release, will be tagged as sbcl_1_0_27
[sbcl/tcr.git] / src / code / full-eval.lisp
1 ;;;; An interpreting EVAL
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!EVAL")
14 ;; (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 1) (safety 1)))
16 ;;; Values used for marking specials/macros/etc in environments.
17 (defvar *special* (gensym "SPECIAL"))
18 (defvar *macro* (gensym "MACRO"))
19 (defvar *symbol-macro* (gensym "SYMBOL-MACRO"))
20 (defvar *not-present* (gensym "NOT-PRESENT"))
22 (define-condition interpreted-program-error (program-error simple-condition sb!impl::encapsulated-condition)
24 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
25 (if (slot-boundp condition 'condition)
26 (progn
27 (format stream "Error evaluating a form:~% ~A"
28 (sb!impl::encapsulated-condition condition)))
29 (format stream "Error evaluating a form:~% ~?"
30 (simple-condition-format-control condition)
31 (simple-condition-format-arguments condition))))))
33 ;;; ANSI defines that program syntax errors should be of type
34 ;;; PROGRAM-ERROR. Therefore...
35 (define-condition arg-count-program-error (sb!kernel::arg-count-error
36 program-error)
37 ())
39 (defun arg-count-program-error (datum &rest arguments)
40 (declare (ignore datum))
41 (apply #'error 'arg-count-program-error arguments))
43 ;; OAOOM? (see destructuring-bind.lisp)
44 (defmacro program-destructuring-bind (lambda-list arg-list &body body)
45 (let ((arg-list-name (gensym "ARG-LIST-")))
46 (multiple-value-bind (body local-decls)
47 (sb!kernel:parse-defmacro lambda-list arg-list-name body nil
48 'program-destructuring-bind
49 :anonymousp t
50 :doc-string-allowed nil
51 :wrap-block nil
52 :error-fun 'arg-count-program-error)
53 `(let ((,arg-list-name ,arg-list))
54 ,@local-decls
55 ,body))))
57 (defun ip-error (format-control &rest format-arguments)
58 (error 'interpreted-program-error
59 :format-control format-control
60 :format-arguments format-arguments))
62 (defmacro nconc-2 (a b)
63 (let ((tmp (gensym))
64 (tmp2 (gensym)))
65 `(let ((,tmp ,a)
66 (,tmp2 ,b))
67 (if ,tmp
68 (progn (setf (cdr (last ,tmp)) ,tmp2) ,tmp)
69 ,tmp2))))
71 ;;; Construct a compiler LEXENV from the same data that's used for
72 ;;; creating an interpreter ENV. This is needed for example when
73 ;;; passing the environment to macroexpanders or when compiling an
74 ;;; interpreted function.
75 (defun fabricate-new-native-environment (old-lexenv new-funs new-expanders
76 new-vars new-symbol-expansions
77 declarations)
78 (labels ((to-native-funs (binding)
79 ;; Non-macroexpander function entries are irrelevant for
80 ;; the LEXENV. If we're using the LEXENV for
81 ;; macro-expansion any references to local non-macro
82 ;; function bindings are undefined behaviour. If we're
83 ;; compiling an interpreted function, a lexical environment
84 ;; with non-macro functions will be too hairy to compile.
85 (if (eq (cdr binding) *macro*)
86 (cons (car binding)
87 (cons 'sb!sys:macro
88 (cdr (assoc (car binding) new-expanders))))
89 (cons (car binding)
90 :bogus)))
91 (to-native-vars (binding)
92 ;; And likewise for symbol macros.
93 (if (eq (cdr binding) *symbol-macro*)
94 (cons (car binding)
95 (cons 'sb!sys:macro
96 (cdr (assoc (car binding) new-symbol-expansions))))
97 (cons (car binding)
98 :bogus))))
99 (let ((lexenv (sb!c::internal-make-lexenv
100 (nconc-2 (mapcar #'to-native-funs new-funs)
101 (sb!c::lexenv-funs old-lexenv))
102 (nconc-2 (mapcar #'to-native-vars new-vars)
103 (sb!c::lexenv-vars old-lexenv))
104 nil nil nil nil nil
105 (sb!c::lexenv-handled-conditions old-lexenv)
106 (sb!c::lexenv-disabled-package-locks old-lexenv)
107 (sb!c::lexenv-policy old-lexenv))))
108 (dolist (declaration declarations)
109 (unless (consp declaration)
110 (ip-error "malformed declaration specifier ~S in ~S"
111 declaration (cons 'declare declarations)))
112 (case (car declaration)
113 ((optimize)
114 (dolist (element (cdr declaration))
115 (multiple-value-bind (quality value)
116 (if (not (consp element))
117 (values element 3)
118 (program-destructuring-bind (quality value)
119 element
120 (values quality value)))
121 (if (sb!c::policy-quality-name-p quality)
122 (push (cons quality value)
123 (sb!c::lexenv-%policy lexenv))
124 (warn "ignoring unknown optimization quality ~
125 ~S in ~S" quality
126 (cons 'declare declarations))))))
127 (sb!ext:muffle-conditions
128 (setf (sb!c::lexenv-handled-conditions lexenv)
129 (sb!c::process-muffle-conditions-decl
130 declaration
131 (sb!c::lexenv-handled-conditions lexenv))))
132 (sb!ext:unmuffle-conditions
133 (setf (sb!c::lexenv-handled-conditions lexenv)
134 (sb!c::process-unmuffle-conditions-decl
135 declaration
136 (sb!c::lexenv-handled-conditions lexenv))))
137 ((sb!ext:disable-package-locks sb!ext:enable-package-locks)
138 (setf (sb!c::lexenv-disabled-package-locks lexenv)
139 (sb!c::process-package-lock-decl
140 declaration
141 (sb!c::lexenv-disabled-package-locks lexenv))))))
142 lexenv)))
144 (defstruct (env
