refactor handling of constants in the compiler
[sbcl/pkhuong.git] / tests / stream.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests related to Lisp streams
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (load "assertoid.lisp")
15 (use-package "ASSERTOID")
17 ;;; type errors for inappropriate stream arguments, fixed in
18 ;;; sbcl-
19 (locally
20 (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
21 (assert (raises-error? (make-two-way-stream (make-string-output-stream)
22 (make-string-output-stream))
23 type-error))
24 (assert (raises-error? (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "foo")
25 (make-string-input-stream "bar"))
26 type-error))
27 ;; the following two aren't actually guaranteed, because ANSI, as it
28 ;; happens, doesn't say "should signal an error" for
29 ;; MAKE-ECHO-STREAM. It's still good to have, but if future
30 ;; maintenance work causes this test to fail because of these
31 ;; MAKE-ECHO-STREAM clauses, consider simply removing these clauses
32 ;; from the test. -- CSR, 2002-10-06
33 (assert (raises-error? (make-echo-stream (make-string-output-stream)
34 (make-string-output-stream))
35 type-error))
36 (assert (raises-error? (make-echo-stream (make-string-input-stream "foo")
37 (make-string-input-stream "bar"))
38 type-error))
39 (assert (raises-error? (make-concatenated-stream
40 (make-string-output-stream)
41 (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
42 type-error)))
44 ;;; bug 225: STRING-STREAM was not a class
45 (eval `(defgeneric bug225 (s)
46 ,@(mapcar (lambda (class)
47 `(:method :around ((s ,class)) (cons ',class (call-next-method))))
48 '(stream string-stream sb-impl::string-input-stream
49 sb-impl::string-output-stream))
50 (:method (class) nil)))
52 (assert (equal (bug225 (make-string-input-stream "hello"))
53 '(sb-impl::string-input-stream string-stream stream)))
54 (assert (equal (bug225 (make-string-output-stream))
55 '(sb-impl::string-output-stream string-stream stream)))
58 ;;; improper buffering on (SIGNED-BYTE 8) streams (fixed by David Lichteblau):
59 (let ((p "signed-byte-8-test.data"))
60 (with-open-file (s p
61 :direction :output
62 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
63 :if-exists :supersede)
64 (write-byte 255 s))
65 (with-open-file (s p :element-type '(signed-byte 8))
66 (assert (= (read-byte s) -1)))
67 (delete-file p))
69 ;;; :IF-EXISTS got :ERROR and NIL the wrong way round (reported by
70 ;;; Milan Zamazal)
71 (let* ((p "this-file-will-exist")
72 (stream (open p :direction :output :if-exists :error)))
73 (assert (null (with-open-file (s p :direction :output :if-exists nil) s)))
74 (assert (raises-error?
75 (with-open-file (s p :direction :output :if-exists :error))))
76 (close stream)
77 (delete-file p))
79 (assert (raises-error? (read-byte (make-string-input-stream "abc"))
80 type-error))
81 (assert (raises-error? (with-open-file (s "/dev/zero")
82 (read-byte s))
83 type-error))
84 ;;; bidirectional streams getting confused about their position
85 (let ((p "bidirectional-stream-test"))
86 (with-open-file (s p :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
87 (with-standard-io-syntax
88 (format s "~S ~S ~S~%" 'these 'are 'symbols)))
89 (with-open-file (s p :direction :io :if-exists :overwrite)
90 (read s)
91 (with-standard-io-syntax
92 (prin1 'insert s)))
93 (with-open-file (s p)
94 (let ((line (read-line s))
96 (unless (equal line want)
97 (error "wanted ~S, got ~S" want line))))
98 (delete-file p))
100 ;;; :DIRECTION :IO didn't work on non-existent pathnames
101 (let ((p "direction-io-test"))
102 (ignore-errors (delete-file p))
103 (with-open-file (s p :direction :io)
104 (format s "1")
105 (finish-output s)
106 (file-position s :start)
107 (assert (char= (read-char s) #\1)))
108 (delete-file p))
110 ;;; FILE-POSITION on broadcast-streams is mostly uncontroversial
111 (assert (= 0 (file-position (make-broadcast-stream))))
112 (assert (file-position (make-broadcast-stream) :start))
113 (assert (file-position (make-broadcast-stream) 0))
114 (assert (not (file-position (make-broadcast-stream) 1)))
115 (let ((s (make-broadcast-stream)))
116 (write-char #\a s)
117 (assert (not (file-position s 1)))
118 (assert (= 0 (file-position s))))
120 (let ((p "broadcast-stream-test"))
121 (ignore-errors (delete-file p))
122 (with-open-file (f p :direction :output)
123 (let ((s (make-broadcast-stream f)))
124 (assert (= 0 (file-position s)))
125 (assert (file-position s :start))
126 (assert (file-position s 0))
127 (write-char #\a s)
128 (assert (= 1 (file-position s))) ; unicode...
