Clean up run-program.
[sbcl.git] / tests / compiler-2.pure.lisp
1 ;;;; various compiler tests without side effects
3 ;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
4 ;;;; more information.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
7 ;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
8 ;;;; from CMU CL.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
11 ;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
12 ;;;; more information.
14 ;;;; This file of tests was added because the tests in 'compiler.pure.lisp'
15 ;;;; are a total hodgepodge- there is often no hugely compelling reason for
16 ;;;; their being tests of the compiler per se, such as whether
18 ;;;; in addition to which it is near impossible to wade through the
19 ;;;; ton of nameless, slow, and noisy tests.
21 ;;;; This file strives to do better on all fronts:
22 ;;;; the tests should be fast, named, and not noisy.
24 (cl:in-package :cl-user)
26 (load "compiler-test-util.lisp")
28 (defun compiles-with-warning (lambda)
29 (assert (nth-value 2 (checked-compile lambda :allow-warnings t))))
31 (with-test (:name (ldb :recognize-local-macros))
32 ;; Should not call %LDB
33 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees
34 (checked-compile
35 '(lambda (x)
36 (declare (optimize speed))
37 (macrolet ((b () '(byte 2 2)))
38 (ldb (b) (the fixnum x)))))))))
40 (with-test (:name (dpb :eval-order :lp-1458190))
41 (sb-int:collect ((calls))
42 (flet ((f (new old)
43 (dpb (progn (calls 'eval-new) new)
44 (progn (calls 'eval-byte) (byte 10 10))
45 (progn (calls 'eval-old) old))))
46 (f 20 0)
47 (assert (equal (calls)
48 '(eval-new eval-byte eval-old))))))
50 ;; Best practice treats TRULY-THE as a special operator, not a macro,
51 ;; in a context such as (DPB X (TRULY-THE SB-KERNEL:BYTE-SPECIFIER ...) Y).
52 ;; DPB used to expand its second argument using MACROEXPAND and lose
53 ;; the nuance of TRULY-THE. Strictly speaking, byte-specifier is not a
54 ;; type specifier that users are supposed to know about, so portable code
55 ;; should not care, but this might affect internal code.
56 (with-test (:name (dpb :inner-macro))
57 (flet ((source-xform (sexpr)
58 (funcall (sb-int:info :function :source-transform (car sexpr))
59 sexpr (sb-kernel:make-null-lexenv))))
60 (assert (equal-mod-gensyms
61 (source-xform
62 '(dpb (new) (truly-the sb-kernel:byte-specifier bspec) (old)))
63 '(let ((new (new))
64 (byte (truly-the sb-kernel:byte-specifier bspec)))
65 (sb-kernel:%dpb new (byte-size byte) (byte-position byte)
66 (old)))))))
68 (with-test (:name :inline-satisfies-predicate)
69 ;; If we remove the indirections in these functions,
70 ;; this test should visibly break so that we can write a new test
71 ;; that asserts that inlining F works in (THE (SATISFIES F) obj).
72 (assert (equal (sb-ext:typexpand 'sb-impl::function-name)
73 '(satisfies sb-int:legal-fun-name-p)))
74 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda (x) (the sb-impl::function-name x)))))
75 (assert (equal (list (symbol-function 'sb-int:valid-function-name-p))
76 (ctu:find-named-callees f))))
77 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
78 (declare (notinline sb-int:legal-fun-name-p))
79 (the sb-impl::function-name x)))))
80 (assert (equal (list (symbol-function 'sb-int:legal-fun-name-p))
81 (ctu:find-named-callees f)))))
83 (with-test (:name (make-array :untestable-type :no-warning))
84 (checked-compile `(lambda () (make-array '(2 2)
85 :element-type `(satisfies foofa)))))
87 (with-test (:name (make-array nil :no-warning))
88 (checked-compile '(lambda () (make-array '(2 2) :element-type nil))))
90 (with-test (:name (nth-value :huge-n :works))
91 (flet ((return-a-ton-of-values ()
92 (values-list (loop for i below 5000 collect i))))
93 (assert (= (nth-value 1 (return-a-ton-of-values)) 1))
94 (assert (= (nth-value 4000 (return-a-ton-of-values)) 4000))))
96 (defstruct (a-test-structure-foo
97 (:constructor make-a-foo-1)
98 (:constructor make-a-foo-2 (b &optional a)))
99 (a 0 :type symbol)
100 (b nil :type integer))
102 (with-test (:name :improperly-initialized-slot-warns)
103 ;; should warn because B's default is NIL, not an integer.
