[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / contrib / sb-bsd-sockets / sockets.lisp
1 (in-package "SB-BSD-SOCKETS")
3 ;;;; Methods, classes, functions for sockets. Protocol-specific stuff
4 ;;;; is deferred to inet.lisp, unix.lisp, etc
6 #|| <h2>SOCKETs</h2>
8 |#
10 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
11 (defclass socket ()
12 ((file-descriptor :initarg :descriptor
13 :reader socket-file-descriptor)
14 (family :initform (error "No socket family") :reader socket-family)
15 (protocol :initarg :protocol :reader socket-protocol)
16 (type :initarg :type :reader socket-type)
17 (stream))))
19 (defmethod print-object ((object socket) stream)
20 (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
21 (princ "descriptor " stream)
22 (princ (slot-value object 'file-descriptor) stream)))
25 (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((socket socket) slot-names
26 &key protocol type
27 &allow-other-keys)
28 (let* ((proto-num
29 (cond ((and protocol (keywordp protocol))
30 (get-protocol-by-name (string-downcase (symbol-name protocol))))
31 (protocol protocol)
32 (t 0)))
33 (fd (or (and (slot-boundp socket 'file-descriptor)
34 (socket-file-descriptor socket))
35 (sockint::socket (socket-family socket)
36 (ecase type
37 ((:datagram) sockint::sock-dgram)
38 ((:stream) sockint::sock-stream))
39 proto-num))))
40 (if (= fd -1) (socket-error "socket"))
41 (setf (slot-value socket 'file-descriptor) fd
42 (slot-value socket 'protocol) proto-num
43 (slot-value socket 'type) type)
44 (sb-ext:finalize socket (lambda () (sockint::close fd)))))
48 ;; we deliberately redesign the "bind" interface: instead of passing a
49 ;; sockaddr_something as second arg, we pass the elements of one as
50 ;; multiple arguments.
52 (defgeneric socket-bind (socket &rest address))
53 (defmethod socket-bind ((socket socket)
54 &rest address)
55 "Bind SOCKET to ADDRESS, which may vary according to socket family. For
56 the INET family, pass ADDRESS and PORT as two arguments; for FILE address
57 family sockets, pass the filename string. See also bind(2)"
58 (let ((sockaddr (apply #'make-sockaddr-for socket nil address)))
59 (if (= (sb-sys:without-gcing
60 (sockint::bind (socket-file-descriptor socket)
61 (sockint::array-data-address sockaddr)
62 (size-of-sockaddr socket)))
63 -1)
64 (socket-error "bind"))))
67 (defmethod socket-accept ((socket socket))
68 "Perform the accept(2) call, returning a newly-created connected socket
69 and the peer address as multiple values"
70 (let* ((sockaddr (make-sockaddr-for socket))
71 (fd (sb-sys:without-gcing
72 (sockint::accept (socket-file-descriptor socket)
73 (sockint::array-data-address sockaddr)
74 (size-of-sockaddr socket)))))
75 (apply #'values
76 (if (= fd -1)
77 (socket-error "accept")
78 (let ((s (make-instance (class-of socket)
79 :type (socket-type socket)
80 :protocol (socket-protocol socket)
81 :descriptor fd)))
82 (sb-ext:finalize s (lambda () (sockint::close fd)))))
83 (multiple-value-list (bits-of-sockaddr socket sockaddr)))))
85 (defgeneric socket-connect (socket &rest address))
86 (defmethod socket-connect ((socket socket) &rest peer)
87 "Perform the connect(2) call to connect SOCKET to a remote PEER. No useful return value"
88 (let* ((sockaddr (apply #'make-sockaddr-for socket nil peer)))
89 (if (= (sb-sys:without-gcing
90 (sockint::connect (socket-file-descriptor socket)
91 (sockint::array-data-address sockaddr)
92 (size-of-sockaddr socket)))
93 -1)
94 (socket-error "connect") )))
96 (defmethod socket-peername ((socket socket))
97 "Return the socket's peer; depending on the address family this may return multiple values"
98 (let* ((sockaddr (make-sockaddr-for socket)))
99 (when (= (sb-sys:without-gcing
