release, will be tagged as sbcl_1_0_27
[sbcl/tcr.git] / src / code / debug-int.lisp
1 ;;;; the implementation of the programmer's interface to writing
2 ;;;; debugging tools
4 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
5 ;;;; more information.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
8 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
9 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
10 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
11 ;;;; files for more information.
13 (in-package "SB!DI")
15 ;;; FIXME: There are an awful lot of package prefixes in this code.
16 ;;; Couldn't we have SB-DI use the SB-C and SB-VM packages?
18 ;;;; conditions
20 ;;;; The interface to building debugging tools signals conditions that
21 ;;;; prevent it from adhering to its contract. These are
22 ;;;; serious-conditions because the program using the interface must
23 ;;;; handle them before it can correctly continue execution. These
24 ;;;; debugging conditions are not errors since it is no fault of the
25 ;;;; programmers that the conditions occur. The interface does not
26 ;;;; provide for programs to detect these situations other than
27 ;;;; calling a routine that detects them and signals a condition. For
28 ;;;; example, programmers call A which may fail to return successfully
29 ;;;; due to a lack of debug information, and there is no B the they
30 ;;;; could have called to realize A would fail. It is not an error to
31 ;;;; have called A, but it is an error for the program to then ignore
32 ;;;; the signal generated by A since it cannot continue without A's
33 ;;;; correctly returning a value or performing some operation.
34 ;;;;
35 ;;;; Use DEBUG-SIGNAL to signal these conditions.
37 (define-condition debug-condition (serious-condition)
39 #!+sb-doc
40 (:documentation
41 "All DEBUG-CONDITIONs inherit from this type. These are serious conditions
42 that must be handled, but they are not programmer errors."))
44 (define-condition no-debug-fun-returns (debug-condition)
45 ((debug-fun :reader no-debug-fun-returns-debug-fun
46 :initarg :debug-fun))
47 #!+sb-doc
48 (:documentation
49 "The system could not return values from a frame with DEBUG-FUN since
50 it lacked information about returning values.")
51 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
52 (let ((fun (debug-fun-fun
53 (no-debug-fun-returns-debug-fun condition))))
54 (format stream
55 "~&Cannot return values from ~:[frame~;~:*~S~] since ~
56 the debug information lacks details about returning ~
57 values here."
58 fun)))))
60 (define-condition no-debug-blocks (debug-condition)
61 ((debug-fun :reader no-debug-blocks-debug-fun
62 :initarg :debug-fun))
63 #!+sb-doc
64 (:documentation "The debug-fun has no debug-block information.")
65 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
66 (format stream "~&~S has no debug-block information."
67 (no-debug-blocks-debug-fun condition)))))
69 (define-condition no-debug-vars (debug-condition)
70 ((debug-fun :reader no-debug-vars-debug-fun
71 :initarg :debug-fun))
72 #!+sb-doc
73 (:documentation "The DEBUG-FUN has no DEBUG-VAR information.")
74 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
75 (format stream "~&~S has no debug variable information."
76 (no-debug-vars-debug-fun condition)))))
78 (define-condition lambda-list-unavailable (debug-condition)
79 ((debug-fun :reader lambda-list-unavailable-debug-fun
80 :initarg :debug-fun))
81 #!+sb-doc
82 (:documentation
83 "The DEBUG-FUN has no lambda list since argument DEBUG-VARs are
84 unavailable.")
85 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
86 (format stream "~&~S has no lambda-list information available."
87 (lambda-list-unavailable-debug-fun condition)))))
89 (define-condition invalid-value (debug-condition)
90 ((debug-var :reader invalid-value-debug-var :initarg :debug-var)
91 (frame :reader invalid-value-frame :initarg :frame))
92 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
93 (format stream "~&~S has :invalid or :unknown value in ~S."
94 (invalid-value-debug-var condition)
95 (invalid-value-frame condition)))))
97 (define-condition ambiguous-var-name (debug-condition)
98 ((name :reader ambiguous-var-name-name :initarg :name)
99 (frame :reader ambiguous-var-name-frame :initarg :frame))
100 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
101 (format stream "~&~S names more than one valid variable in ~S."
102 (ambiguous-var-name-name condition)
103 (ambiguous-var-name-frame condition)))))
105 ;;;; errors and DEBUG-SIGNAL
107 ;;; The debug-internals code tries to signal all programmer errors as
108 ;;; subtypes of DEBUG-ERROR. There are calls to ERROR signalling
109 ;;; SIMPLE-ERRORs, but these dummy checks in the code and shouldn't
110 ;;; come up.
112 ;;; While under development, this code also signals errors in code
113 ;;; branches that remain unimplemented.
115 (define-condition debug-error (error) ()
116 #!+sb-doc
117 (:documentation
118 "All programmer errors from using the interface for building debugging
119 tools inherit from this type."))
121 (define-condition unhandled-debug-condition (debug-error)
122 ((condition :reader unhandled-debug-condition-condition :initarg :condition))
123 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
124 (format stream "~&unhandled DEBUG-CONDITION:~%~A"
125 (unhandled-debug-condition-condition condition)))))
127 (define-condition unknown-code-location (debug-error)
128 ((code-location :reader unknown-code-location-code-location
129 :initarg :code-location))
130 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
131 (format stream "~&invalid use of an unknown code-location: ~S"
132 (unknown-code-location-code-location condition)))))
134 (define-condition unknown-debug-var (debug-error)
135 ((debug-var :reader unknown-debug-var-debug-var :initarg :debug-var)
136 (debug-fun :reader unknown-debug-var-debug-fun
137 :initarg :debug-fun))
138 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
139 (format stream "~&~S is not in ~S."
140 (unknown-debug-var-debug-var condition)
141 (unknown-debug-var-debug-fun condition)))))
143 (define-condition invalid-control-stack-pointer (debug-error)
145 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
146 (declare (ignore condition))
147 (fresh-line stream)
148 (write-string "invalid control stack pointer" stream))))
150 (define-condition frame-fun-mismatch (debug-error)
151 ((code-location :reader frame-fun-mismatch-code-location
152 :initarg :code-location)
153 (frame :reader frame-fun-mismatch-frame :initarg :frame)
154 (form :reader frame-fun-mismatch-form :initarg :form))
155 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
156 (format
157 stream
158 "~&Form was preprocessed for ~S,~% but called on ~S:~% ~S"
159 (frame-fun-mismatch-code-location condition)
160 (frame-fun-mismatch-frame condition)
161 (frame-fun-mismatch-form condition)))))
163 ;;; This signals debug-conditions. If they go unhandled, then signal
166 ;;; ??? Get SIGNAL in the right package!
167 (defmacro debug-signal (datum &rest arguments)
168 `(let ((condition (make-condition ,datum ,@arguments)))
169 (signal condition)
170 (error 'unhandled-debug-condition :condition condition)))
172 ;;;; structures
173 ;;;;
174 ;;;; Most of these structures model information stored in internal
175 ;;;; data structures created by the compiler. Whenever comments
176 ;;;; preface an object or type with "compiler", they refer to the
177 ;;;; internal compiler thing, not to the object or type with the same
178 ;;;; name in the "SB-DI" package.
180 ;;;; DEBUG-VARs
182 ;;; These exist for caching data stored in packed binary form in
183 ;;; compiler DEBUG-FUNs.
184 (defstruct (debug-var (:constructor nil)
185 (:copier nil))
186 ;; the name of the variable
187 (symbol (missing-arg) :type symbol)
188 ;; a unique integer identification relative to other variables with the same
189 ;; symbol
190 (id 0 :type index)
191 ;; Does the variable always have a valid value?
192 (alive-p nil :type boolean))
193 (def!method print-object ((debug-var debug-var) stream)
194 (print-unreadable-object (debug-var stream :type t :identity t)
195 (format stream
196 "~S ~W"
197 (debug-var-symbol debug-var)
198 (debug-var-id debug-var))))
200 #!+sb-doc
201 (setf (fdocumentation 'debug-var-id 'function)
202 "Return the integer that makes DEBUG-VAR's name and package unique
203 with respect to other DEBUG-VARs in the same function.")
205 (defstruct (compiled-debug-var
206 (:include debug-var)
207 (:constructor make-compiled-debug-var
208 (symbol id alive-p sc-offset save-sc-offset))
209 (:copier nil))
210 ;; storage class and offset (unexported)
211 (sc-offset nil :type sb!c:sc-offset)
212 ;; storage class and offset when saved somewhere
213 (save-sc-offset nil :type (or sb!c:sc-offset null)))
215 ;;;; frames
217 ;;; These represent call frames on the stack.
218 (defstruct (frame (:constructor nil)
219 (:copier nil))
220 ;; the next frame up, or NIL when top frame
221 (up nil :type (or frame null))
222 ;; the previous frame down, or NIL when the bottom frame. Before
223 ;; computing the next frame down, this slot holds the frame pointer
224 ;; to the control stack for the given frame. This lets us get the
225 ;; next frame down and the return-pc for that frame.
226 (%down :unparsed :type (or frame (member nil :unparsed)))
227 ;; the DEBUG-FUN for the function whose call this frame represents
228 (debug-fun nil :type debug-fun)
229 ;; the CODE-LOCATION where the frame's DEBUG-FUN will continue
230 ;; running when program execution returns to this frame. If someone
231 ;; interrupted this frame, the result could be an unknown
233 (code-location nil :type code-location)
234 ;; an a-list of catch-tags to code-locations
235 (%catches :unparsed :type (or list (member :unparsed)))
236 ;; pointer to frame on control stack (unexported)
237 pointer
238 ;; This is the frame's number for prompt printing. Top is zero.
239 (number 0 :type index))
241 (defstruct (compiled-frame
242 (:include frame)
243 (:constructor make-compiled-frame
244 (pointer up debug-fun code-location number
245 &optional escaped))
246 (:copier nil))
247 ;; This indicates whether someone interrupted the frame.
248 ;; (unexported). If escaped, this is a pointer to the state that was
249 ;; saved when we were interrupted, an os_context_t, i.e. the third
250 ;; argument to an SA_SIGACTION-style signal handler.
251 escaped)
252 (def!method print-object ((obj compiled-frame) str)
253 (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t)
254 (format str
255 "~S~:[~;, interrupted~]"
256 (debug-fun-name (frame-debug-fun obj))
257 (compiled-frame-escaped obj))))
259 ;;;; DEBUG-FUNs
261 ;;; These exist for caching data stored in packed binary form in
262 ;;; compiler DEBUG-FUNs. *COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNS* maps a SB!C::DEBUG-FUN
263 ;;; to a DEBUG-FUN. There should only be one DEBUG-FUN in existence
264 ;;; for any function; that is, all CODE-LOCATIONs and other objects
265 ;;; that reference DEBUG-FUNs point to unique objects. This is
266 ;;; due to the overhead in cached information.
267 (defstruct (debug-fun (:constructor nil)
268 (:copier nil))
269 ;; some representation of the function arguments. See
271 ;; NOTE: must parse vars before parsing arg list stuff.
272 (%lambda-list :unparsed)
273 ;; cached DEBUG-VARS information (unexported).
274 ;; These are sorted by their name.
275 (%debug-vars :unparsed :type (or simple-vector null (member :unparsed)))
276 ;; cached debug-block information. This is NIL when we have tried to
277 ;; parse the packed binary info, but none is available.
278 (blocks :unparsed :type (or simple-vector null (member :unparsed)))
279 ;; the actual function if available
280 (%function :unparsed :type (or null function (member :unparsed))))
281 (def!method print-object ((obj debug-fun) stream)
282 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t)
283 (prin1 (debug-fun-name obj) stream)))
285 (defstruct (compiled-debug-fun
286 (:include debug-fun)
287 (:constructor %make-compiled-debug-fun
288 (compiler-debug-fun component))
289 (:copier nil))
290 ;; compiler's dumped DEBUG-FUN information (unexported)
291 (compiler-debug-fun nil :type sb!c::compiled-debug-fun)
292 ;; code object (unexported).
293 component
294 ;; the :FUN-START breakpoint (if any) used to facilitate
295 ;; function end breakpoints
296 (end-starter nil :type (or null breakpoint)))
298 ;;; This maps SB!C::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNs to
299 ;;; COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNs, so we can get at cached stuff and not
300 ;;; duplicate COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN structures.
301 (defvar *compiled-debug-funs* (make-hash-table :test 'eq :weakness :key))
303 ;;; Make a COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN for a SB!C::COMPILER-DEBUG-FUN and its
304 ;;; component. This maps the latter to the former in
305 ;;; *COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNS*. If there already is a COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN,
306 ;;; then this returns it from *COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNS*.
308 ;;; FIXME: It seems this table can potentially grow without bounds,
309 ;;; and retains roots to functions that might otherwise be collected.
310 (defun make-compiled-debug-fun (compiler-debug-fun component)
311 (let ((table *compiled-debug-funs*))
312 (with-locked-hash-table (table)
313 (or (gethash compiler-debug-fun table)
314 (setf (gethash compiler-debug-fun table)
315 (%make-compiled-debug-fun compiler-debug-fun component))))))
317 (defstruct (bogus-debug-fun
318 (:include debug-fun)
319 (:constructor make-bogus-debug-fun
320 (%name &aux
321 (%lambda-list nil)
322 (%debug-vars nil)
323 (blocks nil)
324 (%function nil)))
325 (:copier nil))
326 %name)
328 ;;;; DEBUG-BLOCKs
330 ;;; These exist for caching data stored in packed binary form in compiler
331 ;;; DEBUG-BLOCKs.
332 (defstruct (debug-block (:constructor nil)
333 (:copier nil))
334 ;; Code-locations where execution continues after this block.
335 (successors nil :type list)
336 ;; This indicates whether the block is a special glob of code shared
337 ;; by various functions and tucked away elsewhere in a component.
338 ;; This kind of block has no start code-location. This slot is in
339 ;; all debug-blocks since it is an exported interface.
340 (elsewhere-p nil :type boolean))
341 (def!method print-object ((obj debug-block) str)
342 (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t)
343 (prin1 (debug-block-fun-name obj) str)))
345 #!+sb-doc
346 (setf (fdocumentation 'debug-block-successors 'function)
347 "Return the list of possible code-locations where execution may continue
348 when the basic-block represented by debug-block completes its execution.")
350 #!+sb-doc
351 (setf (fdocumentation 'debug-block-elsewhere-p 'function)
352 "Return whether debug-block represents elsewhere code.")
354 (defstruct (compiled-debug-block (:include debug-block)
355 (:constructor
356 make-compiled-debug-block
357 (code-locations successors elsewhere-p))
358 (:copier nil))
359 ;; code-location information for the block
360 (code-locations nil :type simple-vector))
362 ;;;; breakpoints
364 ;;; This is an internal structure that manages information about a
365 ;;; breakpoint locations. See *COMPONENT-BREAKPOINT-OFFSETS*.
366 (defstruct (breakpoint-data (:constructor make-breakpoint-data
367 (component offset))
368 (:copier nil))
369 ;; This is the component in which the breakpoint lies.
370 component
371 ;; This is the byte offset into the component.
372 (offset nil :type index)
373 ;; The original instruction replaced by the breakpoint.
374 (instruction nil :type (or null sb!vm::word))
375 ;; A list of user breakpoints at this location.
376 (breakpoints nil :type list))
377 (def!method print-object ((obj breakpoint-data) str)
378 (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t)
379 (format str "~S at ~S"
380 (debug-fun-name
381 (debug-fun-from-pc (breakpoint-data-component obj)
382 (breakpoint-data-offset obj)))
383 (breakpoint-data-offset obj))))
385 (defstruct (breakpoint (:constructor %make-breakpoint
386 (hook-fun what kind %info))
387 (:copier nil))
388 ;; This is the function invoked when execution encounters the
389 ;; breakpoint. It takes a frame, the breakpoint, and optionally a
390 ;; list of values. Values are supplied for :FUN-END breakpoints as
391 ;; values to return for the function containing the breakpoint.
392 ;; :FUN-END breakpoint hook functions also take a cookie argument.
393 ;; See the COOKIE-FUN slot.
394 (hook-fun (required-arg) :type function)
396 (what nil :type (or code-location debug-fun))
397 ;; :CODE-LOCATION, :FUN-START, or :FUN-END for that kind
398 ;; of breakpoint. :UNKNOWN-RETURN-PARTNER if this is the partner of
399 ;; a :code-location breakpoint at an :UNKNOWN-RETURN code-location.
400 (kind nil :type (member :code-location :fun-start :fun-end
401 :unknown-return-partner))
402 ;; Status helps the user and the implementation.
403 (status :inactive :type (member :active :inactive :deleted))
404 ;; This is a backpointer to a breakpoint-data.
405 (internal-data nil :type (or null breakpoint-data))
406 ;; With code-locations whose type is :UNKNOWN-RETURN, there are
407 ;; really two breakpoints: one at the multiple-value entry point,
408 ;; and one at the single-value entry point. This slot holds the
409 ;; breakpoint for the other one, or NIL if this isn't at an
410 ;; :UNKNOWN-RETURN code location.
411 (unknown-return-partner nil :type (or null breakpoint))
412 ;; :FUN-END breakpoints use a breakpoint at the :FUN-START
413 ;; to establish the end breakpoint upon function entry. We do this
414 ;; by frobbing the LRA to jump to a special piece of code that
415 ;; breaks and provides the return values for the returnee. This slot
416 ;; points to the start breakpoint, so we can activate, deactivate,
417 ;; and delete it.
418 (start-helper nil :type (or null breakpoint))
419 ;; This is a hook users supply to get a dynamically unique cookie
420 ;; for identifying :FUN-END breakpoint executions. That is, if
421 ;; there is one :FUN-END breakpoint, but there may be multiple
422 ;; pending calls of its function on the stack. This function takes
423 ;; the cookie, and the hook function takes the cookie too.
