Merged sbcl-1.0.14 with the sb-simd 1.3 patches
[sbcl/simd.git] / tests / dynamic-extent.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests that dynamic-extent functionality works.
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (when (eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret)
15 (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104))
17 (setq sb-c::*check-consistency* t)
19 (defmacro defun-with-dx (name arglist &body body)
20 `(locally
21 (declare (optimize sb-c::stack-allocate-dynamic-extent))
22 (defun ,name ,arglist
23 ,@body)))
25 (declaim (notinline opaque-identity))
26 (defun opaque-identity (x)
29 ;;; &REST lists
30 (defun-with-dx dxlength (&rest rest)
31 (declare (dynamic-extent rest))
32 (length rest))
34 (assert (= (dxlength 1 2 3) 3))
35 (assert (= (dxlength t t t t t t) 6))
36 (assert (= (dxlength) 0))
38 (defun callee (list)
39 (destructuring-bind (a b c d e f &rest g) list
40 (+ a b c d e f (length g))))
42 (defun-with-dx dxcaller (&rest rest)
43 (declare (dynamic-extent rest))
44 (callee rest))
45 (assert (= (dxcaller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 22))
47 (defun-with-dx dxcaller-align-1 (x &rest rest)
48 (declare (dynamic-extent rest))
49 (+ x (callee rest)))
50 (assert (= (dxcaller-align-1 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) 39))
51 (assert (= (dxcaller-align-1 17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 40))
53 ;;; %NIP-VALUES
54 (defun-with-dx test-nip-values ()
55 (flet ((bar (x &rest y)
56 (declare (dynamic-extent y))
57 (if (> x 0)
58 (values x (length y))
59 (values (car y)))))
60 (multiple-value-call #'values
61 (bar 1 2 3 4 5 6)
62 (bar -1 'a 'b))))
64 (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (test-nip-values)) '(1 5 a)))
66 ;;; LET-variable substitution
67 (defun-with-dx test-let-var-subst1 (x)
68 (let ((y (list x (1- x))))
69 (opaque-identity :foo)
70 (let ((z (the list y)))
71 (declare (dynamic-extent z))
72 (length z))))
73 (assert (eql (test-let-var-subst1 17) 2))
75 (defun-with-dx test-let-var-subst2 (x)
76 (let ((y (list x (1- x))))
77 (declare (dynamic-extent y))
78 (opaque-identity :foo)
79 (let ((z (the list y)))
80 (length z))))
81 (assert (eql (test-let-var-subst2 17) 2))
83 ;;; DX propagation through LET-return.
84 (defun-with-dx test-lvar-subst (x)
85 (let ((y (list x (1- x))))
86 (declare (dynamic-extent y))
87 (second (let ((z (the list y)))
88 (opaque-identity :foo)
89 z))))
90 (assert (eql (test-lvar-subst 11) 10))
92 ;;; this code is incorrect, but the compiler should not fail
93 (defun-with-dx test-let-var-subst-incorrect (x)
94 (let ((y (list x (1- x))))
95 (opaque-identity :foo)
96 (let ((z (the list y)))
97 (declare (dynamic-extent z))
98 (opaque-identity :bar)
99 z)))
101 ;;; alignment
102 (defvar *x*)
103 (defun-with-dx test-alignment-dx-list (form)
104 (multiple-value-prog1 (eval form)
105 (let ((l (list 1 2 3 4)))
106 (declare (dynamic-extent l))
107 (setq *x* (copy-list l)))))
108 (dotimes (n 64)
109 (let* ((res (loop for i below n collect i))
110 (form `(values ,@res)))
111 (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (test-alignment-dx-list form)) res))
112 (assert (equal *x* '(1 2 3 4)))))
114 ;;; closure
116 (declaim (notinline true))
117 (defun true (x)
118 (declare (ignore x))
121 (defun-with-dx dxclosure (x)
122 (flet ((f (y)
123 (+ y x)))
124 (declare (dynamic-extent #'f))
125 (true #'f)))
127 (assert (eq t (dxclosure 13)))
129 ;;; value-cells
131 (defun-with-dx dx-value-cell (x)
132 ;; Not implemented everywhere, yet.
