[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / tests / clos.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous side-effectful tests of CLOS
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (defpackage "FOO"
15 (:use "CL"))
16 (in-package "FOO")
18 ;;; It should be possible to do DEFGENERIC and DEFMETHOD referring to
19 ;;; structure types defined earlier in the file.
20 (defstruct struct-a x y)
21 (defstruct struct-b x y z)
22 (defmethod wiggle ((a struct-a))
23 (+ (struct-a-x a)
24 (struct-a-y a)))
25 (defgeneric jiggle (arg))
26 (defmethod jiggle ((a struct-a))
27 (- (struct-a-x a)
28 (struct-a-y a)))
29 (defmethod jiggle ((b struct-b))
30 (- (struct-b-x b)
31 (struct-b-y b)
32 (struct-b-z b)))
33 (assert (= (wiggle (make-struct-a :x 6 :y 5))
34 (jiggle (make-struct-b :x 19 :y 6 :z 2))))
36 ;;; Compiling DEFGENERIC should prevent "undefined function" style
37 ;;; warnings from code within the same file.
38 (defgeneric gf-defined-in-this-file (x y))
39 (defun function-using-gf-defined-in-this-file (x y n)
40 (unless (minusp n)
41 (gf-defined-in-this-file x y)))
43 ;;; Until Martin Atzmueller ported Pierre Mai's CMU CL fixes in
44 ;;; sbcl-, the implementation of NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD was
45 ;;; broken in such a way that the code here would signal an error.
46 (defgeneric zut-n-a-m (a b c))
47 (defmethod no-applicable-method ((zut-n-a-m (eql #'zut-n-a-m)) &rest args)
48 (format t "~&No applicable method for ZUT-N-A-M ~S, yet.~%" args))
49 (zut-n-a-m 1 2 3)
51 ;;; bug reported and fixed by Alexey Dejneka sbcl-devel 2001-09-10:
52 ;;; This DEFGENERIC shouldn't cause an error.
53 (defgeneric ad-gf (a) (:method :around (x) x))
55 ;;; DEFGENERIC and DEFMETHOD shouldn't accept &REST when it's not
56 ;;; followed by a variable:
57 ;;; e.g. (DEFMETHOD FOO ((X T) &REST) NIL) should signal an error.
58 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
59 (defmacro expect-error (&body body)
60 `(multiple-value-bind (res condition)
61 (ignore-errors (progn ,@body))
62 (declare (ignore res))
63 (typep condition 'error))))
64 (assert (expect-error
65 (macroexpand-1
66 '(defmethod foo0 ((x t) &rest) nil))))
67 (assert (expect-error (defgeneric foo1 (x &rest))))
68 (assert (expect-error (defgeneric foo2 (x a &rest))))
69 (defgeneric foo3 (x &rest y))
70 (defmethod foo3 ((x t) &rest y) nil)
71 (defmethod foo4 ((x t) &key y &rest z) nil)
72 (defgeneric foo4 (x &rest z &key y))
73 (assert (expect-error (defgeneric foo5 (x &rest))))
74 (assert (expect-error (macroexpand-1 '(defmethod foo6 (x &rest)))))
76 ;;; more lambda-list checking
77 ;;;
78 ;;; DEFGENERIC lambda lists are subject to various limitations, as per
79 ;;; section 3.4.2 of the ANSI spec. Since Alexey Dejneka's patch for
80 ;;; bug 191-b ca. sbcl-0.7.22, these limitations should be enforced.
81 (labels ((coerce-to-boolean (x)
82 (if x t nil))
83 (%like-or-dislike (expr expected-failure-p)
84 (declare (type boolean expected-failure-p))
85 (format t "~&trying ~S~%" expr)
86 (multiple-value-bind (fun warnings-p failure-p)
87 (compile nil
88 `(lambda ()
89 ,expr))
90 (declare (ignore fun))
91 ;; In principle the constraint on WARNINGS-P below seems
92 ;; reasonable, but in practice we get warnings about
93 ;; undefined functions from the DEFGENERICs, apparently
94 ;; because the DECLAIMs which ordinarily prevent such
95 ;; warnings don't take effect because EVAL-WHEN
96 ;; (:COMPILE-TOPLEVEL) loses its magic when compiled
97 ;; within a LAMBDA. So maybe we can't test WARNINGS-P
98 ;; after all?