424 (cookie-fun nil :type (or null function))
425 ;; This slot users can set with whatever information they find useful.
426 %info)
427 (def!method print-object ((obj breakpoint) str)
428 (let ((what (breakpoint-what obj)))
429 (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t)
430 (format str
431 "~S~:[~;~:*~S~]"
432 (etypecase what
433 (code-location what)
434 (debug-fun (debug-fun-name what)))
435 (etypecase what
436 (code-location nil)
437 (debug-fun (breakpoint-kind obj)))))))
441 (defstruct (code-location (:constructor nil)
442 (:copier nil))
443 ;; the DEBUG-FUN containing this CODE-LOCATION
444 (debug-fun nil :type debug-fun)
445 ;; This is initially :UNSURE. Upon first trying to access an
446 ;; :UNPARSED slot, if the data is unavailable, then this becomes T,
447 ;; and the code-location is unknown. If the data is available, this
448 ;; becomes NIL, a known location. We can't use a separate type
449 ;; code-location for this since we must return code-locations before
450 ;; we can tell whether they're known or unknown. For example, when
451 ;; parsing the stack, we don't want to unpack all the variables and
452 ;; blocks just to make frames.
453 (%unknown-p :unsure :type (member t nil :unsure))
454 ;; the DEBUG-BLOCK containing CODE-LOCATION. XXX Possibly toss this
455 ;; out and just find it in the blocks cache in DEBUG-FUN.
456 (%debug-block :unparsed :type (or debug-block (member :unparsed)))
457 ;; This is the number of forms processed by the compiler or loader
458 ;; before the top level form containing this code-location.
459 (%tlf-offset :unparsed :type (or index (member :unparsed)))
460 ;; This is the depth-first number of the node that begins
461 ;; code-location within its top level form.
462 (%form-number :unparsed :type (or index (member :unparsed))))
463 (def!method print-object ((obj code-location) str)
464 (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t)
465 (prin1 (debug-fun-name (code-location-debug-fun obj))
466 str)))
468 (defstruct (compiled-code-location
469 (:include code-location)
470 (:constructor make-known-code-location
471 (pc debug-fun %tlf-offset %form-number
472 %live-set kind step-info &aux (%unknown-p nil)))
473 (:constructor make-compiled-code-location (pc debug-fun))
474 (:copier nil))
475 ;; an index into DEBUG-FUN's component slot
476 (pc nil :type index)
477 ;; a bit-vector indexed by a variable's position in
478 ;; DEBUG-FUN-DEBUG-VARS indicating whether the variable has a
479 ;; valid value at this code-location. (unexported).
480 (%live-set :unparsed :type (or simple-bit-vector (member :unparsed)))
481 ;; (unexported) To see SB!C::LOCATION-KIND, do
483 (kind :unparsed :type (or (member :unparsed) sb!c::location-kind))
484 (step-info :unparsed :type (or (member :unparsed :foo) simple-string)))
486 ;;;; DEBUG-SOURCEs
488 ;;; Return the number of top level forms processed by the compiler
489 ;;; before compiling this source. If this source is uncompiled, this
490 ;;; is zero. This may be zero even if the source is compiled since the
491 ;;; first form in the first file compiled in one compilation, for
492 ;;; example, must have a root number of zero -- the compiler saw no
493 ;;; other top level forms before it.
494 (defun debug-source-root-number (debug-source)
495 (sb!c::debug-source-source-root debug-source))
497 ;;;; frames
499 ;;; This is used in FIND-ESCAPED-FRAME and with the bogus components
500 ;;; and LRAs used for :FUN-END breakpoints. When a component's
501 ;;; debug-info slot is :BOGUS-LRA, then the REAL-LRA-SLOT contains the
502 ;;; real component to continue executing, as opposed to the bogus
503 ;;; component which appeared in some frame's LRA location.
504 (defconstant real-lra-slot sb!vm:code-constants-offset)
506 ;;; These are magically converted by the compiler.
507 (defun current-sp () (current-sp))
508 (defun current-fp () (current-fp))
509 (defun stack-ref (s n) (stack-ref s n))
510 (defun %set-stack-ref (s n value) (%set-stack-ref s n value))
511 (defun fun-code-header (fun) (fun-code-header fun))
512 (defun lra-code-header (lra) (lra-code-header lra))
513 (defun %make-lisp-obj (value) (%make-lisp-obj value))
514 (defun get-lisp-obj-address (thing) (get-lisp-obj-address thing))
515 (defun fun-word-offset (fun) (fun-word-offset fun))
517 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline control-stack-pointer-valid-p))
518 (defun control-stack-pointer-valid-p (x)
519 (declare (type system-area-pointer x))
520 (let* (#!-stack-grows-downward-not-upward
521 (control-stack-start
522 (descriptor-sap *control-stack-start*))
523 #!+stack-grows-downward-not-upward
524 (control-stack-end
525 (descriptor-sap *control-stack-end*)))
526 #!-stack-grows-downward-not-upward
527 (and (sap< x (current-sp))
528 (sap<= control-stack-start x)
529 (zerop (logand (sap-int x) sb!vm:fixnum-tag-mask)))
530 #!+stack-grows-downward-not-upward
531 (and (sap>= x (current-sp))
532 (sap> control-stack-end x)
533 (zerop (logand (sap-int x) sb!vm:fixnum-tag-mask)))))
535 (declaim (inline component-ptr-from-pc))
536 (sb!alien:define-alien-routine component-ptr-from-pc (system-area-pointer)
537 (pc system-area-pointer))
539 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
540 (sb!alien:define-alien-routine valid-lisp-pointer-p sb!alien:int
541 (pointer system-area-pointer))
543 (declaim (inline component-from-component-ptr))
544 (defun component-from-component-ptr (component-ptr)
545 (declare (type system-area-pointer component-ptr))
546 (make-lisp-obj (logior (sap-int component-ptr)
547 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)))
549 ;;;; (OR X86 X86-64) support
551 (defun compute-lra-data-from-pc (pc)
552 (declare (type system-area-pointer pc))
553 (let ((component-ptr (component-ptr-from-pc pc)))
554 (unless (sap= component-ptr (int-sap #x0))
555 (let* ((code (component-from-component-ptr component-ptr))
556 (code-header-len (* (get-header-data code) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
557 (pc-offset (- (sap-int pc)
558 (- (get-lisp-obj-address code)
559 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
560 code-header-len)))
561 ; (format t "c-lra-fpc ~A ~A ~A~%" pc code pc-offset)
562 (values pc-offset code)))))
564 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
565 (progn
567 (defconstant sb!vm::nargs-offset!vm::ecx-offset)
569 ;;; Check for a valid return address - it could be any valid C/Lisp
570 ;;; address.
572 ;;; XXX Could be a little smarter.
573 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline ra-pointer-valid-p))
574 (defun ra-pointer-valid-p (ra)
575 (declare (type system-area-pointer ra))
576 (and
577 ;; not the first page (which is unmapped)
579 ;; FIXME: Where is this documented? Is it really true of every CPU
580 ;; architecture? Is it even necessarily true in current SBCL?
581 (>= (sap-int ra) 4096)
582 ;; not a Lisp stack pointer
583 (not (control-stack-pointer-valid-p ra))))
585 ;;; Try to find a valid previous stack. This is complex on the x86 as
586 ;;; it can jump between C and Lisp frames. To help find a valid frame
587 ;;; it searches backwards.
589 ;;; XXX Should probably check whether it has reached the bottom of the
590 ;;; stack.
592 ;;; XXX Should handle interrupted frames, both Lisp and C. At present
593 ;;; it manages to find a fp trail, see linux hack below.
594 (declaim (maybe-inline x86-call-context))
595 (defun x86-call-context (fp)
596 (declare (type system-area-pointer fp))
597 (labels ((fail ()
598 (values nil
599 (int-sap 0)
600 (int-sap 0)))
601 (handle (fp)
602 (cond
603 ((not (control-stack-pointer-valid-p fp))
604 (fail))
606 ;; Check the two possible frame pointers.
607 (let ((lisp-ocfp (sap-ref-sap fp (- (* (1+ ocfp-save-offset)
608 sb!vm::n-word-bytes))))
609 (lisp-ra (sap-ref-sap fp (- (* (1+ return-pc-save-offset)
610 sb!vm::n-word-bytes))))
611 (c-ocfp (sap-ref-sap fp (* 0 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
612 (c-ra (sap-ref-sap fp (* 1 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))
613 (cond ((and (sap> lisp-ocfp fp)
614 (control-stack-pointer-valid-p lisp-ocfp)
615 (ra-pointer-valid-p lisp-ra)
616 (sap> c-ocfp fp)
617 (control-stack-pointer-valid-p c-ocfp)
618 (ra-pointer-valid-p c-ra))
619 ;; Look forward another step to check their validity.
620 (let ((lisp-ok (handle lisp-ocfp))
621 (c-ok (handle c-ocfp)))
622 (cond ((and lisp-ok c-ok)
623 ;; Both still seem valid - choose the lisp frame.
624 #!+freebsd
625 (if (sap> lisp-ocfp c-ocfp)
626 (values t lisp-ra lisp-ocfp)
627 (values t c-ra c-ocfp))
628 #!-freebsd
629 (values t lisp-ra lisp-ocfp))
630 (lisp-ok
631 ;; The lisp convention is looking good.
632 (values t lisp-ra lisp-ocfp))
633 (c-ok
634 ;; The C convention is looking good.
635 (values t c-ra c-ocfp))
637 ;; Neither seems right?
638 (fail)))))
639 ((and (sap> lisp-ocfp fp)
640 (control-stack-pointer-valid-p lisp-ocfp)
641 (ra-pointer-valid-p lisp-ra))
642 ;; The lisp convention is looking good.
643 (values t lisp-ra lisp-ocfp))
644 ((and (sap> c-ocfp fp)
645 (control-stack-pointer-valid-p c-ocfp)
646 #!-linux (ra-pointer-valid-p c-ra))
647 ;; The C convention is looking good.
648 (values t c-ra c-ocfp))
650 (fail))))))))
651 (handle fp)))
653 ) ; #+x86 PROGN
655 ;;; Convert the descriptor into a SAP. The bits all stay the same, we just
656 ;;; change our notion of what we think they are.
657 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline descriptor-sap))
658 (defun descriptor-sap (x)
659 (int-sap (get-lisp-obj-address x)))
661 ;;; Return the top frame of the control stack as it was before calling
662 ;;; this function.
663 (defun top-frame ()
664 (/noshow0 "entering TOP-FRAME")
665 (compute-calling-frame (descriptor-sap (%caller-frame))
666 (%caller-pc)
667 nil))
669 ;;; Flush all of the frames above FRAME, and renumber all the frames
670 ;;; below FRAME.
671 (defun flush-frames-above (frame)
672 (setf (frame-up frame) nil)
673 (do ((number 0 (1+ number))
674 (frame frame (frame-%down frame)))
675 ((not (frame-p frame)))
676 (setf (frame-number frame) number)))
678 (defun find-saved-frame-down (fp up-frame)
679 (multiple-value-bind (saved-fp saved-pc) (sb!c:find-saved-fp-and-pc fp)
680 (when saved-fp
681 (compute-calling-frame (descriptor-sap saved-fp)
682 (descriptor-sap saved-pc)
683 up-frame))))
685 ;;; Return the frame immediately below FRAME on the stack; or when
686 ;;; FRAME is the bottom of the stack, return NIL.
687 (defun frame-down (frame)
688 (/noshow0 "entering FRAME-DOWN")
689 ;; We have to access the old-fp and return-pc out of frame and pass
691 (let ((down (frame-%down frame)))
692 (if (eq down :unparsed)
693 (let ((debug-fun (frame-debug-fun frame)))
694 (/noshow0 "in DOWN :UNPARSED case")
695 (setf (frame-%down frame)
696 (etypecase debug-fun
697 (compiled-debug-fun
698 (let ((c-d-f (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun
699 debug-fun)))
700 (compute-calling-frame
701 (descriptor-sap
702 (get-context-value
703 frame ocfp-save-offset
704 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-old-fp c-d-f)))
705 (get-context-value
706 frame lra-save-offset
707 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-return-pc c-d-f))
708 frame)))
709 (bogus-debug-fun
710 (let ((fp (frame-pointer frame)))
711 (when (control-stack-pointer-valid-p fp)
712 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
713 (multiple-value-bind (ok ra ofp) (x86-call-context fp)
714 (if ok
715 (compute-calling-frame ofp ra frame)
716 (find-saved-frame-down fp frame)))
717 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
718 (compute-calling-frame
719 #!-alpha
720 (sap-ref-sap fp (* ocfp-save-offset
721 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
722 #!+alpha
723 (int-sap
724 (sap-ref-32 fp (* ocfp-save-offset
725 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
727 (stack-ref fp lra-save-offset)
729 frame)))))))
730 down)))
732 ;;; Get the old FP or return PC out of FRAME. STACK-SLOT is the
733 ;;; standard save location offset on the stack. LOC is the saved
734 ;;; SC-OFFSET describing the main location.
735 (defun get-context-value (frame stack-slot loc)
736 (declare (type compiled-frame frame) (type unsigned-byte stack-slot)
737 (type sb!c:sc-offset loc))
738 (let ((pointer (frame-pointer frame))
739 (escaped (compiled-frame-escaped frame)))
740 (if escaped
741 (sub-access-debug-var-slot pointer loc escaped)
742 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
743 (stack-ref pointer stack-slot)
744 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
745 (ecase stack-slot
746 (#.ocfp-save-offset
747 (stack-ref pointer stack-slot))
748 (#.lra-save-offset
749 (sap-ref-sap pointer (- (* (1+ stack-slot)
750 sb!vm::n-word-bytes))))))))
752 (defun (setf get-context-value) (value frame stack-slot loc)
753 (declare (type compiled-frame frame) (type unsigned-byte stack-slot)
754 (type sb!c:sc-offset loc))
755 (let ((pointer (frame-pointer frame))
756 (escaped (compiled-frame-escaped frame)))
757 (if escaped
758 (sub-set-debug-var-slot pointer loc value escaped)
759 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
760 (setf (stack-ref pointer stack-slot) value)
761 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
762 (ecase stack-slot
763 (#.ocfp-save-offset
764 (setf (stack-ref pointer stack-slot) value))
765 (#.lra-save-offset
766 (setf (sap-ref-sap pointer (- (* (1+ stack-slot)
767 sb!vm::n-word-bytes))) value))))))
769 (defun foreign-function-backtrace-name (sap)
770 (let ((name (sap-foreign-symbol sap)))
771 (if name
772 (format nil "foreign function: ~A" name)
773 (format nil "foreign function: #x~X" (sap-int sap)))))
775 ;;; This returns a frame for the one existing in time immediately
776 ;;; prior to the frame referenced by current-fp. This is current-fp's
777 ;;; caller or the next frame down the control stack. If there is no
778 ;;; down frame, this returns NIL for the bottom of the stack. UP-FRAME
779 ;;; is the up link for the resulting frame object, and it is null when
780 ;;; we call this to get the top of the stack.
782 ;;; The current frame contains the pointer to the temporally previous
783 ;;; frame we want, and the current frame contains the pc at which we
784 ;;; will continue executing upon returning to that previous frame.
786 ;;; Note: Sometimes LRA is actually a fixnum. This happens when lisp
787 ;;; calls into C. In this case, the code object is stored on the stack
788 ;;; after the LRA, and the LRA is the word offset.
789 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
790 (defun compute-calling-frame (caller lra up-frame)
791 (declare (type system-area-pointer caller))
792 (/noshow0 "entering COMPUTE-CALLING-FRAME")
793 (when (control-stack-pointer-valid-p caller)
794 (/noshow0 "in WHEN")
795 (multiple-value-bind (code pc-offset escaped)
796 (if lra
797 (multiple-value-bind (word-offset code)
798 (if (fixnump lra)
799 (let ((fp (frame-pointer up-frame)))
800 (values lra
801 (stack-ref fp (1+ lra-save-offset))))
802 (values (get-header-data lra)
803 (lra-code-header lra)))
804 (if code
805 (values code
806 (* (1+ (- word-offset (get-header-data code)))
807 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)
808 nil)
809 (values :foreign-function
811 nil)))
812 (find-escaped-frame caller))
813 (if (and (code-component-p code)
814 (eq (%code-debug-info code) :bogus-lra))
815 (let ((real-lra (code-header-ref code real-lra-slot)))
816 (compute-calling-frame caller real-lra up-frame))
817 (let ((d-fun (case code
818 (:undefined-function
819 (make-bogus-debug-fun
820 "undefined function"))
821 (:foreign-function
822 (make-bogus-debug-fun
823 (foreign-function-backtrace-name
824 (int-sap (get-lisp-obj-address lra)))))
825 ((nil)
826 (make-bogus-debug-fun
827 "bogus stack frame"))
829 (debug-fun-from-pc code pc-offset)))))
830 (/noshow0 "returning MAKE-COMPILED-FRAME from COMPUTE-CALLING-FRAME")
831 (make-compiled-frame caller up-frame d-fun
832 (code-location-from-pc d-fun pc-offset
833 escaped)
834 (if up-frame (1+ (frame-number up-frame)) 0)
835 escaped))))))
837 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
838 (defun compute-calling-frame (caller ra up-frame)
839 (declare (type system-area-pointer caller ra))
840 (/noshow0 "entering COMPUTE-CALLING-FRAME")
841 (when (control-stack-pointer-valid-p caller)
842 (/noshow0 "in WHEN")
843 ;; First check for an escaped frame.
844 (multiple-value-bind (code pc-offset escaped) (find-escaped-frame caller)
845 (/noshow0 "at COND")
846 (cond (code
847 ;; If it's escaped it may be a function end breakpoint trap.
848 (when (and (code-component-p code)
849 (eq (%code-debug-info code) :bogus-lra))
850 ;; If :bogus-lra grab the real lra.
