release, will be tagged as sbcl_1_0_27
[sbcl/tcr.git] / src / code / target-defstruct.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
12 (/show0 "target-defstruct.lisp 12")
14 ;;;; structure frobbing primitives
16 ;;; Allocate a new instance with LENGTH data slots.
17 (defun %make-instance (length)
18 (declare (type index length))
19 (%make-instance length))
21 ;;; Given an instance, return its length.
22 (defun %instance-length (instance)
23 (declare (type instance instance))
24 (%instance-length instance))
26 ;;; Return the value from the INDEXth slot of INSTANCE. This is SETFable.
27 (defun %instance-ref (instance index)
28 (%instance-ref instance index))
30 ;;; Set the INDEXth slot of INSTANCE to NEW-VALUE.
31 (defun %instance-set (instance index new-value)
32 (setf (%instance-ref instance index) new-value))
34 ;;; Normally IR2 converted, definition needed for interpreted structure
35 ;;; constructors only.
36 #!+sb-eval
37 (defun %make-structure-instance (dd slot-specs &rest slot-values)
38 (let ((instance (%make-instance (dd-instance-length dd))))
39 (setf (%instance-layout instance) (dd-layout-or-lose dd))
40 (mapc (lambda (spec value)
41 (destructuring-bind (raw-type . index) (cdr spec)
42 (macrolet ((make-case ()
43 `(ecase raw-type
44 ((t)
45 (setf (%instance-ref instance index) value))
46 ,@(mapcar
47 (lambda (rsd)
48 `(,(raw-slot-data-raw-type rsd)
49 (setf (,(raw-slot-data-accessor-name rsd)
50 instance index)
51 value)))
52 *raw-slot-data-list*))))
53 (make-case))))
54 slot-specs slot-values)
55 instance))
57 (defun %raw-instance-ref/word (instance index)
58 (declare (type index index))
59 (%raw-instance-ref/word instance index))
60 (defun %raw-instance-set/word (instance index new-value)
61 (declare (type index index)
62 (type sb!vm:word new-value))
63 (%raw-instance-set/word instance index new-value))
65 (defun %raw-instance-ref/single (instance index)
66 (declare (type index index))
67 (%raw-instance-ref/single instance index))
68 (defun %raw-instance-set/single (instance index new-value)
69 (declare (type index index)
70 (type single-float new-value))
71 (%raw-instance-set/single instance index new-value))
73 (defun %raw-instance-ref/double (instance index)
74 (declare (type index index))
75 (%raw-instance-ref/double instance index))
76 (defun %raw-instance-set/double (instance index new-value)
77 (declare (type index index)
78 (type double-float new-value))
79 (%raw-instance-set/double instance index new-value))
81 (defun %raw-instance-ref/complex-single (instance index)
82 (declare (type index index))
83 (%raw-instance-ref/complex-single instance index))
84 (defun %raw-instance-set/complex-single (instance index new-value)
85 (declare (type index index)
86 (type (complex single-float) new-value))
87 (%raw-instance-set/complex-single instance index new-value))
89 (defun %raw-instance-ref/complex-double (instance index)
90 (declare (type index index))
91 (%raw-instance-ref/complex-double instance index))
92 (defun %raw-instance-set/complex-double (instance index new-value)
93 (declare (type index index)
94 (type (complex double-float) new-value))
95 (%raw-instance-set/complex-double instance index new-value))
97 (defun %instance-layout (instance)
98 (%instance-layout instance))
100 (defun %set-instance-layout (instance new-value)
101 (%set-instance-layout instance new-value))
103 (defun %make-funcallable-instance (len)
104 (%make-funcallable-instance len))
106 (defun funcallable-instance-p (x) (funcallable-instance-p x))
108 (defun %funcallable-instance-info (fin i)
109 (%funcallable-instance-info fin i))
111 (defun %set-funcallable-instance-info (fin i new-value)
112 (%set-funcallable-instance-info fin i new-value))
114 (defun funcallable-instance-fun (fin)
115 (%funcallable-instance-function fin))
117 (defun (setf funcallable-instance-fun) (new-value fin)
118 (setf (%funcallable-instance-function fin) new-value))
120 ;;;; target-only parts of the DEFSTRUCT top level code
122 ;;; A list of hooks designating functions of one argument, the
123 ;;; classoid, to be called when a defstruct is evaluated.
