Store layout in header of funcallable-instance if #+compact-instance-header
[sbcl.git] / src / compiler / generic / objdef.lisp
1 ;;;; machine-independent aspects of the object representation
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!VM")
14 ;;;; KLUDGE: The primitive objects here may look like self-contained
15 ;;;; definitions, but in general they're not. In particular, if you
16 ;;;; try to add a slot to them, beware of the following:
17 ;;;; * The GC scavenging code (and for all I know other GC code too)
18 ;;;; is not automatically generated from these layouts, but instead
19 ;;;; was hand-written to correspond to them. The offsets are
20 ;;;; automatically propagated into the GC scavenging code, but the
21 ;;;; existence of slots, and whether they should be scavenged, is
22 ;;;; not automatically propagated. Thus e.g. if you add a
23 ;;;; SIMPLE-FUN-DEBUG-INFO slot holding a tagged object which needs
24 ;;;; to be GCed, you need to tweak scav_code_header() and
25 ;;;; verify_space() in gencgc.c, and the corresponding code in gc.c.
26 ;;;; * The src/runtime/print.c code (used by LDB) is implemented
27 ;;;; using hand-written lists of slot names, which aren't automatically
28 ;;;; generated from the code in this file.
29 ;;;; * Various code (e.g. STATIC-FSET in genesis.lisp) is hard-wired
30 ;;;; to know the name of the last slot of the object the code works
31 ;;;; with, and implicitly to know that the last slot is special (being
32 ;;;; the beginning of an arbitrary-length sequence of bytes following
33 ;;;; the fixed-layout slots).
34 ;;;; -- WHN 2001-12-29
36 ;;;; the primitive objects themselves
38 (!define-primitive-object (cons :type cons
39 :lowtag list-pointer-lowtag
40 :alloc-trans cons)
41 (car :ref-trans car :set-trans sb!c::%rplaca :init :arg
42 :cas-trans %compare-and-swap-car)
43 (cdr :ref-trans cdr :set-trans sb!c::%rplacd :init :arg
44 :cas-trans %compare-and-swap-cdr))
46 (!define-primitive-object (instance :lowtag instance-pointer-lowtag
47 :widetag instance-header-widetag
48 :alloc-trans %make-instance)
49 (slots :rest-p t))
51 (!define-primitive-object (bignum :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
52 :widetag bignum-widetag
53 :alloc-trans sb!bignum::%allocate-bignum)
54 (digits :rest-p t :c-type #!-alpha "sword_t" #!+alpha "u32"))
56 (!define-primitive-object (ratio :type ratio
57 :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
58 :widetag ratio-widetag
59 :alloc-trans %make-ratio)
60 (numerator :type integer
61 :ref-known (flushable movable)
62 :ref-trans %numerator
63 :init :arg)
64 (denominator :type integer
65 :ref-known (flushable movable)
66 :ref-trans %denominator
67 :init :arg))
69 #!-64-bit
70 (!define-primitive-object (single-float :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
71 :widetag single-float-widetag)
72 (value :c-type "float"))
74 (!define-primitive-object (double-float :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
75 :widetag double-float-widetag)
76 #!-64-bit (filler)
77 (value :c-type "double" :length #.(/ 64 n-word-bits)))
79 #!+long-float
80 (!define-primitive-object (long-float :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
81 :widetag long-float-widetag)
82 #!+sparc (filler)
83 (value :c-type "long double" :length #!+x86 3 #!+sparc 4))
85 (!define-primitive-object (complex :type complex
86 :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
87 :widetag complex-widetag
88 :alloc-trans %make-complex)
89 (real :type real
90 :ref-known (flushable movable)
91 :ref-trans %realpart
92 :init :arg)
93 (imag :type real
94 :ref-known (flushable movable)
95 :ref-trans %imagpart
96 :init :arg))
98 (!define-primitive-object (array :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
99 :widetag t)
100 ;; FILL-POINTER of an ARRAY is in the same place as LENGTH of a
102 (fill-pointer :type index
103 :ref-trans %array-fill-pointer
104 :ref-known (flushable foldable)
105 :set-trans (setf %array-fill-pointer)
106 :set-known ())
107 (fill-pointer-p :type (member t nil)
108 :ref-trans %array-fill-pointer-p
109 :ref-known (flushable foldable)
110 :set-trans (setf %array-fill-pointer-p)
111 :set-known ())
112 (elements :type index
113 :ref-trans %array-available-elements
114 :ref-known (flushable foldable)
115 :set-trans (setf %array-available-elements)
116 :set-known ())
117 (data :type array
118 ;; FIXME: terrible name for the accessor.
