[sbcl/eslaughter.git] / src / pcl / gray-streams.lisp
1 ;;;; Gray streams implementation for SBCL, based on the Gray streams
2 ;;;; implementation for CMU CL, based on the stream-definition-by-user
3 ;;;; proposal by David N. Gray.
5 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
6 ;;;; more information.
8 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
9 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
10 ;;;; more information.
12 (in-package "SB-GRAY")
14 ;;; BUG-OR-ERROR: because we have extensible streams, wherewith the
15 ;;; user is responsible for some of the protocol implementation, it's
16 ;;; not necessarily a bug in SBCL itself if we fall through to one of
17 ;;; these default methods.
18 ;;;
19 ;;; FIXME: there's a lot of similarity in these Gray stream
20 ;;; implementation generic functions. All of them could (maybe
21 ;;; should?) have two default methods: one on STREAM calling
22 ;;; BUG-OR-ERROR, and one on T signalling a TYPE-ERROR.
23 (defmacro bug-or-error (stream fun)
24 `(error
25 "~@<The stream ~S has no suitable method for ~S, ~
26 and so has fallen through to this method. If you think that this is ~
27 a bug, please report it to the applicable authority (bugs in SBCL itself ~
28 should go to the mailing lists referenced from ~
29 <http://www.sbcl.org/>).~@:>"
30 ,stream ,fun))
32 (fmakunbound 'stream-element-type)
34 (defgeneric stream-element-type (stream)
35 #+sb-doc
36 (:documentation
37 "Return a type specifier for the kind of object returned by the
38 STREAM. The class FUNDAMENTAL-CHARACTER-STREAM provides a default method
39 which returns CHARACTER."))
41 (defmethod stream-element-type ((stream ansi-stream))
42 (ansi-stream-element-type stream))
44 (defmethod stream-element-type ((stream fundamental-character-stream))
45 'character)
47 (defmethod stream-element-type ((stream stream))
48 (bug-or-error stream 'stream-element-type))
50 (defmethod stream-element-type ((non-stream t))
51 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream))
53 (defgeneric pcl-open-stream-p (stream)
54 #+sb-doc
55 (:documentation
56 "Return true if STREAM is not closed. A default method is provided
57 by class FUNDAMENTAL-STREAM which returns true if CLOSE has not been
58 called on the stream."))
60 (defmethod pcl-open-stream-p ((stream ansi-stream))
61 (ansi-stream-open-stream-p stream))
63 (defmethod pcl-open-stream-p ((stream fundamental-stream))
64 (stream-open-p stream))
66 (defmethod pcl-open-stream-p ((stream stream))
67 (bug-or-error stream 'open-stream-p))
69 (defmethod pcl-open-stream-p ((non-stream t))
70 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream))
72 ;;; bootstrapping hack
73 (pcl-open-stream-p (make-string-output-stream))
74 (setf (fdefinition 'open-stream-p) #'pcl-open-stream-p)
76 (defgeneric pcl-close (stream &key abort)
77 #+sb-doc
78 (:documentation
79 "Close the given STREAM. No more I/O may be performed, but
80 inquiries may still be made. If :ABORT is true, an attempt is made
81 to clean up the side effects of having created the stream."))
83 (defmethod pcl-close ((stream ansi-stream) &key abort)
84 (ansi-stream-close stream abort))
86 (defmethod pcl-close ((stream fundamental-stream) &key abort)
87 (declare (ignore abort))
88 (setf (stream-open-p stream) nil)
91 (setf (fdefinition 'close) #'pcl-close)
93 (let ()
94 (fmakunbound 'input-stream-p)
96 (defgeneric input-stream-p (stream)
97 #+sb-doc
98 (:documentation "Can STREAM perform input operations?"))
100 (defmethod input-stream-p ((stream ansi-stream))
101 (ansi-stream-input-stream-p stream))
103 (defmethod input-stream-p ((stream fundamental-stream))
104 nil)
106 (defmethod input-stream-p ((stream fundamental-input-stream))
109 (defmethod input-stream-p ((stream stream))
110 (bug-or-error stream 'input-stream-p))
112 (defmethod input-stream-p ((non-stream t))
113 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream)))
115 (let ()
116 (fmakunbound 'interactive-stream-p)
118 (defgeneric interactive-stream-p (stream)
119 #+sb-doc
120 (:documentation "Is STREAM an interactive stream?"))