124 (defvar *defstruct-hooks* nil)
126 ;;; Catch attempts to mess up definitions of symbols in the CL package.
127 (defun protect-cl (symbol)
128 (/show0 "entering PROTECT-CL, SYMBOL=..")
129 (/hexstr symbol)
130 (when (and *cold-init-complete-p*
131 (eq (symbol-package symbol) *cl-package*))
132 (cerror "Go ahead and patch the system."
133 "attempting to modify a symbol in the COMMON-LISP package: ~S"
134 symbol))
135 (/show0 "leaving PROTECT-CL")
136 (values))
138 ;;; the part of %DEFSTRUCT which makes sense only on the target SBCL
140 ;;; (The "static" in the name is because it needs to be done not only
141 ;;; in ordinary toplevel %DEFSTRUCT, but also in cold init as early as
142 ;;; possible, to simulate static linking of structure functions as
143 ;;; nearly as possible.)
144 (defun %target-defstruct (dd layout)
145 (declare (type defstruct-description dd))
146 (declare (type layout layout))
148 (/show0 "entering %TARGET-DEFSTRUCT")
150 (remhash (dd-name dd) *typecheckfuns*)
152 ;; (Constructors aren't set up here, because constructors are
153 ;; varied enough (possibly parsing any specified argument list)
154 ;; that we can't reasonably implement them as closures, so we
155 ;; implement them with DEFUN instead.)
157 ;; Set FDEFINITIONs for slot accessors.
158 (dolist (dsd (dd-slots dd))
159 (/show0 "doing FDEFINITION for slot accessor")
160 (let ((accessor-name (dsd-accessor-name dsd)))
161 ;; We mustn't step on any inherited accessors
162 (unless (accessor-inherited-data accessor-name dd)
163 (/show0 "ACCESSOR-NAME=..")
164 (/hexstr accessor-name)
165 (protect-cl accessor-name)
166 (/hexstr "getting READER-FUN and WRITER-FUN")
167 (multiple-value-bind (reader-fun writer-fun)
168 (slot-accessor-funs dd dsd)
169 (declare (type function reader-fun writer-fun))
170 (/show0 "got READER-FUN and WRITER-FUN=..")
171 (/hexstr reader-fun)
172 (setf (symbol-function accessor-name) reader-fun)
173 (unless (dsd-read-only dsd)
174 (/show0 "setting FDEFINITION for WRITER-FUN=..")
175 (/hexstr writer-fun)
176 (setf (fdefinition `(setf ,accessor-name)) writer-fun))))))
178 ;; Set FDEFINITION for copier.
179 (when (dd-copier-name dd)
180 (/show0 "doing FDEFINITION for copier")
181 (protect-cl (dd-copier-name dd))
182 ;; We can't use COPY-STRUCTURE for other kinds of objects, notably
183 ;; funcallable structures, since it returns a STRUCTURE-OBJECT.
184 ;; (And funcallable instances don't need copiers anyway.)
185 (aver (eql (dd-type dd) 'structure))
186 (setf (symbol-function (dd-copier-name dd))
187 ;; FIXME: should use a closure which checks arg type before copying
188 #'copy-structure))
190 ;; Set FDEFINITION for predicate.
191 (when (dd-predicate-name dd)
192 (/show0 "doing FDEFINITION for predicate")
193 (protect-cl (dd-predicate-name dd))
194 (setf (symbol-function (dd-predicate-name dd))
195 (ecase (dd-type dd)
196 ;; structures with LAYOUTs
197 ((structure funcallable-structure)
198 (/show0 "with-LAYOUT case")
199 (lambda (object)
200 (locally ; <- to keep SAFETY 0 from affecting arg count checking
201 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
202 (/noshow0 "in with-LAYOUT structure predicate closure, OBJECT,LAYOUT=..")
