release, will be tagged as sbcl_1_0_27
[sbcl/tcr.git] / src / code / timer.lisp
1 ;;;; a timer facility based heavily on the timer package by Zach Beane
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
14 ;;; Heap (for the priority queue)
16 (declaim (inline heap-parent heap-left heap-right))
18 (defun heap-parent (i)
19 (ash i -1))
21 (defun heap-left (i)
22 (1+ (ash i 1)))
24 (defun heap-right (i)
25 (+ 2 (ash i 1)))
27 (defun heapify (heap start &key (key #'identity) (test #'>=))
28 (declare (function key test))
29 (flet ((key (obj) (funcall key obj))
30 (ge (i j) (funcall test i j)))
31 (let ((l (heap-left start))
32 (r (heap-right start))
33 (size (length heap))
34 largest)
35 (setf largest (if (and (< l size)
36 (not (ge (key (aref heap start))
37 (key (aref heap l)))))
39 start))
40 (when (and (< r size)
41 (not (ge (key (aref heap largest))
42 (key (aref heap r)))))
43 (setf largest r))
44 (when (/= largest start)
45 (rotatef (aref heap largest) (aref heap start))
46 (heapify heap largest :key key :test test)))
47 heap))
49 (defun heap-insert (heap new-item &key (key #'identity) (test #'>=))
50 (declare (function key test))
51 (flet ((key (obj) (funcall key obj))
52 (ge (i j) (funcall test i j)))
53 (vector-push-extend nil heap)
54 (loop for i = (1- (length heap)) then parent-i
55 for parent-i = (heap-parent i)
56 while (and (> i 0)
57 (not (ge (key (aref heap parent-i))
58 (key new-item))))
59 do (setf (aref heap i) (aref heap parent-i))
60 finally (setf (aref heap i) new-item)
61 (return-from heap-insert i))))
63 (defun heap-maximum (heap)
64 (unless (zerop (length heap))
65 (aref heap 0)))
67 (defun heap-extract (heap i &key (key #'identity) (test #'>=))
68 (unless (> (length heap) i)
69 (error "Heap underflow"))
70 (prog1
71 (aref heap i)
72 (setf (aref heap i) (aref heap (1- (length heap))))
73 (decf (fill-pointer heap))
74 (heapify heap i :key key :test test)))
76 (defun heap-extract-maximum (heap &key (key #'identity) (test #'>=))
77 (heap-extract heap 0 :key key :test test))
79 ;;; Priority queue
81 (defstruct (priority-queue
82 (:conc-name %pqueue-)
83 (:constructor %make-priority-queue))
84 contents
85 keyfun)
87 (defun make-priority-queue (&key (key #'identity) (element-type t))
88 (let ((contents (make-array 100
89 :adjustable t
90 :fill-pointer 0
91 :element-type element-type)))
92 (%make-priority-queue :keyfun key
93 :contents contents)))
95 (def!method print-object ((object priority-queue) stream)
96 (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
97 (format stream "~[empty~:;~:*~D item~:P~]"
98 (length (%pqueue-contents object)))))
100 (defun priority-queue-maximum (priority-queue)
101 "Return the item in PRIORITY-QUEUE with the largest key."
102 (symbol-macrolet ((contents (%pqueue-contents priority-queue)))
103 (unless (zerop (length contents))
104 (heap-maximum contents))))
106 (defun priority-queue-extract-maximum (priority-queue)
107 "Remove and return the item in PRIORITY-QUEUE with the largest key."
108 (symbol-macrolet ((contents (%pqueue-contents priority-queue))
109 (keyfun (%pqueue-keyfun priority-queue)))
110 (unless (zerop (length contents))
111 (heap-extract-maximum contents :key keyfun :test #'<=))))
113 (defun priority-queue-insert (priority-queue new-item)
115 (symbol-macrolet ((contents (%pqueue-contents priority-queue))
116 (keyfun (%pqueue-keyfun priority-queue)))
117 (heap-insert contents new-item :key keyfun :test #'<=)))
119 (defun priority-queue-empty-p (priority-queue)
120 (zerop (length (%pqueue-contents priority-queue))))
122 (defun priority-queue-remove (priority-queue item &key (test #'eq))
123 "Remove and return ITEM from PRIORITY-QUEUE."
124 (symbol-macrolet ((contents (%pqueue-contents priority-queue))
125 (keyfun (%pqueue-keyfun priority-queue)))
126 (let ((i (position item contents :test test)))
127 (when i
128 (heap-extract contents i :key keyfun :test #'<=)
129 i))))
131 ;;; timers
133 (defstruct (timer
134 (:conc-name %timer-)
135 (:constructor %make-timer))
136 #!+sb-doc
137 "Timer type. Do not rely on timers being structs as it may change in
138 future versions."
