[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / src / code / early-type.lisp
1 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
2 ;;;; more information.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
5 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
6 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
7 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
8 ;;;; files for more information.
10 (in-package "SB!KERNEL")
12 (!begin-collecting-cold-init-forms)
14 ;;;; representations of types
16 ;;; A HAIRY-TYPE represents anything too weird to be described
17 ;;; reasonably or to be useful, such as NOT, SATISFIES, unknown types,
18 ;;; and unreasonably complicated types involving AND. We just remember
19 ;;; the original type spec.
20 (defstruct (hairy-type (:include ctype
21 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'hairy))
22 (enumerable t)
23 (might-contain-other-types-p t))
24 (:copier nil)
25 #!+cmu (:pure nil))
26 ;; the Common Lisp type-specifier of the type we represent
27 (specifier nil :type t))
29 (!define-type-class hairy)
31 ;;; An UNKNOWN-TYPE is a type not known to the type system (not yet
32 ;;; defined). We make this distinction since we don't want to complain
33 ;;; about types that are hairy but defined.
34 (defstruct (unknown-type (:include hairy-type)
35 (:copier nil)))
37 (defstruct (negation-type (:include ctype
38 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'negation))
39 ;; FIXME: is this right? It's
40 ;; what they had before, anyway
41 (enumerable t)
42 (might-contain-other-types-p t))
43 (:copier nil)
44 #!+cmu (:pure nil))
45 (type (missing-arg) :type ctype))
47 (!define-type-class negation)
49 ;;; ARGS-TYPE objects are used both to represent VALUES types and
50 ;;; to represent FUNCTION types.
51 (defstruct (args-type (:include ctype)
52 (:constructor nil)
53 (:copier nil))
54 ;; Lists of the type for each required and optional argument.
55 (required nil :type list)
56 (optional nil :type list)
57 ;; The type for the rest arg. NIL if there is no &REST arg.
58 (rest nil :type (or ctype null))
59 ;; true if &KEY arguments are specified
60 (keyp nil :type boolean)
61 ;; list of KEY-INFO structures describing the &KEY arguments
62 (keywords nil :type list)
63 ;; true if other &KEY arguments are allowed
64 (allowp nil :type boolean))
66 (defun canonicalize-args-type-args (required optional rest)
67 (when (eq rest *empty-type*)
68 ;; or vice-versa?
69 (setq rest nil))
70 (loop with last-not-rest = nil
71 for i from 0
72 for opt in optional
73 do (cond ((eq opt *empty-type*)
74 (return (values required (subseq optional i) rest)))
75 ((neq opt rest)
76 (setq last-not-rest i)))
77 finally (return (values required
78 (if last-not-rest
79 (subseq optional 0 (1+ last-not-rest))
80 nil)
81 rest))))
83 (defun args-types (lambda-list-like-thing)
84 (multiple-value-bind
85 (required optional restp rest keyp keys allowp auxp aux
86 morep more-context more-count llk-p)
87 (parse-lambda-list-like-thing lambda-list-like-thing)
88 (declare (ignore aux morep more-context more-count))
89 (when auxp
90 (error "&AUX in a FUNCTION or VALUES type: ~S." lambda-list-like-thing))
91 (let ((required (mapcar #'single-value-specifier-type required))
92 (optional (mapcar #'single-value-specifier-type optional))
93 (rest (when restp (single-value-specifier-type rest)))
94 (keywords
95 (collect ((key-info))
96 (dolist (key keys)
97 (unless (proper-list-of-length-p key 2)
98 (error "Keyword type description is not a two-list: ~S." key))
99 (let ((kwd (first key)))
100 (when (find kwd (key-info) :key #'key-info-name)
101 (error "~@<repeated keyword ~S in lambda list: ~2I~_~S~:>"
102 kwd lambda-list-like-thing))
103 (key-info
104 (make-key-info
105 :name kwd
106 :type (single-value-specifier-type (second key))))))
107 (key-info))))
108 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest)
109 (canonicalize-args-type-args required optional rest)
110 (values required optional rest keyp keywords allowp llk-p)))))
112 (defstruct (values-type
113 (:include args-type
114 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'values)))
115 (:constructor %make-values-type)
116 (:copier nil)))
118 (defun-cached (make-values-type-cached
119 :hash-bits 8
120 :hash-function (lambda (req opt rest allowp)
121 (logand (logxor
122 (type-list-cache-hash req)
123 (type-list-cache-hash opt)
124 (if rest
125 (type-hash-value rest)
127 (sxhash allowp))
128 #xFF)))
129 ((required equal-but-no-car-recursion)
130 (optional equal-but-no-car-recursion)
131 (rest eq)
132 (allowp eq))
133 (%make-values-type :required required
134 :optional optional
135 :rest rest
136 :allowp allowp))
138 (defun make-values-type (&key (args nil argsp)
139 required optional rest allowp)
140 (if argsp
141 (if (eq args '*)
142 *wild-type*
143 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest keyp keywords allowp
144 llk-p)
145 (args-types args)
146 (declare (ignore keywords))
147 (when keyp
148 (error "&KEY appeared in a VALUES type specifier ~S."
