[sbcl/pkhuong.git] / src / code / early-type.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
12 (!begin-collecting-cold-init-forms)
14 ;;;; representations of types
16 ;;; A HAIRY-TYPE represents anything too weird to be described
17 ;;; reasonably or to be useful, such as NOT, SATISFIES, unknown types,
18 ;;; and unreasonably complicated types involving AND. We just remember
19 ;;; the original type spec.
20 (defstruct (hairy-type (:include ctype
21 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'hairy))
22 (enumerable t)
23 (might-contain-other-types-p t))
24 (:copier nil)
25 #!+cmu (:pure nil))
26 ;; the Common Lisp type-specifier of the type we represent
27 (specifier nil :type t))
29 (!define-type-class hairy)
31 ;;; An UNKNOWN-TYPE is a type not known to the type system (not yet
32 ;;; defined). We make this distinction since we don't want to complain
33 ;;; about types that are hairy but defined.
34 (defstruct (unknown-type (:include hairy-type)
35 (:copier nil)))
37 (defstruct (negation-type (:include ctype
38 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'negation))
39 ;; FIXME: is this right? It's
40 ;; what they had before, anyway
41 (enumerable t)
42 (might-contain-other-types-p t))
43 (:copier nil)
44 #!+cmu (:pure nil))
45 (type (missing-arg) :type ctype))
47 (!define-type-class negation)
49 ;;; ARGS-TYPE objects are used both to represent VALUES types and
50 ;;; to represent FUNCTION types.
51 (defstruct (args-type (:include ctype)
52 (:constructor nil)
53 (:copier nil))
54 ;; Lists of the type for each required and optional argument.
55 (required nil :type list)
56 (optional nil :type list)
57 ;; The type for the rest arg. NIL if there is no &REST arg.
58 (rest nil :type (or ctype null))
59 ;; true if &KEY arguments are specified
60 (keyp nil :type boolean)
61 ;; list of KEY-INFO structures describing the &KEY arguments
62 (keywords nil :type list)
63 ;; true if other &KEY arguments are allowed
64 (allowp nil :type boolean))
66 (defun canonicalize-args-type-args (required optional rest)
67 (when (eq rest *empty-type*)
68 ;; or vice-versa?
69 (setq rest nil))
70 (loop with last-not-rest = nil
71 for i from 0
72 for opt in optional
73 do (cond ((eq opt *empty-type*)
74 (return (values required (subseq optional i) rest)))
75 ((neq opt rest)
76 (setq last-not-rest i)))
77 finally (return (values required
78 (if last-not-rest
79 (subseq optional 0 (1+ last-not-rest))
80 nil)
81 rest))))
83 (defun args-types (lambda-list-like-thing)
84 (multiple-value-bind
85 (required optional restp rest keyp keys allowp auxp aux
86 morep more-context more-count llk-p)
87 (parse-lambda-list-like-thing lambda-list-like-thing)
88 (declare (ignore aux morep more-context more-count))
89 (when auxp
90 (error "&AUX in a FUNCTION or VALUES type: ~S." lambda-list-like-thing))
91 (let ((required (mapcar #'single-value-specifier-type required))
92 (optional (mapcar #'single-value-specifier-type optional))
93 (rest (when restp (single-value-specifier-type rest)))
94 (keywords
95 (collect ((key-info))
96 (dolist (key keys)
97 (unless (proper-list-of-length-p key 2)
98 (error "Keyword type description is not a two-list: ~S." key))
99 (let ((kwd (first key)))
100 (when (find kwd (key-info) :key #'key-info-name)
101 (error "~@<repeated keyword ~S in lambda list: ~2I~_~S~:>"
102 kwd lambda-list-like-thing))
103 (key-info
104 (make-key-info
105 :name kwd
106 :type (single-value-specifier-type (second key))))))
107 (key-info))))
108 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest)
109 (canonicalize-args-type-args required optional rest)
110 (values required optional rest keyp keywords allowp llk-p)))))
112 (defstruct (values-type
113 (:include args-type
114 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'values)))
115 (:constructor %make-values-type)
116 (:copier nil)))
118 (defun-cached (make-values-type-cached
119 :hash-bits 8
120 :hash-function (lambda (req opt rest allowp)
121 (logand (logxor
122 (type-list-cache-hash req)
123 (type-list-cache-hash opt)
124 (if rest
125 (type-hash-value rest)
127 (sxhash allowp))
128 #xFF)))
129 ((required equal-but-no-car-recursion)
130 (optional equal-but-no-car-recursion)
131 (rest eq)
132 (allowp eq))
133 (%make-values-type :required required
134 :optional optional
135 :rest rest
136 :allowp allowp))
138 (defun make-values-type (&key (args nil argsp)
139 required optional rest allowp)
140 (if argsp
141 (if (eq args '*)
142 *wild-type*
143 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest keyp keywords allowp
144 llk-p)
145 (args-types args)
146 (declare (ignore keywords))
147 (when keyp
148 (error "&KEY appeared in a VALUES type specifier ~S."
