prehash-for-perfect-hash: add truly-thes.
[sbcl.git] / tests /
1 #!/bin/sh
3 logdir=${SBCL_PAREXEC_TMP:-$HOME}/sbcl-test-logs-$$
4 echo ==== Writing logs to $logdir ====
5 # FIXME: junkdir isn't getting removed
6 junkdir=${SBCL_PAREXEC_TMP:-/tmp}/junk
7 mkdir -p $junkdir $logdir
9 case `uname` in
10 CYGWIN* | WindowsNT | MINGW* | MSYS*)
11 if [ $# -ne 1 ]
12 then
13 echo $0: Need arg
14 exit 1
16 echo ";; Using -j$1"
17 echo "LOGDIR=$logdir" >$logdir/Makefile
18 ../ --script genmakefile.lisp >>$logdir/Makefile
19 exec $GNUMAKE -k -j $1 -f $logdir/Makefile
21 esac
24 TEST_DIRECTORY=$junkdir SBCL_HOME=../obj/sbcl-home exec ../src/runtime/sbcl \
25 --noinform --core ../output/sbcl.core \
26 --no-userinit --no-sysinit --noprint --disable-debugger $* << EOF
27 (pop *posix-argv*)
28 (require :sb-posix)
29 #-sparc (push :test-sprof *features*)
30 #+test-sprof (require :sb-sprof)
32 ;; (push :tlsf-stress *features*)
33 #+tlsf-stress
34 (progn
35 (setq sb-c:*compile-to-memory-space* :immobile)
36 (with-alien ((tlsf-control system-area-pointer :extern)
37 (tlsf-mem-start system-area-pointer :extern))
38 (defun tlsf-checks ()
39 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "tlsf_check" (function void system-area-pointer))
40 tlsf-control)
41 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "tlsf_check_pool" (function void system-area-pointer))
42 tlsf-mem-start)
43 (let ((msg #.(format nil "TLSF checks passed~%")))
44 (sb-unix:unix-write 2 msg 0 (length msg))))
45 (defun tlsf-dump ()
46 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "tlsf_dump_pool"
47 (function void system-area-pointer system-area-pointer c-string))
48 tlsf-control tlsf-mem-start "/dev/stdout")))
49 (compile 'tlsf-checks)
50 (compile 'tlsf-dump)
51 (push #'tlsf-checks sb-ext:*after-gc-hooks*))
53 (let ((*evaluator-mode* :compile))
54 (with-compilation-unit () (load"run-tests")))
55 #+(and x86-64 linux sb-thread)
56 (unless (or (find :mark-region-gc sb-impl:+internal-features+)
57 (find :gs-seg sb-impl:+internal-features+))
58 (push :test-aprof *features*))
59 (in-package run-tests)
60 (import '(sb-alien:alien-funcall sb-alien:extern-alien
61 sb-alien:int sb-alien:c-string sb-alien:unsigned))
62 (setq *summarize-test-times* t)
63 ;;; Ordered approximately in descending order by running time
64 (defvar *timings* (with-open-file (s "timing") (read s)))
66 (defvar *filter* nil)
67 (defglobal *delete-logs* nil)
68 (defun choose-order (tests)
69 (when *filter*
70 (let (strings)
71 (with-open-file (file *filter*)
72 (loop (let ((line (read-line file nil)))
73 (if line (push line strings) (return)))))
74 (setq tests (remove-if (lambda (x) (not (find x strings :test #'string=)))
75 tests))))
76 (sort tests
77 #'> :key (lambda (file) (or (cadr (assoc file *timings* :test #'equal)) 0))))
79 (defun summarize-gc-times ()
80 ;; this function prints random numbers now, I don't know why
81 (return-from summarize-gc-times)
82 (let (observations)
83 (flet ((parse-triple (string pos)
84 (sb-int:binding* (((int1 end) (parse-integer string :start (1+ pos)
85 :junk-allowed t))
86 ((int2 end) (parse-integer string :start (1+ end)
87 :junk-allowed t))
88 ((int3) (parse-integer string :start (1+ end)
89 :junk-allowed t)))
90 (list int1 int2 int3))))
91 (dolist (pn (directory "$logdir/*.*"))
92 (with-open-file (f pn)
93 (let ((legend "GC: stw_delay"))
94 (loop
95 (let ((line (read-line f nil)))
96 (unless line (return))
97 (when (and (> (length line) (length legend))
98 (string= line legend :end1 (length legend)))
99 (let* ((p1 (position #\= line))
100 (p2 (position #\= line :start (1+ p1)))
101 (stw-dur (parse-triple line p1))
102 (gc-dur (parse-triple line p2))
103 (count (parse-integer line :start (+ (search "over " line) 5)
104 :junk-allowed t)))
105 (let ((name (concatenate 'string (pathname-name pn) "."
