[sbcl.git] / src / code / room.lisp
1 ;;;; heap-grovelling memory usage stuff
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; This software is derived from the CMU CL system, which was
7 ;;;; written at Carnegie Mellon University and released into the
8 ;;;; public domain. The software is in the public domain and is
9 ;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
10 ;;;; files for more information.
12 (in-package "SB!VM")
15 ;;;; type format database
17 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
18 (def!struct (room-info (:make-load-form-fun just-dump-it-normally))
19 ;; the name of this type
20 (name nil :type symbol)
21 ;; kind of type (how to reconstitute an object)
22 (kind (missing-arg)
23 :type (member :other :small-other :closure :instance :list
24 :code :vector-nil :weak-pointer))))
26 (defun room-info-type-name (info)
27 (if (specialized-array-element-type-properties-p info)
28 (saetp-primitive-type-name info)
29 (room-info-name info)))
31 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
33 (defvar *meta-room-info* (make-array 256 :initial-element nil))
35 (dolist (obj *primitive-objects*)
36 (let ((widetag (primitive-object-widetag obj))
37 (lowtag (primitive-object-lowtag obj))
38 (name (primitive-object-name obj)))
39 (when (and (eq lowtag 'other-pointer-lowtag)
40 (not (member widetag '(t nil)))
41 (not (eq name 'weak-pointer)))
42 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (symbol-value widetag))
43 (make-room-info :name name
44 :kind (if (eq name 'symbol)
45 :small-other
46 :other))))))
48 (dolist (code (list #!+sb-unicode complex-character-string-widetag
49 complex-base-string-widetag simple-array-widetag
50 complex-bit-vector-widetag complex-vector-widetag
51 complex-array-widetag complex-vector-nil-widetag))
52 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* code)
53 (make-room-info :name 'array-header
54 :kind :other)))
56 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* bignum-widetag)
57 (make-room-info :name 'bignum
58 :kind :other))
60 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* closure-header-widetag)
61 (make-room-info :name 'closure
62 :kind :closure))
64 (dotimes (i (length *specialized-array-element-type-properties*))
65 (let ((saetp (aref *specialized-array-element-type-properties* i)))
66 (when (saetp-specifier saetp) ;; SIMPLE-ARRAY-NIL is a special case.
67 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (saetp-typecode saetp)) saetp))))
69 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* simple-array-nil-widetag)
70 (make-room-info :name 'simple-array-nil
71 :kind :vector-nil))
73 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* code-header-widetag)
74 (make-room-info :name 'code
75 :kind :code))
77 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* instance-header-widetag)
78 (make-room-info :name 'instance
79 :kind :instance))
81 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* funcallable-instance-header-widetag)
82 (make-room-info :name 'funcallable-instance
83 :kind :closure))
85 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* weak-pointer-widetag)
86 (make-room-info :name 'weak-pointer
87 :kind :weak-pointer))
89 (let ((cons-info (make-room-info :name 'cons
90 :kind :list)))
91 ;; A cons consists of two words, both of which may be either a
92 ;; pointer or immediate data. According to the runtime this means
93 ;; either a fixnum, a character, an unbound-marker, a single-float
94 ;; on a 64-bit system, or a pointer.
95 (dotimes (i (ash 1 (- n-widetag-bits n-fixnum-tag-bits)))
96 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (ash i n-fixnum-tag-bits)) cons-info))
98 (dotimes (i (ash 1 (- n-widetag-bits n-lowtag-bits)))
99 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (logior (ash i n-lowtag-bits)
100 instance-pointer-lowtag))
101 cons-info)
102 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (logior (ash i n-lowtag-bits)
103 list-pointer-lowtag))
104 cons-info)
105 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (logior (ash i n-lowtag-bits)
106 fun-pointer-lowtag))
107 cons-info)
108 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* (logior (ash i n-lowtag-bits)
109 other-pointer-lowtag))
110 cons-info))
112 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* character-widetag) cons-info)
114 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* unbound-marker-widetag) cons-info)
116 ;; Single-floats are immediate data on 64-bit systems.
