thread and interrupt safe CLOS cache
[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / contrib / sb-md5 / md5.lisp
1 ;;;; This file implements The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, as defined in
2 ;;;; RFC 1321 by R. Rivest, published April 1992.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; It was written by Pierre R. Mai, with copious input from the
5 ;;;; cmucl-help mailing-list hosted at cons.org, in November 2001 and
6 ;;;; has been placed into the public domain.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; $Id$
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; While the implementation should work on all conforming Common
11 ;;;; Lisp implementations, it has only been optimized for CMU CL,
12 ;;;; where it achieved comparable performance to the standard md5sum
13 ;;;; utility (within a factor of 1.5 or less on iA32 and UltraSparc
14 ;;;; hardware).
15 ;;;;
16 ;;;; Since the implementation makes heavy use of arithmetic on
17 ;;;; (unsigned-byte 32) numbers, acceptable performance is likely only
18 ;;;; on CL implementations that support unboxed arithmetic on such
19 ;;;; numbers in some form. For other CL implementations a 16bit
20 ;;;; implementation of MD5 is probably more suitable.
21 ;;;;
22 ;;;; The code implements correct operation for files of unbounded size
23 ;;;; as is, at the cost of having to do a single generic integer
24 ;;;; addition for each call to update-md5-state. If you call
25 ;;;; update-md5-state frequently with little data, this can pose a
26 ;;;; performance problem. If you can live with a size restriction of
27 ;;;; 512 MB, then you can enable fast fixnum arithmetic by putting
28 ;;;; :md5-small-length onto *features* prior to compiling this file.
29 ;;;;
30 ;;;; This software is "as is", and has no warranty of any kind. The
31 ;;;; authors assume no responsibility for the consequences of any use
32 ;;;; of this software.
34 (defpackage :SB-MD5 (:use :CL)
35 (:export
36 ;; Low-Level types and functions
37 #:md5-regs #:initial-md5-regs #:md5regs-digest
38 #:update-md5-block #:fill-block #:fill-block-ub8 #:fill-block-char
39 ;; Mid-Level types and functions
40 #:md5-state #:md5-state-p #:make-md5-state
41 #:update-md5-state #:finalize-md5-state
42 ;; High-Level functions on sequences, streams and files
43 #:md5sum-sequence #:md5sum-string #:md5sum-stream #:md5sum-file))
45 (in-package :SB-MD5)
47 #+cmu
48 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
49 (defparameter *old-expansion-limit* ext:*inline-expansion-limit*)
50 (setq ext:*inline-expansion-limit* (max ext:*inline-expansion-limit* 1000)))
52 #+cmu
53 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
54 (defparameter *old-features* *features*)
55 (pushnew (c:backend-byte-order c:*target-backend*) *features*))
57 #+sbcl
58 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
59 (defparameter *old-features* *features*)
60 (pushnew sb-c:*backend-byte-order* *features*))
62 ;;; Section 2: Basic Datatypes
64 (deftype ub32 ()
65 "Corresponds to the 32bit quantity word of the MD5 Spec"
66 `(unsigned-byte 32))
68 (defmacro assemble-ub32 (a b c d)
69 "Assemble an ub32 value from the given (unsigned-byte 8) values,
70 where a is the intended low-order byte and d the high-order byte."