149 `(values ,@args)))
150 (if llk-p
151 (make-values-type :required required
152 :optional optional
153 :rest rest
154 :allowp allowp)
155 (make-short-values-type required))))
156 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest)
157 (canonicalize-args-type-args required optional rest)
158 (cond ((and (null required)
159 (null optional)
160 (eq rest *universal-type*))
161 *wild-type*)
162 ((memq *empty-type* required)
163 *empty-type*)
164 (t (make-values-type-cached required optional
165 rest allowp))))))
167 (!define-type-class values)
169 ;;; (SPECIFIER-TYPE 'FUNCTION) and its subtypes
170 (defstruct (fun-type (:include args-type
171 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'function)))
172 (:constructor
173 %make-fun-type (&key required optional rest
174 keyp keywords allowp
175 wild-args
176 returns
177 &aux (rest (if (eq rest *empty-type*)
179 rest)))))
180 ;; true if the arguments are unrestrictive, i.e. *
181 (wild-args nil :type boolean)
182 ;; type describing the return values. This is a values type
183 ;; when multiple values were specified for the return.
184 (returns (missing-arg) :type ctype))
185 (defun make-fun-type (&rest initargs
186 &key (args nil argsp) returns &allow-other-keys)
187 (if argsp
188 (if (eq args '*)
189 (if (eq returns *wild-type*)
190 (specifier-type 'function)
191 (%make-fun-type :wild-args t :returns returns))
192 (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest keyp keywords allowp)
193 (args-types args)
194 (if (and (null required)
195 (null optional)
196 (eq rest *universal-type*)
197 (not keyp))
198 (if (eq returns *wild-type*)
199 (specifier-type 'function)
200 (%make-fun-type :wild-args t :returns returns))
201 (%make-fun-type :required required
202 :optional optional
203 :rest rest
204 :keyp keyp
205 :keywords keywords
206 :allowp allowp
207 :returns returns))))
208 ;; FIXME: are we really sure that we won't make something that
209 ;; looks like a completely wild function here?
210 (apply #'%make-fun-type initargs)))
212 ;;; The CONSTANT-TYPE structure represents a use of the CONSTANT-ARG
213 ;;; "type specifier", which is only meaningful in function argument
214 ;;; type specifiers used within the compiler. (It represents something
215 ;;; that the compiler knows to be a constant.)
216 (defstruct (constant-type
217 (:include ctype
218 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'constant)))
219 (:copier nil))
220 ;; The type which the argument must be a constant instance of for this type
221 ;; specifier to win.
222 (type (missing-arg) :type ctype))
224 ;;; The NAMED-TYPE is used to represent *, T and NIL. These types must
225 ;;; be super- or sub-types of all types, not just classes and * and
226 ;;; NIL aren't classes anyway, so it wouldn't make much sense to make
227 ;;; them built-in classes.