99 ;;(unless expected-failure-p
100 ;; (assert (not warnings-p)))
101 (assert (eq (coerce-to-boolean failure-p) expected-failure-p))))
102 (like (expr)
103 (%like-or-dislike expr nil))
104 (dislike (expr)
105 (%like-or-dislike expr t)))
106 ;; basic sanity
107 (dislike '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-0 ("a" #p"b")))
108 (like '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-1 ()))
109 (like '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-2 (x)))
110 ;; forbidden default or supplied-p for &OPTIONAL or &KEY arguments
111 (dislike '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-3 (x &optional (y 0))))
112 (like '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-4 (x &optional y)))
113 (dislike '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-5 (x y &key (z :z z-p))))
114 (like '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-6 (x y &key z)))
115 (dislike '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-7 (x &optional (y 0) &key z)))
116 (like '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-8 (x &optional y &key z)))
117 (dislike '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-9 (x &optional y &key (z :z))))
118 (like '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-10 (x &optional y &key z)))
119 (dislike '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-11 (&optional &key (k :k k-p))))
120 (like '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-12 (&optional &key k)))
121 ;; forbidden &AUX
122 (dislike '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-13 (x y z &optional a &aux g h)))
123 (like '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-14 (x y z &optional a)))
124 (dislike '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-bare-aux-1 (x &aux)))
125 (like '(defgeneric gf-for-ll-test-bare-aux-2 (x)))
126 ;; also can't use bogoDEFMETHODish type-qualifier-ish decorations
127 ;; on required arguments
128 (dislike '(defgeneric gf-for-11-test-15 ((arg t))))
129 (like '(defgeneric gf-for-11-test-16 (arg))))
131 ;;; structure-class tests setup
132 (defclass structure-class-foo1 () () (:metaclass cl:structure-class))
133 (defclass structure-class-foo2 (structure-class-foo1)
134 () (:metaclass cl:structure-class))
136 ;;; standard-class tests setup
137 (defclass standard-class-foo1 () () (:metaclass cl:standard-class))
138 (defclass standard-class-foo2 (standard-class-foo1)
139 () (:metaclass cl:standard-class))
141 (assert (typep (class-of (make-instance 'structure-class-foo1))
142 'structure-class))
143 (assert (typep (make-instance 'structure-class-foo1) 'structure-class-foo1))
144 (assert (typep (make-instance 'standard-class-foo1) 'standard-class-foo1))
146 ;;; DEFGENERIC's blow-away-old-methods behavior is specified to have
147 ;;; special hacks to distinguish between defined-with-DEFGENERIC-:METHOD
148 ;;; methods and defined-with-DEFMETHOD methods, so that reLOADing
149 ;;; DEFGENERIC-containing files does the right thing instead of
150 ;;; randomly slicing your generic functions. (APD made this work
151 ;;; in sbcl-
152 (defgeneric born-to-be-redefined (x)
153 (:method ((x integer))
154 'integer))
155 (defmethod born-to-be-redefined ((x real))
156 'real)
157 (assert (eq (born-to-be-redefined 1) 'integer))
158 (defgeneric born-to-be-redefined (x))
159 (assert (eq (born-to-be-redefined 1) 'real)) ; failed until sbcl-
160 (defgeneric born-to-be-redefined (x)
161 (:method ((x integer))
162 'integer))
163 (defmethod born-to-be-redefined ((x integer))
164 'int)
165 (assert (eq (born-to-be-redefined 1) 'int))
166 (defgeneric born-to-be-redefined (x))
167 (assert (eq (born-to-be-redefined 1) 'int))
169 ;;; In the removal of ITERATE from SB-PCL, a bug was introduced
170 ;;; preventing forward-references and also change-class (which
171 ;;; forward-references used interally) from working properly. One
172 ;;; symptom was reported by Brian Spilsbury (sbcl-devel 2002-04-08),
173 ;;; and another on IRC by Dan Barlow simultaneously. Better check
174 ;;; that it doesn't happen again.