851 (setq pc-offset (code-header-ref
852 code (1+ real-lra-slot)))
853 (setq code (code-header-ref code real-lra-slot))
854 (aver code)))
855 ((not escaped)
856 (multiple-value-setq (pc-offset code)
857 (compute-lra-data-from-pc ra))
858 (unless code
859 (setf code :foreign-function
860 pc-offset 0))))
861 (let ((d-fun (case code
862 (:undefined-function
863 (make-bogus-debug-fun
864 "undefined function"))
865 (:foreign-function
866 (make-bogus-debug-fun
867 (foreign-function-backtrace-name ra)))
868 ((nil)
869 (make-bogus-debug-fun
870 "bogus stack frame"))
872 (debug-fun-from-pc code pc-offset)))))
873 (/noshow0 "returning MAKE-COMPILED-FRAME from COMPUTE-CALLING-FRAME")
874 (make-compiled-frame caller up-frame d-fun
875 (code-location-from-pc d-fun pc-offset
876 escaped)
877 (if up-frame (1+ (frame-number up-frame)) 0)
878 escaped)))))
880 (defun nth-interrupt-context (n)
881 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) n)
882 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
883 (sb!alien:sap-alien (sb!vm::current-thread-offset-sap
884 (+ sb!vm::thread-interrupt-contexts-offset
885 #!-alpha n
886 #!+alpha (* 2 n)))
887 (* os-context-t)))
889 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
890 (defun find-escaped-frame (frame-pointer)
891 (declare (type system-area-pointer frame-pointer))
892 (/noshow0 "entering FIND-ESCAPED-FRAME")
893 (dotimes (index *free-interrupt-context-index* (values nil 0 nil))
894 (/noshow0 "at head of WITH-ALIEN")
895 (let ((context (nth-interrupt-context index)))
896 (/noshow0 "got CONTEXT")
897 (when (= (sap-int frame-pointer)
898 (sb!vm:context-register context sb!vm::cfp-offset))
899 (without-gcing
900 (/noshow0 "in WITHOUT-GCING")
901 (let* ((component-ptr (component-ptr-from-pc
902 (sb!vm:context-pc context)))
903 (code (unless (sap= component-ptr (int-sap #x0))
904 (component-from-component-ptr component-ptr))))
905 (/noshow0 "got CODE")
906 (when (null code)
907 (return (values code 0 context)))
908 (let* ((code-header-len (* (get-header-data code)
909 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
910 (pc-offset
911 (- (sap-int (sb!vm:context-pc context))
912 (- (get-lisp-obj-address code)
913 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
914 code-header-len)))
915 (/noshow "got PC-OFFSET")
916 (unless (<= 0 pc-offset
917 (* (code-header-ref code sb!vm:code-code-size-slot)
918 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
919 ;; We were in an assembly routine. Therefore, use the
920 ;; LRA as the pc.
922 ;; FIXME: Should this be WARN or ERROR or what?
923 (format t "** pc-offset ~S not in code obj ~S?~%"
924 pc-offset code))
925 (/noshow0 "returning from FIND-ESCAPED-FRAME")
926 (return
927 (values code pc-offset context)))))))))
929 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
930 (defun find-escaped-frame (frame-pointer)
931 (declare (type system-area-pointer frame-pointer))
932 (/noshow0 "entering FIND-ESCAPED-FRAME")
933 (dotimes (index *free-interrupt-context-index* (values nil 0 nil))
934 (/noshow0 "at head of WITH-ALIEN")
935 (let ((scp (nth-interrupt-context index)))
936 (/noshow0 "got SCP")
937 (when (= (sap-int frame-pointer)
938 (sb!vm:context-register scp sb!vm::cfp-offset))
939 (without-gcing
940 (/noshow0 "in WITHOUT-GCING")
941 (let ((code (code-object-from-bits
942 (sb!vm:context-register scp sb!vm::code-offset))))
943 (/noshow0 "got CODE")
944 (when (symbolp code)
945 (return (values code 0 scp)))
946 (let* ((code-header-len (* (get-header-data code)
947 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
948 (pc-offset
949 (- (sap-int (sb!vm:context-pc scp))
950 (- (get-lisp-obj-address code)
951 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
952 code-header-len)))
953 (let ((code-size (* (code-header-ref code
954 sb!vm:code-code-size-slot)
955 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
956 (unless (<= 0 pc-offset code-size)
957 ;; We were in an assembly routine.
958 (multiple-value-bind (new-pc-offset computed-return)
959 (find-pc-from-assembly-fun code scp)
960 (setf pc-offset new-pc-offset)
961 (unless (<= 0 pc-offset code-size)
962 (cerror
963 "Set PC-OFFSET to zero and continue backtrace."
964 'bug
965 :format-control
966 "~@<PC-OFFSET (~D) not in code object. Frame details:~
967 ~2I~:@_PC: #X~X~:@_CODE: ~S~:@_CODE FUN: ~S~:@_LRA: ~
968 #X~X~:@_COMPUTED RETURN: #X~X.~:>"
969 :format-arguments
970 (list pc-offset
971 (sap-int (sb!vm:context-pc scp))
972 code
973 (%code-entry-points code)
974 (sb!vm:context-register scp sb!vm::lra-offset)
975 computed-return))
976 ;; We failed to pinpoint where PC is, but set
977 ;; pc-offset to 0 to keep the backtrace from
978 ;; exploding.
979 (setf pc-offset 0)))))
980 (/noshow0 "returning from FIND-ESCAPED-FRAME")
981 (return
982 (if (eq (%code-debug-info code) :bogus-lra)
983 (let ((real-lra (code-header-ref code
984 real-lra-slot)))
985 (values (lra-code-header real-lra)
986 (get-header-data real-lra)
987 nil))
988 (values code pc-offset scp))))))))))
990 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
991 (defun find-pc-from-assembly-fun (code scp)
992 "Finds the PC for the return from an assembly routine properly.
993 For some architectures (such as PPC) this will not be the $LRA
994 register."
995 (let ((return-machine-address (sb!vm::return-machine-address scp))
996 (code-header-len (* (get-header-data code) sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
997 (values (- return-machine-address
998 (- (get-lisp-obj-address code)
999 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
1000 code-header-len)
1001 return-machine-address)))
1003 ;;; Find the code object corresponding to the object represented by
1004 ;;; bits and return it. We assume bogus functions correspond to the
1005 ;;; undefined-function.
1006 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
1007 (defun code-object-from-bits (bits)
1008 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) bits))
1009 (let ((object (make-lisp-obj bits nil)))
1010 (if (functionp object)
1011 (or (fun-code-header object)
1012 :undefined-function)
1013 (let ((lowtag (lowtag-of object)))
1014 (when (= lowtag sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
1015 (let ((widetag (widetag-of object)))
1016 (cond ((= widetag sb!vm:code-header-widetag)
1017 object)
1018 ((= widetag sb!vm:return-pc-header-widetag)
1019 (lra-code-header object))
1021 nil))))))))
1023 ;;;; frame utilities
1025 ;;; This returns a COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN for COMPONENT and PC. We fetch the
1026 ;;; SB!C::DEBUG-INFO and run down its FUN-MAP to get a
1027 ;;; SB!C::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN from the PC. The result only needs to
1028 ;;; reference the COMPONENT, for function constants, and the
1030 (defun debug-fun-from-pc (component pc)
1031 (let ((info (%code-debug-info component)))
1032 (cond
1033 ((not info)
1034 ;; FIXME: It seems that most of these (at least on x86) are
1035 ;; actually assembler routines, and could be named by looking
1036 ;; at the sb-fasl:*assembler-routines*.
1037 (make-bogus-debug-fun "no debug information for frame"))
1038 ((eq info :bogus-lra)
1039 (make-bogus-debug-fun "function end breakpoint"))
1041 (let* ((fun-map (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-fun-map info))
1042 (len (length fun-map)))
1043 (declare (type simple-vector fun-map))
1044 (if (= len 1)
1045 (make-compiled-debug-fun (svref fun-map 0) component)
1046 (let ((i 1)
1047 (elsewhere-p
1048 (>= pc (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-elsewhere-pc
1049 (svref fun-map 0)))))
1050 (declare (type sb!int:index i))
1051 (loop
1052 (when (or (= i len)
1053 (< pc (if elsewhere-p
1054 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-elsewhere-pc
1055 (svref fun-map (1+ i)))
1056 (svref fun-map i))))
1057 (return (make-compiled-debug-fun
1058 (svref fun-map (1- i))
1059 component)))
1060 (incf i 2)))))))))
1062 ;;; This returns a code-location for the COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN,
1063 ;;; DEBUG-FUN, and the pc into its code vector. If we stopped at a
1064 ;;; breakpoint, find the CODE-LOCATION for that breakpoint. Otherwise,
1065 ;;; make an :UNSURE code location, so it can be filled in when we
1066 ;;; figure out what is going on.
1067 (defun code-location-from-pc (debug-fun pc escaped)
1068 (or (and (compiled-debug-fun-p debug-fun)
1069 escaped
1070 (let ((data (breakpoint-data
1071 (compiled-debug-fun-component debug-fun)
1072 pc nil)))
1073 (when (and data (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data))
1074 (let ((what (breakpoint-what
1075 (first (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data)))))
1076 (when (compiled-code-location-p what)
1077 what)))))
1078 (make-compiled-code-location pc debug-fun)))
1080 ;;; Return an alist mapping catch tags to CODE-LOCATIONs. These are
1081 ;;; CODE-LOCATIONs at which execution would continue with frame as the
1082 ;;; top frame if someone threw to the corresponding tag.
1083 (defun frame-catches (frame)
1084 (let ((catch (descriptor-sap sb!vm:*current-catch-block*))
1085 (reversed-result nil)
1086 (fp (frame-pointer frame)))
1087 (loop until (zerop (sap-int catch))
1088 finally (return (nreverse reversed-result))
1090 (when (sap= fp
1091 #!-alpha
1092 (sap-ref-sap catch
1093 (* sb!vm:catch-block-current-cont-slot
1094 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
1095 #!+alpha
1096 (int-sap
1097 (sap-ref-32 catch
1098 (* sb!vm:catch-block-current-cont-slot
1099 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))
1100 (let* (#!-(or x86 x86-64)
1101 (lra (stack-ref catch sb!vm:catch-block-entry-pc-slot))
1102 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
1103 (ra (sap-ref-sap
1104 catch (* sb!vm:catch-block-entry-pc-slot
1105 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
1106 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
1107 (component
1108 (stack-ref catch sb!vm:catch-block-current-code-slot))
1109 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
1110 (component (component-from-component-ptr
1111 (component-ptr-from-pc ra)))
1112 (offset
1113 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
1114 (* (- (1+ (get-header-data lra))
1115 (get-header-data component))
1116 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)
1117 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
1118 (- (sap-int ra)
1119 (- (get-lisp-obj-address component)
1120 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
1121 (* (get-header-data component) sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))
1122 (push (cons #!-(or x86 x86-64)
1123 (stack-ref catch sb!vm:catch-block-tag-slot)
1124 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
1125 (make-lisp-obj
1126 (sap-ref-word catch (* sb!vm:catch-block-tag-slot
1127 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
1128 (make-compiled-code-location
1129 offset (frame-debug-fun frame)))
1130 reversed-result)))
1131 (setf catch
1132 #!-alpha
1133 (sap-ref-sap catch
1134 (* sb!vm:catch-block-previous-catch-slot
1135 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
1136 #!+alpha
1137 (int-sap
1138 (sap-ref-32 catch
1139 (* sb!vm:catch-block-previous-catch-slot
1140 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))))
1142 ;;; Modify the value of the OLD-TAG catches in FRAME to NEW-TAG
1143 (defun replace-frame-catch-tag (frame old-tag new-tag)
1144 (let ((catch (descriptor-sap sb!vm:*current-catch-block*))
1145 (fp (frame-pointer frame)))
1146 (loop until (zerop (sap-int catch))
1147 do (when (sap= fp
1148 #!-alpha
1149 (sap-ref-sap catch
1150 (* sb!vm:catch-block-current-cont-slot
1151 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
1152 #!+alpha
1153 (int-sap
1154 (sap-ref-32 catch
1155 (* sb!vm:catch-block-current-cont-slot
1156 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))
1157 (let ((current-tag
1158 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
1159 (stack-ref catch sb!vm:catch-block-tag-slot)
1160 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
1161 (make-lisp-obj
1162 (sap-ref-word catch (* sb!vm:catch-block-tag-slot
1163 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))
1164 (when (eq current-tag old-tag)
1165 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
1166 (setf (stack-ref catch sb!vm:catch-block-tag-slot) new-tag)
1167 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
1168 (setf (sap-ref-word catch (* sb!vm:catch-block-tag-slot
1169 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
1170 (get-lisp-obj-address new-tag)))))
1171 do (setf catch
1172 #!-alpha
1173 (sap-ref-sap catch
1174 (* sb!vm:catch-block-previous-catch-slot
1175 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
1176 #!+alpha
1177 (int-sap
1178 (sap-ref-32 catch
1179 (* sb!vm:catch-block-previous-catch-slot
1180 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))))
1184 ;;;; operations on DEBUG-FUNs
1186 ;;; Execute the forms in a context with BLOCK-VAR bound to each
1187 ;;; DEBUG-BLOCK in DEBUG-FUN successively. Result is an optional
1188 ;;; form to execute for return values, and DO-DEBUG-FUN-BLOCKS
1189 ;;; returns nil if there is no result form. This signals a
1190 ;;; NO-DEBUG-BLOCKS condition when the DEBUG-FUN lacks
1191 ;;; DEBUG-BLOCK information.
1192 (defmacro do-debug-fun-blocks ((block-var debug-fun &optional result)
1193 &body body)
1194 (let ((blocks (gensym))
1195 (i (gensym)))
1196 `(let ((,blocks (debug-fun-debug-blocks ,debug-fun)))
1197 (declare (simple-vector ,blocks))
1198 (dotimes (,i (length ,blocks) ,result)
1199 (let ((,block-var (svref ,blocks ,i)))
1200 ,@body)))))
1202 ;;; Execute body in a context with VAR bound to each DEBUG-VAR in
1203 ;;; DEBUG-FUN. This returns the value of executing result (defaults to
1204 ;;; nil). This may iterate over only some of DEBUG-FUN's variables or
1205 ;;; none depending on debug policy; for example, possibly the
1206 ;;; compilation only preserved argument information.
1207 (defmacro do-debug-fun-vars ((var debug-fun &optional result) &body body)
1208 (let ((vars (gensym))
1209 (i (gensym)))
1210 `(let ((,vars (debug-fun-debug-vars ,debug-fun)))
1211 (declare (type (or null simple-vector) ,vars))
1212 (if ,vars
1213 (dotimes (,i (length ,vars) ,result)
1214 (let ((,var (svref ,vars ,i)))
1215 ,@body))
1216 ,result))))
1218 ;;; Return the object of type FUNCTION associated with the DEBUG-FUN,
1219 ;;; or NIL if the function is unavailable or is non-existent as a user
1220 ;;; callable function object.
1221 (defun debug-fun-fun (debug-fun)
1222 (let ((cached-value (debug-fun-%function debug-fun)))
1223 (if (eq cached-value :unparsed)
1224 (setf (debug-fun-%function debug-fun)
1225 (etypecase debug-fun
1226 (compiled-debug-fun
1227 (let ((component
1228 (compiled-debug-fun-component debug-fun))
1229 (start-pc
1230 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc
1231 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun))))
1232 (do ((entry (%code-entry-points component)
1233 (%simple-fun-next entry)))
1234 ((null entry) nil)
1235 (when (= start-pc
1236 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc
1237 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun
1238 (fun-debug-fun entry))))
1239 (return entry)))))
1240 (bogus-debug-fun nil)))
1241 cached-value)))
1243 ;;; Return the name of the function represented by DEBUG-FUN. This may
1244 ;;; be a string or a cons; do not assume it is a symbol.
1245 (defun debug-fun-name (debug-fun)
1246 (declare (type debug-fun debug-fun))
1247 (etypecase debug-fun
1248 (compiled-debug-fun
1249 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-name
1250 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)))
1251 (bogus-debug-fun
1252 (bogus-debug-fun-%name debug-fun))))
1254 ;;; Return a DEBUG-FUN that represents debug information for FUN.
1255 (defun fun-debug-fun (fun)
1256 (declare (type function fun))
1257 (ecase (widetag-of fun)
1258 (!vm:closure-header-widetag
1259 (fun-debug-fun (%closure-fun fun)))
1260 (!vm:funcallable-instance-header-widetag
1261 (fun-debug-fun (funcallable-instance-fun fun)))
1262 (!vm:simple-fun-header-widetag
1263 (let* ((name (%simple-fun-name fun))
1264 (component (fun-code-header fun))
1265 (res (find-if
1266 (lambda (x)
1267 (and (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-p x)
1268 (eq (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-name x) name)
1269 (eq (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-kind x) nil)))
1270 (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-fun-map
1271 (%code-debug-info component)))))
1272 (if res
1273 (make-compiled-debug-fun res component)
1274 ;; KLUDGE: comment from CMU CL:
1275 ;; This used to be the non-interpreted branch, but
1276 ;; William wrote it to return the debug-fun of fun's XEP
1277 ;; instead of fun's debug-fun. The above code does this
1278 ;; more correctly, but it doesn't get or eliminate all
1279 ;; appropriate cases. It mostly works, and probably
1280 ;; works for all named functions anyway.
1281 ;; -- WHN 20000120
1282 (debug-fun-from-pc component
1283 (* (- (fun-word-offset fun)
1284 (get-header-data component))
1285 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))))))
1287 ;;; Return the kind of the function, which is one of :OPTIONAL,
1289 (defun debug-fun-kind (debug-fun)
1290 ;; FIXME: This "is one of" information should become part of the function
1291 ;; declamation, not just a doc string
1292 (etypecase debug-fun
1293 (compiled-debug-fun
1294 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-kind
1295 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)))
1296 (bogus-debug-fun
1297 nil)))
1299 ;;; Is there any variable information for DEBUG-FUN?