228 (defstruct (named-type (:include ctype
229 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'named)))
230 (:copier nil))
231 (name nil :type symbol))
233 ;;; a list of all the float "formats" (i.e. internal representations;
234 ;;; nothing to do with #'FORMAT), in order of decreasing precision
235 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
236 (defparameter *float-formats*
237 '(long-float double-float single-float short-float)))
239 ;;; The type of a float format.
240 (deftype float-format () `(member ,@*float-formats*))
242 ;;; A NUMERIC-TYPE represents any numeric type, including things
243 ;;; such as FIXNUM.
244 (defstruct (numeric-type (:include ctype
245 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'number)))
246 (:constructor %make-numeric-type)
247 (:copier nil))
248 ;; the kind of numeric type we have, or NIL if not specified (just
251 ;; KLUDGE: A slot named CLASS for a non-CLASS value is bad.
252 ;; Especially when a CLASS value *is* stored in another slot (called
253 ;; CLASS-INFO:-). Perhaps this should be called CLASS-NAME? Also
254 ;; weird that comment above says "Numeric-Type is used to represent
255 ;; all numeric types" but this slot doesn't allow COMPLEX as an
256 ;; option.. how does this fall into "not specified" NIL case above?
257 ;; Perhaps someday we can switch to CLOS and make NUMERIC-TYPE
258 ;; be an abstract base class and INTEGER-TYPE, RATIONAL-TYPE, and
259 ;; whatnot be concrete subclasses..
260 (class nil :type (member integer rational float nil) :read-only t)
261 ;; "format" for a float type (i.e. type specifier for a CPU
262 ;; representation of floating point, e.g. 'SINGLE-FLOAT -- nothing
263 ;; to do with #'FORMAT), or NIL if not specified or not a float.
264 ;; Formats which don't exist in a given implementation don't appear
265 ;; here.
266 (format nil :type (or float-format null) :read-only t)
267 ;; Is this a complex numeric type? Null if unknown (only in NUMBER).
269 ;; FIXME: I'm bewildered by FOO-P names for things not intended to
270 ;; interpreted as truth values. Perhaps rename this COMPLEXNESS?
271 (complexp :real :type (member :real :complex nil) :read-only t)
272 ;; The upper and lower bounds on the value, or NIL if there is no
273 ;; bound. If a list of a number, the bound is exclusive. Integer
274 ;; types never have exclusive bounds, i.e. they may have them on
275 ;; input, but they're canonicalized to inclusive bounds before we
276 ;; store them here.
277 (low nil :type (or number cons null) :read-only t)
278 (high nil :type (or number cons null) :read-only t))
280 ;;; Impose canonicalization rules for NUMERIC-TYPE. Note that in some
281 ;;; cases, despite the name, we return *EMPTY-TYPE* instead of a
283 (defun make-numeric-type (&key class format (complexp :real) low high
284 enumerable)
285 ;; if interval is empty
286 (if (and low
287 high
288 (if (or (consp low) (consp high)) ; if either bound is exclusive
289 (>= (type-bound-number low) (type-bound-number high))
290 (> low high)))
291 *empty-type*
292 (multiple-value-bind (canonical-low canonical-high)
293 (case class
294 (integer
295 ;; INTEGER types always have their LOW and HIGH bounds
296 ;; represented as inclusive, not exclusive values.