71 `(the ub32 (logior (ash ,d 24) (ash ,c 16) (ash ,b 8) ,a)))
73 ;;; Section 3.4: Auxilliary functions
75 (declaim (inline f g h i)
76 (ftype (function (ub32 ub32 ub32) ub32) f g h i))
78 (defun f (x y z)
79 (declare (type ub32 x y z)
80 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
81 #+cmu
82 (kernel:32bit-logical-or (kernel:32bit-logical-and x y)
83 (kernel:32bit-logical-andc1 x z))
84 #-cmu
85 (logior (logand x y) (logandc1 x z)))
87 (defun g (x y z)
88 (declare (type ub32 x y z)
89 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
90 #+cmu
91 (kernel:32bit-logical-or (kernel:32bit-logical-and x z)
92 (kernel:32bit-logical-andc2 y z))
93 #-cmu
94 (logior (logand x z) (logandc2 y z)))
96 (defun h (x y z)
97 (declare (type ub32 x y z)
98 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
99 #+cmu
100 (kernel:32bit-logical-xor x (kernel:32bit-logical-xor y z))
101 #-cmu
102 (logxor x y z))
104 (defun i (x y z)
105 (declare (type ub32 x y z)
106 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
107 #+cmu
108 (kernel:32bit-logical-xor y (kernel:32bit-logical-orc2 x z))
109 #-cmu
110 (ldb (byte 32 0) (logxor y (logorc2 x z))))
112 (declaim (inline mod32+)
113 (ftype (function (ub32 ub32) ub32) mod32+))
114 (defun mod32+ (a b)
115 (declare (type ub32 a b) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
116 (ldb (byte 32 0) (+ a b)))
118 #+cmu
119 (define-compiler-macro mod32+ (a b)
120 `(ext:truly-the ub32 (+ ,a ,b)))
122 ;;; Dunno why we need this, but without it MOD32+ wasn't being
123 ;;; inlined. Oh well. -- CSR, 2003-09-14
124 #+sbcl
125 (define-compiler-macro mod32+ (a b)
126 `(ldb (byte 32 0) (+ ,a ,b)))
128 (declaim (inline rol32)
129 (ftype (function (ub32 (unsigned-byte 5)) ub32) rol32))
130 (defun rol32 (a s)
131 (declare (type ub32 a) (type (unsigned-byte 5) s)
132 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
133 #+cmu
134 (kernel:32bit-logical-or #+little-endian (kernel:shift-towards-end a s)
135 #+big-endian (kernel:shift-towards-start a s)
136 (ash a (- s 32)))
137 #+sbcl
138 (sb-rotate-byte:rotate-byte s (byte 32 0) a)
139 #-(or cmu sbcl)
140 (logior (ldb (byte 32 0) (ash a s)) (ash a (- s 32))))
142 ;;; Section 3.4: Table T
144 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
145 (defparameter *t* (make-array 64 :element-type 'ub32
146 :initial-contents
147 (loop for i from 1 to 64
148 collect
149 (truncate
150 (* 4294967296
151 (abs (sin (float i 0.0d0)))))))))
153 ;;; Section 3.4: Helper Macro for single round definitions
155 (defmacro with-md5-round ((op block) &rest clauses)
156 (loop for (a b c d k s i) in clauses
157 collect
158 `(setq ,a (mod32+ ,b (rol32 (mod32+ (mod32+ ,a (,op ,b ,c ,d))
159 (mod32+ (aref ,block ,k)
160 ,(aref *t* (1- i))))
161 ,s)))
162 into result
163 finally
164 (return `(progn ,@result))))
166 ;;; Section 3.3: (Initial) MD5 Working Set
168 (deftype md5-regs ()
169 "The working state of the MD5 algorithm, which contains the 4 32-bit
170 registers A, B, C and D."
171 `(simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (4)))
173 (defmacro md5-regs-a (regs)
174 `(aref ,regs 0))
176 (defmacro md5-regs-b (regs)
177 `(aref ,regs 1))
179 (defmacro md5-regs-c (regs)
180 `(aref ,regs 2))
182 (defmacro md5-regs-d (regs)
183 `(aref ,regs 3))
185 (defconstant +md5-magic-a+ (assemble-ub32 #x01 #x23 #x45 #x67)
186 "Initial value of Register A of the MD5 working state.")
187 (defconstant +md5-magic-b+ (assemble-ub32 #x89 #xab #xcd #xef)
188 "Initial value of Register B of the MD5 working state.")
189 (defconstant +md5-magic-c+ (assemble-ub32 #xfe #xdc #xba #x98)
190 "Initial value of Register C of the MD5 working state.")
191 (defconstant +md5-magic-d+ (assemble-ub32 #x76 #x54 #x32 #x10)
192 "Initial value of Register D of the MD5 working state.")
194 (declaim (inline initial-md5-regs))
195 (defun initial-md5-regs ()
196 "Create the initial working state of an MD5 run."
197 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
198 (let ((regs (make-array 4 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
199 (declare (type md5-regs regs))
200 (setf (md5-regs-a regs) +md5-magic-a+
201 (md5-regs-b regs) +md5-magic-b+
202 (md5-regs-c regs) +md5-magic-c+
203 (md5-regs-d regs) +md5-magic-d+)
204 regs))
206 ;;; Section 3.4: Operation on 16-Word Blocks
208 (defun update-md5-block (regs block)
209 "This is the core part of the MD5 algorithm. It takes a complete 16
210 word block of input, and updates the working state in A, B, C, and D
211 accordingly."