133 #+(or x86 x86-64 mips)
134 (let ((cell x))
135 (declare (dynamic-extent cell))
136 (flet ((f ()
137 (incf cell)))
138 (declare (dynamic-extent #'f))
139 (true #'f))))
141 ;;; CONS
143 (defun-with-dx cons-on-stack (x)
144 (let ((cons (cons x x)))
145 (declare (dynamic-extent cons))
146 (true cons)
147 nil))
149 ;;; Nested DX
151 (defun-with-dx nested-dx-lists ()
152 (let ((dx (list (list 1 2) (list 3 4))))
153 (declare (dynamic-extent dx))
154 (true dx)
155 nil))
157 (defun-with-dx nested-dx-conses ()
158 (let ((dx (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons (cons t t) nil))))))
159 (declare (dynamic-extent dx))
160 (true dx)
161 nil))
163 (defun-with-dx nested-dx-not-used (x)
164 (declare (list x))
165 (let ((l (setf (car x) (list x x x))))
166 (declare (dynamic-extent l))
167 (true l)
168 (true (length l))
169 nil))
171 (defun-with-dx nested-evil-dx-used (x)
172 (declare (list x))
173 (let ((l (list x x x)))
174 (declare (dynamic-extent l))
175 (unwind-protect
176 (progn
177 (setf (car x) l)
178 (true l))
179 (setf (car x) nil))
180 nil))
182 ;;; multiple uses for dx lvar
184 (defun-with-dx multiple-dx-uses ()
185 (let ((dx (if (true t)
186 (list 1 2 3)
187 (list 2 3 4))))
188 (declare (dynamic-extent dx))
189 (true dx)
190 nil))
192 ;;; with-spinlock should use DX and not cons
194 (defvar *slock* (sb-thread::make-spinlock :name "slocklock"))
196 (defun test-spinlock ()
197 (sb-thread::with-spinlock (*slock*)
198 (true *slock*)))
200 ;;; not really DX, but GETHASH and (SETF GETHASH) should not cons
202 (defvar *table* (make-hash-table))
204 (defun test-hash-table ()
205 (setf (gethash 5 *table*) 13)
206 (gethash 5 *table*))
208 (defmacro assert-no-consing (form &optional times)
209 `(%assert-no-consing (lambda () ,form) ,times))
210 (defun %assert-no-consing (thunk &optional times)
211 (let ((before (get-bytes-consed))
212 (times (or times 10000)))
213 (declare (type (integer 1 *) times))
214 (dotimes (i times)
215 (funcall thunk))
216 (assert (< (- (get-bytes-consed) before) times))))
218 (defmacro assert-consing (form &optional times)
219 `(%assert-consing (lambda () ,form) ,times))
220 (defun %assert-consing (thunk &optional times)
221 (let ((before (get-bytes-consed))
222 (times (or times 10000)))
223 (declare (type (integer 1 *) times))
224 (dotimes (i times)
225 (funcall thunk))
226 (assert (not (< (- (get-bytes-consed) before) times)))))
228 (defvar *a-cons* (cons nil nil))
230 #+(or x86 x86-64 alpha ppc sparc mips)
231 (progn
232 (assert-no-consing (dxclosure 42))
233 (assert-no-consing (dxlength 1 2 3))
234 (assert-no-consing (dxlength t t t t t t))
235 (assert-no-consing (dxlength))
236 (assert-no-consing (dxcaller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
237 (assert-no-consing (test-nip-values))
238 (assert-no-consing (test-let-var-subst1 17))
239 (assert-no-consing (test-let-var-subst2 17))
240 (assert-no-consing (test-lvar-subst 11))
241 (assert-no-consing (dx-value-cell 13))
242 (assert-no-consing (cons-on-stack 42))
243 (assert-no-consing (nested-dx-conses))
244 (assert-no-consing (nested-dx-lists))
245 (assert-consing (nested-dx-not-used *a-cons*))
246 (assert-no-consing (nested-evil-dx-used *a-cons*))
247 (assert-no-consing (multiple-dx-uses))
248 ;; Not strictly DX..
249 (assert-no-consing (test-hash-table))
250 #+sb-thread
251 (assert-no-consing (test-spinlock)))
254 ;;; Bugs found by Paul F. Dietz
255 (assert
257 (funcall
258 (compile
260 '(lambda (a b)
261 (declare (optimize (speed 2) (space 0) (safety 0)
262 (debug 1) (compilation-speed 3)))
263 (let* ((v5 (cons b b)))
264 (declare (dynamic-extent v5))
265 a)))
266 'x 'y)
267 'x))
270 ;;; other bugs
272 ;;; bug reported by Svein Ove Aas
273 (defun svein-2005-ii-07 (x y)
274 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 2) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
275 (let ((args (list* y 1 2 x)))
276 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
277 (apply #'aref args)))
278 (assert (eql
279 (svein-2005-ii-07
280 '(0)
281 #3A(((1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1))
282 ((1 1 1) (1 1 1) (4 1 1))
283 ((1 1 1) (1 1 1) (1 1 1))))
286 ;;; bug reported by Brian Downing: stack-allocated arrays were not
287 ;;; filled with zeroes.
288 (defun-with-dx bdowning-2005-iv-16 ()
289 (let ((a (make-array 11 :initial-element 0)))
290 (declare (dynamic-extent a))
291 (assert (every (lambda (x) (eql x 0)) a))))
292 (bdowning-2005-iv-16)