145 (:constructor %make-env
146 (parent vars funs expanders symbol-expansions
147 tags blocks declarations native-lexenv)))
148 parent
149 vars
150 funs
151 expanders
152 symbol-expansions
153 tags
154 blocks
155 declarations
156 native-lexenv)
158 (defun make-env (&key parent vars funs expanders
159 symbol-expansions tags blocks declarations)
160 (%make-env parent
161 (append vars (env-vars parent))
162 (append funs (env-funs parent))
163 (append expanders (env-expanders parent))
164 (append symbol-expansions (env-symbol-expansions parent))
165 (nconc-2 tags (env-tags parent))
166 (nconc-2 blocks (env-blocks parent))
167 declarations
168 (fabricate-new-native-environment (env-native-lexenv parent)
169 funs expanders
170 vars symbol-expansions
171 declarations)))
173 (defun make-null-environment ()
174 (%make-env nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
175 (sb!c::internal-make-lexenv
176 nil nil
177 nil nil nil nil nil nil nil
178 sb!c::*policy*)))
180 ;;; Augment ENV with a special or lexical variable binding
181 (declaim (inline push-var))
182 (defun push-var (name value env)
183 (push (cons name value) (env-vars env))
184 (push (cons name :bogus) (sb!c::lexenv-vars (env-native-lexenv env))))
186 ;;; Augment ENV with a local function binding
187 (declaim (inline push-fun))
188 (defun push-fun (name value calling-env body-env)
189 (when (fboundp name)
190 (let ((sb!c:*lexenv* (env-native-lexenv calling-env)))
191 (program-assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked
192 :eval name "binding ~A as a local function")))
193 (push (cons name value) (env-funs body-env))
194 (push (cons name :bogus) (sb!c::lexenv-funs (env-native-lexenv body-env))))
196 (sb!int:def!method print-object ((env env) stream)
197 (print-unreadable-object (env stream :type t :identity t)))
199 (macrolet ((define-get-binding (name accessor &key (test '#'eq))
200 ;; A macro, sadly, because an inline function here is
201 ;; "too hairy"
202 `(defmacro ,name (symbol env)
203 `(assoc ,symbol (,',accessor ,env) :test ,',test))))
204 (define-get-binding get-binding env-vars)
205 (define-get-binding get-fbinding env-funs :test #'equal)
206 (define-get-binding get-expander-binding env-expanders)
207 (define-get-binding get-symbol-expansion-binding env-symbol-expansions)
208 (define-get-binding get-tag-binding env-tags :test #'eql)
209 (define-get-binding get-block-binding env-blocks))
211 ;;; Return a list of all symbols that are declared special in the
212 ;;; declarations listen in DECLS.
213 (defun declared-specials (decls)
214 (let ((specials nil))
215 (dolist (decl decls)
216 (when (eql (car decl) 'special)
217 (dolist (var (cdr decl))
218 (push var specials))))
219 specials))
221 ;;; Given a list of variables that should be marked as special in an
222 ;;; environment, return the appropriate binding forms to be given
223 ;;; to MAKE-ENV.
224 (defun special-bindings (specials env)
225 (mapcar #'(lambda (var)
226 (let ((sb!c:*lexenv* (env-native-lexenv env)))
227 (program-assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked
228 :eval var "declaring ~A special"))
229 (cons var *special*))
230 specials))
232 ;;; Return true if SYMBOL has been declared special either globally
233 ;;; or is in the DECLARED-SPECIALS list.
234 (defun specialp (symbol declared-specials)
235 (let ((type (sb!int:info :variable :kind symbol)))
236 (cond
237 ((eq type :constant)
238 ;; Horrible place for this, but it works.
239 (ip-error "Can't bind constant symbol ~S" symbol))
240 ((eq type :special) t)
241 ((member symbol declared-specials :test #'eq)
243 (t nil))))
245 (defun binding-name (binding)
246 (if (consp binding) (first binding) binding))
247 (defun binding-value (binding)
248 (if (consp binding) (second binding) nil))
249 (defun supplied-p-parameter (spec)
250 (if (consp spec) (third spec) nil))
251 (defun keyword-name (spec)
252 (if (consp spec)
253 (if (consp (first spec))
254 (second (first spec))
255 (first spec))
256 spec))
257 (defun keyword-key (spec)
258 (if (consp spec)
259 (if (consp (first spec))
260 (first (first spec))
261 (intern (symbol-name (first spec)) "KEYWORD"))
262 (intern (symbol-name spec) "KEYWORD")))
263 (defun keyword-default-value (spec)
264 (if (consp spec) (second spec) nil))
266 ;;; Given a list of ARGUMENTS and a LAMBDA-LIST, return two values:
267 ;;; * An alist[*] mapping the required parameters of the function to
268 ;;; the corresponding argument values
269 ;;; * An alist mapping the keyword, optional and rest parameters of
270 ;;; the function to the corresponding argument values (if supplied)
271 ;;; or to the parameter's default expression (if not). Supplied-p
272 ;;; parameters and aux variables are handled in a similar manner.
274 ;;; For example given the argument list of (1 2) and the lambda-list of
275 ;;; (A &OPTIONAL (B A) (C (1+ A))), we'd return the values
276 ;;; (A . '1) and ((B . '2) (C . (1+ A))).
278 ;;; Used only for implementing calls to interpreted functions.
