Add SB-EXT:*MUFFLED-WARNINGS*, to muffle warnings at runtime.
[sbcl/tcr.git] / src / code / room.lisp
1 ;;;; heap-grovelling memory usage stuff
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!VM")
14 ;;;; type format database
16 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
17 (def!struct (room-info (:make-load-form-fun just-dump-it-normally))
18 ;; the name of this type
19 (name nil :type symbol)
20 ;; kind of type (how we determine length)
21 (kind (missing-arg)
22 :type (member :lowtag :fixed :header :vector
23 :string :code :closure :instance))
24 ;; length if fixed-length, shift amount for element size if :VECTOR
25 (length nil :type (or fixnum null))))
27 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
29 (defvar *meta-room-info* (make-array 256 :initial-element nil))
31 (dolist (obj *primitive-objects*)
32 (let ((widetag (primitive-object-widetag obj))
33 (lowtag (primitive-object-lowtag obj))
34 (name (primitive-object-name obj))
35 (variable (primitive-object-variable-length-p obj))
36 (size (primitive-object-size obj)))
37 (cond
38 ((not lowtag))
39 (;; KLUDGE described in dan_b message "Another one for the
40 ;; collection [bug 108]" (sbcl-devel 2004-01-22)
42 ;; In a freshly started SBCL, (TIME (ROOM T)) causes
43 ;; debugger invoked on a SB-INT:BUG in thread 5911:
44 ;; failed AVER: "(SAP= CURRENT END)"
45 ;; [WHN: Similar things happened on one but not the other of my
46 ;; machines when I just run ROOM a lot in a loop.]
48 ;; This appears to be due to my [DB] abuse of the primitive
49 ;; object macros to define a thread object that shares a lowtag
50 ;; with fixnums and has no widetag: it looks like the code that
51 ;; generates *META-ROOM-INFO* infers from this that even fixnums
52 ;; are thread-sized - probably undesirable.
54 ;; This [the fix; the EQL NAME 'THREAD clause here] is more in the
55 ;; nature of a workaround than a really good fix. I'm not sure
56 ;; what a really good fix is: I /think/ it's probably to remove
57 ;; the :LOWTAG option in DEFINE-PRIMITIVE-OBJECT THREAD, then teach
58 ;; genesis to generate the necessary OBJECT_SLOT_OFFSET macros
59 ;; for assembly source in the runtime/genesis/*.h files.
60 (eql name 'thread))
61 ((not widetag)
62 (let ((info (make-room-info :name name
63 :kind :lowtag))
64 (lowtag (symbol-value lowtag)))
65 (declare (fixnum lowtag))
66 (dotimes (i 32)
67 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (logior lowtag (ash i 3))) info))))
68 (variable)
70 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (symbol-value widetag))
71 (make-room-info :name name
72 :kind :fixed
73 :length size))))))
75 (dolist (code (list #!+sb-unicode complex-character-string-widetag
76 complex-base-string-widetag simple-array-widetag
77 complex-bit-vector-widetag complex-vector-widetag
78 complex-array-widetag complex-vector-nil-widetag))
79 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* code)
80 (make-room-info :name 'array-header
81 :kind :header)))
83 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* bignum-widetag)
84 (make-room-info :name 'bignum
85 :kind :header))
87 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* closure-header-widetag)
88 (make-room-info :name 'closure
89 :kind :closure))
91 ;; FIXME: This looks rather brittle. Can we get more of these numbers
92 ;; from somewhere sensible?
