prehash-for-perfect-hash: add truly-thes.
[sbcl.git] / tests / interface.impure.lisp
1 ;;;; tests for problems in the interface presented to the user/programmer
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 (defmacro silently (&rest things)
15 `(let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))) ,@things))
17 ;; Interpreted closure is a problem for COMPILE
18 (with-test (:name (disassemble function) :skipped-on :interpreter)
19 ;; DISASSEMBLE shouldn't fail on closures or unpurified functions
20 (defun disassemble-fun (x) x)
21 (silently (disassemble 'disassemble-fun)))
23 (with-test (:name (disassemble :closure) :skipped-on :interpreter)
24 (let ((x 1)) (defun disassemble-closure (y) (if y (setq x y) x)))
25 (silently (disassemble 'disassemble-closure)))
27 (defun interpreted-function-p (x) (typep x 'sb-kernel:interpreted-function))
29 #+(or sb-eval sb-fasteval)
30 (with-test (:name (disassemble :interpreted))
31 ;; Nor should it fail on interpreted functions
32 (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
33 (eval `(defun disassemble-eval (x) x))
34 (silently (disassemble 'disassemble-eval)))
36 ;; disassemble-eval should still be an interpreted function.
37 ;; clhs disassemble: "(If that function is an interpreted function,
38 ;; it is first compiled but the result of this implicit compilation
39 ;; is not installed.)"
40 (assert (interpreted-function-p (symbol-function 'disassemble-eval))))
42 (with-test (:name (disassemble generic-function))
43 ;; nor should it fail on generic functions or other funcallable instances
44 (defgeneric disassemble-generic (x))
45 (silently (disassemble 'disassemble-generic))
46 (let ((fin (make-instance 'sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object)))
47 (silently (disassemble fin))))
49 ;;; while we're at it, much the same applies to
51 (defun fle-fun (x) x)
53 (let ((x 1)) (defun fle-closure (y) (if y (setq x y) x)))
55 (defclass non-standard-generic-function (generic-function) ()
56 (:metaclass sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
57 (defmethod sb-mop:generic-function-name ((generic-function non-standard-generic-function))
58 'name)
60 (with-test (:name function-lambda-expression)
61 (flet ((fle-name (x)
62 (nth-value 2 (function-lambda-expression x))))
63 (assert (eql (fle-name #'fle-fun) 'fle-fun))
64 (assert (eql (fle-name #'fle-closure) 'fle-closure))
65 (assert (eql (fle-name #'disassemble-generic) 'disassemble-generic))
66 (function-lambda-expression
67 (make-instance 'sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object))
68 (function-lambda-expression
69 (make-instance 'non-standard-generic-function))
70 (function-lambda-expression
71 (make-instance 'standard-generic-function))
72 #+(or sb-eval sb-fasteval)
73 (progn
74 (let ((sb-ext:*evaluator-mode* :interpret))
75 (eval `(defun fle-eval (x) x))
76 (assert (eql (fle-name (symbol-function 'fle-eval)) 'fle-eval)))
78 ;; fle-eval should still be an interpreted function.
79 (assert (interpreted-function-p (symbol-function 'fle-eval))))))
81 (with-test (:name :nested-function-lambda-expression)
82 (let* ((lexpr
83 '(lambda ()
84 (labels ((f1 (z &rest r &key (b (eval 'foo)) (a 3) w)
85 (- a w (length r) (f2 (/ z b))))
86 (f2 (w) (* w .3)))
87 (values #'f1 #'f2))))
88 (f (compile nil lexpr)))
89 (assert (equal (function-lambda-expression f) lexpr))
90 (assert (equal (function-lambda-expression (funcall f))
91 '(lambda (z &rest r &key (b (eval 'foo)) (a 3) w)
92 (block f1 (- a w (length r) (f2 (/ z b)))))))
93 (assert (equal (function-lambda-expression
94 (nth-value 1 (funcall f)))
95 '(lambda (w) (block f2 (* w 0.3)))))))
97 ;;; Tests of documentation on types and classes
99 (defun assert-documentation (thing doc-type expected)
100 ;; This helper function makes ASSERT errors print THING, DOC-TYPE,
101 ;; the return value of DOCUMENTATION and EXPECTED.