149 `(values ,@args)))
150 (if llk-p
151 (make-values-type :required required
152 :optional optional
153 :rest rest
154 :allowp allowp)
155 (make-short-values-type required))))
156 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest)
157 (canonicalize-args-type-args required optional rest)
158 (cond ((and (null required)
159 (null optional)
160 (eq rest *universal-type*))
161 *wild-type*)
162 ((memq *empty-type* required)
163 *empty-type*)
164 (t (make-values-type-cached required optional
165 rest allowp))))))
167 (!define-type-class values)
169 ;;; (SPECIFIER-TYPE 'FUNCTION) and its subtypes
170 (defstruct (fun-type (:include args-type
171 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'function)))
172 (:constructor
173 %make-fun-type (&key required optional rest
174 keyp keywords allowp
175 wild-args
176 returns
177 &aux (rest (if (eq rest *empty-type*)
179 rest)))))
180 ;; true if the arguments are unrestrictive, i.e. *
181 (wild-args nil :type boolean)
182 ;; type describing the return values. This is a values type
183 ;; when multiple values were specified for the return.
184 (returns (missing-arg) :type ctype))
185 (defun make-fun-type (&rest initargs
186 &key (args nil argsp) returns &allow-other-keys)
187 (if argsp
188 (if (eq args '*)
189 (if (eq returns *wild-type*)
190 (specifier-type 'function)
191 (%make-fun-type :wild-args t :returns returns))
192 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest keyp keywords allowp)
193 (args-types args)
194 (if (and (null required)
195 (null optional)
196 (eq rest *universal-type*)
197 (not keyp))
198 (if (eq returns *wild-type*)
199 (specifier-type 'function)
200 (%make-fun-type :wild-args t :returns returns))
201 (%make-fun-type :required required
202 :optional optional
203 :rest rest
204 :keyp keyp
205 :keywords keywords
206 :allowp allowp
207 :returns returns))))
208 ;; FIXME: are we really sure that we won't make something that
209 ;; looks like a completely wild function here?
210 (apply #'%make-fun-type initargs)))
212 ;;; The CONSTANT-TYPE structure represents a use of the CONSTANT-ARG
213 ;;; "type specifier", which is only meaningful in function argument
214 ;;; type specifiers used within the compiler. (It represents something
215 ;;; that the compiler knows to be a constant.)
216 (defstruct (constant-type
217 (:include ctype
218 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'constant)))
219 (:copier nil))
220 ;; The type which the argument must be a constant instance of for this type
221 ;; specifier to win.
222 (type (missing-arg) :type ctype))
224 ;;; The NAMED-TYPE is used to represent *, T and NIL, the standard
225 ;;; special cases, as well as other special cases needed to
226 ;;; interpolate between regions of the type hierarchy, such as
227 ;;; INSTANCE (which corresponds to all those classes with slots which
228 ;;; are not funcallable), FUNCALLABLE-INSTANCE (those classes with
229 ;;; slots which are funcallable) and EXTENDED-SEQUUENCE (non-LIST
230 ;;; non-VECTOR classes which are also sequences). These special cases
231 ;;; are the ones that aren't really discussed by Baker in his
232 ;;; "Decision Procedure for SUBTYPEP" paper.