297 (values (if (consp low)
298 (1+ (type-bound-number low))
299 low)
300 (if (consp high)
301 (1- (type-bound-number high))
302 high)))
304 ;; no canonicalization necessary
305 (values low high)))
306 (when (and (eq class 'rational)
307 (integerp canonical-low)
308 (integerp canonical-high)
309 (= canonical-low canonical-high))
310 (setf class 'integer))
311 (%make-numeric-type :class class
312 :format format
313 :complexp complexp
314 :low canonical-low
315 :high canonical-high
316 :enumerable enumerable))))
318 (defun modified-numeric-type (base
319 &key
320 (class (numeric-type-class base))
321 (format (numeric-type-format base))
322 (complexp (numeric-type-complexp base))
323 (low (numeric-type-low base))
324 (high (numeric-type-high base))
325 (enumerable (numeric-type-enumerable base)))
326 (make-numeric-type :class class
327 :format format
328 :complexp complexp
329 :low low
330 :high high
331 :enumerable enumerable))
333 (defstruct (character-set-type
334 (:include ctype
335 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'character-set)))
336 (:constructor %make-character-set-type)
337 (:copier nil))
338 (pairs (missing-arg) :type list :read-only t))
339 (defun make-character-set-type (&key pairs)
340 (aver (equal (mapcar #'car pairs)
341 (sort (mapcar #'car pairs) #'<)))
342 (let ((pairs (let (result)
343 (do ((pairs pairs (cdr pairs)))
344 ((null pairs) (nreverse result))
345 (destructuring-bind (low . high) (car pairs)
346 (loop for (low1 . high1) in (cdr pairs)
347 if (<= low1 (1+ high))
348 do (progn (setf high (max high high1))
349 (setf pairs (cdr pairs)))
350 else do (return nil))
351 (cond
352 ((>= low sb!xc:char-code-limit))
353 ((< high 0))
354 (t (push (cons (max 0 low)
355 (min high (1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)))
356 result))))))))
357 (if (null pairs)
358 *empty-type*
359 (%make-character-set-type :pairs pairs))))
361 ;;; An ARRAY-TYPE is used to represent any array type, including
362 ;;; things such as SIMPLE-BASE-STRING.
363 (defstruct (array-type (:include ctype
364 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'array)))
365 (:constructor %make-array-type)
366 (:copier nil))
367 ;; the dimensions of the array, or * if unspecified. If a dimension
368 ;; is unspecified, it is *.
369 (dimensions '* :type (or list (member *)))
370 ;; Is this not a simple array type? (:MAYBE means that we don't know.)
371 (complexp :maybe :type (member t nil :maybe))
372 ;; the element type as originally specified
373 (element-type (missing-arg) :type ctype)
374 ;; the element type as it is specialized in this implementation
375 (specialized-element-type *wild-type* :type ctype))
376 (define-cached-synonym make-array-type)
378 ;;; A MEMBER-TYPE represent a use of the MEMBER type specifier. We
379 ;;; bother with this at this level because MEMBER types are fairly
380 ;;; important and union and intersection are well defined.
381 (defstruct (member-type (:include ctype
382 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'member))
383 (enumerable t))
384 (:copier nil)
385 (:constructor %make-member-type (members))
386 #-sb-xc-host (:pure nil))
387 ;; the things in the set, with no duplications
388 (members nil :type list))
389 (defun make-member-type (&key members)
390 (declare (type list members))
391 ;; make sure that we've removed duplicates
392 (aver (= (length members) (length (remove-duplicates members))))
393 ;; if we have a pair of zeros (e.g. 0.0d0 and -0.0d0), then we can
394 ;; canonicalize to (DOUBLE-FLOAT 0.0d0 0.0d0), because numeric
395 ;; ranges are compared by arithmetic operators (while MEMBERship is
396 ;; compared by EQL). -- CSR, 2003-04-23
397 (let ((singlep (subsetp `(,(load-time-value (make-unportable-float :single-float-negative-zero)) 0.0f0) members))
398 (doublep (subsetp `(,(load-time-value (make-unportable-float :double-float-negative-zero)) 0.0d0) members))
399 #!+long-float
400 (longp (subsetp `(,(load-time-value (make-unportable-float :long-float-negative-zero)) 0.0l0) members)))
401 (if (or singlep doublep #!+long-float longp)
402 (let (union-types)
403 (when singlep
404 (push (ctype-of 0.0f0) union-types)
405 (setf members (set-difference members `(,(load-time-value (make-unportable-float :single-float-negative-zero)) 0.0f0))))
406 (when doublep
407 (push (ctype-of 0.0d0) union-types)
408 (setf members (set-difference members `(,(load-time-value (make-unportable-float :double-float-negative-zero)) 0.0d0))))
409 #!+long-float
410 (when longp
411 (push (ctype-of 0.0l0) union-types)
412 (setf members (set-difference members `(,(load-time-value (make-unportable-float :long-float-negative-zero)) 0.0l0))))
413 (aver (not (null union-types)))
414 (make-union-type t
415 (if (null members)
416 union-types
417 (cons (%make-member-type members)
418 union-types))))
419 (%make-member-type members))))
421 ;;; A COMPOUND-TYPE is a type defined out of a set of types, the
422 ;;; common parent of UNION-TYPE and INTERSECTION-TYPE.