102 (flet ((assert-documentation-helper (thing doc-type documentation expected)
103 (declare (ignore thing doc-type))
104 (equal documentation expected)))
105 (assert (assert-documentation-helper
106 thing doc-type (documentation thing doc-type) expected))))
108 (defpackage #:documentation.package
109 (:documentation "PACKAGE"))
111 (with-test (:name (documentation package))
112 (assert-documentation (find-package '#:documentation.package) t "PACKAGE")
113 (setf (documentation (find-package '#:documentation.package) t) "PACKAGE2")
114 (assert-documentation (find-package '#:documentation.package) t "PACKAGE2"))
116 (defclass foo ()
118 (:documentation "FOO"))
120 (defclass documentation.funcallable-instance ()
122 (:metaclass sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class)
123 (:documentation "FEZ"))
125 (defstruct bar "BAR")
127 (define-condition baz ()
129 (:documentation "BAZ"))
131 (macrolet
132 ((do-class (name expected &optional structurep)
133 `(progn
134 (assert-documentation ',name 'type ,expected)
135 (assert-documentation (find-class ',name) 'type ,expected)
136 (assert-documentation (find-class ',name) 't ,expected)
137 ,@(when structurep
138 `((assert-documentation ',name 'structure ,expected)))
140 (let ((new1 (symbol-name (gensym "NEW1")))
141 (new2 (symbol-name (gensym "NEW2")))
142 (new3 (symbol-name (gensym "NEW3")))
143 (new4 (symbol-name (gensym "NEW4"))))
144 (declare (ignorable new4))
145 (setf (documentation ',name 'type) new1)
146 (assert-documentation (find-class ',name) 'type new1)
147 (setf (documentation (find-class ',name) 'type) new2)
148 (assert-documentation (find-class ',name) 't new2)
149 (setf (documentation (find-class ',name) 't) new3)
150 (assert-documentation ',name 'type new3)
151 ,@(when structurep
152 `((assert-documentation ',name 'structure new3)
153 (setf (documentation ',name 'structure) new4)
154 (assert-documentation ',name 'structure new4)))))))
156 (with-test (:name (documentation class standard-class))
157 (do-class foo "FOO"))
159 (with-test (:name (documentation class sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
160 (do-class documentation.funcallable-instance "FEZ"))
162 (with-test (:name (documentation struct 1))
163 (do-class bar "BAR" t))
165 (with-test (:name (documentation condition))
166 (do-class baz "BAZ")))
168 (defclass documentation-metaclass (standard-class)
170 (:documentation "metaclass with methods on DOCUMENTATION."))
172 (defmethod documentation ((thing documentation-metaclass)
173 (doc-type (eql 't)))
174 (sb-int:awhen (call-next-method)
175 (concatenate 'string ":" sb-int:it)))
177 (defmethod (setf documentation) (new-value
178 (thing documentation-metaclass)
179 (doc-type (eql 't)))
180 (call-next-method (when new-value
181 (substitute #\! #\. new-value))
182 thing doc-type))
184 (defmethod sb-mop:validate-superclass ((class documentation-metaclass)
185 (superclass standard-class))
188 (defclass documentation-class ()
190 (:metaclass documentation-metaclass)
191 (:documentation "normal"))
193 (with-test (:name (documentation :non-stanadard :metaclass))
194 (flet ((check (expected class-name)
195 (let ((class (find-class class-name)))
196 (assert-documentation class-name 'type expected)
197 (assert-documentation class 'type expected)
198 (assert-documentation class t expected))))
199 ;; Make sure methods specialized on the metaclass are not bypassed
200 ;; when retrieving and modifying class documentation.
201 (check ":normal" 'documentation-class)
202 (setf (documentation 'documentation-class 'type) "2.")
