[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / src / code / target-char.lisp
1 ;;;; character functions
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; This implementation assumes the use of ASCII codes and the
4 ;;;; specific character formats used in SBCL (and its ancestor, CMU
5 ;;;; CL). It is optimized for performance rather than for portability
6 ;;;; and elegance, and may have to be rewritten if the character
7 ;;;; representation is changed.
8 ;;;;
9 ;;;; KLUDGE: As of sbcl-, at least, the ASCII-dependence is
10 ;;;; not confined to this file. E.g. there are DEFTRANSFORMs in
11 ;;;; srctran.lisp for CHAR-UPCASE, CHAR-EQUAL, and CHAR-DOWNCASE, and
12 ;;;; they assume ASCII. -- WHN 2001-03-25
14 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
15 ;;;; more information.
16 ;;;;
17 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
18 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
19 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
20 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
21 ;;;; files for more information.
23 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
25 ;;; We compile some trivial character operations via inline expansion.
26 #!-sb-fluid
27 (declaim (inline standard-char-p graphic-char-p alpha-char-p
28 upper-case-p lower-case-p both-case-p alphanumericp
29 char-int))
30 (declaim (maybe-inline digit-char-p digit-weight))
32 (deftype char-code ()
33 `(integer 0 (,char-code-limit)))
35 ;;; This is the alist of (character-name . character) for characters
36 ;;; with long names. The first name in this list for a given character
37 ;;; is used on typeout and is the preferred form for input.
38 (macrolet ((frob (char-names-list)
39 (collect ((results))
40 (dolist (code char-names-list)
41 (destructuring-bind (ccode names) code
42 (dolist (name names)
43 (results (cons name (code-char ccode))))))
44 `(defparameter *char-name-alist* ',(results)))))
45 ;; Note: The *** markers here indicate character names which are
46 ;; required by the ANSI specification of #'CHAR-NAME. For the others,
47 ;; we prefer the ASCII standard name.
48 (frob ((#x00 ("Nul" "Null" "^@"))
49 (#x01 ("Soh" "^a"))
50 (#x02 ("Stx" "^b"))
51 (#x03 ("Etx" "^c"))
52 (#x04 ("Eot" "^d"))
53 (#x05 ("Enq" "^e"))
54 (#x06 ("Ack" "^f"))
55 (#x07 ("Bel" "Bell" "^g"))
56 (#x08 ("Backspace" "^h" "Bs")) ; *** See Note above.
57 (#x09 ("Tab" "^i" "Ht")) ; *** See Note above.
58 (#x0A ("Newline" "Linefeed" "^j" "Lf" "Nl" )) ; *** See Note above.
59 (#x0B ("Vt" "^k"))
60 (#x0C ("Page" "^l" "Form" "Formfeed" "Ff" "Np")) ; *** See Note above.
61 (#x0D ("Return" "^m" "Cr")) ; *** See Note above.
62 (#x0E ("So" "^n"))
63 (#x0F ("Si" "^o"))
64 (#x10 ("Dle" "^p"))
65 (#x11 ("Dc1" "^q"))
66 (#x12 ("Dc2" "^r"))
67 (#x13 ("Dc3" "^s"))
68 (#x14 ("Dc4" "^t"))
69 (#x15 ("Nak" "^u"))
70 (#x16 ("Syn" "^v"))
71 (#x17 ("Etb" "^w"))
72 (#x18 ("Can" "^x"))
73 (#x19 ("Em" "^y"))
74 (#x1A ("Sub" "^z"))
75 (#x1B ("Esc" "Escape" "^[" "Altmode" "Alt"))
76 (#x1C ("Fs" "^\\"))
77 (#x1D ("Gs" "^]"))
78 (#x1E ("Rs" "^^"))
79 (#x1F ("Us" "^_"))
80 (#x20 ("Space" "Sp")) ; *** See Note above.
81 (#x7f ("Rubout" "Delete" "Del"))))) ; *** See Note above.
83 ;;;; accessor functions
85 (defun char-code (char)
86 #!+sb-doc
87 "Return the integer code of CHAR."
88 (etypecase char
89 (base-char (char-code (truly-the base-char char)))))
91 (defun char-int (char)
92 #!+sb-doc
93 "Return the integer code of CHAR. (In SBCL this is the same as CHAR-CODE, as
94 there are no character bits or fonts.)"
95 (char-code char))
97 (defun code-char (code)
98 #!+sb-doc
99 "Return the character with the code CODE."
100 (declare (type char-code code))
101 (code-char code))
103 (defun character (object)
104 #!+sb-doc
105 "Coerce OBJECT into a CHARACTER if possible. Legal inputs are
106 characters, strings and symbols of length 1."
107 (flet ((do-error (control args)
108 (error 'simple-type-error
109 :datum object
110 ;;?? how to express "symbol with name of length 1"?