139 name
140 function
141 expire-time
142 repeat-interval
143 (thread nil :type (or sb!thread:thread (member t nil)))
144 interrupt-function
145 cancel-function)
147 (def!method print-object ((timer timer) stream)
148 (let ((name (%timer-name timer)))
149 (if name
150 (print-unreadable-object (timer stream :type t :identity t)
151 (prin1 name stream))
152 (print-unreadable-object (timer stream :type t :identity t)
153 ;; body is empty => there is only one space between type and
154 ;; identity
155 ))))
157 (defun make-timer (function &key name (thread sb!thread:*current-thread*))
158 #!+sb-doc
159 "Create a timer object that's when scheduled runs FUNCTION. If
160 THREAD is a thread then that thread is to be interrupted with
161 FUNCTION. If THREAD is T then a new thread is created each timer
162 FUNCTION is run. If THREAD is NIL then FUNCTION can be run in any
163 thread. When THREAD is not T, INTERRUPT-THREAD is used to run FUNCTION
164 and the ordering guarantees of INTERRUPT-THREAD also apply here.
165 FUNCTION always runs with interrupts disabled but WITH-INTERRUPTS is
166 allowed."
167 (%make-timer :name name :function function :thread thread))
169 (defun timer-name (timer)
170 #!+sb-doc
171 "Return the name of TIMER."
172 (%timer-name timer))
174 (defun timer-scheduled-p (timer &key (delta 0))
175 #!+sb-doc
176 "See if TIMER will still need to be triggered after DELTA seconds
177 from now. For timers with a repeat interval it returns true."
178 (symbol-macrolet ((expire-time (%timer-expire-time timer))
179 (repeat-interval (%timer-repeat-interval timer)))
180 (or (and repeat-interval (plusp repeat-interval))
181 (and expire-time
182 (<= (+ (get-internal-real-time) delta)
183 expire-time)))))
185 ;;; The scheduler
187 (defvar *scheduler-lock* (sb!thread:make-mutex :name "Scheduler lock"))
189 (defmacro with-scheduler-lock ((&optional) &body body)
190 ;; Don't let the SIGALRM handler mess things up.
191 `(sb!thread::with-system-mutex (*scheduler-lock*)
192 ,@body))
194 (defun under-scheduler-lock-p ()
195 (sb!thread:holding-mutex-p *scheduler-lock*))
197 (defparameter *schedule* (make-priority-queue :key #'%timer-expire-time))
199 (defun peek-schedule ()
200 (priority-queue-maximum *schedule*))
202 (defun time-left (timer)
203 (- (%timer-expire-time timer) (get-internal-real-time)))
205 ;;; real time conversion
207 (defun delta->real (delta)
208 (floor (* delta internal-time-units-per-second)))
210 ;;; Public interface
212 (defun make-cancellable-interruptor (timer)
213 ;; return a list of two functions: one that does the same as
214 ;; FUNCTION until the other is called, from when it does nothing.
215 (let ((mutex (sb!thread:make-mutex))
216 (cancelledp nil)
217 (function (if (%timer-repeat-interval timer)
218 (lambda ()
219 (unwind-protect
220 (funcall (%timer-function timer))
221 (reschedule-timer timer)))
222 (%timer-function timer))))
223 (list
224 (lambda ()
225 ;; Use WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS for the acquiring lock to avoid
226 ;; unblocking deferrables unless it's inevitable.
227 (without-interrupts
228 (sb!thread:with-recursive-lock (mutex)
229 (unless cancelledp
230 (allow-with-interrupts
231 (funcall function))))))
232 (lambda ()
233 (sb!thread:with-recursive-lock (mutex)
234 (setq cancelledp t))))))
236 (defun %schedule-timer (timer)
237 (let ((changed-p nil)
238 (old-position (priority-queue-remove *schedule* timer)))
239 ;; Make sure interruptors are cancelled even if this timer was
240 ;; scheduled again since our last attempt.
241 (when old-position
242 (funcall (%timer-cancel-function timer)))
243 (when (eql 0 old-position)
244 (setq changed-p t))
245 (when (zerop (priority-queue-insert *schedule* timer))
246 (setq changed-p t))
247 (setf (values (%timer-interrupt-function timer)
248 (%timer-cancel-function timer))
249 (values-list (make-cancellable-interruptor timer)))
250 (when changed-p
251 (set-system-timer)))
252 (values))
254 (defun schedule-timer (timer time &key repeat-interval absolute-p)
255 #!+sb-doc
256 "Schedule TIMER to be triggered at TIME. If ABSOLUTE-P then TIME is
257 universal time, but non-integral values are also allowed, else TIME is
258 measured as the number of seconds from the current time. If
259 REPEAT-INTERVAL is given, TIMER is automatically rescheduled upon
260 expiry."
261 ;; CANCEL-FUNCTION may block until all interruptors finish, let's
262 ;; try to cancel without the scheduler lock first.
263 (when (%timer-cancel-function timer)
264 (funcall (%timer-cancel-function timer)))
265 (with-scheduler-lock ()
266 (setf (%timer-expire-time timer) (+ (get-internal-real-time)
267 (delta->real
268 (if absolute-p
269 (- time (get-universal-time))
270 time)))
271 (%timer-repeat-interval timer) (if repeat-interval
272 (delta->real repeat-interval)
273 nil))
274 (%schedule-timer timer)))
276 (defun unschedule-timer (timer)
277 #!+sb-doc
278 "Cancel TIMER. Once this function returns it is guaranteed that
279 TIMER shall not be triggered again and there are no unfinished
280 triggers."