212 (declare (type md5-regs regs)
213 (type (simple-array ub32 (16)) block)
214 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
215 (let ((a (md5-regs-a regs)) (b (md5-regs-b regs))
216 (c (md5-regs-c regs)) (d (md5-regs-d regs)))
217 (declare (type ub32 a b c d))
218 ;; Round 1
219 (with-md5-round (f block)
220 (A B C D 0 7 1)(D A B C 1 12 2)(C D A B 2 17 3)(B C D A 3 22 4)
221 (A B C D 4 7 5)(D A B C 5 12 6)(C D A B 6 17 7)(B C D A 7 22 8)
222 (A B C D 8 7 9)(D A B C 9 12 10)(C D A B 10 17 11)(B C D A 11 22 12)
223 (A B C D 12 7 13)(D A B C 13 12 14)(C D A B 14 17 15)(B C D A 15 22 16))
224 ;; Round 2
225 (with-md5-round (g block)
226 (A B C D 1 5 17)(D A B C 6 9 18)(C D A B 11 14 19)(B C D A 0 20 20)
227 (A B C D 5 5 21)(D A B C 10 9 22)(C D A B 15 14 23)(B C D A 4 20 24)
228 (A B C D 9 5 25)(D A B C 14 9 26)(C D A B 3 14 27)(B C D A 8 20 28)
229 (A B C D 13 5 29)(D A B C 2 9 30)(C D A B 7 14 31)(B C D A 12 20 32))
230 ;; Round 3
231 (with-md5-round (h block)
232 (A B C D 5 4 33)(D A B C 8 11 34)(C D A B 11 16 35)(B C D A 14 23 36)
233 (A B C D 1 4 37)(D A B C 4 11 38)(C D A B 7 16 39)(B C D A 10 23 40)
234 (A B C D 13 4 41)(D A B C 0 11 42)(C D A B 3 16 43)(B C D A 6 23 44)
235 (A B C D 9 4 45)(D A B C 12 11 46)(C D A B 15 16 47)(B C D A 2 23 48))
236 ;; Round 4
237 (with-md5-round (i block)
238 (A B C D 0 6 49)(D A B C 7 10 50)(C D A B 14 15 51)(B C D A 5 21 52)
239 (A B C D 12 6 53)(D A B C 3 10 54)(C D A B 10 15 55)(B C D A 1 21 56)
240 (A B C D 8 6 57)(D A B C 15 10 58)(C D A B 6 15 59)(B C D A 13 21 60)
241 (A B C D 4 6 61)(D A B C 11 10 62)(C D A B 2 15 63)(B C D A 9 21 64))
242 ;; Update and return
243 (setf (md5-regs-a regs) (mod32+ (md5-regs-a regs) a)
244 (md5-regs-b regs) (mod32+ (md5-regs-b regs) b)
245 (md5-regs-c regs) (mod32+ (md5-regs-c regs) c)
246 (md5-regs-d regs) (mod32+ (md5-regs-d regs) d))
247 regs))
249 ;;; Section 3.4: Converting 8bit-vectors into 16-Word Blocks
251 (declaim (inline fill-block fill-block-ub8 fill-block-char))
252 (defun fill-block (block buffer offset)
253 "Convert a complete 64 byte input vector segment into the given 16
254 word MD5 block. This currently works on (unsigned-byte 8) and
255 character simple-arrays, via the functions `fill-block-ub8' and
256 `fill-block-char' respectively."
257 (declare (type (integer 0 #.(- most-positive-fixnum 64)) offset)
258 (type (simple-array ub32 (16)) block)
259 (type (simple-array * (*)) buffer)
260 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
261 (etypecase buffer
262 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
263 (fill-block-ub8 block buffer offset))
264 (simple-string
265 (fill-block-char block buffer offset))))
267 (defun fill-block-ub8 (block buffer offset)
268 "Convert a complete 64 (unsigned-byte 8) input vector segment
269 starting from offset into the given 16 word MD5 block."
270 (declare (type (integer 0 #.(- most-positive-fixnum 64)) offset)
271 (type (simple-array ub32 (16)) block)
272 (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) buffer)
273 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
274 #+(and :cmu :little-endian)
275 (kernel:bit-bash-copy
276 buffer (+ (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits) (* offset vm:byte-bits))
277 block (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits)
278 (* 64 vm:byte-bits))
279 #+(and :sbcl :little-endian)
280 (sb-kernel:ub8-bash-copy buffer offset block 0 64)
281 #-(or (and :sbcl :little-endian) (and :cmu :little-endian))
282 (loop for i of-type (integer 0 16) from 0
283 for j of-type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum)
284 from offset to (+ offset 63) by 4
286 (setf (aref block i)
287 (assemble-ub32 (aref buffer j)
288 (aref buffer (+ j 1))
289 (aref buffer (+ j 2))
290 (aref buffer (+ j 3))))))
292 (defun fill-block-char (block buffer offset)
293 "Convert a complete 64 character input string segment starting from
294 offset into the given 16 word MD5 block."