111 :expected-type '(or character (string 1))
112 :format-control control
113 :format-arguments args)))
114 (typecase object
115 (character object)
116 (string (if (= 1 (length (the string object)))
117 (char object 0)
118 (do-error
119 "String is not of length one: ~S" (list object))))
120 (symbol (if (= 1 (length (symbol-name object)))
121 (schar (symbol-name object) 0)
122 (do-error
123 "Symbol name is not of length one: ~S" (list object))))
124 (t (do-error "~S cannot be coerced to a character." (list object))))))
126 (defun char-name (char)
127 #!+sb-doc
128 "Return the name (a STRING) for a CHARACTER object."
129 (car (rassoc char *char-name-alist*)))
131 (defun name-char (name)
132 #!+sb-doc
133 "Given an argument acceptable to STRING, NAME-CHAR returns a character
134 whose name is that string, if one exists. Otherwise, NIL is returned."
135 (cdr (assoc (string name) *char-name-alist* :test #'string-equal)))
137 ;;;; predicates
139 (defun standard-char-p (char)
140 #!+sb-doc
141 "The argument must be a character object. Standard-char-p returns T if the
142 argument is a standard character -- one of the 95 ASCII printing characters
143 or <return>."
144 (declare (character char))
145 (and (typep char 'base-char)
146 (let ((n (char-code (the base-char char))))
147 (or (< 31 n 127)
148 (= n 10)))))
150 (defun %standard-char-p (thing)
151 #!+sb-doc
152 "Return T if and only if THING is a standard-char. Differs from
153 standard-char-p in that THING doesn't have to be a character."
154 (and (characterp thing) (standard-char-p thing)))
156 (defun graphic-char-p (char)
157 #!+sb-doc
158 "The argument must be a character object. Graphic-char-p returns T if the
159 argument is a printing character (space through ~ in ASCII), otherwise
160 returns ()."
161 (declare (character char))
162 (and (typep char 'base-char)
163 (< 31
164 (char-code (the base-char char))
165 127)))
167 (defun alpha-char-p (char)
168 #!+sb-doc
169 "The argument must be a character object. Alpha-char-p returns T if the
170 argument is an alphabetic character, A-Z or a-z; otherwise ()."
171 (declare (character char))
172 (let ((m (char-code char)))
173 (or (< 64 m 91) (< 96 m 123))))
175 (defun upper-case-p (char)
176 #!+sb-doc
177 "The argument must be a character object; upper-case-p returns T if the
178 argument is an upper-case character, () otherwise."
179 (declare (character char))
180 (< 64
181 (char-code char)
182 91))
184 (defun lower-case-p (char)
185 #!+sb-doc
186 "The argument must be a character object; lower-case-p returns T if the
187 argument is a lower-case character, () otherwise."
188 (declare (character char))
189 (< 96
190 (char-code char)
191 123))
193 (defun both-case-p (char)
194 #!+sb-doc
195 "The argument must be a character object. Both-case-p returns T if the
196 argument is an alphabetic character and if the character exists in
197 both upper and lower case. For ASCII, this is the same as Alpha-char-p."
198 (declare (character char))
199 (let ((m (char-code char)))
200 (or (< 64 m 91) (< 96 m 123))))
202 (defun digit-char-p (char &optional (radix 10.))
203 #!+sb-doc
204 "If char is a digit in the specified radix, returns the fixnum for
205 which that digit stands, else returns NIL. Radix defaults to 10
206 (decimal)."
207 (declare (character char) (type (integer 2 36) radix))
208 (let ((m (- (char-code char) 48)))
209 (declare (fixnum m))
210 (cond ((<= radix 10.)
211 ;; Special-case decimal and smaller radices.
212 (if (and (>= m 0) (< m radix)) m nil))
213 ;; Digits 0 - 9 are used as is, since radix is larger.
214 ((and (>= m 0) (< m 10)) m)
215 ;; Check for upper case A - Z.
216 ((and (>= (setq m (- m 7)) 10) (< m radix)) m)
217 ;; Also check lower case a - z.
218 ((and (>= (setq m (- m 32)) 10) (< m radix)) m)
219 ;; Else, fail.
220 (t nil))))
222 (defun whitespace-char-p (x)
223 (and (characterp x)
224 (or (char= x #\space)
225 (char= x (code-char tab-char-code))
226 (char= x (code-char return-char-code))
227 (char= x #\linefeed))))
229 (defun alphanumericp (char)
230 #!+sb-doc
231 "Given a character-object argument, alphanumericp returns T if the
232 argument is either numeric or alphabetic."
233 (declare (character char))
234 (let ((m (char-code char)))
235 (or (< 47 m 58) (< 64 m 91) (< 96 m 123))))
237 (defun char= (character &rest more-characters)
238 #!+sb-doc
239 "Return T if all of the arguments are the same character."
240 (do ((clist more-characters (cdr clist)))
241 ((atom clist) T)
242 (unless (eq (car clist) character) (return nil))))
244 (defun char/= (character &rest more-characters)
245 #!+sb-doc
246 "Return T if no two of the arguments are the same character."
247 (do* ((head character (car list))
248 (list more-characters (cdr list)))
249 ((atom list) T)
250 (unless (do* ((l list (cdr l))) ;inner loop returns T
251 ((atom l) T) ; iff head /= rest.