233 (defstruct (named-type (:include ctype
234 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'named)))
235 (:copier nil))
236 (name nil :type symbol))
238 ;;; a list of all the float "formats" (i.e. internal representations;
239 ;;; nothing to do with #'FORMAT), in order of decreasing precision
240 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
241 (defparameter *float-formats*
242 '(long-float double-float single-float short-float)))
244 ;;; The type of a float format.
245 (deftype float-format () `(member ,@*float-formats*))
247 ;;; A NUMERIC-TYPE represents any numeric type, including things
248 ;;; such as FIXNUM.
249 (defstruct (numeric-type (:include ctype
250 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'number)))
251 (:constructor %make-numeric-type)
252 (:copier nil))
253 ;; the kind of numeric type we have, or NIL if not specified (just
256 ;; KLUDGE: A slot named CLASS for a non-CLASS value is bad.
257 ;; Especially when a CLASS value *is* stored in another slot (called
258 ;; CLASS-INFO:-). Perhaps this should be called CLASS-NAME? Also
259 ;; weird that comment above says "Numeric-Type is used to represent
260 ;; all numeric types" but this slot doesn't allow COMPLEX as an
261 ;; option.. how does this fall into "not specified" NIL case above?
262 ;; Perhaps someday we can switch to CLOS and make NUMERIC-TYPE
263 ;; be an abstract base class and INTEGER-TYPE, RATIONAL-TYPE, and
264 ;; whatnot be concrete subclasses..
265 (class nil :type (member integer rational float nil) :read-only t)
266 ;; "format" for a float type (i.e. type specifier for a CPU
267 ;; representation of floating point, e.g. 'SINGLE-FLOAT -- nothing
268 ;; to do with #'FORMAT), or NIL if not specified or not a float.
269 ;; Formats which don't exist in a given implementation don't appear
270 ;; here.
271 (format nil :type (or float-format null) :read-only t)
272 ;; Is this a complex numeric type? Null if unknown (only in NUMBER).
274 ;; FIXME: I'm bewildered by FOO-P names for things not intended to
275 ;; interpreted as truth values. Perhaps rename this COMPLEXNESS?
276 (complexp :real :type (member :real :complex nil) :read-only t)
277 ;; The upper and lower bounds on the value, or NIL if there is no
278 ;; bound. If a list of a number, the bound is exclusive. Integer
279 ;; types never have exclusive bounds, i.e. they may have them on
280 ;; input, but they're canonicalized to inclusive bounds before we
281 ;; store them here.
282 (low nil :type (or number cons null) :read-only t)
283 (high nil :type (or number cons null) :read-only t))
285 ;;; Impose canonicalization rules for NUMERIC-TYPE. Note that in some
286 ;;; cases, despite the name, we return *EMPTY-TYPE* instead of a
288 (defun make-numeric-type (&key class format (complexp :real) low high
289 enumerable)
290 ;; if interval is empty
291 (if (and low
292 high
293 (if (or (consp low) (consp high)) ; if either bound is exclusive
294 (>= (type-bound-number low) (type-bound-number high))
295 (> low high)))
296 *empty-type*
297 (multiple-value-bind (canonical-low canonical-high)
298 (case class
299 (integer
300 ;; INTEGER types always have their LOW and HIGH bounds
301 ;; represented as inclusive, not exclusive values.