122 (defmethod interactive-stream-p ((stream ansi-stream))
123 (funcall (ansi-stream-misc stream) stream :interactive-p))
125 (defmethod interactive-stream-p ((stream fundamental-stream))
126 nil)
128 (defmethod interactive-stream-p ((stream stream))
129 (bug-or-error stream 'interactive-stream-p))
131 (defmethod interactive-stream-p ((non-stream t))
132 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream)))
134 (let ()
135 (fmakunbound 'output-stream-p)
137 (defgeneric output-stream-p (stream)
138 #+sb-doc
139 (:documentation "Can STREAM perform output operations?"))
141 (defmethod output-stream-p ((stream ansi-stream))
142 (ansi-stream-output-stream-p stream))
144 (defmethod output-stream-p ((stream fundamental-stream))
145 nil)
147 (defmethod output-stream-p ((stream fundamental-output-stream))
150 (defmethod output-stream-p ((stream stream))
151 (bug-or-error stream 'output-stream-p))
153 (defmethod output-stream-p ((non-stream t))
154 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream)))
156 ;;; character input streams
158 ;;; A character input stream can be created by defining a class that
159 ;;; includes FUNDAMENTAL-CHARACTER-INPUT-STREAM and defining methods
160 ;;; for the generic functions below.
162 (defgeneric stream-read-char (stream)
163 #+sb-doc
164 (:documentation
165 "Read one character from the stream. Return either a
166 character object, or the symbol :EOF if the stream is at end-of-file.
167 Every subclass of FUNDAMENTAL-CHARACTER-INPUT-STREAM must define a
168 method for this function."))
170 (defgeneric stream-unread-char (stream character)
171 #+sb-doc
172 (:documentation
173 "Un-do the last call to STREAM-READ-CHAR, as in UNREAD-CHAR.
175 must define a method for this function."))
177 (defgeneric stream-read-char-no-hang (stream)
178 #+sb-doc
179 (:documentation
180 "This is used to implement READ-CHAR-NO-HANG. It returns either a
181 character, or NIL if no input is currently available, or :EOF if
182 end-of-file is reached. The default method provided by
184 is sufficient for file streams, but interactive streams should define
185 their own method."))
187 (defmethod stream-read-char-no-hang ((stream fundamental-character-input-stream))
188 (stream-read-char stream))
190 (defgeneric stream-peek-char (stream)
191 #+sb-doc
192 (:documentation
193 "This is used to implement PEEK-CHAR; this corresponds to PEEK-TYPE of NIL.
194 It returns either a character or :EOF. The default method calls
197 (defmethod stream-peek-char ((stream fundamental-character-input-stream))
198 (let ((char (stream-read-char stream)))
199 (unless (eq char :eof)
200 (stream-unread-char stream char))
201 char))
203 (defgeneric stream-listen (stream)
204 #+sb-doc
205 (:documentation
206 "This is used by LISTEN. It returns true or false. The default method uses
208 define their own method since it will usually be trivial and will
209 always be more efficient than the default method."))
211 (defmethod stream-listen ((stream fundamental-character-input-stream))
212 (let ((char (stream-read-char-no-hang stream)))
213 (when (characterp char)
214 (stream-unread-char stream char)
215 t)))
217 (defgeneric stream-read-line (stream)
218 #+sb-doc
219 (:documentation
220 "This is used by READ-LINE. A string is returned as the first value. The
221 second value is true if the string was terminated by end-of-file
222 instead of the end of a line. The default method uses repeated
223 calls to STREAM-READ-CHAR."))
225 (defmethod stream-read-line ((stream fundamental-character-input-stream))
226 (let ((res (make-string 80))
227 (len 80)
228 (index 0))
229 (loop
230 (let ((ch (stream-read-char stream)))
231 (cond ((eq ch :eof)
232 (return (values (shrink-vector res index) t)))
234 (when (char= ch #\newline)
235 (return (values (shrink-vector res index) nil)))
236 (when (= index len)
237 (setq len (* len 2))
238 (let ((new (make-string len)))
239 (replace new res)
240 (setq res new)))
241 (setf (schar res index) ch)
242 (incf index)))))))
244 (defgeneric stream-clear-input (stream)
245 #+sb-doc
246 (:documentation
247 "This is like CL:CLEAR-INPUT, but for Gray streams, returning NIL.
248 The default method does nothing."))
250 (defmethod stream-clear-input ((stream fundamental-character-input-stream))
251 nil)
252 (defmethod stream-clear-input ((stream stream))
253 (bug-or-error stream 'stream-clear-input))
254 (defmethod stream-clear-input ((non-stream t))
255 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream))
257 (defgeneric stream-read-sequence (stream seq &optional start end)
258 (:documentation
259 "This is like CL:READ-SEQUENCE, but for Gray streams."))