423 (defstruct (compound-type (:include ctype
424 (might-contain-other-types-p t))
425 (:constructor nil)
426 (:copier nil))
427 (types nil :type list :read-only t))
429 ;;; A UNION-TYPE represents a use of the OR type specifier which we
430 ;;; couldn't canonicalize to something simpler. Canonical form:
431 ;;; 1. All possible pairwise simplifications (using the UNION2 type
432 ;;; methods) have been performed. Thus e.g. there is never more
433 ;;; than one MEMBER-TYPE component. FIXME: As of sbcl-,
434 ;;; this hadn't been fully implemented yet.
435 ;;; 2. There are never any UNION-TYPE components.
436 (defstruct (union-type (:include compound-type
437 (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'union)))
438 (:constructor %make-union-type (enumerable types))
439 (:copier nil)))
440 (define-cached-synonym make-union-type)
442 ;;; An INTERSECTION-TYPE represents a use of the AND type specifier
443 ;;; which we couldn't canonicalize to something simpler. Canonical form:
444 ;;; 1. All possible pairwise simplifications (using the INTERSECTION2
445 ;;; type methods) have been performed. Thus e.g. there is never more
446 ;;; than one MEMBER-TYPE component.
447 ;;; 2. There are never any INTERSECTION-TYPE components: we've
448 ;;; flattened everything into a single INTERSECTION-TYPE object.
449 ;;; 3. There are never any UNION-TYPE components. Either we should
450 ;;; use the distributive rule to rearrange things so that
451 ;;; unions contain intersections and not vice versa, or we
452 ;;; should just punt to using a HAIRY-TYPE.
453 (defstruct (intersection-type (:include compound-type
454 (class-info (type-class-or-lose
455 'intersection)))
456 (:constructor %make-intersection-type
457 (enumerable types))
458 (:copier nil)))
460 ;;; Return TYPE converted to canonical form for a situation where the
461 ;;; "type" '* (which SBCL still represents as a type even though ANSI
462 ;;; CL defines it as a related but different kind of placeholder) is
463 ;;; equivalent to type T.
464 (defun type-*-to-t (type)
465 (if (type= type *wild-type*)
466 *universal-type*
467 type))
469 ;;; A CONS-TYPE is used to represent a CONS type.
470 (defstruct (cons-type (:include ctype (class-info (type-class-or-lose 'cons)))
471 (:constructor
472 %make-cons-type (car-type
473 cdr-type))
474 (:copier nil))
475 ;; the CAR and CDR element types (to support ANSI (CONS FOO BAR) types)
477 ;; FIXME: Most or all other type structure slots could also be :READ-ONLY.
478 (car-type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t)
479 (cdr-type (missing-arg) :type ctype :read-only t))
480 (defun make-cons-type (car-type cdr-type)
481 (aver (not (or (eq car-type *wild-type*)
482 (eq cdr-type *wild-type*))))
483 (if (or (eq car-type *empty-type*)
484 (eq cdr-type *empty-type*))
485 *empty-type*
486 (%make-cons-type car-type cdr-type)))
488 (defun cons-type-length-info (type)
489 (declare (type cons-type type))
490 (do ((min 1 (1+ min))
491 (cdr (cons-type-cdr-type type) (cons-type-cdr-type cdr)))
492 ((not (cons-type-p cdr))
493 (cond
494 ((csubtypep cdr (specifier-type 'null))
495 (values min t))
496 ((csubtypep *universal-type* cdr)
497 (values min nil))
498 ((type/= (type-intersection (specifier-type 'cons) cdr) *empty-type*)
499 (values min nil))
500 ((type/= (type-intersection (specifier-type 'null) cdr) *empty-type*)
501 (values min t))
502 (t (values min :maybe))))
503 ()))
506 ;;;; type utilities
508 ;;; Return the type structure corresponding to a type specifier. We
509 ;;; pick off structure types as a special case.