93 (dolist (stuff '((simple-bit-vector-widetag . -3)
94 (simple-vector-widetag . #.sb!vm:word-shift)
95 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-widetag . -2)
96 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-widetag . -1)
97 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-7-widetag . 0)
98 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-widetag . 0)
99 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-15-widetag . 1)
100 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-widetag . 1)
101 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-31-widetag . 2)
102 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-widetag . 2)
103 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-60-widetag . 3)
104 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-63-widetag . 3)
105 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-64-widetag . 3)
106 (simple-array-signed-byte-8-widetag . 0)
107 (simple-array-signed-byte-16-widetag . 1)
108 (simple-array-unsigned-byte-29-widetag . 2)
109 (simple-array-signed-byte-30-widetag . 2)
110 (simple-array-signed-byte-32-widetag . 2)
111 (simple-array-signed-byte-61-widetag . 3)
112 (simple-array-signed-byte-64-widetag . 3)
113 (simple-array-single-float-widetag . 2)
114 (simple-array-double-float-widetag . 3)
115 (simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag . 3)
116 (simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag . 4)))
117 (let* ((name (car stuff))
118 (size (cdr stuff))
119 (sname (string name)))
120 (when (boundp name)
121 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (symbol-value name))
122 (make-room-info :name (intern (subseq sname
124 (mismatch sname "-WIDETAG"
125 :from-end t)))
126 :kind :vector
127 :length size)))))
129 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* simple-base-string-widetag)
130 (make-room-info :name 'simple-base-string
131 :kind :string
132 :length 0))
134 #!+sb-unicode
135 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* simple-character-string-widetag)
136 (make-room-info :name 'simple-character-string
137 :kind :string
138 :length 2))
140 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* simple-array-nil-widetag)
141 (make-room-info :name 'simple-array-nil
142 :kind :fixed
143 :length 2))
145 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* code-header-widetag)
146 (make-room-info :name 'code
147 :kind :code))
149 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* instance-header-widetag)
150 (make-room-info :name 'instance
151 :kind :instance))
153 ) ; EVAL-WHEN
155 (defparameter *room-info* '#.*meta-room-info*)
156 (deftype spaces () '(member :static :dynamic :read-only))
160 ;;; Since they're represented as counts of words, we should never
161 ;;; need bignums to represent these:
162 (declaim (type fixnum
163 *static-space-free-pointer*
164 *read-only-space-free-pointer*))
166 (defun space-bounds (space)
167 (declare (type spaces space))
168 (ecase space
169 (:static
170 (values (int-sap static-space-start)
171 (int-sap (* *static-space-free-pointer* n-word-bytes))))
172 (:read-only
173 (values (int-sap read-only-space-start)
174 (int-sap (* *read-only-space-free-pointer* n-word-bytes))))
175 (:dynamic
176 (values (int-sap (current-dynamic-space-start))
177 (dynamic-space-free-pointer)))))
179 ;;; Return the total number of bytes used in SPACE.
180 (defun space-bytes (space)
181 (multiple-value-bind (start end) (space-bounds space)
182 (- (sap-int end) (sap-int start))))
184 ;;; Round SIZE (in bytes) up to the next dualword boundary. A dualword
185 ;;; is eight bytes on platforms with 32-bit word size and 16 bytes on
186 ;;; platforms with 64-bit word size.
187 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline round-to-dualword))
188 (defun round-to-dualword (size)
189 (logand (the word (+ size lowtag-mask)) (lognot lowtag-mask)))
191 ;;; Return the total size of a vector in bytes, including any pad.
192 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline vector-total-size))
193 (defun vector-total-size (obj info)
194 (let ((shift (room-info-length info))
195 (len (+ (length (the (simple-array * (*)) obj))
196 (ecase (room-info-kind info)
197 (:vector 0)
198 (:string 1)))))
199 (round-to-dualword
200 (+ (* vector-data-offset n-word-bytes)
201 (if (minusp shift)
202 (ash (+ len (1- (ash 1 (- shift))))
203 shift)
204 (ash len shift))))))
206 ;;; Access to the GENCGC page table for better precision in
208 #!+gencgc
209 (progn
210 (define-alien-type (struct page)
211 (struct page
212 (start long)
213 ;; On platforms with small enough GC pages, this field
214 ;; will be a short. On platforms with larger ones, it'll
215 ;; be an int.
