[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / tests / stress-gc.lisp
1 ;;;; a stress test for the garbage collector
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 ;;;; TO DO:
15 ;;;; * Add conses:
16 ;;;; ** Make REPR-CONS.
17 ;;;; ** Some generations should be lists, not vectors.
18 ;;;; * Make it so that ASSIGN-GENERATION on an existing generation
19 ;;;; only overwrites some of the elements (randomly), not all.
20 ;;;; * Review the GC code to look for other stuff I should test.
22 (in-package :cl-user)
24 (declaim (optimize (safety 3) (speed 2)))
26 ;;; a table of functions REPR-FOO which bear a vague correspondence
27 ;;; to the types of memory representations used by SBCL (with each
28 ;;; typically trying to exercise that type of representation)
29 (defvar *reprs*)
30 (declaim (type simple-vector *reprs*))
32 (defun repr (i)
33 (declare (type fixnum i))
34 (let ((result (svref *reprs* (mod i (length *reprs*)))))
35 #+nil (/show "REPRESENT" i result)
36 result))
38 (defun stress-gc (n-passes &optional (size 3000))
39 (format t "~&beginning STRESS-GC N-PASSES=~W SIZE=~W~%" n-passes size)
40 (let ((generations (make-array (isqrt size) :initial-element nil))
41 ;; We allocate on the order of MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM things
42 ;; before doing a full GC.
43 (max-passes-to-full-gc (floor most-positive-fixnum size))
44 (remaining-passes-to-full-gc 0))
45 (dotimes (j-pass n-passes)
46 #+nil (/show j-pass)
47 (if (plusp remaining-passes-to-full-gc)
48 (decf remaining-passes-to-full-gc)
49 (progn
50 #+nil (/show "doing GC :FULL T")
51 (gc :full t)
52 (setf remaining-passes-to-full-gc (random max-passes-to-full-gc))))
53 (let* (;; (The (ISQRT (RANDOM (EXPT .. 2))) distribution here is
54 ;; intended to give a distribution of lifetimes of memory
55 ;; usage, with low-indexed generations tending to live
56 ;; for a long time.)
57 (i-generation (isqrt (random (expt (length generations) 2))))
58 (generation-i (aref generations i-generation)))
59 #+nil (/show i-generation generation-i)
60 (when generation-i
61 (assert-generation i-generation generation-i))
62 (when (or (null generation-i)
63 (plusp (random 3)))
64 #+nil (/show "allocating or reallocating" i-generation)
65 (setf generation-i
66 (make-array (random (1+ size)))))
67 (assign-generation i-generation generation-i)
68 (when (plusp (random 3))
69 (assert-generation i-generation generation-i))
70 (setf (aref generations i-generation)
71 generation-i))))
72 (format t "~&done with STRESS-GC N-PASSES=~W SIZE=~W~%" n-passes size))
74 (defvar *expected*)
75 (defvar *got*)
76 (defun assert-generation (index-of-generation generation)
77 (dotimes (index-within-generation (length generation))
78 #+nil (/show "assert-generation" index-of-generation index-within-generation)
79 (let ((element-of-generation (aref generation index-within-generation))
80 (repr (repr (+ index-within-generation index-of-generation))))
81 (unless (funcall repr index-within-generation element-of-generation)
82 ;; KLUDGE: We bind these to special variables for the
83 ;; convenience of the debugger, which ca. SBCL 0.6.6 is too
84 ;; wimpy to inspect lexical variables.
