special variables cause special cases in CLOS cleverness
[sbcl/tcr.git] / tests / external-format.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; This file is for testing external-format functionality, using
2 ;;;; test machinery which might have side effects (e.g. executing
3 ;;;; DEFUN, writing files). Note that the tests here reach into
4 ;;;; unexported functionality, and should not be used as a guide for
5 ;;;; users.
7 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
8 ;;;; more information.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
11 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
12 ;;;; from CMU CL.
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
15 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
16 ;;;; more information.
18 (defmacro do-external-formats ((xf &optional result) &body body)
19 (let ((nxf (gensym)))
20 `(dolist (,nxf sb-impl::*external-formats* ,result)
21 (let ((,xf (first (first ,nxf))))
22 ,@body))))
24 (defvar *test-path* "external-format-test.tmp")
26 (do-external-formats (xf)
27 (with-open-file (s #-win32 "/dev/null" #+win32 "nul" :direction :input :external-format xf)
28 (assert (eq (read-char s nil s) s))))
30 ;;; Test standard character read-write equivalency over all external formats.
31 (let ((standard-characters "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!$\"'(),_-./:;?+<=>#%&*@[\\]{|}`^~"))
32 (do-external-formats (xf)
33 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :output
34 :if-exists :supersede :external-format xf)
35 (loop for character across standard-characters
36 do (write-char character s)))
37 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :input
38 :external-format xf)
39 (loop for character across standard-characters
40 do (let ((got (read-char s)))
41 (unless (eql character got)
42 (error "wanted ~S, got ~S" character got)))))))
44 (delete-file *test-path*)
45 #-sb-unicode
46 (progn
47 (test-util:report-test-status)
48 (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104))
50 ;;; Test UTF-8 writing and reading of 1, 2, 3 and 4 octet characters with
51 ;;; all possible offsets. Tests for buffer edge bugs. fd-stream buffers are
52 ;;; 4096 wide.
53 (dotimes (width-1 4)
54 (let ((character (code-char (elt '(1 #x81 #x801 #x10001) width-1))))
55 (dotimes (offset (+ width-1 1))
56 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :output
57 :if-exists :supersede :external-format :utf-8)
58 (dotimes (n offset)
59 (write-char #\a s))
60 (dotimes (n (+ 4 sb-impl::+bytes-per-buffer+))
61 (write-char character s)))
62 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :input
63 :external-format :utf-8)
64 (dotimes (n offset)
65 (assert (eql (read-char s) #\a)))
66 (dotimes (n (+ 4 sb-impl::+bytes-per-buffer+))
67 (let ((got (read-char s)))
68 (unless (eql got character)
69 (error "wanted ~S, got ~S (~S)" character got n))))
70 (assert (eql (read-char s nil s) s))))))
72 ;;; Test character decode restarts.
73 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :output
74 :if-exists :supersede :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
75 (write-byte 65 s)
76 (write-byte 66 s)
77 (write-byte #xe0 s)
78 (write-byte 67 s))
79 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :input
80 :external-format :utf-8)
81 (handler-bind
82 ((sb-int:character-decoding-error #'(lambda (decoding-error)
83 (declare (ignore decoding-error))
84 (invoke-restart
85 'sb-int:attempt-resync))))
86 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s) "ABC"))
87 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s) s))))
88 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :input
89 :external-format :utf-8)
90 (handler-bind
91 ((sb-int:character-decoding-error #'(lambda (decoding-error)
92 (declare (ignore decoding-error))
93 (invoke-restart
94 'sb-int:force-end-of-file))))
95 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s) "AB"))
96 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s) s))))
98 ;;; And again with more data to account for buffering (this was briefly)
99 ;;; broken in early 0.9.6.
100 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :output
101 :if-exists :supersede :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
102 (let ((a (make-array 50
103 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 64)
104 :initial-contents (map 'list #'char-code
105 "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789."))))
106 (setf (aref a 49) (char-code #\Newline))
107 (dotimes (i 40)
108 (write-sequence a s))
109 (write-byte #xe0 s)
110 (dotimes (i 40)
111 (write-sequence a s))))
112 (with-test (:name (:character-decode-large :attempt-resync))
113 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :input
114 :external-format :utf-8)
115 (handler-bind
116 ((sb-int:character-decoding-error #'(lambda (decoding-error)
117 (declare (ignore decoding-error))
118 (invoke-restart
119 'sb-int:attempt-resync)))
120 ;; The failure mode is an infinite loop, add a timeout to detetct it.
