Merged sbcl-1.0.14 with the sb-simd 1.3 patches
[sbcl/simd.git] / contrib / sb-aclrepl / inspect.lisp
1 ;;;; Inspector for sb-aclrepl
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; The documentation, which may or may not apply in its entirety at
4 ;;;; any given time, for this functionality is on the ACL website:
5 ;;;; <>.
6 ;;;;
7 ;;;; A summary of inspector navigation is contained in the below *INSPECT-HELP*
8 ;;;; variable.
10 (cl:in-package #:sb-aclrepl)
12 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
13 (defconstant +default-inspect-length+ 20))
15 (defstruct (%inspect (:constructor make-inspect)
16 (:conc-name inspect-))
17 ;; stack of parents of inspected object
18 object-stack
19 ;; a stack of indices of parent object components
20 select-stack)
22 ;; FIXME - raw mode isn't currently used in object display
23 (defparameter *current-inspect* nil
24 "current inspect")
25 (defparameter *inspect-raw* nil
26 "Raw mode for object display.")
27 (defparameter *inspect-length* +default-inspect-length+
28 "maximum number of components to print")
29 (defparameter *skip-address-display* nil
30 "Skip displaying addresses of objects.")
32 (defvar *inspect-help*
33 ":istep takes between 0 to 3 arguments.
34 The commands are:
35 :i redisplay current object
36 :i = redisplay current object
37 :i nil redisplay current object
38 :i ? display this help
39 :i * inspect the current * value
40 :i + <form> inspect the (eval form)
41 :i slot <name> inspect component of object, even if name is an istep cmd
42 :i <index> inspect the numbered component of object
43 :i <name> inspect the named component of object
44 :i <form> evaluation and inspect form
45 :i - inspect parent
46 :i ^ inspect parent
47 :i < inspect previous parent component
48 :i > inspect next parent component
49 :i set <index> <form> set indexed component to evalated form
50 :i print <max> set the maximum number of components to print
51 :i skip <n> skip a number of components when printing
52 :i tree print inspect stack
55 ;;; When *INSPECT-UNBOUND-OBJECT-MARKER* occurs in a parts list, it
56 ;;; indicates that that a slot is unbound.
57 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
58 (defvar *inspect-unbound-object-marker* (gensym "INSPECT-UNBOUND-OBJECT-")))
61 (defun inspector-fun (object input-stream output-stream)
62 (let ((*current-inspect* nil)
63 (*inspect-raw* nil)
64 (*inspect-length* *inspect-length*)
65 (*skip-address-display* nil))
66 (setq *current-inspect* (make-inspect))
67 (reset-stack object "(inspect ...)")
68 (redisplay output-stream)
69 (let ((*input* input-stream)
70 (*output* output-stream))
71 (repl :inspect t)))
72 (values))
74 (setq sb-impl::*inspect-fun* #'inspector-fun)
76 (defun istep (args stream)
77 (unless *current-inspect*
78 (setq *current-inspect* (make-inspect)))
79 (istep-dispatch args
80 (first args)
81 (when (first args) (read-from-string (first args)))
82 stream))
84 (defun istep-dispatch (args option-string option stream)
85 (cond
86 ((or (string= "=" option-string) (zerop (length args)))
87 (istep-cmd-redisplay stream))
88 ((or (string= "-" option-string) (string= "^" option-string))
89 (istep-cmd-parent stream))
90 ((string= "*" option-string)
91 (istep-cmd-inspect-* stream))
92 ((string= "+" option-string)
93 (istep-cmd-inspect-new-form (read-from-string (second args)) stream))
94 ((or (string= "<" option-string)
95 (string= ">" option-string))
96 (istep-cmd-select-parent-component option-string stream))
97 ((string-equal "set" option-string)
98 (istep-cmd-set (second args) (third args) stream))
99 ((string-equal "raw" option-string)
100 (istep-cmd-set-raw (second args) stream))
101 ((string-equal "q" option-string)
102 (istep-cmd-reset))
103 ((string-equal "?" option-string)
104 (istep-cmd-help stream))
105 ((string-equal "skip" option-string)
106 (istep-cmd-skip (second args) stream))
107 ((string-equal "tree" option-string)
