improve DESCRIBE (#lp488976)
[sbcl/llvm.git] / tests / compiler.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; This file is for compiler tests which have side effects (e.g.
2 ;;;; executing DEFUN) but which don't need any special side-effecting
3 ;;;; environmental stuff (e.g. DECLAIM of particular optimization
4 ;;;; settings). Similar tests which *do* expect special settings may
5 ;;;; be in files compiler-1.impure.lisp, compiler-2.impure.lisp, etc.
7 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
8 ;;;; more information.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
11 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
12 ;;;; from CMU CL.
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
15 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
16 ;;;; more information.
18 (when (eq sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret)
19 (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104))
21 (load "test-util.lisp")
22 (load "compiler-test-util.lisp")
23 (load "assertoid.lisp")
24 (use-package "TEST-UTIL")
25 (use-package "ASSERTOID")
27 ;;; Old CMU CL code assumed that the names of "keyword" arguments are
28 ;;; necessarily self-evaluating symbols, but ANSI Common Lisp allows
29 ;;; them to be any symbols, not necessarily keywords, and thus not
30 ;;; necessarily self-evaluating. Make sure that this works.
31 (defun newfangled-cons (&key ((left-thing x)) ((right-thing y)))
32 (cons x y))
33 (assert (equal (cons 1 2) (newfangled-cons 'right-thing 2 'left-thing 1)))
35 ;;; ANSI specifically says that duplicate keys are OK in lambda lists,
36 ;;; with no special exception for macro lambda lists. (As reported by
37 ;;; Pierre Mai on cmucl-imp 2001-03-30, Python didn't think so. The
38 ;;; rest of the thread had some entertainment value, at least for me
39 ;;; (WHN). The unbelievers were besmote and now even CMU CL will
40 ;;; conform to the spec in this regard. Who needs diplomacy when you
41 ;;; have brimstone?:-)
42 (defmacro ayup-duplicate-keys-are-ok-i-see-the-lite (&key k)
44 (assert (equal (ayup-duplicate-keys-are-ok-i-see-the-lite :k 112) 112))
45 (assert (equal (ayup-duplicate-keys-are-ok-i-see-the-lite :k 'x :k 'y) 'x))
47 ;;; As reported by Alexey Dejneka (sbcl-devel 2002-01-30), in
48 ;;; sbcl-0.7.1 plus his patch (i.e. essentially sbcl-, the
49 ;;; compiler barfed on this, blowing up in FIND-IN-PHYSENV looking for
50 ;;; the LAMBDA-VAR named NUM. That was fixed in sbcl-
51 (defun parse-num (index)
52 (let (num x)
53 (flet ((digs ()
54 (setq num index))
55 (z ()
56 (let ()
57 (setq x nil))))
58 (when (and (digs) (digs)) x))))
60 ;;; Bug 132: The compiler used to fail to compile INTEGER-valued CATCH
61 ;;; tags. This was fixed by Alexey Dejneka in sbcl- (INTEGER
62 ;;; catch tags are still a bad idea because EQ is used to compare
63 ;;; tags, and EQ comparison on INTEGERs is unportable; but now it's a
64 ;;; compiler warning instead of a failure to compile.)
65 (defun foo ()
66 (catch 0 (print 1331)))
68 ;;; Bug 150: In sbcl-, compiling this code caused a failure in
70 ;;; The value NIL is not of type SB-C::CONTINUATION.
71 ;;; This bug was fixed by APD in sbcl-
72 (defun bug150-test1 ()
73 (let* ()
74 (flet ((wufn () (glorp table1 4.9)))
75 (gleep *uustk* #'wufn "#1" (list)))
76 (if (eql (lo foomax 3.2))
77 (values)
78 (error "not ~S" '(eql (lo foomax 3.2))))
79 (values)))
80 ;;; A simpler test case for bug 150: The compiler died with the
81 ;;; same type error when trying to compile this.
82 (defun bug150-test2 ()
83 (let ()
84 (<)))
86 ;;; bug 147, fixed by APD 2002-04-28
87 ;;;
88 ;;; This test case used to crash the compiler, e.g. with
89 ;;; failed AVER: "(= (LENGTH (BLOCK-SUCC CALL-BLOCK)) 1)"
90 (defun bug147 (string ind)
91 (flet ((digs ()
92 (let (old-index)
93 (if (and (< ind ind)
94 (typep (char string ind) '(member #\1)))
95 nil))))))
97 ;;; bug reported and fixed by Matthias Hoelzl sbcl-devel 2002-05-13
98 (defmacro foo-2002-05-13 () ''x)
99 (eval '(foo-2002-05-13))
100 (compile 'foo-2002-05-13)
101 (foo-2002-05-13) ; (The bug caused UNDEFINED-FUNCTION to be signalled here.)
103 ;;; floating point pain on the PPC.
105 ;;; This test case used to fail to compile on most powerpcs prior to
106 ;;; sbcl-, as floating point traps were being incorrectly
107 ;;; masked.
108 (defun floating-point-pain (x)
109 (declare (single-float x))
110 (log x))
112 ;;; bug found and fixed ca. sbcl- The INTERSECTION-TYPE
113 ;;; here satisfies "is a subtype of ARRAY-TYPE", but can't be
114 ;;; accessed with ARRAY-TYPE accessors like
116 ;;; DEFTRANSFORMs died with TYPE-ERROR at compile time when
117 ;;; compiling the DEFUN here.
118 (defun stupid-input-to-smart-array-deftransforms-0-7-5-12 (v)
119 (declare (type (and simple-vector fwd-type-ref) v))
120 (aref v 0))
122 ;;; Ca. sbcl- the compiler would fail an internal consistency
123 ;;; check on this code because it expected all calls to %INSTANCE-REF
124 ;;; to be transformed away, but its expectations were dashed by perverse
125 ;;; code containing app programmer errors like this.
126 (defstruct something-known-to-be-a-struct x y)
127 (multiple-value-bind (fun warnings-p failure-p)
128 (compile nil
129 '(lambda ()
130 (labels ((a1 (a2 a3)
131 (cond (t (a4 a2 a3))))
132 (a4 (a2 a3 a5 a6)
133 (declare (type (or simple-vector null) a5 a6))
134 (something-known-to-be-a-struct-x a5))
135 (a8 (a2 a3)
136 (a9 #'a1 a10 a2 a3))
137 (a11 (a2 a3)
138 (cond ((and (funcall a12 a2)
139 (funcall a12 a3))
140 (funcall a13 a2 a3))
142 (when a14
143 (let ((a15 (a1 a2 a3)))
145 a16))))
146 (values #'a17 #'a11))))
147 ;; Python sees the structure accessor on the known-not-to-be-a-struct
148 ;; A5 value and is very, very disappointed in you. (But it doesn't
149 ;; signal BUG any more.)
150 (assert failure-p))
152 ;;; On the SPARC, there was an erroneous definition of some VOPs used
153 ;;; to compile LOGANDs, which would lead to compilation of the
154 ;;; following function giving rise to a compile-time error (bug
155 ;;; spotted and fixed by Raymond Toy for CMUCL)
156 (defun logand-sparc-bogons (a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10)
157 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) a0)
158 (type (signed-byte 32) a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10)
159 ;; to ensure that the call is a candidate for
160 ;; transformation
161 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0) (debug 0)))
162 (values
163 ;; the call that fails compilation
164 (logand a0 a10)
165 ;; a call to prevent the other arguments from being optimized away
166 (logand a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9)))
168 ;;; bug 192, reported by Einar Floystad Dorum sbcl-devel 2002-08-14,
169 ;;; fixed in sbcl- Compiling this function in 0.7.6 caused
170 ;;; the compiler to try to constant-fold DATA-VECTOR-REF, which is OK,
171 ;;; except that there was no non-VOP definition of DATA-VECTOR-REF, so
172 ;;; it would fail.
173 (defun bug192 ()
174 (funcall
176 (LABELS ((G908 (I)
177 (LET ((INDEX
179 (IF (= I L)
181 (LET ((S TEXT)
182 (E (ELT TEXT I)))
184 (WHEN (EQL #\a E)
185 (G909 (1+ I))))))))
186 INDEX))
187 (G909 (I)
189 (IF (= I L)
191 (LET ((S TEXT)
192 (E (ELT TEXT I)))
194 (WHEN (EQL #\b E) (G910 (1+ I)))))))
195 (G910 (I)
196 (LET ((INDEX
198 (IF NIL
200 (LET ((S TEXT))
202 (WHEN T I))))))
203 INDEX)))
204 (G908 I))) "abcdefg" 0 (length "abcdefg")))
206 ;;; bugs #65, #70, and #109, closed by APD's patch sbcl-devel 2002-08-17
208 ;;; This was "YA code deletion bug" whose symptom was the failure of
209 ;;; the assertion
212 ;;; at compile time.
213 (defun bug65-1 (termx termy) ; from Carl Witty on submit bugs list, debian.org
214 (labels
215 ((alpha-equal-bound-term-lists (listx listy)
216 (or (and (null listx) (null listy))
217 (and listx listy
218 (let ((bindings-x (bindings-of-bound-term (car listx)))
219 (bindings-y (bindings-of-bound-term (car listy))))
220 (if (and (null bindings-x) (null bindings-y))
221 (alpha-equal-terms (term-of-bound-term (car listx))
222 (term-of-bound-term (car listy)))
223 (and (= (length bindings-x) (length bindings-y))
224 (prog2
225 (enter-binding-pairs (bindings-of-bound-term (car listx))
226 (bindings-of-bound-term (car listy)))
227 (alpha-equal-terms (term-of-bound-term (car listx))
228 (term-of-bound-term (car listy)))
229 (exit-binding-pairs (bindings-of-bound-term (car listx))
230 (bindings-of-bound-term (car listy)))))))
231 (alpha-equal-bound-term-lists (cdr listx) (cdr listy)))))
233 (alpha-equal-terms (termx termy)
234 (if (and (variable-p termx)
235 (variable-p termy))
236 (equal-bindings (id-of-variable-term termx)
237 (id-of-variable-term termy))
238 (and (equal-operators-p (operator-of-term termx) (operator-of-term termy))
239 (alpha-equal-bound-term-lists (bound-terms-of-term termx)
240 (bound-terms-of-term termy))))))
242 (or (eq termx termy)
243 (and termx termy
244 (with-variable-invocation (alpha-equal-terms termx termy))))))
245 (defun bug65-2 () ; from Bob Rogers cmucl-imp 1999-07-28
246 ;; Given an FSSP alignment file named by the argument . . .
