return true from GET-SPINLOCK
[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / src / code / target-extensions.lisp
1 ;;;; This file contains things for the extensions packages (SB-EXT and
2 ;;;; also "internal extensions" SB-INT) which can't be built at
3 ;;;; cross-compile time, and perhaps also some things which might as
4 ;;;; well not be built at cross-compile time because they're not
5 ;;;; needed then. Things which can't be built at cross-compile time
6 ;;;; (e.g. because they need machinery which only exists inside SBCL's
7 ;;;; implementation of the LISP package) do not belong in this file.
9 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
10 ;;;; more information.
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
13 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
14 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
15 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
16 ;;;; files for more information.
18 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
20 ;;;; variables initialization and shutdown sequences
22 ;; (Most of the save-a-core functionality is defined later, in its
23 ;; own file, but we'd like to have these symbols declared special
24 ;; and initialized ASAP.)
25 (defvar *save-hooks* nil
26 #!+sb-doc
27 "This is a list of functions which are called in an unspecified
28 order before creating a saved core image. Unused by SBCL itself:
29 reserved for user and applications.")
31 (defvar *init-hooks* nil
32 #!+sb-doc
33 "This is a list of functions which are called in an unspecified
34 order when a saved core image starts up, after the system itself has
35 been initialized. Unused by SBCL itself: reserved for user and
36 applications.")
39 ;;; Binary search for simple vectors
40 (defun binary-search (value seq &key (key #'identity))
41 (declare (simple-vector seq))
42 (labels ((recurse (start end)
43 (when (< start end)
44 (let* ((i (+ start (truncate (- end start) 2)))
45 (elt (svref seq i))
46 (key-value (funcall key elt)))
47 (cond ((< value key-value)
48 (recurse start i))
49 ((> value key-value)
50 (recurse (1+ i) end))
52 elt))))))
53 (recurse 0 (length seq))))
56 ;;; like LISTEN, but any whitespace in the input stream will be flushed
57 (defun listen-skip-whitespace (&optional (stream *standard-input*))
58 (do ((char (read-char-no-hang stream nil nil nil)
59 (read-char-no-hang stream nil nil nil)))
60 ((null char) nil)
61 (cond ((not (whitespace[1]p char))
62 (unread-char char stream)
63 (return t)))))
65 ;;;; helpers for C library calls
67 ;;; Signal a SIMPLE-CONDITION/ERROR condition associated with an ANSI C
68 ;;; errno problem, arranging for the condition's print representation
69 ;;; to be similar to the ANSI C perror(3) style.
70 (defun simple-perror (prefix-string
71 &key
72 (errno (get-errno))
73 (simple-error 'simple-error)
74 other-condition-args)
75 (declare (type symbol simple-error))
76 (aver (subtypep simple-error 'simple-condition))
77 (aver (subtypep simple-error 'error))
78 (apply #'error
79 simple-error
80 :format-control "~@<~A: ~2I~_~A~:>"
81 :format-arguments (list prefix-string (strerror errno))
82 other-condition-args))