1300 (defun debug-var-info-available (debug-fun)
1301 (not (not (debug-fun-debug-vars debug-fun))))
1303 ;;; Return a list of DEBUG-VARs in DEBUG-FUN having the same name
1304 ;;; and package as SYMBOL. If SYMBOL is uninterned, then this returns
1305 ;;; a list of DEBUG-VARs without package names and with the same name
1306 ;;; as symbol. The result of this function is limited to the
1307 ;;; availability of variable information in DEBUG-FUN; for
1308 ;;; example, possibly DEBUG-FUN only knows about its arguments.
1309 (defun debug-fun-symbol-vars (debug-fun symbol)
1310 (let ((vars (ambiguous-debug-vars debug-fun (symbol-name symbol)))
1311 (package (and (symbol-package symbol)
1312 (package-name (symbol-package symbol)))))
1313 (delete-if (if (stringp package)
1314 (lambda (var)
1315 (let ((p (debug-var-package-name var)))
1316 (or (not (stringp p))
1317 (string/= p package))))
1318 (lambda (var)
1319 (stringp (debug-var-package-name var))))
1320 vars)))
1322 ;;; Return a list of DEBUG-VARs in DEBUG-FUN whose names contain
1323 ;;; NAME-PREFIX-STRING as an initial substring. The result of this
1324 ;;; function is limited to the availability of variable information in
1325 ;;; debug-fun; for example, possibly debug-fun only knows
1326 ;;; about its arguments.
1327 (defun ambiguous-debug-vars (debug-fun name-prefix-string)
1328 (declare (simple-string name-prefix-string))
1329 (let ((variables (debug-fun-debug-vars debug-fun)))
1330 (declare (type (or null simple-vector) variables))
1331 (if variables
1332 (let* ((len (length variables))
1333 (prefix-len (length name-prefix-string))
1334 (pos (find-var name-prefix-string variables len))
1335 (res nil))
1336 (when pos
1337 ;; Find names from pos to variable's len that contain prefix.
1338 (do ((i pos (1+ i)))
1339 ((= i len))
1340 (let* ((var (svref variables i))
1341 (name (debug-var-symbol-name var))
1342 (name-len (length name)))
1343 (declare (simple-string name))
1344 (when (/= (or (string/= name-prefix-string name
1345 :end1 prefix-len :end2 name-len)
1346 prefix-len)
1347 prefix-len)
1348 (return))
1349 (push var res)))
1350 (setq res (nreverse res)))
1351 res))))
1353 ;;; This returns a position in VARIABLES for one containing NAME as an
1354 ;;; initial substring. END is the length of VARIABLES if supplied.
1355 (defun find-var (name variables &optional end)
1356 (declare (simple-vector variables)
1357 (simple-string name))
1358 (let ((name-len (length name)))
1359 (position name variables
1360 :test (lambda (x y)
1361 (let* ((y (debug-var-symbol-name y))
1362 (y-len (length y)))
1363 (declare (simple-string y))
1364 (and (>= y-len name-len)
1365 (string= x y :end1 name-len :end2 name-len))))
1366 :end (or end (length variables)))))
1368 ;;; Return a list representing the lambda-list for DEBUG-FUN. The
1369 ;;; list has the following structure:
1370 ;;; (required-var1 required-var2
1371 ;;; ...
1372 ;;; (:optional var3 suppliedp-var4)
1373 ;;; (:optional var5)
1374 ;;; ...
1375 ;;; (:rest var6) (:rest var7)
1376 ;;; ...
1377 ;;; (:keyword keyword-symbol var8 suppliedp-var9)
1378 ;;; (:keyword keyword-symbol var10)
1379 ;;; ...
1380 ;;; )
1381 ;;; Each VARi is a DEBUG-VAR; however it may be the symbol :DELETED if
1382 ;;; it is unreferenced in DEBUG-FUN. This signals a
1383 ;;; LAMBDA-LIST-UNAVAILABLE condition when there is no argument list
1384 ;;; information.
1385 (defun debug-fun-lambda-list (debug-fun)
1386 (etypecase debug-fun
1387 (compiled-debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list debug-fun))
1388 (bogus-debug-fun nil)))
1390 ;;; Note: If this has to compute the lambda list, it caches it in DEBUG-FUN.
1391 (defun compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list (debug-fun)
1392 (let ((lambda-list (debug-fun-%lambda-list debug-fun)))
1393 (cond ((eq lambda-list :unparsed)
1394 (multiple-value-bind (args argsp)
1395 (parse-compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list debug-fun)
1396 (setf (debug-fun-%lambda-list debug-fun) args)
1397 (if argsp
1398 args
1399 (debug-signal 'lambda-list-unavailable
1400 :debug-fun debug-fun))))
1401 (lambda-list)
1402 ((bogus-debug-fun-p debug-fun)
1403 nil)
1404 ((sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-arguments
1405 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun))
1406 ;; If the packed information is there (whether empty or not) as
1407 ;; opposed to being nil, then returned our cached value (nil).
1408 nil)
1410 ;; Our cached value is nil, and the packed lambda-list information
1411 ;; is nil, so we don't have anything available.
1412 (debug-signal 'lambda-list-unavailable
1413 :debug-fun debug-fun)))))
1415 ;;; COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN-LAMBDA-LIST calls this when a
1416 ;;; COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN has no lambda list information cached. It
1417 ;;; returns the lambda list as the first value and whether there was
1418 ;;; any argument information as the second value. Therefore,
1419 ;;; (VALUES NIL T) means there were no arguments, but (VALUES NIL NIL)
1420 ;;; means there was no argument information.
1421 (defun parse-compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list (debug-fun)
1422 (let ((args (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-arguments
1423 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun))))
1424 (cond
1425 ((not args)
1426 (values nil nil))
1427 ((eq args :minimal)
1428 (values (coerce (debug-fun-debug-vars debug-fun) 'list)
1431 (let ((vars (debug-fun-debug-vars debug-fun))
1432 (i 0)
1433 (len (length args))
1434 (res nil)
1435 (optionalp nil))
1436 (declare (type (or null simple-vector) vars))
1437 (loop
1438 (when (>= i len) (return))
1439 (let ((ele (aref args i)))
1440 (cond
1441 ((symbolp ele)
1442 (case ele
1443 (sb!c::deleted
1444 ;; Deleted required arg at beginning of args array.
1445 (push :deleted res))
1446 (sb!c::optional-args
1447 (setf optionalp t))
1448 (sb!c::supplied-p
1449 ;; SUPPLIED-P var immediately following keyword or
1450 ;; optional. Stick the extra var in the result
1451 ;; element representing the keyword or optional,
1452 ;; which is the previous one.
1454 ;; FIXME: NCONC used for side-effect: the effect is defined,
1455 ;; but this is bad style no matter what.
1456 (nconc (car res)
1457 (list (compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list-var
1458 args (incf i) vars))))
1459 (sb!c::rest-arg
1460 (push (list :rest
1461 (compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list-var
1462 args (incf i) vars))
1463 res))
1464 (sb!c::more-arg
1465 ;; Just ignore the fact that the next two args are
1466 ;; the &MORE arg context and count, and act like they
1467 ;; are regular arguments.
1468 nil)
1470 ;; &KEY arg
1471 (push (list :keyword
1473 (compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list-var
1474 args (incf i) vars))
1475 res))))
1476 (optionalp
1477 ;; We saw an optional marker, so the following
1478 ;; non-symbols are indexes indicating optional
1479 ;; variables.
1480 (push (list :optional (svref vars ele)) res))
1482 ;; Required arg at beginning of args array.
1483 (push (svref vars ele) res))))
1484 (incf i))
1485 (values (nreverse res) t))))))
1487 ;;; This is used in COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN-LAMBDA-LIST.
1488 (defun compiled-debug-fun-lambda-list-var (args i vars)
1489 (declare (type (simple-array * (*)) args)
1490 (simple-vector vars))
1491 (let ((ele (aref args i)))
1492 (cond ((not (symbolp ele)) (svref vars ele))
1493 ((eq ele 'sb!c::deleted) :deleted)
1494 (t (error "malformed arguments description")))))
1496 (defun compiled-debug-fun-debug-info (debug-fun)
1497 (%code-debug-info (compiled-debug-fun-component debug-fun)))
1499 ;;;; unpacking variable and basic block data
1501 (defvar *parsing-buffer*
1502 (make-array 20 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t))
1503 (defvar *other-parsing-buffer*
1504 (make-array 20 :adjustable t :fill-pointer t))
1506 ;;; use this to unpack binary encoded information. It returns the
1507 ;;; values returned by the last form in body.
1509 ;;; This binds buffer-var to *parsing-buffer*, makes sure it starts at
1510 ;;; element zero, and makes sure if we unwind, we nil out any set
1511 ;;; elements for GC purposes.
1513 ;;; This also binds other-var to *other-parsing-buffer* when it is
1514 ;;; supplied, making sure it starts at element zero and that we nil
1515 ;;; out any elements if we unwind.
1517 ;;; This defines the local macro RESULT that takes a buffer, copies
1518 ;;; its elements to a resulting simple-vector, nil's out elements, and
1519 ;;; restarts the buffer at element zero. RESULT returns the
1520 ;;; simple-vector.
1521 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
1522 (sb!xc:defmacro with-parsing-buffer ((buffer-var &optional other-var)
1523 &body body)
1524 (let ((len (gensym))
1525 (res (gensym)))
1526 `(unwind-protect
1527 (let ((,buffer-var *parsing-buffer*)
1528 ,@(if other-var `((,other-var *other-parsing-buffer*))))
1529 (setf (fill-pointer ,buffer-var) 0)
1530 ,@(if other-var `((setf (fill-pointer ,other-var) 0)))
1531 (macrolet ((result (buf)
1532 `(let* ((,',len (length ,buf))
1533 (,',res (make-array ,',len)))
1534 (replace ,',res ,buf :end1 ,',len :end2 ,',len)
1535 (fill ,buf nil :end ,',len)
1536 (setf (fill-pointer ,buf) 0)
1537 ,',res)))
1538 ,@body))
1539 (fill *parsing-buffer* nil)
1540 ,@(if other-var `((fill *other-parsing-buffer* nil))))))
1541 ) ; EVAL-WHEN
1543 ;;; The argument is a debug internals structure. This returns the
1544 ;;; DEBUG-BLOCKs for DEBUG-FUN, regardless of whether we have unpacked
1545 ;;; them yet. It signals a NO-DEBUG-BLOCKS condition if it can't
1546 ;;; return the blocks.
1547 (defun debug-fun-debug-blocks (debug-fun)
1548 (let ((blocks (debug-fun-blocks debug-fun)))
1549 (cond ((eq blocks :unparsed)
1550 (setf (debug-fun-blocks debug-fun)
1551 (parse-debug-blocks debug-fun))
1552 (unless (debug-fun-blocks debug-fun)
1553 (debug-signal 'no-debug-blocks
1554 :debug-fun debug-fun))
1555 (debug-fun-blocks debug-fun))
1556 (blocks)
1558 (debug-signal 'no-debug-blocks
1559 :debug-fun debug-fun)))))
1561 ;;; Return a SIMPLE-VECTOR of DEBUG-BLOCKs or NIL. NIL indicates there
1562 ;;; was no basic block information.
1563 (defun parse-debug-blocks (debug-fun)
1564 (etypecase debug-fun
1565 (compiled-debug-fun
1566 (parse-compiled-debug-blocks debug-fun))
1567 (bogus-debug-fun
1568 (debug-signal 'no-debug-blocks :debug-fun debug-fun))))
1570 ;;; This does some of the work of PARSE-DEBUG-BLOCKS.
1571 (defun parse-compiled-debug-blocks (debug-fun)
1572 (let* ((var-count (length (debug-fun-debug-vars debug-fun)))
1573 (compiler-debug-fun (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun
1574 debug-fun))
1575 (blocks (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-blocks compiler-debug-fun))
1576 ;; KLUDGE: 8 is a hard-wired constant in the compiler for the
1577 ;; element size of the packed binary representation of the
1578 ;; blocks data.
1579 (live-set-len (ceiling var-count 8))
1580 (tlf-number (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-tlf-number compiler-debug-fun)))
1581 (unless blocks
1582 (return-from parse-compiled-debug-blocks nil))
1583 (macrolet ((aref+ (a i) `(prog1 (aref ,a ,i) (incf ,i))))
1584 (with-parsing-buffer (blocks-buffer locations-buffer)
1585 (let ((i 0)
1586 (len (length blocks))
1587 (last-pc 0))
1588 (loop
1589 (when (>= i len) (return))
1590 (let ((succ-and-flags (aref+ blocks i))
1591 (successors nil))
1592 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 8) succ-and-flags)
1593 (list successors))
1594 (dotimes (k (ldb sb!c::compiled-debug-block-nsucc-byte
1595 succ-and-flags))
1596 (push (sb!c:read-var-integer blocks i) successors))
1597 (let* ((locations
1598 (dotimes (k (sb!c:read-var-integer blocks i)
1599 (result locations-buffer))
1600 (let ((kind (svref sb!c::*compiled-code-location-kinds*
1601 (aref+ blocks i)))
1602 (pc (+ last-pc
1603 (sb!c:read-var-integer blocks i)))
1604 (tlf-offset (or tlf-number
1605 (sb!c:read-var-integer blocks i)))
1606 (form-number (sb!c:read-var-integer blocks i))
1607 (live-set (sb!c:read-packed-bit-vector
1608 live-set-len blocks i))
1609 (step-info (sb!c:read-var-string blocks i)))
1610 (vector-push-extend (make-known-code-location
1611 pc debug-fun tlf-offset
1612 form-number live-set kind
1613 step-info)
1614 locations-buffer)
1615 (setf last-pc pc))))
1616 (block (make-compiled-debug-block
1617 locations successors
1618 (not (zerop (logand
1619 sb!c::compiled-debug-block-elsewhere-p
1620 succ-and-flags))))))
1621 (vector-push-extend block blocks-buffer)
1622 (dotimes (k (length locations))
1623 (setf (code-location-%debug-block (svref locations k))
1624 block))))))
1625 (let ((res (result blocks-buffer)))
1626 (declare (simple-vector res))
1627 (dotimes (i (length res))
1628 (let* ((block (svref res i))
1629 (succs nil))
1630 (dolist (ele (debug-block-successors block))
1631 (push (svref res ele) succs))
1632 (setf (debug-block-successors block) succs)))
1633 res)))))
1635 ;;; The argument is a debug internals structure. This returns NIL if
1636 ;;; there is no variable information. It returns an empty
1637 ;;; simple-vector if there were no locals in the function. Otherwise
1638 ;;; it returns a SIMPLE-VECTOR of DEBUG-VARs.
1639 (defun debug-fun-debug-vars (debug-fun)
1640 (let ((vars (debug-fun-%debug-vars debug-fun)))
1641 (if (eq vars :unparsed)
1642 (setf (debug-fun-%debug-vars debug-fun)
1643 (etypecase debug-fun
1644 (compiled-debug-fun
1645 (parse-compiled-debug-vars debug-fun))
1646 (bogus-debug-fun nil)))
1647 vars)))
1649 ;;; VARS is the parsed variables for a minimal debug function. We need
1650 ;;; to assign names of the form ARG-NNN. We must pad with leading
1651 ;;; zeros, since the arguments must be in alphabetical order.
1652 (defun assign-minimal-var-names (vars)
1653 (declare (simple-vector vars))
1654 (let* ((len (length vars))
1655 (width (length (format nil "~W" (1- len)))))
1656 (dotimes (i len)
1657 (without-package-locks
1658 (setf (compiled-debug-var-symbol (svref vars i))
1659 (intern (format nil "ARG-~V,'0D" width i)
1660 ;; KLUDGE: It's somewhat nasty to have a bare
1661 ;; package name string here. It would be
1662 ;; nicer to have #.(FIND-PACKAGE "SB!DEBUG")
1663 ;; instead, since then at least it would transform
1664 ;; correctly under package renaming and stuff.
1665 ;; However, genesis can't handle dumped packages..
1666 ;; -- WHN 20000129
1668 ;; FIXME: Maybe this could be fixed by moving the
1669 ;; whole debug-int.lisp file to warm init? (after
1670 ;; which dumping a #.(FIND-PACKAGE ..) expression
1671 ;; would work fine) If this is possible, it would
1672 ;; probably be a good thing, since minimizing the
1673 ;; amount of stuff in cold init is basically good.
1674 (or (find-package "SB-DEBUG")
1675 (find-package "SB!DEBUG"))))))))
1677 ;;; Parse the packed representation of DEBUG-VARs from
1678 ;;; DEBUG-FUN's SB!C::COMPILED-DEBUG-FUN, returning a vector
1679 ;;; of DEBUG-VARs, or NIL if there was no information to parse.