295 (declare (type (integer 0 #.(- most-positive-fixnum 64)) offset)
296 (type (simple-array ub32 (16)) block)
297 (type simple-string buffer)
298 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
299 #+(and :cmu :little-endian)
300 (kernel:bit-bash-copy
301 buffer (+ (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits) (* offset vm:byte-bits))
302 block (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits)
303 (* 64 vm:byte-bits))
304 #+(and :sbcl :little-endian)
305 (sb-kernel:ub8-bash-copy buffer offset block 0 64)
306 #-(or (and :sbcl :little-endian) (and :cmu :little-endian))
307 (loop for i of-type (integer 0 16) from 0
308 for j of-type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum)
309 from offset to (+ offset 63) by 4
311 (setf (aref block i)
312 (assemble-ub32 (char-code (schar buffer j))
313 (char-code (schar buffer (+ j 1)))
314 (char-code (schar buffer (+ j 2)))
315 (char-code (schar buffer (+ j 3)))))))
317 ;;; Section 3.5: Message Digest Output
319 (declaim (inline md5regs-digest))
320 (defun md5regs-digest (regs)
321 "Create the final 16 byte message-digest from the MD5 working state
322 in regs. Returns a (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (16))."
323 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))
324 (type md5-regs regs))
325 (let ((result (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
326 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (16)) result))
327 (macrolet ((frob (reg offset)
328 (let ((var (gensym)))
329 `(let ((,var ,reg))
330 (declare (type ub32 ,var))
331 (setf
332 (aref result ,offset) (ldb (byte 8 0) ,var)
333 (aref result ,(+ offset 1)) (ldb (byte 8 8) ,var)
334 (aref result ,(+ offset 2)) (ldb (byte 8 16) ,var)
335 (aref result ,(+ offset 3)) (ldb (byte 8 24) ,var))))))
336 (frob (md5-regs-a regs) 0)
337 (frob (md5-regs-b regs) 4)
338 (frob (md5-regs-c regs) 8)
339 (frob (md5-regs-d regs) 12))
340 result))
342 ;;; Mid-Level Drivers
344 (defstruct (md5-state
345 (:constructor make-md5-state ())
346 (:copier))
347 (regs (initial-md5-regs) :type md5-regs :read-only t)
348 (amount 0 :type
349 #-md5-small-length (integer 0 *)
350 #+md5-small-length (unsigned-byte 29))
351 (block (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)) :read-only t
352 :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (16)))
353 (buffer (make-array 64 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) :read-only t
354 :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (64)))
355 (buffer-index 0 :type (integer 0 63))
356 (finalized-p nil))
358 (declaim (inline copy-to-buffer))
359 (defun copy-to-buffer (from from-offset count buffer buffer-offset)
360 "Copy a partial segment from input vector from starting at
361 from-offset and copying count elements into the 64 byte buffer
362 starting at buffer-offset."
363 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))
364 (type (unsigned-byte 29) from-offset)
365 (type (integer 0 63) count buffer-offset)
366 (type (simple-array * (*)) from)
367 (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (64)) buffer))
368 #+cmu
369 (kernel:bit-bash-copy
370 from (+ (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits) (* from-offset vm:byte-bits))
371 buffer (+ (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits)
372 (* buffer-offset vm:byte-bits))
373 (* count vm:byte-bits))
374 #+sbcl
375 (sb-kernel:ub8-bash-copy from from-offset buffer buffer-offset count)
376 #-(or cmu sbcl)
377 (etypecase from
378 (simple-string
379 (loop for buffer-index of-type (integer 0 64) from buffer-offset
380 for from-index of-type fixnum from from-offset
381 below (+ from-offset count)
383 (setf (aref buffer buffer-index)
384 (char-code (schar (the simple-string from) from-index)))))
385 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
386 (loop for buffer-index of-type (integer 0 64) from buffer-offset
387 for from-index of-type fixnum from from-offset
388 below (+ from-offset count)
390 (setf (aref buffer buffer-index)
391 (aref (the (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) from)
392 from-index))))))
394 (defun update-md5-state (state sequence &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
395 "Update the given md5-state from sequence, which is either a
396 simple-string or a simple-array with element-type (unsigned-byte 8),
397 bounded by start and end, which must be numeric bounding-indices."
