[sbcl/eslaughter.git] / src / code / target-thread.lisp
1 ;;;; support for threads in the target machine
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!THREAD")
14 ;;; FIXME it would be good to define what a thread id is or isn't (our
15 ;;; current assumption is that it's a fixnum). It so happens that on
16 ;;; Linux it's a pid, but it might not be on posix thread implementations
18 (define-alien-routine ("create_thread" %create-thread)
19 unsigned-long
20 (lisp-fun-address unsigned-long))
22 (define-alien-routine "signal_thread_to_dequeue"
23 unsigned-int
24 (thread-id unsigned-long))
26 (define-alien-routine reap-dead-threads void)
28 (defvar *session* nil)
30 ;;;; queues, locks
32 ;; spinlocks use 0 as "free" value: higher-level locks use NIL
33 (declaim (inline get-spinlock release-spinlock))
35 (defun get-spinlock (lock offset new-value)
36 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
37 (loop until
38 (eql (sb!vm::%instance-set-conditional lock offset 0 new-value) 0)))
40 ;; this should do nothing if we didn't own the lock, so safe to use in
41 ;; unwind-protect cleanups when lock acquisition failed for some reason
42 (defun release-spinlock (lock offset our-value)
43 (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
44 (sb!vm::%instance-set-conditional lock offset our-value 0))
46 (defmacro with-spinlock ((queue) &body body)
47 (with-unique-names (pid)
48 `(let ((,pid (current-thread-id)))
49 (unwind-protect
50 (progn
51 (get-spinlock ,queue 2 ,pid)
52 ,@body)
53 (release-spinlock ,queue 2 ,pid)))))
56 ;;;; the higher-level locking operations are based on waitqueues
58 (declaim (inline waitqueue-data-address mutex-value-address))
60 (defstruct waitqueue
61 (name nil :type (or null simple-string))
62 (lock 0)
63 (data nil))
65 ;;; The bare 4 here and 5 below are offsets of the slots in the struct.
66 ;;; There ought to be some better way to get these numbers
67 (defun waitqueue-data-address (lock)
68 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
69 (sb!ext:truly-the
70 (unsigned-byte 32)
71 (+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address lock)
72 (- (* 4 sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:instance-pointer-lowtag))))
74 (defstruct (mutex (:include waitqueue))
75 (value nil))
77 (defun mutex-value-address (lock)
78 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
79 (sb!ext:truly-the
80 (unsigned-byte 32)
81 (+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address lock)
82 (- (* 5 sb!vm:n-word-bytes) sb!vm:instance-pointer-lowtag))))
84 (declaim (inline futex-wait futex-wake))
85 (sb!alien:define-alien-routine
86 "futex_wait" int (word unsigned-long) (old-value unsigned-long))
87 (sb!alien:define-alien-routine
88 "futex_wake" int (word unsigned-long) (n unsigned-long))
91 ;;;; mutex
93 (defun get-mutex (lock &optional new-value (wait-p t))
94 "Acquire LOCK, setting it to NEW-VALUE or some suitable default value
95 if NIL. If WAIT-P is non-NIL and the lock is in use, sleep until it
96 is available"
97 (declare (type mutex lock) (optimize (speed 3)))
98 (let ((pid (current-thread-id))
99 old)
100 (unless new-value (setf new-value pid))
101 (when (eql new-value (mutex-value lock))
102 (warn "recursive lock attempt ~S~%" lock))
103 (loop
104 (unless
105 (setf old (sb!vm::%instance-set-conditional lock 4 nil new-value))
106 (return t))
107 (unless wait-p (return nil))
108 (futex-wait (mutex-value-address lock)
109 (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address old)))))
111 (defun release-mutex (lock)
112 (declare (type mutex lock))
113 (setf (mutex-value lock) nil)
114 (futex-wake (mutex-value-address lock) 1))
116 ;;;; condition variables
118 (defun condition-wait (queue lock)
119 "Atomically release LOCK and enqueue ourselves on QUEUE. Another
120 thread may subsequently notify us using CONDITION-NOTIFY, at which
121 time we reacquire LOCK and return to the caller."