117 #!+64-bit
118 (setf (svref *meta-room-info* single-float-widetag) cons-info))
120 ) ; EVAL-WHEN
122 (defparameter *room-info*
123 ;; SAETP instances don't dump properly from XC (or possibly
124 ;; normally), and we'd rather share structure with the master copy
125 ;; if we can anyway, so...
126 (make-array 256
127 :initial-contents
128 #.`(list
129 ,@(map 'list
130 (lambda (info)
131 (if (specialized-array-element-type-properties-p info)
132 `(aref *specialized-array-element-type-properties*
133 ,(position info *specialized-array-element-type-properties*))
134 info))
135 *meta-room-info*))))
136 (deftype spaces () '(member :static :dynamic :read-only))
140 ;;; Since they're represented as counts of words, we should never
141 ;;; need bignums to represent these:
142 (declaim (type fixnum
143 *static-space-free-pointer*
144 *read-only-space-free-pointer*))
146 #!-sb-fluid
147 (declaim (inline current-dynamic-space-start))
148 #!+gencgc
149 (defun current-dynamic-space-start () sb!vm:dynamic-space-start)
150 #!-gencgc
151 (defun current-dynamic-space-start ()
152 (extern-alien "current_dynamic_space" unsigned-long))
154 (defun space-bounds (space)
155 (declare (type spaces space))
156 (ecase space
157 (:static
158 (values (int-sap static-space-start)
159 (int-sap (ash *static-space-free-pointer* n-fixnum-tag-bits))))
160 (:read-only
161 (values (int-sap read-only-space-start)
162 (int-sap (ash *read-only-space-free-pointer* n-fixnum-tag-bits))))
163 (:dynamic
164 (values (int-sap (current-dynamic-space-start))
165 (dynamic-space-free-pointer)))))
167 ;;; Return the total number of bytes used in SPACE.
168 (defun space-bytes (space)
169 (multiple-value-bind (start end) (space-bounds space)
170 (- (sap-int end) (sap-int start))))
172 ;;; Round SIZE (in bytes) up to the next dualword boundary. A dualword
173 ;;; is eight bytes on platforms with 32-bit word size and 16 bytes on
174 ;;; platforms with 64-bit word size.
175 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline round-to-dualword))
176 (defun round-to-dualword (size)
177 (logand (the word (+ size lowtag-mask)) (lognot lowtag-mask)))
179 ;;; Return the vector OBJ, its WIDETAG, and the number of octets
180 ;;; required for its storage (including padding and alignment).
181 (defun reconstitute-vector (obj saetp)
182 (declare (type (simple-array * (*)) obj)
183 (type specialized-array-element-type-properties saetp))
184 (let* ((length (+ (length obj)
185 (saetp-n-pad-elements saetp)))
186 (n-bits (saetp-n-bits saetp))
187 (alignment-pad (floor 7 n-bits))
188 (n-data-octets (if (>= n-bits 8)
189 (* length (ash n-bits -3))
190 (ash (* (+ length alignment-pad)
191 n-bits)
192 -3))))
193 (values obj
194 (saetp-typecode saetp)
195 (round-to-dualword (+ (* vector-data-offset n-word-bytes)
196 n-data-octets)))))
198 ;;; Given the address (untagged, aligned, and interpreted as a FIXNUM)
199 ;;; of a lisp object, return the object, its "type code" (either
200 ;;; LIST-POINTER-LOWTAG or a header widetag), and the number of octets
201 ;;; required for its storage (including padding and alignment). Note
202 ;;; that this function is designed to NOT CONS, even if called
203 ;;; out-of-line.