216 (bytes-used (unsigned
217 #.(if (typep sb!vm:gencgc-page-size
218 '(unsigned-byte 16))
220 32)))
221 (flags (unsigned 8))
222 (gen (signed 8))))
223 (declaim (inline find-page-index))
224 (define-alien-routine "find_page_index" long (index long))
225 (define-alien-variable "page_table" (* (struct page))))
227 ;;; Iterate over all the objects allocated in SPACE, calling FUN with
228 ;;; the object, the object's type code, and the object's total size in
229 ;;; bytes, including any header and padding. CAREFUL makes
230 ;;; MAP-ALLOCATED-OBJECTS slightly more accurate, but a lot slower: it
231 ;;; is intended for slightly more demanding uses of heap groveling
232 ;;; then ROOM.
233 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (maybe-inline map-allocated-objects))
234 (defun map-allocated-objects (fun space &optional careful)
235 (declare (type function fun) (type spaces space))
236 (flet ((make-obj (tagged-address)
237 (if careful
238 (make-lisp-obj tagged-address nil)
239 (values (%make-lisp-obj tagged-address) t))))
240 (without-gcing
241 (multiple-value-bind (start end) (space-bounds space)
242 (declare (type system-area-pointer start end))
243 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
244 (let ((current start)
245 #!+gencgc
246 (skip-tests-until-addr 0))
247 (labels ((maybe-finish-mapping ()
248 (unless (sap< current end)
249 (aver (sap= current end))
250 (return-from map-allocated-objects)))
251 ;; GENCGC doesn't allocate linearly, which means that the
252 ;; dynamic space can contain large blocks zeros that get
253 ;; accounted as conses in ROOM (and slow down other
254 ;; applications of MAP-ALLOCATED-OBJECTS). To fix this
255 ;; check the GC page structure for the current address.
256 ;; If the page is free or the address is beyond the page-
257 ;; internal allocation offset (bytes-used) skip to the
258 ;; next page immediately.
259 (maybe-skip-page ()
260 #!+gencgc
261 (when (eq space :dynamic)
262 (loop with page-mask = #.(1- sb!vm:gencgc-page-size)
263 for addr of-type sb!vm:word = (sap-int current)
264 while (>= addr skip-tests-until-addr)
266 ;; For some reason binding PAGE with LET
267 ;; conses like mad (but gives no compiler notes...)
268 ;; Work around the problem with SYMBOL-MACROLET
269 ;; instead of trying to figure out the real
270 ;; issue. -- JES, 2005-05-17
271 (symbol-macrolet
272 ((page (deref page-table
273 (find-page-index addr))))
274 ;; Don't we have any nicer way to access C struct
275 ;; bitfields?
276 (let ((alloc-flag (ldb (byte 3 2)
277 (slot page 'flags)))
278 (bytes-used (slot page 'bytes-used)))
279 ;; If the page is not free and the current
280 ;; pointer is still below the allocation offset
281 ;; of the page
282 (when (and (not (zerop alloc-flag))
283 (<= (logand page-mask addr)
284 bytes-used))
285 ;; Don't bother testing again until we
286 ;; get past that allocation offset
287 (setf skip-tests-until-addr
288 (+ (logandc2 addr page-mask) bytes-used))
289 ;; And then continue with the
290 ;; scheduled mapping
291 (return-from maybe-skip-page))
292 ;; Move CURRENT to start of next page.
293 (setf current (int-sap (+ (logandc2 addr page-mask)
294 sb!vm:gencgc-page-size)))
295 (maybe-finish-mapping))))))
296 (maybe-map (obj obj-tag n-obj-bytes &optional (ok t))
297 (let ((next (typecase n-obj-bytes
298 (fixnum (sap+ current n-obj-bytes))
299 (integer (sap+ current n-obj-bytes)))))
300 ;; If this object would take us past END, it must
301 ;; be either bogus, or it has been allocated after
302 ;; the call to M-A-O.
