[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / tests / mop.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; miscellaneous side-effectful tests of the MOP
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 ;;;; Note that the MOP is not in an entirely supported state.
15 ;;;; However, this seems a good a way as any of ensuring that we have
16 ;;;; no regressions.
18 (defpackage "MOP-TEST"
19 (:use "CL" "SB-MOP"))
21 (in-package "MOP-TEST")
23 ;;; Readers for Class Metaobjects (pp. 212--214 of AMOP)
24 (defclass red-herring (forward-ref) ())
26 (assert (null (class-direct-slots (find-class 'forward-ref))))
27 (assert (null (class-direct-default-initargs
28 (find-class 'forward-ref))))
30 ;;; Readers for Generic Function Metaobjects (pp. 216--218 of AMOP)
31 (defgeneric fn-with-odd-arg-precedence (a b c)
32 (:argument-precedence-order b c a))
34 (assert (equal
35 (generic-function-lambda-list #'fn-with-odd-arg-precedence)
36 '(a b c)))
37 (assert (equal
38 (generic-function-argument-precedence-order #'fn-with-odd-arg-precedence)
39 '(b c a)))
40 ;;; Test for DOCUMENTATION's order, which was wrong until sbcl-
41 (assert (equal
42 (generic-function-argument-precedence-order #'documentation)
43 (let ((ll (generic-function-lambda-list #'documentation)))
44 (list (nth 1 ll) (nth 0 ll)))))
46 (assert (null
47 (generic-function-declarations #'fn-with-odd-arg-precedence)))
48 (defgeneric gf-with-declarations (x)
49 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
50 (declare (optimize (safety 0))))
51 (let ((decls (generic-function-declarations #'gf-with-declarations)))
52 (assert (= (length decls) 2))
53 (assert (member '(optimize (speed 3)) decls :test #'equal))
54 (assert (member '(optimize (safety 0)) decls :test #'equal)))
56 ;;; Readers for Slot Definition Metaobjects (pp. 221--224 of AMOP)
59 ;;; appropriate.
60 (defclass sdm-test-class ()
61 ((an-instance-slot :accessor an-instance-slot)
62 (a-class-slot :allocation :class :accessor a-class-slot)))
63 (dolist (m (list (list #'an-instance-slot :instance)
64 (list #'a-class-slot :class)))
65 (let ((methods (generic-function-methods (car m))))
66 (assert (= (length methods) 1))
67 (assert (eq (slot-definition-allocation
68 (accessor-method-slot-definition
69 (car methods)))
70 (cadr m)))))
72 ;;; Class Finalization Protocol (see section 5.5.2 of AMOP)
73 (let ((finalized-count 0))
74 (defmethod finalize-inheritance :after ((x standard-class))
75 (incf finalized-count))
76 (defun get-count () finalized-count))
77 (defclass finalization-test-1 () ())
78 (make-instance 'finalization-test-1)
79 (assert (= (get-count) 1))
80 (defclass finalization-test-2 (finalization-test-3) ())
81 (assert (= (get-count) 1))
82 (defclass finalization-test-3 () ())
83 (make-instance 'finalization-test-3)
84 (assert (or (= (get-count) 2) (= (get-count) 3)))
85 (make-instance 'finalization-test-2)
86 (assert (= (get-count) 3))
88 ;;; Bits of FUNCALLABLE-STANDARD-CLASS are easy to break; make sure
89 ;;; that it is at least possible to define classes with that as a
90 ;;; metaclass.
91 (defclass gf-class (standard-generic-function) ()
92 (:metaclass funcallable-standard-class))
93 (defgeneric g (a b c)
94 (:generic-function-class gf-class))
96 ;;; until sbcl-, PCL wasn't aware of some direct class
97 ;;; relationships. These aren't necessarily true, but are probably
98 ;;; not going to change often.
99 (dolist (x '(number array sequence character symbol))
100 (assert (eq (car (class-direct-superclasses (find-class x)))
101 (find-class t)))
102 (assert (member (find-class x)
103 (class-direct-subclasses (find-class t)))))
105 ;;; the class-prototype of the NULL class used to be some weird
106 ;;; standard-instance-like thing. Make sure it's actually NIL.
108 ;;; (and FIXME: eventually turn this into asserting that the prototype
109 ;;; of all built-in-classes is of the relevant type)
110 (assert (null (class-prototype (find-class 'null))))
112 ;;; simple consistency checks for the SB-MOP package: all of the
113 ;;; functionality specified in AMOP is in functions and classes:
114 (assert (null (loop for x being each external-symbol in "SB-MOP"
115 unless (or (fboundp x) (find-class x)) collect x)))
116 ;;; and all generic functions in SB-MOP have at least one specified
117 ;;; method, except for UPDATE-DEPENDENT
118 (assert (null (loop for x being each external-symbol in "SB-MOP"
119 unless (or (not (fboundp x))
120 (eq x 'update-dependent)
121 (not (typep (fdefinition x) 'generic-function))
122 (> (length (generic-function-methods
123 (fdefinition x)))
125 collect x)))
127 ;;; make sure that ENSURE-CLASS-USING-CLASS's arguments are the right
128 ;;; way round (!)
129 (defvar *e-c-u-c-arg-order* nil)
130 (defmethod ensure-class-using-class :after
131 (class (name (eql 'e-c-u-c-arg-order)) &key &allow-other-keys)
132 (setf *e-c-u-c-arg-order* t))
133 (defclass e-c-u-c-arg-orderoid () ())
134 (assert (null *e-c-u-c-arg-order*))
135 (defclass e-c-u-c-arg-order () ())
136 (assert (eq *e-c-u-c-arg-order* t))
138 ;;; verify that FIND-CLASS works after FINALIZE-INHERITANCE
139 (defclass automethod-class (standard-class) ())
140 (defmethod validate-superclass ((c1 automethod-class) (c2 standard-class))
142 (defmethod finalize-inheritance :after ((x automethod-class))
143 (format t "~&~S ~S~%" x (find-class (class-name x))))
144 (defclass automethod-object () ()
145 (:metaclass automethod-class))
146 (defvar *automethod-object* (make-instance 'automethod-object))
147 (assert (typep *automethod-object* 'automethod-object))
149 ;;; COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION should take three arguments, one
150 ;;; of which is the name of the slot.
151 (defvar *compute-effective-slot-definition-count* 0)
152 (defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition :before
153 (class (name (eql 'foo)) dsds)
154 (incf *compute-effective-slot-definition-count*))
155 (defclass cesd-test-class ()
156 ((foo :initarg :foo)))
157 (make-instance 'cesd-test-class :foo 3)
158 ;;; FIXME: this assertion seems a little weak. I don't know why
159 ;;; COMPUTE-EFFECTIVE-SLOT-DEFINITION gets called twice in this
160 ;;; sequence, nor whether that's compliant with AMOP. -- CSR,
161 ;;; 2003-04-17
162 (assert (> *compute-effective-slot-definition-count* 0))
164 ;;; this used to cause a nasty uncaught metacircularity in PCL.
165 (defclass substandard-method (standard-method) ())
166 (defgeneric substandard-defgeneric (x y)
167 (:method-class substandard-method)
168 (:method ((x number) (y number)) (+ x y))
169 (:method ((x string) (y string)) (concatenate 'string x y)))
170 (assert (= (substandard-defgeneric 1 2) 3))
171 (assert (string= (substandard-defgeneric "1" "2") "12"))
173 ;;;; success
174 (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104)