204 (defun reconstitute-object (address)
205 (let* ((object-sap (int-sap (get-lisp-obj-address address)))
206 (header (sap-ref-word object-sap 0))
207 (widetag (logand header widetag-mask))
208 (header-value (ash header (- n-widetag-bits)))
209 (info (svref *room-info* widetag)))
210 (macrolet
211 ((boxed-size (header-value)
212 `(round-to-dualword (ash (1+ ,header-value) word-shift)))
213 (tagged-object (tag)
214 `(%make-lisp-obj (logior ,tag (get-lisp-obj-address address)))))
215 (cond
216 ;; Pick off arrays, as they're the only plausible cause for
217 ;; a non-nil, non-ROOM-INFO object as INFO.
218 ((specialized-array-element-type-properties-p info)
219 (reconstitute-vector (tagged-object other-pointer-lowtag) info))
221 ((null info)
222 (error "Unrecognized widetag #x~2,'0X in reconstitute-object"
223 widetag))
226 (case (room-info-kind info)
227 (:list
228 (values (tagged-object list-pointer-lowtag)
229 list-pointer-lowtag
230 (* 2 n-word-bytes)))
232 (:closure
233 (values (tagged-object fun-pointer-lowtag)
234 widetag
235 (boxed-size header-value)))
237 (:instance
238 (values (tagged-object instance-pointer-lowtag)
239 widetag
240 (boxed-size header-value)))
242 (:other
243 (values (tagged-object other-pointer-lowtag)
244 widetag
245 (boxed-size header-value)))
247 (:small-other
248 (values (tagged-object other-pointer-lowtag)
249 widetag
250 (boxed-size (logand header-value #xff))))
252 (:vector-nil
253 (values (tagged-object other-pointer-lowtag)
254 simple-array-nil-widetag
255 (* 2 n-word-bytes)))
257 (:weak-pointer
258 (values (tagged-object other-pointer-lowtag)
259 weak-pointer-widetag
260 (round-to-dualword
261 (* weak-pointer-size
262 n-word-bytes))))
264 (:code
265 (values (tagged-object other-pointer-lowtag)
266 code-header-widetag
267 (round-to-dualword
268 (+ (* header-value n-word-bytes)
269 (the fixnum
270 (sap-ref-lispobj object-sap
271 (* code-code-size-slot
272 n-word-bytes)))))))
275 (error "Unrecognized room-info-kind ~S in reconstitute-object"
276 (room-info-kind info)))))))))
278 ;;; Iterate over all the objects in the contiguous block of memory
279 ;;; with the low address at START and the high address just before
280 ;;; END, calling FUN with the object, the object's type code, and the
281 ;;; object's total size in bytes, including any header and padding.
282 ;;; START and END are untagged, aligned memory addresses interpreted
283 ;;; as FIXNUMs (unlike SAPs or tagged addresses, these will not cons).
284 (defun map-objects-in-range (fun start end)
285 (declare (type function fun))
286 ;; If START is (unsigned) greater than END, then we have somehow
287 ;; blown past our endpoint.
288 (aver (<= (get-lisp-obj-address start)
289 (get-lisp-obj-address end)))
290 (unless (= start end)
291 (multiple-value-bind
292 (obj typecode size)
293 (reconstitute-object start)
294 (aver (zerop (logand n-lowtag-bits size)))
295 (let ((next-start
296 ;; This special little dance is to add a number of octets
297 ;; (and it had best be a number evenly divisible by our
298 ;; allocation granularity) to an unboxed, aligned address
299 ;; masquerading as a fixnum. Without consing.
300 (%make-lisp-obj
301 (mask-field (byte #.n-word-bits 0)
302 (+ (get-lisp-obj-address start)
303 size)))))
304 (funcall fun obj typecode size)
305 (map-objects-in-range fun next-start end)))))
307 ;;; Access to the GENCGC page table for better precision in
309 #!+gencgc
310 (progn
311 (define-alien-type (struct page)
312 (struct page
313 (start signed)
314 ;; On platforms with small enough GC pages, this field
315 ;; will be a short. On platforms with larger ones, it'll
316 ;; be an int.