279 (defun parse-arguments (arguments lambda-list)
280 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest-p rest keyword-p
281 keyword allow-other-keys-p aux-p aux)
282 (handler-bind ((style-warning #'muffle-warning))
283 (sb!int:parse-lambda-list lambda-list))
284 (let* ((original-arguments arguments)
285 (arguments-present (length arguments))
286 (required-length (length required))
287 (optional-length (length optional))
288 (non-keyword-arguments (+ required-length optional-length))
289 (optionals-present (- (min non-keyword-arguments arguments-present)
290 required-length))
291 (keywords-present-p (> arguments-present non-keyword-arguments))
292 (let-like-bindings nil)
293 (let*-like-bindings nil))
294 (cond
295 ((< arguments-present required-length)
296 (ip-error "~@<Too few arguments in ~S to satisfy lambda list ~S.~:@>"
297 arguments lambda-list))
298 ((and (not (or rest-p keyword-p)) keywords-present-p)
299 (ip-error "~@<Too many arguments in ~S to satisfy lambda list ~S.~:@>"
300 arguments lambda-list))
301 ((and keyword-p keywords-present-p
302 (oddp (- arguments-present non-keyword-arguments)))
303 (ip-error "~@<Odd number of &KEY arguments in ~S for ~S.~:@>"
304 arguments lambda-list)))
305 (dotimes (i required-length)
306 (push (cons (pop required) (pop arguments)) let-like-bindings))
307 (do ((optionals-parsed 0 (1+ optionals-parsed)))
308 ((null optional))
309 (let ((this-optional (pop optional))
310 (supplied-p (< optionals-parsed optionals-present)))
311 (push (cons (binding-name this-optional)
312 (if supplied-p
313 (list 'quote (pop arguments))
314 (binding-value this-optional)))
315 let*-like-bindings)
316 (when (supplied-p-parameter this-optional)
317 (push (cons (supplied-p-parameter this-optional)
318 (list 'quote supplied-p))
319 let*-like-bindings))))
320 (let ((keyword-plist arguments))
321 (when rest-p
322 (push (cons rest (list 'quote keyword-plist)) let*-like-bindings))
323 (when keyword-p
324 (unless (or allow-other-keys-p
325 (getf keyword-plist :allow-other-keys))
326 (loop for (key value) on keyword-plist by #'cddr doing
327 (when (and (not (eq key :allow-other-keys))
328 (not (member key keyword :key #'keyword-key)))
329 (ip-error "~@<Unknown &KEY argument ~S in ~S for ~S.~:@>"
330 key original-arguments lambda-list))))
331 (dolist (keyword-spec keyword)
332 (let ((supplied (getf keyword-plist (keyword-key keyword-spec)
333 *not-present*)))
334 (push (cons (keyword-name keyword-spec)
335 (if (eq supplied *not-present*)
336 (keyword-default-value keyword-spec)
337 (list 'quote supplied)))
338 let*-like-bindings)
339 (when (supplied-p-parameter keyword-spec)
340 (push (cons (supplied-p-parameter keyword-spec)
341 (list 'quote (not (eq supplied *not-present*))))
342 let*-like-bindings))))))
343 (when aux-p
344 (do ()
345 ((null aux))
346 (let ((this-aux (pop aux)))
347 (push (cons (binding-name this-aux)
348 (binding-value this-aux))
349 let*-like-bindings))))
350 (values (nreverse let-like-bindings) (nreverse let*-like-bindings)))))
352 ;;; Evaluate LET*-like (sequential) bindings.
354 ;;; Given an alist of BINDINGS, evaluate the value form of the first
355 ;;; binding in ENV, bind the variable to the value in ENV, and then
356 ;;; evaluate the next binding form. Once all binding forms have been
357 ;;; handled, END-ACTION is funcalled.
359 ;;; SPECIALS is a list of variables that have a bound special declaration.
360 ;;; These variables (and those that have been declaimed as special) are
361 ;;; bound as special variables.
362 (defun eval-next-let*-binding (bindings specials env end-action)
363 (flet ((maybe-eval (exp)
364 ;; Pick off the easy (QUOTE x) case which is very common
365 ;; due to function calls. (see PARSE-ARGUMENTS)
366 (if (and (consp exp) (eq (car exp) 'quote))
367 (second exp)
368 (%eval exp env))))
369 (if bindings
370 (let* ((binding-name (car (car bindings)))
371 (binding-value (cdr (car bindings))))
372 (if (specialp binding-name specials)
373 (progv
374 (list binding-name)
375 (list (maybe-eval binding-value))
376 ;; Mark the variable as special in this environment
377 (push-var binding-name *special* env)
378 (eval-next-let*-binding (cdr bindings)
379 specials env end-action))
380 (progn
381 (push-var binding-name (maybe-eval binding-value) env)
382 (eval-next-let*-binding (cdr bindings)
383 specials env end-action))))
384 (funcall end-action))))
386 ;;; Create a new environment based on OLD-ENV by adding the variable
387 ;;; bindings in BINDINGS to it, and call FUNCTION with the new environment
388 ;;; as the only parameter. DECLARATIONS are the declarations that were
389 ;;; in a source position where bound declarations for the bindings could
390 ;;; be introduced.
392 ;;; FREE-SPECIALS-P controls whether all special declarations should
393 ;;; end cause the variables to be marked as special in the environment
394 ;;; (when true), or only bound declarations (when false). Basically
395 ;;; it'll be T when handling a LET, and NIL when handling a call to an
396 ;;; interpreted function.
397 (defun call-with-new-env (old-env bindings declarations
398 free-specials-p function)
399 (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
400 (dynamic-vars nil)
401 (dynamic-values nil))
402 ;; To check for package-lock violations
403 (special-bindings specials old-env)
404 (flet ((generate-binding (binding)
405 (if (specialp (car binding) specials)
406 ;; If the variable being bound is globally special or
407 ;; there's a bound special declaration for it, record it
408 ;; in DYNAMIC-VARS / -VALUES separately:
409 ;; * To handle the case of FREE-SPECIALS-P == T more
410 ;; cleanly.
411 ;; * The dynamic variables will be bound with PROGV just
412 ;; before funcalling
413 (progn
414 (push (car binding) dynamic-vars)
415 (push (cdr binding) dynamic-values)
416 nil)
417 ;; Otherwise it's a lexical binding, and the value
418 ;; will be recorded in the environment.
419 (list binding))))
420 (let ((new-env (make-env
421 :parent old-env
422 :vars (mapcan #'generate-binding bindings)
423 :declarations declarations)))
424 (dolist (special (if free-specials-p specials dynamic-vars))
425 (push-var special *special* new-env))
426 (if dynamic-vars
427 (progv dynamic-vars dynamic-values
428 (funcall function new-env))
429 ;; When there are no specials, the PROGV would be a no-op,
430 ;; but it's better to elide it completely, since the
431 ;; funcall is then in tail position.
432 (funcall function new-env))))))
434 ;;; Create a new environment based on OLD-ENV by binding the argument
435 ;;; list ARGUMENTS to LAMBDA-LIST, and call FUNCTION with the new
436 ;;; environment as argument. DECLARATIONS are the declarations that
437 ;;; were in a source position where bound declarations for the
438 ;;; bindings could be introduced.
