[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / src / compiler / typetran.lisp
1 ;;;; This file contains stuff that implements the portable IR1
2 ;;;; semantics of type tests and coercion. The main thing we do is
3 ;;;; convert complex type operations into simpler code that can be
4 ;;;; compiled inline.
6 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
7 ;;;; more information.
8 ;;;;
9 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
10 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
11 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
12 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
13 ;;;; files for more information.
15 (in-package "SB!C")
17 ;;;; type predicate translation
18 ;;;;
19 ;;;; We maintain a bidirectional association between type predicates
20 ;;;; and the tested type. The presence of a predicate in this
21 ;;;; association implies that it is desirable to implement tests of
22 ;;;; this type using the predicate. These are either predicates that
23 ;;;; the back end is likely to have special knowledge about, or
24 ;;;; predicates so complex that the only reasonable implentation is
25 ;;;; via function call.
26 ;;;;
27 ;;;; Some standard types (such as SEQUENCE) are best tested by letting
28 ;;;; the TYPEP source transform do its thing with the expansion. These
29 ;;;; types (and corresponding predicates) are not maintained in this
30 ;;;; association. In this case, there need not be any predicate
31 ;;;; function unless it is required by the Common Lisp specification.
32 ;;;;
33 ;;;; The mapping between predicates and type structures is considered
34 ;;;; part of the backend; different backends can support different
35 ;;;; sets of predicates.
37 ;;; Establish an association between the type predicate NAME and the
38 ;;; corresponding TYPE. This causes the type predicate to be
39 ;;; recognized for purposes of optimization.
40 (defmacro define-type-predicate (name type)
41 `(%define-type-predicate ',name ',type))
42 (defun %define-type-predicate (name specifier)
43 (let ((type (specifier-type specifier)))
44 (setf (gethash name *backend-predicate-types*) type)
45 (setf *backend-type-predicates*
46 (cons (cons type name)
47 (remove name *backend-type-predicates*
48 :key #'cdr)))
49 (%deftransform name '(function (t) *) #'fold-type-predicate)
50 name))
52 ;;;; IR1 transforms
54 ;;; If we discover the type argument is constant during IR1
55 ;;; optimization, then give the source transform another chance. The
56 ;;; source transform can't pass, since we give it an explicit
57 ;;; constant. At worst, it will convert to %TYPEP, which will prevent
58 ;;; spurious attempts at transformation (and possible repeated
59 ;;; warnings.)
60 (deftransform typep ((object type))
61 (unless (constant-lvar-p type)
62 (give-up-ir1-transform "can't open-code test of non-constant type"))
63 `(typep object ',(lvar-value type)))
65 ;;; If the lvar OBJECT definitely is or isn't of the specified
66 ;;; type, then return T or NIL as appropriate. Otherwise quietly
68 (defun ir1-transform-type-predicate (object type)
69 (declare (type lvar object) (type ctype type))
70 (let ((otype (lvar-type object)))
71 (cond ((not (types-equal-or-intersect otype type))
72 nil)
73 ((csubtypep otype type)
75 ((eq type *empty-type*)
76 nil)
78 (give-up-ir1-transform)))))
80 ;;; Flush %TYPEP tests whose result is known at compile time.
81 (deftransform %typep ((object type))
82 (unless (constant-lvar-p type)
83 (give-up-ir1-transform))
84 (ir1-transform-type-predicate
85 object
86 (ir1-transform-specifier-type (lvar-value type))))
88 ;;; This is the IR1 transform for simple type predicates. It checks
89 ;;; whether the single argument is known to (not) be of the
90 ;;; appropriate type, expanding to T or NIL as appropriate.
91 (deftransform fold-type-predicate ((object) * * :node node :defun-only t)
92 (let ((ctype (gethash (leaf-source-name
93 (ref-leaf
94 (lvar-uses
95 (basic-combination-fun node))))
96 *backend-predicate-types*)))
97 (aver ctype)
98 (ir1-transform-type-predicate object ctype)))
100 ;;; If FIND-CLASS is called on a constant class, locate the CLASS-CELL
101 ;;; at load time.