121 (sb-ext:timeout (lambda () (error "Timeout"))))
122 (sb-ext:with-timeout 5
123 (dotimes (i 80)
124 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s)
125 "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789")))))))
127 (with-test (:name (:character-decode-large :force-end-of-file)
128 :fails-on :sbcl)
129 (error "We can't reliably test this due to WITH-TIMEOUT race condition")
130 ;; This test will currently fail. But sometimes it will fail in
131 ;; ungracefully due to the WITH-TIMEOUT race mentioned above. This
132 ;; rightfully confuses some people, so we'll skip running the code
133 ;; for now. -- JES, 2006-01-27
134 #+nil
135 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :input
136 :external-format :utf-8)
137 (handler-bind
138 ((sb-int:character-decoding-error #'(lambda (decoding-error)
139 (declare (ignore decoding-error))
140 (invoke-restart
141 'sb-int:force-end-of-file)))
142 ;; The failure mode is an infinite loop, add a timeout to detetct it.
143 (sb-ext:timeout (lambda () (error "Timeout"))))
144 (sb-ext:with-timeout 5
145 (dotimes (i 80)
146 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s)
147 "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789")))
148 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s) s))))))
150 ;;; Test character encode restarts.
151 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :output
152 :if-exists :supersede :external-format :latin-1)
153 (handler-bind
154 ((sb-int:character-encoding-error #'(lambda (encoding-error)
155 (declare (ignore encoding-error))
156 (invoke-restart
157 'sb-impl::output-nothing))))
158 (write-char #\A s)
159 (write-char #\B s)
160 (write-char (code-char 322) s)
161 (write-char #\C s)))
162 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :input
163 :external-format :latin-1)
164 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s) "ABC"))
165 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s) s)))
167 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :output
168 :if-exists :supersede :external-format :latin-1)
169 (handler-bind
170 ((sb-int:character-encoding-error #'(lambda (encoding-error)
171 (declare (ignore encoding-error))
172 (invoke-restart
173 'sb-impl::output-nothing))))
174 (let ((string (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
175 :initial-contents `(#\A #\B ,(code-char 322)
176 #\C))))
177 (write-string string s))))
178 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :input
179 :external-format :latin-1)
180 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s) "ABC"))
181 (assert (equal (read-line s nil s) s)))
183 ;;; Test skipping character-decode-errors in comments.
184 (let ((s (open "external-format-test.lisp" :direction :output
185 :if-exists :supersede :external-format :latin-1)))
186 (unwind-protect
187 (progn
188 (write-string ";;; ABCD" s)
189 (write-char (code-char 233) s)
190 (terpri s)
191 (close s)
192 (compile-file "external-format-test.lisp" :external-format :utf-8))
193 (delete-file s)
194 (let ((p (probe-file (compile-file-pathname "external-format-test.lisp"))))
195 (when p
196 (delete-file p)))))
199 ;;;; KOI8-R external format
200 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :output
201 :if-exists :supersede :external-format :koi8-r)
202 (write-char (code-char #xB0) s)
203 (assert (eq
204 (handler-case
205 (progn
206 (write-char (code-char #xBAAD) s)
207 :bad)
208 (sb-int:character-encoding-error ()
209 :good))
210 :good)))
211 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :input
212 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
213 (let ((byte (read-byte s)))
214 (assert (= (eval byte) #x9C))))
215 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :input
216 :external-format :koi8-r)
217 (let ((char (read-char s)))
218 (assert (= (char-code (eval char)) #xB0))))
219 (delete-file *test-path*)
221 (let* ((koi8-r-codes (coerce '(240 210 201 215 197 212 33) '(vector (unsigned-byte 8))))
222 (uni-codes #(1055 1088 1080 1074 1077 1090 33))
224 (string (octets-to-string koi8-r-codes :external-format :koi8-r))
225 (uni-decoded (map 'vector #'char-code string)))
226 (assert (equalp (map 'vector #'char-code (octets-to-string koi8-r-codes :external-format :koi8-r))
227 uni-codes))
228 (assert (equalp (string-to-octets (map 'string #'code-char uni-codes) :external-format :koi8-r)
229 koi8-r-codes)))
231 ;;; tests of FILE-STRING-LENGTH
232 (let ((standard-characters "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!$\"'(),_-./:;?+<=>#%&*@[\\]{|}`^~"))
233 (do-external-formats (xf)
234 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :output
235 :external-format xf)
236 (loop for x across standard-characters
237 for position = (file-position s)
238 for char-length = (file-string-length s x)
239 do (write-char x s)
240 do (assert (= (file-position s) (+ position char-length))))
241 (let ((position (file-position s))
242 (string-length (file-string-length s standard-characters)))
243 (write-string standard-characters s)
244 (assert (= (file-position s) (+ position string-length)))))
245 (delete-file *test-path*)))
247 (let ((char-codes '(0 1 255 256 511 512 1023 1024 2047 2048 4095 4096
248 8191 8192 16383 16384 32767 32768 65535 65536 131071
249 131072 262143 262144)))
250 (with-open-file (s *test-path* :direction :output
251 :external-format :utf-8)
252 (dolist (code char-codes)
253 (let* ((char (code-char code))
254 (position (file-position s))
255 (char-length (file-string-length s char)))
256 (write-char char s)
257 (assert (= (file-position s) (+ position char-length)))))
258 (let* ((string (map 'string #'code-char char-codes))
259 (position (file-position s))
260 (string-length (file-string-length s string)))
261 (write-string string s)
262 (assert (= (file-position s) (+ position string-length))))))
265 ;;; See sbcl-devel "Subject: Bug in FILE-POSITION on UTF-8-encoded files"
266 ;;; by Lutz Euler on 2006-03-05 for more details.