129 (assert (file-position s 0))))
130 (delete-file p))
132 ;;; CLOSING a non-new streams should not delete them, and superseded
133 ;;; files should be restored.
134 (let ((test "test-file-for-close-should-not-delete"))
135 (macrolet ((test-mode (mode)
136 `(progn
137 (catch :close-test-exit
138 (with-open-file (f test :direction :output :if-exists ,mode)
139 (write-line "test" f)
140 (throw :close-test-exit t)))
141 (assert (and (probe-file test) ,mode)))))
142 (unwind-protect
143 (progn
144 (with-open-file (f test :direction :output)
145 (write-line "test" f))
146 (test-mode :append)
147 (test-mode :overwrite)
148 ;; FIXME: We really should recover supersede files as well, according to
149 ;; CLOSE in CLHS, but at the moment we don't.
150 ;; (test-mode :supersede)
151 (test-mode :rename)
152 (test-mode :rename-and-delete))
153 (when (probe-file test)
154 (delete-file test)))))
156 ;;; test for read-write invariance of signed bytes, from Bruno Haible
157 ;;; cmucl-imp 2004-09-06
158 (defun bin-stream-test (&key (size (integer-length most-positive-fixnum))
159 (type 'unsigned-byte) (file-name "stream-impure.tmp")
160 (num-bytes 10)
161 (bytes (if (eq type 'signed-byte)
162 (loop :repeat num-bytes :collect
163 (- (random (ash 1 size))
164 (ash 1 (1- size))))
165 (loop :repeat num-bytes :collect
166 (random (ash 1 size))))))
167 (with-open-file (foo file-name :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
168 :element-type (list type size))
169 (dolist (byte bytes)
170 (write-byte byte foo)))
171 (unwind-protect
172 (with-open-file (foo file-name :direction :input
173 :element-type (list type size))
174 (list (stream-element-type foo) (file-length foo) bytes
175 (loop :for byte :in bytes :for nb = (read-byte foo) :collect nb
176 :unless (= nb byte) :do
177 (flet ((by-out (sz by)
178 (format nil "~v,'0,' ,4:b"
179 (+ sz (floor sz 4)) by)))
180 (error "~& * [(~s ~s)] ~a != ~a~%" type size
181 (by-out size byte) (by-out size nb))))))
182 (delete-file file-name)))
183 (loop for size from 2 to 40 do (bin-stream-test :size size :type 'signed-byte))
185 ;;; Check READ-SEQUENCE signals a TYPE-ERROR when the sequence can't
186 ;;; contain a stream element.
188 ;;; These tests check READ-SEQUENCE correctness, not whether the fast
189 ;;; or slow paths are being taken for each element type. To check the
190 ;;; fast or slow paths, trace ANSI-STREAM-READ-BYTE (slow path) and/or
191 ;;; READ-N-BYTES:
193 ;;; (trace sb-impl::ansi-stream-read-byte sb-impl::read-n-bytes)
195 ;;; The order should be ANSI-STREAM-READ-BYTE, READ-N-BYTES,
198 (let ((pathname "read-sequence.data"))
200 ;; Create the binary data.
201 (with-open-file (stream pathname
202 :direction :output
203 :if-exists :supersede
204 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
205 (write-byte 255 stream))
207 ;; Check the slow path for generic vectors.
208 (let ((sequence (make-array 1)))
209 (with-open-file (stream pathname
210 :direction :input
211 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
212 (read-sequence sequence stream)
213 (assert (equalp sequence #(255)))))
215 (let ((sequence (make-array 1)))
216 (with-open-file (stream pathname
217 :direction :input
218 :external-format :latin-1
219 :element-type 'character)
220 (read-sequence sequence stream)
221 (assert (equalp sequence #(#.(code-char 255))))))
223 ;; Check the fast path works for (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) and (SIGNED-BYTE
224 ;; 8) vectors.