106 (pathname-type pn))))
107 (push (list count stw-dur gc-dur name) observations))))))))))
108 (let ((fmt " ~5d (~{~10d~^ ~}) (~{~7d~^ ~}) ~a~%"))
109 (format t "~&Top 15 worst by max time to stop-the-world:~%")
110 (let ((list (sort (copy-list observations) #'> :key (lambda (x) (third (second x))))))
111 (dotimes (i 15) (apply #'format t fmt (pop list))))
112 (format t "~&Top 15 worst by avg GC duration (excluding STW delay):~%")
113 (let ((list (sort (copy-list observations) #'> :key (lambda (x) (second (third x))))))
114 (dotimes (i 15) (apply #'format t fmt (pop list))))
115 (format t "~&Top 15 worst by max GC duration (excluding STW delay):~%")
116 (let ((list (sort (copy-list observations) #'> :key (lambda (x) (third (third x))))))
117 (dotimes (i 15) (apply #'format t fmt (pop list)))))))
118 (defun parallel-execute-tests (files max-jobs vop-summary-stats-p)
119 (format t "Using ~D processes~%" max-jobs)
120 ;; Interleave the order in which all tests are launched rather than
121 ;; starting them in the batches that filtering places them in.
122 (let ((subprocess-count 0)
123 (subprocess-list nil)
124 (aggregate-vop-usage (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
125 ;; Start timing only after all the DIRECTORY calls are done (above)
126 (start-time (get-internal-real-time))
127 (missing-usage)
128 (losing))
129 (labels ((wait ()
130 ;; Though far from elegant, this is an easy way to figure out
131 ;; which tests are getting stuck, if any are.
132 #+nil (format t "Runner is waiting on: ~S~%" subprocess-list)
133 (multiple-value-bind (pid status) (sb-posix:wait)
134 (decf subprocess-count)
135 (let ((process (assoc pid subprocess-list))
136 (code (ash status -8))
137 (et))
138 (unless process
139 (warn "Whoa! Process ~D is an unexpected child" pid)
140 (return-from wait (wait)))
141 (setq subprocess-list (delete process subprocess-list))
142 (destructuring-bind ((filename . iteration) start-time) (cdr process)
143 (setq et (elapsed-time-from start-time))
144 (when vop-summary-stats-p
145 (unless (sum-vop-usage (format nil "$logdir/~a.vop-usage" filename) t)
146 (when (or (search ".pure" filename) (search ".impure" filename))
147 (push filename missing-usage))))
148 (cond ((eq code 104)
149 (format t "~A: success (~d msec)~%" filename et))
151 (format t "~A~@[[~d]~]: status ~D (~d msec)~%"
152 filename iteration code et)
153 (push (list filename iteration pid) losing)))))))
154 (elapsed-time-from (when) ; return value in milliseconds
155 (round (- (get-internal-real-time) when)
156 (/ internal-time-units-per-second 1000)))
157 (sum-vop-usage (input deletep)
158 (with-open-file (f input :if-does-not-exist nil)
159 ;; No vop coverage file from shell script tests or any test
160 ;; that internally uses (EXIT) for whatever reason.
161 (when f
162 (loop (let ((line (read-line f nil)))
163 (unless line (return))
164 (let ((count (read-from-string line))
165 (name (read-from-string line t nil :start 8)))
166 (incf (gethash name aggregate-vop-usage 0) count))))
167 (when deletep (delete-file f))))))
168 (dolist (file files)
169 (when (>= subprocess-count max-jobs)
170 (wait))
171 (let ((pid (sb-posix:fork)))
172 (when (zerop pid)
173 (let ((mylog (format nil "$logdir/~a~@[-~d~]" (car file) (cdr file))))
174 ;; FILE is (filename . test-iteration)
175 (with-open-file (stream mylog :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
176 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "dup2" (function int int int))
177 (sb-sys:fd-stream-fd stream) 1)
178 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "dup2" (function int int int)) 1 2))
179 (setq file (car file))
180 #+test-aprof
181 (unless (search "allocator.pure" file)
182 (sb-aprof::aprof-start)
183 (proclaim '(optimize sb-c:instrument-consing)))
184 ;; Send this to the log file, not the terminal
185 (setq *debug-io* (make-two-way-stream (make-concatenated-stream)
186 *error-output*))
187 (cond ((string= (pathname-type file) "test")
188 (let ((shell (or #+sunos (posix-getenv "SHELL") "/bin/sh")))
189 ;; exec the shell with the test and we'll pick up its exit code
190 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "execl" (function int c-string c-string
191 &optional c-string unsigned))
192 shell shell
193 (concatenate 'string file ".sh") 0))
194 ;; if exec fails, just exit with a wrong (not 104) status
195 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "_exit" (function (values) int)) 0))
197 #+test-sprof (sb-sprof:start-profiling :sample-interval .001)
198 (setq sb-c::*static-vop-usage-counts* (make-hash-table :synchronized t))
199 (let ((*features* (cons :parallel-test-runner *features*)))
200 (pure-runner (list (concatenate 'string file ".lisp"))
201 (if (search "-cload" file) 'cload-test 'load-test)
202 (make-broadcast-stream)))
203 (when vop-summary-stats-p
204 (with-open-file (output (format nil "$logdir/~a.vop-usage" file)
205 :direction :output)
206 ;; There's an impure test that screws with the default pprint dispatch
207 ;; table such that integers don't print normally (and can't be parsed).