102 (deftransform find-classoid ((name) ((constant-arg symbol)) *)
103 (let* ((name (lvar-value name))
104 (cell (find-classoid-cell name)))
105 `(or (classoid-cell-classoid ',cell)
106 (error "class not yet defined: ~S" name))))
108 ;;;; standard type predicates, i.e. those defined in package COMMON-LISP,
109 ;;;; plus at least one oddball (%INSTANCEP)
110 ;;;;
111 ;;;; Various other type predicates (e.g. low-level representation
112 ;;;; stuff like SIMPLE-ARRAY-SINGLE-FLOAT-P) are defined elsewhere.
114 ;;; FIXME: This function is only called once, at top level. Why not
115 ;;; just expand all its operations into toplevel code?
116 (defun !define-standard-type-predicates ()
117 (define-type-predicate arrayp array)
118 ; (The ATOM predicate is handled separately as (NOT CONS).)
119 (define-type-predicate bit-vector-p bit-vector)
120 (define-type-predicate characterp character)
121 (define-type-predicate compiled-function-p compiled-function)
122 (define-type-predicate complexp complex)
123 (define-type-predicate complex-rational-p (complex rational))
124 (define-type-predicate complex-float-p (complex float))
125 (define-type-predicate consp cons)
126 (define-type-predicate floatp float)
127 (define-type-predicate functionp function)
128 (define-type-predicate integerp integer)
129 (define-type-predicate keywordp keyword)
130 (define-type-predicate listp list)
131 (define-type-predicate null null)
132 (define-type-predicate numberp number)
133 (define-type-predicate rationalp rational)
134 (define-type-predicate realp real)
135 (define-type-predicate simple-bit-vector-p simple-bit-vector)
136 (define-type-predicate simple-string-p simple-string)
137 (define-type-predicate simple-vector-p simple-vector)
138 (define-type-predicate stringp string)
139 (define-type-predicate %instancep instance)
140 (define-type-predicate funcallable-instance-p funcallable-instance)
141 (define-type-predicate symbolp symbol)
142 (define-type-predicate vectorp vector))
143 (!define-standard-type-predicates)
145 ;;;; transforms for type predicates not implemented primitively
146 ;;;;
147 ;;;; See also VM dependent transforms.
149 (define-source-transform atom (x)
150 `(not (consp ,x)))
151 #!+sb-unicode
152 (define-source-transform base-char-p (x)
153 `(typep ,x 'base-char))
155 ;;;; TYPEP source transform
157 ;;; Return a form that tests the variable N-OBJECT for being in the
158 ;;; binds specified by TYPE. BASE is the name of the base type, for
159 ;;; declaration. We make SAFETY locally 0 to inhibit any checking of
160 ;;; this assertion.
161 (defun transform-numeric-bound-test (n-object type base)
162 (declare (type numeric-type type))
163 (let ((low (numeric-type-low type))
164 (high (numeric-type-high type)))
165 `(locally
166 (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
167 (and ,@(when low
168 (if (consp low)
169 `((> (truly-the ,base ,n-object) ,(car low)))
170 `((>= (truly-the ,base ,n-object) ,low))))
171 ,@(when high
172 (if (consp high)
173 `((< (truly-the ,base ,n-object) ,(car high)))
174 `((<= (truly-the ,base ,n-object) ,high))))))))
176 ;;; Do source transformation of a test of a known numeric type. We can
177 ;;; assume that the type doesn't have a corresponding predicate, since
178 ;;; those types have already been picked off. In particular, CLASS
179 ;;; must be specified, since it is unspecified only in NUMBER and
180 ;;; COMPLEX. Similarly, we assume that COMPLEXP is always specified.
182 ;;; For non-complex types, we just test that the number belongs to the
183 ;;; base type, and then test that it is in bounds. When CLASS is
184 ;;; INTEGER, we check to see whether the range is no bigger than
185 ;;; FIXNUM. If so, we check for FIXNUM instead of INTEGER. This allows
186 ;;; us to use fixnum comparison to test the bounds.
188 ;;; For complex types, we must test for complex, then do the above on
189 ;;; both the real and imaginary parts. When CLASS is float, we need
190 ;;; only check the type of the realpart, since the format of the
191 ;;; realpart and the imagpart must be the same.