225 (let ((sequence (make-array 1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
226 (with-open-file (stream pathname
227 :direction :input
228 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
229 (read-sequence sequence stream)
230 (assert (equalp sequence #(255)))))
232 (let ((sequence (make-array 1 :element-type '(signed-byte 8))))
233 (with-open-file (stream pathname
234 :direction :input
235 :element-type '(signed-byte 8))
236 (read-sequence sequence stream)
237 (assert (equalp sequence #(-1)))))
239 ;; A bivalent stream can be read to a unsigned-byte vector, a
240 ;; string, or a generic vector
242 (let ((sequence (make-array 1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
243 (with-open-file (stream pathname
244 :direction :input
245 :element-type :default)
246 (read-sequence sequence stream)
247 (assert (equalp sequence #(255)))))
249 (let ((sequence (make-array 1 :element-type 'character)))
250 (with-open-file (stream pathname
251 :direction :input
252 :external-format :latin-1
253 :element-type :default)
254 (read-sequence sequence stream)
255 (assert (equalp sequence #(#.(code-char 255))))))
257 (let ((sequence (make-array 1)))
258 (with-open-file (stream pathname
259 :direction :input
260 :external-format :latin-1
261 :element-type :default)
262 (read-sequence sequence stream)
263 (assert (equalp sequence #(#.(code-char 255))))))
265 ;; Check that a TYPE-ERROR is signalled for incompatible (sequence,
266 ;; stream) pairs.
268 (let ((sequence (make-array 1 :element-type '(signed-byte 8))))
269 (with-open-file (stream pathname
270 :direction :input
271 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
272 (handler-case (progn
273 (read-sequence sequence stream)
274 (error "READ-SEQUENCE didn't signal an error"))
275 (type-error (condition)
276 (assert (= (type-error-datum condition) 255))
277 (assert (subtypep (type-error-expected-type condition)
278 '(signed-byte 8)))))))
280 (let ((sequence (make-array 1 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
281 (with-open-file (stream pathname
282 :direction :input
283 :element-type '(signed-byte 8))
284 (handler-case (progn
285 (read-sequence sequence stream)
286 (error "READ-SEQUENCE didn't signal an error"))
287 (type-error (condition)
288 (assert (= (type-error-datum condition) -1))
289 (assert (subtypep (type-error-expected-type condition)
290 '(unsigned-byte 8)))))))
292 ;; Can't read a signed-byte from a bivalent stream
294 (let ((sequence (make-array 1 :element-type '(signed-byte 8))))
295 (with-open-file (stream pathname
296 :direction :input
297 :external-format :latin1
298 :element-type :default)
299 (handler-case (progn
300 (read-sequence sequence stream)
301 (error "READ-SEQUENCE didn't signal an error"))
302 (type-error (condition)
303 (assert (eql (type-error-datum condition) (code-char 255)))
304 (assert (subtypep (type-error-expected-type condition)
305 '(signed-byte 8)))))))
306 (delete-file pathname))
308 ;;; Check WRITE-SEQUENCE signals a TYPE-ERROR when the stream can't
309 ;;; write a sequence element.
311 ;;; These tests check WRITE-SEQUENCE correctness, not whether the fast
312 ;;; or slow paths are being taken for each element type. See the
313 ;;; READ-SEQUENCE tests above for more information.
315 ;;; (trace sb-impl::output-unsigned-byte-full-buffered sb-impl::output-signed-byte-full-buffered sb-impl::output-raw-bytes)
317 (let ((pathname "write-sequence.data")
318 (generic-sequence (make-array 1 :initial-contents '(255)))
319 (generic-character-sequence (make-array 1 :initial-element #\a))
320 (generic-mixed-sequence (make-array 2 :initial-element #\a))
321 (string (make-array 1 :element-type 'character
322 :initial-element (code-char 255)))
323 (unsigned-sequence (make-array 1
324 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
325 :initial-contents '(255)))
326 (signed-sequence (make-array 1
327 :element-type '(signed-byte 8)
328 :initial-contents '(-1))))
330 (setf (aref generic-mixed-sequence 1) 255)
332 ;; Check the slow path for generic vectors.
333 (with-open-file (stream pathname
334 :direction :output
335 :if-exists :supersede
336 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
337 (write-sequence generic-sequence stream))
339 (with-open-file (stream pathname
340 :direction :output
341 :if-exists :supersede
342 :element-type 'character)
343 (write-sequence generic-character-sequence stream))
345 ;; Check the fast path for unsigned and signed vectors.
346 (with-open-file (stream pathname
347 :direction :output
348 :if-exists :supersede
349 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
350 (write-sequence unsigned-sequence stream))
352 (with-open-file (stream pathname
353 :direction :output
354 :if-exists :supersede
355 :element-type '(signed-byte 8))
356 (write-sequence signed-sequence stream))
358 ;; Bivalent streams on unsigned-byte vectors, strings, and a simple
359 ;; vector with mixed characters and bytes
361 (with-open-file (stream pathname
362 :direction :output
363 :if-exists :supersede
364 :element-type :default)
365 (write-sequence unsigned-sequence stream))
367 (with-open-file (stream pathname
368 :direction :output
369 :external-format :latin-1
370 :if-exists :supersede
371 :element-type :default)
372 (write-sequence string stream))
374 (with-open-file (stream pathname
375 :direction :output
376 :external-format :latin-1
377 :if-exists :supersede
378 :element-type :default)
379 (write-sequence generic-mixed-sequence stream))
381 ;; Check a TYPE-ERROR is signalled for unsigned and signed vectors
382 ;; which are incompatible with the stream element type.