303 (cond ((and ok next (sap<= next end))
304 (funcall fun obj obj-tag n-obj-bytes)
305 (setf current next))
307 (setf current (sap+ current n-word-bytes)))))))
308 (declare (inline maybe-finish-mapping maybe-skip-page maybe-map))
309 (loop
310 (maybe-finish-mapping)
311 (maybe-skip-page)
312 (let* ((header (sap-ref-word current 0))
313 (header-widetag (logand header #xFF))
314 (info (svref *room-info* header-widetag)))
315 (cond
316 ((or (not info)
317 (eq (room-info-kind info) :lowtag))
318 (multiple-value-bind (obj ok)
319 (make-obj (logior (sap-int current) list-pointer-lowtag))
320 (maybe-map obj
321 list-pointer-lowtag
322 (* cons-size n-word-bytes)
323 ok)))
324 ((eql header-widetag closure-header-widetag)
325 (let* ((obj (%make-lisp-obj (logior (sap-int current)
326 fun-pointer-lowtag)))
327 (size (round-to-dualword
328 (* (the fixnum (1+ (get-closure-length obj)))
329 n-word-bytes))))
330 (maybe-map obj header-widetag size)))
331 ((eq (room-info-kind info) :instance)
332 (let* ((obj (%make-lisp-obj
333 (logior (sap-int current) instance-pointer-lowtag)))
334 (size (round-to-dualword
335 (* (+ (%instance-length obj) 1) n-word-bytes))))
336 (aver (zerop (logand size lowtag-mask)))
337 (maybe-map obj header-widetag size)))
339 (multiple-value-bind (obj ok)
340 (make-obj (logior (sap-int current) other-pointer-lowtag))
341 (let ((size (when ok
342 (ecase (room-info-kind info)
343 (:fixed
344 (aver (or (eql (room-info-length info)
345 (1+ (get-header-data obj)))
346 (floatp obj)
347 (simple-array-nil-p obj)))
348 (round-to-dualword
349 (* (room-info-length info) n-word-bytes)))
350 ((:vector :string)
351 (vector-total-size obj info))
352 (:header
353 (round-to-dualword
354 (* (1+ (get-header-data obj)) n-word-bytes)))
355 (:code
356 (+ (the fixnum
357 (* (get-header-data obj) n-word-bytes))
358 (round-to-dualword
359 (* (the fixnum (%code-code-size obj))
360 n-word-bytes))))))))
361 (macrolet ((frob ()
362 '(progn
363 (when size (aver (zerop (logand size lowtag-mask))))
364 (maybe-map obj header-widetag size))))
365 (typecase size
366 (fixnum (frob))
367 (word (frob))
368 (null (frob))))))))))))))))
373 ;;; Return a list of 3-lists (bytes object type-name) for the objects
374 ;;; allocated in Space.
375 (defun type-breakdown (space)
376 (let ((sizes (make-array 256 :initial-element 0 :element-type '(unsigned-byte #.sb!vm:n-word-bits)))
377 (counts (make-array 256 :initial-element 0 :element-type '(unsigned-byte #.sb!vm:n-word-bits))))
378 (map-allocated-objects
379 (lambda (obj type size)
380 (declare (word size) (optimize (speed 3)) (ignore obj))
381 (incf (aref sizes type) size)
382 (incf (aref counts type)))
383 space)
385 (let ((totals (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
386 (dotimes (i 256)
387 (let ((total-count (aref counts i)))
388 (unless (zerop total-count)
389 (let* ((total-size (aref sizes i))
390 (name (room-info-name (aref *room-info* i)))
391 (found (gethash name totals)))
392 (cond (found
393 (incf (first found) total-size)
394 (incf (second found) total-count))
396 (setf (gethash name totals)
397 (list total-size total-count name))))))))
399 (collect ((totals-list))
400 (maphash (lambda (k v)
401 (declare (ignore k))
402 (totals-list v))
403 totals)
404 (sort (totals-list) #'> :key #'first)))))
406 ;;; Handle the summary printing for MEMORY-USAGE. Totals is a list of lists
407 ;;; (space-name . totals-for-space), where totals-for-space is the list
408 ;;; returned by TYPE-BREAKDOWN.
