[sbcl/lichteblau.git] / tests / seq.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests related to sequences
3 ;;;; This file is impure because we want to be able to use DEFUN.
5 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
6 ;;;; more information.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
9 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
10 ;;;; from CMU CL.
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
13 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
14 ;;;; more information.
16 (in-package :cl-user)
18 (load "assertoid.lisp")
19 (use-package "ASSERTOID")
21 ;;; helper functions for exercising SEQUENCE code on data of many
22 ;;; specialized types, and in many different optimization scenarios
23 (defun for-every-seq-1 (base-seq snippet)
24 (dolist (seq-type '(list
25 (simple-array t 1)
26 (vector t)
27 (simple-array character 1)
28 (vector character)
29 (simple-array (signed-byte 4) 1)
30 (vector (signed-byte 4))))
31 (flet ((entirely (eltype)
32 (every (lambda (el) (typep el eltype)) base-seq)))
33 (dolist (declaredness '(nil t))
34 (dolist (optimization '(((speed 3) (space 0))
35 ((speed 2) (space 2))
36 ((speed 1) (space 2))
37 ((speed 0) (space 1))))
38 (let* ((seq (if (eq seq-type 'list)
39 (coerce base-seq 'list)
40 (destructuring-bind (type-first &rest type-rest)
41 seq-type
42 (ecase type-first
43 (simple-array
44 (destructuring-bind (eltype one) type-rest
45 (assert (= one 1))
46 (if (entirely eltype)
47 (coerce base-seq seq-type)
48 (return))))
49 (vector
50 (destructuring-bind (eltype) type-rest
51 (if (entirely eltype)
52 (let ((initial-element
53 (cond ((subtypep eltype 'character)
54 #\!)
55 ((subtypep eltype 'number)
57 (t #'error))))
58 (replace (make-array
59 (+ (length base-seq)
60 (random 3))
61 :element-type eltype
62 :fill-pointer
63 (length base-seq)
64 :initial-element
65 initial-element)
66 base-seq))
67 (return))))))))
68 (lambda-expr `(lambda (seq)
69 ,@(when declaredness
70 `((declare (type ,seq-type seq))))
71 (declare (optimize ,@optimization))
72 ,snippet)))
73 (format t "~&~S~%" lambda-expr)
74 (multiple-value-bind (fun warnings-p failure-p)
75 (compile nil lambda-expr)
76 (when (or warnings-p failure-p)
77 (error "~@<failed compilation:~2I ~_LAMBDA-EXPR=~S ~_WARNINGS-P=~S ~_FAILURE-P=~S~:@>"
78 lambda-expr warnings-p failure-p))
79 (format t "~&~S ~S~%~S~%~S ~S~%"
80 base-seq snippet seq-type declaredness optimization)
81 (format t "~&(TYPEP SEQ 'SIMPLE-ARRAY)=~S~%"
82 (typep seq 'simple-array))
83 (unless (funcall fun seq)
84 (error "~@<failed test:~2I ~_BASE-SEQ=~S ~_SNIPPET=~S ~_SEQ-TYPE=~S ~_DECLAREDNESS=~S ~_OPTIMIZATION=~S~:@>"
85 base-seq
86 snippet
87 seq-type
88 declaredness
89 optimization)))))))))
90 (defun for-every-seq (base-seq snippets)
91 (dolist (snippet snippets)
92 (for-every-seq-1 base-seq snippet)))
94 ;;; a wrapper to hide declared type information from the compiler, so
95 ;;; we don't get stopped by compiler warnings about e.g. compiling
96 ;;; (POSITION 1 #() :KEY #'ABS) when #() has been coerced to a string.
97 (defun indiscriminate (fun)
98 (lambda (&rest rest) (apply fun rest)))
100 ;;; asymmetric test arg order example from ANSI FIND definition page
101 (assert (eql #\space ; original example, depends on ASCII character ordering
102 (find #\d "here are some letters that can be looked at"
103 :test #'char>)))
104 (assert (eql #\e ; modified example, depends only on standard a-z ordering
105 (find #\f "herearesomeletters" :test #'char>)))
106 (assert (eql 4 ; modified more, avoids charset technicalities completely
107 (find 5 '(6 4) :test '>)))
109 ;;; tests of FIND, POSITION, FIND-IF, and POSITION-IF (and a few for
110 ;;; deprecated FIND-IF-NOT and POSITION-IF-NOT too)
111 (for-every-seq #()
112 '((null (find 1 seq))
113 (null (find 1 seq :from-end t))
114 (null (position 1 seq :key (indiscriminate #'abs)))
115 (null (position nil seq :test (constantly t)))
116 (null (position nil seq :test nil))
117 (null (position nil seq :test-not nil))
118 (null (find-if #'1+ seq :key (indiscriminate #'log)))
119 (null (position-if #'identity seq :from-end t))
120 (null (find-if-not #'packagep seq))
121 (null (position-if-not #'packagep seq :key nil))))
122 (for-every-seq #(1)
123 '((null (find 2 seq))
124 ;; Get the argument ordering for asymmetric tests like #'> right.