192 (defun source-transform-numeric-typep (object type)
193 (let* ((class (numeric-type-class type))
194 (base (ecase class
195 (integer (containing-integer-type
196 (if (numeric-type-complexp type)
197 (modified-numeric-type type
198 :complexp :real)
199 type)))
200 (rational 'rational)
201 (float (or (numeric-type-format type) 'float))
202 ((nil) 'real))))
203 (once-only ((n-object object))
204 (ecase (numeric-type-complexp type)
205 (:real
206 `(and (typep ,n-object ',base)
207 ,(transform-numeric-bound-test n-object type base)))
208 (:complex
209 `(and (complexp ,n-object)
210 ,(once-only ((n-real `(realpart (truly-the complex ,n-object)))
211 (n-imag `(imagpart (truly-the complex ,n-object))))
212 `(progn
213 ,n-imag ; ignorable
214 (and (typep ,n-real ',base)
215 ,@(when (eq class 'integer)
216 `((typep ,n-imag ',base)))
217 ,(transform-numeric-bound-test n-real type base)
218 ,(transform-numeric-bound-test n-imag type
219 base))))))))))
221 ;;; Do the source transformation for a test of a hairy type. AND,
222 ;;; SATISFIES and NOT are converted into the obvious code. We convert
223 ;;; unknown types to %TYPEP, emitting an efficiency note if
224 ;;; appropriate.
225 (defun source-transform-hairy-typep (object type)
226 (declare (type hairy-type type))
227 (let ((spec (hairy-type-specifier type)))
228 (cond ((unknown-type-p type)
229 (when (policy *lexenv* (> speed inhibit-warnings))
230 (compiler-notify "can't open-code test of unknown type ~S"
231 (type-specifier type)))
232 `(%typep ,object ',spec))
234 (ecase (first spec)
235 (satisfies `(if (funcall #',(second spec) ,object) t nil))
236 ((not and)
237 (once-only ((n-obj object))
238 `(,(first spec) ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
239 `(typep ,n-obj ',x))
240 (rest spec))))))))))
242 (defun source-transform-negation-typep (object type)
243 (declare (type negation-type type))
244 (let ((spec (type-specifier (negation-type-type type))))
245 `(not (typep ,object ',spec))))
247 ;;; Do source transformation for TYPEP of a known union type. If a
248 ;;; union type contains LIST, then we pull that out and make it into a
249 ;;; single LISTP call. Note that if SYMBOL is in the union, then LIST
250 ;;; will be a subtype even without there being any (member NIL). We
251 ;;; currently just drop through to the general code in this case,
252 ;;; rather than trying to optimize it (but FIXME CSR 2004-04-05: it
253 ;;; wouldn't be hard to optimize it after all).
254 (defun source-transform-union-typep (object type)
255 (let* ((types (union-type-types type))
256 (type-cons (specifier-type 'cons))
257 (mtype (find-if #'member-type-p types))
258 (members (when mtype (member-type-members mtype))))
259 (if (and mtype
260 (memq nil members)
261 (memq type-cons types))
262 (once-only ((n-obj object))
263 `(or (listp ,n-obj)
264 (typep ,n-obj
265 '(or ,@(mapcar #'type-specifier
266 (remove type-cons
267 (remove mtype types)))
268 (member ,@(remove nil members))))))
269 (once-only ((n-obj object))
270 `(or ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
271 `(typep ,n-obj ',(type-specifier x)))
272 types))))))
274 ;;; Do source transformation for TYPEP of a known intersection type.
275 (defun source-transform-intersection-typep (object type)
276 (once-only ((n-obj object))
277 `(and ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
278 `(typep ,n-obj ',(type-specifier x)))
279 (intersection-type-types type)))))
281 ;;; If necessary recurse to check the cons type.
