[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / contrib / sb-md5 / md5.lisp
1 ;;;; This file implements The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm, as defined in
2 ;;;; RFC 1321 by R. Rivest, published April 1992.
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; It was written by Pierre R. Mai, with copious input from the
5 ;;;; cmucl-help mailing-list hosted at cons.org, in November 2001 and
6 ;;;; has been placed into the public domain.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; $Id$
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; While the implementation should work on all conforming Common
11 ;;;; Lisp implementations, it has only been optimized for CMU CL,
12 ;;;; where it achieved comparable performance to the standard md5sum
13 ;;;; utility (within a factor of 1.5 or less on iA32 and UltraSparc
14 ;;;; hardware).
15 ;;;;
16 ;;;; Since the implementation makes heavy use of arithmetic on
17 ;;;; (unsigned-byte 32) numbers, acceptable performance is likely only
18 ;;;; on CL implementations that support unboxed arithmetic on such
19 ;;;; numbers in some form. For other CL implementations a 16bit
20 ;;;; implementation of MD5 is probably more suitable.
21 ;;;;
22 ;;;; The code implements correct operation for files of unbounded size
23 ;;;; as is, at the cost of having to do a single generic integer
24 ;;;; addition for each call to update-md5-state. If you call
25 ;;;; update-md5-state frequently with little data, this can pose a
26 ;;;; performance problem. If you can live with a size restriction of
27 ;;;; 512 MB, then you can enable fast fixnum arithmetic by putting
28 ;;;; :md5-small-length onto *features* prior to compiling this file.
29 ;;;;
30 ;;;; This software is "as is", and has no warranty of any kind. The
31 ;;;; authors assume no responsibility for the consequences of any use
32 ;;;; of this software.
34 (defpackage :SB-MD5 (:use :CL)
35 (:export
36 ;; Low-Level types and functions
37 #:md5-regs #:initial-md5-regs #:md5regs-digest
38 #:update-md5-block #:fill-block #:fill-block-ub8 #:fill-block-char
39 ;; Mid-Level types and functions
40 #:md5-state #:md5-state-p #:make-md5-state
41 #:update-md5-state #:finalize-md5-state
42 ;; High-Level functions on sequences, streams and files
43 #:md5sum-sequence #:md5sum-stream #:md5sum-file))
45 (in-package :SB-MD5)
47 #+cmu
48 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
49 (defparameter *old-expansion-limit* ext:*inline-expansion-limit*)
50 (setq ext:*inline-expansion-limit* (max ext:*inline-expansion-limit* 1000)))
52 #+cmu
53 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
54 (defparameter *old-features* *features*)
55 (pushnew (c:backend-byte-order c:*target-backend*) *features*))
57 #+sbcl
58 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
59 (defparameter *old-features* *features*)
60 (pushnew sb-c:*backend-byte-order* *features*))
62 ;;; Section 2: Basic Datatypes
64 (deftype ub32 ()
65 "Corresponds to the 32bit quantity word of the MD5 Spec"
66 `(unsigned-byte 32))
68 (defmacro assemble-ub32 (a b c d)
69 "Assemble an ub32 value from the given (unsigned-byte 8) values,
70 where a is the intended low-order byte and d the high-order byte."