125 ;; (bug reported and fixed by Alexey Dejneka sbcl-devel 2001-10-17)
126 (eql 1 (find 2 seq :test #'>))
127 (find 2 seq :key #'1+)
128 (find 1 seq :from-end t)
129 (null (find 1 seq :from-end t :start 1))
130 (null (find 0 seq :from-end t))
131 (eql 0 (position 1 seq :key #'abs))
132 (null (position nil seq :test 'equal))
133 (eql 1 (find-if #'1- seq :key #'log))
134 (eql 0 (position-if #'identity seq :from-end t))
135 (null (find-if-not #'sin seq))
136 (eql 0 (position-if-not #'packagep seq :key 'identity))))
137 (for-every-seq #(1 2 3 2 1)
138 '((find 3 seq)
139 (find 3 seq :from-end 'yes)
140 (eql 1 (position 1.5 seq :test #'<))
141 (eql 0 (position 0 seq :key '1-))
142 (eql 4 (position 0 seq :key '1- :from-end t))
143 (eql 2 (position 4 seq :key '1+))
144 (eql 2 (position 4 seq :key '1+ :from-end t))
145 (eql 1 (position 2 seq))
146 (eql 1 (position 2 seq :start 1))
147 (null (find 2 seq :start 1 :end 1))
148 (eql 3 (position 2 seq :start 2))
149 (eql 3 (position 2 seq :key nil :from-end t))
150 (eql 2 (position 3 seq :test '=))
151 (eql 0 (position 3 seq :test-not 'equalp))
152 (eql 2 (position 3 seq :test 'equal :from-end t))
153 (null (position 4 seq :test #'eql))
154 (null (find-if #'packagep seq))
155 (eql 1 (find-if #'plusp seq))
156 (eql 3 (position-if #'plusp seq :key #'1- :from-end t))
157 (eql 1 (position-if #'evenp seq))
158 (eql 3 (position-if #'evenp seq :from-end t))
159 (eql 2 (position-if #'plusp seq :from-end nil :key '1- :start 2))
160 (eql 3 (position-if #'plusp seq :from-end t :key '1- :start 2))
161 (null (position-if #'plusp seq :from-end t :key '1- :start 2 :end 2))
162 (null (find-if-not #'plusp seq))
163 (eql 0 (position-if-not #'evenp seq))))
164 (for-every-seq "string test"
165 '((null (find 0 seq))
166 (null (find #\D seq :key #'char-upcase))
167 (find #\E seq :key #'char-upcase)
168 (null (find #\e seq :key #'char-upcase))
169 (eql 3 (position #\i seq))
170 (eql 0 (position #\s seq :key #'char-downcase))
171 (eql 1 (position #\s seq :key #'char-downcase :test #'char/=))
172 (eql 9 (position #\s seq :from-end t :test #'char=))
173 (eql 10 (position #\s seq :from-end t :test #'char/=))
174 (eql 4 (position #\N seq :from-end t :key 'char-upcase :test #'char-equal))
175 (eql 5 (position-if (lambda (c) (equal #\g c)) seq))
176 (eql 5 (position-if (lambda (c) (equal #\g c)) seq :from-end t))
177 (find-if #'characterp seq)
178 (find-if (lambda (c) (typep c 'base-char)) seq :from-end t)
179 (null (find-if 'upper-case-p seq))))
181 ;;; SUBSEQ
182 (let ((avec (make-array 10
183 :fill-pointer 4
184 :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 iv v vi vii iix ix))))
185 ;; These first five always worked AFAIK.
186 (assert (equalp (subseq avec 0 3) #(0 1 2)))
187 (assert (equalp (subseq avec 3 3) #()))
188 (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1 3) #(1 2)))
189 (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1) #(1 2 3)))
190 (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1 4) #(1 2 3)))
191 ;; SBCL bug found ca. 2002-05-01 by OpenMCL's correct handling of
192 ;; SUBSEQ, CSR's driving portable cross-compilation far enough to
193 ;; reach the SUBSEQ calls in assem.lisp, and WHN's sleazy
194 ;; translation of old CMU CL new-assem.lisp into sufficiently grotty
195 ;; portable Lisp that it passed suitable illegal values to SUBSEQ to
196 ;; exercise the bug:-|
198 ;; SUBSEQ should check its END value against logical LENGTH, not
199 ;; physical ARRAY-DIMENSION 0.