104 (compiles-with-warning '(lambda () (make-a-foo-1 :a 'what)))
105 ;; should warn because A's default is 0
106 (compiles-with-warning '(lambda () (make-a-foo-2 3))))
108 (with-test (:name (inline structure :ctor :no declaim))
109 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda ()
110 (make-a-foo-1 :a 'wat :b 3)))))
111 (assert (ctu:find-named-callees f)))
112 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda ()
113 (declare (inline make-a-foo-1))
114 (make-a-foo-1 :a 'wat :b 3)))))
115 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees f)))))
117 (with-test (:name :internal-name-p :skipped-on :sb-xref-for-internals)
118 (assert (sb-c::internal-name-p 'sb-int:neq)))
120 (with-test (:name (:coerce-callable-to-fun :note))
121 (flet ((try (form what)
122 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings style-warnings notes)
123 (checked-compile `(lambda (x)
124 (declare (optimize speed))
125 (funcall ,form)))
126 (declare (ignore fun failure-p warnings style-warnings))
127 (assert (search (format nil "~A is not known to be" what)
128 (princ-to-string (first notes)))))))
130 (try '(eval `(work-with ,x)) "callable expression")
131 (try 'x "X")
132 ;; For this I'd accept either Z or X in the message.
133 (try '(progn (let ((z x)) (identity z))) "X")))
135 (with-test (:name (princ-to-string :unflushable))
136 ;; Ordinary we'll flush it
137 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda (x) (princ-to-string x) x))))
138 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees f :name 'princ-to-string))))
139 ;; But in high safety it should be called for effect
140 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
141 (declare (optimize safety)) (princ-to-string x) x))))
142 (assert (ctu:find-named-callees f :name 'princ-to-string))))
144 (with-test (:name :space-bounds-no-consing
145 :skipped-on :interpreter)
146 ;; Asking for the size of a heap space should not cost anything!
147 (ctu:assert-no-consing (sb-vm::%space-bounds :static))
148 (ctu:assert-no-consing (sb-vm::space-bytes :static)))
150 (with-test (:name (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects :no-consing)
151 :skipped-on :interpreter)
152 (let ((n 0))
153 (sb-int:dx-flet ((f (obj type size)
154 (declare (ignore obj type size))
155 (incf n)))
156 (ctu:assert-no-consing
157 (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects #'f :dynamic)
158 5))))
160 (with-test (:name :pack-varints-as-bignum)
161 (dotimes (i 500) ; do some random testing this many times
162 (let* ((random-numbers (loop repeat (+ (random 20) 3)
163 collect (1+ (random 4000))))
164 (test-list (sort (delete-duplicates random-numbers) #'<))
165 (packed-int (sb-c::pack-code-fixup-locs test-list))
166 (result (make-array 1 :element-type 'sb-ext:word)))
167 ;; The packer intrinsically self-checks the packing
168 ;; so we don't need to assert anything about that.
169 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (packed-int result)
170 ;; Now exercise the C unpacker.
171 ;; This hack of allocating 4 longs is terrible, but whatever.
172 (let ((unpacker (make-alien long 4))
173 (prev-loc 0))
174 (alien-funcall (extern-alien "varint_unpacker_init"
175 (function void (* long) unsigned))
176 unpacker
177 (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address packed-int))
178 (sb-int:collect ((unpacked))
179 (loop
180 (let ((status
181 (alien-funcall
182 (extern-alien "varint_unpack"
183 (function int (* long) system-area-pointer))
184 unpacker (sb-sys:vector-sap result))))
185 (let ((val (aref result 0)))
186 ;; status of 0 is EOF, val = 0 means a decoded value was 0,
187 ;; which can't happen, so it's effectively EOF.