261 ;;; Destructively modify SEQ by reading elements from STREAM. That
262 ;;; part of SEQ bounded by START and END is destructively modified by
263 ;;; copying successive elements into it from STREAM. If the end of
264 ;;; file for STREAM is reached before copying all elements of the
265 ;;; subsequence, then the extra elements near the end of sequence are
266 ;;; not updated, and the index of the next element is returned.
267 (defun basic-io-type-stream-read-sequence (stream seq start end read-fun)
268 (declare (type sequence seq)
269 (type stream stream)
270 (type index start)
271 (type sequence-end end)
272 (type function read-fun)
273 (values index))
274 (let ((end (or end (length seq))))
275 (declare (type index end))
276 (etypecase seq
277 (list
278 (do ((rem (nthcdr start seq) (rest rem))
279 (i start (1+ i)))
280 ((or (endp rem) (>= i end)) i)
281 (declare (type list rem)
282 (type index i))
283 (let ((el (funcall read-fun stream)))
284 (when (eq el :eof)
285 (return i))
286 (setf (first rem) el))))
287 (vector
288 (with-array-data ((data seq) (offset-start start) (offset-end end))
289 (do ((i offset-start (1+ i)))
290 ((>= i offset-end) end)
291 (declare (type index i))
292 (let ((el (funcall read-fun stream)))
293 (when (eq el :eof)
294 (return (+ start (- i offset-start))))
295 (setf (aref data i) el))))))))
297 (defmethod stream-read-sequence ((stream fundamental-character-input-stream)
298 (seq sequence)
299 &optional (start 0) (end nil))
300 (basic-io-type-stream-read-sequence stream seq start end
301 #'stream-read-char))
303 (defmethod stream-read-sequence ((stream fundamental-binary-input-stream)
304 (seq sequence)
305 &optional (start 0) (end nil))
306 (basic-io-type-stream-read-sequence stream seq start end
307 #'stream-read-byte))
310 ;;; character output streams
312 ;;; A character output stream can be created by defining a class that
313 ;;; includes FUNDAMENTAL-CHARACTER-OUTPUT-STREAM and defining methods
314 ;;; for the generic functions below.
316 (defgeneric stream-write-char (stream character)
317 #+sb-doc
318 (:documentation
319 "Write CHARACTER to STREAM and return CHARACTER. Every
320 subclass of FUNDAMENTAL-CHARACTER-OUTPUT-STREAM must have a method
321 defined for this function."))
323 (defgeneric stream-line-column (stream)
324 #+sb-doc
325 (:documentation
326 "Return the column number where the next character
327 will be written, or NIL if that is not meaningful for this stream.
328 The first column on a line is numbered 0. This function is used in
329 the implementation of PPRINT and the FORMAT ~T directive. For every
330 character output stream class that is defined, a method must be
331 defined for this function, although it is permissible for it to
332 always return NIL."))
334 (defmethod stream-line-column ((stream fundamental-character-output-stream))
335 nil)
337 ;;; STREAM-LINE-LENGTH is a CMU CL extension to Gray streams.
338 ;;; FIXME: Should we support it? Probably not..
339 (defgeneric stream-line-length (stream)
340 #+sb-doc
341 (:documentation "Return the stream line length or NIL."))
343 (defmethod stream-line-length ((stream fundamental-character-output-stream))
344 nil)
346 (defgeneric stream-start-line-p (stream)
347 #+sb-doc
348 (:documentation
349 "Is STREAM known to be positioned at the beginning of a line?
350 It is permissible for an implementation to always return
351 NIL. This is used in the implementation of FRESH-LINE. Note that
352 while a value of 0 from STREAM-LINE-COLUMN also indicates the
353 beginning of a line, there are cases where STREAM-START-LINE-P can be
354 meaningfully implemented although STREAM-LINE-COLUMN can't be. For
355 example, for a window using variable-width characters, the column
356 number isn't very meaningful, but the beginning of the line does have
357 a clear meaning. The default method for STREAM-START-LINE-P on class
359 that is defined to return NIL, then a method should be provided for
362 (defmethod stream-start-line-p ((stream fundamental-character-output-stream))
363 (eql (stream-line-column stream) 0))
365 (defgeneric stream-write-string (stream string &optional start end)
366 #+sb-doc
367 (:documentation
368 "This is used by WRITE-STRING. It writes the string to the stream,
369 optionally delimited by start and end, which default to 0 and NIL.