71 `(the ub32 (logior (ash ,d 24) (ash ,c 16) (ash ,b 8) ,a)))
73 ;;; Section 3.4: Auxilliary functions
75 (declaim (inline f g h i)
76 (ftype (function (ub32 ub32 ub32) ub32) f g h i))
78 (defun f (x y z)
79 (declare (type ub32 x y z)
80 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
81 #+cmu
82 (kernel:32bit-logical-or (kernel:32bit-logical-and x y)
83 (kernel:32bit-logical-andc1 x z))
84 #-cmu
85 (logior (logand x y) (logandc1 x z)))
87 (defun g (x y z)
88 (declare (type ub32 x y z)
89 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
90 #+cmu
91 (kernel:32bit-logical-or (kernel:32bit-logical-and x z)
92 (kernel:32bit-logical-andc2 y z))
93 #-cmu
94 (logior (logand x z) (logandc2 y z)))
96 (defun h (x y z)
97 (declare (type ub32 x y z)
98 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
99 #+cmu
100 (kernel:32bit-logical-xor x (kernel:32bit-logical-xor y z))
101 #-cmu
102 (logxor x y z))
104 (defun i (x y z)
105 (declare (type ub32 x y z)
106 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
107 #+cmu
108 (kernel:32bit-logical-xor y (kernel:32bit-logical-orc2 x z))
109 #-cmu
110 (ldb (byte 32 0) (logxor y (logorc2 x z))))
112 (declaim (inline mod32+)
113 (ftype (function (ub32 ub32) ub32) mod32+))
114 (defun mod32+ (a b)
115 (declare (type ub32 a b) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
116 (ldb (byte 32 0) (+ a b)))
118 #+cmu
119 (define-compiler-macro mod32+ (a b)
120 `(ext:truly-the ub32 (+ ,a ,b)))
122 ;;; Dunno why we need this, but without it MOD32+ wasn't being
123 ;;; inlined. Oh well. -- CSR, 2003-09-14
124 #+sbcl
125 (define-compiler-macro mod32+ (a b)
126 `(ldb (byte 32 0) (+ ,a ,b)))
128 (declaim (inline rol32)
129 (ftype (function (ub32 (unsigned-byte 5)) ub32) rol32))
130 (defun rol32 (a s)
131 (declare (type ub32 a) (type (unsigned-byte 5) s)
132 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
133 #+cmu
134 (kernel:32bit-logical-or #+little-endian (kernel:shift-towards-end a s)
135 #+big-endian (kernel:shift-towards-start a s)
136 (ash a (- s 32)))
137 #+sbcl
138 (sb-rotate-byte:rotate-byte s (byte 32 0) a)
139 #-(or cmu sbcl)
140 (logior (ldb (byte 32 0) (ash a s)) (ash a (- s 32))))
142 ;;; Section 3.4: Table T
144 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
145 (defparameter *t* (make-array 64 :element-type 'ub32
146 :initial-contents
147 (loop for i from 1 to 64
148 collect
149 (truncate
150 (* 4294967296
151 (abs (sin (float i 0.0d0)))))))))
153 ;;; Section 3.4: Helper Macro for single round definitions
155 (defmacro with-md5-round ((op block) &rest clauses)
156 (loop for (a b c d k s i) in clauses
157 collect
158 `(setq ,a (mod32+ ,b (rol32 (mod32+ (mod32+ ,a (,op ,b ,c ,d))
159 (mod32+ (aref ,block ,k)
160 ,(aref *t* (1- i))))
161 ,s)))
162 into result
163 finally
164 (return `(progn ,@result))))
166 ;;; Section 3.3: (Initial) MD5 Working Set
168 (deftype md5-regs ()
169 "The working state of the MD5 algorithm, which contains the 4 32-bit
170 registers A, B, C and D."
171 `(simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (4)))
173 (defmacro md5-regs-a (regs)
174 `(aref ,regs 0))
176 (defmacro md5-regs-b (regs)
177 `(aref ,regs 1))
179 (defmacro md5-regs-c (regs)
180 `(aref ,regs 2))
182 (defmacro md5-regs-d (regs)
183 `(aref ,regs 3))
185 (defconstant +md5-magic-a+ (assemble-ub32 #x01 #x23 #x45 #x67)
186 "Initial value of Register A of the MD5 working state.")
187 (defconstant +md5-magic-b+ (assemble-ub32 #x89 #xab #xcd #xef)
188 "Initial value of Register B of the MD5 working state.")
189 (defconstant +md5-magic-c+ (assemble-ub32 #xfe #xdc #xba #x98)
190 "Initial value of Register C of the MD5 working state.")
191 (defconstant +md5-magic-d+ (assemble-ub32 #x76 #x54 #x32 #x10)
192 "Initial value of Register D of the MD5 working state.")
194 (declaim (inline initial-md5-regs))
195 (defun initial-md5-regs ()
196 "Create the initial working state of an MD5 run."
197 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
198 (let ((regs (make-array 4 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
199 (declare (type md5-regs regs))
200 (setf (md5-regs-a regs) +md5-magic-a+
201 (md5-regs-b regs) +md5-magic-b+
202 (md5-regs-c regs) +md5-magic-c+
203 (md5-regs-d regs) +md5-magic-d+)
204 regs))
206 ;;; Section 3.4: Operation on 16-Word Blocks
208 (defun update-md5-block (regs block)
209 "This is the core part of the MD5 algorithm. It takes a complete 16
210 word block of input, and updates the working state in A, B, C, and D
211 accordingly."