108 (istep-cmd-tree stream))
109 ((string-equal "print" option-string)
110 (istep-cmd-print (second args) stream))
111 ((string-equal "slot" option-string)
112 (istep-cmd-select-component (read-from-string (second args)) stream))
113 ((or (symbolp option)
114 (integerp option))
115 (istep-cmd-select-component option stream))
117 (istep-cmd-set-stack option stream))))
119 (defun set-current-inspect (inspect)
120 (setq *current-inspect* inspect))
122 (defun reset-stack (&optional object label)
123 (cond
124 ((null label)
125 (setf (inspect-object-stack *current-inspect*) nil)
126 (setf (inspect-select-stack *current-inspect*) nil))
128 (setf (inspect-object-stack *current-inspect*) (list object))
129 (setf (inspect-select-stack *current-inspect*) (list label)))))
131 (defun output-inspect-note (stream note &rest args)
132 (apply #'format stream note args)
133 (princ #\Newline stream))
135 (defun stack ()
136 (inspect-object-stack *current-inspect*))
138 (defun redisplay (stream &optional (skip 0))
139 (display-current stream *inspect-length* skip))
142 ;;; istep command processing
145 (defun istep-cmd-redisplay (stream)
146 (redisplay stream))
148 (defun istep-cmd-parent (stream)
149 (cond
150 ((> (length (inspect-object-stack *current-inspect*)) 1)
151 (setf (inspect-object-stack *current-inspect*)
152 (cdr (inspect-object-stack *current-inspect*)))
153 (setf (inspect-select-stack *current-inspect*)
154 (cdr (inspect-select-stack *current-inspect*)))
155 (redisplay stream))
156 ((stack)
157 (output-inspect-note stream "Object has no parent"))
159 (no-object-msg stream))))
161 (defun istep-cmd-inspect-* (stream)
162 (reset-stack * "(inspect *)")
163 (redisplay stream))
165 (defun istep-cmd-inspect-new-form (form stream)
166 (inspector-fun (eval form) nil stream))
168 (defun istep-cmd-select-parent-component (option stream)
169 (if (stack)
170 (if (eql (length (stack)) 1)
171 (output-inspect-note stream "Object does not have a parent")
172 (let ((parent (second (stack)))
173 (id (car (inspect-select-stack *current-inspect*))))
174 (multiple-value-bind (position parts)
175 (find-part-id parent id)
176 (let ((new-position (if (string= ">" option)
177 (1+ position)
178 (1- position))))
179 (if (< -1 new-position (parts-count parts))
180 (let* ((value (component-at parts new-position)))
181 (setf (car (inspect-object-stack *current-inspect*))
182 value)
183 (setf (car (inspect-select-stack *current-inspect*))
184 (id-at parts new-position))
185 (redisplay stream))
186 (output-inspect-note stream
187 "Parent has no selectable component indexed by ~d"
188 new-position))))))
189 (no-object-msg stream)))
191 (defun istep-cmd-set-raw (option-string stream)
192 (when (inspect-object-stack *current-inspect*)
193 (cond
194 ((null option-string)
195 (setq *inspect-raw* t))
196 ((eq (read-from-string option-string) t)
197 (setq *inspect-raw* t))
198 ((eq (read-from-string option-string) nil)
199 (setq *inspect-raw* nil)))
200 (redisplay stream)))
202 (defun istep-cmd-reset ()
203 (reset-stack)
204 (throw 'repl-catcher (values :inspect nil)))
206 (defun istep-cmd-help (stream)
207 (format stream *inspect-help*))
209 (defun istep-cmd-skip (option-string stream)
210 (if option-string
211 (let ((len (read-from-string option-string)))
212 (if (and (integerp len) (>= len 0))
213 (redisplay stream len)
214 (output-inspect-note stream "Skip length invalid")))
215 (output-inspect-note stream "Skip length missing")))
217 (defun istep-cmd-print (option-string stream)
218 (if option-string
219 (let ((len (read-from-string option-string)))
220 (if (and (integerp len) (plusp len))
221 (setq *inspect-length* len)
222 (output-inspect-note stream "Cannot set print limit to ~A~%" len)))
223 (output-inspect-note stream "Print length missing")))
225 (defun select-description (select)
226 (typecase select
227 (integer
228 (format nil "which is componenent number ~d of" select))