439 (defun call-with-new-env-full-parsing
440 (old-env lambda-list arguments declarations function)
441 (multiple-value-bind (let-like-bindings let*-like-binding)
442 (parse-arguments arguments lambda-list)
443 (let ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
444 var-specials free-specials)
445 ;; Separate the bound and free special declarations
446 (dolist (special specials)
447 (if (or (member special let-like-bindings :key #'car)
448 (member special let*-like-binding :key #'car))
449 (push special var-specials)
450 (push special free-specials)))
451 ;; First introduce the required parameters into the environment
452 ;; with CALL-WITH-NEW-ENV
453 (call-with-new-env
454 old-env let-like-bindings declarations nil
455 #'(lambda (env)
456 ;; Then deal with optionals / keywords / etc.
457 (eval-next-let*-binding
458 let*-like-binding var-specials env
459 #'(lambda ()
460 ;; And now that we have evaluated all the
461 ;; initialization forms for the bindings, add the free
462 ;; special declarations to the environment. To see why
463 ;; this is the right thing to do (instead of passing
465 ;; consider:
467 ;; (eval '(let ((*a* 1))
468 ;; (declare (special *a*))
469 ;; (let ((*a* 2))
470 ;; (funcall (lambda (&optional (b *a*))
471 ;; (declare (special *a*))
472 ;; (values b *a*))))))
474 ;; *A* should be special in the body of the lambda, but
475 ;; not when evaluating the default value of B.
476 (dolist (special free-specials)
477 (push-var special *special* env))
478 (funcall function env))))))))
480 ;;; Set the VALUE of the binding (either lexical or special) of the
481 ;;; variable named by SYMBOL in the environment ENV.
482 (defun set-variable (symbol value env)
483 (let ((binding (get-binding symbol env)))
484 (if binding
485 (cond
486 ((eq (cdr binding) *special*)
487 (setf (symbol-value symbol) value))
488 ((eq (cdr binding) *symbol-macro*)
489 (error "Tried to set a symbol-macrolet!"))
490 (t (setf (cdr binding) value)))
491 (case (sb!int:info :variable :kind symbol)
492 (:macro (error "Tried to set a symbol-macrolet!"))
493 (:alien (let ((type (sb!int:info :variable :alien-info symbol)))
494 (setf (sb!alien::%heap-alien type) value)))
496 (let ((type (sb!c::info :variable :type symbol)))
497 (when type
498 (let ((type-specifier (sb!kernel:type-specifier type)))
499 (unless (typep value type-specifier)
500 (error 'type-error
501 :datum value
502 :expected-type type-specifier))))
503 (setf (symbol-value symbol) value)))))))
505 ;;; Retrieve the value of the binding (either lexical or special) of
506 ;;; the variable named by SYMBOL in the environment ENV. For symbol
507 ;;; macros the expansion is returned instead.
508 (defun get-variable (symbol env)
509 (let ((binding (get-binding symbol env)))
510 (if binding
511 (cond
512 ((eq (cdr binding) *special*)
513 (values (symbol-value symbol) :variable))
514 ((eq (cdr binding) *symbol-macro*)
515 (values (cdr (get-symbol-expansion-binding symbol env))
516 :expansion))
517 (t (values (cdr binding) :variable)))
518 (case (sb!int:info :variable :kind symbol)
519 (:macro (values (macroexpand-1 symbol) :expansion))
520 (:alien (let ((type (sb!int:info :variable :alien-info symbol)))
521 (values (sb!alien::%heap-alien type)
522 :variable)))
523 (t (values (symbol-value symbol) :variable))))))
525 ;;; Retrieve the function/macro binding of the symbol NAME in
526 ;;; environment ENV. The second return value will be :MACRO for macro
527 ;;; bindings, :FUNCTION for function bindings.
528 (defun get-function (name env)
529 (let ((binding (get-fbinding name env)))
530 (if binding
531 (cond
532 ((eq (cdr binding) *macro*)
533 (values (cdr (get-expander-binding name env)) :macro))
534 (t (values (cdr binding) :function)))
535 (cond
536 ((and (symbolp name) (macro-function name))
537 (values (macro-function name) :macro))
538 (t (values (%coerce-name-to-fun name) :function))))))
540 ;;; Return true if EXP is a lambda form.
541 (defun lambdap (exp)
542 (case (car exp) ((lambda
543 sb!int:named-lambda
544 sb!kernel:instance-lambda)
545 t)))
547 ;;; Split off the declarations (and the docstring, if
548 ;;; DOC-STRING-ALLOWED is true) from the actual forms of BODY.
549 ;;; Returns three values: the cons in BODY containing the first
550 ;;; non-header subform, the docstring, and a list of the declarations.
552 ;;; FIXME: The name of this function is somewhat misleading. It's not
553 ;;; used just for parsing the headers from lambda bodies, but for all
554 ;;; special forms that have attached declarations.
555 (defun parse-lambda-headers (body &key doc-string-allowed)
556 (loop with documentation = nil
557 with declarations = nil
558 for form on body do
559 (cond
560 ((and doc-string-allowed (stringp (car form)))
561 (if (cdr form) ; CLHS 3.4.11
562 (if documentation
563 (ip-error "~@<Duplicate doc string ~S.~:@>" (car form))
564 (setf documentation (car form)))
565 (return (values form documentation declarations))))
566 ((and (consp (car form)) (eql (caar form) 'declare))
567 (setf declarations (append declarations (cdar form))))
568 (t (return (values form documentation declarations))))
569 finally (return (values nil documentation declarations))))
571 ;;; Create an interpreted function from the lambda-form EXP evaluated
572 ;;; in the environment ENV.