317 (bytes-used (unsigned
318 #.(if (typep sb!vm:gencgc-card-bytes
319 '(unsigned-byte 16))
321 32)))
322 (flags (unsigned 8))
323 (has-dontmove-dwords (unsigned 8))
324 (gen (signed 8))))
325 (declaim (inline find-page-index))
326 (define-alien-routine "find_page_index" long (index signed))
327 (define-alien-variable "last_free_page" sb!kernel::page-index-t)
328 (define-alien-variable "heap_base" (* t))
329 (define-alien-variable "page_table" (* (struct page))))
331 ;;; Iterate over all the objects allocated in SPACE, calling FUN with
332 ;;; the object, the object's type code, and the object's total size in
333 ;;; bytes, including any header and padding.
334 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (maybe-inline map-allocated-objects))
335 (defun map-allocated-objects (fun space)
336 (declare (type function fun)
337 (type spaces space))
338 (without-gcing
339 (ecase space
340 (:static
341 ;; Static space starts with NIL, which requires special
342 ;; handling, as the header and alignment are slightly off.
343 (multiple-value-bind (start end) (space-bounds space)
344 (funcall fun nil symbol-header-widetag (* 8 n-word-bytes))
345 (map-objects-in-range fun
346 (%make-lisp-obj (+ (* 8 n-word-bytes)
347 (sap-int start)))
348 (%make-lisp-obj (sap-int end)))))
350 ((:read-only #!-gencgc :dynamic)
351 ;; Read-only space (and dynamic space on cheneygc) is a block
352 ;; of contiguous allocations.
353 (multiple-value-bind (start end) (space-bounds space)
354 (map-objects-in-range fun
355 (%make-lisp-obj (sap-int start))
356 (%make-lisp-obj (sap-int end)))))
358 #!+gencgc
359 (:dynamic
360 ;; Dynamic space on gencgc requires walking the GC page tables
361 ;; in order to determine what regions contain objects.
363 ;; We explicitly presume that any pages in an allocation region
364 ;; that are in-use have a BYTES-USED of GENCGC-CARD-BYTES
365 ;; (indicating a full page) or an otherwise-valid BYTES-USED.
366 ;; We also presume that the pages of an open allocation region
367 ;; after the first page, and any pages that are unallocated,
368 ;; have a BYTES-USED of zero. GENCGC seems to guarantee this.
370 ;; Our procedure is to scan forward through the page table,
371 ;; maintaining an "end pointer" until we reach a page where
372 ;; BYTES-USED is not GENCGC-CARD-BYTES or we reach
373 ;; LAST-FREE-PAGE. We then MAP-OBJECTS-IN-RANGE if the range
374 ;; is not empty, and proceed to the next page (unless we've hit
375 ;; LAST-FREE-PAGE). We happily take advantage of the fact that
376 ;; MAP-OBJECTS-IN-RANGE will simply return if passed two
377 ;; coincident pointers for the range.
379 ;; FIXME: WITHOUT-GCING prevents a GC flip, but doesn't prevent
380 ;; closing allocation regions and opening new ones. This may
381 ;; prove to be an issue with concurrent systems, or with
382 ;; spectacularly poor timing for closing an allocation region
383 ;; in a single-threaded system.
385 (loop
386 with page-size = (ash gencgc-card-bytes (- n-fixnum-tag-bits))
387 ;; This magic dance gets us an unboxed aligned pointer as a
388 ;; FIXNUM.
389 with start = (sap-ref-lispobj (alien-sap (addr heap-base)) 0)
390 with end = start
392 ;; This is our page range.
393 for page-index from 0 below last-free-page
394 for next-page-addr from (+ start page-size) by page-size
395 for page-bytes-used = (slot (deref page-table page-index) 'bytes-used)
397 when (< page-bytes-used gencgc-card-bytes)
398 do (progn
399 (incf end (ash page-bytes-used (- n-fixnum-tag-bits)))
400 (map-objects-in-range fun start end)
401 (setf start next-page-addr)
402 (setf end next-page-addr))
403 else do (incf end page-size)
405 finally (map-objects-in-range fun start end))))))
409 ;;; Return a list of 3-lists (bytes object type-name) for the objects
410 ;;; allocated in Space.