229 (symbol
230 (format nil "which is the ~a component of" select))
231 (string
232 (format nil "which was selected by ~A" select))
234 (write-to-string select))))
236 (defun istep-cmd-tree (stream)
237 (let ((stack (inspect-object-stack *current-inspect*)))
238 (if stack
239 (progn
240 (output-inspect-note stream "The current object is:")
241 (dotimes (i (length stack))
242 (output-inspect-note
243 stream "~A, ~A"
244 (inspected-description (nth i stack))
245 (select-description
246 (nth i (inspect-select-stack *current-inspect*))))))
247 (no-object-msg stream))))
249 (defun istep-cmd-set (id-string value-string stream)
250 (if (stack)
251 (let ((id (when id-string (read-from-string id-string))))
252 (multiple-value-bind (position parts)
253 (find-part-id (car (stack)) id)
254 (if parts
255 (if position
256 (when value-string
257 (let ((new-value (eval (read-from-string value-string))))
258 (let ((result (set-component-value (car (stack))
260 new-value
261 (component-at
262 parts position))))
263 (typecase result
264 (string
265 (output-inspect-note stream result))
267 (redisplay stream))))))
268 (output-inspect-note
269 stream
270 "Object has no selectable component named by ~A" id))
271 (output-inspect-note stream
272 "Object has no selectable components"))))
273 (no-object-msg stream)))
275 (defun istep-cmd-select-component (id stream)
276 (if (stack)
277 (multiple-value-bind (position parts)
278 (find-part-id (car (stack)) id)
279 (cond
280 ((integerp position)
281 (let* ((value (component-at parts position)))
282 (cond ((eq value *inspect-unbound-object-marker*)
283 (output-inspect-note stream "That slot is unbound"))
285 (push value (inspect-object-stack *current-inspect*))
286 (push id (inspect-select-stack *current-inspect*))
287 (redisplay stream)))))
288 ((null parts)
289 (output-inspect-note stream "Object does not contain any subobjects"))
291 (typecase id
292 (symbol
293 (output-inspect-note
294 stream "Object has no selectable component named ~A"
295 id))
296 (integer
297 (output-inspect-note
298 stream "Object has no selectable component indexed by ~d"
299 id))))))
300 (no-object-msg stream)))
302 (defun istep-cmd-set-stack (form stream)
303 (reset-stack (eval form) ":i ...")
304 (redisplay stream))
307 (defun no-object-msg (s)
308 (output-inspect-note s "No object is being inspected"))
310 (defun display-current (s length skip)
311 (if (stack)
312 (let ((inspected (car (stack))))
313 (setq cl:* inspected)
314 (display-inspect inspected s length skip))
315 (no-object-msg s)))
319 ;;; aclrepl-specific inspection display
322 (defun display-inspect (object stream &optional length (skip 0))
323 (multiple-value-bind (elements labels count)
324 (inspected-elements object length skip)
325 (fresh-line stream)
326 (format stream "~A" (inspected-description object))
327 (unless (or *skip-address-display*
328 (eq object *inspect-unbound-object-marker*)
329 (and (= sb-vm::n-word-bits 64) (typep object 'single-float))
330 (characterp object) (typep object 'fixnum))
331 (write-string " at #x" stream)
332 (format stream (n-word-bits-hex-format)
333 (logand (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address object)
334 (lognot sb-vm:lowtag-mask))))
335 (dotimes (i count)
336 (fresh-line stream)
337 (display-labeled-element (elt elements i) (elt labels i) stream))))
339 (defun array-label-p (label)
340 (and (consp label)
341 (stringp (cdr label))
342 (char= (char (cdr label) 0) #\[)))
344 (defun named-or-array-label-p (label)
345 (and (consp label) (not (hex-label-p label))))
347 (defun hex-label-p (label &optional width)
348 (and (consp label)
349 (case width
350 (32 (eq (cdr label) :hex32))
351 (64 (eq (cdr label) :hex64))
352 (t (or (eq (cdr label) :hex32)
353 (eq (cdr label) :hex64))))))
355 (defun display-labeled-element (element label stream)
356 (cond
357 ((eq label :ellipses)
358 (format stream " ..."))