122 (assert lock)
123 (let ((value (mutex-value lock)))
124 (unwind-protect
125 (let ((me (current-thread-id)))
126 ;; XXX we should do something to ensure that the result of this setf
127 ;; is visible to all CPUs
128 (setf (waitqueue-data queue) me)
129 (release-mutex lock)
130 ;; Now we go to sleep using futex-wait. If anyone else
131 ;; manages to grab LOCK and call CONDITION-NOTIFY during
132 ;; this comment, it will change queue->data, and so
133 ;; futex-wait returns immediately instead of sleeping.
134 ;; Ergo, no lost wakeup
135 (futex-wait (waitqueue-data-address queue)
136 (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address me)))
137 ;; If we are interrupted while waiting, we should do these things
138 ;; before returning. Ideally, in the case of an unhandled signal,
139 ;; we should do them before entering the debugger, but this is
140 ;; better than nothing.
141 (get-mutex lock value))))
144 (defun condition-notify (queue)
145 "Notify one of the processes waiting on QUEUE"
146 (let ((me (current-thread-id)))
147 ;; no problem if >1 thread notifies during the comment in
148 ;; condition-wait: as long as the value in queue-data isn't the
149 ;; waiting thread's id, it matters not what it is
150 ;; XXX we should do something to ensure that the result of this setf
151 ;; is visible to all CPUs
152 (setf (waitqueue-data queue) me)
153 (futex-wake (waitqueue-data-address queue) 1)))
155 (defun condition-broadcast (queue)
156 (let ((me (current-thread-id)))
157 (setf (waitqueue-data queue) me)
158 (futex-wake (waitqueue-data-address queue) (ash 1 30))))
160 (defun make-thread (function)
161 (let* ((real-function (coerce function 'function))
162 (tid
163 (%create-thread
164 (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address
165 (lambda ()
166 ;; in time we'll move some of the binding presently done in C
167 ;; here too
168 (let ((sb!kernel::*restart-clusters* nil)
169 (sb!kernel::*handler-clusters* nil)
170 (sb!kernel::*condition-restarts* nil)
171 (sb!impl::*descriptor-handlers* nil) ; serve-event
172 (sb!impl::*available-buffers* nil)) ;for fd-stream
173 ;; can't use handling-end-of-the-world, because that flushes
174 ;; output streams, and we don't necessarily have any (or we
175 ;; could be sharing them)
176 (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint :ignore)
177 (catch 'sb!impl::%end-of-the-world
178 (with-simple-restart
179 (destroy-thread
180 (format nil "~~@<Destroy this thread (~A)~~@:>"
181 (current-thread-id)))
182 (funcall real-function))
184 (values))))))
185 (when (zerop tid) (error "Can't create a new thread"))
186 (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
187 (pushnew tid (session-threads *session*)))
188 tid))
190 ;;; Really, you don't want to use these: they'll get into trouble with
191 ;;; garbage collection. Use a lock or a waitqueue instead
192 (defun suspend-thread (thread-id)
193 (sb!unix:unix-kill thread-id sb!unix:sigstop))
194 (defun resume-thread (thread-id)
195 (sb!unix:unix-kill thread-id sb!unix:sigcont))
196 ;;; Note warning about cleanup forms
197 (defun destroy-thread (thread-id)
198 "Destroy the thread identified by THREAD-ID abruptly, without running cleanup forms"
199 (sb!unix:unix-kill thread-id sb!unix:sigterm)
200 ;; may have been stopped for some reason, so now wake it up to
201 ;; deliver the TERM
202 (sb!unix:unix-kill thread-id sb!unix:sigcont))
207 ;;; a moderate degree of care is expected for use of interrupt-thread,
208 ;;; due to its nature: if you interrupt a thread that was holding
209 ;;; important locks then do something that turns out to need those
210 ;;; locks, you probably won't like the effect. Used with thought
211 ;;; though, it's a good deal gentler than the last-resort functions above
213 (define-condition interrupt-thread-error (error)
214 ((thread :reader interrupt-thread-error-thread :initarg :thread)
215 (errno :reader interrupt-thread-error-errno :initarg :errno))
216 (:report (lambda (c s)
217 (format s "interrupt thread ~A failed (~A: ~A)"
218 (interrupt-thread-error-thread c)
219 (interrupt-thread-error-errno c)
220 (strerror (interrupt-thread-error-errno c))))))
222 (defun interrupt-thread (thread function)
223 "Interrupt THREAD and make it run FUNCTION."