119 ;; It is in general just an ARRAY,
120 ;; and should be named %ARRAY-DATA.
121 :ref-trans %array-data-vector
122 :ref-known (flushable foldable)
123 :set-trans (setf %array-data-vector)
124 :set-known ())
125 (displacement :type (or index null)
126 :ref-trans %array-displacement
127 :ref-known (flushable foldable)
128 :set-trans (setf %array-displacement)
129 :set-known ())
130 (displaced-p :type t
131 :ref-trans %array-displaced-p
132 :ref-known (flushable foldable)
133 :set-trans (setf %array-displaced-p)
134 :set-known ())
135 (displaced-from :type list
136 :ref-trans %array-displaced-from
137 :ref-known (flushable)
138 :set-trans (setf %array-displaced-from)
139 :set-known ())
140 (dimensions :rest-p t))
142 (!define-primitive-object (vector :type vector
143 :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
144 :widetag t)
145 ;; FILL-POINTER of an ARRAY is in the same place as LENGTH of a
147 (length :ref-trans sb!c::vector-length
148 :type index)
149 (data :rest-p t :c-type #!-alpha "uword_t" #!+alpha "u32"))
151 ;;; The header contains the size of slots and constants in words.
152 (!define-primitive-object (code :type code-component
153 :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
154 :widetag t)
155 ;; This is the size of instructions in bytes, not aligned.
156 ;; Adding the size from the header and aligned code-size will yield
157 ;; the total size of the code-object.
158 (code-size :type index
159 :ref-known (flushable movable)
160 :ref-trans %code-code-size)
161 (debug-info :type t
162 :ref-known (flushable)
163 :ref-trans %code-debug-info
164 :set-known ()
165 :set-trans (setf %code-debug-info))
166 #!-64-bit
167 (n-entries :type fixnum
168 :set-known ()
169 :set-trans (setf %code-n-entries)
170 :ref-trans %code-n-entries
171 :ref-known (flushable foldable))
172 (constants :rest-p t))
174 (!define-primitive-object (fdefn :type fdefn
175 :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
176 :widetag fdefn-widetag)
177 (name :ref-trans fdefn-name
178 :set-trans %set-fdefn-name :set-known ())
179 (fun :type (or function null) :ref-trans fdefn-fun)
180 (raw-addr :c-type #!-alpha "char *" #!+alpha "u32"))
182 ;;; a simple function (as opposed to hairier things like closures
183 ;;; which are also subtypes of Common Lisp's FUNCTION type)
184 (!define-primitive-object (simple-fun :type function
185 :lowtag fun-pointer-lowtag
186 :widetag simple-fun-header-widetag)
187 #!-(or x86 x86-64) (self :ref-trans %simple-fun-self
188 :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-self))
189 ;; FIXME: we don't currently detect/prevent at compile-time the bad
190 ;; scenario this comment claims to disallow, as determined by re-enabling
191 ;; these SET- and REF- specifiers, which led to a cold-init crash.
192 #!+(or x86 x86-64) (self
193 ;; KLUDGE: There's no :SET-KNOWN, :SET-TRANS, :REF-KNOWN, or
194 ;; :REF-TRANS here in this case. Instead, there's separate
196 ;; compiler/x86/system.lisp to define and declare them by
197 ;; hand. I don't know why this is, but that's (basically)
198 ;; the way it was done in CMU CL, and it works. (It's not
199 ;; exactly the same way it was done in CMU CL in that CMU
200 ;; CL's allows duplicate DEFKNOWNs, blithely overwriting any
201 ;; previous data associated with the previous DEFKNOWN, and
202 ;; that property was used to mask the definitions here. In
203 ;; SBCL as of that's not allowed -- too confusing!
204 ;; -- so we have to explicitly suppress the DEFKNOWNish
205 ;; stuff here in order to allow this old hack to work in the
206 ;; new world. -- WHN 2001-08-82
208 (name :ref-known (flushable)
209 :ref-trans %simple-fun-name
210 :set-known ()
211 :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-name))
212 (arglist :type list
213 :ref-known (flushable)
214 :ref-trans %simple-fun-arglist
215 :set-known ()
216 :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-arglist))
217 (type :ref-known (flushable)
218 ;; %%SIMPLE-FUN-TYPE is used only by %SIMPLE-FUN-TYPE.