1680 (defun parse-compiled-debug-vars (debug-fun)
1681 (let* ((cdebug-fun (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun
1682 debug-fun))
1683 (packed-vars (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-vars cdebug-fun))
1684 (args-minimal (eq (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-arguments cdebug-fun)
1685 :minimal)))
1686 (when packed-vars
1687 (do ((i 0)
1688 (buffer (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
1689 ((>= i (length packed-vars))
1690 (let ((result (coerce buffer 'simple-vector)))
1691 (when args-minimal
1692 (assign-minimal-var-names result))
1693 result))
1694 (flet ((geti () (prog1 (aref packed-vars i) (incf i))))
1695 (let* ((flags (geti))
1696 (minimal (logtest sb!c::compiled-debug-var-minimal-p flags))
1697 (deleted (logtest sb!c::compiled-debug-var-deleted-p flags))
1698 (live (logtest sb!c::compiled-debug-var-environment-live
1699 flags))
1700 (save (logtest sb!c::compiled-debug-var-save-loc-p flags))
1701 (symbol (if minimal nil (geti)))
1702 (id (if (logtest sb!c::compiled-debug-var-id-p flags)
1703 (geti)
1705 (sc-offset (if deleted 0 (geti)))
1706 (save-sc-offset (if save (geti) nil)))
1707 (aver (not (and args-minimal (not minimal))))
1708 (vector-push-extend (make-compiled-debug-var symbol
1710 live
1711 sc-offset
1712 save-sc-offset)
1713 buffer)))))))
1715 ;;;; CODE-LOCATIONs
1717 ;;; If we're sure of whether code-location is known, return T or NIL.
1718 ;;; If we're :UNSURE, then try to fill in the code-location's slots.
1719 ;;; This determines whether there is any debug-block information, and
1720 ;;; if code-location is known.
1722 ;;; ??? IF this conses closures every time it's called, then break off the
1723 ;;; :UNSURE part to get the HANDLER-CASE into another function.
1724 (defun code-location-unknown-p (basic-code-location)
1725 (ecase (code-location-%unknown-p basic-code-location)
1726 ((t) t)
1727 ((nil) nil)
1728 (:unsure
1729 (setf (code-location-%unknown-p basic-code-location)
1730 (handler-case (not (fill-in-code-location basic-code-location))
1731 (no-debug-blocks () t))))))
1733 ;;; Return the DEBUG-BLOCK containing code-location if it is available.
1734 ;;; Some debug policies inhibit debug-block information, and if none
1735 ;;; is available, then this signals a NO-DEBUG-BLOCKS condition.
1736 (defun code-location-debug-block (basic-code-location)
1737 (let ((block (code-location-%debug-block basic-code-location)))
1738 (if (eq block :unparsed)
1739 (etypecase basic-code-location
1740 (compiled-code-location
1741 (compute-compiled-code-location-debug-block basic-code-location))
1742 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when
1743 ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.)
1745 block)))
1747 ;;; Store and return BASIC-CODE-LOCATION's debug-block. We determines
1748 ;;; the correct one using the code-location's pc. We use
1749 ;;; DEBUG-FUN-DEBUG-BLOCKS to return the cached block information
1750 ;;; or signal a NO-DEBUG-BLOCKS condition. The blocks are sorted by
1751 ;;; their first code-location's pc, in ascending order. Therefore, as
1752 ;;; soon as we find a block that starts with a pc greater than
1753 ;;; basic-code-location's pc, we know the previous block contains the
1754 ;;; pc. If we get to the last block, then the code-location is either
1755 ;;; in the second to last block or the last block, and we have to be
1756 ;;; careful in determining this since the last block could be code at
1757 ;;; the end of the function. We have to check for the last block being
1758 ;;; code first in order to see how to compare the code-location's pc.
1759 (defun compute-compiled-code-location-debug-block (basic-code-location)
1760 (let* ((pc (compiled-code-location-pc basic-code-location))
1761 (debug-fun (code-location-debug-fun
1762 basic-code-location))
1763 (blocks (debug-fun-debug-blocks debug-fun))
1764 (len (length blocks)))
1765 (declare (simple-vector blocks))
1766 (setf (code-location-%debug-block basic-code-location)
1767 (if (= len 1)
1768 (svref blocks 0)
1769 (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
1770 (end (1- len)))
1771 ((= i end)
1772 (let ((last (svref blocks end)))
1773 (cond
1774 ((debug-block-elsewhere-p last)
1775 (if (< pc
1776 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-elsewhere-pc
1777 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun
1778 debug-fun)))
1779 (svref blocks (1- end))
1780 last))
1781 ((< pc
1782 (compiled-code-location-pc
1783 (svref (compiled-debug-block-code-locations last)
1784 0)))
1785 (svref blocks (1- end)))
1786 (t last))))
1787 (declare (type index i end))
1788 (when (< pc
1789 (compiled-code-location-pc
1790 (svref (compiled-debug-block-code-locations
1791 (svref blocks i))
1792 0)))
1793 (return (svref blocks (1- i)))))))))
1795 ;;; Return the CODE-LOCATION's DEBUG-SOURCE.
1796 (defun code-location-debug-source (code-location)
1797 (let ((info (compiled-debug-fun-debug-info
1798 (code-location-debug-fun code-location))))
1799 (or (sb!c::debug-info-source info)
1800 (debug-signal 'no-debug-blocks :debug-fun
1801 (code-location-debug-fun code-location)))))
1803 ;;; Returns the number of top level forms before the one containing
1804 ;;; CODE-LOCATION as seen by the compiler in some compilation unit. (A
1805 ;;; compilation unit is not necessarily a single file, see the section
1806 ;;; on debug-sources.)
1807 (defun code-location-toplevel-form-offset (code-location)
1808 (when (code-location-unknown-p code-location)
1809 (error 'unknown-code-location :code-location code-location))
1810 (let ((tlf-offset (code-location-%tlf-offset code-location)))
1811 (cond ((eq tlf-offset :unparsed)
1812 (etypecase code-location
1813 (compiled-code-location
1814 (unless (fill-in-code-location code-location)
1815 ;; This check should be unnecessary. We're missing
1816 ;; debug info the compiler should have dumped.
1817 (bug "unknown code location"))
1818 (code-location-%tlf-offset code-location))
1819 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,,
1820 ;; when we did special tricks to debug the IR1
1821 ;; interpreter.)
1823 (t tlf-offset))))
1825 ;;; Return the number of the form corresponding to CODE-LOCATION. The
1826 ;;; form number is derived by a walking the subforms of a top level
1827 ;;; form in depth-first order.
1828 (defun code-location-form-number (code-location)
1829 (when (code-location-unknown-p code-location)
1830 (error 'unknown-code-location :code-location code-location))
1831 (let ((form-num (code-location-%form-number code-location)))
1832 (cond ((eq form-num :unparsed)
1833 (etypecase code-location
1834 (compiled-code-location
1835 (unless (fill-in-code-location code-location)
1836 ;; This check should be unnecessary. We're missing
1837 ;; debug info the compiler should have dumped.
1838 (bug "unknown code location"))
1839 (code-location-%form-number code-location))
1840 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,,
1841 ;; when we did special tricks to debug the IR1
1842 ;; interpreter.)
1844 (t form-num))))
1846 ;;; Return the kind of CODE-LOCATION, one of:
1850 (defun code-location-kind (code-location)
1851 (when (code-location-unknown-p code-location)
1852 (error 'unknown-code-location :code-location code-location))
1853 (etypecase code-location
1854 (compiled-code-location
1855 (let ((kind (compiled-code-location-kind code-location)))
1856 (cond ((not (eq kind :unparsed)) kind)
1857 ((not (fill-in-code-location code-location))
1858 ;; This check should be unnecessary. We're missing
1859 ;; debug info the compiler should have dumped.
1860 (bug "unknown code location"))
1862 (compiled-code-location-kind code-location)))))
1863 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,,
1864 ;; when we did special tricks to debug the IR1
1865 ;; interpreter.)
1868 ;;; This returns CODE-LOCATION's live-set if it is available. If
1869 ;;; there is no debug-block information, this returns NIL.
1870 (defun compiled-code-location-live-set (code-location)
1871 (if (code-location-unknown-p code-location)
1873 (let ((live-set (compiled-code-location-%live-set code-location)))
1874 (cond ((eq live-set :unparsed)
1875 (unless (fill-in-code-location code-location)
1876 ;; This check should be unnecessary. We're missing
1877 ;; debug info the compiler should have dumped.
1879 ;; FIXME: This error and comment happen over and over again.
1880 ;; Make them a shared function.
1881 (bug "unknown code location"))
1882 (compiled-code-location-%live-set code-location))
1883 (t live-set)))))
1885 ;;; true if OBJ1 and OBJ2 are the same place in the code
1886 (defun code-location= (obj1 obj2)
1887 (etypecase obj1
1888 (compiled-code-location
1889 (etypecase obj2
1890 (compiled-code-location
1891 (and (eq (code-location-debug-fun obj1)
1892 (code-location-debug-fun obj2))
1893 (sub-compiled-code-location= obj1 obj2)))
1894 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,,
1895 ;; when we did special tricks to debug the IR1
1896 ;; interpreter.)
1898 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,,
1899 ;; when we did special tricks to debug IR1-interpreted code.)
1901 (defun sub-compiled-code-location= (obj1 obj2)
1902 (= (compiled-code-location-pc obj1)
1903 (compiled-code-location-pc obj2)))
1905 ;;; Fill in CODE-LOCATION's :UNPARSED slots, returning T or NIL
1906 ;;; depending on whether the code-location was known in its
1907 ;;; DEBUG-FUN's debug-block information. This may signal a
1908 ;;; NO-DEBUG-BLOCKS condition due to DEBUG-FUN-DEBUG-BLOCKS, and
1909 ;;; it assumes the %UNKNOWN-P slot is already set or going to be set.
1910 (defun fill-in-code-location (code-location)
1911 (declare (type compiled-code-location code-location))
1912 (let* ((debug-fun (code-location-debug-fun code-location))
1913 (blocks (debug-fun-debug-blocks debug-fun)))
1914 (declare (simple-vector blocks))
1915 (dotimes (i (length blocks) nil)
1916 (let* ((block (svref blocks i))
1917 (locations (compiled-debug-block-code-locations block)))
1918 (declare (simple-vector locations))
1919 (dotimes (j (length locations))
1920 (let ((loc (svref locations j)))
1921 (when (sub-compiled-code-location= code-location loc)
1922 (setf (code-location-%debug-block code-location) block)
1923 (setf (code-location-%tlf-offset code-location)
1924 (code-location-%tlf-offset loc))
1925 (setf (code-location-%form-number code-location)
1926 (code-location-%form-number loc))
1927 (setf (compiled-code-location-%live-set code-location)
1928 (compiled-code-location-%live-set loc))
1929 (setf (compiled-code-location-kind code-location)
1930 (compiled-code-location-kind loc))
1931 (setf (compiled-code-location-step-info code-location)
1932 (compiled-code-location-step-info loc))
1933 (return-from fill-in-code-location t))))))))
1935 ;;;; operations on DEBUG-BLOCKs
1937 ;;; Execute FORMS in a context with CODE-VAR bound to each
1938 ;;; CODE-LOCATION in DEBUG-BLOCK, and return the value of RESULT.
1939 (defmacro do-debug-block-locations ((code-var debug-block &optional result)
1940 &body body)
1941 (let ((code-locations (gensym))
1942 (i (gensym)))
1943 `(let ((,code-locations (debug-block-code-locations ,debug-block)))
1944 (declare (simple-vector ,code-locations))
1945 (dotimes (,i (length ,code-locations) ,result)
1946 (let ((,code-var (svref ,code-locations ,i)))
1947 ,@body)))))
1949 ;;; Return the name of the function represented by DEBUG-FUN.
1950 ;;; This may be a string or a cons; do not assume it is a symbol.
1951 (defun debug-block-fun-name (debug-block)
1952 (etypecase debug-block
1953 (compiled-debug-block
1954 (let ((code-locs (compiled-debug-block-code-locations debug-block)))
1955 (declare (simple-vector code-locs))
1956 (if (zerop (length code-locs))
1957 "??? Can't get name of debug-block's function."
1958 (debug-fun-name
1959 (code-location-debug-fun (svref code-locs 0))))))
1960 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when we
1961 ;; did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.)
1964 (defun debug-block-code-locations (debug-block)
1965 (etypecase debug-block
1966 (compiled-debug-block
1967 (compiled-debug-block-code-locations debug-block))
1968 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when we
1969 ;; did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.)
1972 ;;;; operations on debug variables
1974 (defun debug-var-symbol-name (debug-var)
1975 (symbol-name (debug-var-symbol debug-var)))
1977 ;;; FIXME: Make sure that this isn't called anywhere that it wouldn't
1978 ;;; be acceptable to have NIL returned, or that it's only called on
1979 ;;; DEBUG-VARs whose symbols have non-NIL packages.
1980 (defun debug-var-package-name (debug-var)
1981 (package-name (symbol-package (debug-var-symbol debug-var))))
1983 ;;; Return the value stored for DEBUG-VAR in frame, or if the value is
1984 ;;; not :VALID, then signal an INVALID-VALUE error.
1985 (defun debug-var-valid-value (debug-var frame)
1986 (unless (eq (debug-var-validity debug-var (frame-code-location frame))
1987 :valid)
1988 (error 'invalid-value :debug-var debug-var :frame frame))
1989 (debug-var-value debug-var frame))
1991 ;;; Returns the value stored for DEBUG-VAR in frame. The value may be
1992 ;;; invalid. This is SETFable.
1993 (defun debug-var-value (debug-var frame)
1994 (aver (typep frame 'compiled-frame))
1995 (let ((res (access-compiled-debug-var-slot debug-var frame)))
1996 (if (indirect-value-cell-p res)
1997 (value-cell-ref res)
1998 res)))
2000 ;;; This returns what is stored for the variable represented by
2001 ;;; DEBUG-VAR relative to the FRAME. This may be an indirect value
2002 ;;; cell if the variable is both closed over and set.
2003 (defun access-compiled-debug-var-slot (debug-var frame)
2004 (declare (optimize (speed 1)))
2005 (let ((escaped (compiled-frame-escaped frame)))
2006 (if escaped
2007 (sub-access-debug-var-slot
2008 (frame-pointer frame)
2009 (compiled-debug-var-sc-offset debug-var)
2010 escaped)
2011 (sub-access-debug-var-slot
2012 (frame-pointer frame)
2013 (or (compiled-debug-var-save-sc-offset debug-var)
2014 (compiled-debug-var-sc-offset debug-var))))))
2016 ;;; a helper function for working with possibly-invalid values:
2017 ;;; Do (%MAKE-LISP-OBJ VAL) only if the value looks valid.
2019 ;;; (Such values can arise in registers on machines with conservative
2020 ;;; GC, and might also arise in debug variable locations when
2021 ;;; those variables are invalid.)
2022 (defun make-lisp-obj (val &optional (errorp t))
2023 (if (or
2024 ;; fixnum
2025 (zerop (logand val sb!vm:fixnum-tag-mask))
2026 ;; immediate single float, 64-bit only
2027 #!+#.(cl:if (cl:= sb!vm::n-machine-word-bits 64) '(and) '(or))
2028 (= (logand val #xff) sb!vm:single-float-widetag)
2029 ;; character
2030 (and (zerop (logandc2 val #x1fffffff)) ; Top bits zero
2031 (= (logand val #xff) sb!vm:character-widetag)) ; char tag
2032 ;; unbound marker
2033 (= val sb!vm:unbound-marker-widetag)
2034 ;; pointer
2035 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2036 (not (zerop (valid-lisp-pointer-p (int-sap val))))
2037 ;; FIXME: There is no fundamental reason not to use the above
2038 ;; function on other platforms as well, but I didn't have
2039 ;; others available while doing this. --NS 2007-06-21
2040 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2041 (and (logbitp 0 val)
2042 (or (< sb!vm:read-only-space-start val
2043 (* sb!vm:*read-only-space-free-pointer*
2044 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
2045 (< sb!vm:static-space-start val
2046 (* sb!vm:*static-space-free-pointer*
2047 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
2048 (< (current-dynamic-space-start) val
2049 (sap-int (dynamic-space-free-pointer))))))
2050 (values (%make-lisp-obj val) t)
2051 (if errorp
2052 (error "~S is not a valid argument to ~S"
2053 val 'make-lisp-obj)
2054 (values (make-unprintable-object (format nil "invalid object #x~X" val))
2055 nil))))
2057 (defun sub-access-debug-var-slot (fp sc-offset &optional escaped)
2058 ;; NOTE: The long-float support in here is obviously decayed. When
2059 ;; the x86oid and non-x86oid versions of this function were unified,
2060 ;; the behavior of long-floats was preserved, which only served to
2061 ;; highlight its brokenness.
2062 (macrolet ((with-escaped-value ((var) &body forms)
2063 `(if escaped
2064 (let ((,var (sb!vm:context-register
2065 escaped
2066 (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset))))
2067 ,@forms)
2068 :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage))
2069 (escaped-float-value (format)
2070 `(if escaped
2071 (sb!vm:context-float-register
2072 escaped
2073 (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)
2074 ',format)
2075 :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage))
2076 (escaped-complex-float-value (format offset)
2077 `(if escaped
2078 (complex
2079 (sb!vm:context-float-register
2080 escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ',format)
2081 (sb!vm:context-float-register
2082 escaped (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ,offset) ',format))
2083 :invalid-value-for-unescaped-register-storage))
2084 (with-nfp ((var) &body body)
2085 ;; x86oids have no separate number stack, so dummy it
2086 ;; up for them.
2087 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2088 `(let ((,var fp))
2089 ,@body)
2090 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2091 `(let ((,var (if escaped
2092 (sb!sys:int-sap
2093 (sb!vm:context-register escaped
2094 sb!vm::nfp-offset))
2095 #!-alpha
2096 (sb!sys:sap-ref-sap fp (* nfp-save-offset
2097 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
2098 #!+alpha
2099 (sb!vm::make-number-stack-pointer
2100 (sb!sys:sap-ref-32 fp (* nfp-save-offset
2101 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))))
2102 ,@body))
2103 (stack-frame-offset (data-width offset)
2104 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2105 `(- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ,data-width ,offset)
2106 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
2107 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2108 (declare (ignore data-width))
2109 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2110 `(* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ,offset)
2111 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
2112 (ecase (sb!c:sc-offset-scn sc-offset)
2113 ((!vm:any-reg-sc-number
2115 #!+rt!vm:word-pointer-reg-sc-number)
2116 (without-gcing
2117 (with-escaped-value (val)
2118 (make-lisp-obj val nil))))
2119 (!vm:character-reg-sc-number
2120 (with-escaped-value (val)
2121 (code-char val)))
2122 (!vm:sap-reg-sc-number
2123 (with-escaped-value (val)
2124 (sb!sys:int-sap val)))
2125 (!vm:signed-reg-sc-number
2126 (with-escaped-value (val)
2127 (if (logbitp (1- sb!vm:n-word-bits) val)
2128 (logior val (ash -1 sb!vm:n-word-bits))
2129 val)))
2130 (!vm:unsigned-reg-sc-number
2131 (with-escaped-value (val)
2132 val))
2133 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2134 (!vm:non-descriptor-reg-sc-number
2135 (error "Local non-descriptor register access?"))