203 (/nohexstr object)
204 (/nohexstr layout)
205 (typep-to-layout object layout))))
206 ;; structures with no LAYOUT (i.e. :TYPE VECTOR or :TYPE LIST)
208 ;; FIXME: should handle the :NAMED T case in these cases
209 (vector
210 (/show0 ":TYPE VECTOR case")
211 #'vectorp)
212 (list
213 (/show0 ":TYPE LIST case")
214 #'listp))))
216 (when (dd-doc dd)
217 (setf (fdocumentation (dd-name dd) 'structure)
218 (dd-doc dd)))
220 ;; the BOUNDP test here is to get past cold-init.
221 (when (boundp '*defstruct-hooks*)
222 (dolist (fun *defstruct-hooks*)
223 (funcall fun (find-classoid (dd-name dd)))))
225 (/show0 "leaving %TARGET-DEFSTRUCT")
226 (values))
228 ;;;; generating out-of-line slot accessor functions
230 ;;; FIXME: Ideally, the presence of the type checks in the functions
231 ;;; here would be conditional on the optimization policy at the point
232 ;;; of expansion of DEFSTRUCT. (For now we're just doing the simpler
233 ;;; thing, putting in the type checks unconditionally.)
235 ;;; KLUDGE: Why use this closure approach at all? The macrology in
236 ;;; SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS seems to be half stub, half OAOOM to me. --DFL
239 (defun slot-accessor-funs (dd dsd)
241 #+sb-xc (/show0 "entering SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS")
243 ;; various code generators
245 ;; Note: They're only minimally parameterized, and cavalierly grab
246 ;; things like INSTANCE and DSD-INDEX from the namespace they're
247 ;; expanded in.
248 (macrolet (;; code shared between funcallable instance case and the
249 ;; ordinary STRUCTURE-OBJECT case: Handle native
250 ;; structures with LAYOUTs and (possibly) raw slots.
251 (%native-slot-accessor-funs (dd-ref-fun-name)
252 (let ((instance-type-check-form
253 '(%check-structure-type-from-layout instance layout)))
254 (/show "macroexpanding %NATIVE-SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS" dd-ref-fun-name instance-type-check-form)
255 `(let ((layout (dd-layout-or-lose dd))
256 (dsd-raw-type (dsd-raw-type dsd)))
257 #+sb-xc (/show0 "in %NATIVE-SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS macroexpanded code")
258 ;; Map over all the possible RAW-TYPEs, compiling
259 ;; a different closure function for each one, so
260 ;; that once the COND over RAW-TYPEs happens (at
261 ;; the time closure is allocated) there are no
262 ;; more decisions to be made and things execute
263 ;; reasonably efficiently.
264 (cond
265 ;; nonraw slot case
266 ((eql dsd-raw-type t)
267 #+sb-xc (/show0 "in nonraw slot case")
268 (%slotplace-accessor-funs
269 (,dd-ref-fun-name instance dsd-index)
270 ,instance-type-check-form))
271 ;; raw slot cases
272 ,@(mapcar (lambda (rtd)
273 (let ((raw-type (raw-slot-data-raw-type rtd))
274 (accessor-name
275 (raw-slot-data-accessor-name rtd)))
276 `((equal dsd-raw-type ',raw-type)
277 #+sb-xc (/show0 "in raw slot case")
278 (%slotplace-accessor-funs
279 (,accessor-name instance dsd-index)
280 ,instance-type-check-form))))
281 *raw-slot-data-list*)
282 ;; oops
284 (bug "unexpected DSD-RAW-TYPE ~S" dsd-raw-type))))))
285 ;; code shared between DEFSTRUCT :TYPE LIST and
286 ;; DEFSTRUCT :TYPE VECTOR cases: Handle the "typed
287 ;; structure" case, with no LAYOUTs and no raw slots.