573 (defun eval-lambda (exp env)
574 (case (car exp)
575 ((lambda sb!kernel:instance-lambda)
576 (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
577 (parse-lambda-headers (cddr exp) :doc-string-allowed t)
578 (make-interpreted-function :lambda-list (second exp)
579 :env env :body body
580 :documentation documentation
581 :source-location (sb!c::make-definition-source-location)
582 :declarations declarations)))
583 ((sb!int:named-lambda)
584 (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
585 (parse-lambda-headers (cdddr exp) :doc-string-allowed t)
586 (make-interpreted-function :name (second exp)
587 :lambda-list (third exp)
588 :env env :body body
589 :documentation documentation
590 :source-location (sb!c::make-definition-source-location)
591 :declarations declarations)))))
593 (defun eval-progn (body env)
594 (let ((previous-exp nil))
595 (dolist (exp body)
596 (if previous-exp
597 (%eval previous-exp env))
598 (setf previous-exp exp))
599 ;; Preserve tail call
600 (%eval previous-exp env)))
602 (defun eval-if (body env)
603 (program-destructuring-bind (test if-true &optional if-false) body
604 (if (%eval test env)
605 (%eval if-true env)
606 (%eval if-false env))))
608 (defun eval-let (body env)
609 (program-destructuring-bind (bindings &body body) body
610 ;; First evaluate the bindings in parallel
611 (let ((bindings (mapcar
612 #'(lambda (binding)
613 (cons (binding-name binding)
614 (%eval (binding-value binding) env)))
615 bindings)))
616 (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
617 (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
618 (declare (ignore documentation))
619 ;; Then establish them into the environment, and evaluate the
620 ;; body.
621 (call-with-new-env env bindings declarations t
622 #'(lambda (env)
623 (eval-progn body env)))))))
625 (defun eval-let* (body old-env)
626 (program-destructuring-bind (bindings &body body) body
627 (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
628 (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
629 (declare (ignore documentation))
630 ;; First we separate the special declarations into bound and
631 ;; free declarations.
632 (let ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
633 var-specials free-specials)
634 (dolist (special specials)
635 (if (member special bindings :key #'binding-name)
636 (push special var-specials)
637 (push special free-specials)))
638 (let ((env (make-env :parent old-env
639 :declarations declarations)))
640 ;; Then we establish the bindings into the environment
641 ;; sequentially.
642 (eval-next-let*-binding
643 (mapcar #'(lambda (binding)
644 (cons (binding-name binding)
645 (binding-value binding)))
646 bindings)
647 var-specials env
648 #'(lambda ()
649 ;; Now that we're done evaluating the bindings, add the
650 ;; free special declarations. See also
652 (dolist (special free-specials)
653 (push-var special *special* env))
654 (eval-progn body env))))))))
656 ;; Return a named local function in the environment ENV, made from the
657 ;; definition form FUNCTION-DEF.
658 (defun eval-local-function-def (function-def env)
659 (program-destructuring-bind (name lambda-list &body local-body) function-def
660 (multiple-value-bind (local-body documentation declarations)
661 (parse-lambda-headers local-body :doc-string-allowed t)
662 (%eval `#'(sb!int:named-lambda ,name ,lambda-list
663 ,@(if documentation
664 (list documentation)
665 nil)
666 (declare ,@declarations)
667 (block ,(cond ((consp name) (second name))
668 (t name))
669 ,@local-body))
670 env))))
672 (defun eval-flet (body env)
673 (program-destructuring-bind ((&rest local-functions) &body body) body
674 (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
675 (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
676 (declare (ignore documentation))
677 (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
678 (new-env (make-env :parent env
679 :vars (special-bindings specials env)
680 :declarations declarations)))
681 (dolist (function-def local-functions)
682 (push-fun (car function-def)
683 ;; Evaluate the function definitions in ENV.
684 (eval-local-function-def function-def env)
685 ;; Do package-lock checks in ENV.
687 ;; But add the bindings to the child environment.
688 new-env))
689 (eval-progn body new-env)))))
691 (defun eval-labels (body old-env)
692 (program-destructuring-bind ((&rest local-functions) &body body) body
693 (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
694 (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
695 (declare (ignore documentation))
696 ;; Create a child environment, evaluate the function definitions
697 ;; in it, and add them into the same environment.
698 (let ((env (make-env :parent old-env
699 :declarations declarations)))
700 (dolist (function-def local-functions)
701 (push-fun (car function-def)
702 (eval-local-function-def function-def env)
703 old-env
704 env))
705 ;; And then add an environment for the body of the LABELS. A
706 ;; separate environment from the one where we added the
707 ;; functions to is needed, since any special variable
708 ;; declarations need to be in effect in the body, but not in
709 ;; the bodies of the local functions.
710 (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
711 (new-env (make-env :parent env
712 :vars (special-bindings specials env))))
713 (eval-progn body new-env))))))
715 ;; Return a local macro-expander in the environment ENV, made from the
716 ;; definition form FUNCTION-DEF.
717 (defun eval-local-macro-def (function-def env)
718 (program-destructuring-bind (name lambda-list &body local-body) function-def
719 (multiple-value-bind (local-body documentation declarations)
720 (parse-lambda-headers local-body :doc-string-allowed t)
721 ;; HAS-ENVIRONMENT and HAS-WHOLE will be either NIL or the name
722 ;; of the variable. (Better names?)
723 (let (has-environment has-whole)
724 ;; Filter out &WHOLE and &ENVIRONMENT from the lambda-list, and
725 ;; do some syntax checking.
726 (when (eq (car lambda-list) '&whole)
727 (setf has-whole (second lambda-list))
728 (setf lambda-list (cddr lambda-list)))
729 (setf lambda-list
730 (loop with skip = 0
731 for element in lambda-list
732 if (cond
733 ((/= skip 0)
734 (decf skip)
735 (setf has-environment element)
736 nil)
737 ((eq element '&environment)
738 (if has-environment
739 (ip-error "Repeated &ENVIRONMENT.")
740 (setf skip 1))
741 nil)
742 ((eq element '&whole)
743 (ip-error "&WHOLE may only appear first ~
744 in MACROLET lambda-list."))
