[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / contrib / stale-symbols.lisp
1 ;;; This code is currently essentially the same as code posted by Eric
2 ;;; Marsden to cmucl-imp, to detect stale symbols in a core.
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Known deficiencies:
5 ;;;
6 ;;; * flags CATCH tags as stale;
7 ;;; * flags constants (under certain circumstances) as stale;
8 ;;; * output is not necessarily terribly clear;
9 ;;; * takes a long time (several hours on CSR's 300MHz x86 desktop) to
10 ;;; run.
11 ;;;
12 ;;; Comment from Eric Marsden:
13 ;;;
14 ;;; This file contains code that attempts to identify symbols in a
15 ;;; CMUCL image that are stale. For example, the package descriptions
16 ;;; in src/code/package.lisp can get out of sync with the source code,
17 ;;; leading to symbols that are exported without being used anywhere.
18 ;;;
19 ;;; The routines work by walking all the objects allocated in a heap
20 ;;; image (using the function VM::MAP-ALLOCATED-OBJECTS). For each
21 ;;; object of type symbol, it scans the entire heap for objects that
22 ;;; reference that symbol. If it finds no references, or if there is
23 ;;; only one reference that looks like it is likely from the internals
24 ;;; of a package-related datastructure, the name of the symbol and its
25 ;;; package is displayed.
26 ;;; The "references to that symbol" are found using the function
27 ;;; VM::LIST-REFERENCING-OBJECTS. Consider for example a function that
28 ;;; uses the value of a symbol. The code-object for that function
29 ;;; contains a reference to the symbol, so that a call to SYMBOL-VALUE
30 ;;; can be made at runtime. The data structures corresponding to a
31 ;;; package must maintain a list of its exported an imported symbols.
32 ;;; They contain a hashtable, which contains a vector, which contains
33 ;;; symbols. So all exported symbols will have at least one referencing
34 ;;; object: a vector related to some package.
35 ;;;
36 ;;; Limitations: these routines will provide a number of false
37 ;;; positives (symbols that are not actually stale). Throw/catch tags
38 ;;; are displayed, but are not stale. It displays the names of
39 ;;; restarts. Worse, it displays the names of CMUCL-internal constants.
40 ;;; These symbols that name constants are not referenced from anywhere
41 ;;; expect the package datastructures because the compiler can
42 ;;; substitute their value wherever they're used in the CMUCL source
43 ;;; code, without keeping a reference to the symbol hanging around.
44 ;;; There are also a number of PCL-related symbols that are displayed,
45 ;;; but probably used internally by PCL.
46 ;;;
47 ;;; Moral: the output of these routines must be checked carefully
48 ;;; before going on a code deletion spree.
50 (defun print-stale-reference (obj stream)
51 (cond ((vectorp obj)
52 (format stream "vector (probable package internals)"))
53 ((sb-c::compiled-debug-function-p obj)
54 (format stream "#<compiled-debug-function ~a>"
55 (sb-c::compiled-debug-function-name obj)))
57 (format stream "~w" obj))))
59 (defun find-stale-objects ()
60 (dolist (space '(:static :dynamic :read-only))
61 (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects
62 (lambda (obj type size)
63 (declare (optimize (safety 0))
64 (ignore size))
65 (when (eql type sb-vm:symbol-header-widetag)
66 (ignore-errors
67 (let ((read-only-space-refs (sb-vm::list-referencing-objects :read-only obj))
68 (static-space-refs (sb-vm::list-referencing-objects :static obj))
69 (dynamic-space-refs (sb-vm::list-referencing-objects :dynamic obj)))
70 (when (>= 1 (+ (length read-only-space-refs)
71 (length static-space-refs)
72 (length dynamic-space-refs)))
73 (format t "Symbol ~a::~a~%"
74 (and (symbol-package obj) (package-name (symbol-package obj)))
75 (symbol-name obj))
76 (unless (null read-only-space-refs)
77 (princ " Reference in read-only space: ")
78 (print-stale-reference (car read-only-space-refs) t)
79 (terpri))
80 (unless (null static-space-refs)
81 (princ " Reference in static space: ")
82 (print-stale-reference (car static-space-refs) t)
83 (terpri))
84 (unless (null dynamic-space-refs)
85 (princ " Reference in dynamic space: ")
86 (print-stale-reference (car dynamic-space-refs) t)
87 (terpri)))))))
88 space)))