212 (declare (type md5-regs regs)
213 (type (simple-array ub32 (16)) block)
214 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
215 (let ((a (md5-regs-a regs)) (b (md5-regs-b regs))
216 (c (md5-regs-c regs)) (d (md5-regs-d regs)))
217 (declare (type ub32 a b c d))
218 ;; Round 1
219 (with-md5-round (f block)
220 (A B C D 0 7 1)(D A B C 1 12 2)(C D A B 2 17 3)(B C D A 3 22 4)
221 (A B C D 4 7 5)(D A B C 5 12 6)(C D A B 6 17 7)(B C D A 7 22 8)
222 (A B C D 8 7 9)(D A B C 9 12 10)(C D A B 10 17 11)(B C D A 11 22 12)
223 (A B C D 12 7 13)(D A B C 13 12 14)(C D A B 14 17 15)(B C D A 15 22 16))
224 ;; Round 2
225 (with-md5-round (g block)
226 (A B C D 1 5 17)(D A B C 6 9 18)(C D A B 11 14 19)(B C D A 0 20 20)
227 (A B C D 5 5 21)(D A B C 10 9 22)(C D A B 15 14 23)(B C D A 4 20 24)
228 (A B C D 9 5 25)(D A B C 14 9 26)(C D A B 3 14 27)(B C D A 8 20 28)
229 (A B C D 13 5 29)(D A B C 2 9 30)(C D A B 7 14 31)(B C D A 12 20 32))
230 ;; Round 3
231 (with-md5-round (h block)
232 (A B C D 5 4 33)(D A B C 8 11 34)(C D A B 11 16 35)(B C D A 14 23 36)
233 (A B C D 1 4 37)(D A B C 4 11 38)(C D A B 7 16 39)(B C D A 10 23 40)
234 (A B C D 13 4 41)(D A B C 0 11 42)(C D A B 3 16 43)(B C D A 6 23 44)
235 (A B C D 9 4 45)(D A B C 12 11 46)(C D A B 15 16 47)(B C D A 2 23 48))
236 ;; Round 4
237 (with-md5-round (i block)
238 (A B C D 0 6 49)(D A B C 7 10 50)(C D A B 14 15 51)(B C D A 5 21 52)
239 (A B C D 12 6 53)(D A B C 3 10 54)(C D A B 10 15 55)(B C D A 1 21 56)
240 (A B C D 8 6 57)(D A B C 15 10 58)(C D A B 6 15 59)(B C D A 13 21 60)
241 (A B C D 4 6 61)(D A B C 11 10 62)(C D A B 2 15 63)(B C D A 9 21 64))
242 ;; Update and return
243 (setf (md5-regs-a regs) (mod32+ (md5-regs-a regs) a)
244 (md5-regs-b regs) (mod32+ (md5-regs-b regs) b)
245 (md5-regs-c regs) (mod32+ (md5-regs-c regs) c)
246 (md5-regs-d regs) (mod32+ (md5-regs-d regs) d))
247 regs))
249 ;;; Section 3.4: Converting 8bit-vectors into 16-Word Blocks
251 (declaim (inline fill-block fill-block-ub8 fill-block-char))
252 (defun fill-block (block buffer offset)
253 "Convert a complete 64 byte input vector segment into the given 16
254 word MD5 block. This currently works on (unsigned-byte 8) and
255 character simple-arrays, via the functions `fill-block-ub8' and
256 `fill-block-char' respectively."
257 (declare (type (integer 0 #.(- most-positive-fixnum 64)) offset)
258 (type (simple-array ub32 (16)) block)
259 (type (simple-array * (*)) buffer)
260 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
261 (etypecase buffer
262 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
263 (fill-block-ub8 block buffer offset))
264 (simple-string
265 (fill-block-char block buffer offset))))
267 (defun fill-block-ub8 (block buffer offset)
268 "Convert a complete 64 (unsigned-byte 8) input vector segment
269 starting from offset into the given 16 word MD5 block."