411 (defun type-breakdown (space)
412 (let ((sizes (make-array 256 :initial-element 0 :element-type '(unsigned-byte!vm:n-word-bits)))
413 (counts (make-array 256 :initial-element 0 :element-type '(unsigned-byte!vm:n-word-bits))))
414 (map-allocated-objects
415 (lambda (obj type size)
416 (declare (word size) (optimize (speed 3)) (ignore obj))
417 (incf (aref sizes type) size)
418 (incf (aref counts type)))
419 space)
421 (let ((totals (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
422 (dotimes (i 256)
423 (let ((total-count (aref counts i)))
424 (unless (zerop total-count)
425 (let* ((total-size (aref sizes i))
426 (name (room-info-type-name (aref *room-info* i)))
427 (found (gethash name totals)))
428 (cond (found
429 (incf (first found) total-size)
430 (incf (second found) total-count))
432 (setf (gethash name totals)
433 (list total-size total-count name))))))))
435 (collect ((totals-list))
436 (maphash (lambda (k v)
437 (declare (ignore k))
438 (totals-list v))
439 totals)
440 (sort (totals-list) #'> :key #'first)))))
442 ;;; Handle the summary printing for MEMORY-USAGE. Totals is a list of lists
443 ;;; (space-name . totals-for-space), where totals-for-space is the list
444 ;;; returned by TYPE-BREAKDOWN.
445 (defun print-summary (spaces totals)
446 (let ((summary (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
447 (dolist (space-total totals)
448 (dolist (total (cdr space-total))
449 (push (cons (car space-total) total)
450 (gethash (third total) summary))))
452 (collect ((summary-totals))
453 (maphash (lambda (k v)
454 (declare (ignore k))
455 (let ((sum 0))
456 (declare (unsigned-byte sum))
457 (dolist (space-total v)
458 (incf sum (first (cdr space-total))))
459 (summary-totals (cons sum v))))
460 summary)
462 (format t "~2&Summary of spaces: ~(~{~A ~}~)~%" spaces)
463 (let ((summary-total-bytes 0)
464 (summary-total-objects 0))
465 (declare (unsigned-byte summary-total-bytes summary-total-objects))
466 (dolist (space-totals
467 (mapcar #'cdr (sort (summary-totals) #'> :key #'car)))
468 (let ((total-objects 0)
469 (total-bytes 0)
470 name)
471 (declare (unsigned-byte total-objects total-bytes))
472 (collect ((spaces))
473 (dolist (space-total space-totals)
474 (let ((total (cdr space-total)))
475 (setq name (third total))
476 (incf total-bytes (first total))
477 (incf total-objects (second total))
478 (spaces (cons (car space-total) (first total)))))
479 (format t "~%~A:~% ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P"
480 name total-bytes total-objects)
481 (dolist (space (spaces))
482 (format t ", ~W% ~(~A~)"
483 (round (* (cdr space) 100) total-bytes)
484 (car space)))
485 (format t ".~%")
486 (incf summary-total-bytes total-bytes)
487 (incf summary-total-objects total-objects))))
488 (format t "~%Summary total:~% ~:D bytes, ~:D objects.~%"
489 summary-total-bytes summary-total-objects)))))
491 ;;; Report object usage for a single space.