176 ;;; First, the forward references:
177 (defclass a (b) ())
178 (defclass b () ())
179 ;;; Then change-class
180 (defclass class-with-slots ()
181 ((a-slot :initarg :a-slot :accessor a-slot)
182 (b-slot :initarg :b-slot :accessor b-slot)
183 (c-slot :initarg :c-slot :accessor c-slot)))
184 (let ((foo (make-instance 'class-with-slots
185 :a-slot 1
186 :b-slot 2
187 :c-slot 3)))
188 (let ((bar (change-class foo 'class-with-slots)))
189 (assert (= (a-slot bar) 1))
190 (assert (= (b-slot bar) 2))
191 (assert (= (c-slot bar) 3))))
193 ;;; some more CHANGE-CLASS testing, now that we have an ANSI-compliant
194 ;;; version (thanks to Espen Johnsen)
195 (defclass from-class ()
196 ((foo :initarg :foo :accessor foo)))
197 (defclass to-class ()
198 ((foo :initarg :foo :accessor foo)
199 (bar :initarg :bar :accessor bar)))
200 (let* ((from (make-instance 'from-class :foo 1))
201 (to (change-class from 'to-class :bar 2)))
202 (assert (= (foo to) 1))
203 (assert (= (bar to) 2)))
205 ;;; Until Pierre Mai's patch (sbcl-devel 2002-06-18, merged in
206 ;;; sbcl- the :MOST-SPECIFIC-LAST option had no effect.
207 (defgeneric bug180 (x)
208 (:method-combination list :most-specific-last))
209 (defmethod bug180 list ((x number))
210 'number)
211 (defmethod bug180 list ((x fixnum))
212 'fixnum)
213 (assert (equal (bug180 14) '(number fixnum)))
215 ;;; printing a structure class should not loop indefinitely (or cause
216 ;;; a stack overflow):
217 (defclass test-printing-structure-class ()
218 ((slot :initarg :slot))
219 (:metaclass structure-class))
220 (print (make-instance 'test-printing-structure-class :slot 2))
222 ;;; structure-classes should behave nicely when subclassed
223 (defclass super-structure ()
224 ((a :initarg :a :accessor a-accessor)
225 (b :initform 2 :reader b-reader))
226 (:metaclass structure-class))
227 (defclass sub-structure (super-structure)
228 ((c :initarg :c :writer c-writer :accessor c-accessor))
229 (:metaclass structure-class))
230 (let ((foo (make-instance 'sub-structure :a 1 :c 3)))
231 (assert (= (a-accessor foo) 1))
232 (assert (= (b-reader foo) 2))
233 (assert (= (c-accessor foo) 3))
234 (setf (a-accessor foo) 4)
235 (c-writer 5 foo)
236 (assert (= (a-accessor foo) 4))
237 (assert (= (c-accessor foo) 5)))
239 ;;; At least as of sbcl-0.7.4, PCL has code to support a special
240 ;;; encoding of effective method functions for slot accessors as
241 ;;; FIXNUMs. Given this special casing, it'd be easy for slot accessor
242 ;;; functions to get broken in special ways even though ordinary
243 ;;; generic functions work. As of sbcl-0.7.4 we didn't have any tests
244 ;;; for that possibility. Now we have a few tests:
245 (defclass fish ()
246 ((fin :reader ffin :writer ffin!)
247 (tail :reader ftail :writer ftail!)))
248 (defvar *fish* (make-instance 'fish))
249 (ffin! 'triangular-fin *fish*)
250 (defclass cod (fish) ())
251 (defvar *cod* (make-instance 'cod))
252 (defparameter *clos-dispatch-side-fx* (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0))
253 (defmethod ffin! (new-fin (cod cod))
254 (format t "~&about to set ~S fin to ~S~%" cod new-fin)
255 (vector-push-extend '(cod) *clos-dispatch-side-fx*)
256 (prog1
257 (call-next-method)
258 (format t "~&done setting ~S fin to ~S~%" cod new-fin)))
259 (defmethod ffin! :before (new-fin (cod cod))
260 (vector-push-extend '(:before cod) *clos-dispatch-side-fx*)
261 (format t "~&exploring the CLOS dispatch zoo with COD fins~%"))
262 (ffin! 'almost-triang-fin *cod*)
263 (assert (eq (ffin *cod*) 'almost-triang-fin))
264 (assert (equalp #((:before cod) (cod)) *clos-dispatch-side-fx*))
266 ;;; Until sbcl-, the long form of DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION
267 ;;; ignored its options; Gerd Moellmann found and fixed the problem
268 ;;; for cmucl (cmucl-imp 2002-06-18).
269 (define-method-combination test-mc (x)
270 ;; X above being a method-group-specifier
271 ((primary () :required t))
272 `(call-method ,(first primary)))
274 (defgeneric gf (obj)
275 (:method-combination test-mc 1))
277 (defmethod gf (obj)
278 obj)
280 ;;;; success
282 (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104)