359 ((eq label :tail)
360 (format stream "tail-> ~A" (inspected-description element)))
361 ((named-or-array-label-p label)
362 (format stream
363 (if (array-label-p label)
364 "~4,' D ~A-> ~A"
365 "~4,' D ~16,1,1,'-A> ~A")
366 (car label)
367 (format nil "~A " (cdr label))
368 (inspected-description element)))
369 ((hex-label-p label 32)
370 (format stream "~4,' D-> #x~8,'0X" (car label) element))
371 ((hex-label-p label 64)
372 (format stream "~4,' D-> #x~16,'0X" (car label) element))
374 (format stream "~4,' D-> ~A" label (inspected-description element)))))
377 ;;; which can be used to retrieve object descriptions as component values/labels and also
378 ;;; process print length and skip selectors
381 ;;; FIND-PART-ID
383 ;;; ID-AT
387 ;;; will also need hooks
388 ;;; *inspect-start-inspection*
389 ;;; (maybe. Would setup a window for a GUI inspector)
390 ;;; *inspect-prompt-fun*
391 ;;; *inspect-read-cmd*
393 ;;; and, either an *inspect-process-cmd*, or *inspect-display* hook
394 ;;; That'll depend if choose to have standardized inspector commands such that
395 ;;; (funcall *inspect-read-cmd*) will return a standard command that SBCL will
396 ;;; process and then call the *inspect-display* hook, or if the
397 ;;; *inspect-read-cmd* will return an impl-dependent cmd that sbcl will
398 ;;; send to the contributed inspector for processing and display.
400 (defun find-part-id (object id)
401 "COMPONENT-ID can be an integer or a name of a id.
403 POSITION is NIL if the id is invalid or not found."
404 (let* ((parts (inspected-parts object))
405 (name (if (symbolp id) (symbol-name id) id)))
406 (values
407 (cond
408 ((and (numberp id)
409 (< -1 id (parts-count parts))
410 (not (eq (parts-seq-type parts) :bignum)))
413 (case (parts-seq-type parts)
414 (:named
415 (position name (the list (parts-components parts))
416 :key #'car :test #'string-equal))
417 ((:dotted-list :cyclic-list)
418 (when (string-equal name "tail")
419 (1- (parts-count parts)))))))
420 parts)))
422 (defun component-at (parts position)
423 (let ((count (parts-count parts))
424 (components (parts-components parts)))
425 (when (< -1 position count)
426 (case (parts-seq-type parts)
427 (:dotted-list
428 (if (= position (1- count))
429 (cdr (last components))
430 (elt components position)))
431 (:cyclic-list
432 (if (= position (1- count))
433 components
434 (elt components position)))
435 (:named
436 (cdr (elt components position)))
437 (:array
438 (aref (the array components) position))
439 (:bignum
440 (bignum-component-at components position))
442 (elt components position))))))
444 (defun id-at (parts position)
445 (let ((count (parts-count parts)))
446 (when (< -1 position count)
447 (case (parts-seq-type parts)
448 ((:dotted-list :cyclic-list)
449 (if (= position (1- count))
450 :tail
451 position))
452 (:array
453 (array-index-string position parts))
454 (:named
455 (car (elt (parts-components parts) position)))
457 position)))))
459 (defun inspected-elements (object &optional length (skip 0))
460 "Returns elements of an object that have been trimmed and labeled based on
461 length and skip. Returns (VALUES ELEMENTS LABELS ELEMENT-COUNT)
462 where ELEMENTS and LABELS are vectors containing ELEMENT-COUNT items.
463 LABELS elements may be a string, number, cons pair, :tail, or :ellipses.
464 This function may return an ELEMENT-COUNT of up to (+ 3 length) which would
465 include an :ellipses at the beginning, :ellipses at the end,
466 and the last element."