85 (let ((*expected* (funcall repr index-within-generation))
86 (*got* element-of-generation))
87 (error "bad element #~W in generation #~D:~% expected ~S~% from ~S,~% got ~S"
88 index-within-generation
89 index-of-generation
90 *expected*
91 repr
92 *got*))))))
94 (defun assign-generation (index-of-generation generation)
95 (dotimes (index-within-generation (length generation))
96 #+nil (/show "assert-generation" index-of-generation index-within-generation)
97 (setf (aref generation index-within-generation)
98 (funcall (repr (+ index-within-generation index-of-generation))
99 index-within-generation))))
101 (defun repr-fixnum (index &optional (value nil value-p))
102 (let ((fixnum (the fixnum (+ index 101))))
103 (if value-p
104 (eql fixnum value)
105 fixnum)))
107 (defun repr-function (index &optional (value nil value-p))
108 (let ((fixnum (mod (+ index 2) 3)))
109 (if value-p
110 (eql fixnum (funcall value))
111 (ecase fixnum
112 (0 #'repr-fixnum-zero)
113 (1 #'repr-fixnum-one)
114 (2 #'repr-fixnum-two)))))
115 (defun repr-fixnum-zero () 0)
116 (defun repr-fixnum-one () 1)
117 (defun repr-fixnum-two () 2)
119 (defstruct repr-instance slot)
120 (defun repr-instance (index &optional (value nil value-p))
121 (let ((fixnum (mod (* index 3) 4)))
122 (if value-p
123 (and (typep value 'repr-instance)
124 (eql (repr-instance-slot value) fixnum))
125 (make-repr-instance :slot fixnum))))
127 (defun repr-eql-hash-table (index &optional (value nil value-p))
128 (let ((first-fixnum (mod (* index 31) 9))
129 (n-fixnums 5))
130 (if value-p
131 (and (hash-table-p value)
132 (= (hash-table-count value) n-fixnums)
133 (dotimes (i n-fixnums t)
134 (unless (= (gethash (+ i first-fixnum) value) i)
135 (return nil)))
137 (repr-bignum index (gethash 'bignum value))
138 (repr-ratio index (gethash 'ratio value))
140 (let ((hash-table (make-hash-table :test 'eql)))
141 (dotimes (i n-fixnums)
142 (setf (gethash (+ first-fixnum i) hash-table) i))
144 (setf (gethash 'bignum hash-table) (repr-bignum index)
145 (gethash 'ratio hash-table) (repr-ratio index))
147 hash-table))))
149 (defun repr-bignum (index &optional (value nil value-p))
150 (let ((bignum (+ index 10000300020)))
151 (if value-p
152 (eql value bignum)
153 bignum)))
155 (defun repr-ratio (index &optional (value nil value-p))
156 (let ((ratio (/ index (1+ index))))
157 (if value-p
158 (eql value ratio)
159 ratio)))
161 (defun repr-single-float (index &optional (value nil value-p))
162 (let ((single-float (* 0.25 (float index) (1+ (float index)))))
163 (if value-p
164 (eql value single-float)
165 single-float)))
167 (defun repr-double-float (index &optional (value nil value-p))
168 (let ((double-float (+ 0.25d0 (1- index) (1+ (float index)))))
169 (if value-p
170 (eql value double-float)
171 double-float)))
173 (defun repr-simple-string (index &optional (value nil value-p))
174 (let ((length (mod index 14)))
175 (if value-p
176 (and (stringp value)
177 (typep value 'simple-array)
178 (= (length value) length))
179 (make-string length))))
181 (defun repr-simple-vector (index &optional (value nil value-p))
182 (let ((length (mod (1+ index) 16)))
183 (if value-p
184 (and (simple-vector-p value)
185 (= (array-dimension value 0) length))
186 (make-array length))))
188 (defun repr-complex-vector (index &optional (value nil value-p))
189 (let* ((size (mod (* 5 index) 13))
190 (length (floor size 3)))
191 (if value-p
192 (and (vectorp value)
193 (not (typep value 'simple-array))
194 (= (array-dimension value 0) size)
195 (= (length value) length))
196 (make-array size :fill-pointer length))))
198 (defun repr-symbol (index &optional (value nil value-p))
199 (let* ((symbols #(zero one two three four))
200 (symbol (aref symbols (mod index (length symbols)))))
201 (if value-p
202 (eq value symbol)
203 symbol)))
205 (defun repr-base-char (index &optional (value nil value-p))
206 (let* ((base-chars #(#\z #\o #\t #\t #\f #\f #\s #\s #\e))
207 (base-char (aref base-chars (mod index (length base-chars)))))
208 (if value-p
209 (eql value base-char)
210 base-char)))
212 (setf *reprs*
213 (vector #'repr-fixnum
214 #'repr-function
215 #'repr-instance
216 #'repr-eql-hash-table
218 #'repr-equal-hash-table
219 #'repr-equalp-hash-table
221 #'repr-bignum
222 #'repr-ratio
223 #'repr-single-float
224 #'repr-double-float
226 #'repr-complex-single-float
227 #'repr-complex-double-float
228 #'repr-simple-array
230 #'repr-simple-string
232 #'repr-simple-bit-vector
234 #'repr-simple-vector
236 #'repr-simple-array-u2
237 #'repr-simple-array-u4
238 #'repr-simple-array-u8
239 #'repr-simple-array-u16
240 #'repr-simple-array-u32
241 #'repr-simple-array-single-float
242 #'repr-simple-array-double-float
243 #'repr-complex-string
244 #'repr-complex-bit-vector
246 #'repr-complex-vector
248 #'repr-complex-array
249 ;; TO DO: #'repr-funcallable-instance
251 #'repr-symbol
252 #'repr-base-char
253 ;; TO DO: #'repr-sap
254 ;; TO DO? #'repr-unbound-marker
255 ;; TO DO? #'repr-weak-pointer
256 ;; TO DO? #'repr-instance-header
257 ;; TO DO? #'repr-fdefn