2136 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2137 (!vm:interior-reg-sc-number
2138 (error "Local interior register access?"))
2139 (!vm:single-reg-sc-number
2140 (escaped-float-value single-float))
2141 (!vm:double-reg-sc-number
2142 (escaped-float-value double-float))
2143 #!+long-float
2144 (!vm:long-reg-sc-number
2145 (escaped-float-value long-float))
2146 (!vm:complex-single-reg-sc-number
2147 (escaped-complex-float-value single-float 1))
2148 (!vm:complex-double-reg-sc-number
2149 (escaped-complex-float-value double-float #!+sparc 2 #!-sparc 1))
2150 #!+long-float
2151 (!vm:complex-long-reg-sc-number
2152 (escaped-complex-float-value long-float
2153 #!+sparc 4 #!+(or x86 x86-64) 1
2154 #!-(or sparc x86 x86-64) 0))
2155 (!vm:single-stack-sc-number
2156 (with-nfp (nfp)
2157 (sb!sys:sap-ref-single nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0))))
2158 (!vm:double-stack-sc-number
2159 (with-nfp (nfp)
2160 (sb!sys:sap-ref-double nfp (stack-frame-offset 2 0))))
2161 #!+long-float
2162 (!vm:long-stack-sc-number
2163 (with-nfp (nfp)
2164 (sb!sys:sap-ref-long nfp (stack-frame-offset 3 0))))
2165 (!vm:complex-single-stack-sc-number
2166 (with-nfp (nfp)
2167 (complex
2168 (sb!sys:sap-ref-single nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0))
2169 (sb!sys:sap-ref-single nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 1)))))
2170 (!vm:complex-double-stack-sc-number
2171 (with-nfp (nfp)
2172 (complex
2173 (sb!sys:sap-ref-double nfp (stack-frame-offset 2 0))
2174 (sb!sys:sap-ref-double nfp (stack-frame-offset 2 2)))))
2175 #!+long-float
2176 (!vm:complex-long-stack-sc-number
2177 (with-nfp (nfp)
2178 (complex
2179 (sb!sys:sap-ref-long nfp (stack-frame-offset 3 0))
2180 (sb!sys:sap-ref-long nfp
2181 (stack-frame-offset 3 #!+sparc 4
2182 #!+(or x86 x86-64) 3
2183 #!-(or sparc x86 x86-64) 0)))))
2184 (!vm:control-stack-sc-number
2185 (stack-ref fp (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)))
2186 (!vm:character-stack-sc-number
2187 (with-nfp (nfp)
2188 (code-char (sb!sys:sap-ref-word nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0)))))
2189 (!vm:unsigned-stack-sc-number
2190 (with-nfp (nfp)
2191 (sb!sys:sap-ref-word nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0))))
2192 (!vm:signed-stack-sc-number
2193 (with-nfp (nfp)
2194 (sb!sys:signed-sap-ref-word nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0))))
2195 (!vm:sap-stack-sc-number
2196 (with-nfp (nfp)
2197 (sb!sys:sap-ref-sap nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0)))))))
2199 ;;; This stores value as the value of DEBUG-VAR in FRAME. In the
2200 ;;; COMPILED-DEBUG-VAR case, access the current value to determine if
2201 ;;; it is an indirect value cell. This occurs when the variable is
2202 ;;; both closed over and set.
2203 (defun %set-debug-var-value (debug-var frame new-value)
2204 (aver (typep frame 'compiled-frame))
2205 (let ((old-value (access-compiled-debug-var-slot debug-var frame)))
2206 (if (indirect-value-cell-p old-value)
2207 (value-cell-set old-value new-value)
2208 (set-compiled-debug-var-slot debug-var frame new-value)))
2209 new-value)
2211 ;;; This stores VALUE for the variable represented by debug-var
2212 ;;; relative to the frame. This assumes the location directly contains
2213 ;;; the variable's value; that is, there is no indirect value cell
2214 ;;; currently there in case the variable is both closed over and set.
2215 (defun set-compiled-debug-var-slot (debug-var frame value)
2216 (let ((escaped (compiled-frame-escaped frame)))
2217 (if escaped
2218 (sub-set-debug-var-slot (frame-pointer frame)
2219 (compiled-debug-var-sc-offset debug-var)
2220 value escaped)
2221 (sub-set-debug-var-slot
2222 (frame-pointer frame)
2223 (or (compiled-debug-var-save-sc-offset debug-var)
2224 (compiled-debug-var-sc-offset debug-var))
2225 value))))
2227 (defun sub-set-debug-var-slot (fp sc-offset value &optional escaped)
2228 ;; Like sub-access-debug-var-slot, this is the unification of two
2229 ;; divergent copy-pasted functions. The astute reviewer will notice
2230 ;; that long-floats are messed up here as well, that x86oids
2231 ;; apparently don't support accessing float values that are in
2232 ;; registers, and that non-x86oids store the real part of a float
2233 ;; for both the real and imaginary parts of a complex on the stack
2234 ;; (but not in registers, oddly enough). Some research has
2235 ;; indicated that the different forms of THE used for validating the
2236 ;; type of complex float components between x86oid and non-x86oid
2237 ;; systems are only significant in the case of using a non-complex
2238 ;; number as input (as the non-x86oid case effectively converts
2239 ;; non-complex numbers to complex ones and the x86oid case will
2240 ;; error out). That said, the error message from entering a value
2241 ;; of the wrong type will be slightly easier to understand on x86oid
2242 ;; systems.
2243 (macrolet ((set-escaped-value (val)
2244 `(if escaped
2245 (setf (sb!vm:context-register
2246 escaped
2247 (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset))
2248 ,val)
2249 value))
2250 (set-escaped-float-value (format val)
2251 `(if escaped
2252 (setf (sb!vm:context-float-register
2253 escaped
2254 (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)
2255 ',format)
2256 ,val)
2257 value))
2258 (set-escaped-complex-float-value (format offset val)
2259 `(progn
2260 (when escaped
2261 (setf (sb!vm:context-float-register
2262 escaped (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ',format)
2263 (realpart value))
2264 (setf (sb!vm:context-float-register
2265 escaped (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ,offset)
2266 ',format)
2267 (imagpart value)))
2268 ,val))
2269 (with-nfp ((var) &body body)
2270 ;; x86oids have no separate number stack, so dummy it
2271 ;; up for them.
2272 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2273 `(let ((,var fp))
2274 ,@body)
2275 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2276 `(let ((,var (if escaped
2277 (int-sap
2278 (sb!vm:context-register escaped
2279 sb!vm::nfp-offset))
2280 #!-alpha
2281 (sap-ref-sap fp
2282 (* nfp-save-offset
2283 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
2284 #!+alpha
2285 (sb!vm::make-number-stack-pointer
2286 (sap-ref-32 fp
2287 (* nfp-save-offset
2288 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))))
2289 ,@body))
2290 (stack-frame-offset (data-width offset)
2291 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2292 `(- (* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ,data-width ,offset)
2293 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))
2294 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2295 (declare (ignore data-width))
2296 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2297 `(* (+ (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset) ,offset)
2298 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
2299 (ecase (sb!c:sc-offset-scn sc-offset)
2300 ((!vm:any-reg-sc-number
2302 #!+rt!vm:word-pointer-reg-sc-number)
2303 (without-gcing
2304 (set-escaped-value
2305 (get-lisp-obj-address value))))
2306 (!vm:character-reg-sc-number
2307 (set-escaped-value (char-code value)))
2308 (!vm:sap-reg-sc-number
2309 (set-escaped-value (sap-int value)))
2310 (!vm:signed-reg-sc-number
2311 (set-escaped-value (logand value (1- (ash 1 sb!vm:n-word-bits)))))
2312 (!vm:unsigned-reg-sc-number
2313 (set-escaped-value value))
2314 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2315 (!vm:non-descriptor-reg-sc-number
2316 (error "Local non-descriptor register access?"))
2317 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2318 (!vm:interior-reg-sc-number
2319 (error "Local interior register access?"))
2320 (!vm:single-reg-sc-number
2321 #!-(or x86 x86-64) ;; don't have escaped floats.
2322 (set-escaped-float-value single-float value))
2323 (!vm:double-reg-sc-number
2324 #!-(or x86 x86-64) ;; don't have escaped floats -- still in npx?
2325 (set-escaped-float-value double-float value))
2326 #!+long-float
2327 (!vm:long-reg-sc-number
2328 #!-(or x86 x86-64) ;; don't have escaped floats -- still in npx?
2329 (set-escaped-float-value long-float value))
2330 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2331 (!vm:complex-single-reg-sc-number
2332 (set-escaped-complex-float-value single-float 1 value))
2333 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2334 (!vm:complex-double-reg-sc-number
2335 (set-escaped-complex-float-value double-float #!+sparc 2 #!-sparc 1 value))
2336 #!+(and long-float (not (or x86 x86-64)))
2337 (!vm:complex-long-reg-sc-number
2338 (set-escaped-complex-float-value long-float #!+sparc 4 #!-sparc 0 value))
2339 (!vm:single-stack-sc-number
2340 (with-nfp (nfp)
2341 (setf (sap-ref-single nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0))
2342 (the single-float value))))
2343 (!vm:double-stack-sc-number
2344 (with-nfp (nfp)
2345 (setf (sap-ref-double nfp (stack-frame-offset 2 0))
2346 (the double-float value))))
2347 #!+long-float
2348 (!vm:long-stack-sc-number
2349 (with-nfp (nfp)
2350 (setf (sap-ref-long nfp (stack-frame-offset 3 0))
2351 (the long-float value))))
2352 (!vm:complex-single-stack-sc-number
2353 (with-nfp (nfp)
2354 (setf (sap-ref-single
2355 nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0))
2356 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2357 (realpart (the (complex single-float) value))
2358 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2359 (the single-float (realpart value)))
2360 (setf (sap-ref-single
2361 nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 1))
2362 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2363 (imagpart (the (complex single-float) value))
2364 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2365 (the single-float (realpart value)))))
2366 (!vm:complex-double-stack-sc-number
2367 (with-nfp (nfp)
2368 (setf (sap-ref-double
2369 nfp (stack-frame-offset 2 0))
2370 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2371 (realpart (the (complex double-float) value))
2372 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2373 (the double-float (realpart value)))
2374 (setf (sap-ref-double
2375 nfp (stack-frame-offset 2 2))
2376 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2377 (imagpart (the (complex double-float) value))
2378 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2379 (the double-float (realpart value)))))
2380 #!+long-float
2381 (!vm:complex-long-stack-sc-number
2382 (with-nfp (nfp)
2383 (setf (sap-ref-long
2384 nfp (stack-frame-offset 3 0))
2385 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2386 (realpart (the (complex long-float) value))
2387 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2388 (the long-float (realpart value)))
2389 (setf (sap-ref-long
2390 nfp (stack-frame-offset 3 #!+sparc 4
2391 #!+(or x86 x86-64) 3
2392 #!-(or sparc x86 x86-64) 0))
2393 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
2394 (imagpart (the (complex long-float) value))
2395 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
2396 (the long-float (realpart value)))))
2397 (!vm:control-stack-sc-number
2398 (setf (stack-ref fp (sb!c:sc-offset-offset sc-offset)) value))
2399 (!vm:character-stack-sc-number
2400 (with-nfp (nfp)
2401 (setf (sap-ref-word nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0))
2402 (char-code (the character value)))))
2403 (!vm:unsigned-stack-sc-number
2404 (with-nfp (nfp)
2405 (setf (sap-ref-word nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0))
2406 (the (unsigned-byte 32) value))))
2407 (!vm:signed-stack-sc-number
2408 (with-nfp (nfp)
2409 (setf (signed-sap-ref-word nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0))
2410 (the (signed-byte 32) value))))
2411 (!vm:sap-stack-sc-number
2412 (with-nfp (nfp)
2413 (setf (sap-ref-sap nfp (stack-frame-offset 1 0))
2414 (the system-area-pointer value)))))))
2416 ;;; The method for setting and accessing COMPILED-DEBUG-VAR values use
2417 ;;; this to determine if the value stored is the actual value or an
2418 ;;; indirection cell.
2419 (defun indirect-value-cell-p (x)
2420 (and (= (lowtag-of x) sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
2421 (= (widetag-of x) sb!vm:value-cell-header-widetag)))
2423 ;;; Return three values reflecting the validity of DEBUG-VAR's value
2425 ;;; :VALID The value is known to be available.
2426 ;;; :INVALID The value is known to be unavailable.
2427 ;;; :UNKNOWN The value's availability is unknown.
2429 ;;; If the variable is always alive, then it is valid. If the
2430 ;;; code-location is unknown, then the variable's validity is
2431 ;;; :unknown. Once we've called CODE-LOCATION-UNKNOWN-P, we know the
2432 ;;; live-set information has been cached in the code-location.
2433 (defun debug-var-validity (debug-var basic-code-location)
2434 (etypecase debug-var
2435 (compiled-debug-var
2436 (compiled-debug-var-validity debug-var basic-code-location))
2437 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when
2438 ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.)
2441 ;;; This is the method for DEBUG-VAR-VALIDITY for COMPILED-DEBUG-VARs.
2442 ;;; For safety, make sure basic-code-location is what we think.
2443 (defun compiled-debug-var-validity (debug-var basic-code-location)
2444 (declare (type compiled-code-location basic-code-location))
2445 (cond ((debug-var-alive-p debug-var)
2446 (let ((debug-fun (code-location-debug-fun basic-code-location)))
2447 (if (>= (compiled-code-location-pc basic-code-location)
2448 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc
2449 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun)))
2450 :valid
2451 :invalid)))
2452 ((code-location-unknown-p basic-code-location) :unknown)
2454 (let ((pos (position debug-var
2455 (debug-fun-debug-vars
2456 (code-location-debug-fun
2457 basic-code-location)))))
2458 (unless pos
2459 (error 'unknown-debug-var
2460 :debug-var debug-var
2461 :debug-fun
2462 (code-location-debug-fun basic-code-location)))
2463 ;; There must be live-set info since basic-code-location is known.
2464 (if (zerop (sbit (compiled-code-location-live-set
2465 basic-code-location)
2466 pos))
2467 :invalid
2468 :valid)))))
2470 ;;;; sources
2472 ;;; This code produces and uses what we call source-paths. A
2473 ;;; source-path is a list whose first element is a form number as
2474 ;;; returned by CODE-LOCATION-FORM-NUMBER and whose last element is a
2475 ;;; top level form number as returned by
2476 ;;; CODE-LOCATION-TOPLEVEL-FORM-NUMBER. The elements from the last to
2477 ;;; the first, exclusively, are the numbered subforms into which to
2478 ;;; descend. For example:
2479 ;;; (defun foo (x)
2480 ;;; (let ((a (aref x 3)))
2481 ;;; (cons a 3)))
2482 ;;; The call to AREF in this example is form number 5. Assuming this
2483 ;;; DEFUN is the 11'th top level form, the source-path for the AREF
2484 ;;; call is as follows:
2485 ;;; (5 1 0 1 3 11)
2486 ;;; Given the DEFUN, 3 gets you the LET, 1 gets you the bindings, 0
2487 ;;; gets the first binding, and 1 gets the AREF form.
2489 ;;; This returns a table mapping form numbers to source-paths. A
2490 ;;; source-path indicates a descent into the TOPLEVEL-FORM form,
2491 ;;; going directly to the subform corressponding to the form number.
2493 ;;; The vector elements are in the same format as the compiler's
2494 ;;; NODE-SOURCE-PATH; that is, the first element is the form number and
2495 ;;; the last is the TOPLEVEL-FORM number.
2496 (defun form-number-translations (form tlf-number)
2497 (let ((seen nil)
2498 (translations (make-array 12 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
2499 (labels ((translate1 (form path)
2500 (unless (member form seen)
2501 (push form seen)
2502 (vector-push-extend (cons (fill-pointer translations) path)
2503 translations)
2504 (let ((pos 0)
2505 (subform form)
2506 (trail form))
2507 (declare (fixnum pos))
2508 (macrolet ((frob ()
2509 '(progn
2510 (when (atom subform) (return))
2511 (let ((fm (car subform)))
2512 (when (consp fm)
2513 (translate1 fm (cons pos path)))
2514 (incf pos))
2515 (setq subform (cdr subform))
2516 (when (eq subform trail) (return)))))
2517 (loop
2518 (frob)
2519 (frob)
2520 (setq trail (cdr trail))))))))
2521 (translate1 form (list tlf-number)))
2522 (coerce translations 'simple-vector)))
2524 ;;; FORM is a top level form, and path is a source-path into it. This
2525 ;;; returns the form indicated by the source-path. Context is the
2526 ;;; number of enclosing forms to return instead of directly returning
2527 ;;; the source-path form. When context is non-zero, the form returned
2528 ;;; contains a marker, #:****HERE****, immediately before the form
2529 ;;; indicated by path.
2530 (defun source-path-context (form path context)
2531 (declare (type unsigned-byte context))
2532 ;; Get to the form indicated by path or the enclosing form indicated
2533 ;; by context and path.