281 (let ((cancel-function (%timer-cancel-function timer)))
282 (when cancel-function
283 (funcall cancel-function)))
284 (with-scheduler-lock ()
285 (setf (%timer-expire-time timer) nil
286 (%timer-repeat-interval timer) nil)
287 (let ((old-position (priority-queue-remove *schedule* timer)))
288 (when old-position
289 (funcall (%timer-cancel-function timer)))
290 (when (eql 0 old-position)
291 (set-system-timer))))
292 (values))
294 (defun list-all-timers ()
295 #!+sb-doc
296 "Return a list of all timers in the system."
297 (with-scheduler-lock ()
298 (concatenate 'list (%pqueue-contents *schedule*))))
300 ;;; Not public, but related
302 (defun reschedule-timer (timer)
303 ;; unless unscheduled
304 (when (%timer-expire-time timer)
305 (let ((thread (%timer-thread timer)))
306 (if (and (sb!thread::thread-p thread)
307 (not (sb!thread:thread-alive-p thread)))
308 (unschedule-timer timer)
309 (with-scheduler-lock ()
310 ;; Schedule at regular intervals. If TIMER has not finished
311 ;; in time then it may catch up later.
312 (incf (%timer-expire-time timer) (%timer-repeat-interval timer))
313 (%schedule-timer timer))))))
315 ;;; Expiring timers
317 (defun real-time->sec-and-usec (time)
318 ;; KLUDGE: Always leave 0.0001 second for other stuff in order to
319 ;; avoid starvation.
320 (let ((min-usec 100))
321 (if (minusp time)
322 (list 0 min-usec)
323 (multiple-value-bind (s u) (floor time internal-time-units-per-second)
324 (setf u (floor (* (/ u internal-time-units-per-second) 1000000)))
325 (if (and (= 0 s) (< u min-usec))
326 ;; 0 0 means "shut down the timer" for setitimer
327 (list 0 min-usec)
328 (list s u))))))
330 (defun set-system-timer ()
331 (assert (under-scheduler-lock-p))
332 (assert (not *interrupts-enabled*))
333 (let ((next-timer (peek-schedule)))
334 (if next-timer
335 (let ((delta (- (%timer-expire-time next-timer)
336 (get-internal-real-time))))
337 (apply #'sb!unix:unix-setitimer
338 :real 0 0 (real-time->sec-and-usec delta)))
339 (sb!unix:unix-setitimer :real 0 0 0 0))))
341 (defun run-timer (timer)
342 (let ((function (%timer-interrupt-function timer))
343 (thread (%timer-thread timer)))
344 (if (eq t thread)
345 (sb!thread:make-thread (without-interrupts
346 (allow-with-interrupts
347 function))
348 :name (format nil "Timer ~A"
349 (%timer-name timer)))
350 (let ((thread (or thread sb!thread:*current-thread*)))
351 (handler-case
352 (sb!thread:interrupt-thread thread function)
353 (sb!thread:interrupt-thread-error (c)
354 (declare (ignore c))
355 (warn "Timer ~S failed to interrupt thread ~S."
356 timer thread)))))))
358 ;;; Called from the signal handler.
359 (defun run-expired-timers ()
360 (let (timer)
361 (with-scheduler-lock ()
362 (setq timer (peek-schedule))
363 (when (or (null timer)
364 (< (get-internal-real-time)
365 (%timer-expire-time timer)))
366 (return-from run-expired-timers nil))
367 (assert (eq timer (priority-queue-extract-maximum *schedule*)))
368 (set-system-timer))
369 (run-timer timer)))
371 (defmacro sb!ext:with-timeout (expires &body body)
372 #!+sb-doc
373 "Execute the body, asynchronously interrupting it and signalling a TIMEOUT
374 condition after at least EXPIRES seconds have passed.
376 Note that it is never safe to unwind from an asynchronous condition. Consider:
378 (defun call-with-foo (function)
379 (let (foo)
380 (unwind-protect
381 (progn
382 (setf foo (get-foo))
383 (funcall function foo))
384 (when foo
385 (release-foo foo)))))
387 If TIMEOUT occurs after GET-FOO has executed, but before the assignment, then
388 RELEASE-FOO will be missed. While individual sites like this can be made proof
389 against asynchronous unwinds, this doesn't solve the fundamental issue, as all
390 the frames potentially unwound through need to be proofed, which includes both
391 system and application code -- and in essence proofing everything will make
392 the system uninterruptible."
393 (with-unique-names (timer)
394 ;; FIXME: a temporary compatibility workaround for CLX, if unsafe
395 ;; unwinds are handled revisit it.
396 `(if (> ,expires 0)
397 (let ((,timer (make-timer (lambda ()
398 (cerror "Continue" 'sb!ext::timeout)))))
399 (schedule-timer ,timer ,expires)
400 (unwind-protect
401 (progn ,@body)
402 (unschedule-timer ,timer)))
403 (progn ,@body))))