[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / contrib / sb-executable / sb-executable.lisp
1 (cl:defpackage :sb-executable
2 (:use :cl :sb-ext :sb-alien)
3 (:export :make-executable :copy-stream)
4 ;; (what else should we be exporting?)
7 (cl:in-package :sb-executable)
9 (defvar *stream-buffer-size* 8192)
10 (defun copy-stream (from to)
11 "Copy into TO from FROM until end of the input stream, in blocks of
12 *stream-buffer-size*. The streams should have the same element type."
13 (unless (subtypep (stream-element-type to) (stream-element-type from))
14 (error "Incompatible streams ~A and ~A." from to))
15 (let ((buf (make-array *stream-buffer-size*
16 :element-type (stream-element-type from))))
17 (loop
18 (let ((pos (read-sequence buf from)))
19 (when (zerop pos) (return))
20 (write-sequence buf to :end pos)))))
22 (defvar *exec-header*
23 "#!/bin/sh --
24 exec sbcl --noinform ~{~A ~}--eval \"(with-open-file (i \\\"$0\\\" :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) (loop while (< ret 2) when (= (read-byte i) 10) count 1 into ret) (load i) (funcall (quote ~A)) (quit))\" --end-toplevel-options ${1+\"$@\"}
27 (defun make-executable (output-file fasls
28 &key (runtime-flags '("--disable-debugger"
29 "--userinit /dev/null"
30 "--sysinit /dev/null"))
31 initial-function)
32 "Write an executable called OUTPUT-FILE which can be run from the shell, by 'linking' together code from FASLS. Actually works by concatenating them and prepending a #! header"
33 (with-open-file (out output-file
34 :direction :output
35 :if-exists :supersede
36 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
37 (write-sequence (map 'vector #'char-code
38 (format nil *exec-header* runtime-flags
39 (or initial-function 'values))) out)
40 (dolist (input-file (if (listp fasls) fasls (list fasls)))
41 (with-open-file (in (merge-pathnames input-file
42 (make-pathname :type "fasl"))
43 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
44 (copy-stream in out))))
45 (let* (;; FIXME: use OUT as the pathname designator
46 (out-name (namestring (translate-logical-pathname output-file)))
47 (prot (elt (multiple-value-list (sb-unix:unix-stat out-name)) 3)))
48 (if prot
49 (sb-unix::void-syscall ("chmod" c-string int)
50 out-name
51 (logior prot
52 (if (logand prot #o400) #o100)
53 (if (logand prot #o40) #o10)
54 (if (logand prot #o4) #o1)))
55 (error "stat() call failed"))))
57 (provide 'sb-executable)