467 (let* ((parts (inspected-parts object))
468 (print-length (if length length (parts-count parts)))
469 (last-part (last-part parts))
470 (last-requested (last-requested parts print-length skip))
471 (element-count (compute-elements-count parts print-length skip))
472 (first-to (if (first-element-ellipses-p parts skip) 1 0))
473 (elements (when (plusp element-count) (make-array element-count)))
474 (labels (when (plusp element-count) (make-array element-count))))
475 (when (plusp element-count)
476 ;; possible first ellipses
477 (when (first-element-ellipses-p parts skip)
478 (set-element-values elements labels 0 nil :ellipses))
479 ;; main elements
480 (do* ((i 0 (1+ i)))
481 ((> i (- last-requested skip)))
482 (set-element elements labels parts (+ i first-to) (+ i skip)))
483 ;; last parts value if needed
484 (when (< last-requested last-part)
485 (set-element elements labels parts (- element-count 1) last-part))
486 ;; ending ellipses or next to last parts value if needed
487 (when (< last-requested (1- last-part))
488 (if (= last-requested (- last-part 2))
489 (set-element elements labels parts (- element-count 2) (1- last-part))
490 (set-element-values elements labels (- element-count 2) nil :ellipses))))
491 (values elements labels element-count)))
493 (defun last-requested (parts print skip)
494 (min (1- (parts-count parts)) (+ skip print -1)))
496 (defun last-part (parts)
497 (1- (parts-count parts)))
499 (defun compute-elements-count (parts length skip)
500 "Compute the number of elements in parts given the print length and skip."
501 (let ((element-count (min (parts-count parts) length
502 (max 0 (- (parts-count parts) skip)))))
503 (when (and (plusp (parts-count parts)) (plusp skip)) ; starting ellipses
504 (incf element-count))
505 (when (< (last-requested parts length skip)
506 (last-part parts)) ; last value
507 (incf element-count)
508 (when (< (last-requested parts length skip)
509 (1- (last-part parts))) ; ending ellipses
510 (incf element-count)))
511 element-count))
513 (defun set-element (elements labels parts to-index from-index)
514 (set-element-values elements labels to-index (component-at parts from-index)
515 (label-at parts from-index)))
517 (defun set-element-values (elements labels index element label)
518 (setf (aref elements index) element)
519 (setf (aref labels index) label))
521 (defun first-element-ellipses-p (parts skip)
522 (and (parts-count parts) (plusp skip)))
524 (defun label-at (parts position)
525 "Helper function for inspected-elements. Conses the
526 position with the label if the label is a string."
527 (let ((id (id-at parts position)))
528 (cond
529 ((stringp id)
530 (cons position id))
531 ((eq (parts-seq-type parts) :bignum)
532 (cons position (case sb-vm::n-word-bits
533 (32 :hex32)
534 (64 :hex64))))
536 id))))
538 (defun array-index-string (index parts)
539 "Formats an array index in row major format."
540 (let ((rev-dimensions (parts-seq-hint parts)))
541 (if (null rev-dimensions)
542 "[]"
543 (let ((list nil))
544 (dolist (dim rev-dimensions)
545 (multiple-value-bind (q r) (floor index dim)
546 (setq index q)
547 (push r list)))
548 (format nil "[~W~{,~W~}]" (car list) (cdr list))))))
553 ;;; Accepts an object and returns
554 ;;; DESCRIPTION is a summary description of the destructured object,
555 ;;; e.g. "the object is a CONS".