203 (check ":2!" 'documentation-class)
204 (setf (documentation 'documentation-class 'type) nil)
205 (check nil 'documentation-class)
207 ;; Sanity check: make sure the metaclass has its own documentation
208 ;; and is not affected by the above modifications.
209 (check "metaclass with methods on DOCUMENTATION."
210 'documentation-metaclass)))
212 (defstruct (frob (:type vector)) "FROB")
214 (with-test (:name (documentation struct 2))
215 (assert-documentation 'frob 'structure "FROB")
216 (setf (documentation 'frob 'structure) "NEW5")
217 (assert-documentation 'frob 'structure "NEW5"))
219 (deftype quux ()
220 "QUUX"
223 (with-test (:name (documentation type))
224 (assert-documentation 'quux 'type "QUUX")
225 (setf (documentation 'quux 'type) "NEW4")
226 (assert-documentation 'quux 'type "NEW4"))
228 (define-compiler-macro cmacro (x)
229 "compiler macro"
232 (define-compiler-macro (setf cmacro) (y x)
233 "setf compiler macro"
234 (declare (ignore x))
237 (with-test (:name (documentation compiler-macro))
238 (assert-documentation 'cmacro 'compiler-macro "compiler macro")
239 (assert-documentation '(setf cmacro) 'compiler-macro "setf compiler macro"))
241 (defun (setf documentation.setf) (x)
242 "(setf foo) documentation"
245 (with-test (:name (documentation function setf))
246 (flet ((expect (documentation)
247 (assert-documentation
248 '(setf documentation.setf) 'function documentation)
249 (assert-documentation
250 #'(setf documentation.setf) 'function documentation)
251 (assert-documentation
252 #'(setf documentation.setf) t documentation)))
253 (expect "(setf foo) documentation")
254 ;; The original test checked this twice. No idea why.
255 (expect "(setf foo) documentation")
257 ;; Modification
258 (setf (documentation '(setf documentation.setf) 'function)
259 "(setf bar) documentation")
260 (expect "(setf bar) documentation")
262 (setf (documentation #'(setf documentation.setf) 'function)
263 "(setf baz) documentation")
264 (expect "(setf baz) documentation")
266 (setf (documentation #'(setf documentation.setf) t)
267 "(setf fez) documentation")
268 (expect "(setf fez) documentation")))
270 (with-test (:name (documentation lambda))
271 (let ((f (lambda () "aos the zos" t))
272 (g (sb-int:named-lambda fii () "zoot the fruit" t)))
273 (dolist (doc-type '(t function))
274 (assert-documentation f doc-type "aos the zos")
275 (assert-documentation g doc-type "zoot the fruit"))
276 (setf (documentation f t) "fire")
277 (assert-documentation f t "fire")
278 (assert-documentation g t "zoot the fruit")))
280 (with-test (:name (documentation flet))
281 (assert
282 (string= (documentation
283 (flet ((quux (x)
284 "this is FLET quux"
285 (/ x 2)))
286 #'quux)
288 "this is FLET quux")))
290 (with-test (:name (documentation labels))
291 (assert
292 (string= (documentation
293 (labels ((rec (x)
294 "this is LABELS rec"
295 (if (plusp x)
296 (* x (rec (1- x)))
297 1)))
298 #'rec)
300 "this is LABELS rec")))
302 (let ((x 1))
303 (defun docfoo (y)
304 "bar"
305 (incf x y)))
307 (with-test (:name (documentation :closure))
308 (assert-documentation 'docfoo 'function "bar")
309 (assert (string= (setf (documentation 'docfoo 'function) "baz") "baz"))
310 (assert-documentation 'docfoo 'function "baz")
311 (assert-documentation #'docfoo t "baz")
312 (assert (string= (setf (documentation #'docfoo t) "zot") "zot"))
313 (assert-documentation #'docfoo t "zot")
314 (assert-documentation 'docfoo 'function "zot")