409 (defun print-summary (spaces totals)
410 (let ((summary (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
411 (dolist (space-total totals)
412 (dolist (total (cdr space-total))
413 (push (cons (car space-total) total)
414 (gethash (third total) summary))))
416 (collect ((summary-totals))
417 (maphash (lambda (k v)
418 (declare (ignore k))
419 (let ((sum 0))
420 (declare (unsigned-byte sum))
421 (dolist (space-total v)
422 (incf sum (first (cdr space-total))))
423 (summary-totals (cons sum v))))
424 summary)
426 (format t "~2&Summary of spaces: ~(~{~A ~}~)~%" spaces)
427 (let ((summary-total-bytes 0)
428 (summary-total-objects 0))
429 (declare (unsigned-byte summary-total-bytes summary-total-objects))
430 (dolist (space-totals
431 (mapcar #'cdr (sort (summary-totals) #'> :key #'car)))
432 (let ((total-objects 0)
433 (total-bytes 0)
434 name)
435 (declare (unsigned-byte total-objects total-bytes))
436 (collect ((spaces))
437 (dolist (space-total space-totals)
438 (let ((total (cdr space-total)))
439 (setq name (third total))
440 (incf total-bytes (first total))
441 (incf total-objects (second total))
442 (spaces (cons (car space-total) (first total)))))
443 (format t "~%~A:~% ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P"
444 name total-bytes total-objects)
445 (dolist (space (spaces))
446 (format t ", ~W% ~(~A~)"
447 (round (* (cdr space) 100) total-bytes)
448 (car space)))
449 (format t ".~%")
450 (incf summary-total-bytes total-bytes)
451 (incf summary-total-objects total-objects))))
452 (format t "~%Summary total:~% ~:D bytes, ~:D objects.~%"
453 summary-total-bytes summary-total-objects)))))
455 ;;; Report object usage for a single space.
456 (defun report-space-total (space-total cutoff)
457 (declare (list space-total) (type (or single-float null) cutoff))
458 (format t "~2&Breakdown for ~(~A~) space:~%" (car space-total))
459 (let* ((types (cdr space-total))
460 (total-bytes (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'first types)))
461 (total-objects (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'second types)))
462 (cutoff-point (if cutoff
463 (truncate (* (float total-bytes) cutoff))
465 (reported-bytes 0)
466 (reported-objects 0))
467 (declare (unsigned-byte total-objects total-bytes cutoff-point reported-objects
468 reported-bytes))
469 (loop for (bytes objects name) in types do
470 (when (<= bytes cutoff-point)
471 (format t " ~10:D bytes for ~9:D other object~2:*~P.~%"
472 (- total-bytes reported-bytes)
473 (- total-objects reported-objects))
474 (return))
475 (incf reported-bytes bytes)
476 (incf reported-objects objects)
477 (format t " ~10:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) object~2:*~P.~%"
478 bytes objects name))
479 (format t " ~10:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) object~2:*~P (space total.)~%"
480 total-bytes total-objects (car space-total))))
482 ;;; Print information about the heap memory in use. PRINT-SPACES is a
483 ;;; list of the spaces to print detailed information for.
484 ;;; COUNT-SPACES is a list of the spaces to scan. For either one, T
485 ;;; means all spaces (i.e. :STATIC, :DYNAMIC and :READ-ONLY.) If
486 ;;; PRINT-SUMMARY is true, then summary information will be printed.
487 ;;; The defaults print only summary information for dynamic space. If
488 ;;; true, CUTOFF is a fraction of the usage in a report below which
489 ;;; types will be combined as OTHER.
490 (defun memory-usage (&key print-spaces (count-spaces '(:dynamic))
491 (print-summary t) cutoff)
492 (declare (type (or single-float null) cutoff))
493 (let* ((spaces (if (eq count-spaces t)
494 '(:static :dynamic :read-only)
495 count-spaces))
496 (totals (mapcar (lambda (space)
497 (cons space (type-breakdown space)))
498 spaces)))
500 (dolist (space-total totals)
501 (when (or (eq print-spaces t)
502 (member (car space-total) print-spaces))
503 (report-space-total space-total cutoff)))
505 (when print-summary (print-summary spaces totals)))
507 (values))
509 ;;; Print info about how much code and no-ops there are in SPACE.