247 (labels ((get-fssp-char ()
248 (get-fssp-char))
249 (read-fssp-char ()
250 (get-fssp-char)))
251 ;; Stub body, enough to tickle the bug.
252 (list (read-fssp-char)
253 (read-fssp-char))))
254 (defun bug70 ; from David Young cmucl-help 30 Nov 2000
255 (item sequence &key (test #'eql))
256 (labels ((find-item (obj seq test &optional (val nil))
257 (let ((item (first seq)))
258 (cond ((null seq)
259 (values nil nil))
260 ((funcall test obj item)
261 (values val seq))
263 (find-item obj
264 (rest seq)
265 test
266 (nconc val `(,item))))))))
267 (find-item item sequence test)))
268 (defun bug109 () ; originally from CMU CL bugs collection, reported as
269 ; SBCL bug by MNA 2001-06-25
270 (labels
271 ((eff (&key trouble)
272 (eff)
273 ;; nil
274 ;; Uncomment and it works
276 (eff)))
278 ;;; bug 192a, fixed by APD "more strict type checking" patch
279 ;;; (sbcl-devel 2002-08-07)
280 (defun bug192a (x)
281 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3)))
282 ;; Even with bug 192a, this declaration was checked as an assertion.
283 (declare (real x))
284 (+ x
285 (locally
286 ;; Because of bug 192a, this declaration was trusted without checking.
287 (declare (single-float x))
288 (sin x))))
289 (assert (null (ignore-errors (bug192a nil))))
290 (multiple-value-bind (result error) (ignore-errors (bug192a 100))
291 (assert (null result))
292 (assert (equal (type-error-expected-type error) 'single-float)))
294 ;;; bug 194, fixed in part by APD "more strict type checking" patch
295 ;;; (sbcl-devel 2002-08-07)
296 (progn
297 (multiple-value-bind (result error)
298 (ignore-errors (multiple-value-prog1 (progn (the real '(1 2 3)))))
299 (assert (null result))
300 (assert (typep error 'type-error)))
301 (multiple-value-bind (result error)
302 (ignore-errors (the real '(1 2 3)))
303 (assert (null result))
304 (assert (typep error 'type-error))))
306 (defun bug194d ()
307 (null (ignore-errors
308 (let ((arg1 1)
309 (arg2 (identity (the real #(1 2 3)))))
310 (if (< arg1 arg2) arg1 arg2)))))
311 (assert (eq (bug194d) t))
314 ;;; BUG 48a. and b. (symbol-macrolet handling), fixed by Eric Marsden
315 ;;; and Raymond Toy for CMUCL, fix ported for sbcl-
316 (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p)
317 (compile nil '(lambda ()
318 ;; not interested in the package lock violation here
319 (declare (sb-ext:disable-package-locks t))
320 (symbol-macrolet ((t nil)) t)))
321 (assert failure-p)
322 (assert (raises-error? (funcall function) program-error)))
323 (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p)
324 (compile nil
325 '(lambda ()
326 ;; not interested in the package lock violation here
327 (declare (sb-ext:disable-package-locks *standard-input*))
328 (symbol-macrolet ((*standard-input* nil))
329 *standard-input*)))
330 (assert failure-p)
331 (assert (raises-error? (funcall function) program-error)))
332 (multiple-value-bind (function warnings-p failure-p)
333 (compile nil '(lambda () (symbol-macrolet ((s nil)) (declare (special s)) s)))
334 (assert failure-p)
335 (assert (raises-error? (funcall function) program-error)))
337 ;;; bug 120a: Turned out to be constraining code looking like (if foo
338 ;;; <X> <X>) where <X> was optimized by the compiler to be the exact
339 ;;; same block in both cases, but not turned into (PROGN FOO <X>).
340 ;;; Fixed by APD in sbcl-, who provided this test:
341 (declaim (inline dont-constrain-if-too-much))
342 (defun dont-constrain-if-too-much (frame up-frame)
343 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
344 (if (or (not frame) t)
345 frame
346 "bar"))
347 (defun dont-constrain-if-too-much-aux (x y)
348 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
349 (if x t (if y t (dont-constrain-if-too-much x y))))
351 (assert (null (dont-constrain-if-too-much-aux nil nil)))
353 ;;; TYPE-ERROR confusion ca. sbcl-, reported and fixed by
354 ;;; APD sbcl-devel 2002-09-14
355 (defun exercise-0-7-7-24-bug (x)
356 (declare (integer x))
357 (let (y)
358 (setf y (the single-float (if (> x 0) x 3f0)))
359 (list y y)))
360 (multiple-value-bind (v e) (ignore-errors (exercise-0-7-7-24-bug 4))
361 (assert (null v))
362 (assert (typep e 'type-error)))
363 (assert (equal (exercise-0-7-7-24-bug -4) '(3f0 3f0)))
365 ;;; non-intersecting type declarations were DWIMing in a confusing
366 ;;; fashion until sbcl-, when APD reported and fixed the
367 ;;; problem.
368 (defun non-intersecting-the (x)
369 (let (y)
370 (setf y (the single-float (the integer x)))
371 (list y y)))
373 (raises-error? (foo 3) type-error)
374 (raises-error? (foo 3f0) type-error)
376 ;;; until 0.8.2 SBCL did not check THEs in arguments
377 (defun the-in-arguments-aux (x)
379 (defun the-in-arguments-1 (x)
380 (list x (the-in-arguments-aux (the (single-float 0s0) x))))
381 (defun the-in-arguments-2 (x)
382 (list x (the-in-arguments-aux (the single-float x))))
384 (multiple-value-bind (result condition)
385 (ignore-errors (the-in-arguments-1 1))
386 (assert (null result))
387 (assert (typep condition 'type-error)))
388 (multiple-value-bind (result condition)
389 (ignore-errors (the-in-arguments-2 1))
390 (assert (null result))
391 (assert (typep condition 'type-error)))
393 ;;; bug 153: a hole in a structure slot type checking
394 (declaim (optimize safety))
395 (defstruct foo153
396 (bla 0 :type fixnum))
397 (defun bug153-1 ()
398 (let ((foo (make-foo153)))
399 (setf (foo153-bla foo) '(1 . 1))
400 (format t "Is ~a of type ~a a cons? => ~a~%"
401 (foo153-bla foo)
402 (type-of (foo153-bla foo))
403 (consp (foo153-bla foo)))))
404 (defun bug153-2 (x)
405 (let ((foo (make-foo153)))
406 (setf (foo153-bla foo) x)
407 (format t "Is ~a of type ~a a cons? => ~a~%"
408 (foo153-bla foo)
409 (type-of (foo153-bla foo))
410 (consp (foo153-bla foo)))))
412 (multiple-value-bind (result condition)
413 (ignore-errors (bug153-1))
414 (declare (ignore result))
415 (assert (typep condition 'type-error)))
416 (multiple-value-bind (result condition)
417 (ignore-errors (bug153-2 '(1 . 1)))
418 (declare (ignore result))
419 (assert (typep condition 'type-error)))
421 ;;;; bug 110: the compiler flushed the argument type test and the default
422 ;;;; case in the cond.
424 ;(locally (declare (optimize (safety 3) (speed 2)))
425 ; (defun bug110 (x)
426 ; (declare (optimize (safety 2) (speed 3)))
427 ; (declare (type (or string stream) x))
428 ; (cond ((typep x 'string) 'string)
429 ; ((typep x 'stream) 'stream)
430 ; (t
431 ; 'none))))
433 ;(multiple-value-bind (result condition)
434 ; (ignore-errors (bug110 0))
435 ; (declare (ignore result))
436 ; (assert (typep condition 'type-error)))
438 ;;; bug 202: the compiler failed to compile a function, which derived
439 ;;; type contradicted declared.