383 (with-open-file (stream pathname
384 :direction :output
385 :if-exists :supersede
386 :element-type '(signed-byte 8))
387 (handler-case (progn
388 (write-sequence unsigned-sequence stream)
389 (error "WRITE-SEQUENCE didn't signal an error"))
390 (type-error (condition)
391 (assert (= (type-error-datum condition) 255))
392 (assert (subtypep (type-error-expected-type condition)
393 '(signed-byte 8))))))
395 (with-open-file (stream pathname
396 :direction :output
397 :if-exists :supersede
398 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
399 (handler-case (progn
400 (write-sequence signed-sequence stream)
401 (error "WRITE-SEQUENCE didn't signal an error"))
402 (type-error (condition)
403 (assert (= (type-error-datum condition) -1))
404 (assert (subtypep (type-error-expected-type condition)
405 '(unsigned-byte 8))))))
407 (with-open-file (stream pathname
408 :direction :output
409 :if-exists :supersede
410 :element-type :default)
411 (handler-case (progn
412 (write-sequence signed-sequence stream)
413 (error "WRITE-SEQUENCE didn't signal an error"))
414 (type-error (condition)
415 (assert (= (type-error-datum condition) -1))
416 (assert (subtypep (type-error-expected-type condition)
417 '(unsigned-byte 8))))))
419 (delete-file pathname))
421 ;;; writing looong lines. takes way too long and way too much space
422 ;;; to test on 64 bit platforms
423 #-#.(cl:if (cl:= sb-vm:n-word-bits 64) '(and) '(or))
424 (progn
425 (defun write-n-chars (n stream)
426 (format t "~&/writing ~D chars on a single line~%" n)
427 (finish-output t)
428 (loop repeat n
429 do (write-char #\x stream))
430 (terpri stream)
433 (let ((test "long-lines-write-test.tmp"))
434 (unwind-protect
435 (with-open-file (f test
436 :direction :output
437 :external-format :ascii
438 :element-type 'character
439 :if-does-not-exist :create
440 :if-exists :supersede)
441 (write-n-chars (+ most-positive-fixnum 7) f))
442 (when (probe-file test)
443 (delete-file test)))))
445 ;;; read-sequence misreported the amount read and lost position
446 (let ((string (make-array (* 3 sb-impl::+ansi-stream-in-buffer-length+)
447 :element-type 'character)))
448 (dotimes (i (length string))
449 (setf (char string i) (code-char (mod i char-code-limit))))
450 (with-open-file (f "read-sequence-character-test-data.tmp"
451 :if-exists :supersede
452 :direction :output
453 :external-format :utf-8)
454 (write-sequence string f))
455 (let ((copy
456 (with-open-file (f "read-sequence-character-test-data.tmp"
457 :if-does-not-exist :error
458 :direction :input
459 :external-format :utf-8)
460 (let ((buffer (make-array 128 :element-type 'character))
461 (total 0))
462 (with-output-to-string (datum)
463 (loop for n-read = (read-sequence buffer f)
464 do (write-sequence buffer datum :start 0 :end n-read)
465 (assert (<= (incf total n-read) (length string)))
466 while (and (= n-read 128))))))))
467 (assert (equal copy string)))
468 (delete-file "read-sequence-character-test-data.tmp"))
470 ;;; ANSI-STREAM-OUTPUT-STREAM-P used to assume that a SYNONYM-STREAM's
471 ;;; target was an ANSI stream, but it could be a user-defined stream,
472 ;;; e.g., a SLIME stream.
473 (defclass user-output-stream (fundamental-output-stream)
476 (let ((*stream* (make-instance 'user-output-stream)))
477 (declare (special *stream*))
478 (with-open-stream (stream (make-synonym-stream '*stream*))
479 (assert (output-stream-p stream))))
481 (defclass user-input-stream (fundamental-input-stream)
484 (let ((*stream* (make-instance 'user-input-stream)))
485 (declare (special *stream*))
486 (with-open-stream (stream (make-synonym-stream '*stream*))
487 (assert (input-stream-p stream))))
490 ;;; success