2534 (let ((path (reverse (butlast (cdr path)))))
2535 (dotimes (i (- (length path) context))
2536 (let ((index (first path)))
2537 (unless (and (listp form) (< index (length form)))
2538 (error "Source path no longer exists."))
2539 (setq form (elt form index))
2540 (setq path (rest path))))
2541 ;; Recursively rebuild the source form resulting from the above
2542 ;; descent, copying the beginning of each subform up to the next
2543 ;; subform we descend into according to path. At the bottom of the
2544 ;; recursion, we return the form indicated by path preceded by our
2545 ;; marker, and this gets spliced into the resulting list structure
2546 ;; on the way back up.
2547 (labels ((frob (form path level)
2548 (if (or (zerop level) (null path))
2549 (if (zerop context)
2550 form
2551 `(#:***here*** ,form))
2552 (let ((n (first path)))
2553 (unless (and (listp form) (< n (length form)))
2554 (error "Source path no longer exists."))
2555 (let ((res (frob (elt form n) (rest path) (1- level))))
2556 (nconc (subseq form 0 n)
2557 (cons res (nthcdr (1+ n) form))))))))
2558 (frob form path context))))
2562 ;;; Return a function of one argument that evaluates form in the
2563 ;;; lexical context of the BASIC-CODE-LOCATION LOC, or signal a
2564 ;;; NO-DEBUG-VARS condition when the LOC's DEBUG-FUN has no
2565 ;;; DEBUG-VAR information available.
2567 ;;; The returned function takes the frame to get values from as its
2568 ;;; argument, and it returns the values of FORM. The returned function
2569 ;;; can signal the following conditions: INVALID-VALUE,
2571 (defun preprocess-for-eval (form loc)
2572 (declare (type code-location loc))
2573 (let ((n-frame (gensym))
2574 (fun (code-location-debug-fun loc)))
2575 (unless (debug-var-info-available fun)
2576 (debug-signal 'no-debug-vars :debug-fun fun))
2577 (sb!int:collect ((binds)
2578 (specs))
2579 (do-debug-fun-vars (var fun)
2580 (let ((validity (debug-var-validity var loc)))
2581 (unless (eq validity :invalid)
2582 (let* ((sym (debug-var-symbol var))
2583 (found (assoc sym (binds))))
2584 (if found
2585 (setf (second found) :ambiguous)
2586 (binds (list sym validity var)))))))
2587 (dolist (bind (binds))
2588 (let ((name (first bind))
2589 (var (third bind)))
2590 (ecase (second bind)
2591 (:valid
2592 (specs `(,name (debug-var-value ',var ,n-frame))))
2593 (:unknown
2594 (specs `(,name (debug-signal 'invalid-value
2595 :debug-var ',var
2596 :frame ,n-frame))))
2597 (:ambiguous
2598 (specs `(,name (debug-signal 'ambiguous-var-name
2599 :name ',name
2600 :frame ,n-frame)))))))
2601 (let ((res (coerce `(lambda (,n-frame)
2602 (declare (ignorable ,n-frame))
2603 (symbol-macrolet ,(specs) ,form))
2604 'function)))
2605 (lambda (frame)
2606 ;; This prevents these functions from being used in any
2607 ;; location other than a function return location, so maybe
2608 ;; this should only check whether FRAME's DEBUG-FUN is the
2609 ;; same as LOC's.
2610 (unless (code-location= (frame-code-location frame) loc)
2611 (debug-signal 'frame-fun-mismatch
2612 :code-location loc :form form :frame frame))
2613 (funcall res frame))))))
2615 ;;;; breakpoints
2617 ;;;; user-visible interface
2619 ;;; Create and return a breakpoint. When program execution encounters
2620 ;;; the breakpoint, the system calls HOOK-FUN. HOOK-FUN takes the
2621 ;;; current frame for the function in which the program is running and
2622 ;;; the breakpoint object.
2624 ;;; WHAT and KIND determine where in a function the system invokes
2625 ;;; HOOK-FUN. WHAT is either a code-location or a DEBUG-FUN. KIND is
2626 ;;; one of :CODE-LOCATION, :FUN-START, or :FUN-END. Since the starts
2627 ;;; and ends of functions may not have code-locations representing
2628 ;;; them, designate these places by supplying WHAT as a DEBUG-FUN and
2629 ;;; KIND indicating the :FUN-START or :FUN-END. When WHAT is a
2630 ;;; DEBUG-FUN and kind is :FUN-END, then HOOK-FUN must take two
2631 ;;; additional arguments, a list of values returned by the function
2632 ;;; and a FUN-END-COOKIE.
2634 ;;; INFO is information supplied by and used by the user.
2636 ;;; FUN-END-COOKIE is a function. To implement :FUN-END
2637 ;;; breakpoints, the system uses starter breakpoints to establish the
2638 ;;; :FUN-END breakpoint for each invocation of the function. Upon
2639 ;;; each entry, the system creates a unique cookie to identify the
2640 ;;; invocation, and when the user supplies a function for this
2641 ;;; argument, the system invokes it on the frame and the cookie. The
2642 ;;; system later invokes the :FUN-END breakpoint hook on the same
2643 ;;; cookie. The user may save the cookie for comparison in the hook
2644 ;;; function.
2646 ;;; Signal an error if WHAT is an unknown code-location.
2647 (defun make-breakpoint (hook-fun what
2648 &key (kind :code-location) info fun-end-cookie)
2649 (etypecase what
2650 (code-location
2651 (when (code-location-unknown-p what)
2652 (error "cannot make a breakpoint at an unknown code location: ~S"
2653 what))
2654 (aver (eq kind :code-location))
2655 (let ((bpt (%make-breakpoint hook-fun what kind info)))
2656 (etypecase what
2657 (compiled-code-location
2658 ;; This slot is filled in due to calling CODE-LOCATION-UNKNOWN-P.
2659 (when (eq (compiled-code-location-kind what) :unknown-return)
2660 (let ((other-bpt (%make-breakpoint hook-fun what
2661 :unknown-return-partner
2662 info)))
2663 (setf (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner bpt) other-bpt)
2664 (setf (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner other-bpt) bpt))))
2665 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0,,
2666 ;; when we did special tricks to debug the IR1
2667 ;; interpreter.)
2669 bpt))
2670 (compiled-debug-fun
2671 (ecase kind
2672 (:fun-start
2673 (%make-breakpoint hook-fun what kind info))
2674 (:fun-end
2675 (unless (eq (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-returns
2676 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun what))
2677 :standard)
2678 (error ":FUN-END breakpoints are currently unsupported ~
2679 for the known return convention."))
2681 (let* ((bpt (%make-breakpoint hook-fun what kind info))
2682 (starter (compiled-debug-fun-end-starter what)))
2683 (unless starter
2684 (setf starter (%make-breakpoint #'list what :fun-start nil))
2685 (setf (breakpoint-hook-fun starter)
2686 (fun-end-starter-hook starter what))
2687 (setf (compiled-debug-fun-end-starter what) starter))
2688 (setf (breakpoint-start-helper bpt) starter)
2689 (push bpt (breakpoint-%info starter))
2690 (setf (breakpoint-cookie-fun bpt) fun-end-cookie)
2691 bpt))))))
2693 ;;; These are unique objects created upon entry into a function by a
2694 ;;; :FUN-END breakpoint's starter hook. These are only created
2695 ;;; when users supply :FUN-END-COOKIE to MAKE-BREAKPOINT. Also,
2696 ;;; the :FUN-END breakpoint's hook is called on the same cookie
2697 ;;; when it is created.
2698 (defstruct (fun-end-cookie
2699 (:print-object (lambda (obj str)
2700 (print-unreadable-object (obj str :type t))))
2701 (:constructor make-fun-end-cookie (bogus-lra debug-fun))
2702 (:copier nil))
2703 ;; a pointer to the bogus-lra created for :FUN-END breakpoints
2704 bogus-lra
2705 ;; the DEBUG-FUN associated with this cookie
2706 debug-fun)
2708 ;;; This maps bogus-lra-components to cookies, so that
2709 ;;; HANDLE-FUN-END-BREAKPOINT can find the appropriate cookie for the
2710 ;;; breakpoint hook.
2711 (defvar *fun-end-cookies* (make-hash-table :test 'eq :synchronized t))
2713 ;;; This returns a hook function for the start helper breakpoint
2714 ;;; associated with a :FUN-END breakpoint. The returned function
2715 ;;; makes a fake LRA that all returns go through, and this piece of
2716 ;;; fake code actually breaks. Upon return from the break, the code
2717 ;;; provides the returnee with any values. Since the returned function
2718 ;;; effectively activates FUN-END-BPT on each entry to DEBUG-FUN's
2719 ;;; function, we must establish breakpoint-data about FUN-END-BPT.
2720 (defun fun-end-starter-hook (starter-bpt debug-fun)
2721 (declare (type breakpoint starter-bpt)
2722 (type compiled-debug-fun debug-fun))
2723 (lambda (frame breakpoint)
2724 (declare (ignore breakpoint)
2725 (type frame frame))
2726 (let ((lra-sc-offset
2727 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-return-pc
2728 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun debug-fun))))
2729 (multiple-value-bind (lra component offset)
2730 (make-bogus-lra
2731 (get-context-value frame
2732 lra-save-offset
2733 lra-sc-offset))
2734 (setf (get-context-value frame
2735 lra-save-offset
2736 lra-sc-offset)
2737 lra)
2738 (let ((end-bpts (breakpoint-%info starter-bpt)))
2739 (let ((data (breakpoint-data component offset)))
2740 (setf (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data) end-bpts)
2741 (dolist (bpt end-bpts)
2742 (setf (breakpoint-internal-data bpt) data)))
2743 (let ((cookie (make-fun-end-cookie lra debug-fun)))
2744 (setf (gethash component *fun-end-cookies*) cookie)
2745 (dolist (bpt end-bpts)
2746 (let ((fun (breakpoint-cookie-fun bpt)))
2747 (when fun (funcall fun frame cookie))))))))))
2749 ;;; This takes a FUN-END-COOKIE and a frame, and it returns
2750 ;;; whether the cookie is still valid. A cookie becomes invalid when
2751 ;;; the frame that established the cookie has exited. Sometimes cookie
2752 ;;; holders are unaware of cookie invalidation because their
2753 ;;; :FUN-END breakpoint hooks didn't run due to THROW'ing.
2755 ;;; This takes a frame as an efficiency hack since the user probably
2756 ;;; has a frame object in hand when using this routine, and it saves
2757 ;;; repeated parsing of the stack and consing when asking whether a
2758 ;;; series of cookies is valid.
2759 (defun fun-end-cookie-valid-p (frame cookie)
2760 (let ((lra (fun-end-cookie-bogus-lra cookie))
2761 (lra-sc-offset (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-return-pc
2762 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun
2763 (fun-end-cookie-debug-fun cookie)))))
2764 (do ((frame frame (frame-down frame)))
2765 ((not frame) nil)
2766 (when (and (compiled-frame-p frame)
2767 (#!-(or x86 x86-64) eq #!+(or x86 x86-64) sap=
2769 (get-context-value frame lra-save-offset lra-sc-offset)))
2770 (return t)))))
2774 ;;; Cause the system to invoke the breakpoint's hook function until
2776 ;;; system invokes breakpoint hook functions in the opposite order
2777 ;;; that you activate them.
2778 (defun activate-breakpoint (breakpoint)
2779 (when (eq (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :deleted)
2780 (error "cannot activate a deleted breakpoint: ~S" breakpoint))
2781 (unless (eq (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :active)
2782 (ecase (breakpoint-kind breakpoint)
2783 (:code-location
2784 (let ((loc (breakpoint-what breakpoint)))
2785 (etypecase loc
2786 (compiled-code-location
2787 (activate-compiled-code-location-breakpoint breakpoint)
2788 (let ((other (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner breakpoint)))
2789 (when other
2790 (activate-compiled-code-location-breakpoint other))))
2791 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when
2792 ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.)
2794 (:fun-start
2795 (etypecase (breakpoint-what breakpoint)
2796 (compiled-debug-fun
2797 (activate-compiled-fun-start-breakpoint breakpoint))
2798 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when
2799 ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.)
2801 (:fun-end
2802 (etypecase (breakpoint-what breakpoint)
2803 (compiled-debug-fun
2804 (let ((starter (breakpoint-start-helper breakpoint)))
2805 (unless (eq (breakpoint-status starter) :active)
2806 ;; may already be active by some other :FUN-END breakpoint
2807 (activate-compiled-fun-start-breakpoint starter)))
2808 (setf (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :active))
2809 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when
2810 ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.)
2811 ))))
2812 breakpoint)
2814 (defun activate-compiled-code-location-breakpoint (breakpoint)
2815 (declare (type breakpoint breakpoint))
2816 (let ((loc (breakpoint-what breakpoint)))
2817 (declare (type compiled-code-location loc))
2818 (sub-activate-breakpoint
2819 breakpoint
2820 (breakpoint-data (compiled-debug-fun-component
2821 (code-location-debug-fun loc))
2822 (+ (compiled-code-location-pc loc)
2823 (if (or (eq (breakpoint-kind breakpoint)
2824 :unknown-return-partner)
2825 (eq (compiled-code-location-kind loc)
2826 :single-value-return))
2827 sb!vm:single-value-return-byte-offset
2828 0))))))
2830 (defun activate-compiled-fun-start-breakpoint (breakpoint)
2831 (declare (type breakpoint breakpoint))
2832 (let ((debug-fun (breakpoint-what breakpoint)))
2833 (sub-activate-breakpoint
2834 breakpoint
2835 (breakpoint-data (compiled-debug-fun-component debug-fun)
2836 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc
2837 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun
2838 debug-fun))))))
2840 (defun sub-activate-breakpoint (breakpoint data)
2841 (declare (type breakpoint breakpoint)
2842 (type breakpoint-data data))
2843 (setf (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :active)
2844 (without-interrupts
2845 (unless (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data)
2846 (setf (breakpoint-data-instruction data)
2847 (without-gcing
2848 (breakpoint-install (get-lisp-obj-address
2849 (breakpoint-data-component data))
2850 (breakpoint-data-offset data)))))
2851 (setf (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data)
2852 (append (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data) (list breakpoint)))
2853 (setf (breakpoint-internal-data breakpoint) data)))
2857 ;;; Stop the system from invoking the breakpoint's hook function.
2858 (defun deactivate-breakpoint (breakpoint)
2859 (when (eq (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :active)
2860 (without-interrupts
2861 (let ((loc (breakpoint-what breakpoint)))
2862 (etypecase loc
2863 ((or compiled-code-location compiled-debug-fun)
2864 (deactivate-compiled-breakpoint breakpoint)
2865 (let ((other (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner breakpoint)))
2866 (when other
2867 (deactivate-compiled-breakpoint other))))
2868 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when
2869 ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.)
2870 ))))
2871 breakpoint)
2873 (defun deactivate-compiled-breakpoint (breakpoint)
2874 (if (eq (breakpoint-kind breakpoint) :fun-end)
2875 (let ((starter (breakpoint-start-helper breakpoint)))
2876 (unless (find-if (lambda (bpt)
2877 (and (not (eq bpt breakpoint))
2878 (eq (breakpoint-status bpt) :active)))
2879 (breakpoint-%info starter))
2880 (deactivate-compiled-breakpoint starter)))
2881 (let* ((data (breakpoint-internal-data breakpoint))
2882 (bpts (delete breakpoint (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data))))
2883 (setf (breakpoint-internal-data breakpoint) nil)
2884 (setf (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data) bpts)
2885 (unless bpts
2886 (without-gcing
2887 (breakpoint-remove (get-lisp-obj-address
2888 (breakpoint-data-component data))
2889 (breakpoint-data-offset data)
2890 (breakpoint-data-instruction data)))
2891 (delete-breakpoint-data data))))
2892 (setf (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :inactive)
2893 breakpoint)
2897 ;;; Return the user-maintained info associated with breakpoint. This
2898 ;;; is SETF'able.
2899 (defun breakpoint-info (breakpoint)
2900 (breakpoint-%info breakpoint))
2901 (defun %set-breakpoint-info (breakpoint value)
2902 (setf (breakpoint-%info breakpoint) value)
2903 (let ((other (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner breakpoint)))
2904 (when other
2905 (setf (breakpoint-%info other) value))))
2909 (defun breakpoint-active-p (breakpoint)
2910 (ecase (breakpoint-status breakpoint)
2911 (:active t)
2912 ((:inactive :deleted) nil)))
2914 ;;; Free system storage and remove computational overhead associated
2915 ;;; with breakpoint. After calling this, breakpoint is completely
2916 ;;; impotent and can never become active again.
2917 (defun delete-breakpoint (breakpoint)
2918 (let ((status (breakpoint-status breakpoint)))
2919 (unless (eq status :deleted)
2920 (when (eq status :active)
2921 (deactivate-breakpoint breakpoint))
2922 (setf (breakpoint-status breakpoint) :deleted)
2923 (let ((other (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner breakpoint)))
2924 (when other
2925 (setf (breakpoint-status other) :deleted)))
2926 (when (eq (breakpoint-kind breakpoint) :fun-end)
2927 (let* ((starter (breakpoint-start-helper breakpoint))
2928 (breakpoints (delete breakpoint
2929 (the list (breakpoint-info starter)))))
2930 (setf (breakpoint-info starter) breakpoints)
2931 (unless breakpoints
2932 (delete-breakpoint starter)
2933 (setf (compiled-debug-fun-end-starter
2934 (breakpoint-what breakpoint))
2935 nil))))))
2936 breakpoint)
2938 ;;;; C call out stubs
2940 ;;; This actually installs the break instruction in the component. It
2941 ;;; returns the overwritten bits. You must call this in a context in
2942 ;;; which GC is disabled, so that Lisp doesn't move objects around
2943 ;;; that C is pointing to.