188 (when (or (eql status 0) (eql val 0)) (return))
189 (let ((loc (+ prev-loc val)))
190 (unpacked loc)
191 (setq prev-loc loc)))))
192 (assert (equal (unpacked) test-list))))))))
194 (with-test (:name (symbol-value symbol-global-value :quoted-constant))
195 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda () (symbol-value 'char-code-limit)))))
196 (assert (not (ctu:find-code-constants f :type 'symbol))))
197 (let ((f (checked-compile '(lambda () (symbol-global-value 'char-code-limit)))))
198 (assert (not (ctu:find-code-constants f :type 'symbol)))))
200 (with-test (:name (:set symbol-value :of defglobal))
201 (let ((s 'sb-c::*recognized-declarations*))
202 (assert (eq (sb-int:info :variable :kind s) :global)) ; verify precondition
203 (let ((f (checked-compile `(lambda () (setf (symbol-value ',s) nil)))))
204 ;; Should not have a call to SET-SYMBOL-GLOBAL-VALUE>
205 (assert (not (ctu:find-code-constants f :type 'sb-kernel:fdefn))))))
207 (with-test (:name :layout-constants
208 :skipped-on (not (and :x86-64 :immobile-space)))
209 (let ((addr-of-pathname-layout
210 (write-to-string
211 (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address (sb-kernel:find-layout 'pathname))
212 :base 16 :radix t))
213 (count 0))
214 ;; The constant should appear in two CMP instructions
215 (dolist (line (split-string
216 (with-output-to-string (s)
217 (let ((sb-disassem:*disassem-location-column-width* 0))
218 (disassemble 'pathnamep :stream s)))
219 #\newline))
220 (when (and (search "CMP" line) (search addr-of-pathname-layout line))
221 (incf count)))
222 (assert (= count 2))))
224 (with-test (:name :set-symbol-value-imm :skipped-on (not :x86-64))
225 (let (success)
226 (dolist (line (split-string
227 (with-output-to-string (s)
228 (let ((sb-disassem:*disassem-location-column-width* 0))
229 (disassemble '(lambda () (setq *print-base* 8)) :stream s)))
230 #\newline))
231 (when (and #+sb-thread (search "MOV QWORD PTR [R" line)
232 #-sb-thread (search "MOV QWORD PTR [" line)
233 (search (format nil ", ~D" (ash 8 sb-vm:n-fixnum-tag-bits)) line))
234 (setq success t)))
235 (assert success)))
237 (with-test (:name :linkage-table-bogosity :skipped-on (not :sb-dynamic-core))
238 (let ((strings (map 'list (lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x) x))
239 #+sb-dynamic-core sb-vm::+required-foreign-symbols+
240 #-sb-dynamic-core '())))
241 (assert (= (length (remove-duplicates strings :test 'string=))
242 (length strings)))))
244 (with-test (:name (:no style-warning :for inline :cl-fun))
245 (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
246 (declare (optimize (speed 3)) (inline length)
247 (muffle-conditions compiler-note))
248 (length x))))
250 (with-test (:name :deleted-return-use)
251 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
252 `(lambda ()
253 (block nil
254 (return 345)
255 (let ((a (catch 'x)))
256 (flet ((%f (a &optional b)
258 (%f 0 (%f 123))))))
259 (() 345)))
261 (with-test (:name :shift-right-transform-nil-type)
262 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize nil)
263 `(lambda (b c)
264 (declare (type (integer -10 -6) c)
265 (optimize (debug 2)))
266 (catch 'c
267 (flet ((f1 (a &optional (b (shiftf b 0)) c d)
268 (declare (ignore a b c d))
269 (throw 'c 780)))
270 (flet ((f2 (a b)
271 (f1 a b 0)))
272 (ash
273 (f1 (if t
275 (f1 (f2 1 0) 0))
277 (+ c))))))
278 ((-3 -7) 780)))
280 (with-test (:name :move-lvar-result-through-unused-cast)
281 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize nil)
282 `(lambda ()
283 (declare (optimize (debug 0)))
284 (labels ((f (a b)
285 a b)
286 (x ()
287 (apply #'f (list 2 3))))
288 (declare (notinline f))
289 (the integer (x)))
290 132)
291 (() 132)))
293 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict funcall :external-lambda))
294 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda ()
295 (let ((x (lambda (x) (declare (fixnum x)) x)))
296 (funcall x 'a)))))