492 (defun report-space-total (space-total cutoff)
493 (declare (list space-total) (type (or single-float null) cutoff))
494 (format t "~2&Breakdown for ~(~A~) space:~%" (car space-total))
495 (let* ((types (cdr space-total))
496 (total-bytes (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'first types)))
497 (total-objects (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'second types)))
498 (cutoff-point (if cutoff
499 (truncate (* (float total-bytes) cutoff))
501 (reported-bytes 0)
502 (reported-objects 0))
503 (declare (unsigned-byte total-objects total-bytes cutoff-point reported-objects
504 reported-bytes))
505 (loop for (bytes objects name) in types do
506 (when (<= bytes cutoff-point)
507 (format t " ~10:D bytes for ~9:D other object~2:*~P.~%"
508 (- total-bytes reported-bytes)
509 (- total-objects reported-objects))
510 (return))
511 (incf reported-bytes bytes)
512 (incf reported-objects objects)
513 (format t " ~10:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) object~2:*~P.~%"
514 bytes objects name))
515 (format t " ~10:D bytes for ~9:D ~(~A~) object~2:*~P (space total.)~%"
516 total-bytes total-objects (car space-total))))
518 ;;; Print information about the heap memory in use. PRINT-SPACES is a
519 ;;; list of the spaces to print detailed information for.
520 ;;; COUNT-SPACES is a list of the spaces to scan. For either one, T
521 ;;; means all spaces (i.e. :STATIC, :DYNAMIC and :READ-ONLY.) If
522 ;;; PRINT-SUMMARY is true, then summary information will be printed.
523 ;;; The defaults print only summary information for dynamic space. If
524 ;;; true, CUTOFF is a fraction of the usage in a report below which
525 ;;; types will be combined as OTHER.
526 (defun memory-usage (&key print-spaces (count-spaces '(:dynamic))
527 (print-summary t) cutoff)
528 (declare (type (or single-float null) cutoff))
529 (let* ((spaces (if (eq count-spaces t)
530 '(:static :dynamic :read-only)
531 count-spaces))
532 (totals (mapcar (lambda (space)
533 (cons space (type-breakdown space)))
534 spaces)))
536 (dolist (space-total totals)
537 (when (or (eq print-spaces t)
538 (member (car space-total) print-spaces))
539 (report-space-total space-total cutoff)))
541 (when print-summary (print-summary spaces totals)))
543 (values))
545 ;;; Print a breakdown by instance type of all the instances allocated
546 ;;; in SPACE. If TOP-N is true, print only information for the
547 ;;; TOP-N types with largest usage.
548 (defun instance-usage (space &key (top-n 15))
549 (declare (type spaces space) (type (or fixnum null) top-n))
550 (format t "~2&~@[Top ~W ~]~(~A~) instance types:~%" top-n space)
551 (let ((totals (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
552 (total-objects 0)
553 (total-bytes 0))
554 (declare (unsigned-byte total-objects total-bytes))
555 (map-allocated-objects
556 (lambda (obj type size)
557 (declare (optimize (speed 3)))
558 (when (eql type instance-header-widetag)
559 (incf total-objects)
560 (let* ((classoid (layout-classoid (%instance-layout obj)))
561 (found (gethash classoid totals))
562 (size size))
563 (declare (fixnum size))
564 (incf total-bytes size)
565 (cond (found
566 (incf (the fixnum (car found)))
567 (incf (the fixnum (cdr found)) size))
569 (setf (gethash classoid totals) (cons 1 size)))))))
570 space)
572 (collect ((totals-list))
573 (maphash (lambda (classoid what)
574 (totals-list (cons (prin1-to-string
575 (classoid-proper-name classoid))
576 what)))
577 totals)
578 (let ((sorted (sort (totals-list) #'> :key #'cddr))
579 (printed-bytes 0)
580 (printed-objects 0))
581 (declare (unsigned-byte printed-bytes printed-objects))
582 (dolist (what (if top-n
583 (subseq sorted 0 (min (length sorted) top-n))
584 sorted))
585 (let ((bytes (cddr what))
586 (objects (cadr what)))
587 (incf printed-bytes bytes)
588 (incf printed-objects objects)
589 (format t " ~A: ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P.~%" (car what)
590 bytes objects)))
592 (let ((residual-objects (- total-objects printed-objects))
593 (residual-bytes (- total-bytes printed-bytes)))
594 (unless (zerop residual-objects)
595 (format t " Other types: ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P.~%"