270 (declare (type (integer 0 #.(- most-positive-fixnum 64)) offset)
271 (type (simple-array ub32 (16)) block)
272 (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) buffer)
273 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
274 #+(and :cmu :little-endian)
275 (kernel:bit-bash-copy
276 buffer (+ (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits) (* offset vm:byte-bits))
277 block (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits)
278 (* 64 vm:byte-bits))
279 #+(and :sbcl :little-endian)
280 (sb-kernel:bit-bash-copy
281 buffer (+ (* sb-vm:vector-data-offset sb-vm:n-word-bits)
282 (* offset sb-vm:n-byte-bits))
283 block (* sb-vm:vector-data-offset sb-vm:n-word-bits)
284 (* 64 sb-vm:n-byte-bits))
285 #-(or (and :sbcl :little-endian) (and :cmu :little-endian))
286 (loop for i of-type (integer 0 16) from 0
287 for j of-type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum)
288 from offset to (+ offset 63) by 4
290 (setf (aref block i)
291 (assemble-ub32 (aref buffer j)
292 (aref buffer (+ j 1))
293 (aref buffer (+ j 2))
294 (aref buffer (+ j 3))))))
296 (defun fill-block-char (block buffer offset)
297 "Convert a complete 64 character input string segment starting from
298 offset into the given 16 word MD5 block."
299 (declare (type (integer 0 #.(- most-positive-fixnum 64)) offset)
300 (type (simple-array ub32 (16)) block)
301 (type simple-string buffer)
302 (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
303 #+(and :cmu :little-endian)
304 (kernel:bit-bash-copy
305 buffer (+ (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits) (* offset vm:byte-bits))
306 block (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits)
307 (* 64 vm:byte-bits))
308 #+(and :sbcl :little-endian)
309 (sb-kernel:bit-bash-copy
310 buffer (+ (* sb-vm:vector-data-offset sb-vm:n-word-bits)
311 (* offset sb-vm:n-byte-bits))
312 block (* sb-vm:vector-data-offset sb-vm:n-word-bits)
313 (* 64 sb-vm:n-byte-bits))
314 #-(or (and :sbcl :little-endian) (and :cmu :little-endian))
315 (loop for i of-type (integer 0 16) from 0
316 for j of-type (integer 0 #.most-positive-fixnum)
317 from offset to (+ offset 63) by 4
319 (setf (aref block i)
320 (assemble-ub32 (char-code (schar buffer j))
321 (char-code (schar buffer (+ j 1)))
322 (char-code (schar buffer (+ j 2)))
323 (char-code (schar buffer (+ j 3)))))))
325 ;;; Section 3.5: Message Digest Output
327 (declaim (inline md5regs-digest))
328 (defun md5regs-digest (regs)
329 "Create the final 16 byte message-digest from the MD5 working state
330 in regs. Returns a (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (16))."
331 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))
332 (type md5-regs regs))
333 (let ((result (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
334 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (16)) result))
335 (macrolet ((frob (reg offset)
336 (let ((var (gensym)))
337 `(let ((,var ,reg))
338 (declare (type ub32 ,var))
339 (setf
340 (aref result ,offset) (ldb (byte 8 0) ,var)
341 (aref result ,(+ offset 1)) (ldb (byte 8 8) ,var)
342 (aref result ,(+ offset 2)) (ldb (byte 8 16) ,var)
343 (aref result ,(+ offset 3)) (ldb (byte 8 24) ,var))))))
344 (frob (md5-regs-a regs) 0)
345 (frob (md5-regs-b regs) 4)
346 (frob (md5-regs-c regs) 8)
347 (frob (md5-regs-d regs) 12))
348 result))
350 ;;; Mid-Level Drivers
352 (defstruct (md5-state
353 (:constructor make-md5-state ())
354 (:copier))
355 (regs (initial-md5-regs) :type md5-regs :read-only t)
356 (amount 0 :type
357 #-md5-small-length (integer 0 *)
358 #+md5-small-length (unsigned-byte 29))
359 (block (make-array 16 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)) :read-only t
360 :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (16)))
361 (buffer (make-array 64 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)) :read-only t
362 :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (64)))
363 (buffer-index 0 :type (integer 0 63))
364 (finalized-p nil))
366 (declaim (inline copy-to-buffer))
367 (defun copy-to-buffer (from from-offset count buffer buffer-offset)
368 "Copy a partial segment from input vector from starting at
369 from-offset and copying count elements into the 64 byte buffer
370 starting at buffer-offset."