370 The string argument is returned. The default method provided by
374 (defmethod stream-write-string ((stream fundamental-character-output-stream)
375 string &optional (start 0) end)
376 (declare (string string)
377 (fixnum start))
378 (let ((end (or end (length string))))
379 (declare (fixnum end))
380 (do ((pos start (1+ pos)))
381 ((>= pos end))
382 (declare (type index pos))
383 (stream-write-char stream (aref string pos))))
384 string)
386 (defgeneric stream-terpri (stream)
387 #+sb-doc
388 (:documentation
389 "Writes an end of line, as for TERPRI. Returns NIL. The default
390 method does (STREAM-WRITE-CHAR stream #\NEWLINE)."))
392 (defmethod stream-terpri ((stream fundamental-character-output-stream))
393 (stream-write-char stream #\Newline))
395 (defgeneric stream-fresh-line (stream)
396 #+sb-doc
397 (:documentation
398 "Outputs a new line to the Stream if it is not positioned at the
399 begining of a line. Returns T if it output a new line, nil
400 otherwise. Used by FRESH-LINE. The default method uses
403 (defmethod stream-fresh-line ((stream fundamental-character-output-stream))
404 (unless (stream-start-line-p stream)
405 (stream-terpri stream)
408 (defgeneric stream-finish-output (stream)
409 #+sb-doc
410 (:documentation
411 "Attempts to ensure that all output sent to the Stream has reached
412 its destination, and only then returns false. Implements
413 FINISH-OUTPUT. The default method does nothing."))
415 (defmethod stream-finish-output ((stream fundamental-output-stream))
416 nil)
417 (defmethod stream-finish-output ((stream stream))
418 (bug-or-error stream 'stream-finish-output))
419 (defmethod stream-finish-output ((non-stream t))
420 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream))
422 (defgeneric stream-force-output (stream)
423 #+sb-doc
424 (:documentation
425 "Attempts to force any buffered output to be sent. Implements
426 FORCE-OUTPUT. The default method does nothing."))
428 (defmethod stream-force-output ((stream fundamental-output-stream))
429 nil)
430 (defmethod stream-force-output ((stream stream))
431 (bug-or-error stream 'stream-force-output))
432 (defmethod stream-force-output ((non-stream t))
433 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream))
435 (defgeneric stream-clear-output (stream)
436 #+sb-doc
437 (:documentation
438 "This is like CL:CLEAR-OUTPUT, but for Gray streams: clear the given
439 output STREAM. The default method does nothing."))
441 (defmethod stream-clear-output ((stream fundamental-output-stream))
442 nil)
443 (defmethod stream-clear-output ((stream stream))
444 (bug-or-error stream 'stream-clear-output))
445 (defmethod stream-clear-output ((non-stream t))
446 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream))
448 (defgeneric stream-advance-to-column (stream column)
449 #+sb-doc
450 (:documentation
451 "Write enough blank space so that the next character will be
452 written at the specified column. Returns true if the operation is
453 successful, or NIL if it is not supported for this stream. This is
454 intended for use by by PPRINT and FORMAT ~T. The default method uses
455 STREAM-LINE-COLUMN and repeated calls to STREAM-WRITE-CHAR with a
456 #\SPACE character; it returns NIL if STREAM-LINE-COLUMN returns NIL."))
458 (defmethod stream-advance-to-column ((stream fundamental-character-output-stream)
459 column)
460 (let ((current-column (stream-line-column stream)))
461 (when current-column
462 (let ((fill (- column current-column)))
463 (dotimes (i fill)
464 (stream-write-char stream #\Space)))
465 T)))
467 (defgeneric stream-write-sequence (stream seq &optional start end)
468 (:documentation
469 "This is like CL:WRITE-SEQUENCE, but for Gray streams."))
471 ;;; Write the elements of SEQ bounded by START and END to STREAM.
472 (defun basic-io-type-stream-write-sequence (stream seq start end write-fun)
473 (declare (type sequence seq)
474 (type stream stream)
475 (type index start)
476 (type sequence-end end)
477 (type function write-fun)
478 (values sequence))
479 (let ((end (or end (length seq))))
480 (declare (type index start end))
481 (etypecase seq
482 (list
483 (do ((rem (nthcdr start seq) (rest rem))
484 (i start (1+ i)))
485 ((or (endp rem) (>= i end)) seq)
486 (declare (type list rem)
487 (type index i))
488 (funcall write-fun stream (first rem))))
489 (vector
490 (do ((i start (1+ i)))
491 ((>= i end) seq)
492 (declare (type index i))
493 (funcall write-fun stream (aref seq i)))))))
495 (defmethod stream-write-sequence ((stream fundamental-character-output-stream)
496 (seq sequence)
497 &optional (start 0) (end nil))
498 (typecase seq
499 (string
500 (stream-write-string stream seq start end))
502 (basic-io-type-stream-write-sequence stream seq start end
503 #'stream-write-char))))
506 ;;; binary streams
508 ;;; Binary streams can be created by defining a class that includes
510 ;;; FUNDAMENTAL-BINARY-OUTPUT-STREAM (or both) and defining a method
511 ;;; for STREAM-ELEMENT-TYPE and for one or both of the following
512 ;;; generic functions.