510 (defun count-no-ops (space)
511 (declare (type spaces space))
512 (let ((code-words 0)
513 (no-ops 0)
514 (total-bytes 0))
515 (declare (fixnum code-words no-ops)
516 (type unsigned-byte total-bytes))
517 (map-allocated-objects
518 (lambda (obj type size)
519 (when (eql type code-header-widetag)
520 (let ((words (truly-the fixnum (%code-code-size obj)))
521 (sap (truly-the system-area-pointer
522 (%primitive code-instructions obj)))
523 (size size))
524 (declare (fixnum size))
525 (incf total-bytes size)
526 (incf code-words words)
527 (dotimes (i words)
528 (when (zerop (sap-ref-word sap (* i n-word-bytes)))
529 (incf no-ops))))))
530 space)
532 (format t
533 "~:D code-object bytes, ~:D code words, with ~:D no-ops (~D%).~%"
534 total-bytes code-words no-ops
535 (round (* no-ops 100) code-words)))
537 (values))
539 (defun descriptor-vs-non-descriptor-storage (&rest spaces)
540 (let ((descriptor-words 0)
541 (non-descriptor-headers 0)
542 (non-descriptor-bytes 0))
543 (declare (type unsigned-byte descriptor-words non-descriptor-headers
544 non-descriptor-bytes))
545 (dolist (space (or spaces '(:read-only :static :dynamic)))
546 (declare (inline map-allocated-objects))
547 (map-allocated-objects
548 (lambda (obj type size)
549 (case type
550 (#.code-header-widetag
551 (let ((inst-words (truly-the fixnum (%code-code-size obj)))
552 (size size))
553 (declare (type fixnum size inst-words))
554 (incf non-descriptor-bytes (* inst-words n-word-bytes))
555 (incf descriptor-words
556 (- (truncate size n-word-bytes) inst-words))))
557 ((#.bignum-widetag
558 #.single-float-widetag
559 #.double-float-widetag
560 #.simple-base-string-widetag
561 #!+sb-unicode #.simple-character-string-widetag
562 #.simple-array-nil-widetag
563 #.simple-bit-vector-widetag
564 #.simple-array-unsigned-byte-2-widetag
565 #.simple-array-unsigned-byte-4-widetag
566 #.simple-array-unsigned-byte-8-widetag
567 #.simple-array-unsigned-byte-16-widetag
568 #.simple-array-unsigned-byte-32-widetag
569 #.simple-array-signed-byte-8-widetag
570 #.simple-array-signed-byte-16-widetag
571 ;; #.simple-array-signed-byte-30-widetag
572 #.simple-array-signed-byte-32-widetag
573 #.simple-array-single-float-widetag
574 #.simple-array-double-float-widetag
575 #.simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag
576 #.simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag)
577 (incf non-descriptor-headers)
578 (incf non-descriptor-bytes (- size n-word-bytes)))
579 ((#.list-pointer-lowtag
580 #.instance-pointer-lowtag
581 #.ratio-widetag
582 #.complex-widetag
583 #.simple-array-widetag
584 #.simple-vector-widetag
585 #.complex-base-string-widetag
586 #.complex-vector-nil-widetag
587 #.complex-bit-vector-widetag
588 #.complex-vector-widetag
589 #.complex-array-widetag
590 #.closure-header-widetag
591 #.funcallable-instance-header-widetag
592 #.value-cell-header-widetag
593 #.symbol-header-widetag
594 #.sap-widetag
595 #.weak-pointer-widetag
596 #.instance-header-widetag)
597 (incf descriptor-words (truncate (the fixnum size) n-word-bytes)))
599 (error "bogus widetag: ~W" type))))
600 space))
601 (format t "~:D words allocated for descriptor objects.~%"
602 descriptor-words)
603 (format t "~:D bytes data/~:D words header for non-descriptor objects.~%"
604 non-descriptor-bytes non-descriptor-headers)
605 (values)))
607 ;;; Print a breakdown by instance type of all the instances allocated
608 ;;; in SPACE. If TOP-N is true, print only information for the
609 ;;; TOP-N types with largest usage.