298 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict :callable :external-lambda))
299 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda ()
300 (let ((x (lambda (x) (declare (fixnum x)) x)))
301 (find-if x "abca")))))
303 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict map :result-type))
304 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda (str)
305 (map 'string (lambda (x) (declare (ignore x)) nil)
306 str))))
308 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict :by-name))
309 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda (str)
310 (map 'string 'evenp str))))
312 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict :callable :reporting))
313 (multiple-value-bind (fun failure-p warnings)
314 (checked-compile '(lambda (x) (map-into (make-string 10) #'evenp x))
315 :allow-warnings 'warning)
316 (declare (ignore fun))
317 (assert failure-p)
318 (assert (= (length warnings) 1))
319 (search "Derived type of EVENP is"
320 (princ-to-string (first warnings)))))
322 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict string :union-type))
323 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda (x)
324 (find-if #'evenp (the string x)))))
326 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict map-into :let))
327 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda (z)
328 (let ((x "abc"))
329 (map-into z #'evenp x)))))
331 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict map-into :result))
332 (compiles-with-warning `(lambda (z)
333 (map-into (make-string 10) #'evenp z))))
335 (with-test (:name (:type-conflict complement))
336 (assert (nth-value 3
337 (checked-compile
338 `(lambda (z)
339 (find z "l" :test (complement #'=)))
340 :allow-style-warnings t))))
342 (with-test (:name :type-across-hairy-lambda-transforms)
343 (assert (subtypep (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
344 (checked-compile `(lambda (x) (find 1 (the vector x)))))
345 '(function * (values (or (integer 1 1) null) &optional)))))
347 (with-test (:name :lea-type-derivation)
348 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
349 `(lambda (b)
350 (declare ((integer -3755795408964870057 -3391381516052960895)
352 (ldb (byte 22 10) (* b 9)))
353 ((-3391381516052980893) 2826685)))
355 (with-test (:name (:unused &optional :and &key))
356 (checked-compile-and-assert (:allow-style-warnings t)
357 `(lambda (&optional x &key)
358 (declare (ignore x))
360 (() 10)))
362 (with-test (:name (:unknown values :coercion))
363 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
364 `(lambda (a)
365 (declare (notinline values typep))
366 (the integer (values a 2305843009213693946 a -207)))
367 ((123) (values 123 2305843009213693946 123 -207))))
369 (with-test (:name :deleted-block-during-generate-type-checks)
370 (checked-compile-and-assert (:allow-warnings t)
371 `(lambda (a b)
372 (declare (notinline min ash conjugate oddp >=))
373 (if (and (or t (>= a)) (oddp 0))
374 (prog2 0
376 (labels ((f (a b c &key)
377 (declare (ignore a b c))
378 6965670824543402))
379 (f a 0 b)))
380 (conjugate
381 (dotimes (i 0 0)
382 (catch 'c
383 (ash
384 (the integer
385 (ignore-errors
386 (ignore-errors (throw 'c 1))))
387 (min a)))))))
388 ((1 2) 0)))
390 (with-test (:name :block-delete-twice)
391 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
392 `(lambda ()
393 (declare (notinline >=))
394 (block nil
395 (lambda (x &key (key (if (>= 0 1)
396 (return (catch 'ct5 0)))))
397 (declare (ignore key))
398 x)))
399 (() 123 :test (lambda (values expected)
400 (equal (multiple-value-list
401 (funcall (first values) (first expected)))
402 expected)))))
404 (with-test (:name :dead-lvars-and-stack-analysis)
405 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
406 `(lambda (b)
407 (catch 'ct2
408 (block b5
409 (return-from b5
410 (multiple-value-prog1 19
411 (if (or b t)
412 (return-from b5 333)))))))
413 ((11) 333)))
415 (with-test (:name :mv-call-more-values)