511 ;;; Note: VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE-CACHE-CLEAR must be called whenever a
512 ;;; type is defined (or redefined).
513 (defun-cached (values-specifier-type
514 :hash-function (lambda (x)
515 (logand (sxhash x) #x3FF))
516 :hash-bits 10
517 :init-wrapper !cold-init-forms)
518 ((orig equal-but-no-car-recursion))
519 (let ((u (uncross orig)))
520 (or (info :type :builtin u)
521 (let ((spec (type-expand u)))
522 (cond
523 ((and (not (eq spec u))
524 (info :type :builtin spec)))
525 ((eq (info :type :kind spec) :instance)
526 (find-classoid spec))
527 ((typep spec 'classoid)
528 ;; There doesn't seem to be any way to translate
529 ;; (TYPEP SPEC 'BUILT-IN-CLASS) into something which can be
530 ;; executed on the host Common Lisp at cross-compilation time.
531 #+sb-xc-host (error
532 "stub: (TYPEP SPEC 'BUILT-IN-CLASS) on xc host")
533 (if (typep spec 'built-in-classoid)
534 (or (built-in-classoid-translation spec) spec)
535 spec))
537 (when (and (atom spec)
538 (member spec '(and or not member eql satisfies values)))
539 (error "The symbol ~S is not valid as a type specifier." spec))
540 (let* ((lspec (if (atom spec) (list spec) spec))
541 (fun (info :type :translator (car lspec))))
542 (cond (fun
543 (funcall fun lspec))
544 ((or (and (consp spec) (symbolp (car spec))
545 (not (info :type :builtin (car spec))))
546 (and (symbolp spec) (not (info :type :builtin spec))))
547 (when (and *type-system-initialized*
548 (not (eq (info :type :kind spec)
549 :forthcoming-defclass-type)))
550 (signal 'parse-unknown-type :specifier spec))
551 ;; (The RETURN-FROM here inhibits caching.)
552 (return-from values-specifier-type
553 (make-unknown-type :specifier spec)))
555 (error "bad thing to be a type specifier: ~S"
556 spec))))))))))
558 ;;; This is like VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE, except that we guarantee to
559 ;;; never return a VALUES type.
560 (defun specifier-type (x)
561 (let ((res (values-specifier-type x)))
562 (when (or (values-type-p res)
563 ;; bootstrap magic :-(
564 (and (named-type-p res)
565 (eq (named-type-name res) '*)))
566 (error "VALUES type illegal in this context:~% ~S" x))
567 res))
569 (defun single-value-specifier-type (x)
570 (if (eq x '*)
571 *universal-type*
572 (specifier-type x)))
574 ;;; Similar to MACROEXPAND, but expands DEFTYPEs. We don't bother
575 ;;; returning a second value.
576 (defun type-expand (form)
577 (let ((def (cond ((symbolp form)
578 (info :type :expander form))
579 ((and (consp form) (symbolp (car form)))
580 (info :type :expander (car form)))
581 (t nil))))
582 (if def
583 (type-expand (funcall def (if (consp form) form (list form))))
584 form)))
586 ;;; Note that the type NAME has been (re)defined, updating the
587 ;;; undefined warnings and VALUES-SPECIFIER-TYPE cache.
588 (defun %note-type-defined (name)
589 (declare (symbol name))
590 (note-name-defined name :type)
591 (when (boundp 'sb!kernel::*values-specifier-type-cache-vector*)
592 (values-specifier-type-cache-clear))
593 (values))
596 (!defun-from-collected-cold-init-forms !early-type-cold-init)