219 ;; Nobody should care that %SIMPLE-FUN-TYPE isn't open-coded.
220 :ref-trans %%simple-fun-type
221 :set-known ()
222 :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-type))
223 ;; NIL for empty, STRING for a docstring, SIMPLE-VECTOR for XREFS, and (CONS
224 ;; STRING SIMPLE-VECTOR) for both.
225 (info :init :null
226 :ref-trans %simple-fun-info
227 :ref-known (flushable)
228 :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-info)
229 :set-known ())
230 ;; the SB!C::DEBUG-FUN object corresponding to this object, or NIL for none
231 #+nil ; FIXME: doesn't work (gotcha, lowly maintenoid!) See notes on bug 137.
232 (debug-fun :ref-known (flushable)
233 :ref-trans %simple-fun-debug-fun
234 :set-known ()
235 :set-trans (setf %simple-fun-debug-fun))
236 (code :rest-p t :c-type "unsigned char"))
238 (!define-primitive-object (return-pc :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag :widetag t)
239 (return-point :c-type "unsigned char" :rest-p t))
241 (!define-primitive-object (closure :lowtag fun-pointer-lowtag
242 :widetag closure-header-widetag)
243 ;; %CLOSURE-FUN should never be invoked on x86[-64].
244 ;; The above remark at %SIMPLE-FUN-SELF is relevant in its sentiment,
245 ;; but actually no longer true - the confusing situation is not caught
246 ;; until too late. But at least this one was nonfatal.
247 #!-(or x86 x86-64) (fun :init :arg :ref-trans %closure-fun)
248 #!+(or x86 x86-64) (fun :init :arg)
249 (info :rest-p t))
251 (!define-primitive-object (funcallable-instance
252 :lowtag fun-pointer-lowtag
253 :widetag funcallable-instance-header-widetag
254 :alloc-trans %make-funcallable-instance)
255 (trampoline :init :funcallable-instance-tramp)
256 ;; TODO: if we can switch places of 'function' and 'fsc-instance-slots'
257 ;; (at least for the builds with compact-instance-header)
258 ;; then for both funcallable and non-funcallable instances,
259 ;; the CLOS slot vector will be in the word 5 bytes past the tagged pointer.
260 ;; This shouldn't be too hard to arrange, since nothing needs to know where
261 ;; the tagged function lives except the funcallable instance trampoline.
262 (function :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans %funcallable-instance-function
263 :set-known () :set-trans (setf %funcallable-instance-function))
264 (info :rest-p t))
266 (!define-primitive-object (value-cell :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
267 :widetag value-cell-header-widetag
268 ;; FIXME: We also have an explicit VOP
269 ;; for this. Is this needed as well?
270 :alloc-trans make-value-cell)
271 (value :set-trans value-cell-set
272 :set-known ()
273 :ref-trans value-cell-ref
274 :ref-known (flushable)
275 :init :arg))
277 (!define-primitive-object (sap :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
278 :widetag sap-widetag)
279 (pointer :c-type "char *" :pointer t))
282 (!define-primitive-object (weak-pointer :type weak-pointer
283 :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
284 :widetag weak-pointer-widetag
285 :alloc-trans make-weak-pointer)
286 ;; FIXME: SB!C should be almost *anything* but that. Probably SB!KERNEL
287 (value :ref-trans sb!c::%weak-pointer-value :ref-known (flushable)
288 :init :arg)
289 (broken :type (member t nil)
290 :ref-trans sb!c::%weak-pointer-broken :ref-known (flushable)
291 :init :null)
292 (next :c-type #!-alpha "struct weak_pointer *" #!+alpha "u32"))
294 ;;;; other non-heap data blocks
296 (!define-primitive-object (binding)
297 value
298 symbol) ;; on sb-thread, this is actually a tls-index
300 (!define-primitive-object (unwind-block)
301 (uwp :c-type #!-alpha "struct unwind_block *" #!+alpha "u32")
302 (cfp :c-type #!-alpha "lispobj *" #!+alpha "u32")
303 #!-(or x86 x86-64) code
304 entry-pc
305 #!+win32 next-seh-frame
306 #!+win32 seh-frame-handler)
308 (!define-primitive-object (catch-block)
309 (uwp :c-type #!-alpha "struct unwind_block *" #!+alpha "u32")
310 (cfp :c-type #!-alpha "lispobj *" #!+alpha "u32")
311 #!-(or x86 x86-64) code
312 entry-pc
313 #!+(and win32 x86) next-seh-frame
314 #!+(and win32 x86) seh-frame-handler
316 (previous-catch :c-type #!-alpha "struct catch_block *" #!+alpha "u32"))
318 ;;;; symbols
320 (!define-primitive-object (symbol :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
321 :widetag symbol-header-widetag
322 :alloc-trans %%make-symbol
323 :type symbol)
325 ;; Beware when changing this definition. NIL-the-symbol is defined
326 ;; using this layout, and NIL-the-end-of-list-marker is the cons
327 ;; ( NIL . NIL ), living in the first two slots of NIL-the-symbol
328 ;; (conses have no header). Careful selection of lowtags ensures
329 ;; that the same pointer can be used for both purposes:
331 ;; subtract 3 from (SB-KERNEL:GET-LISP-OBJ-ADDRESS 'NIL) you get the
332 ;; first data slot, and if you subtract 7 you get a symbol header.