100 (sockint::getpeername (socket-file-descriptor socket)
101 (sockint::array-data-address sockaddr)
102 (size-of-sockaddr socket)))
104 (socket-error "getpeername"))
105 (bits-of-sockaddr socket sockaddr)))
107 (defmethod socket-name ((socket socket))
108 "Return the address (as vector of bytes) and port that the socket is bound to, as multiple values"
109 (let* ((sockaddr (make-sockaddr-for socket)))
110 (when (= (sb-sys:without-gcing
111 (sockint::getsockname (socket-file-descriptor socket)
112 (sockint::array-data-address sockaddr)
113 (size-of-sockaddr socket)))
115 (socket-error "getsockname"))
116 (bits-of-sockaddr socket sockaddr)))
119 ;;; There are a whole bunch of interesting things you can do with a
120 ;;; socket that don't really map onto "do stream io", especially in
121 ;;; CL which has no portable concept of a "short read". socket-receive
122 ;;; allows us to read from an unconnected socket into a buffer, and
123 ;;; to learn who the sender of the packet was
125 (defmethod socket-receive ((socket socket) buffer length
126 &key
127 oob peek waitall
128 (element-type 'character))
129 "Read LENGTH octets from SOCKET into BUFFER (or a freshly-consed buffer if
130 NIL), using recvfrom(2). If LENGTH is NIL, the length of BUFFER is
131 used, so at least one of these two arguments must be non-NIL. If
132 BUFFER is supplied, it had better be of an element type one octet wide.
133 Returns the buffer, its length, and the address of the peer
134 that sent it, as multiple values. On datagram sockets, sets MSG_TRUNC
135 so that the actual packet length is returned even if the buffer was too
136 small"
137 (let ((flags
138 (logior (if oob sockint::MSG-OOB 0)
139 (if peek sockint::MSG-PEEK 0)
140 (if waitall sockint::MSG-WAITALL 0)
141 sockint::MSG-NOSIGNAL ;don't send us SIGPIPE
142 (if (eql (socket-type socket) :datagram)
143 sockint::msg-TRUNC 0)))
144 (sockaddr (make-sockaddr-for socket)))
145 (unless (or buffer length)
146 (error "Must supply at least one of BUFFER or LENGTH"))
147 (unless buffer
148 (setf buffer (make-array length :element-type element-type)))
149 (sb-alien:with-alien ((sa-len (array (sb-alien:unsigned 32) 2)))
150 (setf (sb-alien:deref sa-len 0) (size-of-sockaddr socket))
151 (sb-sys:without-gcing
152 (let ((len
153 (sockint::recvfrom (socket-file-descriptor socket)
154 (sockint::array-data-address buffer)
155 (or length (length buffer))
156 flags
157 (sockint::array-data-address sockaddr)
158 (sb-alien:cast sa-len (* integer)))))
159 (when (= len -1) (socket-error "recvfrom"))
160 (apply #'values buffer len (multiple-value-list
161 (bits-of-sockaddr socket sockaddr))))))))
165 (defmethod socket-listen ((socket socket) backlog)
166 "Mark SOCKET as willing to accept incoming connections. BACKLOG
167 defines the maximum length that the queue of pending connections may
168 grow to before new connection attempts are refused. See also listen(2)"
169 (let ((r (sockint::listen (socket-file-descriptor socket) backlog)))
170 (if (= r -1)
171 (socket-error "listen"))))
173 (defmethod socket-close ((socket socket))
174 "Close SOCKET. May throw any kind of error that write(2) would have
175 thrown. If SOCKET-MAKE-STREAM has been called, calls CLOSE on that
176 stream instead"
177 ;; the close(2) manual page has all kinds of warning about not
178 ;; checking the return value of close, on the grounds that an
179 ;; earlier write(2) might have returned successfully w/o actually
180 ;; writing the stuff to disk. It then goes on to define the only
181 ;; possible error return as EBADF (fd isn't a valid open file
182 ;; descriptor). Presumably this is an oversight and we could also
183 ;; get anything that write(2) would have given us.