201 ;; fixed in sbcl- by WHN
202 (assert (null (ignore-errors (aref (subseq avec 1 5) 0)))))
204 ;;; FILL
205 (defun test-fill-typecheck (x)
206 (declare (optimize (safety 3) (space 2) (speed 1)))
207 (fill (make-string 10) x))
209 (assert (string= (test-fill-typecheck #\@) "@@@@@@@@@@"))
210 ;;; BUG 186, fixed in sbcl-
211 (assert (null (ignore-errors (test-fill-typecheck 4097))))
214 ;;; result type (BUGs 46a, 46b, 66)
215 (macrolet ((assert-type-error (form)
216 `(assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors ,form))
217 'type-error))))
218 (dolist (type-stub '((simple-vector)
219 (vector *)
220 (vector (signed-byte 8))
221 (vector (unsigned-byte 16))
222 (vector (signed-byte 32))
223 (simple-bit-vector)))
224 (declare (optimize safety))
225 (format t "~&~S~%" type-stub)
227 (assert (= (length (make-sequence `(,@type-stub) 10)) 10))
228 (assert (= (length (make-sequence `(,@type-stub 10) 10)) 10))
229 (assert-type-error (make-sequence `(,@type-stub 10) 11))
230 ;; COERCE
231 (assert (= (length (coerce '(0 0 0) `(,@type-stub))) 3))
232 (assert (= (length (coerce #(0 0 0) `(,@type-stub 3))) 3))
233 (assert-type-error (coerce #*111 `(,@type-stub 4)))
235 (assert (= (length (concatenate `(,@type-stub) #(0 0 0) #*111)) 6))
236 (assert (equalp (concatenate `(,@type-stub) #(0 0 0) #*111)
237 (coerce #(0 0 0 1 1 1) `(,@type-stub))))
238 (assert (= (length (concatenate `(,@type-stub 6) #(0 0 0) #*111)) 6))
239 (assert (equalp (concatenate `(,@type-stub 6) #(0 0 0) #*111)
240 (coerce #(0 0 0 1 1 1) `(,@type-stub 6))))
241 (assert-type-error (concatenate `(,@type-stub 5) #(0 0 0) #*111))
242 ;; MERGE
243 (assert (= (length (merge `(,@type-stub) #(0 1 0) #*111 #'>)) 6))
244 (assert (equalp (merge `(,@type-stub) #(0 1 0) #*111 #'>)
245 (coerce #(1 1 1 0 1 0) `(,@type-stub))))
246 (assert (= (length (merge `(,@type-stub 6) #(0 1 0) #*111 #'>)) 6))
247 (assert (equalp (merge `(,@type-stub 6) #(0 1 0) #*111 #'>)
248 (coerce #(1 1 1 0 1 0) `(,@type-stub 6))))
249 (assert-type-error (merge `(,@type-stub 4) #(0 1 0) #*111 #'>))
250 ;; MAP
251 (assert (= (length (map `(,@type-stub) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))) 4))
252 (assert (equalp (map `(,@type-stub) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))
253 (coerce #(0 1 1 0) `(,@type-stub))))
254 (assert (= (length (map `(,@type-stub 4) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1)))
256 (assert (equalp (map `(,@type-stub 4) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))
257 (coerce #(0 1 1 0) `(,@type-stub 4))))
258 (assert-type-error (map `(,@type-stub 5) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))))
259 ;; some more CONCATENATE tests for strings
260 (locally
261 (declare (optimize safety))
262 (assert (string= (concatenate 'string "foo" " " "bar") "foo bar"))
263 (assert (string= (concatenate '(string 7) "foo" " " "bar") "foo bar"))
264 (assert-type-error (concatenate '(string 6) "foo" " " "bar"))
265 (assert (string= (concatenate '(string 6) "foo" #(#\b #\a #\r)) "foobar"))
266 (assert-type-error (concatenate '(string 7) "foo" #(#\b #\a #\r))))
267 ;; Non-VECTOR ARRAY types aren't allowed as vector type specifiers.
268 (locally
269 (declare (optimize safety))
270 (assert-type-error (concatenate 'simple-array "foo" "bar"))
271 (assert-type-error (map 'simple-array #'identity '(1 2 3)))
272 (assert (equalp #(11 13)
273 (map '(simple-array fixnum (*)) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(10 11))))
274 (assert-type-error (coerce '(1 2 3) 'simple-array))
275 (assert-type-error (merge 'simple-array '(1 3) '(2 4) '<))
276 (assert (equalp #(3 2 1) (coerce '(3 2 1) '(vector fixnum))))
277 (assert-type-error (map 'array #'identity '(1 2 3)))
278 (assert-type-error (map '(array fixnum) #'identity '(1 2 3)))
279 (assert (equalp #(1 2 3) (coerce '(1 2 3) '(vector fixnum))))
280 ;; but COERCE has an exemption clause:
281 (assert (string= "foo" (coerce "foo" 'simple-array)))
282 ;; ... though not in all cases.