288 (%colontyped-slot-accessor-funs () (error "stub"))
289 ;; the common structure of the raw-slot and not-raw-slot
290 ;; cases, defined in terms of the writable SLOTPLACE. All
291 ;; possible flavors of slot access should be able to pass
292 ;; through here.
293 (%slotplace-accessor-funs (slotplace instance-type-check-form)
294 (/show "macroexpanding %SLOTPLACE-ACCESSOR-FUNS" slotplace instance-type-check-form)
295 `(let ((typecheckfun (typespec-typecheckfun dsd-type)))
296 (values (if (dsd-safe-p dsd)
297 (lambda (instance)
298 (/noshow0 "in %SLOTPLACE-ACCESSOR-FUNS-defined reader")
299 ,instance-type-check-form
300 (/noshow0 "back from INSTANCE-TYPE-CHECK-FORM")
301 ,slotplace)
302 (lambda (instance)
303 (/noshow0 "in %SLOTPLACE-ACCESSOR-FUNS-defined reader")
304 ,instance-type-check-form
305 (/noshow0 "back from INSTANCE-TYPE-CHECK-FORM")
306 (let ((value ,slotplace))
307 (funcall typecheckfun value)
308 value)))
309 (lambda (new-value instance)
310 (/noshow0 "in %SLOTPLACE-ACCESSOR-FUNS-defined writer")
311 ,instance-type-check-form
312 (/noshow0 "back from INSTANCE-TYPE-CHECK-FORM")
313 (funcall typecheckfun new-value)
314 (/noshow0 "back from TYPECHECKFUN")
315 (setf ,slotplace new-value))))))
317 (let ((dsd-index (dsd-index dsd))
318 (dsd-type (dsd-type dsd)))
320 #+sb-xc (/show0 "got DSD-TYPE=..")
321 #+sb-xc (/hexstr dsd-type)
322 (ecase (dd-type dd)
324 ;; native structures
325 (structure
326 #+sb-xc (/show0 "case of DSD-TYPE = STRUCTURE")
327 (%native-slot-accessor-funs %instance-ref))
329 ;; structures with the :TYPE option
331 ;; FIXME: Worry about these later..
333 ;; In :TYPE LIST and :TYPE VECTOR structures, ANSI specifies the
334 ;; layout completely, so that raw slots are impossible.
335 (list
336 (dd-type-slot-accessor-funs nth-but-with-sane-arg-order
337 `(%check-structure-type-from-dd
338 :maybe-raw-p nil))
339 (vector
340 (dd-type-slot-accessor-funs aref
341 :maybe-raw-p nil)))
343 ))))
345 ;;; Copy any old kind of structure.
346 (defun copy-structure (structure)
347 #!+sb-doc
348 "Return a copy of STRUCTURE with the same (EQL) slot values."
349 (declare (type structure-object structure))
350 (let* ((len (%instance-length structure))
351 (res (%make-instance len))
352 (layout (%instance-layout structure))
353 (nuntagged (layout-n-untagged-slots layout)))
355 (declare (type index len))
356 (when (layout-invalid layout)
357 (error "attempt to copy an obsolete structure:~% ~S" structure))
359 ;; Copy ordinary slots and layout.
360 (dotimes (i (- len nuntagged))
361 (declare (type index i))
362 (setf (%instance-ref res i)
363 (%instance-ref structure i)))
365 ;; Copy raw slots.
366 (dotimes (i nuntagged)
367 (declare (type index i))
368 (setf (%raw-instance-ref/word res i)
369 (%raw-instance-ref/word structure i)))
371 res))
375 ;; Do an EQUALP comparison on the raw slots (only, not the normal slots) of a
376 ;; structure.