334 ;; also the CAR of NIL-as-end-of-list
335 (value :init :unbound
336 :set-trans %set-symbol-global-value
337 :set-known ())
338 ;; also the CDR of NIL-as-end-of-list. Its reffer needs special
339 ;; care for this reason, as hash values must be fixnums.
340 (hash :set-trans %set-symbol-hash)
342 (info :ref-trans symbol-info :ref-known (flushable)
343 :set-trans (setf symbol-info)
344 :set-known ()
345 :cas-trans %compare-and-swap-symbol-info
346 :type (or simple-vector list)
347 :init :null)
348 (name :ref-trans symbol-name :init :arg)
349 (package :ref-trans symbol-package
350 :set-trans %set-symbol-package
351 :init :null)
352 ;; 0 tls-index means no tls-index is allocated
353 ;; 64-bit put the tls-index in the header word.
354 #!+(and sb-thread (not 64-bit))
355 (tls-index :ref-known (flushable) :ref-trans symbol-tls-index))
357 (!define-primitive-object (complex-single-float
358 :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
359 :widetag complex-single-float-widetag)
360 #!+64-bit
361 (data :c-type "struct { float data[2]; } ")
362 #!-64-bit
363 (real :c-type "float")
364 #!-64-bit
365 (imag :c-type "float"))
367 (!define-primitive-object (complex-double-float
368 :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
369 :widetag complex-double-float-widetag)
370 (filler)
371 (real :c-type "double" :length #.(/ 64 n-word-bits))
372 (imag :c-type "double" :length #.(/ 64 n-word-bits)))
374 #!+sb-simd-pack
375 (!define-primitive-object (simd-pack
376 :lowtag other-pointer-lowtag
377 :widetag simd-pack-widetag)
378 (tag :ref-trans %simd-pack-tag
379 :attributes (movable flushable)
380 :type fixnum)
381 (lo-value :c-type "long" :type (unsigned-byte 64))
382 (hi-value :c-type "long" :type (unsigned-byte 64)))
384 ;;; this isn't actually a lisp object at all, it's a c structure that lives
385 ;;; in c-land. However, we need sight of so many parts of it from Lisp that
386 ;;; it makes sense to define it here anyway, so that the GENESIS machinery
387 ;;; can take care of maintaining Lisp and C versions.
388 (!define-primitive-object (thread)
389 ;; no_tls_value_marker is borrowed very briefly at thread startup to
390 ;; pass the address of initial-function into new_thread_trampoline.
391 ;; tls[0] = NO_TLS_VALUE_MARKER_WIDETAG because a the tls index slot
392 ;; of a symbol is initialized to zero
393 (no-tls-value-marker)
394 (os-thread :c-type "os_thread_t")
395 ;; This is the original address at which the memory was allocated,
396 ;; which may have different alignment then what we prefer to use.
397 ;; Kept here so that when the thread dies we can release the whole
398 ;; memory we reserved.
399 (os-address :c-type "void *" :pointer t)
401 ;; Keep these next six slots (alloc-region being figured in as 1 slot)
402 ;; near the beginning of the structure so that x86[-64] assembly code
403 ;; can use single-byte displacements from thread-base-tn.