596 residual-bytes residual-objects))))
598 (format t " ~:(~A~) instance total: ~:D bytes, ~:D object~:P.~%"
599 space total-bytes total-objects)))
601 (values))
605 (defun print-allocated-objects (space &key (percent 0) (pages 5)
606 type larger smaller count
607 (stream *standard-output*))
608 (declare (type (integer 0 99) percent) (type index pages)
609 (type stream stream) (type spaces space)
610 (type (or index null) type larger smaller count))
611 (multiple-value-bind (start-sap end-sap) (space-bounds space)
612 (let* ((space-start (sap-int start-sap))
613 (space-end (sap-int end-sap))
614 (space-size (- space-end space-start))
615 (pagesize (get-page-size))
616 (start (+ space-start (round (* space-size percent) 100)))
617 (printed-conses (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
618 (pages-so-far 0)
619 (count-so-far 0)
620 (last-page 0))
621 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) last-page start)
622 (fixnum pages-so-far count-so-far pagesize))
623 (labels ((note-conses (x)
624 (unless (or (atom x) (gethash x printed-conses))
625 (setf (gethash x printed-conses) t)
626 (note-conses (car x))
627 (note-conses (cdr x)))))
628 (map-allocated-objects
629 (lambda (obj obj-type size)
630 (let ((addr (get-lisp-obj-address obj)))
631 (when (>= addr start)
632 (when (if count
633 (> count-so-far count)
634 (> pages-so-far pages))
635 (return-from print-allocated-objects (values)))
637 (unless count
638 (let ((this-page (* (the (values (unsigned-byte 32) t)
639 (truncate addr pagesize))
640 pagesize)))
641 (declare (type (unsigned-byte 32) this-page))
642 (when (/= this-page last-page)
643 (when (< pages-so-far pages)
644 ;; FIXME: What is this? (ERROR "Argh..")? or
645 ;; a warning? or code that can be removed
646 ;; once the system is stable? or what?
647 (format stream "~2&**** Page ~W, address ~X:~%"
648 pages-so-far addr))
649 (setq last-page this-page)
650 (incf pages-so-far))))
652 (when (and (or (not type) (eql obj-type type))
653 (or (not smaller) (<= size smaller))
654 (or (not larger) (>= size larger)))
655 (incf count-so-far)
656 (case type
657 (#.code-header-widetag
658 (let ((dinfo (%code-debug-info obj)))
659 (format stream "~&Code object: ~S~%"
660 (if dinfo
661 (sb!c::compiled-debug-info-name dinfo)
662 "No debug info."))))
663 (#.symbol-header-widetag
664 (format stream "~&~S~%" obj))
665 (#.list-pointer-lowtag
666 (unless (gethash obj printed-conses)
667 (note-conses obj)
668 (let ((*print-circle* t)
669 (*print-level* 5)
670 (*print-length* 10))
671 (format stream "~&~S~%" obj))))
673 (fresh-line stream)
674 (let ((str (write-to-string obj :level 5 :length 10
675 :pretty nil)))
676 (unless (eql type instance-header-widetag)
677 (format stream "~S: " (type-of obj)))
678 (format stream "~A~%"
679 (subseq str 0 (min (length str) 60))))))))))
680 space))))
681 (values))
685 (defvar *ignore-after* nil)
687 (defun valid-obj (space x)
688 (or (not (eq space :dynamic))
689 ;; this test looks bogus if the allocator doesn't work linearly,
690 ;; which I suspect is the case for GENCGC. -- CSR, 2004-06-29
691 (< (get-lisp-obj-address x) (get-lisp-obj-address *ignore-after*))))
693 (defun maybe-cons (space x stuff)
694 (if (valid-obj space x)
695 (cons x stuff)
696 stuff))
698 (defun list-allocated-objects (space &key type larger smaller count
699 test)
700 (declare (type spaces space)
701 (type (or index null) larger smaller type count)
702 (type (or function null) test)
703 (inline map-allocated-objects))
704 (unless *ignore-after*
705 (setq *ignore-after* (cons 1 2)))
706 (collect ((counted 0 1+))
707 (let ((res ()))
708 (map-allocated-objects
709 (lambda (obj obj-type size)
710 (when (and (or (not type) (eql obj-type type))
711 (or (not smaller) (<= size smaller))
712 (or (not larger) (>= size larger))
713 (or (not test) (funcall test obj)))
714 (setq res (maybe-cons space obj res))
715 (when (and count (>= (counted) count))
716 (return-from list-allocated-objects res))))
717 space)
718 res)))
720 ;;; Convert the descriptor into a SAP. The bits all stay the same, we just
721 ;;; change our notion of what we think they are.