514 (defgeneric stream-read-byte (stream)
515 #+sb-doc
516 (:documentation
517 "Used by READ-BYTE; returns either an integer, or the symbol :EOF
518 if the stream is at end-of-file."))
520 (defmethod stream-read-byte ((stream stream))
521 (bug-or-error stream 'stream-read-byte))
522 (defmethod stream-read-byte ((non-stream t))
523 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream))
525 (defgeneric stream-write-byte (stream integer)
526 #+sb-doc
527 (:documentation
528 "Implements WRITE-BYTE; writes the integer to the stream and
529 returns the integer as the result."))
531 (defmethod stream-write-byte ((stream stream) integer)
532 (bug-or-error stream 'stream-write-byte))
533 (defmethod stream-write-byte ((non-stream t) integer)
534 (error 'type-error :datum non-stream :expected-type 'stream))
536 ;; Provide a reasonable default for binary Gray streams. We might be
537 ;; able to do better by specializing on the sequence type, but at
538 ;; least the behaviour is reasonable. --tony 2003/05/08.
539 (defmethod stream-write-sequence ((stream fundamental-binary-output-stream)
540 (seq sequence)
541 &optional (start 0) (end nil))
542 (basic-io-type-stream-write-sequence stream seq start end
543 #'stream-write-byte))
546 ;;; This is not in the Gray stream proposal, so it is left here
547 ;;; as example code.
549 ;;; example character output stream encapsulating a lisp-stream
550 (defun make-character-output-stream (lisp-stream)
551 (declare (type lisp-stream lisp-stream))
552 (make-instance 'character-output-stream :lisp-stream lisp-stream))
554 (defmethod open-stream-p ((stream character-output-stream))
555 (open-stream-p (character-output-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
557 (defmethod close ((stream character-output-stream) &key abort)
558 (close (character-output-stream-lisp-stream stream) :abort abort))
560 (defmethod input-stream-p ((stream character-output-stream))
561 (input-stream-p (character-output-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
563 (defmethod output-stream-p ((stream character-output-stream))
564 (output-stream-p (character-output-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
566 (defmethod stream-write-char ((stream character-output-stream) character)
567 (write-char character (character-output-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
569 (defmethod stream-line-column ((stream character-output-stream))
570 (charpos (character-output-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
572 (defmethod stream-line-length ((stream character-output-stream))
573 (line-length (character-output-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
575 (defmethod stream-finish-output ((stream character-output-stream))
576 (finish-output (character-output-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
578 (defmethod stream-force-output ((stream character-output-stream))
579 (force-output (character-output-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
581 (defmethod stream-clear-output ((stream character-output-stream))
582 (clear-output (character-output-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
584 ;;; example character input stream encapsulating a lisp-stream
586 (defun make-character-input-stream (lisp-stream)
587 (declare (type lisp-stream lisp-stream))
588 (make-instance 'character-input-stream :lisp-stream lisp-stream))
590 (defmethod open-stream-p ((stream character-input-stream))
591 (open-stream-p (character-input-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
593 (defmethod close ((stream character-input-stream) &key abort)
594 (close (character-input-stream-lisp-stream stream) :abort abort))
596 (defmethod input-stream-p ((stream character-input-stream))
597 (input-stream-p (character-input-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
599 (defmethod output-stream-p ((stream character-input-stream))
600 (output-stream-p (character-input-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
602 (defmethod stream-read-char ((stream character-input-stream))
603 (read-char (character-input-stream-lisp-stream stream) nil :eof))
605 (defmethod stream-unread-char ((stream character-input-stream) character)
606 (unread-char character (character-input-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
608 (defmethod stream-read-char-no-hang ((stream character-input-stream))
609 (read-char-no-hang (character-input-stream-lisp-stream stream) nil :eof))
611 #+nil
612 (defmethod stream-peek-char ((stream character-input-stream))
613 (peek-char nil (character-input-stream-lisp-stream stream) nil :eof))
615 #+nil
616 (defmethod stream-listen ((stream character-input-stream))
617 (listen (character-input-stream-lisp-stream stream)))
619 (defmethod stream-clear-input ((stream character-input-stream))
620 (clear-input (character-input-stream-lisp-stream stream)))