2944 (sb!alien:define-alien-routine "breakpoint_install" sb!alien:unsigned-int
2945 (code-obj sb!alien:unsigned-long)
2946 (pc-offset sb!alien:int))
2948 ;;; This removes the break instruction and replaces the original
2949 ;;; instruction. You must call this in a context in which GC is disabled
2950 ;;; so Lisp doesn't move objects around that C is pointing to.
2951 (sb!alien:define-alien-routine "breakpoint_remove" sb!alien:void
2952 (code-obj sb!alien:unsigned-long)
2953 (pc-offset sb!alien:int)
2954 (old-inst sb!alien:unsigned-int))
2956 (sb!alien:define-alien-routine "breakpoint_do_displaced_inst" sb!alien:void
2957 (scp (* os-context-t))
2958 (orig-inst sb!alien:unsigned-int))
2960 ;;;; breakpoint handlers (layer between C and exported interface)
2962 ;;; This maps components to a mapping of offsets to BREAKPOINT-DATAs.
2963 (defvar *component-breakpoint-offsets* (make-hash-table :test 'eq :synchronized t))
2965 ;;; This returns the BREAKPOINT-DATA object associated with component cross
2966 ;;; offset. If none exists, this makes one, installs it, and returns it.
2967 (defun breakpoint-data (component offset &optional (create t))
2968 (flet ((install-breakpoint-data ()
2969 (when create
2970 (let ((data (make-breakpoint-data component offset)))
2971 (push (cons offset data)
2972 (gethash component *component-breakpoint-offsets*))
2973 data))))
2974 (let ((offsets (gethash component *component-breakpoint-offsets*)))
2975 (if offsets
2976 (let ((data (assoc offset offsets)))
2977 (if data
2978 (cdr data)
2979 (install-breakpoint-data)))
2980 (install-breakpoint-data)))))
2982 ;;; We use this when there are no longer any active breakpoints
2983 ;;; corresponding to DATA.
2984 (defun delete-breakpoint-data (data)
2985 ;; Again, this looks brittle. Is there no danger of being interrupted
2986 ;; here?
2987 (let* ((component (breakpoint-data-component data))
2988 (offsets (delete (breakpoint-data-offset data)
2989 (gethash component *component-breakpoint-offsets*)
2990 :key #'car)))
2991 (if offsets
2992 (setf (gethash component *component-breakpoint-offsets*) offsets)
2993 (remhash component *component-breakpoint-offsets*)))
2994 (values))
2996 ;;; The C handler for interrupts calls this when it has a
2997 ;;; debugging-tool break instruction. This does *not* handle all
2998 ;;; breaks; for example, it does not handle breaks for internal
2999 ;;; errors.
3000 (defun handle-breakpoint (offset component signal-context)
3001 (let ((data (breakpoint-data component offset nil)))
3002 (unless data
3003 (error "unknown breakpoint in ~S at offset ~S"
3004 (debug-fun-name (debug-fun-from-pc component offset))
3005 offset))
3006 (let ((breakpoints (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data)))
3007 (if (or (null breakpoints)
3008 (eq (breakpoint-kind (car breakpoints)) :fun-end))
3009 (handle-fun-end-breakpoint-aux breakpoints data signal-context)
3010 (handle-breakpoint-aux breakpoints data
3011 offset component signal-context)))))
3013 ;;; This holds breakpoint-datas while invoking the breakpoint hooks
3014 ;;; associated with that particular component and location. While they
3015 ;;; are executing, if we hit the location again, we ignore the
3016 ;;; breakpoint to avoid infinite recursion. fun-end breakpoints
3017 ;;; must work differently since the breakpoint-data is unique for each
3018 ;;; invocation.
3019 (defvar *executing-breakpoint-hooks* nil)
3021 ;;; This handles code-location and DEBUG-FUN :FUN-START
3022 ;;; breakpoints.
3023 (defun handle-breakpoint-aux (breakpoints data offset component signal-context)
3024 (unless breakpoints
3025 (bug "breakpoint that nobody wants"))
3026 (unless (member data *executing-breakpoint-hooks*)
3027 (let ((*executing-breakpoint-hooks* (cons data
3028 *executing-breakpoint-hooks*)))
3029 (invoke-breakpoint-hooks breakpoints signal-context)))
3030 ;; At this point breakpoints may not hold the same list as
3031 ;; BREAKPOINT-DATA-BREAKPOINTS since invoking hooks may have allowed
3032 ;; a breakpoint deactivation. In fact, if all breakpoints were
3033 ;; deactivated then data is invalid since it was deleted and so the
3034 ;; correct one must be looked up if it is to be used. If there are
3035 ;; no more breakpoints active at this location, then the normal
3036 ;; instruction has been put back, and we do not need to
3038 (setf data (breakpoint-data component offset nil))
3039 (when (and data (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data))
3040 ;; The breakpoint is still active, so we need to execute the
3041 ;; displaced instruction and leave the breakpoint instruction
3042 ;; behind. The best way to do this is different on each machine,
3043 ;; so we just leave it up to the C code.
3044 (breakpoint-do-displaced-inst signal-context
3045 (breakpoint-data-instruction data))
3046 ;; Some platforms have no usable sigreturn() call. If your
3047 ;; implementation of arch_do_displaced_inst() _does_ sigreturn(),
3048 ;; it's polite to warn here
3049 #!+(and sparc solaris)
3050 (error "BREAKPOINT-DO-DISPLACED-INST returned?")))
3052 (defun invoke-breakpoint-hooks (breakpoints signal-context)
3053 (let* ((frame (signal-context-frame signal-context)))
3054 (dolist (bpt breakpoints)
3055 (funcall (breakpoint-hook-fun bpt)
3056 frame
3057 ;; If this is an :UNKNOWN-RETURN-PARTNER, then pass the
3058 ;; hook function the original breakpoint, so that users
3059 ;; aren't forced to confront the fact that some
3060 ;; breakpoints really are two.
3061 (if (eq (breakpoint-kind bpt) :unknown-return-partner)
3062 (breakpoint-unknown-return-partner bpt)
3063 bpt)))))
3065 (defun signal-context-frame (signal-context)
3066 (let* ((scp
3067 (locally
3068 (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
3069 (sb!alien:sap-alien signal-context (* os-context-t))))
3070 (cfp (int-sap (sb!vm:context-register scp sb!vm::cfp-offset))))
3071 (compute-calling-frame cfp
3072 (sb!vm:context-pc scp)
3073 nil)))
3075 (defun handle-fun-end-breakpoint (offset component context)
3076 (let ((data (breakpoint-data component offset nil)))
3077 (unless data
3078 (error "unknown breakpoint in ~S at offset ~S"
3079 (debug-fun-name (debug-fun-from-pc component offset))
3080 offset))
3081 (let ((breakpoints (breakpoint-data-breakpoints data)))
3082 (when breakpoints
3083 (aver (eq (breakpoint-kind (car breakpoints)) :fun-end))
3084 (handle-fun-end-breakpoint-aux breakpoints data context)))))
3086 ;;; Either HANDLE-BREAKPOINT calls this for :FUN-END breakpoints
3087 ;;; [old C code] or HANDLE-FUN-END-BREAKPOINT calls this directly
3088 ;;; [new C code].
3089 (defun handle-fun-end-breakpoint-aux (breakpoints data signal-context)
3090 ;; FIXME: This looks brittle: what if we are interrupted somewhere
3091 ;; here? ...or do we have interrupts disabled here?
3092 (delete-breakpoint-data data)
3093 (let* ((scp
3094 (locally
3095 (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
3096 (sb!alien:sap-alien signal-context (* os-context-t))))
3097 (frame (signal-context-frame signal-context))
3098 (component (breakpoint-data-component data))
3099 (cookie (gethash component *fun-end-cookies*)))
3100 (remhash component *fun-end-cookies*)
3101 (dolist (bpt breakpoints)
3102 (funcall (breakpoint-hook-fun bpt)
3103 frame bpt
3104 (get-fun-end-breakpoint-values scp)
3105 cookie))))
3107 (defun get-fun-end-breakpoint-values (scp)
3108 (let ((ocfp (int-sap (sb!vm:context-register
3110 #!-(or x86 x86-64) sb!vm::ocfp-offset
3111 #!+(or x86 x86-64) sb!vm::ebx-offset)))
3112 (nargs (make-lisp-obj
3113 (sb!vm:context-register scp sb!vm::nargs-offset)))
3114 (reg-arg-offsets '!vm::*register-arg-offsets*)
3115 (results nil))
3116 (without-gcing
3117 (dotimes (arg-num nargs)
3118 (push (if reg-arg-offsets
3119 (make-lisp-obj
3120 (sb!vm:context-register scp (pop reg-arg-offsets)))
3121 (stack-ref ocfp arg-num))
3122 results)))
3123 (nreverse results)))
3125 ;;;; MAKE-BOGUS-LRA (used for :FUN-END breakpoints)
3127 (defconstant bogus-lra-constants
3128 #!-(or x86 x86-64) 2 #!+(or x86 x86-64) 3)
3129 (defconstant known-return-p-slot
3130 (+ sb!vm:code-constants-offset #!-(or x86 x86-64) 1 #!+(or x86 x86-64) 2))
3132 ;;; Make a bogus LRA object that signals a breakpoint trap when
3133 ;;; returned to. If the breakpoint trap handler returns, REAL-LRA is
3134 ;;; returned to. Three values are returned: the bogus LRA object, the
3135 ;;; code component it is part of, and the PC offset for the trap
3136 ;;; instruction.
3137 (defun make-bogus-lra (real-lra &optional known-return-p)
3138 (without-gcing
3139 ;; These are really code labels, not variables: but this way we get
3140 ;; their addresses.
3141 (let* ((src-start (foreign-symbol-sap "fun_end_breakpoint_guts"))
3142 (src-end (foreign-symbol-sap "fun_end_breakpoint_end"))
3143 (trap-loc (foreign-symbol-sap "fun_end_breakpoint_trap"))
3144 (length (sap- src-end src-start))
3145 (code-object
3146 (sb!c:allocate-code-object (1+ bogus-lra-constants) length))
3147 (dst-start (code-instructions code-object)))
3148 (declare (type system-area-pointer
3149 src-start src-end dst-start trap-loc)
3150 (type index length))
3151 (setf (%code-debug-info code-object) :bogus-lra)
3152 (setf (code-header-ref code-object sb!vm:code-trace-table-offset-slot)
3153 length)
3154 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
3155 (setf (code-header-ref code-object real-lra-slot) real-lra)
3156 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
3157 (multiple-value-bind (offset code) (compute-lra-data-from-pc real-lra)
3158 (setf (code-header-ref code-object real-lra-slot) code)
3159 (setf (code-header-ref code-object (1+ real-lra-slot)) offset))
3160 (setf (code-header-ref code-object known-return-p-slot)
3161 known-return-p)
3162 (system-area-ub8-copy src-start 0 dst-start 0 length)
3163 (sb!vm:sanctify-for-execution code-object)
3164 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
3165 (values dst-start code-object (sap- trap-loc src-start))
3166 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
3167 (let ((new-lra (make-lisp-obj (+ (sap-int dst-start)
3168 sb!vm:other-pointer-lowtag))))
3169 (set-header-data
3170 new-lra
3171 (logandc2 (+ sb!vm:code-constants-offset bogus-lra-constants 1)
3173 (sb!vm:sanctify-for-execution code-object)
3174 (values new-lra code-object (sap- trap-loc src-start))))))
3176 ;;;; miscellaneous
3178 ;;; This appears here because it cannot go with the DEBUG-FUN
3179 ;;; interface since DO-DEBUG-BLOCK-LOCATIONS isn't defined until after
3180 ;;; the DEBUG-FUN routines.
3182 ;;; Return a code-location before the body of a function and after all
3183 ;;; the arguments are in place; or if that location can't be
3184 ;;; determined due to a lack of debug information, return NIL.
3185 (defun debug-fun-start-location (debug-fun)
3186 (etypecase debug-fun
3187 (compiled-debug-fun
3188 (code-location-from-pc debug-fun
3189 (sb!c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc
3190 (compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun
3191 debug-fun))
3192 nil))
3193 ;; (There used to be more cases back before sbcl-0.7.0, when
3194 ;; we did special tricks to debug the IR1 interpreter.)
3198 ;;;; Single-stepping
3200 ;;; The single-stepper works by inserting conditional trap instructions
3201 ;;; into the generated code (see src/compiler/*/call.lisp), currently:
3203 ;;; 1) Before the code generated for a function call that was
3204 ;;; translated to a VOP
3205 ;;; 2) Just before the call instruction for a full call
3207 ;;; In both cases, the trap will only be executed if stepping has been
3208 ;;; enabled, in which case it'll ultimately be handled by
3209 ;;; HANDLE-SINGLE-STEP-TRAP, which will either signal a stepping condition,
3210 ;;; or replace the function that's about to be called with a wrapper
3211 ;;; which will signal the condition.
3213 (defun handle-single-step-trap (kind callee-register-offset)
3214 (let ((context (nth-interrupt-context (1- *free-interrupt-context-index*))))
3215 ;; The following calls must get tail-call eliminated for
3216 ;; *STEP-FRAME* to get set correctly on non-x86.
3217 (if (= kind single-step-before-trap)
3218 (handle-single-step-before-trap context)
3219 (handle-single-step-around-trap context callee-register-offset))))
3221 (defvar *step-frame* nil)
3223 (defun handle-single-step-before-trap (context)
3224 (let ((step-info (single-step-info-from-context context)))
3225 ;; If there was not enough debug information available, there's no
3226 ;; sense in signaling the condition.
3227 (when step-info
3228 (let ((*step-frame*
3229 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
3230 (signal-context-frame (sb!alien::alien-sap context))
3231 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
3232 ;; KLUDGE: Use the first non-foreign frame as the
3233 ;; *STACK-TOP-HINT*. Getting the frame from the signal
3234 ;; context as on x86 would be cleaner, but
3235 ;; SIGNAL-CONTEXT-FRAME doesn't seem seem to work at all
3236 ;; on non-x86.
3237 (loop with frame = (frame-down (top-frame))
3238 while frame
3239 for dfun = (frame-debug-fun frame)
3240 do (when (typep dfun 'compiled-debug-fun)
3241 (return frame))
3242 do (setf frame (frame-down frame)))))
3243 (sb!impl::step-form step-info
3244 ;; We could theoretically store information in
3245 ;; the debug-info about to determine the
3246 ;; arguments here, but for now let's just pass
3247 ;; on it.
3248 :unknown)))))
3250 ;;; This function will replace the fdefn / function that was in the
3251 ;;; register at CALLEE-REGISTER-OFFSET with a wrapper function. To
3252 ;;; ensure that the full call will use the wrapper instead of the
3253 ;;; original, conditional trap must be emitted before the fdefn /
3254 ;;; function is converted into a raw address.
3255 (defun handle-single-step-around-trap (context callee-register-offset)
3256 ;; Fetch the function / fdefn we're about to call from the
3257 ;; appropriate register.
3258 (let* ((callee (make-lisp-obj
3259 (context-register context callee-register-offset)))
3260 (step-info (single-step-info-from-context context)))
3261 ;; If there was not enough debug information available, there's no
3262 ;; sense in signaling the condition.
3263 (unless step-info
3264 (return-from handle-single-step-around-trap))
3265 (let* ((fun (lambda (&rest args)
3266 (flet ((call ()
3267 (apply (typecase callee
3268 (fdefn (fdefn-fun callee))
3269 (function callee))
3270 args)))
3271 ;; Signal a step condition
3272 (let* ((step-in
3273 (let ((*step-frame* (frame-down (top-frame))))
3274 (sb!impl::step-form step-info args))))
3275 ;; And proceed based on its return value.
3276 (if step-in
3277 ;; STEP-INTO was selected. Use *STEP-OUT* to
3278 ;; let the stepper know that selecting the
3279 ;; STEP-OUT restart is valid inside this
3280 (let ((sb!impl::*step-out* :maybe))
3281 ;; Pass the return values of the call to
3282 ;; STEP-VALUES, which will signal a
3283 ;; condition with them in the VALUES slot.
3284 (unwind-protect
3285 (multiple-value-call #'sb!impl::step-values
3286 step-info
3287 (call))
3288 ;; If the user selected the STEP-OUT
3289 ;; restart during the call, resume
3290 ;; stepping
3291 (when (eq sb!impl::*step-out* t)
3292 (sb!impl::enable-stepping))))
3293 ;; STEP-NEXT / CONTINUE / OUT selected:
3294 ;; Disable the stepper for the duration of
3295 ;; the call.
3296 (sb!impl::with-stepping-disabled
3297 (call)))))))
3298 (new-callee (etypecase callee
3299 (fdefn
3300 (let ((fdefn (make-fdefn (gensym))))
3301 (setf (fdefn-fun fdefn) fun)
3302 fdefn))
3303 (function fun))))
3304 ;; And then store the wrapper in the same place.
3305 (setf (context-register context callee-register-offset)
3306 (get-lisp-obj-address new-callee)))))
3308 ;;; Given a signal context, fetch the step-info that's been stored in
3309 ;;; the debug info at the trap point.
3310 (defun single-step-info-from-context (context)
3311 (multiple-value-bind (pc-offset code)
3312 (compute-lra-data-from-pc (context-pc context))
3313 (let* ((debug-fun (debug-fun-from-pc code pc-offset))
3314 (location (code-location-from-pc debug-fun
3315 pc-offset
3316 nil)))
3317 (handler-case
3318 (progn
3319 (fill-in-code-location location)
3320 (code-location-debug-source location)
3321 (compiled-code-location-step-info location))
3322 (debug-condition ()
3323 nil)))))
3325 ;;; Return the frame that triggered a single-step condition. Used to
3326 ;;; provide a *STACK-TOP-HINT*.
3327 (defun find-stepped-frame ()
3328 (or *step-frame*
3329 (top-frame)))