283 (assert-type-error (coerce '(#\f #\o #\o) 'simple-array))))
285 ;;; As pointed out by Raymond Toy on #lisp IRC, MERGE had some issues
286 ;;; with user-defined types until sbcl-
287 (deftype list-typeoid () 'list)
288 (assert (equal '(1 2 3 4) (merge 'list-typeoid '(1 3) '(2 4) '<)))
289 ;;; and also with types that weren't precicely LIST
290 (assert (equal '(1 2 3 4) (merge 'cons '(1 3) '(2 4) '<)))
292 ;;; but wait, there's more! The NULL and CONS types also have implicit
293 ;;; length requirements:
294 (macrolet ((assert-type-error (form)
295 `(assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors ,form))
296 'type-error))))
297 (locally
298 (declare (optimize safety))
300 (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'cons 0))
301 (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'null 1))
302 (assert-type-error (make-sequence '(cons t null) 0))
303 (assert-type-error (make-sequence '(cons t null) 2))
304 ;; KLUDGE: I'm not certain that this test actually tests for what
305 ;; it should test, in that the type deriver and optimizers might
306 ;; be too smart for the good of an exhaustive test system.
307 ;; However, it makes me feel good. -- CSR, 2002-10-18
308 (assert (null (make-sequence 'null 0)))
309 (assert (= (length (make-sequence 'cons 3)) 3))
310 (assert (= (length (make-sequence '(cons t null) 1)) 1))
311 ;; and NIL is not a valid type for MAKE-SEQUENCE
312 (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'nil 0))
313 ;; COERCE
314 (assert-type-error (coerce #(1) 'null))
315 (assert-type-error (coerce #() 'cons))
316 (assert-type-error (coerce #() '(cons t null)))
317 (assert-type-error (coerce #(1 2) '(cons t null)))
318 (assert (null (coerce #() 'null)))
319 (assert (= (length (coerce #(1) 'cons)) 1))
320 (assert (= (length (coerce #(1) '(cons t null))) 1))
321 (assert-type-error (coerce #() 'nil))
322 ;; MERGE
323 (assert-type-error (merge 'null '(1 3) '(2 4) '<))
324 (assert-type-error (merge 'cons () () '<))
325 (assert (null (merge 'null () () '<)))
326 (assert (= (length (merge 'cons '(1 3) '(2 4) '<)) 4))
327 (assert (= (length (merge '(cons t (cons t (cons t (cons t null))))
328 '(1 3) '(2 4) '<)) 4))
329 (assert-type-error (merge 'nil () () '<))
331 (assert-type-error (concatenate 'null '(1) "2"))
332 (assert-type-error (concatenate 'cons #() ()))
333 (assert-type-error (concatenate '(cons t null) #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)))
334 (assert (null (concatenate 'null () #())))
335 (assert (= (length (concatenate 'cons #() '(1) "2 3")) 4))
336 (assert (= (length (concatenate '(cons t cons) '(1) "34")) 3))
337 (assert-type-error (concatenate 'nil '(3)))
338 ;; FIXME: tests for MAP to come when some brave soul implements
339 ;; the analogous type checking for MAP/%MAP.
342 ;;; ELT should signal an error of type TYPE-ERROR if its index
343 ;;; argument isn't a valid sequence index for sequence:
344 (defun test-elt-signal (x)
345 (elt x 3))
346 (assert (raises-error? (test-elt-signal "foo") type-error))
347 (assert (eql (test-elt-signal "foob") #\b))
348 (locally
349 (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
350 (assert (raises-error? (elt (list 1 2 3) 3) type-error)))
352 ;;; confusion in the refactoring led to this signalling an unbound
353 ;;; variable, not a type error.
354 (defun svrefalike (x)
355 (svref x 0))
356 (assert (raises-error? (svrefalike #*0) type-error))
358 ;;; checks for uniform bounding index handling under SAFETY 3 code.
360 ;;; KLUDGE: not all in one big form because that causes SBCL to spend
361 ;;; an absolute age trying to compile it.
362 (defmacro sequence-bounding-indices-test (&body body)
363 `(locally
364 ;; See Issues 332 [and 333(!)] in the CLHS
365 (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
366 (let ((string (make-array 10
367 :fill-pointer 5
368 :initial-element #\a
369 :element-type 'base-char)))
370 (flet ((reset ()
371 (setf (fill-pointer string) 10)
372 (fill string #\a)
373 (setf (fill-pointer string) 5)))
374 (declare (ignorable #'reset))
375 ,@body))))
376 (declaim (notinline opaque-identity))
377 (defun opaque-identity (x) x)
378 ;;; Accessor SUBSEQ
379 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
380 (format t "~&/Accessor SUBSEQ~%")
381 (assert (string= (subseq string 0 5) "aaaaa"))
382 (assert (raises-error? (subseq string 0 6)))
383 (assert (raises-error? (subseq string (opaque-identity -1) 5)))
384 (assert (raises-error? (subseq string 4 2)))
385 (assert (raises-error? (subseq string 6)))
386 (assert (string= (setf (subseq string 0 5) "abcde") "abcde"))
387 (assert (string= (subseq string 0 5) "abcde"))
388 (reset)
389 (assert (raises-error? (setf (subseq string 0 6) "abcdef")))
390 (assert (raises-error? (setf (subseq string (opaque-identity -1) 5) "abcdef")))
391 (assert (raises-error? (setf (subseq string 4 2) "")))
392 (assert (raises-error? (setf (subseq string 6) "ghij"))))
394 ;;; Function COUNT, COUNT-IF, COUNT-IF-NOT
395 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
396 (format t "~&/Function COUNT, COUNT-IF, COUNT-IF-NOT")
397 (assert (= (count #\a string :start 0 :end nil) 5))
398 (assert (= (count #\a string :start 0 :end 5) 5))
399 (assert (raises-error? (count #\a string :start 0 :end 6)))
400 (assert (raises-error? (count #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
401 (assert (raises-error? (count #\a string :start 4 :end 2)))
402 (assert (raises-error? (count #\a string :start 6 :end 9)))
403 (assert (= (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) 5))
404 (assert (= (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) 5))
405 (assert (raises-error?