282 (defun source-transform-cons-typep (object type)
283 (let* ((car-type (cons-type-car-type type))
284 (cdr-type (cons-type-cdr-type type)))
285 (let ((car-test-p (not (type= car-type *universal-type*)))
286 (cdr-test-p (not (type= cdr-type *universal-type*))))
287 (if (and (not car-test-p) (not cdr-test-p))
288 `(consp ,object)
289 (once-only ((n-obj object))
290 `(and (consp ,n-obj)
291 ,@(if car-test-p
292 `((typep (car ,n-obj)
293 ',(type-specifier car-type))))
294 ,@(if cdr-test-p
295 `((typep (cdr ,n-obj)
296 ',(type-specifier cdr-type))))))))))
298 (defun source-transform-character-set-typep (object type)
299 (let ((pairs (character-set-type-pairs type)))
300 (if (and (= (length pairs) 1)
301 (= (caar pairs) 0)
302 (= (cdar pairs) (1- sb!xc:char-code-limit)))
303 `(characterp ,object)
304 (once-only ((n-obj object))
305 (let ((n-code (gensym "CODE")))
306 `(and (characterp ,n-obj)
307 (let ((,n-code (sb!xc:char-code ,n-obj)))
309 ,@(loop for pair in pairs
310 collect
311 `(<= ,(car pair) ,n-code ,(cdr pair)))))))))))
313 ;;; Return the predicate and type from the most specific entry in
314 ;;; *TYPE-PREDICATES* that is a supertype of TYPE.
315 (defun find-supertype-predicate (type)
316 (declare (type ctype type))
317 (let ((res nil)
318 (res-type nil))
319 (dolist (x *backend-type-predicates*)
320 (let ((stype (car x)))
321 (when (and (csubtypep type stype)
322 (or (not res-type)
323 (csubtypep stype res-type)))
324 (setq res-type stype)
325 (setq res (cdr x)))))
326 (values res res-type)))
328 ;;; Return forms to test that OBJ has the rank and dimensions
329 ;;; specified by TYPE, where STYPE is the type we have checked against
330 ;;; (which is the same but for dimensions and element type).
331 (defun test-array-dimensions (obj type stype)
332 (declare (type array-type type stype))
333 (let ((obj `(truly-the ,(type-specifier stype) ,obj))
334 (dims (array-type-dimensions type)))
335 (unless (or (eq dims '*)
336 (equal dims (array-type-dimensions stype)))
337 (collect ((res))
338 (when (eq (array-type-dimensions stype) '*)
339 (res `(= (array-rank ,obj) ,(length dims))))
340 (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
341 (dim dims (cdr dim)))
342 ((null dim))
343 (let ((dim (car dim)))
344 (unless (eq dim '*)
345 (res `(= (array-dimension ,obj ,i) ,dim)))))
346 (res)))))
348 ;;; Return forms to test that OBJ has the element-type specified by
349 ;;; type specified by TYPE, where STYPE is the type we have checked
350 ;;; against (which is the same but for dimensions and element type).
351 (defun test-array-element-type (obj type stype)
352 (declare (type array-type type stype))
353 (let ((obj `(truly-the ,(type-specifier stype) ,obj))
354 (eltype (array-type-specialized-element-type type)))
355 (unless (type= eltype (array-type-specialized-element-type stype))
356 (with-unique-names (data)
357 `((do ((,data ,obj (%array-data-vector ,data)))
358 ((not (array-header-p ,data))
359 ;; KLUDGE: this isn't in fact maximally efficient,
360 ;; because though we know that DATA is a (SIMPLE-ARRAY *
361 ;; (*)), we will still check to see if the lowtag is
362 ;; appropriate.
363 (typep ,data
364 '(simple-array ,(type-specifier eltype) (*))))))))))
366 ;;; If we can find a type predicate that tests for the type without
367 ;;; dimensions, then use that predicate and test for dimensions.
368 ;;; Otherwise, just do %TYPEP.
369 (defun source-transform-array-typep (obj type)
370 (multiple-value-bind (pred stype) (find-supertype-predicate type)
371 (if (and (array-type-p stype)
372 ;; (If the element type hasn't been defined yet, it's
373 ;; not safe to assume here that it will eventually
374 ;; have (UPGRADED-ARRAY-ELEMENT-TYPE type)=T, so punt.)