302 (values (if (consp low)
303 (1+ (type-bound-number low))
304 low)
305 (if (consp high)
306 (1- (type-bound-number high))
307 high)))
309 ;; no canonicalization necessary
310 (values low high)))
311 (when (and (eq class 'rational)
312 (integerp canonical-low)
313 (integerp canonical-high)
314 (= canonical-low canonical-high))
315 (setf class 'integer))
316 (%make-numeric-type :class class
317 :format format
318 :complexp complexp
319 :low canonical-low
320 :high canonical-high
321 :enumerable enumerable))))
323 (defun modified-numeric-type (base
324 &key
325 (class (numeric-type-class base))
326 (format (numeric-type-format base))
327 (complexp (numeric-type-complexp base))
328 (low (numeric-type-low base))
329 (high (numeric-type-high base))
330 (enumerable (numeric-type-enumerable base)))
331 (make-numeric-type :class class
332 :format format
333 :complexp complexp
334 :low low
335 :high high
336 :enumerable enumerable))
338 (defstruct (character-set-type
339 (:include ctype
340 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'character-set)))
341 (:constructor %make-character-set-type)
342 (:copier nil))
343 (pairs (missing-arg) :type list :read-only t))
344 (defun make-character-set-type (&key pairs)
345 ; (aver (equal (mapcar #'car pairs)
346 ; (sort (mapcar #'car pairs) #'<)))
347 ;; aver that the cars of the list elements are sorted into increasing order
348 (aver (or (null pairs)
349 (do ((p pairs (cdr p)))
350 ((null (cdr p)) t)
351 (when (> (caar p) (caadr p)) (return nil)))))
352 (let ((pairs (let (result)
353 (do ((pairs pairs (cdr pairs)))
354 ((null pairs) (nreverse result))
355 (destructuring-bind (low . high) (car pairs)
356 (loop for (low1 . high1) in (cdr pairs)
357 if (<= low1 (1+ high))
358 do (progn (setf high (max high high1))
359 (setf pairs (cdr pairs)))
360 else do (return nil))
361 (cond
362 ((>= low sb!xc:char-code-limit))
363 ((< high 0))
364 (t (push (cons (max 0 low)
365 (min high (1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)))
366 result))))))))
367 (if (null pairs)
368 *empty-type*
369 (%make-character-set-type :pairs pairs))))
371 ;;; An ARRAY-TYPE is used to represent any array type, including
372 ;;; things such as SIMPLE-BASE-STRING.
373 (defstruct (array-type (:include ctype
374 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'array)))
375 (:constructor %make-array-type)
376 (:copier nil))
377 ;; the dimensions of the array, or * if unspecified. If a dimension
378 ;; is unspecified, it is *.
379 (dimensions '* :type (or list (member *)))
380 ;; Is this not a simple array type? (:MAYBE means that we don't know.)
381 (complexp :maybe :type (member t nil :maybe))
382 ;; the element type as originally specified
383 (element-type (missing-arg) :type ctype)
384 ;; the element type as it is specialized in this implementation
385 (specialized-element-type *wild-type* :type ctype))
386 (define-cached-synonym make-array-type)
388 ;;; A MEMBER-TYPE represent a use of the MEMBER type specifier. We
389 ;;; bother with this at this level because MEMBER types are fairly
390 ;;; important and union and intersection are well defined.
391 (defstruct (member-type (:include ctype
392 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'member))
393 (enumerable t))
394 (:copier nil)
395 (:constructor %make-member-type (xset fp-zeroes))
396 #-sb-xc-host (:pure nil))
397 (xset (missing-arg) :type xset)
398 (fp-zeroes (missing-arg) :type list))
399 (defun make-member-type (&key xset fp-zeroes members)
400 (unless xset
401 (aver (not fp-zeroes))
402 (setf xset (alloc-xset))
403 (dolist (elt members)
404 (if (fp-zero-p elt)
405 (pushnew elt fp-zeroes)
406 (add-to-xset elt xset))))
407 ;; if we have a pair of zeros (e.g. 0.0d0 and -0.0d0), then we can
408 ;; canonicalize to (DOUBLE-FLOAT 0.0d0 0.0d0), because numeric
409 ;; ranges are compared by arithmetic operators (while MEMBERship is
410 ;; compared by EQL). -- CSR, 2003-04-23
411 (let ((unpaired nil)
412 (union-types nil))
413 (do ((tail (cdr fp-zeroes) (cdr tail))
414 (zero (car fp-zeroes) (car tail)))
415 ((not zero))
416 (macrolet ((frob (c)
417 `(let ((neg (neg-fp-zero zero)))
418 (if (member neg tail)
419 (push (ctype-of ,c) union-types)
420 (push zero unpaired)))))
421 (etypecase zero
422 (single-float (frob 0.0f0))
423 (double-float (frob 0.0d0))
424 #!+long-float
425 (long-float (frob 0.0l0)))))
426 ;; The actual member-type contains the XSET (with no FP zeroes),
427 ;; and a list of unpaired zeroes.
