[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / tests / stream.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests related to Lisp streams
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (in-package :cl-user)
16 ;;; Until sbcl-, we didn't have an N-BIN method for
17 ;;; CONCATENATED-STREAM, so stuff like this would fail.
18 (let ((stream (make-concatenated-stream (make-string-input-stream "Demo")))
19 (buffer (make-string 4)))
20 (read-sequence buffer stream))
21 ;;; test for the new N-BIN method doing what it's supposed to
22 (let* ((substrings (list "This " "is " "a " ""
23 "test of concatenated streams behaving "
24 "as ordinary streams do under READ-SEQUENCE. "
25 (make-string 140041 :initial-element #\%)
26 "For any size of read.."
27 (make-string 4123 :initial-element #\.)
28 "they should give the same results."
29 (make-string (expt 2 14) :initial-element #\*)
30 "There should be no differences."))
31 (substreams (mapcar #'make-string-input-stream substrings))
32 (concatenated-stream (apply #'make-concatenated-stream substreams))
33 (concatenated-string (apply #'concatenate 'string substrings))
34 (stream (make-string-input-stream concatenated-string))
35 (max-n-to-read 24)
36 (buffer-1 (make-string max-n-to-read))
37 (buffer-2 (make-string max-n-to-read)))
38 (loop
39 (let* ((n-to-read (random max-n-to-read))
40 (n-actually-read-1 (read-sequence buffer-1
41 concatenated-stream
42 :end n-to-read))
43 (n-actually-read-2 (read-sequence buffer-2
44 stream
45 :end n-to-read)))
46 ;; (format t "buffer-1=~S~%buffer-2=~S~%" buffer-1 buffer-2)
47 (assert (= n-actually-read-1 n-actually-read-2))
48 (assert (string= buffer-1 buffer-2
49 :end1 n-actually-read-1
50 :end2 n-actually-read-2))
51 (unless (= n-actually-read-1 n-to-read)
52 (assert (< n-actually-read-1 n-to-read))
53 (return)))))
55 ;;; Entomotomy PEEK-CHAR-WRONGLY-ECHOS-TO-ECHO-STREAM bug, fixed by
56 ;;; MRD patch sbcl-devel 2002-11-02 merged ca. sbcl-
57 (assert (string=
58 (with-output-to-string (out)
59 (peek-char #\]
60 (make-echo-stream
61 (make-string-input-stream "ab cd e df s]") out)))
62 ;; (Before the fix, the result had a trailing #\] in it.)
63 "ab cd e df s"))
64 ;;; ...and a missing wrinkle in the original patch, dealing with
65 ;;; PEEK-CHAR/UNREAD-CHAR on ECHO-STREAMs, fixed by MRD patch
66 ;;; sbcl-devel 2002-11-18, merged ca. sbcl-
67 (assert (string=
68 (let* ((in-stream (make-string-input-stream "abc"))
69 (out-stream (make-string-output-stream))
70 (echo-stream (make-echo-stream in-stream out-stream)))
71 (unread-char (read-char echo-stream) echo-stream)
72 (peek-char #\a echo-stream)
73 (get-output-stream-string out-stream))
74 ;; (Before the fix, the LET* expression just signalled an error.)
75 "a"))
77 ;;; 0.7.12 doesn't advance current stream in concatenated streams
78 ;;; correctly when searching a stream for a char to read.
79 (with-input-from-string (p "")
80 (with-input-from-string (q "foo")
81 (let* ((r (make-concatenated-stream p q)))
82 (peek-char nil r))))
84 ;;; 0.7.14 and previous SBCLs don't have a working INTERACTIVE-STREAM-P
85 ;;; because it called UNIX-ISATTY, which wasn't defined.
86 (with-input-from-string (s "a non-interactive stream")
87 (assert (not (interactive-stream-p s))))
88 ;;; KLUDGE: Unfortunately it's hard to find a reliably interactive
89 ;;; stream to test, since it's reasonable for these tests to be run
90 ;;; from a script, conceivably even as something like a cron job.
91 ;;; Ideas?
92 #+nil (assert (eq (interactive-stream-p *terminal-io*) t))
94 ;;; FILE-POSITION on string-input-streams should work, even with
95 ;;; :START or :END new positions.
96 (let ((stream (make-string-input-stream "abc")))
97 (assert (char= (read-char stream) #\a))
98 (assert (= (file-position stream) 1))
99 (assert (file-position stream 0))
100 (assert (char= (read-char stream) #\a))
101 (assert (file-position stream :start))
102 (assert (char= (read-char stream) #\a))
103 (assert (file-position stream :end))
104 (assert (eq (read-char stream nil 'foo) 'foo)))
107 ;;; :ELEMENT-TYPE keyword argument
108 (macrolet ((frob (element-type-form)
109 `(progn
110 (let ((s (with-output-to-string
111 (s nil ,@(when element-type-form
112 `(:element-type ,element-type-form))))))
113 (assert (typep s '(simple-array ,(if element-type-form
114 (eval element-type-form)
115 'character)
116 (0)))))
117 (get-output-stream-string
118 (make-string-output-stream
119 ,@(when element-type-form
120 `(:element-type ,element-type-form)))))))
121 (frob nil)
122 (frob 'character)
123 (frob 'base-char)
124 (frob 'nil))