404 ;; Doing so reduces code size for allocation sequences and special variable
405 ;; manipulations by fixing their TLS offsets to be < 2^7, the largest
406 ;; aligned displacement fitting in a signed byte.
407 #!+gencgc (alloc-region :c-type "struct alloc_region" :length 5)
408 #!+sb-thread (pseudo-atomic-bits #!+(or x86 x86-64) :special #!+(or x86 x86-64) *pseudo-atomic-bits*)
409 ;; next two not used in C, but this wires the TLS offsets to small values
410 #!+(and x86-64 sb-thread)
411 (current-catch-block :special *current-catch-block*)
412 #!+(and x86-64 sb-thread)
413 (current-unwind-protect-block :special *current-unwind-protect-block*)
414 (alien-stack-pointer :c-type "lispobj *" :pointer t
415 :special *alien-stack-pointer*)
416 (binding-stack-pointer :c-type "lispobj *" :pointer t
417 :special *binding-stack-pointer*)
418 (stepping)
419 ;; END of slots to keep near the beginning.
421 ;; These aren't accessed (much) from Lisp, so don't really care
422 ;; if it takes a 4-byte displacement.
423 (alien-stack-start :c-type "lispobj *" :pointer t)
424 (binding-stack-start :c-type "lispobj *" :pointer t
425 :special *binding-stack-start*)
427 #!+sb-thread
428 (os-attr :c-type "pthread_attr_t *" :pointer t)
429 #!+(and sb-thread (not sb-safepoint))
430 (state-sem :c-type "os_sem_t *" :pointer t)
431 #!+(and sb-thread (not sb-safepoint))
432 (state-not-running-sem :c-type "os_sem_t *" :pointer t)
433 #!+(and sb-thread (not sb-safepoint))
434 (state-not-running-waitcount :c-type "int" :length 1)
435 #!+(and sb-thread (not sb-safepoint))
436 (state-not-stopped-sem :c-type "os_sem_t *" :pointer t)
437 #!+(and sb-thread (not sb-safepoint))
438 (state-not-stopped-waitcount :c-type "int" :length 1)
439 (control-stack-start :c-type "lispobj *" :pointer t
440 :special *control-stack-start*)
441 (control-stack-end :c-type "lispobj *" :pointer t
442 :special *control-stack-end*)
443 (control-stack-guard-page-protected)
444 #!+win32 (private-events :c-type "struct private_events" :length 2)
445 (this :c-type "struct thread *" :pointer t)
446 (prev :c-type "struct thread *" :pointer t)
447 (next :c-type "struct thread *" :pointer t)
448 ;; starting, running, suspended, dead
449 (state :c-type "lispobj")
451 #!+x86 (tls-cookie) ; LDT index
452 (interrupt-data :c-type "struct interrupt_data *"
453 :pointer t)
454 ;; For various reasons related to pseudo-atomic and interrupt
455 ;; handling, we need to know if the machine context is in Lisp code
456 ;; or not. On non-threaded targets, this is a global variable in
457 ;; the runtime, but it's clearly a per-thread value.
458 #!+sb-thread
459 (foreign-function-call-active :c-type "boolean")
460 ;; Same as above for the location of the current control stack frame.
461 #!+(and sb-thread (not (or x86 x86-64)))
462 (control-frame-pointer :c-type "lispobj *")
463 ;; Same as above for the location of the current control stack
464 ;; pointer. This is also used on threaded x86oids to allow LDB to
465 ;; print an approximation of the CSP as needed.
466 #!+sb-thread
467 (control-stack-pointer :c-type "lispobj *")
468 #!+mach-exception-handler
469 (mach-port-name :c-type "mach_port_name_t")
470 ;; Context base pointer for running on top of system libraries built using
471 ;; -fomit-frame-pointer. Currently truly required and implemented only
472 ;; for (and win32 x86-64), but could be generalized to other platforms if
473 ;; needed:
474 #!+win32 (carried-base-pointer :c-type "os_context_register_t")
475 #!+sb-safepoint (csp-around-foreign-call :c-type "lispobj *")
476 #!+sb-safepoint (pc-around-foreign-call :c-type "lispobj *")
477 #!+win32 (synchronous-io-handle-and-flag :c-type "HANDLE" :length 1)
478 #!+(and sb-safepoint-strictly (not win32))
479 (sprof-alloc-region :c-type "struct alloc_region" :length 5)
480 (interrupt-contexts :c-type "os_context_t *" :rest-p t :pointer t))