416 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
417 `(lambda (z)
418 (multiple-value-call (lambda (&optional x y &rest args)
419 (declare (ignore args))
420 (+ y x))
421 2 (truncate z 30)))
422 ((2345) 80)))
424 (with-test (:name :unused-casts-at-ir2-convert)
425 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
426 `(lambda ()
427 (unwind-protect 123
428 (the integer
429 (labels ((%f (x &key)
430 (declare (ignore x))
431 (svref #(46 32) 0)))
432 (unwind-protect (%f (%f 0)))))))
433 (() 123)))
435 (with-test (:name :cmov-constants-different-primitive-type)
436 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
437 `(lambda (b)
438 (case b
439 ((2030) 4611686018427387908)
440 ((572) b)
441 (t 0)))
442 ((572) 572)
443 ((123) 0)
444 ((2030) 4611686018427387908)))
446 (with-test (:name :mv-bind-skipping-vars-on-reoptimize)
447 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
448 `(lambda ()
449 (let (lv1)
450 (apply (lambda (&rest args)
451 (declare (ignore args)))
453 (list 3 lv1))
454 (setf lv1 10)))
455 (() 10)))
457 (with-test (:name :transform-on-a-nil-arg)
458 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
459 `(lambda ()
460 (block nil
461 (logtest
462 (multiple-value-prog1
463 (unwind-protect (return 32))
464 (catch 'tag (return 33)))
466 34))
467 (() 32)))
469 (with-test (:name :nesteted-dx-deleted-uses)
470 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
471 `(lambda (a)
472 (block b2
473 (let* ((v1 (make-array nil :initial-element
474 (let ((a a))
475 (return-from b2 a)))))
476 (declare (dynamic-extent v1))
477 (aref v1))))
478 ((342) 342)))
480 (with-test (:name :deleted-during-locall-analyze-fun-1)
481 (checked-compile-and-assert (:allow-warnings t)
482 `(lambda ()
483 (flet ((a ()))
484 (a 1)
485 (a 2)))
486 (() (condition 'program-error))))
488 (with-test (:name :delete-return-without-flush-dest)
489 (assert (eql
490 (catch 'c
491 (funcall (checked-compile
492 '(lambda ()
493 (labels ((%f () 40))
494 (multiple-value-prog1 *
495 (throw 'c (%f))
496 (%f)
497 30))))))
498 40)))
500 (with-test (:name :let-conversion-inside-deleted-lambda.1)
501 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
502 `(lambda ()
503 (block nil
504 (catch 'c)
505 (flet ((f (x &key)
506 (when x
507 (progv '(*) '(0)
508 (return)))))
509 (f (return 123))
510 (f 0))))
511 (() 123)))
513 (with-test (:name :let-conversion-inside-deleted-lambda.2)
514 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
515 `(lambda ()
516 (block nil
517 (block nil
518 (lambda () (return)))
519 (labels ((l () (l))
520 (%f (a &key)
522 (return a)))
523 (%f (return 321))
524 (%f 1))))
525 (() 321)))
527 (with-test (:name :unconvert-tail-calls)
528 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
529 `(lambda ()
530 (block nil
531 (labels ((f (&optional (a (return))
532 (b (if t (return)))
534 &rest args)
535 (declare (ignore a b c args))
536 (return 0)))
537 (let (x)
538 (equal 10 (f 0 3))
539 (f 123 0 0)
540 (f 0)
541 x))))
542 (() 0)))
544 (with-test (:name :deleting-exits-with-multiple-users)
545 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
546 `(lambda (a b)
547 (block nil
548 (multiple-value-prog1 b
549 (tagbody (return (multiple-value-prog1 3
550 (if a (go z)))) z))))
551 ((nil :good) 3)
552 ((t :good) :good)))
554 (with-test (:name :merge-tail-sets-deleted-functional)
555 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
556 `(lambda (a)
557 (block nil
558 (tagbody
559 (go g549)
560 g549
561 (return-from nil
562 (block b3
563 (let ((x (progn (lambda (&optional (x a)) x)
564 (unwind-protect 10)
565 (return-from b3 a))))
566 (unwind-protect x)))))))
567 ((321) 321)))
569 (with-test (:name :interval-div-zero)
570 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize :safe)
571 `(lambda (x y)
572 (truncate (the (integer 0 0) x)
573 (the (rational (1) (2)) y)))
574 ((0 3/2) (values 0 0))))
576 (with-test (:name :float-remainders-rounding-errors)
