[sbcl/tcr.git] / tests / packages.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous tests of package-related stuff
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (make-package "FOO")
15 (defvar *foo* (find-package (coerce "FOO" 'base-string)))
16 (rename-package "FOO" (make-array 0 :element-type nil))
17 (assert (eq *foo* (find-package "")))
18 (assert (delete-package ""))
20 (handler-case
21 (export :foo)
22 (package-error (c) (princ c))
23 (:no-error (&rest args) (error "(EXPORT :FOO) returned ~S" args)))
25 (make-package "FOO")
26 (assert (shadow #\a :foo))
28 (defpackage :PACKAGE-DESIGNATOR-1 (:use #.(find-package :cl)))
30 (defpackage :PACKAGE-DESIGNATOR-2
31 (:import-from #.(find-package :cl) "+"))
33 (defpackage "EXAMPLE-INDIRECT"
34 (:import-from "CL" "+"))
36 (defpackage "EXAMPLE-PACKAGE"
37 (:shadow "CAR")
38 (:shadowing-import-from "CL" "CAAR")
39 (:use)
40 (:import-from "CL" "CDR")
41 (:import-from "EXAMPLE-INDIRECT" "+")
42 (:export "CAR" "CDR" "EXAMPLE"))
44 (flet ((check-symbol (name expected-status expected-home-name)
45 (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
46 (find-symbol name "EXAMPLE-PACKAGE")
47 (let ((home (symbol-package symbol))
48 (expected-home (find-package expected-home-name)))
49 (assert (eql home expected-home))
50 (assert (eql status expected-status))))))
51 (check-symbol "CAR" :external "EXAMPLE-PACKAGE")
52 (check-symbol "CDR" :external "CL")
53 (check-symbol "EXAMPLE" :external "EXAMPLE-PACKAGE")
54 (check-symbol "CAAR" :internal "CL")
55 (check-symbol "+" :internal "CL")
56 (check-symbol "CDDR" nil "CL"))
58 (defpackage "TEST-ORIGINAL" (:nicknames "A-NICKNAME"))
60 (assert (raises-error? (defpackage "A-NICKNAME")))
62 (assert (eql (find-package "A-NICKNAME")
63 (find-package "TEST-ORIGINAL")))
65 ;;;; Utilities
66 (defun sym (package name)
67 (let ((package (or (find-package package) package)))
68 (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
69 (find-symbol name package)
70 (assert status
71 (package name symbol status)
72 "No symbol with name ~A in ~S." name package symbol status)
73 (values symbol status))))
75 (defmacro with-name-conflict-resolution ((symbol &key restarted)
76 form &body body)
77 "Resolves potential name conflict condition arising from FORM.
79 The conflict is resolved in favour of SYMBOL, a form which must
80 evaluate to a symbol.
82 If RESTARTED is a symbol, it is bound for the BODY forms and set to T
83 if a restart was invoked."
84 (check-type restarted symbol "a binding name")
85 (let ((%symbol (copy-symbol 'symbol)))
86 `(let (,@(when restarted `((,restarted)))
87 (,%symbol ,symbol))
88 (handler-bind
89 ((sb-ext:name-conflict
90 (lambda (condition)
91 ,@(when restarted `((setf ,restarted t)))
92 (assert (member ,%symbol (sb-ext:name-conflict-symbols condition)))
93 (invoke-restart 'sb-ext:resolve-conflict ,%symbol))))
94 ,form)
95 ,@body)))
97 (defmacro with-packages (specs &body forms)
98 (let ((names (mapcar #'car specs)))
99 `(unwind-protect
100 (progn
101 (delete-packages ',names)
102 ,@(mapcar (lambda (spec)
103 `(defpackage ,@spec))
104 specs)
105 ,@forms)
106 (delete-packages ',names))))
108 (defun delete-packages (names)
109 (dolist (p names)
110 (ignore-errors (delete-package p))))
113 ;;;; Tests
115 (with-test (:name use-package.1)
116 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "SYM"))
117 ("BAR" (:export "SYM"))
118 ("BAZ" (:use)))
119 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "BAR" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
120 (use-package '("FOO" "BAR") "BAZ")
121 (is restartedp)
122 (is (eq (sym "BAR" "SYM")
123 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
125 (with-test (:name use-package.2)
126 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "SYM"))
127 ("BAZ" (:use) (:intern "SYM")))
128 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
129 (use-package "FOO" "BAZ")
130 (is restartedp)
131 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "SYM")
132 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
134 (with-test (:name use-package.2a)
135 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "SYM"))
136 ("BAZ" (:use) (:intern "SYM")))
137 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "BAZ" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
138 (use-package "FOO" "BAZ")
139 (is restartedp)
140 (is (equal (list (sym "BAZ" "SYM") :internal)
141 (multiple-value-list (sym "BAZ" "SYM")))))))
143 (with-test (:name use-package-conflict-set :fails-on :sbcl)