440 (declaim (ftype (function () null) bug202))
441 (defun bug202 ()
444 ;;; bugs 178, 199: compiler failed to compile a call of a function
445 ;;; with a hairy type
446 (defun bug178 (x)
447 (funcall (the function (the standard-object x))))
449 (defun bug199-aux (f)
450 (eq nil (funcall f)))
452 (defun bug199 (f x)
453 (declare (type (and function (satisfies bug199-aux)) f))
454 (funcall f x))
456 ;;; check non-toplevel DEFMACRO
457 (defvar *defmacro-test-status* nil)
459 (defun defmacro-test ()
460 (fmakunbound 'defmacro-test-aux)
461 (let* ((src "defmacro-test.lisp")
462 (obj (compile-file-pathname src)))
463 (unwind-protect
464 (progn
465 (compile-file src)
466 (assert (equal *defmacro-test-status* '(function a)))
467 (setq *defmacro-test-status* nil)
468 (load obj)
469 (assert (equal *defmacro-test-status* nil))
470 (macroexpand '(defmacro-test-aux 'a))
471 (assert (equal *defmacro-test-status* '(macro 'a z-value)))
472 (eval '(defmacro-test-aux 'a))
473 (assert (equal *defmacro-test-status* '(expanded 'a z-value))))
474 (ignore-errors (delete-file obj)))))
476 (defmacro-test)
478 ;;; bug 204: EVAL-WHEN inside a local environment
479 (defvar *bug204-test-status*)
481 (defun bug204-test ()
482 (let* ((src "bug204-test.lisp")
483 (obj (compile-file-pathname src)))
484 (unwind-protect
485 (progn
486 (setq *bug204-test-status* nil)
487 (compile-file src)
488 (assert (equal *bug204-test-status* '((:expanded :load-toplevel)
489 (:called :compile-toplevel)
490 (:expanded :compile-toplevel))))
491 (setq *bug204-test-status* nil)
492 (load obj)
493 (assert (equal *bug204-test-status* '((:called :load-toplevel)))))
494 (ignore-errors (delete-file obj)))))
496 (bug204-test)
498 ;;; toplevel SYMBOL-MACROLET
499 (defvar *symbol-macrolet-test-status*)
501 (defun symbol-macrolet-test ()
502 (let* ((src "symbol-macrolet-test.lisp")
503 (obj (compile-file-pathname src)))
504 (unwind-protect
505 (progn
506 (setq *symbol-macrolet-test-status* nil)
507 (compile-file src)
508 (assert (equal *symbol-macrolet-test-status*
509 '(2 1)))
510 (setq *symbol-macrolet-test-status* nil)
511 (load obj)
512 (assert (equal *symbol-macrolet-test-status* '(2))))
513 (ignore-errors (delete-file obj)))))
515 (symbol-macrolet-test)
517 ;;; On the x86, this code failed to compile until sbcl-
518 (defun x86-assembler-failure (x)
519 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
520 (eq (setf (car x) 'a) nil))
522 ;;; bug 211: :ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS
523 (defun bug211d (&key (x :x x-p) ((:allow-other-keys y) :y y-p))
524 (list x x-p y y-p))
526 (assert (equal (bug211d) '(:x nil :y nil)))
527 (assert (equal (bug211d :x 1) '(1 t :y nil)))
528 (assert (raises-error? (bug211d :y 2) program-error))
529 (assert (equal (bug211d :y 2 :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
530 '(:x nil t t)))
531 (assert (raises-error? (bug211d :y 2 :allow-other-keys nil) program-error))
533 (let ((failure-p
534 (nth-value
536 (compile 'bug211b
537 '(lambda ()
538 (flet ((test (&key (x :x x-p) ((:allow-other-keys y) :y y-p))
539 (list x x-p y y-p)))
540 (assert (equal (test) '(:x nil :y nil)))
541 (assert (equal (test :x 1) '(1 t :y nil)))
542 (assert (equal (test :y 2 :allow-other-keys 11 :allow-other-keys nil)
543 '(:x nil 11 t)))))))))
544 (assert (not failure-p))
545 (bug211b))
547 (let ((failure-p
548 (nth-value
550 (compile 'bug211c
551 '(lambda ()
552 (flet ((test (&key (x :x x-p))
553 (list x x-p)))
554 (assert (equal (test) '(:x nil)))
555 (assert (equal (test :x 1) '(1 t)))
556 (assert (equal (test :y 2 :allow-other-keys 11 :allow-other-keys nil)
557 '(:x nil)))))))))
558 (assert (not failure-p))
559 (bug211c))
561 (dolist (form '((test :y 2)
562 (test :y 2 :allow-other-keys nil)
563 (test :y 2 :allow-other-keys nil :allow-other-keys t)))
564 (multiple-value-bind (result warnings-p failure-p)
565 (compile nil `(lambda ()
566 (flet ((test (&key (x :x x-p) ((:allow-other-keys y) :y y-p))
567 (list x x-p y y-p)))
568 ,form)))
569 (assert failure-p)
570 (assert (raises-error? (funcall result) program-error))))
572 ;;; bug 217: wrong type inference
573 (defun bug217-1 (x s)
574 (let ((f (etypecase x
575 (character #'write-char)
576 (integer #'write-byte))))
577 (funcall f x s)
578 (etypecase x
579 (character (write-char x s))
580 (integer (write-byte x s)))))
581 (bug217-1 #\1 *standard-output*)
584 ;;; bug 221: tried and died on CSUBTYPEP (not VALUES-SUBTYPEP) of the
585 ;;; function return types when inferring the type of the IF expression
586 (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum) (values package boolean)) bug221f1))
587 (declaim (ftype (function (t) (values package boolean)) bug221f2))
588 (defun bug221 (b x)
589 (funcall (if b #'bug221f1 #'bug221f2) x))
591 ;;; bug 172: macro lambda lists were too permissive until
592 ;;; (fix provided by Matthew Danish) on sbcl-devel
593 (assert (null (ignore-errors
594 (defmacro bug172 (&rest rest foo) `(list ,rest ,foo)))))
596 ;;; embedded THEs
597 (defun check-embedded-thes (policy1 policy2 x y)
598 (handler-case
599 (funcall (compile nil
600 `(lambda (f)
601 (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety ,policy1)))
602 (multiple-value-list
603 (the (values (integer 2 3) t &optional)
604 (locally (declare (optimize (safety ,policy2)))
605 (the (values t (single-float 2f0 3f0) &optional)
606 (funcall f)))))))
607 (lambda () (values x y)))
608 (type-error (error)
609 error)))
611 (assert (equal (check-embedded-thes 0 0 :a :b) '(:a :b)))
613 (assert (equal (check-embedded-thes 0 3 :a 2.5f0) '(:a 2.5f0)))
614 (assert (typep (check-embedded-thes 0 3 2 3.5f0) 'type-error))
616 (assert (equal (check-embedded-thes 0 1 :a 3.5f0) '(:a 3.5f0)))
617 (assert (typep (check-embedded-thes 0 1 2 2.5d0) 'type-error))
619 (assert (equal (check-embedded-thes 3 0 2 :a) '(2 :a)))
620 (assert (typep (check-embedded-thes 3 0 4 2.5f0) 'type-error))
622 (assert (equal (check-embedded-thes 1 0 3 :b) '(3 :b)))
623 (assert (typep (check-embedded-thes 1 0 1.0 2.5f0) 'type-error))
626 (assert (equal (check-embedded-thes 3 3 2 2.5f0) '(2 2.5f0)))
627 (assert (typep (check-embedded-thes 3 3 0 2.5f0) 'type-error))
628 (assert (typep (check-embedded-thes 3 3 2 3.5f0) 'type-error))
630 ;;; INLINE inside MACROLET
631 (declaim (inline to-be-inlined))
632 (macrolet ((def (x) `(defun ,x (y) (+ y 1))))
633 (def to-be-inlined))
634 (defun call-inlined (z)
635 (to-be-inlined z))
636 (assert (= (call-inlined 3) 4))
637 (macrolet ((frob (x) `(+ ,x 3)))
638 (defun to-be-inlined (y)
639 (frob y)))
640 (assert (= (call-inlined 3)
641 ;; we should have inlined the previous definition, so the
642 ;; new one won't show up yet.
644 (defun call-inlined (z)
645 (to-be-inlined z))
646 (assert (= (call-inlined 3) 6))
647 (defun to-be-inlined (y)
648 (+ y 5))
649 (assert (= (call-inlined 3) 6))
651 ;;; DEFINE-COMPILER-MACRO to work as expected, not via weird magical
652 ;;; IR1 pseudo-:COMPILE-TOPLEVEL handling
653 (defvar *bug219-a-expanded-p* nil)
654 (defun bug219-a (x)
655 (+ x 1))
656 (define-compiler-macro bug219-a (&whole form y)
657 (setf *bug219-a-expanded-p* t)
658 (if (constantp y)
659 (+ (eval y) 2)
660 form))
661 (defun bug219-a-aux ()
662 (bug219-a 2))
663 (assert (= (bug219-a-aux)
664 (if *bug219-a-expanded-p* 4 3)))
665 (defvar *bug219-a-temp* 3)
666 (assert (= (bug219-a *bug219-a-temp*) 4))
668 (defvar *bug219-b-expanded-p* nil)
669 (defun bug219-b-aux1 (x)
670 (when x
671 (define-compiler-macro bug219-b (y)
672 (setf *bug219-b-expanded-p* t)
673 `(+ ,y 2))))
674 (defun bug219-b-aux2 (z)
675 (bug219-b z))
676 (assert (not *bug219-b-expanded-p*))
677 (assert (raises-error? (bug219-b-aux2 1) undefined-function))
678 (bug219-b-aux1 t)
679 (defun bug219-b-aux2 (z)
680 (bug219-b z))
681 (defun bug219-b (x)
683 (assert (= (bug219-b-aux2 1)
684 (if *bug219-b-expanded-p* 3 1)))
686 ;;; bug 224: failure in unreachable code deletion
687 (defmacro do-optimizations (&body body)
688 `(dotimes (.speed. 4)
689 (dotimes (.space. 4)
690 (dotimes (.debug. 4)
691 (dotimes (.compilation-speed. 4)
692 (proclaim `(optimize (speed , .speed.) (space , .space.)
693 (debug , .debug.)
694 (compilation-speed , .compilation-speed.)))
695 ,@body)))))
697 (do-optimizations
698 (compile nil
699 (read-from-string
700 "(lambda () (#:localy (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
701 (ignore-errors (progn (values-list (car (list '(1 . 2)))) t))))")))
703 (do-optimizations
704 (compile nil '(lambda ()
705 (labels ((ext ()
706 (tagbody
707 (labels ((i1 () (list (i2) (i2)))
708 (i2 () (list (int) (i1)))
709 (int () (go :exit)))
710 (list (i1) (i1) (i1)))
711 :exit (return-from ext)
713 (list (error "nih") (ext) (ext))))))
715 (do-optimizations
716 (compile nil '(lambda (x) (let ((y (error ""))) (list x y)))))
718 ;;; bug 223: invalid moving of global function name referencing
719 (defun bug223-int (n)
720 `(int ,n))
722 (defun bug223-wrap ()
723 (let ((old #'bug223-int))
724 (setf (fdefinition 'bug223-int)
725 (lambda (n)
726 (assert (> n 0))
727 `(ext ,@(funcall old (1- n)))))))
728 (compile 'bug223-wrap)
730 (assert (equal (bug223-int 4) '(int 4)))
731 (bug223-wrap)
732 (assert (equal (bug223-int 4) '(ext int 3)))
733 (bug223-wrap)
734 (assert (equal (bug223-int 4) '(ext ext int 2)))
736 ;;; COERCE got its own DEFOPTIMIZER which has to reimplement most of
737 ;;; SPECIFIER-TYPE-NTH-ARG. For a while, an illegal type would throw
738 ;;; you into the debugger on compilation.