406 (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6)))
407 (assert (raises-error?
408 (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
409 (assert (raises-error?
410 (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2)))
411 (assert (raises-error?
412 (count-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))
413 (assert (= (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) 0))
414 (assert (= (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) 0))
415 (assert (raises-error?
416 (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6)))
417 (assert (raises-error?
418 (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
419 (assert (raises-error?
420 (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2)))
421 (assert (raises-error?
422 (count-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))))
424 ;;; Function FILL
425 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
426 (format t "~&/Function FILL~%")
427 (assert (string= (fill string #\b :start 0 :end 5) "bbbbb"))
428 (assert (string= (fill string #\c :start 0 :end nil) "ccccc"))
429 (assert (raises-error? (fill string #\d :start 0 :end 6)))
430 (assert (raises-error? (fill string #\d :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
431 (assert (raises-error? (fill string #\d :start 4 :end 2)))
432 (assert (raises-error? (fill string #\d :start 6 :end 9))))
434 ;;; Function FIND, FIND-IF, FIND-IF-NOT
435 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
436 (format t "~&/Function FIND, FIND-IF, FIND-IF-NOT~%")
437 (assert (char= (find #\a string :start 0 :end nil) #\a))
438 (assert (char= (find #\a string :start 0 :end 5) #\a))
439 (assert (raises-error? (find #\a string :start 0 :end 6)))
440 (assert (raises-error? (find #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
441 (assert (raises-error? (find #\a string :start 4 :end 2)))
442 (assert (raises-error? (find #\a string :start 6 :end 9)))
443 (assert (char= (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) #\a))
444 (assert (char= (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) #\a))
445 (assert (raises-error?
446 (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6)))
447 (assert (raises-error?
448 (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
449 (assert (raises-error?
450 (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2)))
451 (assert (raises-error?
452 (find-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))
453 (assert (eq (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) nil))
454 (assert (eq (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) nil))
455 (assert (raises-error?
456 (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6)))
457 (assert (raises-error?
458 (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
459 (assert (raises-error?
460 (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2)))
461 (assert (raises-error?
462 (find-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))))
464 ;;; Function MISMATCH
465 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
466 (format t "~&/Function MISMATCH~%")
467 (assert (null (mismatch string "aaaaa" :start1 0 :end1 nil)))
468 (assert (= (mismatch "aaab" string :start2 0 :end2 4) 3))
469 (assert (raises-error? (mismatch "aaaaaa" string :start2 0 :end2 6)))
470 (assert (raises-error? (mismatch string "aaaaaa" :start1 (opaque-identity -1) :end1 5)))
471 (assert (raises-error? (mismatch string "" :start1 4 :end1 2)))
472 (assert (raises-error? (mismatch "aaaa" string :start2 6 :end2 9))))
474 ;;; Function PARSE-INTEGER
475 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
476 (format t "~&/Function PARSE-INTEGER~%")
477 (setf (fill-pointer string) 10)
478 (setf (subseq string 0 10) "1234567890")
479 (setf (fill-pointer string) 5)
480 (assert (= (parse-integer string :start 0 :end 5) 12345))
481 (assert (= (parse-integer string :start 0 :end nil) 12345))
482 (assert (raises-error? (parse-integer string :start 0 :end 6)))
483 (assert (raises-error? (parse-integer string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
484 (assert (raises-error? (parse-integer string :start 4 :end 2)))
485 (assert (raises-error? (parse-integer string :start 6 :end 9))))
487 ;;; Function PARSE-NAMESTRING
488 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
489 (format t "~&/Function PARSE-NAMESTRING~%")
490 (setf (fill-pointer string) 10)
491 (setf (subseq string 0 10) "/dev/ /tmp")
492 (setf (fill-pointer string) 5)
493 (assert (truename (parse-namestring string nil *default-pathname-defaults*
494 :start 0 :end 5)))
495 (assert (truename (parse-namestring string nil *default-pathname-defaults*
496 :start 0 :end nil)))
497 (assert (raises-error? (parse-namestring string nil
498 *default-pathname-defaults*
499 :start 0 :end 6)))
500 (assert (raises-error? (parse-namestring string nil
501 *default-pathname-defaults*
502 :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
503 (assert (raises-error? (parse-namestring string nil
504 *default-pathname-defaults*
505 :start 4 :end 2)))
506 (assert (raises-error? (parse-namestring string nil
507 *default-pathname-defaults*
508 :start 6 :end 9))))
511 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
512 (format t "~&/Function POSITION, POSITION-IF, POSITION-IF-NOT~%")
513 (assert (= (position #\a string :start 0 :end nil) 0))
514 (assert (= (position #\a string :start 0 :end 5) 0))
515 (assert (raises-error? (position #\a string :start 0 :end 6)))
516 (assert (raises-error? (position #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
517 (assert (raises-error? (position #\a string :start 4 :end 2)))
518 (assert (raises-error? (position #\a string :start 6 :end 9)))
519 (assert (= (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) 0))
520 (assert (= (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) 0))
521 (assert (raises-error?