610 (defun instance-usage (space &key (top-n 15))
611 (declare (type spaces space) (type (or fixnum null) top-n))
612 (format t "~2&~@[Top ~W ~]~(~A~) instance types:~%" top-n space)
613 (let ((totals (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
614 (total-objects 0)
615 (total-bytes 0))
616 (declare (unsigned-byte total-objects total-bytes))
617 (map-allocated-objects
618 (lambda (obj type size)
619 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
620 (when (eql type instance-header-widetag)
621 (incf total-objects)
622 (let* ((classoid (layout-classoid (%instance-ref obj 0)))
623 (found (gethash classoid totals))
624 (size size))
625 (declare (fixnum size))
626 (incf total-bytes size)
627 (cond (found
628 (incf (the fixnum (car found)))
629 (incf (the fixnum (cdr found)) size))
631 (setf (gethash classoid totals) (cons 1 size)))))))
632 space)
634 (collect ((totals-list))
635 (maphash (lambda (classoid what)
636 (totals-list (cons (prin1-to-string
637 (classoid-proper-name classoid))
638 what)))
639 totals)
640 (let ((sorted (sort (totals-list) #'> :key #'cddr))
641 (printed-bytes 0)
642 (printed-objects 0))
643 (declare (unsigned-byte printed-bytes printed-objects))
644 (dolist (what (if top-n
645 (subseq sorted 0 (min (length sorted) top-n))
646 sorted))
647 (let ((bytes (cddr what))
648 (objects (cadr what)))
649 (incf printed-bytes bytes)
650 (incf printed-objects objects)
651 (format t " ~A: ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P.~%" (car what)
652 bytes objects)))
654 (let ((residual-objects (- total-objects printed-objects))
655 (residual-bytes (- total-bytes printed-bytes)))
656 (unless (zerop residual-objects)
657 (format t " Other types: ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P.~%"
658 residual-bytes residual-objects))))
660 (format t " ~:(~A~) instance total: ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P.~%"
661 space total-bytes total-objects)))
663 (values))
667 (defun print-allocated-objects (space &key (percent 0) (pages 5)
668 type larger smaller count
669 (stream *standard-output*))
670 (declare (type (integer 0 99) percent) (type index pages)
671 (type stream stream) (type spaces space)
672 (type (or index null) type larger smaller count))
673 (multiple-value-bind (start-sap end-sap) (space-bounds space)
674 (let* ((space-start (sap-int start-sap))
675 (space-end (sap-int end-sap))
676 (space-size (- space-end space-start))
677 (pagesize (sb!sys:get-page-size))
678 (start (+ space-start (round (* space-size percent) 100)))
679 (printed-conses (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
680 (pages-so-far 0)
681 (count-so-far 0)
682 (last-page 0))
683 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) last-page start)
684 (fixnum pages-so-far count-so-far pagesize))
685 (labels ((note-conses (x)
686 (unless (or (atom x) (gethash x printed-conses))
687 (setf (gethash x printed-conses) t)
688 (note-conses (car x))
689 (note-conses (cdr x)))))
690 (map-allocated-objects
691 (lambda (obj obj-type size)
692 (let ((addr (get-lisp-obj-address obj)))
693 (when (>= addr start)
694 (when (if count
695 (> count-so-far count)
696 (> pages-so-far pages))
697 (return-from print-allocated-objects (values)))
699 (unless count
700 (let ((this-page (* (the (values (unsigned-byte 32) t)
701 (truncate addr pagesize))
702 pagesize)))
703 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) this-page))
704 (when (/= this-page last-page)
705 (when (< pages-so-far pages)
706 ;; FIXME: What is this? (ERROR "Argh..")? or
707 ;; a warning? or code that can be removed
708 ;; once the system is stable? or what?