371 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))
372 (type (unsigned-byte 29) from-offset)
373 (type (integer 0 63) count buffer-offset)
374 (type (simple-array * (*)) from)
375 (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (64)) buffer))
376 #+cmu
377 (kernel:bit-bash-copy
378 from (+ (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits) (* from-offset vm:byte-bits))
379 buffer (+ (* vm:vector-data-offset vm:word-bits)
380 (* buffer-offset vm:byte-bits))
381 (* count vm:byte-bits))
382 #+sbcl
383 (sb-kernel:bit-bash-copy
384 from (+ (* sb-vm:vector-data-offset sb-vm:n-word-bits)
385 (* from-offset sb-vm:n-byte-bits))
386 buffer (+ (* sb-vm:vector-data-offset sb-vm:n-word-bits)
387 (* buffer-offset sb-vm:n-byte-bits))
388 (* count sb-vm:n-byte-bits))
389 #-(or cmu sbcl)
390 (etypecase from
391 (simple-string
392 (loop for buffer-index of-type (integer 0 64) from buffer-offset
393 for from-index of-type fixnum from from-offset
394 below (+ from-offset count)
396 (setf (aref buffer buffer-index)
397 (char-code (schar (the simple-string from) from-index)))))
398 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
399 (loop for buffer-index of-type (integer 0 64) from buffer-offset
400 for from-index of-type fixnum from from-offset
401 below (+ from-offset count)
403 (setf (aref buffer buffer-index)
404 (aref (the (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) from)
405 from-index))))))
407 (defun update-md5-state (state sequence &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
408 "Update the given md5-state from sequence, which is either a
409 simple-string or a simple-array with element-type (unsigned-byte 8),
410 bounded by start and end, which must be numeric bounding-indices."
411 (declare (type md5-state state)
412 (type (simple-array * (*)) sequence)
413 (type fixnum start end)
414 (optimize (speed 3) #+(or cmu sbcl) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))
415 #+cmu
416 (ext:optimize-interface (safety 1) (debug 1)))
417 (let ((regs (md5-state-regs state))
418 (block (md5-state-block state))
419 (buffer (md5-state-buffer state))
420 (buffer-index (md5-state-buffer-index state))
421 (length (- end start)))
422 (declare (type md5-regs regs) (type fixnum length)
423 (type (integer 0 63) buffer-index)
424 (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) (16)) block)
425 (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (64)) buffer))
426 ;; Handle old rest
427 (unless (zerop buffer-index)
428 (let ((amount (min (- 64 buffer-index) length)))
429 (declare (type (integer 0 63) amount))
430 (copy-to-buffer sequence start amount buffer buffer-index)
431 (setq start (the fixnum (+ start amount)))
432 (when (>= start end)
433 (setf (md5-state-buffer-index state) (+ buffer-index amount))
434 (return-from update-md5-state state)))
435 (fill-block-ub8 block buffer 0)
436 (update-md5-block regs block))
437 ;; Handle main-part and new-rest
438 (etypecase sequence
439 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*))
440 (locally
441 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) sequence))
442 (loop for offset of-type (unsigned-byte 29) from start below end by 64
443 until (< (- end offset) 64)
445 (fill-block-ub8 block sequence offset)
446 (update-md5-block regs block)
447 finally
448 (let ((amount (- end offset)))
449 (unless (zerop amount)
450 (copy-to-buffer sequence offset amount buffer 0))
451 (setf (md5-state-buffer-index state) amount)))))
452 (simple-string
453 (locally
454 (declare (type simple-string sequence))
455 (loop for offset of-type (unsigned-byte 29) from start below end by 64
456 until (< (- end offset) 64)
458 (fill-block-char block sequence offset)
459 (update-md5-block regs block)
460 finally
461 (let ((amount (- end offset)))
462 (unless (zerop amount)
463 (copy-to-buffer sequence offset amount buffer 0))
464 (setf (md5-state-buffer-index state) amount))))))
465 (setf (md5-state-amount state)
466 #-md5-small-length (+ (md5-state-amount state) length)
467 #+md5-small-length (the (unsigned-byte 29)
468 (+ (md5-state-amount state) length)))
469 state))
471 (defun finalize-md5-state (state)
472 "If the given md5-state has not already been finalized, finalize it,
473 by processing any remaining input in its buffer, with suitable padding
474 and appended bit-length, as specified by the MD5 standard.
476 The resulting MD5 message-digest is returned as an array of sixteen
477 (unsigned-byte 8) values. Calling `update-md5-state' after a call to
478 `finalize-md5-state' results in unspecified behaviour."