522 (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6)))
523 (assert (raises-error?
524 (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
525 (assert (raises-error?
526 (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2)))
527 (assert (raises-error?
528 (position-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))
529 (assert (eq (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) nil))
530 (assert (eq (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) nil))
531 (assert (raises-error?
532 (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6)))
533 (assert (raises-error?
534 (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
535 (assert (raises-error?
536 (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2)))
537 (assert (raises-error?
538 (position-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))))
540 ;;; Function READ-FROM-STRING
541 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
542 (format t "~&/Function READ-FROM-STRING~%")
543 (setf (subseq string 0 5) "(a b)")
544 (assert (equal (read-from-string string nil nil :start 0 :end 5) '(a b)))
545 (assert (equal (read-from-string string nil nil :start 0 :end nil) '(a b)))
546 (assert (raises-error? (read-from-string string nil nil :start 0 :end 6)))
547 (assert (raises-error? (read-from-string string nil nil :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
548 (assert (raises-error? (read-from-string string nil nil :start 4 :end 2)))
549 (assert (raises-error? (read-from-string string nil nil :start 6 :end 9))))
551 ;;; Function REDUCE
552 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
553 (format t "~&/Function REDUCE~%")
554 (setf (subseq string 0 5) "abcde")
555 (assert (equal (reduce #'list* string :from-end t :start 0 :end nil)
556 '(#\a #\b #\c #\d . #\e)))
557 (assert (equal (reduce #'list* string :from-end t :start 0 :end 5)
558 '(#\a #\b #\c #\d . #\e)))
559 (assert (raises-error? (reduce #'list* string :start 0 :end 6)))
560 (assert (raises-error? (reduce #'list* string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
561 (assert (raises-error? (reduce #'list* string :start 4 :end 2)))
562 (assert (raises-error? (reduce #'list* string :start 6 :end 9))))
566 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
567 (format t "~&/Function REMOVE, REMOVE-IF, REMOVE-IF-NOT, ...~%")
568 (assert (equal (remove #\a string :start 0 :end nil) ""))
569 (assert (equal (remove #\a string :start 0 :end 5) ""))
570 (assert (raises-error? (remove #\a string :start 0 :end 6)))
571 (assert (raises-error? (remove #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
572 (assert (raises-error? (remove #\a string :start 4 :end 2)))
573 (assert (raises-error? (remove #\a string :start 6 :end 9)))
574 (assert (equal (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) ""))
575 (assert (equal (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) ""))
576 (assert (raises-error?
577 (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6)))
578 (assert (raises-error?
579 (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
580 (assert (raises-error?
581 (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2)))
582 (assert (raises-error?
583 (remove-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))
584 (assert (equal (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil)
585 "aaaaa"))
586 (assert (equal (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5)
587 "aaaaa"))
588 (assert (raises-error?
589 (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6)))
590 (assert (raises-error?
591 (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
592 (assert (raises-error?
593 (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2)))
594 (assert (raises-error?
595 (remove-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))))
596 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
597 (format t "~&/... DELETE, DELETE-IF, DELETE-IF-NOT")
598 (assert (equal (delete #\a string :start 0 :end nil) ""))
599 (reset)
600 (assert (equal (delete #\a string :start 0 :end 5) ""))
601 (reset)
602 (assert (raises-error? (delete #\a string :start 0 :end 6)))
603 (reset)
604 (assert (raises-error? (delete #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
605 (reset)
606 (assert (raises-error? (delete #\a string :start 4 :end 2)))
607 (reset)
608 (assert (raises-error? (delete #\a string :start 6 :end 9)))
609 (reset)
610 (assert (equal (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil) ""))
611 (reset)
612 (assert (equal (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5) ""))
613 (reset)
614 (assert (raises-error?
615 (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6)))
616 (reset)
617 (assert (raises-error?
618 (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
619 (reset)
620 (assert (raises-error?
621 (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2)))
622 (reset)
623 (assert (raises-error?
