the code from the return block to the start of
479 ;; the next chunk.
480 (dolist (pred (block-pred result-return-block))
481 (unlink-blocks pred result-return-block)
482 (link-blocks pred bind-block))
483 (unlink-node bind)
485 ;; If there is a return, then delete it (making the preceding node
486 ;; the last node) and link the block to the result return. There
487 ;; is always a preceding REF NIL node in top level lambdas.
488 (let ((return (lambda-return lambda)))
489 (when return
490 (link-blocks (node-block return) result-return-block)
491 (flush-dest (return-result return))
492 (unlink-node return)))))
494 ;;; Given a non-empty list of top level LAMBDAs, smash them into a
495 ;;; top level lambda and component, returning these as values. We use
496 ;;; the first lambda and its component, putting the other code in that
497 ;;; component and deleting the other lambdas.
498 (defun merge-toplevel-lambdas (lambdas)
499 (declare (cons lambdas))
500 (let* ((result-lambda (first lambdas))
501 (result-return (lambda-return result-lambda)))
502 (cond
503 (result-return
505 ;; Make sure the result's return node starts a block so that we
506 ;; can splice code in before it.
507 (let ((prev (node-prev
508 (lvar-uses (return-result result-return)))))
509 (when (ctran-use prev)
510 (node-ends-block (ctran-use prev))))
512 (dolist (lambda (rest lambdas))
513 (merge-1-toplevel-lambda result-lambda lambda)))
515 (dolist (lambda (rest lambdas))
516 (setf (functional-entry-fun lambda) nil)
517 (delete-component (lambda-component lambda)))))
519 (values (lambda-component result-lambda) result-lambda)))