slightly nicer contrib installation
[sbcl/tcr.git] / tests / reader.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests related to the Lisp reader
3 ;;;; This file is impure because we want to modify the readtable and stuff.
5 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
6 ;;;; more information.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
9 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
10 ;;;; from CMU CL.
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
13 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
14 ;;;; more information.
16 (load "assertoid.lisp")
17 (use-package "ASSERTOID")
19 ;;; Bug 30, involving mistakes in binding the read table, made this
20 ;;; code fail.
21 (defun read-vector (stream char)
22 (declare (ignorable char))
23 (coerce (read-delimited-list #\] stream t) 'vector))
24 (set-macro-character #\[ #'read-vector nil)
25 (set-macro-character #\] (get-macro-character #\)) nil)
26 (multiple-value-bind (res pos)
27 (read-from-string "[1 2 3]") ; ==> #(1 2 3), 7
28 (assert (equalp res #(1 2 3)))
29 (assert (= pos 7)))
30 (multiple-value-bind (res pos)
31 (read-from-string "#\\x") ; ==> #\x, 3
32 (assert (equalp res #\x))
33 (assert (= pos 3)))
34 (multiple-value-bind (res pos)
35 (read-from-string "[#\\x]")
36 (assert (equalp res #(#\x)))
37 (assert (= pos 5)))
39 ;;; Bug 51b. (try to throw READER-ERRORs when the reader encounters
40 ;;; dubious input)
41 (assert (raises-error? (read-from-string "1e1000") reader-error))
42 (assert (raises-error? (read-from-string "1/0") reader-error))
44 ;;; Bug reported by Antonio Martinez on comp.lang.lisp 2003-02-03 in
45 ;;; message <b32da960.0302030640.7d6fc610@posting.google.com>: reading
46 ;;; circular instances of CLOS classes didn't work:
47 (defclass box ()
48 ((value :initarg :value :reader value)))
49 (defun read-box (stream char)
50 (declare (ignore char))
51 (let ((objects (read-delimited-list #\] stream t)))
52 (unless (= 1 (length objects))
53 (error "Unknown box reader syntax"))
54 (make-instance 'box :value (first objects))))
55 (set-macro-character #\[ 'read-box)
56 (set-syntax-from-char #\] #\))
57 (multiple-value-bind (res pos)
58 (read-from-string "#1=[#1#]")
59 (assert (eq (value res) res))
60 (assert (= pos 8)))
61 ;;; much, much, later (in Feb 2007), CSR noticed that the problem
62 ;;; still exists for funcallable instances.
63 (defclass funcallable-box (box sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object) ()
64 (:metaclass sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
65 (defun read-funcallable-box (stream char)
66 (declare (ignore char))
67 (let ((objects (read-delimited-list #\} stream t)))
68 (unless (= 1 (length objects))
69 (error "Unknown box reader syntax"))
70 (make-instance 'funcallable-box :value (first objects))))
71 (set-macro-character #\{ 'read-funcallable-box)
72 (set-syntax-from-char #\} #\))
73 (multiple-value-bind (res pos)
74 (read-from-string "#1={#1#}")
75 (assert (eq (value res) res))
76 (assert (= pos 8)))
78 ;;; CSR managed to break the #S reader macro in the process of merging
79 ;;; SB-PCL:CLASS and CL:CLASS -- make sure it works
80 (defstruct readable-struct a)
81 (macrolet
82 ((frob (string)
83 `(assert (eq (readable-struct-a (read-from-string ,string)) t))))
84 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT :A T)")
85 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT A T)")
86 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT \"A\" T)")
87 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT #\\A T)")
88 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT #\\A T :A NIL)"))
89 (macrolet
90 ((frob (string)
91 `(assert (raises-error? (read-from-string ,string) reader-error))))
92 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT . :A)")
93 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT :A . T)")
94 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT :A T . :A)")
95 (frob "#S(READABLE-STRUCT :A T :A . T)"))
97 ;;; reported by Henrik Motakef
98 (defpackage "")
99 (assert (eq (symbol-package (read-from-string "||::FOO"))
100 (find-package "")))
102 ;;; test nested reads, test case by Helmut Eller for cmucl
103 (defclass my-in-stream (sb-gray:fundamental-character-input-stream)
104 ((last-char :initarg :last-char)))
106 (let ((string " a ")
107 (i 0))
108 (defmethod sb-gray:stream-read-char ((s my-in-stream))
109 (with-input-from-string (s "b") (read s))
110 (with-slots (last-char) s
111 (cond (last-char (prog1 last-char (setf last-char nil)))
112 (t (prog1 (aref string i)
113 (setq i (mod (1+ i) (length string)))))))))
115 (defmethod sb-gray:stream-unread-char ((s my-in-stream) char)
116 (setf (slot-value s 'last-char) char)
117 nil)
119 (assert (eq 'a (read (make-instance 'my-in-stream :last-char nil))))
121 ;;; NIL as the last argument to SET-SYNTAX-FROM-CHAR in compiled code,
122 ;;; reported by Levente Mészáros
123 (let ((fun (compile nil '(lambda ()
124 (set-syntax-from-char #\{ #\( *readtable* nil)))))
125 (funcall fun)
126 (assert (equal '(:ok) (read-from-string "{:ok)"))))
128 ;;; success