224 (let ((function (coerce function 'function)))
225 (sb!sys:with-pinned-objects
226 (function)
227 (multiple-value-bind (res err)
228 (sb!unix::syscall ("interrupt_thread"
229 sb!alien:unsigned-long sb!alien:unsigned-long)
230 thread
231 thread
232 (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address function))
233 (unless res
234 (error 'interrupt-thread-error :thread thread :errno err))))))
237 (defun terminate-thread (thread-id)
238 "Terminate the thread identified by THREAD-ID, by causing it to run
239 SB-EXT:QUIT - the usual cleanup forms will be evaluated"
240 (interrupt-thread thread-id 'sb!ext:quit))
242 (declaim (inline current-thread-id))
243 (defun current-thread-id ()
244 (logand
245 (sb!sys:sap-int
246 (sb!vm::current-thread-offset-sap sb!vm::thread-pid-slot))
247 ;; KLUDGE pids are 16 bit really. Avoid boxing the return value
248 (1- (ash 1 16))))
250 ;;;; iterate over the in-memory threads
252 (defun mapcar-threads (function)
253 "Call FUNCTION once for each known thread, giving it the thread structure as argument"
254 (let ((function (coerce function 'function)))
255 (loop for thread = (alien-sap (extern-alien "all_threads" (* t)))
256 then (sb!sys:sap-ref-sap thread (* sb!vm:n-word-bytes
257 sb!vm::thread-next-slot))
258 until (sb!sys:sap= thread (sb!sys:int-sap 0))
259 collect (funcall function thread))))
261 (defun thread-sap-from-id (id)
262 (let ((thread (alien-sap (extern-alien "all_threads" (* t)))))
263 (loop
264 (when (sb!sys:sap= thread (sb!sys:int-sap 0)) (return nil))
265 (let ((pid (sb!sys:sap-ref-32 thread (* sb!vm:n-word-bytes
266 sb!vm::thread-pid-slot))))
267 (when (= pid id) (return thread))
268 (setf thread (sb!sys:sap-ref-sap thread (* sb!vm:n-word-bytes
269 sb!vm::thread-next-slot)))))))
271 ;;; internal use only. If you think you need to use this, either you
272 ;;; are an SBCL developer, are doing something that you should discuss
273 ;;; with an SBCL developer first, or are doing something that you
274 ;;; should probably discuss with a professional psychiatrist first
275 (defun symbol-value-in-thread (symbol thread-id)
276 (let ((thread (thread-sap-from-id thread-id)))
277 (when thread
278 (let* ((index (sb!vm::symbol-tls-index symbol))
279 (tl-val (sb!sys:sap-ref-word thread
280 (* sb!vm:n-word-bytes index))))
281 (if (eql tl-val sb!vm::unbound-marker-widetag)
282 (sb!vm::symbol-global-value symbol)
283 (sb!kernel:make-lisp-obj tl-val))))))
285 ;;;; job control, independent listeners
287 (defstruct session
288 (lock (make-mutex))
289 (threads nil)
290 (interactive-threads nil)
291 (interactive-threads-queue (make-waitqueue)))
293 (defun new-session ()
294 (let ((tid (current-thread-id)))
295 (make-session :threads (list tid)
296 :interactive-threads (list tid))))
298 (defun init-job-control ()
299 (setf *session* (new-session)))
301 (defun %delete-thread-from-session (tid session)
302 (with-mutex ((session-lock session))
303 (setf (session-threads session)
304 (delete tid (session-threads session))
305 (session-interactive-threads session)
306 (delete tid (session-interactive-threads session)))))
308 (defun call-with-new-session (fn)
309 (%delete-thread-from-session (current-thread-id) *session*)
310 (let ((*session* (new-session))) (funcall fn)))
312 (defmacro with-new-session (args &body forms)
313 (declare (ignore args)) ;for extensibility
314 (sb!int:with-unique-names (fb-name)
315 `(labels ((,fb-name () ,@forms))
316 (call-with-new-session (function ,fb-name)))))
318 ;;; Remove thread id TID from its session, if it has one. This is