267 (with-test (:name (:file-position :utf-8))
268 (let ((path *test-path*))
269 (with-open-file (s path
270 :direction :output
271 :if-exists :supersede
272 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
273 ;; Write #\*, encoded in UTF-8, to the file.
274 (write-byte 42 s)
275 ;; Append #\adiaeresis, encoded in UTF-8, to the file.
276 (write-sequence '(195 164) s))
277 (with-open-file (s path :external-format :utf-8)
278 (read-char s)
279 (let ((pos (file-position s))
280 (char (read-char s)))
281 (format t "read character with code ~a successfully from file position ~a~%"
282 (char-code char) pos)
283 (file-position s pos)
284 (format t "set file position back to ~a, trying to read-char again~%" pos)
285 (let ((new-char (read-char s)))
286 (assert (char= char new-char)))))
287 (values)))
288 (delete-file *test-path*)
290 ;;; We used to call STREAM-EXTERNAL-FORMAT on the stream in the error
291 ;;; when printing a coding error, but that didn't work if the stream
292 ;;; was closed by the time the error was printed. See sbcl-devel
293 ;;; "Subject: Printing coding errors for closed streams" by Zach Beane
294 ;;; on 2008-10-16 for more info.
295 (with-test (:name (:character-coding-error-stream-external-format))
296 (flet ((first-file-character ()
297 (with-open-file (stream *test-path* :external-format :utf-8)
298 (read-char stream))))
299 (with-open-file (stream *test-path*
300 :direction :output
301 :if-exists :supersede
302 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
303 (write-byte 192 stream))
304 (princ-to-string (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (first-file-character))))))
305 (delete-file *test-path*)
307 ;;; External format support in SB-ALIEN
309 (with-test (:name (:sb-alien :vanilla))
310 (define-alien-routine strdup c-string (str c-string))
311 (assert (equal "foo" (strdup "foo"))))
313 (with-test (:name (:sb-alien :utf-8 :utf-8))
314 (define-alien-routine strdup (c-string :external-format :utf-8)
315 (str (c-string :external-format :utf-8)))
316 (assert (equal "foo" (strdup "foo"))))
318 (with-test (:name (:sb-alien :latin-1 :utf-8))
319 (define-alien-routine strdup (c-string :external-format :latin-1)
320 (str (c-string :external-format :utf-8)))
321 (assert (= (length (strdup (string (code-char 246))))
322 2)))
324 (with-test (:name (:sb-alien :utf-8 :latin-1))
325 (define-alien-routine strdup (c-string :external-format :utf-8)
326 (str (c-string :external-format :latin-1)))
327 (assert (equal (string (code-char 228))
328 (strdup (concatenate 'string
329 (list (code-char 195))
330 (list (code-char 164)))))))
332 (with-test (:name (:sb-alien :ebcdic :ebcdic))
333 (define-alien-routine strdup (c-string :external-format :ebcdic-us)
334 (str (c-string :external-format :ebcdic-us)))
335 (assert (equal "foo" (strdup "foo"))))
337 (with-test (:name (:sb-alien :latin-1 :ebcdic))
338 (define-alien-routine strdup (c-string :external-format :latin-1)
339 (str (c-string :external-format :ebcdic-us)))
340 (assert (not (equal "foo" (strdup "foo")))))
342 (with-test (:name (:sb-alien :simple-base-string))
343 (define-alien-routine strdup (c-string :external-format :ebcdic-us
344 :element-type base-char)
345 (str (c-string :external-format :ebcdic-us)))
346 (assert (typep (strdup "foo") 'simple-base-string)))
348 ;;;; success