745 (t t))
746 collect element))
747 (let ((outer-whole (gensym "WHOLE"))
748 (environment (or has-environment (gensym "ENVIRONMENT")))
749 (macro-name (gensym "NAME")))
750 (%eval `#'(lambda (,outer-whole ,environment)
751 ,@(if documentation
752 (list documentation)
753 nil)
754 (declare ,@(unless has-environment
755 `((ignore ,environment))))
756 (program-destructuring-bind
757 (,@(if has-whole
758 (list '&whole has-whole)
759 nil)
760 ,macro-name ,@lambda-list)
761 ,outer-whole
762 (declare (ignore ,macro-name)
763 ,@declarations)
764 (block ,name ,@local-body)))
765 env))))))
767 (defun eval-macrolet (body env)
768 (program-destructuring-bind ((&rest local-functions) &body body) body
769 (flet ((generate-fbinding (macro-def)
770 (cons (car macro-def) *macro*))
771 (generate-mbinding (macro-def)
772 (let ((name (car macro-def))
773 (sb!c:*lexenv* (env-native-lexenv env)))
774 (when (fboundp name)
775 (program-assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked
776 :eval name "binding ~A as a local macro"))
777 (cons name (eval-local-macro-def macro-def env)))))
778 (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
779 (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
780 (declare (ignore documentation))
781 (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
782 (new-env (make-env :parent env
783 :vars (special-bindings specials env)
784 :funs (mapcar #'generate-fbinding
785 local-functions)
786 :expanders (mapcar #'generate-mbinding
787 local-functions)
788 :declarations declarations)))
789 (eval-progn body new-env))))))
791 (defun eval-symbol-macrolet (body env)
792 (program-destructuring-bind ((&rest bindings) &body body) body
793 (flet ((generate-binding (binding)
794 (cons (car binding) *symbol-macro*))
795 (generate-sm-binding (binding)
796 (let ((name (car binding))
797 (sb!c:*lexenv* (env-native-lexenv env)))
798 (when (or (boundp name)
799 (eq (sb!int:info :variable :kind name) :macro))
800 (program-assert-symbol-home-package-unlocked
801 :eval name "binding ~A as a local symbol-macro"))
802 (cons name (second binding)))))
803 (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
804 (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
805 (declare (ignore documentation))
806 (let ((specials (declared-specials declarations)))
807 (dolist (binding bindings)
808 (when (specialp (binding-name binding) specials)
809 (ip-error "~@<Can't bind SYMBOL-MACROLET of special ~
810 variable ~S.~:@>"
811 (binding-name binding)))))
812 (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
813 (new-env (make-env :parent env
814 :vars (nconc-2 (mapcar #'generate-binding
815 bindings)
816 (special-bindings specials env))
817 :symbol-expansions (mapcar
818 #'generate-sm-binding
819 bindings)
820 :declarations declarations)))
821 (eval-progn body new-env))))))
823 (defun eval-progv (body env)
824 (program-destructuring-bind (vars vals &body body) body
825 (progv (%eval vars env) (%eval vals env)
826 (eval-progn body env))))
828 (defun eval-function (body env)
829 (program-destructuring-bind (name) body
830 (cond
831 ;; LAMBDAP assumes that the argument is a cons, so we need the
832 ;; initial symbol case, instead of relying on the fall-through
833 ;; case that has the same function body.
834 ((symbolp name) (nth-value 0 (get-function name env)))
835 ((lambdap name) (eval-lambda name env))
836 (t (nth-value 0 (get-function name env))))))
838 (defun eval-eval-when (body env)
839 (program-destructuring-bind ((&rest situation) &body body) body
840 ;; FIXME: check that SITUATION only contains valid situations
841 (if (or (member :execute situation)
842 (member 'eval situation))
843 (eval-progn body env))))
845 (defun eval-quote (body env)
846 (declare (ignore env))
847 (program-destructuring-bind (object) body
848 object))
850 (defun eval-setq (pairs env)
851 (when (oddp (length pairs))
852 (ip-error "~@<Odd number of args to SETQ: ~S~:@>" (cons 'setq pairs)))
853 (let ((last nil))
854 (loop for (var new-val) on pairs by #'cddr do
855 (handler-case
856 (multiple-value-bind (expansion type) (get-variable var env)
857 (ecase type
858 (:expansion
859 (setf last
860 (%eval (list 'setf expansion new-val) env)))
861 (:variable
862 (setf last (set-variable var (%eval new-val env)
863 env)))))
864 (unbound-variable (c)
865 (declare (ignore c))
866 (setf last (setf (symbol-value var)
867 (%eval new-val env))))))
868 last))
870 (defun eval-multiple-value-call (body env)
871 (program-destructuring-bind (function-form &body forms) body
872 (%apply (%eval function-form env)
873 (loop for form in forms
874 nconc (multiple-value-list (%eval form env))))))
876 (defun eval-multiple-value-prog1 (body env)
877 (program-destructuring-bind (first-form &body forms) body
878 (multiple-value-prog1 (%eval first-form env)
879 (eval-progn forms env))))
881 (defun eval-catch (body env)
882 (program-destructuring-bind (tag &body forms) body
883 (catch (%eval tag env)
884 (eval-progn forms env))))
886 (defun eval-tagbody (body old-env)
887 (let ((env (make-env :parent old-env))
888 (tags nil)
889 (start body)
890 (target-tag nil))
891 (tagbody
892 (flet ((go-to-tag (tag)
893 (setf target-tag tag)
894 (go go-to-tag)))
895 ;; For each tag, store a trampoline function into the environment
896 ;; and the location in the body into the TAGS alist.
897 (do ((form body (cdr form)))
898 ((null form) nil)
899 (when (atom (car form))
900 (when (assoc (car form) tags)
901 (ip-error "The tag :A appears more than once in a tagbody."))
902 (push (cons (car form) (cdr form)) tags)
903 (push (cons (car form) #'go-to-tag) (env-tags env)))))
904 ;; And then evaluate the forms in the body, starting from the
905 ;; first one.
906 (go execute)
907 go-to-tag
908 ;; The trampoline has set the TARGET-TAG. Restart evaluation of
909 ;; the body from the location in body that matches the tag.