319 ;;; called from C reap_dead_threads() so is run in the context of
320 ;;; whichever thread called that (usually after a GC), which may not have
321 ;;; any meaningful parent/child/sibling relationship with the dead thread
322 (defun handle-thread-exit (tid)
323 (let ((session (symbol-value-in-thread '*session* tid)))
324 (and session (%delete-thread-from-session tid session))))
326 (defun terminate-session ()
327 "Kill all threads in session except for this one. Does nothing if current
328 thread is not the foreground thread"
329 (reap-dead-threads)
330 (let* ((tid (current-thread-id))
331 (to-kill
332 (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
333 (and (eql tid (car (session-interactive-threads *session*)))
334 (session-threads *session*)))))
335 ;; do the kill after dropping the mutex; unwind forms in dying
336 ;; threads may want to do session things
337 (dolist (p to-kill)
338 (unless (eql p tid) (terminate-thread p)))))
340 ;;; called from top of invoke-debugger
341 (defun debugger-wait-until-foreground-thread (stream)
342 "Returns T if thread had been running in background, NIL if it was
343 interactive."
344 (declare (ignore stream))
345 (prog1
346 (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
347 (not (member (current-thread-id)
348 (session-interactive-threads *session*))))
349 (get-foreground)))
352 (defun get-foreground ()
353 (let ((was-foreground t))
354 (loop
355 (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
356 (let ((tid (current-thread-id))
357 (int-t (session-interactive-threads *session*)))
358 (when (eql (car int-t) tid)
359 (unless was-foreground
360 (format *query-io* "Resuming thread ~A~%" tid))
361 (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint #'sb!unix::sigint-handler)
362 (return-from get-foreground t))
363 (setf was-foreground nil)
364 (unless (member tid int-t)
365 (setf (cdr (last int-t))
366 (list tid)))
367 (condition-wait
368 (session-interactive-threads-queue *session*)
369 (session-lock *session*)))))))
371 (defun release-foreground (&optional next)
372 "Background this thread. If NEXT is supplied, arrange for it to have the foreground next"
373 (with-mutex ((session-lock *session*))
374 (let ((tid (current-thread-id)))
375 (setf (session-interactive-threads *session*)
376 (delete tid (session-interactive-threads *session*)))
377 (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint :ignore)
378 (when next
379 (setf (session-interactive-threads *session*)
380 (list* next
381 (delete next (session-interactive-threads *session*)))))
382 (condition-broadcast (session-interactive-threads-queue *session*)))))
384 (defun make-listener-thread (tty-name)
385 (assert (probe-file tty-name))
386 (let* ((in (sb!unix:unix-open (namestring tty-name) sb!unix:o_rdwr #o666))
387 (out (sb!unix:unix-dup in))
388 (err (sb!unix:unix-dup in)))
389 (labels ((thread-repl ()
390 (sb!unix::unix-setsid)
391 (let* ((sb!impl::*stdin*
392 (sb!sys:make-fd-stream in :input t :buffering :line :dual-channel-p t))
393 (sb!impl::*stdout*
394 (sb!sys:make-fd-stream out :output t :buffering :line :dual-channel-p t))
395 (sb!impl::*stderr*
396 (sb!sys:make-fd-stream err :output t :buffering :line :dual-channel-p t))
397 (sb!impl::*tty*
398 (sb!sys:make-fd-stream err :input t :output t :buffering :line :dual-channel-p t))
399 (sb!impl::*descriptor-handlers* nil))
400 (with-new-session ()
401 (sb!sys:enable-interrupt sb!unix:sigint #'sb!unix::sigint-handler)
402 (unwind-protect
403 (sb!impl::toplevel-repl nil)
404 (sb!int:flush-standard-output-streams))))))
405 (make-thread #'thread-repl))))