428 (let ((member-type (unless (and (xset-empty-p xset) (not unpaired))
429 (%make-member-type xset unpaired))))
430 (cond (union-types
431 (make-union-type t (if member-type
432 (cons member-type union-types)
433 union-types)))
434 (member-type
435 member-type)
437 *empty-type*)))))
439 (defun member-type-size (type)
440 (+ (length (member-type-fp-zeroes type))
441 (xset-count (member-type-xset type))))
443 (defun member-type-member-p (x type)
444 (if (fp-zero-p x)
445 (and (member x (member-type-fp-zeroes type)) t)
446 (xset-member-p x (member-type-xset type))))
448 (defun mapcar-member-type-members (function type)
449 (declare (function function))
450 (collect ((results))
451 (map-xset (lambda (x)
452 (results (funcall function x)))
453 (member-type-xset type))
454 (dolist (zero (member-type-fp-zeroes type))
455 (results (funcall function zero)))
456 (results)))
458 (defun mapc-member-type-members (function type)
459 (declare (function function))
460 (map-xset function (member-type-xset type))
461 (dolist (zero (member-type-fp-zeroes type))
462 (funcall function zero)))
464 (defun member-type-members (type)
465 (append (member-type-fp-zeroes type)
466 (xset-members (member-type-xset type))))
468 ;;; A COMPOUND-TYPE is a type defined out of a set of types, the
469 ;;; common parent of UNION-TYPE and INTERSECTION-TYPE.
470 (defstruct (compound-type (:include ctype
471 (might-contain-other-types-p t))
472 (:constructor nil)
473 (:copier nil))
474 (types nil :type list :read-only t))
476 ;;; A UNION-TYPE represents a use of the OR type specifier which we
477 ;;; couldn't canonicalize to something simpler. Canonical form:
478 ;;; 1. All possible pairwise simplifications (using the UNION2 type
479 ;;; methods) have been performed. Thus e.g. there is never more
480 ;;; than one MEMBER-TYPE component. FIXME: As of sbcl-,
481 ;;; this hadn't been fully implemented yet.
482 ;;; 2. There are never any UNION-TYPE components.
483 (defstruct (union-type (:include compound-type
484 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'union)))
485 (:constructor %make-union-type (enumerable types))
486 (:copier nil)))
487 (define-cached-synonym make-union-type)
489 ;;; An INTERSECTION-TYPE represents a use of the AND type specifier
490 ;;; which we couldn't canonicalize to something simpler. Canonical form:
491 ;;; 1. All possible pairwise simplifications (using the INTERSECTION2
492 ;;; type methods) have been performed. Thus e.g. there is never more
493 ;;; than one MEMBER-TYPE component.
494 ;;; 2. There are never any INTERSECTION-TYPE components: we've
495 ;;; flattened everything into a single INTERSECTION-TYPE object.
496 ;;; 3. There are never any UNION-TYPE components. Either we should
497 ;;; use the distributive rule to rearrange things so that
498 ;;; unions contain intersections and not vice versa, or we
499 ;;; should just punt to using a HAIRY-TYPE.
500 (defstruct (intersection-type (:include compound-type
501 (class-info (type-class-or-lose
502 'intersection)))
503 (:constructor %make-intersection-type
504 (enumerable types))
505 (:copier nil)))
507 ;;; Return TYPE converted to canonical form for a situation where the
508 ;;; "type" '* (which SBCL still represents as a type even though ANSI
509 ;;; CL defines it as a related but different kind of placeholder) is
510 ;;; equivalent to type T.
511 (defun type-*-to-t (type)
512 (if (type= type *wild-type*)
513 *universal-type*
514 type))
516 ;;; A CONS-TYPE is used to represent a CONS type.
517 (defstruct (cons-type (:include ctype (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'cons)))
518 (:constructor
519 %make-cons-type (car-type
520 cdr-type))
521 (:copier nil))
522 ;; the CAR and CDR element types (to support ANSI (CONS FOO BAR) types)
524 ;; FIXME: Most or all other type structure slots could also be :READ-ONLY.
