Remove conditional newlines from print-unreadable-object
[sbcl.git] / src / code / late-cas.lisp
1 (in-package "SB!IMPL")
3 (defcas car (cons) %compare-and-swap-car)
4 (defcas cdr (cons) %compare-and-swap-cdr)
5 (defcas first (cons) %compare-and-swap-car)
6 (defcas rest (cons) %compare-and-swap-cdr)
7 (defcas symbol-plist (symbol) %compare-and-swap-symbol-plist)
9 ;;; Out-of-line definitions for various primitive cas functions.
10 (macrolet ((def (name lambda-list ref &optional set)
11 #!+compare-and-swap-vops
12 (declare (ignore ref set))
13 `(defun ,name (,@lambda-list old new)
14 #!+compare-and-swap-vops
15 (,name ,@lambda-list old new)
16 #!-compare-and-swap-vops
17 (progn
18 #!+sb-thread
19 ,(error "No COMPARE-AND-SWAP-VOPS on a threaded build?")
20 #!-sb-thread
21 (let ((current (,ref ,@lambda-list)))
22 ;; Shouldn't this be inside a WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS ?
23 (when (eq current old)
24 ,(if set
25 `(,set ,@lambda-list new)
26 `(setf (,ref ,@lambda-list) new)))
27 current)))))
28 (def %compare-and-swap-car (cons) car)
29 (def %compare-and-swap-cdr (cons) cdr)
30 (def %instance-cas (instance index) %instance-ref %instance-set)
31 #!+(or x86-64 x86)
32 (def %raw-instance-cas/word (instance index)
33 %raw-instance-ref/word
34 %raw-instance-set/word)
35 (def %compare-and-swap-symbol-info (symbol) symbol-info)
36 (def %compare-and-swap-symbol-value (symbol) symbol-value)
37 (def %compare-and-swap-svref (vector index) svref))
39 ;; Atomic increment/decrement ops on tagged storage cells (as contrasted with
40 ;; specialized arrays and raw structure slots) are defined in terms of CAS.
42 ;; This code would be more concise if workable versions
43 ;; of +-MODFX, --MODFX were defined generically.
44 (macrolet ((modular (fun a b)
45 #!+(or x86 x86-64)
46 `(,(let ((*package* (find-package "SB!VM")))
47 (symbolicate fun "-MODFX"))
48 ,a ,b)
49 #!-(or x86 x86-64)
50 ;; algorithm of
51 `(let ((res (logand (,fun ,a ,b)
52 (ash sb!ext:most-positive-word
53 (- sb!vm:n-fixnum-tag-bits))))
54 (m (ash 1 (1- sb!vm:n-fixnum-bits))))
55 (- (logxor res m) m))))
57 ;; Atomically frob the CAR or CDR of a cons, or a symbol-value.
58 ;; The latter will be a global value because the ATOMIC-INCF/DECF
59 ;; macros work on a symbol only if it is known global.
60 (macrolet ((def-frob (name op type slot)
61 `(defun ,name (place delta)
62 (declare (type ,type place) (type fixnum delta))
63 (loop (let ((old (the fixnum (,slot place))))
64 (when (eq (cas (,slot place) old
65 (modular ,op old delta)) old)
66 (return old)))))))
67 (def-frob %atomic-inc-symbol-global-value + symbol symbol-value)
68 (def-frob %atomic-dec-symbol-global-value - symbol symbol-value)
69 (def-frob %atomic-inc-car + cons car)
70 (def-frob %atomic-dec-car - cons car)
71 (def-frob %atomic-inc-cdr + cons cdr)
72 (def-frob %atomic-dec-cdr - cons cdr)))
74 ;;; ATOMIC-MUMBLE functions are not used when self-building.
76 (defmacro atomic-update (place update-fn &rest arguments &environment env)
77 #!+sb-doc
78 "Updates PLACE atomically to the value returned by calling function
79 designated by UPDATE-FN with ARGUMENTS and the previous value of PLACE.
81 PLACE may be read and UPDATE-FN evaluated and called multiple times before the
82 update succeeds: atomicity in this context means that the value of PLACE did
83 not change between the time it was read, and the time it was replaced with the
84 computed value.
86 PLACE can be any place supported by SB-EXT:COMPARE-AND-SWAP.
88 Examples:
90 ;;; Conses T to the head of FOO-LIST.
91 (defstruct foo list)
92 (defvar *foo* (make-foo))
93 (atomic-update (foo-list *foo*) #'cons t)
95 (let ((x (cons :count 0)))
96 (mapc #'sb-thread:join-thread
97 (loop repeat 1000
98 collect (sb-thread:make-thread
99 (lambda ()
100 (loop repeat 1000
101 do (atomic-update (cdr x) #'1+)
102 (sleep 0.00001))))))
103 ;; Guaranteed to be (:COUNT . 1000000) -- if you replace
104 ;; atomic update with (INCF (CDR X)) above, the result becomes
105 ;; unpredictable.
108 (multiple-value-bind (vars vals old new cas-form read-form)
109 (get-cas-expansion place env)
110 `(let* (,@(mapcar 'list vars vals)
111 (,old ,read-form))
112 (loop for ,new = (funcall ,update-fn ,@arguments ,old)
113 until (eq ,old (setf ,old ,cas-form))
114 finally (return ,new)))))
116 (defmacro atomic-push (obj place &environment env)
117 #!+sb-doc
118 "Like PUSH, but atomic. PLACE may be read multiple times before
119 the operation completes -- the write does not occur until such time
120 that no other thread modified PLACE between the read and the write.
122 Works on all CASable places."
123 (multiple-value-bind (vars vals old new cas-form read-form)
124 (get-cas-expansion place env)
125 `(let* (,@(mapcar 'list vars vals)
126 (,old ,read-form)
127 (,new (cons ,obj ,old)))
128 (loop until (eq ,old (setf ,old ,cas-form))
129 do (setf (cdr ,new) ,old)
130 finally (return ,new)))))
132 (defmacro atomic-pop (place &environment env)
133 #!+sb-doc
134 "Like POP, but atomic. PLACE may be read multiple times before
135 the operation completes -- the write does not occur until such time
136 that no other thread modified PLACE between the read and the write.
138 Works on all CASable places."
139 (multiple-value-bind (vars vals old new cas-form read-form)
140 (get-cas-expansion place env)
141 `(let* (,@(mapcar 'list vars vals))
142 (loop for ,old = ,read-form
143 for ,new = (cdr ,old)
144 until (eq ,old (setf ,old ,cas-form))
145 finally (return (car ,old))))))