739 (defun coerce-defopt1 (x)
740 ;; illegal, but should be compilable.
741 (coerce x '(values t)))
742 (defun coerce-defopt2 (x)
743 ;; illegal, but should be compilable.
744 (coerce x '(values t &optional)))
745 (assert (null (ignore-errors (coerce-defopt1 3))))
746 (assert (null (ignore-errors (coerce-defopt2 3))))
748 ;;; Oops. In part of the (CATCH ..) implementation of DEBUG-RETURN,
749 ;;; it was possible to confuse the type deriver of the compiler
750 ;;; sufficiently that compiler invariants were broken (explained by
751 ;;; APD sbcl-devel 2003-01-11).
753 ;;; WHN's original report
754 (defun debug-return-catch-break1 ()
755 (with-open-file (s "/tmp/foo"
756 :direction :output
757 :element-type (list
758 'signed-byte
760 (integer-length most-positive-fixnum))))
761 (read-byte s)
762 (read-byte s)
763 (read-byte s)
764 (read-byte s)))
766 ;;; APD's simplified test case
767 (defun debug-return-catch-break2 (x)
768 (declare (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) x))
769 (setq *y* (the (unsigned-byte 8) (aref x 4))))
771 ;;; FUNCTION-LAMBDA-EXPRESSION should return something that's COMPILE
772 ;;; can understand. Here's a simple test for that on a function
773 ;;; that's likely to return a hairier list than just a lambda:
774 (macrolet ((def (fn) `(progn
775 (declaim (inline ,fn))
776 (defun ,fn (x) (1+ x)))))
777 (def bug228))
778 (let ((x (function-lambda-expression #'bug228)))
779 (when x
780 (assert (= (funcall (compile nil x) 1) 2))))
783 (defun bug192b (i)
784 (dotimes (j i)
785 (declare (type (mod 4) i))
786 (unless (< i 5)
787 (print j))))
788 (assert (raises-error? (bug192b 6) type-error))
790 (defun bug192c (x y)
791 (locally (declare (type fixnum x y))
792 (+ x (* 2 y))))
793 (assert (raises-error? (bug192c 1.1 2) type-error))
795 (assert (raises-error? (progn (the real (list 1)) t) type-error))
797 (defun bug236 (a f)
798 (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 0)))
799 (+ 1d0
800 (the double-float
801 (multiple-value-prog1
802 (svref a 0)
803 (unless f (return-from bug236 0))))))
804 (assert (eql (bug236 #(4) nil) 0))
806 ;;; Bug reported by reported by rif on c.l.l 2003-03-05
807 (defun test-type-of-special-1 (x)
808 (declare (special x)
809 (fixnum x)
810 (optimize (safety 3)))
811 (list x))
812 (defun test-type-of-special-2 (x)
813 (declare (special x)
814 (fixnum x)
815 (optimize (safety 3)))
816 (list x (setq x (/ x 2)) x))
817 (assert (raises-error? (test-type-of-special-1 3/2) type-error))
818 (assert (raises-error? (test-type-of-special-2 3) type-error))
819 (assert (equal (test-type-of-special-2 8) '(8 4 4)))
821 ;;; bug which existed in 0.8alpha.0.4 for several milliseconds before
822 ;;; APD fixed it in 0.8alpha.0.5
823 (defun frob8alpha04 (x y)
824 (+ x y))
825 (defun baz8alpha04 (this kids)
826 (flet ((n-i (&rest rest)
827 ;; Removing the #+NIL here makes the bug go away.
828 #+nil (format t "~&in N-I REST=~S~%" rest)
829 (apply #'frob8alpha04 this rest)))
830 (n-i kids)))
831 ;;; failed in 0.8alpha.0.4 with "The value 13 is not of type LIST."
832 (assert (= (baz8alpha04 12 13) 25))
834 ;;; evaluation order in structure slot writers
835 (defstruct sswo
836 a b)
837 (let* ((i 0)
838 (s (make-sswo :a (incf i) :b (incf i)))
839 (l (list s :v)))
840 (assert (= (sswo-a s) 1))
841 (assert (= (sswo-b s) 2))
842 (setf (sswo-a (pop l)) (pop l))
843 (assert (eq l nil))
844 (assert (eq (sswo-a s) :v)))
846 (defun bug249 (x)
847 (flet ((bar (y)
848 (declare (fixnum y))
849 (incf x)))
850 (list (bar x) (bar x) (bar x))))
852 (assert (raises-error? (bug249 1.0) type-error))
854 ;;; bug reported by ohler on #lisp 2003-07-10
855 (defun bug-ohler-2003-07-10 (a b)
856 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (space 0)
857 (debug 1) (compilation-speed 0)))
858 (adjoin a b))
860 ;;; bug reported by Doug McNaught on sbcl-devel 2003-09-14:
861 ;;; COMPILE-FILE did not bind *READTABLE*
862 (let* ((source "bug-doug-mcnaught-20030914.lisp")
863 (fasl (compile-file-pathname source)))
864 (labels ((check ()
865 (assert (null (get-macro-character #\]))))
866 (full-check ()
867 (check)
868 (assert (typep *bug-doug-mcnaught-20030914*
869 '(simple-array (unsigned-byte 4) (*))))
870 (assert (equalp *bug-doug-mcnaught-20030914* #(1 2 3)))
871 (makunbound '*bug-doug-mcnaught-20030914*)))
872 (compile-file source)
873 (check)
874 (load fasl)
875 (full-check)
876 (load source)
877 (full-check)
878 (delete-file fasl)))
880 (defun expt-derive-type-bug (a b)
881 (unless (< a b)
882 (truncate (expt a b))))
883 (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (expt-derive-type-bug 1 1))
884 '(1 0)))
886 ;;; Problems with type checking in functions with EXPLICIT-CHECK
887 ;;; attribute (reported by Peter Graves)
888 (loop for (fun . args) in '((= a) (/= a)
889 (< a) (<= a) (> a) (>= a))
890 do (assert (raises-error? (apply fun args) type-error)))
892 (defclass broken-input-stream (sb-gray:fundamental-input-stream) ())
893 (defmethod sb-gray:stream-read-char ((stream broken-input-stream))
894 (throw 'break :broken))
895 (assert (eql (block return
896 (handler-case
897 (catch 'break
898 (funcall (eval ''peek-char)
899 1 (make-instance 'broken-input-stream))
900 :test-broken)
901 (type-error (c)
902 (return-from return :good))))
903 :good))
905 ;;;; MUFFLE-CONDITIONS test (corresponds to the test in the manual)
906 (defvar *compiler-note-count* 0)
907 #-(or alpha x86-64) ; FIXME: make a better test!
908 (handler-bind ((sb-ext:compiler-note (lambda (c)
909 (declare (ignore c))
910 (incf *compiler-note-count*))))
911 (let ((fun
912 (compile nil
913 '(lambda (x)
914 (declare (optimize speed) (fixnum x))
915 (declare (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))
916 (values (* x 5) ; no compiler note from this
917 (locally
918 (declare (sb-ext:unmuffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))
919 ;; this one gives a compiler note
920 (* x -5)))))))
921 (assert (= *compiler-note-count* 1))
922 (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (funcall fun 1)) '(5 -5)))))
924 (handler-case
925 (eval '(flet ((%f (&key) nil)) (%f nil nil)))
926 (error (c) :good)
927 (:no-error (val) (error "no error: ~S" val)))
928 (handler-case
929 (eval '(labels ((%f (&key x) x)) (%f nil nil)))
930 (error (c) :good)
931 (:no-error (val) (error "no error: ~S" val)))
933 ;;; PROGV must not bind constants, or violate declared types -- ditto for SET.
934 (assert (raises-error? (set pi 3)))
935 (assert (raises-error? (progv '(pi s) '(3 pi) (symbol-value x))))
936 (declaim (cons *special-cons*))
937 (assert (raises-error? (set '*special-cons* "nope") type-error))
938 (assert (raises-error? (progv '(*special-cons*) '("no hope") (car *special-cons*)) type-error))
940 ;;; No bogus warnings for calls to functions with complex lambda-lists.