398 (declare (type md5-state state)
399 (type (simple-array * (*)) sequence)
400 (type fixnum start end)
401 (optimize (speed 3) #+(or cmu sbcl) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))
402 #+cmu
403 (ext:optimize-interface (safety 1) (debug 1)))
404 (let ((regs (md5-state-regs state))
405 (block (md5-state-block state))
406 (buffer (md5-state-buffer state))
407 (buffer-index (md5-state-buffer-index state))
408 (length (- end start)))
409 (declare (type md5-regs regs) (type fixnum length)
410 (type (integer 0 63) buffer-index)
411 (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (16)) block)
412 (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (64)) buffer))
413 ;; Handle old rest
414 (unless (zerop buffer-index)
415 (let ((amount (min (- 64 buffer-index) length)))
416 (declare (type (integer 0 63) amount))
417 (copy-to-buffer sequence start amount buffer buffer-index)
418 (setq start (the fixnum (+ start amount)))
419 (let ((new-index (mod (+ buffer-index amount) 64)))
420 (when (zerop new-index)
421 (fill-block-ub8 block buffer 0)
422 (update-md5-block regs block))
423 (when (>= start end)
424 (setf (md5-state-buffer-index state) new-index)
425 (incf (md5-state-amount state) length)
426 (return-from update-md5-state state)))))
427 ;; Handle main-part and new-rest
428 (etypecase sequence
429 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
430 (locally
431 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) sequence))
432 (loop for offset of-type (unsigned-byte 29) from start below end by 64
433 until (< (- end offset) 64)
435 (fill-block-ub8 block sequence offset)
436 (update-md5-block regs block)
437 finally
438 (let ((amount (- end offset)))
439 (unless (zerop amount)
440 (copy-to-buffer sequence offset amount buffer 0))
441 (setf (md5-state-buffer-index state) amount)))))
442 (simple-string
443 (locally
444 (declare (type simple-string sequence))
445 (loop for offset of-type (unsigned-byte 29) from start below end by 64
446 until (< (- end offset) 64)
448 (fill-block-char block sequence offset)
449 (update-md5-block regs block)
450 finally
451 (let ((amount (- end offset)))
452 (unless (zerop amount)
453 (copy-to-buffer sequence offset amount buffer 0))
454 (setf (md5-state-buffer-index state) amount))))))
455 (setf (md5-state-amount state)
456 #-md5-small-length (+ (md5-state-amount state) length)
457 #+md5-small-length (the (unsigned-byte 29)
458 (+ (md5-state-amount state) length)))
459 state))
461 (defun finalize-md5-state (state)
462 "If the given md5-state has not already been finalized, finalize it,
463 by processing any remaining input in its buffer, with suitable padding
464 and appended bit-length, as specified by the MD5 standard.
466 The resulting MD5 message-digest is returned as an array of sixteen
467 (unsigned-byte 8) values. Calling `update-md5-state' after a call to
468 `finalize-md5-state' results in unspecified behaviour."
469 (declare (type md5-state state)
470 (optimize (speed 3) #+(or cmu sbcl) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))
471 #+cmu
472 (ext:optimize-interface (safety 1) (debug 1)))
473 (or (md5-state-finalized-p state)
474 (let ((regs (md5-state-regs state))
475 (block (md5-state-block state))
476 (buffer (md5-state-buffer state))
477 (buffer-index (md5-state-buffer-index state))
478 (total-length (* 8 (md5-state-amount state))))
479 (declare (type md5-regs regs)
480 (type (integer 0 63) buffer-index)
481 (type (simple-array ub32 (16)) block)
482 (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) buffer))
483 ;; Add mandatory bit 1 padding
484 (setf (aref buffer buffer-index) #x80)
485 ;; Fill with 0 bit padding
486 (loop for index of-type (integer 0 64)
487 from (1+ buffer-index) below 64
488 do (setf (aref buffer index) #x00))
489 (fill-block-ub8 block buffer 0)
490 ;; Flush block first if length wouldn't fit
491 (when (>= buffer-index 56)
492 (update-md5-block regs block)
493 ;; Create new fully 0 padded block
494 (loop for index of-type (integer 0 16) from 0 below 16
495 do (setf (aref block index) #x00000000)))
496 ;; Add 64bit message bit length
497 (setf (aref block 14) (ldb (byte 32 0) total-length))
498 #-md5-small-length
499 (setf (aref block 15) (ldb (byte 32 32) total-length))
500 ;; Flush last block
501 (update-md5-block regs block)
502 ;; Done, remember digest for later calls
503 (setf (md5-state-finalized-p state)
504 (md5regs-digest regs)))))
506 ;;; High-Level Drivers
508 (defun md5sum-sequence (sequence &key (start 0) end)
509 "Calculate the MD5 message-digest of data bounded by START and END
510 in SEQUENCE , which must be a vector with element-type (UNSIGNED-BYTE
511 8)."