709 (format stream "~2&**** Page ~W, address ~X:~%"
710 pages-so-far addr))
711 (setq last-page this-page)
712 (incf pages-so-far))))
714 (when (and (or (not type) (eql obj-type type))
715 (or (not smaller) (<= size smaller))
716 (or (not larger) (>= size larger)))
717 (incf count-so-far)
718 (case type
719 (#.code-header-widetag
720 (let ((dinfo (%code-debug-info obj)))
721 (format stream "~&Code object: ~S~%"
722 (if dinfo
723 (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-name dinfo)
724 "No debug info."))))
725 (#.symbol-header-widetag
726 (format stream "~&~S~%" obj))
727 (#.list-pointer-lowtag
728 (unless (gethash obj printed-conses)
729 (note-conses obj)
730 (let ((*print-circle* t)
731 (*print-level* 5)
732 (*print-length* 10))
733 (format stream "~&~S~%" obj))))
735 (fresh-line stream)
736 (let ((str (write-to-string obj :level 5 :length 10
737 :pretty nil)))
738 (unless (eql type instance-header-widetag)
739 (format stream "~S: " (type-of obj)))
740 (format stream "~A~%"
741 (subseq str 0 (min (length str) 60))))))))))
742 space))))
743 (values))
747 (defvar *ignore-after* nil)
749 (defun valid-obj (space x)
750 (or (not (eq space :dynamic))
751 ;; this test looks bogus if the allocator doesn't work linearly,
752 ;; which I suspect is the case for GENCGC. -- CSR, 2004-06-29
753 (< (get-lisp-obj-address x) (get-lisp-obj-address *ignore-after*))))
755 (defun maybe-cons (space x stuff)
756 (if (valid-obj space x)
757 (cons x stuff)
758 stuff))
760 (defun list-allocated-objects (space &key type larger smaller count
761 test)
762 (declare (type spaces space)
763 (type (or index null) larger smaller type count)
764 (type (or function null) test)
765 (inline map-allocated-objects))
766 (unless *ignore-after*
767 (setq *ignore-after* (cons 1 2)))
768 (collect ((counted 0 1+))
769 (let ((res ()))
770 (map-allocated-objects
771 (lambda (obj obj-type size)
772 (when (and (or (not type) (eql obj-type type))
773 (or (not smaller) (<= size smaller))
774 (or (not larger) (>= size larger))
775 (or (not test) (funcall test obj)))
776 (setq res (maybe-cons space obj res))
777 (when (and count (>= (counted) count))
778 (return-from list-allocated-objects res))))
779 space)
780 res)))
782 (defun map-referencing-objects (fun space object)
783 (declare (type spaces space) (inline map-allocated-objects))
784 (unless *ignore-after*
785 (setq *ignore-after* (cons 1 2)))
786 (flet ((maybe-call (fun obj)
787 (when (valid-obj space obj)
788 (funcall fun obj))))
789 (map-allocated-objects
790 (lambda (obj obj-type size)
791 (declare (ignore obj-type size))
792 (typecase obj
793 (cons
794 (when (or (eq (car obj) object)
795 (eq (cdr obj) object))
796 (maybe-call fun obj)))
797 (instance
798 (dotimes (i (%instance-length obj))
799 (when (eq (%instance-ref obj i) object)
800 (maybe-call fun obj)
801 (return))))
802 (code-component
803 (let ((length (get-header-data obj)))
804 (do ((i code-constants-offset (1+ i)))
805 ((= i length))
806 (when (eq (code-header-ref obj i) object)
807 (maybe-call fun obj)
808 (return)))))
809 (simple-vector
810 (dotimes (i (length obj))
811 (when (eq (svref obj i) object)
812 (maybe-call fun obj)
813 (return))))
814 (symbol
815 (when (or (eq (symbol-name obj) object)
816 (eq (symbol-package obj) object)
817 (eq (symbol-plist obj) object)
818 (and (boundp obj)
819 (eq (symbol-value obj) object)))
820 (maybe-call fun obj)))))
821 space)))
823 (defun list-referencing-objects (space object)
824 (collect ((res))
825 (map-referencing-objects
826 (lambda (obj) (res obj)) space object)
827 (res)))