[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / tests / compiler.test.sh
1 #!/bin/sh
3 # This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 # more information.
6 # While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 # files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 # from CMU CL.
9 #
10 # This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 # absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 # more information.
14 . ./expect.sh
16 base_tmpfilename="compiler-test-$$-tmp"
17 tmpfilename="$base_tmpfilename.lisp"
18 compiled_tmpfilename="$base_tmpfilename.fasl"
20 # This should fail, as type inference should show that the call to FOO
21 # will return something of the wrong type.
22 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
23 (in-package :cl-user)
24 (defun foo (x) (list x))
25 (defun bar (x) (1+ (foo x)))
26 EOF
27 expect_failed_compile $tmpfilename
29 # This should fail, as we define a function multiply in the same file
30 # (CLHS
31 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
32 (in-package :cl-user)
33 (defun foo (x) (list x))
34 (defun foo (x) (cons x x))
35 EOF
36 expect_failed_compile $tmpfilename
38 # This shouldn't fail, as the inner FLETs should not be treated as
39 # having the same name.
40 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
41 (in-package :cl-user)
42 (defun foo (x)
43 (flet ((baz (y) (load y)))
44 (declare (notinline baz))
45 (baz x)))
46 (defun bar (x)
47 (flet ((baz (y) (load y)))
48 (declare (notinline baz))
49 (baz x)))
50 EOF
51 expect_clean_compile $tmpfilename
53 # This shouldn't fail despite the apparent type mismatch, because of
54 # the NOTINLINE declamation.
55 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
56 (in-package :cl-user)
57 (defun foo (x) (list x))
58 (declaim (notinline foo))
59 (defun bar (x) (1+ (foo x)))
60 EOF
61 expect_clean_compile $tmpfilename
63 # This shouldn't fail despite the apparent type mismatch, because of
64 # the NOTINLINE declaration.
65 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
66 (in-package :cl-user)
67 (defun foo (x) (list x))
68 (defun bar (x)
69 (declare (notinline foo))
70 (1+ (foo x)))
71 EOF
72 expect_clean_compile $tmpfilename
74 # This in an ideal world would fail (that is, return with FAILURE-P
75 # set), but at present it doesn't.
76 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
77 (in-package :cl-user)
78 (defun foo (x) (list x))
79 (defun bar (x)
80 (declare (notinline foo))
81 (locally
82 (declare (inline foo))
83 (1+ (foo x))))
84 EOF
85 # expect_failed_compile $tmpfilename
87 # This used to not warn, because the VALUES derive-type optimizer was
88 # insufficiently precise.
89 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
90 (in-package :cl-user)
91 (defun foo (x) (declare (ignore x)) (values))
92 (defun bar (x) (1+ (foo x)))
93 EOF
94 expect_failed_compile $tmpfilename
96 # Even after making the VALUES derive-type optimizer more precise, the
97 # following should still be clean.
98 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
99 (in-package :cl-user)
100 (defun foo (x) (declare (ignore x)) (values))
101 (defun bar (x) (car x))
103 expect_clean_compile $tmpfilename
105 # NOTINLINE on known functions shouldn't inhibit type inference
106 # (spotted by APD sbcl-devel 2003-06-14)
107 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
108 (in-package :cl-user)
109 (defun foo (x)
110 (declare (notinline list))
111 (1+ (list x)))
113 expect_failed_compile $tmpfilename
115 # ERROR wants to check its format string for sanity...
116 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
117 (in-package :cl-user)
118 (defun foo (x)
119 (when x
120 (error "~S")))
122 expect_failed_compile $tmpfilename
124 # ... but it (ERROR) shouldn't complain about being unable to optimize
125 # when it's uncertain about its argument's type
126 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
127 (in-package :cl-user)
128 (defun foo (x)
129 (error x))
131 fail_on_compiler_note $tmpfilename
133 # test case from Rudi for some CLOS WARNINGness that shouldn't have
134 # been there
135 cat > $tmpfilename <<EOF
136 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
137 (defstruct buffer-state
138 (output-index 0)))
140 (defclass buffered-stream-mixin ()
141 ((buffer-state :initform (make-buffer-state))))
143 (defgeneric frob (stream))
144 (defmethod frob ((stream t))
145 nil)
146 (defmethod frob ((stream buffered-stream-mixin))
147 (symbol-macrolet
148 ((index (buffer-state-output-index (slot-value stream 'buffer-state))))
149 (setf index 0))
150 (call-next-method))
152 expect_clean_compile $tmpfilename
154 rm $tmpfilename
155 rm $compiled_tmpfilename
157 # success
158 exit 104