252 (if (eq head (car l)) (return nil)))
253 (return nil))))
255 (defun char< (character &rest more-characters)
256 #!+sb-doc
257 "Return T if the arguments are in strictly increasing alphabetic order."
258 (do* ((c character (car list))
259 (list more-characters (cdr list)))
260 ((atom list) T)
261 (unless (< (char-int c)
262 (char-int (car list)))
263 (return nil))))
265 (defun char> (character &rest more-characters)
266 #!+sb-doc
267 "Return T if the arguments are in strictly decreasing alphabetic order."
268 (do* ((c character (car list))
269 (list more-characters (cdr list)))
270 ((atom list) T)
271 (unless (> (char-int c)
272 (char-int (car list)))
273 (return nil))))
275 (defun char<= (character &rest more-characters)
276 #!+sb-doc
277 "Return T if the arguments are in strictly non-decreasing alphabetic order."
278 (do* ((c character (car list))
279 (list more-characters (cdr list)))
280 ((atom list) T)
281 (unless (<= (char-int c)
282 (char-int (car list)))
283 (return nil))))
285 (defun char>= (character &rest more-characters)
286 #!+sb-doc
287 "Return T if the arguments are in strictly non-increasing alphabetic order."
288 (do* ((c character (car list))
289 (list more-characters (cdr list)))
290 ((atom list) T)
291 (unless (>= (char-int c)
292 (char-int (car list)))
293 (return nil))))
295 ;;; Equal-Char-Code is used by the following functions as a version of char-int
296 ;;; which loses font, bits, and case info.
298 (defmacro equal-char-code (character)
299 `(let ((ch (char-code ,character)))
300 (if (< 96 ch 123) (- ch 32) ch)))
302 (defun char-equal (character &rest more-characters)
303 #!+sb-doc
304 "Return T if all of the arguments are the same character.
305 Font, bits, and case are ignored."
306 (do ((clist more-characters (cdr clist)))
307 ((atom clist) T)
308 (unless (= (equal-char-code (car clist))
309 (equal-char-code character))
310 (return nil))))
312 (defun char-not-equal (character &rest more-characters)
313 #!+sb-doc
314 "Return T if no two of the arguments are the same character.
315 Font, bits, and case are ignored."
316 (do* ((head character (car list))
317 (list more-characters (cdr list)))
318 ((atom list) T)
319 (unless (do* ((l list (cdr l)))
320 ((atom l) T)
321 (if (= (equal-char-code head)
322 (equal-char-code (car l)))
323 (return nil)))
324 (return nil))))
326 (defun char-lessp (character &rest more-characters)
327 #!+sb-doc
328 "Return T if the arguments are in strictly increasing alphabetic order.
329 Font, bits, and case are ignored."
330 (do* ((c character (car list))
331 (list more-characters (cdr list)))
332 ((atom list) T)
333 (unless (< (equal-char-code c)
334 (equal-char-code (car list)))
335 (return nil))))
337 (defun char-greaterp (character &rest more-characters)
338 #!+sb-doc
339 "Return T if the arguments are in strictly decreasing alphabetic order.
340 Font, bits, and case are ignored."
341 (do* ((c character (car list))
342 (list more-characters (cdr list)))
343 ((atom list) T)
344 (unless (> (equal-char-code c)
345 (equal-char-code (car list)))
346 (return nil))))
348 (defun char-not-greaterp (character &rest more-characters)
349 #!+sb-doc
350 "Return T if the arguments are in strictly non-decreasing alphabetic order.
351 Font, bits, and case are ignored."
352 (do* ((c character (car list))
353 (list more-characters (cdr list)))
354 ((atom list) T)
355 (unless (<= (equal-char-code c)
356 (equal-char-code (car list)))
357 (return nil))))
359 (defun char-not-lessp (character &rest more-characters)
360 #!+sb-doc
361 "Return T if the arguments are in strictly non-increasing alphabetic order.
362 Font, bits, and case are ignored."
363 (do* ((c character (car list))
364 (list more-characters (cdr list)))
365 ((atom list) T)
366 (unless (>= (equal-char-code c)
367 (equal-char-code (car list)))
368 (return nil))))
370 ;;;; miscellaneous functions
372 (defun char-upcase (char)
373 #!+sb-doc
374 "Return CHAR converted to upper-case if that is possible."
375 (declare (character char))
376 (if (lower-case-p char)
377 (code-char (- (char-code char) 32))
378 char))
380 (defun char-downcase (char)
381 #!+sb-doc
382 "Return CHAR converted to lower-case if that is possible."
383 (declare (character char))
384 (if (upper-case-p char)
385 (code-char (+ (char-code char) 32))
386 char))
388 (defun digit-char (weight &optional (radix 10))
389 #!+sb-doc
390 "All arguments must be integers. Returns a character object that
391 represents a digit of the given weight in the specified radix. Returns
392 NIL if no such character exists. The character will have the specified
393 font attributes."
394 (declare (type (integer 2 36) radix) (type unsigned-byte weight))
395 (and (typep weight 'fixnum)
396 (>= weight 0) (< weight radix) (< weight 36)
397 (code-char (if (< weight 10) (+ 48 weight) (+ 55 weight)))))