557 (defgeneric inspected-description (object))
559 (defmethod inspected-description ((object symbol))
560 (format nil "the symbol ~A" object))
562 (defmethod inspected-description ((object structure-object))
563 (format nil "~W" (find-class (type-of object))))
565 (defmethod inspected-description ((object package))
566 (format nil "the ~A package" (package-name object)))
568 (defmethod inspected-description ((object standard-object))
569 (format nil "~W" (class-of object)))
571 (defmethod inspected-description ((object function))
572 (format nil "~S" object) nil)
574 (defmethod inspected-description ((object vector))
575 (declare (vector object))
576 (format nil "a ~:[~;displaced ~]vector (~W)"
577 (and (sb-kernel:array-header-p object)
578 (sb-kernel:%array-displaced-p object))
579 (length object)))
581 (defmethod inspected-description ((object simple-vector))
582 (declare (simple-vector object))
583 (format nil "a simple ~A vector (~D)"
584 (array-element-type object)
585 (length object)))
587 (defmethod inspected-description ((object array))
588 (declare (array object))
589 (format nil "~:[A displaced~;An~] array of ~A with dimensions ~W"
590 (and (sb-kernel:array-header-p object)
591 (sb-kernel:%array-displaced-p object))
592 (array-element-type object)
593 (array-dimensions object)))
595 (defun simple-cons-pair-p (object)
596 (atom (cdr object)))
598 (defmethod inspected-description ((object cons))
599 (if (simple-cons-pair-p object)
600 "a cons cell"
601 (inspected-description-of-nontrivial-list object)))
603 (defun cons-safe-length (object)
604 "Returns (VALUES LENGTH LIST-TYPE) where length is the number of
605 cons cells and LIST-TYPE is :normal, :dotted, or :cyclic"
606 (do ((length 1 (1+ length))
607 (lst (cdr object) (cdr lst)))
608 ((or (not (consp lst))
609 (eq object lst))
610 (cond
611 ((null lst)
612 (values length :normal))
613 ((atom lst)
614 (values length :dotted))
615 ((eq object lst)
616 (values length :cyclic))))
617 ;; nothing to do in body
620 (defun inspected-description-of-nontrivial-list (object)
621 (multiple-value-bind (length list-type) (cons-safe-length object)
622 (format nil "a ~A list with ~D element~:*~P~A"
623 (string-downcase (symbol-name list-type)) length
624 (ecase list-type
625 ((:dotted :cyclic) "+tail")
626 (:normal "")))))
628 (defun n-word-bits-hex-format ()
629 (case sb-vm::n-word-bits
630 (64 "~16,'0X")
631 (32 "~8,'0X")
632 (t "~X")))
634 (defun ref32-hexstr (obj &optional (offset 0))
635 (format nil "~8,'0X" (ref32 obj offset)))
637 (defun ref32 (obj &optional (offset 0))
638 (sb-sys::without-gcing
639 (sb-sys:sap-ref-32
640 (sb-sys:int-sap
641 (logand (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address obj) (lognot sb-vm:lowtag-mask)))
642 offset)))
644 (defun description-maybe-internals (fmt objects internal-fmt &rest args)
645 (let ((base (apply #'format nil fmt objects)))
646 (if *skip-address-display*
647 base
648 (concatenate 'string
649 base " " (apply #'format nil internal-fmt args)))))
651 (defmethod inspected-description ((object double-float))
652 (let ((start (round (* 2 sb-vm::n-word-bits) 8)))
653 (description-maybe-internals "double-float ~W" (list object)
654 "[#~A ~A]"
655 (ref32-hexstr object (+ start 4))
656 (ref32-hexstr object start))))
658 (defmethod inspected-description ((object single-float))
659 (ecase sb-vm::n-word-bits
661 (description-maybe-internals "single-float ~W" (list object)
662 "[#x~A]"
663 (ref32-hexstr object (round sb-vm::n-word-bits 8))))
665 ;; on 64-bit platform, single-floats are not boxed
666 (description-maybe-internals "single-float ~W" (list object)
667 "[#x~8,'0X]"
668 (ash (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address object) -32)))))
670 (defmethod inspected-description ((object fixnum))
671 (description-maybe-internals
672 "fixnum ~W" (list object)
673 (concatenate 'string "[#x" (n-word-bits-hex-format) "]")
674 (ash object (1- sb-vm:n-lowtag-bits))))
676 (defmethod inspected-description ((object complex))
677 (format nil "complex number ~W" object))
679 (defmethod inspected-description ((object simple-string))
680 (format nil "a simple-string (~W) ~W" (length object) object))
682 (defun bignum-words (bignum)
683 "Return the number of words in a bignum"
684 (ash
685 (logand (ref32 bignum) (lognot sb-vm:widetag-mask))
686 (- sb-vm:n-widetag-bits)))
688 (defun bignum-component-at (bignum offset)
689 "Return the word at offset"
690 (case sb-vm::n-word-bits
692 (ref32 bignum (* 4 (1+ offset))))
694 (let ((start (* 8 (1+ offset))))
695 (+ (ref32 bignum start)
696 (ash (ref32 bignum (+ 4 start)) 32))))))
698 (defmethod inspected-description ((object bignum))
699 (format nil "bignum ~W with ~D ~A-bit word~P" object
700 (bignum-words object) sb-vm::n-word-bits (bignum-words object)))
702 (defmethod inspected-description ((object ratio))
703 (format nil "ratio ~W" object))
705 (defmethod inspected-description ((object character))
706 ;; FIXME: This will need to change as and when we get more characters
707 ;; than just the 256 we have today.