577 (loop for fun in '(ceiling truncate floor
578 fceiling ftruncate ffloor
579 round fround)
581 (assert (member (second
582 (third (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type
583 (checked-compile
584 `(lambda (x)
585 (nth-value 1 (,fun (the double-float x) 1/2)))))))
586 '(double-float real)))))
588 (with-test (:name :float-quotient-rounding-errors)
589 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize :safe)
590 `(lambda ()
591 (floor -114658225103614 84619.58))
592 (() (values -1354984705 8473228.0)))
593 (checked-compile-and-assert (:optimize :safe)
594 `(lambda ()
595 (ceiling 114658225103614 84619.58))
596 (() (values 1354984705 -8473228.0))))
598 (with-test (:name :complex-float-contagion)
599 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
600 `(lambda (p1)
601 (declare (type (or double-float integer) p1))
602 (complex p1 2.0))
603 ((1d0) #c(1d0 2d0))))
605 (with-test (:name :equal-transform-member-types)
606 (let* ((s1 "abc")
607 (s2 (copy-seq s1)))
608 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
609 `(lambda (p1 p2)
610 (declare (type (member ,s1) p1)
611 (type (member ,s2 #*10) p2))
612 (equal p1 p2))
613 ((s1 s2) t))))
615 (with-test (:name :equalp-transform-numeric-types)
616 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
617 `(lambda (p1 p2)
618 (declare (type (or fixnum list) p1)
619 (type double-float p2))
620 (equalp p1 p2))
621 ((1 1d0) t)))
623 (with-test (:name :equalp-transform-zero-array)
624 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
625 `(lambda (a b)
626 (declare (simple-string a)
627 (simple-bit-vector b))
628 (equalp a b))
629 (("" #*) t)))
631 (with-test (:name :fill-transform-returning-array-data)
632 (let ((vector (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 2)))
633 (checked-compile-and-assert ()
634 `(lambda (v)
635 (declare (type (vector t) v))
636 (fill v nil))
637 ((vector) vector))))
639 (with-test (:name :missing-error-context)
640 (flet ((run ()
641 (let ((string
642 (with-output-to-string (*error-output*)
643 (compile nil '(sb-int:named-lambda bob () (otherfun) 3)))))
644 (assert (search "in: SB-INT:NAMED-LAMBDA BOB" string)))))
645 (run)
646 ;; Unrepeatability is confusing:
647 ;; The first compiler invocation used to leave *last-format-string*
648 ;; with a toplevel value, so the second would not print enough context
649 ;; because the format control and args were the same.
650 (run)))
652 (with-test (:name :cast-deletion-notes)
653 (checked-compile-and-assert
654 (:allow-notes nil)
655 `(lambda (m)
656 (setf m (list 1 2 3))
657 (the simple-vector
658 (coerce m 'vector)))
659 ((nil) #(1 2 3) :test #'equalp)))
661 (with-test (:name :cast-deletion-notes.2)
662 (multiple-value-bind (fun fail warn style notes)
663 (checked-compile
664 `(lambda (m)
665 (setf m (list 1 2 3))
666 (the simple-vector
667 (if (vectorp m)
669 #(1)))))
670 (declare (ignore fail warn style))
671 (assert (equalp (funcall fun nil)
672 #(1)))
673 (assert (= (length notes) 1))
674 (assert (typep (car notes) 'code-deletion-note))))
676 (with-test (:name :array-call-type-deriver)
677 (checked-compile-and-assert
679 `(lambda (vector)
680 (funcall (the (function (t t)) #'aref)
681 vector
683 (((vector 333)) 333)))
685 (with-test (:name :function-designator-cast-removal)
686 (let ((fun (checked-compile
687 `(lambda (vectors x)
688 (declare (list vectors x))
689 (map 'list #'svref vectors x)))))
690 (assert (notany (lambda (c)
691 (typecase c
692 (sb-kernel:fdefn
693 (eq (sb-c::fdefn-name c) 'svref))
694 (function
695 (eq c #'svref))))
696 (ctu:find-code-constants fun)))
697 (assert (equal (funcall fun '(#(44)) '(0)) '(44)))))
699 (with-test (:name :zombie-casts)
700 (checked-compile-and-assert
702 `(lambda ()
703 (flet ((f (a b)
704 (declare (ignore a))
706 (multiple-value-call #'f
707 (values (the integer (unwind-protect (f 10 20)))
708 322))))
709 (() 322)))
711 (with-test (:name :zombie-casts.2)