144 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "SYM"))
145 ("QUX" (:export "SYM"))
146 ("BAR" (:intern "SYM"))
147 ("BAZ" (:use) (:import-from "BAR" "SYM")))
148 (let ((conflict-set))
149 (block nil
150 (handler-bind
151 ((sb-ext:name-conflict
152 (lambda (condition)
153 (setf conflict-set (copy-list
154 (sb-ext:name-conflict-symbols condition)))
155 (return))))
156 (use-package '("FOO" "QUX") "BAZ")))
157 (setf conflict-set
158 (sort conflict-set #'string<
159 :key (lambda (symbol)
160 (package-name (symbol-package symbol)))))
161 (is (equal (list (sym "BAR" "SYM") (sym "FOO" "SYM") (sym "QUX" "SYM"))
162 conflict-set)))))
164 ;;; EXPORT
165 (with-test (:name export.1)
166 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM"))
167 ("BAR" (:export "SYM"))
168 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO" "BAR")))
169 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
170 (export (sym "FOO" "SYM") "FOO")
171 (is restartedp)
172 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "SYM")
173 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
175 (with-test (:name export.1a)
176 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM"))
177 ("BAR" (:export "SYM"))
178 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO" "BAR")))
179 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "BAR" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
180 (export (sym "FOO" "SYM") "FOO")
181 (is restartedp)
182 (is (eq (sym "BAR" "SYM")
183 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
185 (with-test (:name export.ensure-exported)
186 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM"))
187 ("BAR" (:export "SYM"))
188 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO" "BAR") (:IMPORT-FROM "BAR" "SYM")))
189 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
190 (export (sym "FOO" "SYM") "FOO")
191 (is restartedp)
192 (is (equal (list (sym "FOO" "SYM") :external)
193 (multiple-value-list (sym "FOO" "SYM"))))
194 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "SYM")
195 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
197 (with-test (:name export.3.intern)
198 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM"))
199 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO") (:intern "SYM")))
200 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
201 (export (sym "FOO" "SYM") "FOO")
202 (is restartedp)
203 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "SYM")
204 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))
206 (with-test (:name export.3a.intern)
207 (with-packages (("FOO" (:intern "SYM"))
208 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO") (:intern "SYM")))
209 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "BAZ" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
210 (export (sym "FOO" "SYM") "FOO")
211 (is restartedp)
212 (is (equal (list (sym "BAZ" "SYM") :internal)
213 (multiple-value-list (sym "BAZ" "SYM")))))))
215 ;;; IMPORT
216 (with-test (:name import-nil.1)
217 (with-packages (("FOO" (:use) (:intern "NIL"))
218 ("BAZ" (:use) (:intern "NIL")))
219 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "NIL") :restarted restartedp)
220 (import (list (sym "FOO" "NIL")) "BAZ")
221 (is restartedp)
222 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "NIL")
223 (sym "BAZ" "NIL"))))))
225 (with-test (:name import-nil.2)
226 (with-packages (("BAZ" (:use) (:intern "NIL")))
227 (with-name-conflict-resolution ('CL:NIL :restarted restartedp)
228 (import '(CL:NIL) "BAZ")
229 (is restartedp)
230 (is (eq 'CL:NIL
231 (sym "BAZ" "NIL"))))))
233 (with-test (:name import-single-conflict :fails-on :sbcl)
234 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "NIL"))
235 ("BAR" (:export "NIL"))
236 ("BAZ" (:use)))
237 (let ((conflict-sets '()))
238 (handler-bind
239 ((sb-ext:name-conflict
240 (lambda (condition)
241 (push (copy-list (sb-ext:name-conflict-symbols condition))
242 conflict-sets)
243 (invoke-restart 'sb-ext:resolve-conflict 'CL:NIL))))
244 (import (list 'CL:NIL (sym "FOO" "NIL") (sym "BAR" "NIL")) "BAZ"))
245 (is (eql 1 (length conflict-sets)))
246 (is (eql 3 (length (first conflict-sets)))))))
248 ;;; UNINTERN
249 (with-test (:name unintern.1)
250 (with-packages (("FOO" (:export "SYM"))
251 ("BAR" (:export "SYM"))
252 ("BAZ" (:use "FOO" "BAR") (:shadow "SYM")))
253 (with-name-conflict-resolution ((sym "FOO" "SYM") :restarted restartedp)
254 (unintern (sym "BAZ" "SYM") "BAZ")
255 (is restartedp)
256 (is (eq (sym "FOO" "SYM")
257 (sym "BAZ" "SYM"))))))