315 (assert (not (setf (documentation 'docfoo 'function) nil)))
316 (assert-documentation 'docfoo 'function nil))
318 (with-test (:name (documentation :built-in-macro) :skipped-on (not :sb-doc))
319 (assert (documentation 'trace 'function)))
321 (with-test (:name (documentation :built-in-function) :skipped-on (not :sb-doc))
322 (assert (documentation 'cons 'function)))
324 (defvar documentation.variable nil
325 "foo variable documentation")
327 (with-test (:name (documentation variable))
328 (assert-documentation 'documentation.variable 'variable
329 "foo variable documentation")
330 (setf (documentation 'documentation.variable 'variable)
331 "baz variable documentation")
332 (assert-documentation 'documentation.variable 'variable
333 "baz variable documentation"))
335 (with-test (:name (documentation :mismatch-for-function))
336 (defun test ()
338 nil)
339 (setf (symbol-function 'test2) #'test)
340 (setf (documentation 'test 'function) "Y")
341 (assert (equal (documentation #'test t)
342 (documentation 'test 'function)))
343 (setf (documentation 'test2 'function) "Z")
344 (assert (not
345 (equal (documentation 'test 'function)
346 (documentation 'test2 'function)))))
348 (with-test (:name (documentation setf :on nil))
349 (assert
350 (handler-case
351 (assert (equal (setf (documentation nil 'function) "foo") "foo"))
352 (style-warning () t)
353 (:no-error (x)
354 (declare (ignore x))
355 nil))))
357 (with-test (:name (describe generic-function :assumed-type))
358 ;; Signalled an error at one point
359 (let ((fun (checked-compile '(lambda ()
360 (flet ((zoo () (gogo)))
361 (defmethod gogo () nil)
362 (describe 'gogo)))
363 :allow-style-warnings t)))
364 (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning)) ; implicit gf
365 (silently (funcall fun)))))
367 (defmacro bug-643958-test ()
368 "foo"
369 :ding!)
371 (with-test (:name :bug-643958)
372 (assert (equal "foo" (documentation 'bug-643958-test 'function)))
373 (setf (documentation 'bug-643958-test 'function) "bar")
374 (assert (equal "bar" (documentation 'bug-643958-test 'function))))
376 (with-test (:name (:endianness :in *features*))
377 (assert
378 (or (member :big-endian *features*)
379 (member :little-endian *features*))))
381 (with-test (:name (apropos :inherited :bug-1364413))
382 (let* ((package (make-package "BUGGALO" :use nil))
383 (symbol (intern "BUGGALO" package)))
384 (export (list symbol) package)
385 (let ((inherits (make-package "BUGGALO-INHERITS" :use (list package))))
386 (assert (= (length (apropos-list "BUGGALO" package)) 1))
387 (assert (= (length (apropos-list "BUGGALO" inherits)) 1))
388 (delete-package inherits))
389 (delete-package package)))
391 (with-test (:name (apropos :inherited :external-only :bug-1364413))
392 (let* ((package (make-package "BUGGALO" :use nil))
393 (symbol (intern "BUGGALO" package)))
394 (export (list symbol) package)
395 (let ((inherits (make-package "BUGGALO-INHERITS" :use (list package))))
396 (assert (= (length (apropos-list "BUGGALO" package t)) 1))
397 (assert (= (length (apropos-list "BUGGALO" inherits t)) 0))
398 (delete-package inherits))
399 (delete-package package)))
401 (with-test (:name (apropos :once-only))
402 (assert (= (length (apropos-list "UPDATE-INSTANCE-FOR-REDEFINED-CLASS")) 1)))
404 (defgeneric gf-arglist-1 (x &key y))
405 (defmethod gf-arglist-1 (x &key (y nil) (z nil z-p))
406 (list x y z z-p))
408 (defgeneric gf-arglist-2 (x &key y))
409 (defmethod gf-arglist-2 ((x integer) &key (y nil) ((z f) nil z-p)) (list x y f z-p))