941 (defun complex-function-signature (&optional x &rest y &key z1 z2)
942 (cons x y))
943 (with-test (:name :complex-call-doesnt-warn)
944 (handler-bind ((warning #'error))
945 (compile nil '(lambda (x) (complex-function-signature x :z1 1 :z2 2)))))
947 (with-test (:name :non-required-args-update-info)
948 (let ((name (gensym "NON-REQUIRE-ARGS-TEST"))
949 (*evaluator-mode* :compile))
950 (eval `(defun ,name (x) x))
951 (assert (equal '(function (t) (values t &optional))
952 (sb-kernel:type-specifier (sb-int:info :function :type name))))
953 (eval `(defun ,name (x &optional y) (or x y)))
954 (assert (equal '(function (t &optional t) (values t &optional))
955 (sb-kernel:type-specifier (sb-int:info :function :type name))))))
957 ;;;; inline & maybe inline nested calls
959 (defun quux-marker (x) x)
960 (declaim (inline foo-inline))
961 (defun foo-inline (x) (quux-marker x))
962 (declaim (maybe-inline foo-maybe-inline))
963 (defun foo-maybe-inline (x) (quux-marker x))
964 ;; Pretty horrible, but does the job
965 (defun count-full-calls (name function)
966 (let ((code (with-output-to-string (s)
967 (disassemble function :stream s)))
968 (n 0))
969 (with-input-from-string (s code)
970 (loop for line = (read-line s nil nil)
971 while line
972 when (search name line)
973 do (incf n)))
976 (with-test (:name :nested-inline-calls)
977 (let ((fun (compile nil `(lambda (x)
978 (foo-inline (foo-inline (foo-inline x)))))))
979 (assert (= 0 (count-full-calls "FOO-INLINE" fun)))
980 (assert (= 3 (count-full-calls "QUUX-MARKER" fun)))))
982 (with-test (:name :nested-maybe-inline-calls)
983 (let ((fun (compile nil `(lambda (x)
984 (declare (optimize (space 0)))
985 (foo-maybe-inline (foo-maybe-inline (foo-maybe-inline x)))))))
986 (assert (= 0 (count-full-calls "FOO-MAYBE-INLINE" fun)))
987 (assert (= 1 (count-full-calls "QUUX-MARKER" fun)))))
989 (with-test (:name :inline-calls)
990 (let ((fun (compile nil `(lambda (x)
991 (list (foo-inline x)
992 (foo-inline x)
993 (foo-inline x))))))
994 (assert (= 0 (count-full-calls "FOO-INLINE" fun)))
995 (assert (= 3 (count-full-calls "QUUX-MARKER" fun)))))
997 (with-test (:name :maybe-inline-calls)
998 (let ((fun (compile nil `(lambda (x)
999 (declare (optimize (space 0)))
1000 (list (foo-maybe-inline x)
1001 (foo-maybe-inline x)
1002 (foo-maybe-inline x))))))
1003 (assert (= 0 (count-full-calls "FOO-MAYBE-INLINE" fun)))
1004 (assert (= 1 (count-full-calls "QUUX-MARKER" fun)))))
1006 (defun file-compile (toplevel-forms &key load)
1007 (let* ((lisp "compile-impure-tmp.lisp")
1008 (fasl (compile-file-pathname lisp)))
1009 (unwind-protect
1010 (progn
1011 (with-open-file (f lisp :direction :output)
1012 (dolist (form toplevel-forms)
1013 (prin1 form f)))
1014 (multiple-value-bind (fasl warn fail) (compile-file lisp)
1015 (when load
1016 (load fasl))
1017 (values warn fail)))
1018 (ignore-errors (delete-file lisp))
1019 (ignore-errors (delete-file fasl)))))
1021 (with-test (:name :bug-405)
1022 ;; These used to break with a TYPE-ERROR
1023 ;; The value NIL is not of type SB-C::PHYSENV.
1024 ;; in MERGE-LETS.
1025 (file-compile
1026 '((LET (outer-let-var)
1027 (lambda ()
1028 (print outer-let-var)
1029 (MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL 'some-function
1031 1))))))
1032 (file-compile
1033 '((declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
1034 (defstruct bug-405-foo bar)
1035 (let ()
1036 (flet ((i (x) (frob x (bug-405-foo-bar foo))))
1037 (i :five))))))
1039 ;;; bug 235a
1040 (declaim (ftype (function (cons) number) bug-235a-aux))
1041 (declaim (inline bug-235a-aux))
1042 (defun bug-235a-aux (c)
1043 (the number (car c)))
1044 (with-test (:name :bug-235a)
1045 (let ((fun (compile nil
1046 `(lambda (x y)
1047 (values (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
1048 (bug-235a-aux x))
1049 (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
1050 (bug-235a-aux y)))))))
1051 (assert
1052 (eq :error
1053 (handler-case
1054 (funcall fun '(:one) '(:two))
1055 (type-error (e)
1056 (assert (eq :two (type-error-datum e)))
1057 (assert (eq 'number (type-error-expected-type e)))
1058 :error))))))
1060 (with-test (:name :compiled-debug-funs-leak)
1061 (sb-ext:gc :full t)
1062 (let ((usage-before (sb-kernel::dynamic-usage)))
1063 (dotimes (x 10000)
1064 (let ((f (compile nil '(lambda ()
1065 (error "X")))))
1066 (handler-case
1067 (funcall f)
1068 (error () nil))))
1069 (sb-ext:gc :full t)
1070 (let ((usage-after (sb-kernel::dynamic-usage)))
1071 (when (< (+ usage-before 2000000) usage-after)
1072 (error "Leak")))))
1074 ;;; PROGV compilation and type checking when the declared type
1075 ;;; includes a FUNCTION subtype.
1076 (declaim (type (or (function (t) (values boolean &optional)) string)
1077 *hairy-progv-var*))
1078 (defvar *hairy-progv-var* #'null)
1079 (with-test (:name :hairy-progv-type-checking)
1080 (assert (eq :error
1081 (handler-case
1082 (progv '(*hairy-progv-var*) (list (eval 42))
1083 *hairy-progv-var*)
1084 (type-error () :error))))
1085 (assert (equal "GOOD!"
1086 (progv '(*hairy-progv-var*) (list (eval "GOOD!"))
1087 *hairy-progv-var*))))
1089 (with-test (:name :fill-complex-single-float)
1090 (assert (every (lambda (x) (eql x #c(-1.0 -2.0)))
1091 (funcall
1092 (lambda ()
1093 (make-array 2
1094 :element-type '(complex single-float)
1095 :initial-element #c(-1.0 -2.0)))))))
1097 (with-test (:name :make-array-symbol-as-initial-element)
1098 (assert (every (lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
1099 (funcall
1100 (compile nil
1101 `(lambda ()
1102 (make-array 12 :initial-element 'a)))))))
1104 ;;; This non-minimal test-case catches a nasty error when loading
1105 ;;; inline constants.
1106 (deftype matrix ()
1107 `(simple-array single-float (16)))
1108 (declaim (ftype (sb-int:sfunction (single-float single-float single-float single-float
1109 single-float single-float single-float single-float
1110 single-float single-float single-float single-float
1111 single-float single-float single-float single-float)
1112 matrix)
1113 matrix)
1114 (inline matrix))
1115 (defun matrix (m11 m12 m13 m14
1116 m21 m22 m23 m24
1117 m31 m32 m33 m34
1118 m41 m42 m43 m44)
1119 (make-array 16
1120 :element-type 'single-float
1121 :initial-contents (list m11 m21 m31 m41
1122 m12 m22 m32 m42
1123 m13 m23 m33 m43
1124 m14 m24 m34 m44)))
1125 (declaim (ftype (sb-int:sfunction ((simple-array single-float (3)) single-float) matrix)
1126 rotate-around))
1127 (defun rotate-around (a radians)
1128 (let ((c (cos radians))
1129 (s (sin radians))
1130 ;; The 1.0 here was misloaded on x86-64.
1131 (g (- 1.0 (cos radians))))
1132 (let* ((x (aref a 0))
1133 (y (aref a 1))
1134 (z (aref a 2))
1135 (gxx (* g x x)) (gxy (* g x y)) (gxz (* g x z))
1136 (gyy (* g y y)) (gyz (* g y z)) (gzz (* g z z)))
1137 (matrix
1138 (+ gxx c) (- gxy (* s z)) (+ gxz (* s y)) 0.0
1139 (+ gxy (* s z)) (+ gyy c) (- gyz (* s x)) 0.0
1140 (- gxz (* s y)) (+ gyz (* s x)) (+ gzz c) 0.0
1141 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0))))
1142 (with-test (:name :regression-
1143 (assert (every #'=
1144 '(-1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0)
1145 (rotate-around
1146 (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float) (coerce pi 'single-float))))
1147 ;; Same bug manifests in COMPLEX-ATANH as well.
1148 (assert (= (atanh #C(-0.7d0 1.1d0)) #C(-0.28715567731069275d0 0.9394245539093365d0))))
1150 (with-test (:name :slot-value-on-structure)
1151 (let ((f (compile nil `(lambda (x a b)
1152 (declare (something-known-to-be-a-struct x))
1153 (setf (slot-value x 'x) a
1154 (slot-value x 'y) b)
1155 (list (slot-value x 'x)
1156 (slot-value x 'y))))))
1157 (assert (equal '(#\x #\y)
1158 (funcall f
1159 (make-something-known-to-be-a-struct :x "X" :y "Y")
1160 #\x #\y)))
1161 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees f)))))
1163 (defclass some-slot-thing ()
1164 ((slot :initarg :slot)))
1165 (with-test (:name :with-slots-the)
1166 (let ((x (make-instance 'some-slot-thing :slot "foo")))
1167 (with-slots (slot) (the some-slot-thing x)
1168 (assert (equal "foo" slot)))))
1170 ;;;; tests not in the problem domain, but of the consistency of the
1171 ;;;; compiler machinery itself
1173 (in-package "SB-C")
1175 ;;; Hunt for wrong-looking things in fundamental compiler definitions,
1176 ;;; and gripe about them.
1178 ;;; FIXME: It should be possible to (1) repair the things that this
1179 ;;; code gripes about, and then (2) make the code signal errors
1180 ;;; instead of just printing complaints to standard output, in order
1181 ;;; to prevent the code from later falling back into disrepair.
1182 (defun grovel-results (function)
1183 (dolist (template (fun-info-templates (info :function :info function)))
1184 (when (template-more-results-type template)
1185 (format t "~&Template ~A has :MORE results, and translates ~A.~%"
1186 (template-name template)
1187 function)
1188 (return nil))
1189 (when (eq (template-result-types template) :conditional)
1190 ;; dunno.