377 (defun raw-instance-slots-equalp (layout x y)
378 ;; This implementation sucks, but hopefully EQUALP on raw structures
379 ;; won't be a major bottleneck for anyone. It'd be tempting to do
380 ;; all this with %RAW-INSTANCE-REF/WORD and bitwise comparisons, but
381 ;; that'll fail in some cases. For example -0.0 and 0.0 are EQUALP
382 ;; but have different bit patterns. -- JES, 2007-08-21
383 (loop with i = -1
384 for dsd in (dd-slots (layout-info layout))
385 for raw-type = (dsd-raw-type dsd)
386 for rsd = (when raw-type
387 (find raw-type
388 *raw-slot-data-list*
389 :key 'raw-slot-data-raw-type))
390 for accessor = (when rsd
391 (raw-slot-data-accessor-name rsd))
392 always (or (not accessor)
393 (progn
394 (incf i)
395 (equalp (funcall accessor x i)
396 (funcall accessor y i))))))
398 ;;; default PRINT-OBJECT method
400 (defun %print-structure-sans-layout-info (name stream)
401 ;; KLUDGE: during PCL build debugging, we can sometimes
402 ;; attempt to print out a PCL object (with null LAYOUT-INFO).
403 (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "#<" :suffix ">")
404 (prin1 name stream)
405 (write-char #\space stream)
406 (write-string "(no LAYOUT-INFO)" stream)))
408 (defun %print-structure-sans-slots (name stream)
409 ;; the structure type doesn't count as a component for *PRINT-LEVEL*
410 ;; processing. We can likewise elide the logical block processing,
411 ;; since all we have to print is the type name. -- CSR, 2004-10-05
412 (write-string "#S(" stream)
413 (prin1 name stream)
414 (write-char #\) stream))
416 (defun %default-structure-pretty-print (structure stream)
417 (let* ((layout (%instance-layout structure))
418 (name (classoid-name (layout-classoid layout)))
419 (dd (layout-info layout)))
420 (cond ((not dd)
421 (%print-structure-sans-layout-info name stream))
422 ((not (dd-slots dd))
423 (%print-structure-sans-slots name stream))
425 (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :prefix "#S(" :suffix ")")
426 (prin1 name stream)
427 (let ((remaining-slots (dd-slots dd)))
428 (when remaining-slots
429 (write-char #\space stream)
431 ;; but I can't see why. -- WHN 20000205
432 (pprint-newline :linear stream)
433 (loop
434 (pprint-pop)
435 (let ((slot (pop remaining-slots)))
436 (write-char #\: stream)
437 (output-symbol-name (symbol-name (dsd-name slot)) stream)
438 (write-char #\space stream)
439 (pprint-newline :miser stream)
440 (output-object (funcall (fdefinition (dsd-accessor-name slot))
441 structure)
442 stream)
443 (when (null remaining-slots)
444 (return))
445 (write-char #\space stream)
446 (pprint-newline :linear stream))))))))))
448 (defun %default-structure-ugly-print (structure stream)
449 (let* ((layout (%instance-layout structure))
450 (name (classoid-name (layout-classoid layout)))
451 (dd (layout-info layout)))
452 (cond ((not dd)
453 (%print-structure-sans-layout-info name stream))
454 ((not (dd-slots dd))
455 (%print-structure-sans-slots name stream))
457 (descend-into (stream)
458 (write-string "#S(" stream)
459 (prin1 name stream)
460 (do ((index 0 (1+ index))
461 (remaining-slots (dd-slots dd) (cdr remaining-slots)))
462 ((or (null remaining-slots)
463 (and (not *print-readably*)
464 *print-length*
465 (>= index *print-length*)))
466 (if (null remaining-slots)
467 (write-string ")" stream)
468 (write-string " ...)" stream)))
469 (declare (type index index))
470 (write-string " :" stream)
471 (let ((slot (first remaining-slots)))
472 (output-symbol-name (symbol-name (dsd-name slot)) stream)
473 (write-char #\space stream)
474 (output-object
475 (funcall (fdefinition (dsd-accessor-name slot))
476 structure)
477 stream))))))))
479 (defun default-structure-print (structure stream depth)
480 (declare (ignore depth))
481 (cond ((funcallable-instance-p structure)
482 (print-unreadable-object (structure stream :identity t :type t)))
483 (*print-pretty*
484 (%default-structure-pretty-print structure stream))
486 (%default-structure-ugly-print structure stream))))
488 (def!method print-object ((x structure-object) stream)
489 (default-structure-print x stream *current-level-in-print*))
491 ;;;; testing structure types
493 ;;; Return true if OBJ is an object of the structure type
494 ;;; corresponding to LAYOUT. This is called by the accessor closures,
495 ;;; which have a handle on the type's LAYOUT.