375 (not (unknown-type-p (array-type-element-type type)))
376 (eq (array-type-complexp stype) (array-type-complexp type)))
377 (once-only ((n-obj obj))
378 `(and (,pred ,n-obj)
379 ,@(test-array-dimensions n-obj type stype)
380 ,@(test-array-element-type n-obj type stype)))
381 `(%typep ,obj ',(type-specifier type)))))
383 ;;; Transform a type test against some instance type. The type test is
384 ;;; flushed if the result is known at compile time. If not properly
385 ;;; named, error. If sealed and has no subclasses, just test for
386 ;;; layout-EQ. If a structure then test for layout-EQ and then a
387 ;;; general test based on layout-inherits. If safety is important,
388 ;;; then we also check whether the layout for the object is invalid
389 ;;; and signal an error if so. Otherwise, look up the indirect
390 ;;; class-cell and call CLASS-CELL-TYPEP at runtime.
391 (deftransform %instance-typep ((object spec) (* *) * :node node)
392 (aver (constant-lvar-p spec))
393 (let* ((spec (lvar-value spec))
394 (class (specifier-type spec))
395 (name (classoid-name class))
396 (otype (lvar-type object))
397 (layout (let ((res (info :type :compiler-layout name)))
398 (if (and res (not (layout-invalid res)))
400 nil))))
401 (cond
402 ;; Flush tests whose result is known at compile time.
403 ((not (types-equal-or-intersect otype class))
404 nil)
405 ((csubtypep otype class)
407 ;; If not properly named, error.
408 ((not (and name (eq (find-classoid name) class)))
409 (compiler-error "can't compile TYPEP of anonymous or undefined ~
410 class:~% ~S"
411 class))
413 ;; Delay the type transform to give type propagation a chance.
414 (delay-ir1-transform node :constraint)
416 ;; Otherwise transform the type test.
417 (multiple-value-bind (pred get-layout)
418 (cond
419 ((csubtypep class (specifier-type 'funcallable-instance))
420 (values 'funcallable-instance-p '%funcallable-instance-layout))
421 ((csubtypep class (specifier-type 'instance))
422 (values '%instancep '%instance-layout))
424 (values '(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) t) 'layout-of)))
425 (cond
426 ((and (eq (classoid-state class) :sealed) layout
427 (not (classoid-subclasses class)))
428 ;; Sealed and has no subclasses.
429 (let ((n-layout (gensym)))
430 `(and (,pred object)
431 (let ((,n-layout (,get-layout object)))
432 ,@(when (policy *lexenv* (>= safety speed))
433 `((when (layout-invalid ,n-layout)
434 (%layout-invalid-error object ',layout))))
435 (eq ,n-layout ',layout)))))
436 ((and (typep class 'basic-structure-classoid) layout)
437 ;; structure type tests; hierarchical layout depths
438 (let ((depthoid (layout-depthoid layout))
439 (n-layout (gensym)))
440 `(and (,pred object)
441 (let ((,n-layout (,get-layout object)))
442 ,@(when (policy *lexenv* (>= safety speed))
443 `((when (layout-invalid ,n-layout)
444 (%layout-invalid-error object ',layout))))
445 (if (eq ,n-layout ',layout)
447 (and (> (layout-depthoid ,n-layout)
448 ,depthoid)
449 (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
450 (eq (svref (layout-inherits ,n-layout)
451 ,depthoid)
452 ',layout))))))))
453 ((and layout (>= (layout-depthoid layout) 0))
454 ;; hierarchical layout depths for other things (e.g.
455 ;; CONDITIONs)
456 (let ((depthoid (layout-depthoid layout))
457 (n-layout (gensym))
458 (n-inherits (gensym)))
459 `(and (,pred object)
460 (let ((,n-layout (,get-layout object)))
461 ,@(when (policy *lexenv* (>= safety speed))
462 `((when (layout-invalid ,n-layout)
463 (%layout-invalid-error object ',layout))))
464 (if (eq ,n-layout ',layout)
466 (let ((,n-inherits (layout-inherits ,n-layout)))
467 (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
468 (and (> (length ,n-inherits) ,depthoid)
469 (eq (svref ,n-inherits ,depthoid)
470 ',layout))))))))
472 (/noshow "default case -- ,PRED and CLASS-CELL-TYPEP")
473 `(and (,pred object)
474 (classoid-cell-typep (,get-layout object)
475 ',(find-classoid-cell name)
476 object)))))))))
478 ;;; If the specifier argument is a quoted constant, then we consider
479 ;;; converting into a simple predicate or other stuff. If the type is
480 ;;; constant, but we can't transform the call, then we convert to
481 ;;; %TYPEP. We only pass when the type is non-constant. This allows us
482 ;;; to recognize between calls that might later be transformed
483 ;;; successfully when a constant type is discovered. We don't give an
484 ;;; efficiency note when we pass, since the IR1 transform will give
485 ;;; one if necessary and appropriate.