479 (declare (type md5-state state)
480 (optimize (speed 3) #+(or cmu sbcl) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0))
481 #+cmu
482 (ext:optimize-interface (safety 1) (debug 1)))
483 (or (md5-state-finalized-p state)
484 (let ((regs (md5-state-regs state))
485 (block (md5-state-block state))
486 (buffer (md5-state-buffer state))
487 (buffer-index (md5-state-buffer-index state))
488 (total-length (* 8 (md5-state-amount state))))
489 (declare (type md5-regs regs)
490 (type (integer 0 63) buffer-index)
491 (type (simple-array ub32 (16)) block)
492 (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) buffer))
493 ;; Add mandatory bit 1 padding
494 (setf (aref buffer buffer-index) #x80)
495 ;; Fill with 0 bit padding
496 (loop for index of-type (integer 0 64)
497 from (1+ buffer-index) below 64
498 do (setf (aref buffer index) #x00))
499 (fill-block-ub8 block buffer 0)
500 ;; Flush block first if length wouldn't fit
501 (when (>= buffer-index 56)
502 (update-md5-block regs block)
503 ;; Create new fully 0 padded block
504 (loop for index of-type (integer 0 16) from 0 below 16
505 do (setf (aref block index) #x00000000)))
506 ;; Add 64bit message bit length
507 (setf (aref block 14) (ldb (byte 32 0) total-length))
508 #-md5-small-length
509 (setf (aref block 15) (ldb (byte 32 32) total-length))
510 ;; Flush last block
511 (update-md5-block regs block)
512 ;; Done, remember digest for later calls
513 (setf (md5-state-finalized-p state)
514 (md5regs-digest regs)))))
516 ;;; High-Level Drivers
518 (defun md5sum-sequence (sequence &key (start 0) end)
519 "Calculate the MD5 message-digest of data in sequence. On CMU CL
520 this works for all sequences whose element-type is supported by the
521 underlying MD5 routines, on other implementations it only works for 1d
522 simple-arrays with such element types."
523 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (debug 0))
524 (type vector sequence) (type fixnum start))
525 (let ((state (make-md5-state)))
526 (declare (type md5-state state))
527 #+cmu
528 (lisp::with-array-data ((data sequence) (real-start start) (real-end end))
529 (update-md5-state state data :start real-start :end real-end))
530 #+sbcl
531 (sb-kernel:with-array-data ((data sequence) (real-start start) (real-end end))
532 (update-md5-state state data :start real-start :end real-end))
533 #-(or cmu sbcl)
534 (let ((real-end (or end (length sequence))))
535 (declare (type fixnum real-end))
536 (update-md5-state state sequence :start start :end real-end))
537 (finalize-md5-state state)))
539 (defconstant +buffer-size+ (* 128 1024)
540 "Size of internal buffer to use for md5sum-stream and md5sum-file
541 operations. This should be a multiple of 64, the MD5 block size.")
543 (deftype buffer-index () `(integer 0 ,+buffer-size+))
545 (defun md5sum-stream (stream)
546 "Calculate an MD5 message-digest of the contents of stream. Its
547 element-type has to be either (unsigned-byte 8) or character."
548 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (debug 0)))
549 (let ((state (make-md5-state)))
550 (declare (type md5-state state))
551 (cond
552 ((equal (stream-element-type stream) '(unsigned-byte 8))
553 (let ((buffer (make-array +buffer-size+
554 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
555 (declare (type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (#.+buffer-size+))
556 buffer))
557 (loop for bytes of-type buffer-index = (read-sequence buffer stream)
558 do (update-md5-state state buffer :end bytes)
559 until (< bytes +buffer-size+)
560 finally
561 (return (finalize-md5-state state)))))
562 ((equal (stream-element-type stream) 'character)
563 (let ((buffer (make-string +buffer-size+)))
564 (declare (type (simple-string #.+buffer-size+) buffer))
565 (loop for bytes of-type buffer-index = (read-sequence buffer stream)
566 do (update-md5-state state buffer :end bytes)
567 until (< bytes +buffer-size+)
568 finally
569 (return (finalize-md5-state state)))))
571 (error "Unsupported stream element-type ~S for stream ~S."
572 (stream-element-type stream) stream)))))
574 (defun md5sum-file (pathname)
575 "Calculate the MD5 message-digest of the file specified by pathname."
576 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (debug 0)))
577 (with-open-file (stream pathname :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
578 (md5sum-stream stream)))
580 #+cmu
581 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
582 (setq *features* *old-features*))
584 #+cmu
585 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
586 (setq ext:*inline-expansion-limit* *old-expansion-limit*))
588 #+sbcl
589 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
590 (setq *features* *old-features*))