712 (let ((sb-c::*max-optimize-iterations* 1))
713 (checked-compile-and-assert
715 `(lambda (a b)
716 (declare (type fixnum a b))
717 (elt '(167992664 119771479)
718 (max 0
719 (catch 'ct2
720 (if (typep b '(integer -52))
722 0)))))
723 ((1 2) 119771479))))
726 (with-test (:name :find-dfo-on-deleted-lambda)
727 (assert (= (funcall
728 (funcall (checked-compile
729 `(lambda ()
730 (declare (notinline <))
731 (block nil
732 (lambda (&key (key
733 (unwind-protect
734 (if (< 0)
736 (return (catch 'c))))))
737 key))))))
738 34)))
740 (with-test (:name :ir1-ir2-dead-code-consistency)
741 (checked-compile-and-assert
743 `(lambda ()
744 (loop for x below 2
745 count (zerop (min x x x x x x x x x x))))
746 (() 1)))
748 (with-test (:name :ir1-ir2-dead-code-consistency)
749 (checked-compile-and-assert
751 `(lambda ()
752 (loop for x below 2
753 count (zerop (min x x x x x x x x x x))))
754 (() 1)))
756 (with-test (:name (setf svref :constant-modification))
757 (assert
758 (= (length (nth-value 2
759 (checked-compile
760 `(lambda (x)
761 (setf (svref #(a b c) 1) x))
762 :allow-warnings 'sb-int:constant-modified)))
763 1)))
765 (with-test (:name (debug :constant-modification))
766 (assert
767 (= (length (nth-value 2
768 (checked-compile
769 `(lambda (x)
770 (declare (optimize (debug 2)))
771 (let ((m "abc"))
772 (delete x m)))
773 :allow-warnings 'sb-int:constant-modified)))
774 1)))
776 (with-test (:name (debug :unused-tn-long-arglist))
777 (checked-compile-and-assert
779 `(lambda (n x)
780 (declare (sb-vm:word n))
781 (log (float n))
782 (nth-value 33 (funcall x . #.(loop for i to 35 collect i))))
783 ((10 (lambda (&rest args) (values-list args))) 33)))
785 (with-test (:name (debug :unused-tn-very-long-arglist))
786 (checked-compile-and-assert
788 `(lambda (n x)
789 (declare (sb-vm:word n))
790 (log (float n))
791 (nth-value 33 (funcall x . #.(loop for i to 350 collect i))))
792 ((10 (lambda (&rest args) (values-list args))) 33)))
794 (with-test (:name (dynamic-extent :recursive-local-functions))
795 (checked-compile
796 `(lambda ()
797 (let ((s (labels ((%f () (%f)))
798 (%f))))
799 (declare (dynamic-extent s))
800 (car s)))))
802 (with-test (:name (:ctypep :hairy-types))
803 (checked-compile
804 `(lambda ()
805 (the (cons (satisfies error)) '("a"))))
806 (assert
807 (nth-value 3
808 (checked-compile
809 `(lambda () (the (array abc) #()))
810 :allow-style-warnings t))))
812 (with-test (:name (catch :evaluate-tag-before-%catch))
813 (checked-compile-and-assert
814 (:allow-style-warnings t)
815 `(lambda (z)
816 (catch (multiple-value-call #'+
817 (if z 1 (values 1 2)))
818 :done))
819 ((t) :done)
820 ((nil) :done)))
822 (with-test (:name :fewer-cast-conversions)
823 (multiple-value-bind (fun failed)
824 (checked-compile
825 `(lambda ()
826 (let* ((v (cons 0 (catch 'ct (the integer nil)))))
827 (declare (dynamic-extent v))
828 (flet ((%f (x) x))
829 (%f (cdr v)))))
830 :allow-warnings t)
831 (assert failed)
832 (handler-bind ((error (lambda (c) c (throw 'ct 33))))
833 (assert (= (funcall fun) 33)))))
835 (with-test (:name :constant-folding-with-callable-args)
836 (checked-compile '(lambda () (count #'%f '(a)))
837 :allow-style-warnings t))
839 (with-test (:name :flushable-with-callable-args)
840 (let ((fun (checked-compile '(lambda (y) (let ((x (count y '(1 2 3))))
841 (declare (ignore x)))))))
842 (assert (not (ctu:find-named-callees fun)))))
844 (with-test (:name (remove :count))
845 (checked-compile-and-assert
847 `(lambda (x)
848 (remove x "aaa" :count 2))
849 ((#\a) "a"))
850 (checked-compile-and-assert
852 `(lambda (x)
853 (remove-if (lambda (y) (eql y x)) "aaa" :count 2))
854 ((#\a) "a")))
856 (with-test (:name (:constant-fold :allow-other-keys))
857 (checked-compile-and-assert
859 `(lambda (x)
860 (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3) :allow-other-keys t :bad x))
861 ((1) 6)))
863 (with-test (:name (:constant-fold :allow-other-keys.2))