185 ;; What we do: we catch EBADF. It should only ever happen if
186 ;; (a) someone's closed the socket already (stream closing seems
187 ;; to have this effect) or (b) the caller is messing around with
188 ;; socket internals. That's not supported, dude
190 (if (slot-boundp socket 'stream)
191 (close (slot-value socket 'stream)) ;; closes socket as well
192 (handler-case
193 (if (= (sockint::close (socket-file-descriptor socket)) -1)
194 (socket-error "close"))
195 (bad-file-descriptor-error (c) (declare (ignore c)) nil)
196 (:no-error (c) (declare (ignore c)) nil))))
198 (defmethod socket-make-stream ((socket socket) &rest args)
199 "Find or create a STREAM that can be used for IO on SOCKET (which
200 must be connected). ARGS are passed onto SB-SYS:MAKE-FD-STREAM."
201 (let ((stream
202 (and (slot-boundp socket 'stream) (slot-value socket 'stream))))
203 (unless stream
204 (setf stream (apply #'sb-sys:make-fd-stream
205 (socket-file-descriptor socket) args))
206 (setf (slot-value socket 'stream) stream)
207 (sb-ext:cancel-finalization socket))
208 stream))
212 ;;; Error handling
214 (define-condition socket-error (error)
215 ((errno :initform nil
216 :initarg :errno
217 :reader socket-error-errno)
218 (symbol :initform nil :initarg :symbol :reader socket-error-symbol)
219 (syscall :initform "outer space" :initarg :syscall :reader socket-error-syscall))
220 (:report (lambda (c s)
221 (let ((num (socket-error-errno c)))
222 (format s "Socket error in \"~A\": ~A (~A)"
223 (socket-error-syscall c)
224 (or (socket-error-symbol c) (socket-error-errno c))
225 #+cmu (sb-unix:get-unix-error-msg num)
226 #+sbcl (sb-int:strerror num))))))
228 ;;; watch out for slightly hacky symbol punning: we use both the value
229 ;;; and the symbol-name of sockint::efoo
231 (defmacro define-socket-condition (symbol name)
232 `(progn
233 (define-condition ,name (socket-error)
234 ((symbol :reader socket-error-symbol :initform (quote ,symbol))))
235 (push (cons ,symbol (quote ,name)) *conditions-for-errno*)))
237 (defparameter *conditions-for-errno* nil)
238 ;;; this needs the rest of the list adding to it, really. They also
239 ;;; need
240 ;;; - conditions to be exported in the DEFPACKAGE form
241 ;;; - symbols to be added to constants.ccon
242 ;;; I haven't yet thought of a non-kludgey way of keeping all this in
243 ;;; the same place
244 (define-socket-condition sockint::EADDRINUSE address-in-use-error)
245 (define-socket-condition sockint::EAGAIN interrupted-error)
246 (define-socket-condition sockint::EBADF bad-file-descriptor-error)
247 (define-socket-condition sockint::ECONNREFUSED connection-refused-error)
248 (define-socket-condition sockint::EINTR interrupted-error)
249 (define-socket-condition sockint::EINVAL invalid-argument-error)
250 (define-socket-condition sockint::ENOBUFS no-buffers-error)
251 (define-socket-condition sockint::ENOMEM out-of-memory-error)
252 (define-socket-condition sockint::EOPNOTSUPP operation-not-supported-error)
253 (define-socket-condition sockint::EPERM operation-not-permitted-error)
254 (define-socket-condition sockint::EPROTONOSUPPORT protocol-not-supported-error)
255 (define-socket-condition sockint::ESOCKTNOSUPPORT socket-type-not-supported-error)
256 (define-socket-condition sockint::ENETUNREACH network-unreachable-error)
259 (defun condition-for-errno (err)
260 (or (cdr (assoc err *conditions-for-errno* :test #'eql)) 'socket-error))
262 #+cmu
263 (defun socket-error (where)
264 ;; Peter's debian/x86 cmucl packages (and sbcl, derived from them)
265 ;; use a direct syscall interface, and have to call UNIX-GET-ERRNO
266 ;; to update the value that unix-errno looks at. On other CMUCL
267 ;; ports, (UNIX-GET-ERRNO) is not needed and doesn't exist
268 (when (fboundp 'unix::unix-get-errno) (unix::unix-get-errno))
269 (let ((condition (condition-for-errno sb-unix:unix-errno)))
270 (error condition :errno sb-unix:unix-errno :syscall where)))
272 #+sbcl
273 (defun socket-error (where)
274 (let* ((errno (sb-unix::get-errno))
275 (condition (condition-for-errno errno)))
276 (error condition :errno errno :syscall where)))