708 (description-maybe-internals
709 "character ~W char-code #x~2,'0X"
710 (list object (char-code object))
711 "[#x~8,'0X]"
712 (logior sb-vm:character-widetag (ash (char-code object)
713 sb-vm:n-widetag-bits))))
715 (defmethod inspected-description ((object t))
716 (format nil "a generic object ~W" object))
718 (defmethod inspected-description ((object (eql *inspect-unbound-object-marker*)))
719 "..unbound..")
724 ;;; Accepts the arguments OBJECT LENGTH SKIP and returns,
726 ;;; where..
728 ;;; COMPONENTS are the component parts of OBJECT (whose
729 ;;; representation is determined by SEQ-TYPE). Except for the
730 ;;; SEQ-TYPE :named and :array, components is just the OBJECT itself
732 ;;; SEQ-TYPE determines what representation is used for components
733 ;;; of COMPONENTS.
734 ;;; If SEQ-TYPE is :named, then each element is (CONS NAME VALUE)
735 ;;; If SEQ-TYPE is :dotted-list, then each element is just value,
736 ;;; but the last element must be retrieved by
737 ;;; (cdr (last components))
738 ;;; If SEQ-TYPE is :cylic-list, then each element is just value,
739 ;;; If SEQ-TYPE is :list, then each element is a value of an array
740 ;;; If SEQ-TYPE is :vector, then each element is a value of an vector
741 ;;; If SEQ-TYPE is :array, then each element is a value of an array
742 ;;; with rank >= 2. The
743 ;;; If SEQ-TYPE is :bignum, then object is just a bignum and not a
744 ;;; a sequence
746 ;;; COUNT is the total number of components in the OBJECT
748 ;;; SEQ-HINT is a seq-type dependent hint. Used by SEQ-TYPE :array
749 ;;; to hold the reverse-dimensions of the orignal array.