723 ;;; Defining this here (as opposed to in 'debug-int' where it belongs)
724 ;;; is the path of least resistance to avoiding an inlining failure warning.
725 #!-sb-fluid (declaim (inline sb!di::descriptor-sap))
726 (defun sb!di::descriptor-sap (x)
727 (int-sap (get-lisp-obj-address x)))
729 ;;; Calls FUNCTION with all object that have (possibly conservative)
730 ;;; references to them on current stack.
731 (defun map-stack-references (function)
732 (let ((end
733 (sb!di::descriptor-sap
734 #!+stack-grows-downward-not-upward *control-stack-end*
735 #!-stack-grows-downward-not-upward *control-stack-start*))
736 (sp (current-sp))
737 (seen nil))
738 (loop until #!+stack-grows-downward-not-upward (sap> sp end)
739 #!-stack-grows-downward-not-upward (sap< sp end)
740 do (multiple-value-bind (obj ok) (make-lisp-obj (sap-ref-word sp 0) nil)
741 (when (and ok (typep obj '(not (or fixnum character))))
742 (unless (member obj seen :test #'eq)
743 (funcall function obj)
744 (push obj seen))))
745 (setf sp
746 #!+stack-grows-downward-not-upward (sap+ sp n-word-bytes)
747 #!-stack-grows-downward-not-upward (sap+ sp (- n-word-bytes))))))
749 (defun map-referencing-objects (fun space object)
750 (declare (type spaces space) (inline map-allocated-objects))
751 (unless *ignore-after*
752 (setq *ignore-after* (cons 1 2)))
753 (flet ((maybe-call (fun obj)
754 (when (valid-obj space obj)
755 (funcall fun obj))))
756 (map-allocated-objects
757 (lambda (obj obj-type size)
758 (declare (ignore obj-type size))
759 (typecase obj
760 (cons
761 (when (or (eq (car obj) object)
762 (eq (cdr obj) object))
763 (maybe-call fun obj)))
764 (instance
765 (when (or (eq (%instance-layout obj) object)
766 (do-instance-tagged-slot (i obj)
767 (when (eq (%instance-ref obj i) object)
768 (return t))))
769 (maybe-call fun obj)))
770 (code-component
771 (let ((length (get-header-data obj)))
772 (do ((i code-constants-offset (1+ i)))
773 ((= i length))
774 (when (eq (code-header-ref obj i) object)
775 (maybe-call fun obj)
776 (return)))))
777 (simple-vector
778 (dotimes (i (length obj))
779 (when (eq (svref obj i) object)
780 (maybe-call fun obj)
781 (return))))
782 (symbol
783 (when (or (eq (symbol-name obj) object)
784 (eq (symbol-package obj) object)
785 (eq (symbol-info obj) object)
786 (and (boundp obj)
787 (eq (symbol-value obj) object)))
788 (maybe-call fun obj)))))
789 space)))
791 (defun list-referencing-objects (space object)
792 (collect ((res))
793 (map-referencing-objects
794 (lambda (obj) (res obj)) space object)
795 (res)))