1191 (return t))
1192 (let ((types (template-result-types template))
1193 (result-type (fun-type-returns (info :function :type function))))
1194 (cond
1195 ((values-type-p result-type)
1196 (do ((ltypes (append (args-type-required result-type)
1197 (args-type-optional result-type))
1198 (rest ltypes))
1199 (types types (rest types)))
1200 ((null ltypes)
1201 (unless (null types)
1202 (format t "~&More types than ltypes in ~A, translating ~A.~%"
1203 (template-name template)
1204 function)
1205 (return nil)))
1206 (when (null types)
1207 (unless (null ltypes)
1208 (format t "~&More ltypes than types in ~A, translating ~A.~%"
1209 (template-name template)
1210 function)
1211 (return nil)))))
1212 ((eq result-type (specifier-type nil))
1213 (unless (null types)
1214 (format t "~&Template ~A returns values for function ~A with RESULT-TYPE NIL.~%"
1215 (template-name template)
1216 function)
1217 (return nil)))
1218 ((/= (length types) 1)
1219 (format t "~&Template ~A isn't returning 1 value for ~A.~%"
1220 (template-name template)
1221 function)
1222 (return nil))
1223 (t t)))))
1224 (defun identify-suspect-vops (&optional (env (first
1225 (last *info-environment*))))
1226 (do-info (env :class class :type type :name name :value value)
1227 (when (and (eq class :function) (eq type :type))
1228 ;; OK, so we have an entry in the INFO database. Now, if ...
1229 (let* ((info (info :function :info name))
1230 (templates (and info (fun-info-templates info))))
1231 (when templates
1232 ;; ... it has translators
1233 (grovel-results name))))))
1234 (identify-suspect-vops)
1236 ;;;; tests for compiler output
1237 (let* ((*error-output* (make-broadcast-stream))
1238 (output (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
1239 (compile-file "compiler-output-test.lisp"
1240 :print nil :verbose nil))))
1241 (print output)
1242 (assert (zerop (length output))))
1244 ;;;; bug 305: INLINE/NOTINLINE causing local ftype to be lost
1246 (define-condition optimization-error (error) ())
1248 (labels ((compile-lambda (type sense)
1249 (handler-bind ((compiler-note (lambda (_)
1250 (declare (ignore _))
1251 (error 'optimization-error))))
1252 (values
1253 (compile
1255 `(lambda ()
1256 (declare
1257 ,@(when type '((ftype (function () (integer 0 10)) bug-305)))
1258 (,sense bug-305)
1259 (optimize speed))
1260 (1+ (bug-305))))
1261 nil)))
1262 (expect-error (sense)
1263 (multiple-value-bind (f e) (ignore-errors (compile-lambda nil sense))
1264 (assert (not f))
1265 (assert (typep e 'optimization-error))))
1266 (expect-pass (sense)
1267 (multiple-value-bind (f e) (ignore-errors (compile-lambda t sense))
1268 (assert f)
1269 (assert (not e)))))
1270 (expect-error 'inline)
1271 (expect-error 'notinline)
1272 (expect-pass 'inline)
1273 (expect-pass 'notinline))
1275 ;;; bug 211e: bogus style warning from duplicated keyword argument to
1276 ;;; a local function.
1277 (handler-bind ((style-warning #'error))
1278 (let ((f (compile nil '(lambda ()
1279 (flet ((foo (&key y) (list y)))
1280 (list (foo :y 1 :y 2)))))))
1281 (assert (equal '((1)) (funcall f)))))
1283 ;;; check that EQL is optimized when other argument is (OR SYMBOL FIXNUM).
1284 (handler-bind ((compiler-note #'error))
1285 (let ((f1 (compile nil '(lambda (x1 y1)
1286 (declare (type (or symbol fixnum) x1)
1287 (optimize speed))
1288 (eql x1 y1))))
1289 (f2 (compile nil '(lambda (x2 y2)
1290 (declare (type (or symbol fixnum) y2)
1291 (optimize speed))
1292 (eql x2 y2)))))
1293 (let ((fix (random most-positive-fixnum))
1294 (sym (gensym))
1295 (e-count 0))
1296 (assert (funcall f1 fix fix))
1297 (assert (funcall f2 fix fix))
1298 (assert (funcall f1 sym sym))
1299 (assert (funcall f2 sym sym))
1300 (handler-bind ((type-error (lambda (c)
1301 (incf e-count)
1302 (continue c))))
1303 (flet ((test (f x y)
1304 (with-simple-restart (continue "continue with next test")
1305 (funcall f x y)
1306 (error "fell through with (~S ~S ~S)" f x y))))
1307 (test f1 "oops" 42)
1308 (test f1 (1+ most-positive-fixnum) 42)
1309 (test f2 42 "oops")
1310 (test f2 42 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))))
1311 (assert (= e-count 4)))))
1313 ;;; bug #389 (Rick Taube sbcl-devel)
1314 (defun bes-jn (unn ux)
1315 (let ((nn unn) (x ux))
1316 (let* ((n (floor (abs nn)))
1317 (besn
1318 (if (= n 0)
1319 (bes-j0 x)
1320 (if (= n 1)
1321 (bes-j1 x)
1322 (if (zerop x)
1324 (let ((iacc 40)
1325 (ans 0.0)
1326 (bigno 1.0e+10)
1327 (bigni 1.0e-10))
1328 (if (> (abs x) n)
1329 (do ((tox (/ 2.0 (abs x)))
1330 (bjm (bes-j0 (abs x)))
1331 (bj (bes-j1 (abs x)))
1332 (j 1 (+ j 1))
1333 (bjp 0.0))
1334 ((= j n) (setf ans bj))
1335 (setf bjp (- (* j tox bj) bjm))
1336 (setf bjm bj)
1337 (setf bj bjp))
1338 (let ((tox (/ 2.0 (abs x)))
1340 (* 2
1341 (floor
1342 (/ (+ n (sqrt (* iacc n)))
1343 2))))
1344 (jsum 0.0)
1345 (bjm 0.0)
1346 (sum 0.0)
1347 (bjp 0.0)
1348 (bj 1.0))
1349 (do ((j m (- j 1)))
1350 ((= j 0))
1351 (setf bjm (- (* j tox bj) bjp))
1352 (setf bjp bj)
1353 (setf bj bjm)
1354 (when (> (abs bj) bigno)
1355 (setf bj (* bj bigni))
1356 (setf bjp (* bjp bigni))
1357 (setf ans (* ans bigni))
1358 (setf sum (* sum bigni)))
1359 (if (not (= 0 jsum)) (incf sum bj))
1360 (setf jsum (- 1 jsum))
1361 (if (= j n) (setf ans bjp)))
1362 (setf sum (- (* 2.0 sum) bj))
1363 (setf ans (/ ans sum))))
1364 (if (and (minusp x) (oddp n))
1365 (- ans)
1366 ans)))))))
1367 (if (and (minusp nn) (oddp nn)) (- besn) besn))))
1370 ;;; bug 233b: lvar lambda-var equality in constraint propagation
1372 ;; Put this in a separate function.
1373 (defun test-constraint-propagation/ref ()
1374 (let ((x nil))
1375 (if (multiple-value-prog1 x (setq x t))
1377 x)))
1379 (test-util:with-test (:name (:compiler :constraint-propagation :ref))
1380 (assert (eq t (test-constraint-propagation/ref))))
1382 ;; Put this in a separate function.
1383 (defun test-constraint-propagation/typep (x y)
1384 (if (typep (multiple-value-prog1 x (setq x y))
1385 'double-float)
1386 (+ x 1d0)
1387 (+ x 2)))
1389 (test-util:with-test (:name (:compiler :constraint-propagation :typep))
1390 (assert (= 6.0d0 (test-constraint-propagation/typep 1d0 5))))
1392 (test-util:with-test (:name (:compiler :constraint-propagation :eq/eql))
1393 (assert (eq :right (let ((c :wrong))
1394 (if (eq (let ((x c))
1395 (setq c :right)
1397 :wrong)
1399 0)))))
1401 ;;; Put this in a separate function.
1402 (defun test-constraint-propagation/cast (x)
1403 (when (the double-float (multiple-value-prog1
1405 (setq x (1+ x))))
1408 (test-util:with-test (:name (:compiler :constraint-propagation :cast))
1409 (assert (assertoid:raises-error?
1410 (test-constraint-propagation/cast 1) type-error)))
1412 ;;; bug #399
1413 (let ((result (make-array 50000 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
1414 (defun string->html (string &optional (max-length nil))
1415 (when (and (numberp max-length)
1416 (> max-length (array-dimension result 0)))
1417 (setf result (make-array max-length :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
1418 (let ((index 0)
1419 (left-quote? t))
1420 (labels ((add-char (it)
1421 (setf (aref result index) it)
1422 (incf index))
1423 (add-string (it)
1424 (loop for ch across it do
1425 (add-char ch))))
1426 (loop for char across string do
1427 (cond ((char= char #\<)
1428 (add-string "&lt;"))
1429 ((char= char #\>)
1430 (add-string "&gt;"))
1431 ((char= char #\&)
1432 (add-string "&amp;"))
1433 ((char= char #\')
1434 (add-string "&#39;"))
1435 ((char= char #\newline)
1436 (add-string "<br>"))
1437 ((char= char #\")
1438 (if left-quote? (add-string "&#147;") (add-string "&#148;"))
1439 (setf left-quote? (not left-quote?)))
1441 (add-char char))))
1442 (setf (fill-pointer result) index)
1443 (coerce result 'string)))))
1445 ;;; Callign thru constant symbols
1446 (require :sb-introspect)
1448 (declaim (inline target-fun))
1449 (defun target-fun (arg0 arg1)
1450 (+ arg0 arg1))
1451 (declaim (notinline target-fun))
1453 (defun test-target-fun-called (fun res)
1454 (assert (member #'target-fun
1455 (sb-introspect:find-function-callees #'caller-fun-1)))
1456 (assert (equal (funcall fun) res)))
1458 (defun caller-fun-1 ()
1459 (funcall 'target-fun 1 2))
1460 (test-target-fun-called #'caller-fun-1 3)
1462 (defun caller-fun-2 ()
1463 (declare (inline target-fun))
1464 (apply 'target-fun 1 '(3)))
1465 (test-target-fun-called #'caller-fun-2 4)
1467 (defun caller-fun-3 ()
1468 (flet ((target-fun (a b)
1469 (- a b)))
1470 (list (funcall #'target-fun 1 4) (funcall 'target-fun 1 4))))
1471 (test-target-fun-called #'caller-fun-3 (list -3 5))
1473 ;;; Reported by NIIMI Satoshi
1474 ;;; Subject: [Sbcl-devel] compilation error with optimization
1475 ;;; Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2006 17:36:05 +0900
1476 (defun test-minimal-debug-info-for-unstored-but-used-parameter (n a)
1477 (declare (optimize (speed 3)
1478 (debug 1)))
1479 (if (= n 0)
1481 (test-minimal-debug-info-for-unstored-but-used-parameter (1- n) a)))
1483 ;;; &KEY arguments with non-constant defaults.