624 (delete-if #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9)))
625 (reset)
626 (assert (equal (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end nil)
627 "aaaaa"))
628 (reset)
629 (assert (equal (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 5)
630 "aaaaa"))
631 (reset)
632 (assert (raises-error?
633 (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 0 :end 6)))
634 (reset)
635 (assert (raises-error?
636 (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
637 (reset)
638 (assert (raises-error?
639 (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 4 :end 2)))
640 (reset)
641 (assert (raises-error?
642 (delete-if-not #'alpha-char-p string :start 6 :end 9))))
645 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
646 (format t "~&/Function REMOVE-DUPLICATES, DELETE-DUPLICATES~%")
647 (assert (string= (remove-duplicates string :start 0 :end 5) "a"))
648 (assert (string= (remove-duplicates string :start 0 :end nil) "a"))
649 (assert (raises-error? (remove-duplicates string :start 0 :end 6)))
650 (assert (raises-error? (remove-duplicates string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
651 (assert (raises-error? (remove-duplicates string :start 4 :end 2)))
652 (assert (raises-error? (remove-duplicates string :start 6 :end 9)))
653 (assert (string= (delete-duplicates string :start 0 :end 5) "a"))
654 (reset)
655 (assert (string= (delete-duplicates string :start 0 :end nil) "a"))
656 (reset)
657 (assert (raises-error? (delete-duplicates string :start 0 :end 6)))
658 (reset)
659 (assert (raises-error? (delete-duplicates string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
660 (reset)
661 (assert (raises-error? (delete-duplicates string :start 4 :end 2)))
662 (reset)
663 (assert (raises-error? (delete-duplicates string :start 6 :end 9))))
665 ;;; Function REPLACE
666 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
667 (format t "~&/Function REPLACE~%")
668 (assert (string= (replace string "bbbbb" :start1 0 :end1 5) "bbbbb"))
669 (assert (string= (replace (copy-seq "ccccc")
670 string
671 :start2 0 :end2 nil) "bbbbb"))
672 (assert (raises-error? (replace string "ccccc" :start1 0 :end1 6)))
673 (assert (raises-error? (replace string "ccccc" :start2 (opaque-identity -1) :end2 5)))
674 (assert (raises-error? (replace string "ccccc" :start1 4 :end1 2)))
675 (assert (raises-error? (replace string "ccccc" :start1 6 :end1 9))))
677 ;;; Function SEARCH
678 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
679 (format t "~&/Function SEARCH~%")
680 (assert (= (search "aa" string :start2 0 :end2 5) 0))
681 (assert (null (search string "aa" :start1 0 :end2 nil)))
682 (assert (raises-error? (search "aa" string :start2 0 :end2 6)))
683 (assert (raises-error? (search "aa" string :start2 (opaque-identity -1) :end2 5)))
684 (assert (raises-error? (search "aa" string :start2 4 :end2 2)))
685 (assert (raises-error? (search "aa" string :start2 6 :end2 9))))
689 (defmacro string-case-frob (fn)
690 `(progn
691 (assert (raises-error? (,fn string :start 0 :end 6)))
692 (assert (raises-error? (,fn string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
693 (assert (raises-error? (,fn string :start 4 :end 2)))
694 (assert (raises-error? (,fn string :start 6 :end 9)))))
696 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
698 (string-case-frob string-upcase)
699 (string-case-frob string-downcase)
700 (string-case-frob string-capitalize)
702 (string-case-frob nstring-upcase)
703 (string-case-frob nstring-downcase)
704 (string-case-frob nstring-capitalize))
709 (defmacro string-predicate-frob (fn)
710 `(progn
711 (,fn string "abcde" :start1 0 :end1 5)
712 (,fn "fghij" string :start2 0 :end2 nil)
713 (assert (raises-error? (,fn string "klmno"
714 :start1 0 :end1 6)))
715 (assert (raises-error? (,fn "pqrst" string
716 :start2 (opaque-identity -1) :end2 5)))
717 (assert (raises-error? (,fn "uvwxy" string
718 :start1 4 :end1 2)))
719 (assert (raises-error? (,fn string "z" :start2 6 :end2 9)))))
720 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
721 (format t "~&/Function STRING=, STRING/=, STRING<, STRING>, STRING<=, STRING>=, ...")
