release, will be tagged as sbcl_1_0_27
[sbcl/tcr.git] / src / code / host-c-call.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB!ALIEN")
12 (/show0 "host-c-call.lisp 12")
14 (define-alien-type-class (c-string :include pointer :include-args (to))
15 (external-format :default :type keyword)
16 (element-type 'character :type (member character base-char)))
18 (define-alien-type-translator c-string
19 (&key (external-format :default)
20 (element-type 'character))
21 (make-alien-c-string-type
22 :to (parse-alien-type 'char (sb!kernel:make-null-lexenv))
23 :element-type element-type
24 :external-format external-format))
26 (defun c-string-external-format (type)
27 (let ((external-format (alien-c-string-type-external-format type)))
28 (if (eq external-format :default)
29 (default-c-string-external-format)
30 external-format)))
32 (define-alien-type-method (c-string :unparse) (type)
33 (list 'c-string
34 :external-format (alien-c-string-type-external-format type)
35 :element-type (alien-c-string-type-element-type type)))
37 (define-alien-type-method (c-string :lisp-rep) (type)
38 (declare (ignore type))
39 '(or simple-string null (alien (* char)) (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8))))
41 (define-alien-type-method (c-string :deport-pin-p) (type)
42 (declare (ignore type))
45 (defun c-string-needs-conversion-p (type)
46 #+sb-xc-host
47 (declare (ignore type))
48 #+sb-xc-host
50 #-sb-xc-host
51 (let ((external-format (sb!impl::get-external-format
52 ;; Can't use C-STRING-EXTERNAL-FORMAT here,
53 ;; since the meaning of :DEFAULT can change
55 ;; changes.
56 (alien-c-string-type-external-format type))))
57 (not (and external-format
58 (or (eq (caar external-format) :ascii)
59 ;; On non-SB-UNICODE all latin-1 codepoints will fit
60 ;; into a base-char, on SB-UNICODE they won't.
61 #!-sb-unicode
62 (eq (caar external-format) :latin-1))))))
64 (define-alien-type-method (c-string :naturalize-gen) (type alien)
65 `(if (zerop (sap-int ,alien))
66 nil
67 ;; Check whether we need to do a full external-format
68 ;; conversion, or whether we can just do a cheap byte-by-byte
69 ;; copy of the c-string data.
71 ;; On SB-UNICODE we can never do the cheap copy, even if the
72 ;; external format and element-type are suitable, since
73 ;; simple-base-strings may not contain ISO-8859-1 characters.
74 ;; If we need to check for non-ascii data in the input, we
75 ;; might as well go through the usual external-format machinery
76 ;; instead of rewriting another version of it.
77 ,(if #!+sb-unicode t
78 #!-sb-unicode (c-string-needs-conversion-p type)
79 `(sb!alien::c-string-to-string ,alien
80 (c-string-external-format ,type)
81 (alien-c-string-type-element-type
82 ,type))
83 `(%naturalize-c-string ,alien))))
85 (define-alien-type-method (c-string :deport-gen) (type value)
86 (declare (ignore type))
87 ;; This SAP taking is safe as DEPORT callers pin the VALUE when
88 ;; necessary.
89 `(etypecase ,value
90 (null (int-sap 0))
91 ((alien (* char)) (alien-sap ,value))
92 (vector (vector-sap ,value))))
94 (define-alien-type-method (c-string :deport-alloc-gen) (type value)
95 `(etypecase ,value
96 (null nil)
97 ((alien (* char)) ,value)
98 (simple-base-string
99 ,(if (c-string-needs-conversion-p type)
100 ;; If the alien type is not ascii-compatible (+SB-UNICODE)
101 ;; or latin-1-compatible (-SB-UNICODE), we need to do
102 ;; external format conversion.
103 `(string-to-c-string ,value
104 (c-string-external-format ,type))
105 ;; Otherwise we can just pass it uncopied.
106 value))
107 (simple-string
108 (string-to-c-string ,value
109 (c-string-external-format ,type)))))
111 (/show0 "host-c-call.lisp end of file")