487 ;;; If the type is TYPE= to a type that has a predicate, then expand
488 ;;; to that predicate. Otherwise, we dispatch off of the type's type.
489 ;;; These transformations can increase space, but it is hard to tell
490 ;;; when, so we ignore policy and always do them.
491 (define-source-transform typep (object spec)
492 ;; KLUDGE: It looks bad to only do this on explicitly quoted forms,
493 ;; since that would overlook other kinds of constants. But it turns
494 ;; out that the DEFTRANSFORM for TYPEP detects any constant
495 ;; lvar, transforms it into a quoted form, and gives this
496 ;; source transform another chance, so it all works out OK, in a
497 ;; weird roundabout way. -- WHN 2001-03-18
498 (if (and (consp spec) (eq (car spec) 'quote))
499 (let ((type (careful-specifier-type (cadr spec))))
500 (or (when (not type)
501 (compiler-warn "illegal type specifier for TYPEP: ~S"
502 (cadr spec))
503 `(%typep ,object ,spec))
504 (let ((pred (cdr (assoc type *backend-type-predicates*
505 :test #'type=))))
506 (when pred `(,pred ,object)))
507 (typecase type
508 (hairy-type
509 (source-transform-hairy-typep object type))
510 (negation-type
511 (source-transform-negation-typep object type))
512 (union-type
513 (source-transform-union-typep object type))
514 (intersection-type
515 (source-transform-intersection-typep object type))
516 (member-type
517 `(if (member ,object ',(member-type-members type)) t))
518 (args-type
519 (compiler-warn "illegal type specifier for TYPEP: ~S"
520 (cadr spec))
521 `(%typep ,object ,spec))
522 (t nil))
523 (typecase type
524 (numeric-type
525 (source-transform-numeric-typep object type))
526 (classoid
527 `(%instance-typep ,object ,spec))
528 (array-type
529 (source-transform-array-typep object type))
530 (cons-type
531 (source-transform-cons-typep object type))
532 (character-set-type
533 (source-transform-character-set-typep object type))
534 (t nil))
535 `(%typep ,object ,spec)))
536 (values nil t)))
538 ;;;; coercion
540 ;;; Constant-folding.
542 #-sb-xc-host
543 (defoptimizer (coerce optimizer) ((x type) node)
544 (when (and (constant-lvar-p x) (constant-lvar-p type))
545 (let ((value (lvar-value x)))
546 (when (or (numberp value) (characterp value))
547 (constant-fold-call node)
548 t))))
550 (deftransform coerce ((x type) (* *) * :node node)
551 (unless (constant-lvar-p type)
552 (give-up-ir1-transform))
553 (let ((tspec (ir1-transform-specifier-type (lvar-value type))))
554 (if (csubtypep (lvar-type x) tspec)
556 ;; Note: The THE here makes sure that specifiers like
557 ;; (SINGLE-FLOAT 0.0 1.0) can raise a TYPE-ERROR.
558 `(the ,(lvar-value type)
559 ,(cond
560 ((csubtypep tspec (specifier-type 'double-float))
561 '(%double-float x))
562 ;; FIXME: #!+long-float (t ,(error "LONG-FLOAT case needed"))
563 ((csubtypep tspec (specifier-type 'float))
564 '(%single-float x))
565 ((and (csubtypep tspec (specifier-type 'simple-vector))
566 ;; Can we avoid checking for dimension issues like
567 ;; (COERCE FOO '(SIMPLE-VECTOR 5)) returning a
568 ;; vector of length 6?
569 (or (policy node (< safety 3)) ; no need in unsafe code
570 (and (array-type-p tspec) ; no need when no dimensions
571 (equal (array-type-dimensions tspec) '(*)))))
572 `(if (simple-vector-p x)
574 (replace (make-array (length x)) x)))
575 ;; FIXME: other VECTOR types?
577 (give-up-ir1-transform)))))))