722 (string-predicate-frob string=)
723 (string-predicate-frob string/=)
724 (string-predicate-frob string<)
725 (string-predicate-frob string>)
726 (string-predicate-frob string<=)
727 (string-predicate-frob string>=))
728 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
729 (format t "~&/... STRING-EQUAL, STRING-NOT-EQUAL, STRING-LESSP, ...~%")
730 (string-predicate-frob string-equal)
731 (string-predicate-frob string-not-equal)
732 (string-predicate-frob string-lessp))
733 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
735 (string-predicate-frob string-greaterp)
736 (string-predicate-frob string-not-greaterp)
737 (string-predicate-frob string-not-lessp))
741 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
742 (format t "~&/Function SUBSTITUTE, SUBSTITUTE-IF, SUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT, ...~%")
743 (assert (string= (substitute #\b #\a string :start 0 :end 5) "bbbbb"))
744 (assert (string= (substitute #\c #\a string :start 0 :end nil)
745 "ccccc"))
746 (assert (raises-error? (substitute #\b #\a string :start 0 :end 6)))
747 (assert (raises-error? (substitute #\b #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
748 (assert (raises-error? (substitute #\b #\a string :start 4 :end 2)))
749 (assert (raises-error? (substitute #\b #\a string :start 6 :end 9)))
750 (assert (string= (substitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string
751 :start 0 :end 5)
752 "bbbbb"))
753 (assert (string= (substitute-if #\c #'alpha-char-p string
754 :start 0 :end nil)
755 "ccccc"))
756 (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string
757 :start 0 :end 6)))
758 (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string
759 :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
760 (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string
761 :start 4 :end 2)))
762 (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string
763 :start 6 :end 9)))
764 (assert (string= (substitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string
765 :start 0 :end 5)
766 "aaaaa"))
767 (assert (string= (substitute-if-not #\c #'alpha-char-p string
768 :start 0 :end nil)
769 "aaaaa"))
770 (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string
771 :start 0 :end 6)))
772 (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string
773 :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
774 (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string
775 :start 4 :end 2)))
776 (assert (raises-error? (substitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string
777 :start 6 :end 9))))
778 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
780 (assert (string= (nsubstitute #\b #\a string :start 0 :end 5) "bbbbb"))
781 (reset)
782 (assert (string= (nsubstitute #\c #\a string :start 0 :end nil)
783 "ccccc"))
784 (reset)
785 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute #\b #\a string :start 0 :end 6)))
786 (reset)
787 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute #\b #\a string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
788 (reset)
789 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute #\b #\a string :start 4 :end 2)))
790 (reset)
791 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute #\b #\a string :start 6 :end 9)))
792 (reset)
793 (assert (string= (nsubstitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string
794 :start 0 :end 5)
795 "bbbbb"))
796 (reset)
797 (assert (string= (nsubstitute-if #\c #'alpha-char-p string
798 :start 0 :end nil)
799 "ccccc"))
800 (reset)
801 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string
802 :start 0 :end 6)))
803 (reset)
804 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string
805 :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
806 (reset)
807 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string
808 :start 4 :end 2)))
809 (reset)
810 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if #\b #'alpha-char-p string
811 :start 6 :end 9)))
812 (reset)
813 (assert (string= (nsubstitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string
814 :start 0 :end 5)
815 "aaaaa"))
816 (reset)
817 (assert (string= (nsubstitute-if-not #\c #'alpha-char-p string
818 :start 0 :end nil)
819 "aaaaa"))
820 (reset)
821 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string
822 :start 0 :end 6)))
823 (reset)
824 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string
825 :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
826 (reset)
827 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string
828 :start 4 :end 2)))
829 (reset)
830 (assert (raises-error? (nsubstitute-if-not #\b #'alpha-char-p string
831 :start 6 :end 9))))
833 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
834 (format t "~&/Function WRITE-STRING, WRITE-LINE~%")
835 (write-string string *standard-output* :start 0 :end 5)
836 (write-string string *standard-output* :start 0 :end nil)
837 (assert (raises-error? (write-string string *standard-output*
838 :start 0 :end 6)))
839 (assert (raises-error? (write-string string *standard-output*
840 :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
841 (assert (raises-error? (write-string string *standard-output*
842 :start 4 :end 2)))
843 (assert (raises-error? (write-string string *standard-output*
844 :start 6 :end 9)))
845 (write-line string *standard-output* :start 0 :end 5)
846 (write-line string *standard-output* :start 0 :end nil)
847 (assert (raises-error? (write-line string *standard-output*
848 :start 0 :end 6)))
849 (assert (raises-error? (write-line string *standard-output*
850 :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)))
851 (assert (raises-error? (write-line string *standard-output*
852 :start 4 :end 2)))
853 (assert (raises-error? (write-line string *standard-output*
854 :start 6 :end 9))))
857 (sequence-bounding-indices-test
858 (format t "~&/Macro WITH-INPUT-FROM-STRING~%")
859 (with-input-from-string (s string :start 0 :end 5)
860 (assert (char= (read-char s) #\a)))
861 (with-input-from-string (s string :start 0 :end nil)
862 (assert (char= (read-char s) #\a)))
863 (assert (raises-error?
864 (with-input-from-string (s string :start 0 :end 6)
865 (read-char s))))
866 (assert (raises-error?
867 (with-input-from-string (s string :start (opaque-identity -1) :end 5)
868 (read-char s))))
869 (assert (raises-error?
870 (with-input-from-string (s string :start 4 :end 2)
871 (read-char s))))
872 (assert (raises-error?
873 (with-input-from-string (s string :start 6 :end 9)
874 (read-char s)))))
876 ;;; success
877 (quit :unix-status 104)