512 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3) (space 0) (debug 1))
513 (type (vector (unsigned-byte 8)) sequence) (type fixnum start))
514 (locally
515 (declare (optimize (safety 1) (debug 0)))
516 (let ((state (make-md5-state)))
517 (declare (type md5-state state))
518 #+cmu
519 ;; respect the fill pointer
520 (let ((end (or end (length sequence))))
521 (lisp::with-array-data ((data sequence) (real-start start) (real-end end))
522 (declare (ignore real-end))
523 (update-md5-state state data :start real-start
524 :end (+ real-start (- end start)))))
525 #+sbcl
526 ;; respect the fill pointer
527 (let ((end (or end (length sequence))))
528 (sb-kernel:with-array-data ((data sequence) (real-start start) (real-end end))
529 (declare (ignore real-end))
530 (update-md5-state state data :start real-start
531 :end (+ real-start (- end start)))))
532 #-(or cmu sbcl)
533 (let ((real-end (or end (length sequence))))
534 (declare (type fixnum real-end))
535 (update-md5-state state sequence :start start :end real-end))
536 (finalize-md5-state state))))
538 (defun md5sum-string (string &key (external-format :default) (start 0) end)
539 "Calculate the MD5 message-digest of the binary representation
540 of STRING (as octets) in EXTERNAL-FORMAT. The boundaries START
541 and END refer to character positions in the string, not to octets
542 in the resulting binary representation."
543 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3) (space 0) (debug 1))
544 (type string string) (type fixnum start))
545 (locally
546 (declare (optimize (safety 1) (debug 0)))
547 (md5sum-sequence
548 (sb-ext:string-to-octets string
549 :external-format external-format
550 :start start :end end))))
552 (defconstant +buffer-size+ (* 128 1024)
553 "Size of internal buffer to use for md5sum-stream and md5sum-file
554 operations. This should be a multiple of 64, the MD5 block size.")
556 (deftype buffer-index () `(integer 0 ,+buffer-size+))
558 (defun md5sum-stream (stream)
559 "Calculate an MD5 message-digest of the contents of STREAM, whose
560 element-type has to be (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)."
561 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3) (space 0) (debug 1)))
562 (declare (type stream stream))
563 (locally
564 (declare (optimize (safety 1) (debug 0)))
565 (let ((state (make-md5-state)))
566 (declare (type md5-state state))
567 (cond
568 ((equal (stream-element-type stream) '(unsigned-byte 8))
569 (let ((buffer (make-array +buffer-size+
570 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
571 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (#.+buffer-size+))
572 buffer))
573 (loop for bytes of-type buffer-index = (read-sequence buffer stream)
574 do (update-md5-state state buffer :end bytes)
575 until (< bytes +buffer-size+)
576 finally
577 (return (finalize-md5-state state)))))
578 #+(or)
579 ((equal (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
580 (let ((buffer (make-string +buffer-size+)))
581 (declare (type (simple-string #.+buffer-size+) buffer))
582 (loop for bytes of-type buffer-index = (read-sequence buffer stream)
583 do (update-md5-state state buffer :end bytes)
584 until (< bytes +buffer-size+)
585 finally
586 (return (finalize-md5-state state)))))
588 (error "Unsupported stream element-type ~S for stream ~S."
589 (stream-element-type stream) stream))))))
591 (defun md5sum-file (pathname)
592 "Calculate the MD5 message-digest of the file designated by
593 pathname."
594 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3) (space 0) (debug 1)))
595 (locally
596 (declare (optimize (safety 1) (debug 0)))
597 (with-open-file (stream pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
598 (md5sum-stream stream))))
600 #+cmu
601 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
602 (setq *features* *old-features*))
604 #+cmu
605 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
606 (setq ext:*inline-expansion-limit* *old-expansion-limit*))
608 #+sbcl
609 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
610 (setq *features* *old-features*))