410 (defmethod gf-arglist-2 ((x string) &key (y nil) ((z w) nil z-p)) (list x y w z-p))
412 (defgeneric gf-arglist-3 (x &key ((:y y))))
414 (defgeneric gf-arglist-4 (x &key ((:y z))))
416 (defgeneric gf-arglist-5 (x &key y))
417 (defmethod gf-arglist-5 ((x integer) &key z &allow-other-keys) (list x z))
419 (with-test (:name (:generic-function-pretty-arglist 1))
420 (assert (equal (sb-pcl::generic-function-pretty-arglist #'gf-arglist-1)
421 '(x &key y z))))
422 (with-test (:name (:generic-function-pretty-arglist 2))
423 (assert (or (equal (sb-pcl::generic-function-pretty-arglist #'gf-arglist-2)
424 '(x &key y ((z w))))
425 (equal (sb-pcl::generic-function-pretty-arglist #'gf-arglist-2)
426 '(x &key y ((z f)))))))
427 (with-test (:name (:generic-function-pretty-arglist 3))
428 (assert (equal (sb-pcl::generic-function-pretty-arglist #'gf-arglist-3)
429 '(x &key y))))
430 (with-test (:name (:generic-function-pretty-arglist 4))
431 (assert (equal (sb-pcl::generic-function-pretty-arglist #'gf-arglist-4)
432 '(x &key ((:y z))))))
433 (with-test (:name (:generic-function-pretty-arglist 5))
434 (assert (equal (sb-pcl::generic-function-pretty-arglist #'gf-arglist-5)
435 '(x &key y z &allow-other-keys))))
437 (defgeneric traced-gf (x))
438 (defmethod traced-gf (x) (1+ x))
440 (with-test (:name (trace generic-function))
441 (assert (= (traced-gf 3) 4))
442 (trace traced-gf)
443 (let ((output (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*)
444 (assert (= (traced-gf 3) 4)))))
445 (assert (> (length output) 0))
446 (assert (search "0: (TRACED-GF 3)" output))
447 (assert (search "0: TRACED-GF returned 4" output)))
448 (assert (typep #'traced-gf 'standard-generic-function))
449 (untrace traced-gf)
450 (let ((output (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*)
451 (assert (= (traced-gf 3) 4)))))
452 (assert (= (length output) 0))))
454 (untrace traced-gf)
455 (with-test (:name (trace generic-function :methods t))
456 (trace :methods t traced-gf)
457 (let ((output (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*)
458 (assert (= (traced-gf 4) 5)))))
459 (assert (> (length output) 0))
460 (assert (search "0: (TRACED-GF 4)" output))
461 (assert (search "0: TRACED-GF returned 5" output))
462 (assert (search "1: ((METHOD TRACED-GF (T)) 4)" output))
463 (assert (search "1: (METHOD TRACED-GF (T)) returned 5" output)))
464 (untrace traced-gf)
465 (let ((output (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*)
466 (assert (= (traced-gf 3) 4)))))
467 (assert (= (length output) 0))))
469 (defmethod traced-gf :before (x) :before)
470 (defmethod traced-gf :after ((x integer)) :after)
472 (untrace traced-gf)
473 (with-test (:name (trace generic-function :methods :combined))
474 (trace :methods t traced-gf)
475 (let ((output (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*)
476 (assert (= (traced-gf 5) 6)))))
477 (assert (> (length output) 0))
478 (assert (search "0: (TRACED-GF 5)" output))
479 (assert (search "0: TRACED-GF returned 6" output))
480 (assert (search "1: ((SB-PCL::COMBINED-METHOD TRACED-GF) 5)" output))
481 (assert (search "1: (SB-PCL::COMBINED-METHOD TRACED-GF) returned 6" output))
482 (assert (search "2: ((METHOD TRACED-GF :BEFORE (T)) 5)" output))
483 (assert (search "2: (METHOD TRACED-GF :BEFORE (T)) returned :BEFORE" output))
484 (assert (search "2: ((METHOD TRACED-GF :AFTER (INTEGER)) 5)" output))
485 (assert (search "2: (METHOD TRACED-GF :AFTER (INTEGER)) returned :AFTER" output))