910 (setf start (cdr (assoc target-tag tags)))
911 execute
912 (dolist (form start)
913 (when (not (atom form))
914 (%eval form env))))))
916 (defun eval-go (body env)
917 (program-destructuring-bind (tag) body
918 (let ((target (get-tag-binding tag env)))
919 (if target
920 ;; Call the GO-TO-TAG trampoline
921 (funcall (cdr target) tag)
922 (ip-error "~@<Attempt to GO to nonexistent tag: ~S~:@>" tag)))))
924 (defun eval-block (body old-env)
925 (flet ((return-from-eval-block (&rest values)
926 (return-from eval-block (values-list values))))
927 (program-destructuring-bind (name &body body) body
928 (unless (symbolp name)
929 (ip-error "~@<The block name ~S is not a symbol.~:@>" name))
930 (let ((env (make-env
931 :blocks (list (cons name #'return-from-eval-block))
932 :parent old-env)))
933 (eval-progn body env)))))
935 (defun eval-return-from (body env)
936 (program-destructuring-bind (name &optional result) body
937 (let ((target (get-block-binding name env)))
938 (if target
939 (multiple-value-call (cdr target) (%eval result env))
940 (ip-error "~@<Return for unknown block: ~S~:@>" name)))))
942 (defun eval-the (body env)
943 (program-destructuring-bind (value-type form) body
944 (declare (ignore value-type))
945 ;; FIXME: We should probably check the types here, even though
946 ;; the consequences of the values not being of the asserted types
947 ;; are formally undefined.
948 (%eval form env)))
950 (defun eval-unwind-protect (body env)
951 (program-destructuring-bind (protected-form &body cleanup-forms) body
952 (unwind-protect (%eval protected-form env)
953 (eval-progn cleanup-forms env))))
955 (defun eval-throw (body env)
956 (program-destructuring-bind (tag result-form) body
957 (throw (%eval tag env)
958 (%eval result-form env))))
960 (defun eval-load-time-value (body env)
961 (program-destructuring-bind (form &optional read-only-p) body
962 (declare (ignore read-only-p))
963 (%eval form env)))
965 (defun eval-locally (body env)
966 (multiple-value-bind (body documentation declarations)
967 (parse-lambda-headers body :doc-string-allowed nil)
968 (declare (ignore documentation))
969 (let* ((specials (declared-specials declarations))
970 (new-env (if (or specials declarations)
971 (make-env :parent env
972 :vars (special-bindings specials env)
973 :declarations declarations)
974 env)))
975 (eval-progn body new-env))))
977 (defun eval-args (args env)
978 (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (%eval arg env)) args))
980 ;;; The expansion of SB-SYS:WITH-PINNED-OBJECTS on GENCGC uses some
981 ;;; VOPs which can't be reasonably implemented in the interpreter. So
982 ;;; we special-case the macro.
983 (defun eval-with-pinned-objects (args env)
984 (program-destructuring-bind (values &body body) args
985 (if (null values)
986 (eval-progn body env)
987 (sb!sys:with-pinned-objects ((car values))
988 (eval-with-pinned-objects (cons (cdr values) body) env)))))
990 (define-condition macroexpand-hook-type-error (type-error)
992 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
993 (format stream "The value of *MACROEXPAND-HOOK* is not a designator for a compiled function: ~A"
994 (type-error-datum condition)))))
996 (defvar *eval-dispatch-functions* nil)
998 ;;; Dispatch to the appropriate EVAL-FOO function based on the contents of EXP.
999 (declaim (inline %%eval))
1000 (defun %%eval (exp env)
1001 (cond
1002 ((symbolp exp)
1003 ;; CLHS Symbols as Forms
1004 (multiple-value-bind (value kind) (get-variable exp env)
1005 (ecase kind
1006 (:variable value)
1007 (:expansion (%eval value env)))))
1008 ;; CLHS Self-Evaluating Objects
1009 ((atom exp) exp)
1010 ;; CLHS Conses as Forms
1011 ((consp exp)
1012 (case (car exp)
1013 ;; CLHS Special Forms
1014 ((block) (eval-block (cdr exp) env))
1015 ((catch) (eval-catch (cdr exp) env))
1016 ((eval-when) (eval-eval-when (cdr exp) env))
1017 ((flet) (eval-flet (cdr exp) env))
1018 ((function) (eval-function (cdr exp) env))
1019 ((go) (eval-go (cdr exp) env))
1020 ((if) (eval-if (cdr exp) env))
1021 ((labels) (eval-labels (cdr exp) env))
1022 ((let) (eval-let (cdr exp) env))
1023 ((let*) (eval-let* (cdr exp) env))
1024 ((load-time-value) (eval-load-time-value (cdr exp) env))
1025 ((locally) (eval-locally (cdr exp) env))
1026 ((macrolet) (eval-macrolet (cdr exp) env))
1027 ((multiple-value-call) (eval-multiple-value-call (cdr exp) env))
1028 ((multiple-value-prog1) (eval-multiple-value-prog1 (cdr exp) env))
1029 ((progn) (eval-progn (cdr exp) env))
1030 ((progv) (eval-progv (cdr exp) env))
1031 ((quote) (eval-quote (cdr exp) env))
1032 ((return-from) (eval-return-from (cdr exp) env))
1033 ((setq) (eval-setq (cdr exp) env))
1034 ((symbol-macrolet) (eval-symbol-macrolet (cdr exp) env))
1035 ((tagbody) (eval-tagbody (cdr exp) env))
1036 ((the) (eval-the (cdr exp) env))
1037 ((throw) (eval-throw (cdr exp) env))
1038 ((unwind-protect) (eval-unwind-protect (cdr exp) env))
1039 ;; SBCL-specific:
1040 ((sb!ext:truly-the) (eval-the (cdr exp) env))
1041 ;; Not a special form, but a macro whose expansion wouldn't be
1042 ;; handled correctly by the evaluator.
1043 ((sb!sys:with-pinned-objects) (eval-with-pinned-objects (cdr exp) env))
1045 (let ((dispatcher (getf *eval-dispatch-functions* (car exp))))
1046 (cond
1047 (dispatcher
1048 (funcall dispatcher exp env))
1049 ;; CLHS Lambda Forms
1050 ((and (consp (car exp)) (eq (caar exp) 'lambda))
1051 (interpreted-apply (eval-function (list (car exp)) env)
1052 (eval-args (cdr exp) env)))
1054 (multiple-value-bind (function kind) (get-function (car exp) env)
1055 (ecase kind
1056 ;; CLHS Function Forms
1057 (:function (%apply function (eval-args (cdr exp) env)))
1058 ;; CLHS Macro Forms
1059 (:macro
1060 (let ((hook *macroexpand-hook*))
1061 ;; Having an interpreted function as the
1062 ;; macroexpander hook could cause an infinite
1063 ;; loop.