864 (checked-compile-and-assert
866 `(lambda (x)
867 (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3) :allow-other-keys x))
868 ((1) 6)))
870 (with-test (:name (:constant-fold :repeat-keys))
871 (checked-compile-and-assert
873 `(lambda (x)
874 (member nil '(1 2 3) :key #'evenp :key x))
875 ((1) '(1 2 3) :test #'equal)))
879 (with-test (:name :function-and-instance-primitive-type)
880 (checked-compile-and-assert
882 `(lambda (f)
883 (declare (function f))
884 (the standard-object f)
885 (funcall f #'list t))
886 ((#'documentation) (documentation #'list t))))
888 (with-test (:name :mv-call-safety-0)
889 (checked-compile-and-assert
891 `(lambda (a)
892 (flet ((%f1 (x y) (+ x y)))
893 (apply #'%f1 a (list 0))))
894 ((3) 3)))
896 (with-test (:name :cast-type-check-external)
897 (checked-compile-and-assert
899 `(lambda (x)
900 (declare (notinline +))
901 (gcd
902 (loop for lv2 below 1
903 count (logbitp 0
904 (if x
905 (return x)
906 1)))
908 ((334) 334)))
910 (with-test (:name :flush-combination-non-fun-type)
911 (checked-compile-and-assert
913 `(lambda ()
914 (rassoc-if-not #'values '((1 . a)) :allow-other-keys t)
916 (() 1)))
918 (with-test (:name :symeval-nil)
919 (checked-compile-and-assert
921 `(lambda ()
922 (sb-kernel:symeval nil))
923 (() nil)))
925 (with-test (:name (:physenv-analyze :deleted-lambda))
926 (checked-compile-and-assert
928 `(lambda (log)
929 (loop for str in nil
930 for i from 0
932 (ignore-errors (format log ""))))
933 ((t) nil)))
935 (with-test (:name (:ensure-lvar-fun-form :lvar-uses))
936 (checked-compile-and-assert
938 `(lambda (op) (funcall (case op (equal '=) (t '=)) 1 2))
939 (('equal) nil)
940 ((t) nil)))
942 (with-test (:name :substitute-let-funargs-during-find-initial-dfo)
943 (checked-compile
944 `(lambda ()
945 (labels ((%r (f)
946 (loop)
947 (%r f)))
948 (%r (lambda ()))))))
950 (with-test (:name :split-ir2-blocks-cmov)
951 (checked-compile-and-assert
953 `(lambda ()
954 (let ((v (list 0)))
955 (if (block nil
956 (eq v (cdr v)))
958 2)))
959 (() 2)))
961 (with-test (:name :=-rational-complex-rational-fold)
962 (let ((fun (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
963 (declare ((complex integer) x))
964 (= x 10))))
965 (fun2 (checked-compile '(lambda (x)
966 (declare ((complex rational) x))
967 (= x 10d0)))))
968 (assert (equal (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type fun)
969 '(function ((complex integer)) (values null &optional))))
970 (assert (not (funcall fun #C(10 10))))
971 (assert (equal (sb-kernel:%simple-fun-type fun2)
972 '(function ((complex rational)) (values null &optional))))
973 (assert (not (funcall fun2 #C(10 10))))))
975 (with-test (:name :find-type-deriver)
976 (checked-compile-and-assert
978 `(lambda (x)
979 (find 1 x :key #'values))
980 (('(1)) 1)))
982 (with-test (:name :tail-call-ltn-annotation)
983 (checked-compile-and-assert
985 `(lambda (x)
986 (labels ((ff1 ()
987 (multiple-value-call #'print
988 (if x
989 (values t t)
990 nil))
991 (ff1)))
992 (identity (ff1))))))
994 (with-test (:name (:substitute-lvar-uses :deleted-code-and-dx-lvars))
995 (assert (nth-value 1
996 (checked-compile
997 `(lambda ()
998 (let ((v (values
999 (the integer
1000 (flet ((%f5 (x) x))
1001 (%f5)))
1002 (unwind-protect 1))))
1003 (declare (dynamic-extent v))
1005 :allow-warnings t))))
1007 (with-test (:name (restart-case :declaration-processing))
1008 (checked-compile-and-assert
1010 `(lambda ()
1011 (restart-case (list)
1012 (my-restart (x) "foo" "bar" x)))
1013 (() ()))
1014 (checked-compile-and-assert
1016 `(lambda ()
1017 (restart-case (list)
1018 (my-restart () (declare))))
1019 (() ())))
1021 (with-test (:name (handler-case :declaration-processing))
1022 (checked-compile-and-assert
1024 `(lambda ()
1025 (handler-case (list 1 2) (error (e) "foo" "bar" e)))
1026 (() '(1 2)))
1027 (assert (nth-value 1
1028 (checked-compile
1029 `(lambda ()
1030 (handler-case (declare)))
1031 :allow-failure t))))