486 (assert (search "2: ((METHOD TRACED-GF (T)) 5)" output))
487 (assert (search "2: (METHOD TRACED-GF (T)) returned 6" output)))
488 (untrace traced-gf)
489 (let ((output (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*)
490 (assert (= (traced-gf 3) 4)))))
491 (assert (= (length output) 0))))
493 (let* ((mf (lambda (args nms)
494 (declare (ignore nms))
495 (* 2 (car args))))
496 (m (make-instance 'standard-method
497 :specializers (list (find-class 'integer))
498 :qualifiers nil
499 :lambda-list '(x)
500 :function mf)))
501 (add-method #'traced-gf m))
503 (untrace traced-gf)
504 (with-test (:name (trace generic-function :methods :method-function))
505 (trace :methods t traced-gf)
506 (let ((output (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*)
507 (assert (= (traced-gf 5) 10)))))
508 (assert (> (length output) 0))
509 (assert (search "0: (TRACED-GF 5)" output))
510 (assert (search "0: TRACED-GF returned 10" output))
511 (assert (search "1: ((SB-PCL::COMBINED-METHOD TRACED-GF) 5)" output))
512 (assert (search "1: (SB-PCL::COMBINED-METHOD TRACED-GF) returned 10" output))
513 (assert (search "2: ((METHOD TRACED-GF :BEFORE (T)) 5)" output))
514 (assert (search "2: (METHOD TRACED-GF :BEFORE (T)) returned :BEFORE" output))
515 (assert (search "2: ((METHOD TRACED-GF :AFTER (INTEGER)) 5)" output))
516 (assert (search "2: (METHOD TRACED-GF :AFTER (INTEGER)) returned :AFTER" output))
517 (assert (search "2: ((METHOD TRACED-GF (INTEGER)) 5)" output))
518 (assert (search "2: (METHOD TRACED-GF (INTEGER)) returned 10" output)))
519 (untrace traced-gf)
520 (let ((output (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*)
521 (assert (= (traced-gf 5) 10)))))
522 (assert (= (length output) 0))))
524 (with-test (:name :undefined-fun-macro-error)
525 (assert (search "is a macro" (princ-to-string (make-condition 'undefined-function :name 'cond)))))
527 (defun testme (a b) (values "nice" (+ a b)))
528 (compile 'testme)
529 (defparameter trace-this-f1 #'testme)
530 (sb-int:encapsulate-funobj trace-this-f1 'testme)
532 (defun funky (a b c) (lambda (z) (values "nice" a b (+ (incf a) (decf c) z))))
533 (compile 'funky)
534 (defparameter trace-this-f2 (funky 10 'wat 19))
535 (setf (symbol-function 'funky-closure) trace-this-f2)
536 (sb-int:encapsulate-funobj trace-this-f2 'trace-this-f2)
538 (with-test (:name :trace-funobj-encapsulation)
539 (assert (search "returned \"nice\""
540 (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*) (funcall trace-this-f1 1 2))))
541 (assert (search "returned \"nice\""
542 (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*) (testme 3 4))))
543 (assert (search "returned \"nice\""
544 (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*) (funcall trace-this-f2 1))))
545 (assert (search "returned \"nice\""
546 (with-output-to-string (*trace-output*) (funky-closure 5)))))
548 ;;;
549 (with-test (:name :describe-function-not-named-by-designator)
550 (describe (formatter "~&~A~A") (make-broadcast-stream))) ; should not crash
552 (defun test-intercepted-load (arg) (apply #'load arg (list :foo :bar :allow-other-keys t)))
553 (compile 'test-intercepted-load)
554 (sb-int:encapsulate 'load 'interceptor
555 (compile nil '(lambda (realfun pathname &rest things)
556 (if (eq pathname :testme)
557 :yes
558 (apply realfun pathname things)))))
560 (with-test (:name :load-encapsulatable)
561 (assert (eq (test-intercepted-load :testme) :yes)))
563 ;;;; success