208 (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
209 (sb-int:dohash ((name count) sb-c::*static-vop-usage-counts*)
210 (format output "~7d \"~s\"~%" count name)))))
211 #+test-sprof (sb-sprof:stop-profiling)
212 #+test-aprof (progn (sb-aprof::aprof-stop) (sb-aprof:aprof-show))
213 (when (member :allocator-metrics sb-impl:+internal-features+)
214 (format t "~2&Allocator histogram:~%")
215 (funcall (intern "PRINT-ALLOCATOR-HISTOGRAM" "SB-THREAD")))
216 #+test-sprof (sb-sprof:report :type :flat)
217 #+tlsf-stress (cl-user::tlsf-dump)
218 (gc :gen 7)
219 (when (and (not (unexpected-failures)) *delete-logs*) (delete-file mylog))
220 (exit :code (if (unexpected-failures) 1 104))))))
221 (format t "~A: pid ~d~@[ (trial ~d)~]~%" (car file) pid (cdr file))
222 (incf subprocess-count)
223 (push (list pid file (get-internal-real-time)) subprocess-list)))
224 (loop (if (plusp subprocess-count) (wait) (return)))
226 (when vop-summary-stats-p
227 (dolist (result '("vop-usage.txt" "vop-usage-combined.txt"))
228 (let (list)
229 (sb-int:dohash ((name vop) sb-c::*backend-template-names*)
230 (declare (ignore vop))
231 (push (cons (gethash (prin1-to-string name) aggregate-vop-usage 0) name) list))
232 (with-open-file (output (format nil "$logdir/~a" result)
233 :direction :output
234 :if-exists :supersede)
235 (dolist (cell (sort list #'> :key #'car))
236 (format output "~7d ~s~%" (car cell) (cdr cell)))))
237 (sum-vop-usage "../obj/from-self/warm-vop-usage.txt" nil)))
239 (format t "~&Total realtime: ~d msec~%" (elapsed-time-from start-time))
240 (when missing-usage
241 (format t "~&Missing vop-usage:~{ ~a~}~%" missing-usage))
243 (when losing
244 (format t "~&Failing files:~%")
245 (dolist (filename losing)
246 (format t "~A~%" filename))
247 (format t "==== Logs are in $logdir ====~%")
248 (exit :code 1)))))
249 (when (string= (car *posix-argv*) "--filter")
250 (setq *filter* (cadr *posix-argv*))
251 (setq *posix-argv* (cddr *posix-argv*)))
252 (if (= (length *posix-argv*) 1)
253 ;; short form - all files, argument N is the number of parallel tasks
254 (let ((jobs (parse-integer (car *posix-argv*))))
255 (parallel-execute-tests
256 (mapcar #'list
257 (choose-order
258 (mapcar #'pathname-name
259 (append (pure-load-files)
260 (pure-cload-files)
261 (impure-load-files)
262 (impure-cload-files)
263 (sh-files)))))
264 jobs
266 #+(and linux sb-thread 64-bit) (summarize-gc-times))
267 ;; long form
268 (let ((jobs 4)
269 (runs-per-test 1)
270 (argv *posix-argv*))
271 (loop (cond ((string= (car argv) "-j")
272 (setq jobs (parse-integer (cadr argv))
273 argv (cddr argv)))
274 ((string= (car argv) "--runs_per_test")
275 (setq runs-per-test (parse-integer (cadr argv))
276 argv (cddr argv)))
278 (return))))
279 (when (>= runs-per-test 10)
280 (format t "~&Note: will not keep logs of passing runs~%")
281 (setq *delete-logs* t))
282 (setq argv
283 (mapcar (lambda (file)
284 (probe-file file) ; for effect
285 (pathname-name file)) argv))
286 (parallel-execute-tests
287 (loop for trial-number from 1 to runs-per-test
288 nconc (mapcar (lambda (file)
289 (cons file
290 (when (> runs-per-test 1) trial-number)))
291 argv))
292 jobs
293 nil)))