1484 (declaim (notinline opaque-identity))
1485 (defun opaque-identity (x) x)
1486 (defstruct tricky-defaults
1487 (fun #'identity :type function)
1488 (num (opaque-identity 3) :type fixnum))
1489 (macrolet ((frob (form expected-expected-type)
1490 `(handler-case ,form
1491 (type-error (c) (assert (eq (type-error-expected-type c)
1492 ',expected-expected-type)))
1493 (:no-error (&rest vals) (error "~S returned values: ~S" ',form vals)))))
1494 (frob (make-tricky-defaults :fun 3) function)
1495 (frob (make-tricky-defaults :num #'identity) fixnum))
1497 (let ((fun (compile nil '(lambda (&key (key (opaque-identity 3)))
1498 (declare (optimize safety) (type integer key))
1499 key))))
1500 (assert (= (funcall fun) 3))
1501 (assert (= (funcall fun :key 17) 17))
1502 (handler-case (funcall fun :key t)
1503 (type-error (c) (assert (eq (type-error-expected-type c) 'integer)))
1504 (:no-error (&rest vals) (error "no error"))))
1506 ;;; Basic compiler-macro expansion
1507 (define-compiler-macro test-cmacro-0 () ''expanded)
1509 (assert (eq 'expanded (funcall (lambda () (test-cmacro-0)))))
1511 ;;; FUNCALL forms in compiler macros, lambda-list parsing
1512 (define-compiler-macro test-cmacro-1
1513 (&whole whole a (a2) &optional b &rest c &key d)
1514 (list whole a a2 b c d))
1516 (macrolet ((test (form a a2 b c d)
1517 `(let ((form ',form))
1518 (destructuring-bind (whole a a2 b c d)
1519 (funcall (compiler-macro-function 'test-cmacro-1) form nil)
1520 (assert (equal whole form))
1521 (assert (eql a ,a))
1522 (assert (eql a2 ,a2))
1523 (assert (eql b ,b))
1524 (assert (equal c ,c))
1525 (assert (eql d ,d))))) )
1526 (test (funcall 'test-cmacro-1 1 (x) 2 :d 3) 1 'x 2 '(:d 3) 3)
1527 (test (test-cmacro-1 11 (y) 12 :d 13) 11 'y 12 '(:d 13) 13))
1529 ;;; FUNCALL forms in compiler macros, expansions
1530 (define-compiler-macro test-cmacro-2 () ''ok)
1532 (assert (eq 'ok (funcall (lambda () (funcall 'test-cmacro-2)))))
1533 (assert (eq 'ok (funcall (lambda () (funcall #'test-cmacro-2)))))
1535 ;;; Shadowing of compiler-macros by local functions
1536 (define-compiler-macro test-cmacro-3 () ''global)
1538 (defmacro find-cmacro-3 (&environment env)
1539 (compiler-macro-function 'test-cmacro-3 env))
1541 (assert (funcall (lambda () (find-cmacro-3))))
1542 (assert (not (funcall (lambda () (flet ((test-cmacro-3 ()))
1543 (find-cmacro-3))))))
1544 (assert (eq 'local (funcall (lambda () (flet ((test-cmacro-3 () 'local))
1545 (test-cmacro-3))))))
1546 (assert (eq 'local (funcall (lambda () (flet ((test-cmacro-3 () 'local))
1547 (funcall #'test-cmacro-3))))))
1548 (assert (eq 'global (funcall (lambda () (flet ((test-cmacro-3 () 'local))
1549 (funcall 'test-cmacro-3))))))
1551 ;;; Local NOTINLINE & INLINE
1552 (defun test-cmacro-4 () 'fun)
1553 (define-compiler-macro test-cmacro-4 () ''macro)
1555 (assert (eq 'fun (funcall (lambda ()
1556 (declare (notinline test-cmacro-4))
1557 (test-cmacro-4)))))
1559 (assert (eq 'macro (funcall (lambda ()
1560 (declare (inline test-cmacro-4))
1561 (test-cmacro-4)))))
1563 ;;; SETF function compiler macros
1564 (define-compiler-macro (setf test-cmacro-4) (&whole form value) ''ok)
1566 (assert (eq 'ok (funcall (lambda () (setf (test-cmacro-4) 'zot)))))
1567 (assert (eq 'ok (funcall (lambda () (funcall #'(setf test-cmacro-4) 'zot)))))
1569 ;;; Step instrumentation breaking type-inference
1570 (handler-bind ((warning #'error))
1571 (assert (= 42 (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (v x)
1572 (declare (optimize sb-c:insert-step-conditions))
1573 (if (typep (the function x) 'fixnum)
1574 (svref v (the function x))
1575 (funcall x))))
1576 nil (constantly 42)))))
1578 ;;; bug 368: array type intersections in the compiler
1579 (defstruct e368)
1580 (defstruct i368)
1581 (defstruct g368
1582 (i368s (make-array 0 :fill-pointer t) :type (or (vector i368) null)))
1583 (defstruct s368
1584 (g368 (error "missing :G368") :type g368 :read-only t))
1585 (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum (vector i368) e368) t) r368))
1586 (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum (vector e368)) t) h368))
1587 (defparameter *h368-was-called-p* nil)
1588 (defun nsu (vertices e368)
1589 (let ((i368s (g368-i368s (make-g368))))
1590 (let ((fuis (r368 0 i368s e368)))
1591 (format t "~&FUIS=~S~%" fuis)
1592 (or fuis (h368 0 i368s)))))
1593 (defun r368 (w x y)
1594 (declare (ignore w x y))
1595 nil)
1596 (defun h368 (w x)
1597 (declare (ignore w x))
1598 (setf *h368-was-called-p* t)
1599 (make-s368 :g368 (make-g368)))
1600 (let ((nsu (nsu #() (make-e368))))
1601 (format t "~&NSU returned ~S~%" nsu)
1602 (format t "~&*H368-WAS-CALLED-P*=~S~%" *h368-was-called-p*)
1603 (assert (s368-p nsu))
1604 (assert *h368-was-called-p*))
1606 ;;; bug 367: array type intersections in the compiler
1607 (defstruct e367)
1608 (defstruct i367)
1609 (defstruct g367
1610 (i367s (make-array 0 :fill-pointer t) :type (or (vector i367) null)))
1611 (defstruct s367
1612 (g367 (error "missing :G367") :type g367 :read-only t))
1613 (declaim (ftype (function ((vector i367) e367) (or s367 null)) r367))
1614 (declaim (ftype (function ((vector e367)) (values)) h367))
1615 (defun frob-367 (v w)
1616 (let ((x (g367-i367s (make-g367))))
1617 (let* ((y (or (r367 x w)
1618 (h367 x)))
1619 (z (s367-g367 y)))
1620 (format t "~&Y=~S Z=~S~%" y z)
1621 (g367-i367s z))))
1622 (defun r367 (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) nil)
1623 (defun h367 (x) (declare (ignore x)) (values))
1624 (multiple-value-bind (res err) (ignore-errors (frob-367 0 (make-e367)))
1625 (assert (not res))
1626 (assert (typep err 'type-error)))
1628 (handler-case
1629 (delete-file (compile-file "circ-tree-test.lisp"))
1630 (storage-condition (e)
1631 (error e)))
1633 ;;; warnings due to step-insturmentation
1634 (defclass debug-test-class () ())
1635 (handler-case
1636 (compile nil '(lambda ()
1637 (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
1638 (defmethod print-object ((x debug-test-class) s)
1639 (call-next-method))))
1640 ((and (not style-warning) warning) (e)
1641 (error e)))
1643 ;;; program-error from bad lambda-list keyword
1644 (assert (eq :ok
1645 (handler-case
1646 (funcall (lambda (&whole x)
1647 (list &whole x)))
1648 (program-error ()
1649 :ok))))
1650 (assert (eq :ok
1651 (handler-case
1652 (let ((*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
1653 (funcall (eval '(lambda (&whole x)
1654 (list &whole x)))))
1655 (program-error ()
1656 :ok))))
1658 ;;; ignore &environment
1659 (handler-bind ((style-warning #'error))
1660 (compile nil '(lambda ()
1661 (defmacro macro-ignore-env (&environment env)
1662 (declare (ignore env))
1663 :foo)))
1664 (compile nil '(lambda ()
1665 (defmacro macro-no-env ()
1666 :foo))))
1668 (dolist (*evaluator-mode* '(:interpret :compile))
1669 (disassemble (eval '(defun disassemble-source-form-bug (x y z)
1670 (declare (optimize debug))
1671 (list x y z)))))
1673 ;;; long-standing bug in defaulting unknown values on the x86-64,
1674 ;;; since changing the calling convention (test case by Christopher
1675 ;;; Laux sbcl-help 30-06-2007)
1677 (defun default-values-bug-demo-sub ()
1678 (format t "test")
1679 nil)
1680 (compile 'default-values-bug-demo-sub)
1682 (defun default-values-bug-demo-main ()
1683 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f g h)
1684 (default-values-bug-demo-sub)
1685 (if a (+ a b c d e f g h) t)))
1686 (compile 'default-values-bug-demo-main)
1688 (assert (default-values-bug-demo-main))
1690 ;;; copy propagation bug reported by Paul Khuong
1692 (defun local-copy-prop-bug-with-move-arg (x)
1693 (labels ((inner ()
1694 (values 1 0)))
1695 (if x
1696 (inner)
1697 (multiple-value-bind (a b)
1698 (inner)
1699 (values b a)))))
1701 (assert (equal '(0 1) (multiple-value-list (local-copy-prop-bug-with-move-arg nil))))
1702 (assert (equal '(1 0) (multiple-value-list (local-copy-prop-bug-with-move-arg t))))
1704 ;;;; with-pinned-objects & unwind-protect, using all non-tail conventions
1706 (defun wpo-quux () (list 1 2 3))
1707 (defvar *wpo-quux* #'wpo-quux)
1709 (defun wpo-call ()
1710 (unwind-protect
1711 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*wpo-quux*)
1712 (values (funcall *wpo-quux*)))))
1713 (assert (equal '(1 2 3) (wpo-call)))
1715 (defun wpo-multiple-call ()
1716 (unwind-protect
1717 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*wpo-quux*)
1718 (funcall *wpo-quux*))))
1719 (assert (equal '(1 2 3) (wpo-multiple-call)))
1721 (defun wpo-call-named ()
1722 (unwind-protect
1723 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*wpo-quux*)
1724 (values (wpo-quux)))))
1725 (assert (equal '(1 2 3) (wpo-call-named)))
1727 (defun wpo-multiple-call-named ()
1728 (unwind-protect
1729 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*wpo-quux*)
1730 (wpo-quux))))
1731 (assert (equal '(1 2 3) (wpo-multiple-call-named)))
1733 (defun wpo-call-variable (&rest args)
1734 (unwind-protect
1735 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*wpo-quux*)
1736 (values (apply *wpo-quux* args)))))
1737 (assert (equal '(1 2 3) (wpo-call-variable)))
1739 (defun wpo-multiple-call-variable (&rest args)
1740 (unwind-protect
1741 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*wpo-quux*)
1742 (apply #'wpo-quux args))))
1743 (assert (equal '(1 2 3) (wpo-multiple-call-named)))
1745 (defun wpo-multiple-call-local ()
1746 (flet ((quux ()
1747 (wpo-quux)))
1748 (unwind-protect
1749 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (*wpo-quux*)
1750 (quux)))))
1751 (assert (equal '(1 2 3) (wpo-multiple-call-local)))
1753 ;;; bug 417: toplevel NIL confusing source path logic
1754 (handler-case
1755 (delete-file (compile-file "bug-417.lisp"))
1756 (sb-ext:code-deletion-note (e)
1757 (error e)))
1759 ;;; unknown values return convention getting disproportionate
1760 ;;; amounts of values.
