[sbcl/simd.git] /
1 #!/bin/sh
3 # This is a script to be run as part of The only time you'd
4 # want to run it by itself is if you're trying to cross-compile the
5 # system or if you're doing some kind of troubleshooting.
7 # This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
8 # more information.
10 # This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
11 # written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
12 # public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
13 # provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
14 # files for more information.
16 echo //entering
18 # In some cases, a debugging build of the system will creates a core
19 # file output/after-xc.core in the next step. In cases where it
20 # doesn't, it's confusing and basically useless to have any old copies
21 # lying around, so delete:
22 rm -f output/after-xc.core
24 # In a fresh host Lisp invocation, load and run the cross-compiler to
25 # create the target object files describing the target SBCL.
27 # (There are at least three advantages to running the cross-compiler in a
28 # fresh host Lisp invocation instead of just using the same Lisp invocation
29 # that we used to compile it:
30 # (1) It reduces the chance that the cross-compilation process
31 # inadvertently comes to depend on some weird compile-time
32 # side effect.
33 # (2) It reduces peak memory demand (because definitions wrapped in
34 # (EVAL-WHEN (:COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :EXECUTE) ..) aren't defined
35 # in the fresh image).
36 # (3) It makes it easier to jump in and retry a step when tweaking
37 # and experimenting with the bootstrap procedure.
38 # Admittedly, these don't seem to be enormously important advantages, but
39 # the only disadvantage seems to be the extra time required to reload
40 # the fasl files into the new host Lisp, and that doesn't seem to be
41 # an enormously important disadvantage, either.)
42 echo //running cross-compiler to create target object files
43 $SBCL_XC_HOST <<-'EOF' || exit 1
45 ;;;
46 ;;; Set up the cross-compiler.
47 ;;;
48 (setf *print-level* 5 *print-length* 5)
49 (load "src/cold/shared.lisp")
50 (in-package "SB-COLD")
51 (setf *host-obj-prefix* "obj/from-host/"
52 *target-obj-prefix* "obj/from-xc/")
53 (load "src/cold/set-up-cold-packages.lisp")
54 (load "src/cold/defun-load-or-cload-xcompiler.lisp")
55 (load-or-cload-xcompiler #'host-load-stem)
56 (defun proclaim-target-optimization ()
57 (let ((debug (if (position :sb-show *shebang-features*) 2 1)))
58 (sb-xc:proclaim
59 `(optimize
60 (compilation-speed 1)
61 (debug ,debug)
62 ;; CLISP's pretty-printer is fragile and tends to cause
63 ;; stack corruption or fail internal assertions, as of
64 ;; 2003-04-20; we therefore turn off as many notes as
65 ;; possible.
66 (sb!ext:inhibit-warnings #-clisp 2
67 #+clisp 3)
68 ;; SAFETY = SPEED (and < 3) should provide reasonable
69 ;; safety, but might skip some unreasonably expensive
70 ;; stuff (e.g. %DETECT-STACK-EXHAUSTION in sbcl-0.7.2).
71 (safety 2)
72 (space 1)
73 (speed 2)
74 (sb!c::stack-allocate-dynamic-extent 3)))))
75 (compile 'proclaim-target-optimization)
76 (defun in-target-cross-compilation-mode (fun)
77 "Call FUN with everything set up appropriately for cross-compiling
78 a target file."
79 (let (;; In order to increase microefficiency of the target Lisp,
80 ;; enable old CMU CL defined-function-types-never-change
81 ;; optimizations. (ANSI says users aren't supposed to
82 ;; redefine our functions anyway; and developers can
83 ;; fend for themselves.)
84 #!-sb-fluid (sb!ext:*derive-function-types* t)
85 ;; Let the target know that we're the cross-compiler.
86 (*features* (cons :sb-xc *features*))
87 ;; We need to tweak the readtable..
88 (*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
89 ;; order to make backquotes expand into target code
90 ;; instead of host code.
91 ;; FIXME: Isn't this now taken care of automatically by
92 ;; toplevel forms in the xcompiler backq.lisp file?
93 (set-macro-character #\` #'sb!impl::backquote-macro)
94 (set-macro-character #\, #'sb!impl::comma-macro)
95 ;; Control optimization policy.
96 (proclaim-target-optimization)
97 ;; Specify where target machinery lives.
98 (with-additional-nickname ("SB-XC" "SB!XC")
99 (funcall fun))))
100 (compile 'in-target-cross-compilation-mode)
101 (setf *target-compile-file* #'sb-xc:compile-file)
102 (setf *target-assemble-file* #'sb!c:assemble-file)
103 (setf *in-target-compilation-mode-fn*
104 #'in-target-cross-compilation-mode)
107 ;;; Run the cross-compiler to produce cold fasl files.
109 (load "src/cold/compile-cold-sbcl.lisp")
111 ;;;
112 ;;; miscellaneous tidying up and saving results
113 ;;;
114 (let ((filename "output/object-filenames-for-genesis.lisp-expr"))
115 (ensure-directories-exist filename :verbose t)
116 (with-open-file (s filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
117 (write *target-object-file-names* :stream s :readably t)))
118 ;; Let's check that the type system was reasonably sane. (It's
119 ;; easy to spend a long time wandering around confused trying
120 ;; to debug cold init if it wasn't.)
121 (when (position :sb-test *shebang-features*)
122 (load "tests/type.after-xc.lisp"))
123 ;; If you're experimenting with the system under a
124 ;; cross-compilation host which supports CMU-CL-style SAVE-LISP,
125 ;; this can be a good time to run it. The resulting core isn't
126 ;; used in the normal build, but can be handy for experimenting
127 ;; with the system. (See for an example.)
128 (when (position :sb-after-xc-core *shebang-features*)
129 #+cmu (ext:save-lisp "output/after-xc.core" :load-init-file nil)
130 #+sbcl (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "output/after-xc.core")
131 #+openmcl (ccl::save-application "output/after-xc.core")
132 #+clisp (ext:saveinitmem "output/after-xc.core"))
133 #+cmu (ext:quit)
134 #+clisp (ext:quit)
137 # Run GENESIS (again) in order to create cold-sbcl.core. (The first
138 # time was before we ran the cross-compiler, in order to create the
139 # header file which was needed in order to run gcc on the runtime
140 # code.)
141 sh