1064 (unless (compiled-function-p
1065 (etypecase hook
1066 (function hook)
1067 (symbol (symbol-function hook))))
1068 (error 'macroexpand-hook-type-error
1069 :datum hook
1070 :expected-type 'compiled-function))
1071 (%eval (funcall hook
1072 function
1074 (env-native-lexenv env))
1075 env)))))))))))))
1077 (defun %eval (exp env)
1078 (incf *eval-calls*)
1079 (if *eval-verbose*
1080 ;; Dynamically binding *EVAL-LEVEL* will prevent tail call
1081 ;; optimization. So only do it when its value will be used for
1082 ;; printing debug output.
1083 (let ((*eval-level* (1+ *eval-level*)))
1084 (let ((*print-circle* t))
1085 (format t "~&~vA~S~%" *eval-level* "" `(%eval ,exp)))
1086 (%%eval exp env))
1087 (%%eval exp env)))
1089 (defun %apply (fun args)
1090 (etypecase fun
1091 (interpreted-function (interpreted-apply fun args))
1092 (function (apply fun args))
1093 (symbol (apply fun args))))
1095 (defun interpreted-apply (fun args)
1096 (let ((lambda-list (interpreted-function-lambda-list fun))
1097 (env (interpreted-function-env fun))
1098 (body (interpreted-function-body fun))
1099 (declarations (interpreted-function-declarations fun)))
1100 (call-with-new-env-full-parsing
1101 env lambda-list args declarations
1102 #'(lambda (env)
1103 (eval-progn body env)))))
1105 ;;; We need separate conditions for the different *-TOO-COMPLEX-ERRORs to
1106 ;;; avoid spuriously triggering the handler in EVAL-IN-NATIVE-ENVIRONMENT
1107 ;;; on code like:
1109 ;;; (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
1110 ;;; (let ((fun (eval '(let ((a 1)) (lambda () a)))))
1111 ;;; (eval `(compile nil ,fun))))
1113 ;;; FIXME: should these be exported?
1114 (define-condition interpreter-environment-too-complex-error (simple-error)
1116 (define-condition compiler-environment-too-complex-error (simple-error)
1119 ;;; Try to compile an interpreted function. If the environment
1120 ;;; contains local functions or lexical variables we'll punt on
1121 ;;; compiling it.
1122 (defun prepare-for-compile (function)
1123 (let ((env (interpreted-function-env function)))
1124 (when (or (env-tags env)
1125 (env-blocks env)
1126 (find-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eq x *macro*))
1127 (env-funs env) :key #'cdr)
1128 (find-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eq x *symbol-macro*))
1129 (env-vars env)
1130 :key #'cdr))
1131 (error 'interpreter-environment-too-complex-error
1132 :format-control
1133 "~@<Lexical environment of ~S is too complex to compile.~:@>"
1134 :format-arguments
1135 (list function)))
1136 (values
1137 `(sb!int:named-lambda ,(interpreted-function-name function)
1138 ,(interpreted-function-lambda-list function)
1139 (declare ,@(interpreted-function-declarations function))
1140 ,@(interpreted-function-body function))
1141 (env-native-lexenv env))))
1143 ;;; Convert a compiler LEXENV to an interpreter ENV. This is needed
1144 ;;; for EVAL-IN-LEXENV.
1145 (defun make-env-from-native-environment (lexenv)
1146 (let ((native-funs (sb!c::lexenv-funs lexenv))
1147 (native-vars (sb!c::lexenv-vars lexenv)))
1148 (flet ((is-macro (thing)
1149 (and (consp thing) (eq (car thing) 'sb!sys:macro))))
1150 (when (or (sb!c::lexenv-blocks lexenv)
1151 (sb!c::lexenv-cleanup lexenv)
1152 (sb!c::lexenv-lambda lexenv)
1153 (sb!c::lexenv-tags lexenv)
1154 (sb!c::lexenv-type-restrictions lexenv)
1155 (find-if-not #'is-macro native-funs :key #'cdr)
1156 (find-if-not #'is-macro native-vars :key #'cdr))
1157 (error 'compiler-environment-too-complex-error
1158 :format-control
1159 "~@<Lexical environment is too complex to evaluate in: ~S~:@>"
1160 :format-arguments
1161 (list lexenv))))
1162 (flet ((make-binding (native)
1163 (cons (car native) *symbol-macro*))
1164 (make-sm-binding (native)
1165 (cons (car native) (cddr native)))
1166 (make-fbinding (native)
1167 (cons (car native) *macro*))
1168 (make-mbinding (native)
1169 (cons (car native) (cddr native))))
1170 (%make-env nil
1171 (mapcar #'make-binding native-vars)
1172 (mapcar #'make-fbinding native-funs)
1173 (mapcar #'make-mbinding native-funs)
1174 (mapcar #'make-sm-binding native-vars)
1178 lexenv))))
1180 (defun eval-in-environment (form env)
1181 (%eval form env))
1183 (defun eval-in-native-environment (form lexenv)
1184 (handler-bind
1185 ((sb!impl::eval-error
1186 (lambda (condition)
1187 (error 'interpreted-program-error
1188 :condition (sb!int:encapsulated-condition condition)
1189 :form form)))
1190 (sb!c:compiler-error
1191 (lambda (c)
1192 (if (boundp 'sb!c::*compiler-error-bailout*)
1193 ;; if we're in the compiler, delegate either to a higher
1194 ;; authority or, if that's us, back down to the
1195 ;; outermost compiler handler...
1196 (progn
1197 (signal c)
1198 nil)
1199 ;; ... if we're not in the compiler, better signal the
1200 ;; error straight away.
1201 (invoke-restart 'sb!c::signal-error)))))
1202 (handler-case
1203 (let ((env (make-env-from-native-environment lexenv)))
1204 (%eval form env))
1205 (compiler-environment-too-complex-error (condition)
1206 (declare (ignore condition))
1207 (sb!int:style-warn 'sb!kernel:lexical-environment-too-complex
1208 :form form :lexenv lexenv)
1209 (sb!int:simple-eval-in-lexenv form lexenv)))))