1761 (declaim (notinline one-value two-values))
1762 (defun one-value (x)
1763 (not x))
1764 (defun two-values (x y)
1765 (values y x))
1766 (defun wants-many-values (x y)
1767 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f)
1768 (one-value y)
1769 (assert (and (eql (not y) a)
1770 (not (or b c d e f)))))
1771 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f)
1772 (two-values y x)
1773 (assert (and (eql a x) (eql b y)
1774 (not (or c d e f)))))
1775 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f g h i)
1776 (one-value y)
1777 (assert (and (eql (not y) a)
1778 (not (or b c d e f g h i)))))
1779 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f g h i)
1780 (two-values y x)
1781 (assert (and (eql a x) (eql b y)
1782 (not (or c d e f g h i)))))
1783 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s)
1784 (one-value y)
1785 (assert (and (eql (not y) a)
1786 (not (or b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s)))))
1787 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s)
1788 (two-values y x)
1789 (assert (and (eql a x) (eql b y)
1790 (not (or c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s))))))
1791 (wants-many-values 1 42)
1793 ;;; constant coalescing
1795 (defun count-code-constants (x f)
1796 (let ((code (sb-kernel:fun-code-header f))
1797 (n 0))
1798 (loop for i from sb-vm::code-constants-offset below (sb-kernel:get-header-data code)
1799 do (when (equal x (sb-kernel:code-header-ref code i))
1800 (incf n)))
1803 (defvar *lambda*)
1805 (defun compile2 (lambda)
1806 (let* ((lisp "compiler-impure-tmp.lisp")
1807 (fasl (compile-file-pathname lisp)))
1808 (unwind-protect
1809 (progn
1810 (with-open-file (f lisp :direction :output)
1811 (prin1 `(setf *lambda* ,lambda) f))
1812 (multiple-value-bind (fasl warn fail) (compile-file lisp)
1813 (declare (ignore warn))
1814 (when fail
1815 (error "File-compiling ~S failed." lambda))
1816 (let ((*lambda* nil))
1817 (load fasl)
1818 (values *lambda* (compile nil lambda)))))
1819 (ignore-errors (delete-file lisp))
1820 (ignore-errors (delete-file fasl)))))
1822 ;; named and unnamed
1823 (defconstant +born-to-coalesce+ '.born-to-coalesce.)
1824 (multiple-value-bind (file-fun core-fun)
1825 (compile2 '(lambda ()
1826 (let ((x (cons +born-to-coalesce+ nil))
1827 (y (cons '.born-to-coalesce. nil)))
1828 (list x y))))
1829 (assert (= 1 (count-code-constants '.born-to-coalesce. file-fun)))
1830 (assert (= 1 (count-code-constants '.born-to-coalesce. core-fun))))
1832 ;; some things must retain identity under COMPILE, but we want to coalesce them under COMPILE-FILE
1833 (defun assert-coalescing (constant)
1834 (let ((value (copy-seq (symbol-value constant))))
1835 (multiple-value-bind (file-fun core-fun)
1836 (compile2 `(lambda ()
1837 (let ((x (cons ,constant nil))
1838 (y (cons ',value nil)))
1839 (list x y))))
1840 (assert (= 1 (count-code-constants value file-fun)))
1841 (assert (= 2 (count-code-constants value core-fun)))
1842 (let* ((l (funcall file-fun))
1843 (a (car (first l)))
1844 (b (car (second l))))
1845 (assert (and (equal value a)
1846 (equal a b)
1847 (eq a b))))
1848 (let* ((l (funcall core-fun))
1849 (a (car (first l)))
1850 (b (car (second l))))
1851 (assert (and (equal value a)
1852 (equal a b)
1853 (not (eq a b))))))))
1855 (defconstant +born-to-coalesce2+ "maybe coalesce me!")
1856 (assert-coalescing '+born-to-coalesce2+)
1858 (defconstant +born-to-coalesce3+ #*01101001011101110100011)
1859 (assert-coalescing '+born-to-coalesce3+)
1861 (defconstant +born-to-coalesce4+ '(foo bar "zot" 123 (nested "quux") #*0101110010))
1862 (assert-coalescing '+born-to-coalesce4+)
1864 (defclass some-constant-thing () ())
1866 ;;; correct handling of nested things loaded via SYMBOL-VALUE
1867 (defvar *sneaky-nested-thing* (list (make-instance 'some-constant-thing)))
1868 (defconstant +sneaky-nested-thing+ *sneaky-nested-thing*)
1869 (multiple-value-bind (file-fun core-fun) (compile2 '(lambda () +sneaky-nested-thing+))
1870 (assert (equal *sneaky-nested-thing* (funcall file-fun)))
1871 (assert (equal *sneaky-nested-thing* (funcall core-fun))))
1873 ;;; catch constant modifications thru undefined variables
1874 (defun sneak-set-dont-set-me (x)
1875 (ignore-errors (setq dont-set-me x)))
1876 (defconstant dont-set-me 42)
1877 (assert (not (sneak-set-dont-set-me 13)))
1878 (assert (= 42 dont-set-me))
1879 (defun sneak-set-dont-set-me2 (x)
1880 (ignore-errors (setq dont-set-me2 x)))
1881 (defconstant dont-set-me2 (make-instance 'some-constant-thing))
1882 (assert (not (sneak-set-dont-set-me2 13)))
1883 (assert (typep dont-set-me2 'some-constant-thing))
1885 ;;; check that non-trivial constants are EQ across different files: this is
1886 ;;; not something ANSI either guarantees or requires, but we want to do it
1887 ;;; anyways.
1888 (defconstant +share-me-1+ #-inline-constants 123.456d0 #+inline-constants nil)
1889 (defconstant +share-me-2+ "a string to share")
1890 (defconstant +share-me-3+ (vector 1 2 3))
1891 (defconstant +share-me-4+ (* 2 most-positive-fixnum))
1892 (multiple-value-bind (f1 c1) (compile2 '(lambda () (values +share-me-1+
1893 +share-me-2+
1894 +share-me-3+
1895 +share-me-4+
1896 #-inline-constants pi)))
1897 (multiple-value-bind (f2 c2) (compile2 '(lambda () (values +share-me-1+
1898 +share-me-2+
1899 +share-me-3+
1900 +share-me-4+
1901 #-inline-constants pi)))
1902 (flet ((test (fa fb)
1903 (mapc (lambda (a b)
1904 (assert (eq a b)))
1905 (multiple-value-list (funcall fa))
1906 (multiple-value-list (funcall fb)))))
1907 (test f1 c1)
1908 (test f1 f2)
1909 (test f1 c2))))
1911 ;;; user-defined satisfies-types cannot be folded
1912 (deftype mystery () '(satisfies mysteryp))
1913 (defvar *mystery* nil)
1914 (defun mysteryp (x) (eq x *mystery*))
1915 (defstruct thing (slot (error "missing") :type mystery))
1916 (defun test-mystery (m) (when (eq :mystery (thing-slot m)) :ok))
1917 (setf *mystery* :mystery)
1918 (assert (eq :ok (test-mystery (make-thing :slot :mystery))))
1920 ;;; success