497 ;;; FIXME: This is fairly big, so it should probably become
498 ;;; MAYBE-INLINE instead of INLINE, or its inlineness should become
499 ;;; conditional (probably through DEFTRANSFORM) on (> SPEED SPACE). Or
500 ;;; else we could fix things up so that the things which call it are
501 ;;; all closures, so that it's expanded only in a small number of
502 ;;; places.
503 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline typep-to-layout))
504 (defun typep-to-layout (obj layout)
505 (declare (type layout layout) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
506 (/noshow0 "entering TYPEP-TO-LAYOUT, OBJ,LAYOUT=..")
507 (/nohexstr obj)
508 (/nohexstr layout)
509 (when (layout-invalid layout)
510 (error "An obsolete structure accessor function was called."))
511 (/noshow0 "back from testing LAYOUT-INVALID LAYOUT")
512 (and (%instancep obj)
513 (let ((obj-layout (%instance-layout obj)))
514 (cond ((eq obj-layout layout)
515 ;; (In this case OBJ-LAYOUT can't be invalid, because
516 ;; we determined LAYOUT is valid in the test above.)
517 (/noshow0 "EQ case")
519 ((layout-invalid obj-layout)
520 (/noshow0 "LAYOUT-INVALID case")
521 (error 'layout-invalid
522 :expected-type (layout-classoid obj-layout)
523 :datum obj))
525 (let ((depthoid (layout-depthoid layout)))
527 (/nohexstr depthoid)
528 (/nohexstr layout-inherits)
529 (and (> (layout-depthoid obj-layout) depthoid)
530 (eq (svref (layout-inherits obj-layout) depthoid)
531 layout))))))))
533 ;;;; checking structure types
535 ;;; Check that X is an instance of the named structure type.
536 (defmacro %check-structure-type-from-name (x name)
537 `(%check-structure-type-from-layout ,x ,(compiler-layout-or-lose name)))
539 ;;; Check that X is a structure of the type described by DD.
540 (defmacro %check-structure-type-from-dd (x dd)
541 (declare (type defstruct-description dd))
542 (let ((class-name (dd-name dd)))
543 (ecase (dd-type dd)
544 ((structure funcallable-instance)
545 `(%check-structure-type-from-layout
547 ,(compiler-layout-or-lose class-name)))
548 ((vector)
549 (with-unique-names (xx)
550 `(let ((,xx ,x))
551 (declare (type vector ,xx))
552 ,@(when (dd-named dd)
553 `((unless (eql (aref ,xx 0) ',class-name)
554 (error
555 'simple-type-error
556 :datum (aref ,xx 0)
557 :expected-type `(member ,class-name)
558 :format-control
559 "~@<missing name in instance of ~
560 VECTOR-typed structure ~S: ~2I~_S~:>"
561 :format-arguments (list ',class-name ,xx)))))
562 (values))))
563 ((list)
564 (with-unique-names (xx)
565 `(let ((,xx ,x))
566 (declare (type list ,xx))
567 ,@(when (dd-named dd)
568 `((unless (eql (first ,xx) ',class-name)
569 (error
570 'simple-type-error
571 :datum (aref ,xx 0)
572 :expected-type `(member ,class-name)
573 :format-control
574 "~@<missing name in instance of LIST-typed structure ~S: ~
575 ~2I~_S~:>"
576 :format-arguments (list ',class-name ,xx)))))
577 (values)))))))
579 ;;; Check that X is an instance of the structure class with layout LAYOUT.
580 (defun %check-structure-type-from-layout (x layout)
581 (unless (typep-to-layout x layout)
582 (error 'type-error
583 :datum x
584 :expected-type (classoid-name (layout-classoid layout))))
585 (values))
588 (/show0 "target-defstruct.lisp end of file")