751 (declaim (inline parts-components))
752 (defun parts-components (parts)
753 (first parts))
755 (declaim (inline parts-count))
756 (defun parts-count (parts)
757 (second parts))
759 (declaim (inline parts-seq-type))
760 (defun parts-seq-type (parts)
761 (third parts))
763 (declaim (inline parts-seq-hint))
764 (defun parts-seq-hint (parts)
765 (fourth parts))
767 ;;; FIXME: Most of this should be refactored to share the code
768 ;;; with the vanilla inspector. Also, we should check what the
769 ;;; Slime inspector does, and provide a an interface for it to
770 ;;; use that would propagate any SBCL inspector improvements
771 ;;; automagically to Slime. -- ns 2005-02-20
772 (defgeneric inspected-parts (object))
774 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object symbol))
775 (let ((components
776 (list (cons "NAME" (symbol-name object))
777 (cons "PACKAGE" (symbol-package object))
778 (cons "VALUE" (if (boundp object)
779 (symbol-value object)
780 *inspect-unbound-object-marker*))
781 (cons "FUNCTION" (if (fboundp object)
782 (symbol-function object)
783 *inspect-unbound-object-marker*))
784 (cons "PLIST" (symbol-plist object)))))
785 (list components (length components) :named nil)))
787 (defun inspected-structure-parts (object)
788 (let ((components-list '())
789 (info (sb-kernel:layout-info (sb-kernel:layout-of object))))
790 (when (sb-kernel::defstruct-description-p info)
791 (dolist (dd-slot (sb-kernel:dd-slots info) (nreverse components-list))
792 (push (cons (string (sb-kernel:dsd-name dd-slot))
793 (funcall (sb-kernel:dsd-accessor-name dd-slot) object))
794 components-list)))))
796 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object structure-object))
797 (let ((components (inspected-structure-parts object)))
798 (list components (length components) :named nil)))
800 (defun inspected-standard-object-parts (object)
801 (let ((components nil)
802 (class-slots (sb-pcl::class-slots (class-of object))))
803 (dolist (class-slot class-slots (nreverse components))
804 (let* ((slot-name (slot-value class-slot 'sb-pcl::name))
805 (slot-value (if (slot-boundp object slot-name)
806 (slot-value object slot-name)
807 *inspect-unbound-object-marker*)))
808 (push (cons (symbol-name slot-name) slot-value) components)))))
811 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object standard-object))
812 (let ((components (inspected-standard-object-parts object)))
813 (list components (length components) :named nil)))
815 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object condition))
816 (let ((components (inspected-standard-object-parts object)))
817 (list components (length components) :named nil)))
819 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object function))
820 (let* ((type (sb-kernel:widetag-of object))
821 (object (if (= type sb-vm:closure-header-widetag)
822 (sb-kernel:%closure-fun object)
823 object))
824 (components (list (cons "arglist"
825 (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-arglist object)))))
826 (list components (length components) :named nil)))
828 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object vector))
829 (list object (length object) :vector nil))
831 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object array))
832 (let ((size (array-total-size object)))
833 (list (make-array size
834 :element-type (array-element-type object)
835 :displaced-to object)
836 size
837 :array
838 (reverse (array-dimensions object)))))
840 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object cons))
841 (if (simple-cons-pair-p object)
842 (inspected-parts-of-simple-cons object)
843 (inspected-parts-of-nontrivial-list object)))
845 (defun inspected-parts-of-simple-cons (object)
846 (let ((components (list (cons "car" (car object))
847 (cons "cdr" (cdr object)))))
848 (list components 2 :named nil)))
850 (defun inspected-parts-of-nontrivial-list (object)
851 (multiple-value-bind (count list-type) (cons-safe-length object)
852 (case list-type
853 (:normal
854 (list object count :list nil))
855 (:cyclic
856 (list object (1+ count) :cyclic-list nil))
857 (:dotted
858 ;; count tail element
859 (list object (1+ count) :dotted-list nil)))))
861 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object complex))
862 (let ((components (list (cons "real" (realpart object))
863 (cons "imag" (imagpart object)))))
864 (list components (length components) :named nil)))
866 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object ratio))
867 (let ((components (list (cons "numerator" (numerator object))
868 (cons "denominator" (denominator object)))))
869 (list components (length components) :named nil)))
871 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object bignum))
872 (list object (bignum-words object) :bignum nil))
874 (defmethod inspected-parts ((object t))
875 (list nil 0 nil nil))
878 ;; FIXME - implement setting of component values
880 (defgeneric set-component-value (object component-id value element))
882 (defmethod set-component-value ((object cons) id value element)
883 (format nil "Cons object does not support setting of component ~A" id))
885 (defmethod set-component-value ((object array) id value element)
886 (format nil "Array object does not support setting of component ~A" id))
888 (defmethod set-component-value ((object symbol) id value element)
889 (format nil "Symbol object does not support setting of component ~A" id))
891 (defmethod set-component-value ((object structure-object) id value element)
892 (format nil "Structure object does not support setting of component ~A" id))
894 (defmethod set-component-value ((object standard-object) id value element)
895 (format nil "Standard object does not support setting of component ~A" id))
897 (defmethod set-component-value ((object t) id value element)
898 (format nil "Object does not support setting of component ~A" id))