525 (car-type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t)
526 (cdr-type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t))
527 (defun make-cons-type (car-type cdr-type)
528 (aver (not (or (eq car-type *wild-type*)
529 (eq cdr-type *wild-type*))))
530 (if (or (eq car-type *empty-type*)
531 (eq cdr-type *empty-type*))
532 *empty-type*
533 (%make-cons-type car-type cdr-type)))
535 (defun cons-type-length-info (type)
536 (declare (type cons-type type))
537 (do ((min 1 (1+ min))
538 (cdr (cons-type-cdr-type type) (cons-type-cdr-type cdr)))
539 ((not (cons-type-p cdr))
540 (cond
541 ((csubtypep cdr (specifier-type 'null))
542 (values min t))
543 ((csubtypep *universal-type* cdr)
544 (values min nil))
545 ((type/= (type-intersection (specifier-type 'cons) cdr) *empty-type*)
546 (values min nil))
547 ((type/= (type-intersection (specifier-type 'null) cdr) *empty-type*)
548 (values min t))
549 (t (values min :maybe))))
550 ()))
553 ;;;; type utilities
555 ;;; Return the type structure corresponding to a type specifier. We
556 ;;; pick off structure types as a special case.
558 ;;; Note: VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE-CACHE-CLEAR must be called whenever a
559 ;;; type is defined (or redefined).
560 (defun-cached (values-specifier-type
561 :hash-function (lambda (x)
562 (logand (sxhash x) #x3FF))
563 :hash-bits 10
564 :init-wrapper !cold-init-forms)
565 ((orig equal-but-no-car-recursion))
566 (let ((u (uncross orig)))
567 (or (info :type :builtin u)
568 (let ((spec (type-expand u)))
569 (cond
570 ((and (not (eq spec u))
571 (info :type :builtin spec)))
572 ((eq (info :type :kind spec) :instance)
573 (find-classoid spec))
574 ((typep spec 'classoid)
575 (if (typep spec 'built-in-classoid)
576 (or (built-in-classoid-translation spec) spec)
577 spec))
579 (when (and (atom spec)
580 (member spec '(and or not member eql satisfies values)))
581 (error "The symbol ~S is not valid as a type specifier." spec))
582 (let* ((lspec (if (atom spec) (list spec) spec))
583 (fun (info :type :translator (car lspec))))
584 (cond (fun
585 (funcall fun lspec))
586 ((or (and (consp spec) (symbolp (car spec))
587 (not (info :type :builtin (car spec))))
588 (and (symbolp spec) (not (info :type :builtin spec))))
589 (when (and *type-system-initialized*
590 (not (eq (info :type :kind spec)
591 :forthcoming-defclass-type)))
592 (signal 'parse-unknown-type :specifier spec))
593 ;; (The RETURN-FROM here inhibits caching.)
594 (return-from values-specifier-type
595 (make-unknown-type :specifier spec)))
597 (error "bad thing to be a type specifier: ~S"
598 spec))))))))))
600 ;;; This is like VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE, except that we guarantee to
601 ;;; never return a VALUES type.
602 (defun specifier-type (x)
603 (let ((res (values-specifier-type x)))
604 (when (or (values-type-p res)
605 ;; bootstrap magic :-(
606 (and (named-type-p res)
607 (eq (named-type-name res) '*)))
608 (error "VALUES type illegal in this context:~% ~S" x))
609 res))
611 (defun single-value-specifier-type (x)
612 (if (eq x '*)
613 *universal-type*
614 (specifier-type x)))
616 ;;; Similar to MACROEXPAND, but expands DEFTYPEs. We don't bother
617 ;;; returning a second value.
618 (defun type-expand (form)
619 (let ((def (cond ((symbolp form)
620 (info :type :expander form))
621 ((and (consp form) (symbolp (car form)))
622 (info :type :expander (car form)))
623 (t nil))))
624 (if def
625 (type-expand (funcall def (if (consp form) form (list form))))
626 form)))
628 ;;; Note that the type NAME has been (re)defined, updating the
629 ;;; undefined warnings and VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE cache.
630 (defun %note-type-defined (name)
631 (declare (symbol name))
632 (note-name-defined name :type)
633 (when (boundp 'sb!kernel::*values-specifier-type-cache-vector*)
634 (values-specifier-type-cache-clear))
635 (values))
638 (!defun-from-collected-cold-init-forms !early-type-cold-init)